Open the birthday calendar in VKontakte. How to see friends' birthdays in VKontakte

Good afternoon friends. In this short article we will learn how not to miss your birthday and congratulate him on time, and we will also find out what a calendar is and where it is located.

In the “Edit” section, “Basic” tab, if desired, any user can fill out the “Birthday” column by entering the date there. This can be done not only during registration, but also at any time after creating the page.

Birthdays of VKontakte users

After the user has indicated the date of his “sad holiday,” it is automatically saved to the social network database for subsequent work with it. Why is this being done? When that very day comes, VKontakte notifies all the friends of the birthday person so that they can congratulate him on the holiday.

Where is the VK user’s birthday displayed?

DR is indicated on the user page in the basic information (if it is specified in the settings). To find out when a person was born, you just need to go to his page and look at the date in the corresponding line. Even if you are not close friends, but just acquaintances, the person will be pleased if you remember the date of his “sad holiday” and congratulate him on this day.

Friend's birthday notification

VKontakte notifies you when your friend’s birthday is approaching or coming. The notification comes the day before the holiday and on the birthday itself.

If you go to the birthday person’s page, a notification about the holiday will appear there too. In both notifications, you will immediately be prompted to send a gift to the user (read about this in the article “VKontakte Gifts”).

You can click on the “Show all gifts” link and go to the store. In order to buy a gift, you must have money in your account. Read about this in the article “How to deposit money into a VKontakte account.” If you have money in your account, then you can simply choose a gift, buy it and send it to the birthday person.

How to change date of birth on VKontakte

You can change or fill out your birthday information at any time. To do this, go to the “Editing” section, “Main” tab.

VKontakte calendar

Why do you need a VKontakte calendar? This is a kind of service where all your friends’ birthdays are displayed. Yes, we remember that notifications about them come a day in advance and on the birthday itself. But sometimes at the beginning of the month you just want to see who is celebrating their birthday this month.

Calendar information

Let's see where it is located. You need to go to the “Friends” page, and in the upper right corner of the menu you will see an icon with a calendar image.

  • view upcoming friends' birthdays and events;
  • write a congratulation or send a gift to the birthday boy directly from here;
  • see friends’ holidays and events for the entire current month, as well as birthdays and events in the next months (and past ones);

Now you know how to find out about a friend’s birthday on VKontakte and won’t forget to congratulate him. And that's all we have...

The user-friendly interface attracts a huge number of users to this service. Having a VK page, you can find almost your entire social circle among your registered friends.
When entering information when filling out a profile, many indicate the day, month, year of birth, or one of these numbers, which makes it easier to find people you know. And of course, everyone is pleased to receive a postcard and a few warm words on their name day.

It is no less pleasant to demonstrate to people your sincere attitude by congratulating them on the holiday. However, the current pace of life often leaves no chance to remember even important anniversaries.

VKontakte makes it possible to use the appropriate system of notifications and reminders. Finding out when a person was born is not difficult. The service is available to all account holders.

Everyone can send a congratulation message, prepare for a significant event, choose a gift in advance, top up your account with votes " In contact with».

Writing down memorable dates in notebooks is extremely inconvenient. However, this is not necessary, since the online service provides a “Calendar” function, which we will talk about in more detail.

The new VK interface is different from the previous one. Including regarding search, viewing dates of birth. Many are confused by the absence of a window on the right where the birthday people of the current day were previously indicated.

However, now, to find out how to see a friend’s birthday in VKontakte, you don’t need to open many applications and go to each page. All you need to do is use the calendar posted on the website. Here you can easily find users who have indicated their data in their profile.

Friends will not be left unattended

You can quickly get acquainted with the necessary information by following simple instructions:

  1. log in to your VK personal account by entering your Login and Password;
  2. go to the “Friends” item located on the left panel (the “All Friends” tab);
  3. in the upper right corner, click on the “Calendar” graphic;
  4. on the “Upcoming Events” tab that opens, those who will celebrate their name day over the next 24 hours are located at the top (there is a function to congratulate these people with a message or a virtual gift);
  5. then the list is replaced by a calendar image of the current month, on the dates of which there are user photos;
  6. hover your mouse over the avatar to see the person’s name and find out how old he is;
  7. to view birthdays of other months, just click the left-right arrows at the top of the table image (dates that have already passed look more faded compared to those that have not yet arrived).

Please note that not everyone provides their details. Some hide access to them in the settings. If you already know this information, you can add it to your calendar as a reminder.

