Open webmoney internet wallet. How to create a WebMoney electronic wallet