You can congratulate your friend in the following ways:

  • send a message through the corresponding menu item;
  • leave a congratulation, a beautiful postcard on the wall.
  • open general settings and make sure you have entered the required data correctly;
  • Check your privacy settings by selecting all users or just friends among those who have access to information on the page.

By checking your calendar periodically, you can always be sure that you will congratulate your friends and acquaintances on time, leaving them with a pleasant impression of yourself. And this is an excellent foundation for good relationships that will bring more positive moments into life.
Now you know, How to see friends' birthdays in VKontakte, and as you understand, doing this is not as difficult as it seems. Just follow the site notifications in contact and you will never miss the best day in the life of your friend or acquaintance.

Nowadays it is not popular to remember all the birth dates of friends. Well, if only real and very close friends. The newfangled trend of wishing happy birthday to all those who are not even friends in life does not fade away. So what? It is very convenient when you receive a birthday reminder. And the person seems pleased. But none of us asked the question, which of your friends truly remembers your personal holiday. I think that if there are any, there are only a few of them. They belong to the category of those people who remember numbers and dates well. And it’s not a problem for them to remember that today is a friend’s birthday. b>VKontakte birthdays are celebrated in the same way, by reminder. It’s actually nice to go to the page on your holiday and read messages from those who today did not forget to look at their page and saw on the left of the page an indication of who is celebrating their birthday today. It doesn’t matter whether a person remembers the date, it is important that the congratulatory words are pleasant and sincere.

VKontakte birthday will remind you of friends

A reminder of the birthday of a friend or friends will appear on your VKontakte page only if the friend himself did not hide this date when filling out a personal questionnaire. Well, otherwise, you can distinguish yourself and congratulate your friend without a reminder. I think he will be pleased with it. But it’s easy to give a gift. For a certain fee it is not difficult to choose it. If you don’t want anyone to see what you gave and to whom, the gift can be made anonymous. To do this, you just need to enable the appropriate option. Of course, you can’t touch or smell a virtual gift. But it’s good to have something like that too.
There are, however, some malfunctions in the operation of the site. There was already a precedent when birthdays were not displayed on the page. Then the site’s technical support received questions on this topic. If such failures occur or you need to find out whose birthday is coming up, you need to go to the “My Meetings” option on your page, and then select the “Calendar” tab. All friends' birthdays in the current month will be displayed with a photo on a specific date.
This is, in fact, such a simple and necessary option.

  1. you can celebrate no worse than in real life. Make sure that in the main page settings (opens in a new window)
    • Your date of birth is correct and one of the options is selected:"Show date of birth"
    • or
  2. "Show only month and day" Check yours privacy settings (opens in a new window) - opposite the point“Who sees the main information of my page”
    • "All users"
    • "Only friends"
    • "Friends and Friends of Friends"

If a friend has closed the reminder, then this particular birthday will not be shown to him (but only this one). Others will see it. You cannot influence this, because each user decides for himself how to use Contact. That is, YOU cannot set up something like that on the site. It’s another matter if a person closed the reminder by accident - of course, after that he may completely forget to congratulate you. This can be considered a flaw, but don’t be upset - such a friend can be advised to look at his friends’ birthdays through the “Calendar” (read about this below). In addition, this is not forever - after a while, your friend will again see a reminder of your date.

Attention, logic!

If somebody one of your friends doesn't see your birthday notification, it's does not mean, What All your friends don't see it. If someone didn’t see on VK that it’s your birthday, don’t conclude from this that no one saw it.

Some people add a lot of users as friends (up to 10 thousand), and every day one of them has a birthday. It’s not surprising that a person who has so many “friends” on VK missed the notification about your birthday.

And remember that true friends remember your birthday and will congratulate you by coming to visit or calling you on the phone! After all, people used to do without sites like VKontakte and nevertheless congratulated each other on time.

How can I see my friends' birthdays?

To see all the birthdays of your VKontakte friends this month or any other:

  1. Click "Friends"
  2. In the right column at the top next to the words “My friends” click on calendar icon— a calendar will open, which you can scroll through by month (triangle buttons left and right). When you hover your mouse over the picture, your friend's name will be shown and how old he will be (or is) turning that day.

Even easier The calendar can be opened using this link (opens in a new window). Keep in mind that some of your friends may not have indicated their birthday at all, or indicated it but hidden it - then you won’t be able to find out it using this method. Therefore, the most reliable option is to ask a friend (or acquaintances) when he was born, write it down and, to be on the safe side, set a reminder in your phone.

Why doesn't VKontakte show friends' birthdays?

Usually VKontakte reminds you of friends’ birthdays under the sign of a bell:

But sometimes the reminder doesn’t work. Maybe it’s the VKontakte website that’s buggy, or maybe your friends are deliberately hiding their birthday so that they don’t have to be congratulated by the whole crowd and don’t have to answer everyone. We advise you to find out the birthdays of your friends who are really dear to you and set reminders in your mobile phone so that they repeat every year. You will learn how to do this from the instructions for your phone. And we told you how to find out the birthdays of your friends on VK a little higher: look up or rewind these instructions a little back to see.

Birthday is a he, not an it! To speak correctly "It was a birthday" and not “was”, because the word “day” is masculine. In addition, the word “birthday” does not exist at all, just imagine! Learn to speak and write correctly, it is useful in life.

How to make your VK more convenient?

Try the “Login” start page. Through it you will enter the VKontakte website or any other with one click. And there are still many interesting possibilities.

Hello, friends! In today's article I will tell you how you can see the birthdays of your VKontakte friends. After this, you will never miss an important date for another person, and you will not forget to congratulate him, if, of course, there is a desire.

After updating the social network in 2016, the usual window on the left side of the page, which showed which people from your list of friends have birthdays today or tomorrow, disappeared. This confused many users. After all, before, you went to the page, looked at who was born today, and then you decide whether to congratulate them or not.

Now things are a little different. VKontakte has a birthday calendar. In it you can see when your friends' birthdays are, and how old each person is or is turning. There are also notifications on your page in which birthday people will be displayed.

You can view a friend’s date of birth and age only if the person has indicated this information on his VKontakte page and made it public. It also happens that people write a false date. Therefore, if you don’t know the person well, then decide for yourself whether to congratulate him or not, otherwise you may find yourself in an awkward situation.

I have already talked about that. You can specify only the day and month, without the year, then other users will not be able to accurately say about your age.

How to find out a friend's birthday

In order to find out the significant date of a certain VKontakte friend or any user who may not be on your list of friends, go to the main page of his profile.

If the person is your friend, find him in this list and click on his name.

Under the name there will be a “Birthday” field. The full date may be indicated, or maybe only the date and month - it’s whatever the user wants.

If such a field is missing, it means that the person hid this information in the settings of his page, or did not indicate it at all.

Watching friends' birthdays

If you are interested in seeing the others of all your VKontakte friends, then you need to open the calendar.

On your profile page, go to the "Friends" section.

The “Calendar” will open in a separate window.

Users whose birthday is today will be shown at the top. To congratulate a friend on an important event, you don’t even need to go to his page. To do this, just click on the button to either send a message or send a gift.

Use the arrows to scroll through the calendar.

By hovering your mouse over the selected friend, you can see how old he is or is turning, if, of course, he indicated the year of his birth in his profile.

Where to watch birthdays from your phone

If you want to see other VKontakte friends from your phone, then download the VKontakte application from the Play Market or App Store.

Then, next to the page title, click on the arrow.

From the drop-down menu, select "Birthdays".

The list at the top will show users who are celebrating their name day today. Just below you can see which of your friends is having a birthday in the next month.

The good thing is that it displays how old the user will be if there is a year of his birth. But you won’t be able to see who was born in 3 or 4 months.

Let's show you how to view birthdays on VK using the Kate Mobile application for Android mobile phones.

Download the application and go to your profile. Next, click on the three vertical dots in the upper right corner.

Select "Birthdays" from the list.

The page with the dates of your friends will open on the nearest person who will celebrate the name day. You can scroll the list up or down. In the example, I can scroll down and see who was born not only in April, but also in May, June, and so on.

But this application does not show how old a person is or has turned, unlike the official VKontakte application.

How to turn on birthday reminders

If you want to receive notifications about other friends, then you need to enable this function in the page settings.
You can see who was born today in your profile notifications. To do this, click on the bell icon at the top of the page.

If one of your friends has a birthday today, then the number of new notifications (this is the red number that is displayed next to the bell) will increase by one, and in the window itself there will be a line “Today is the birthday of...”.

If such notifications do not arrive, then in the “Notifications” window, click on the “Settings” button.

Your profile settings window will open on the “Alerts” tab. In the “Type of Events” section, you need to check the box next to the “Birthdays” field.

In these simple ways you can find out on VKontakte when your friends were born, and now you will certainly not forget to congratulate the right person.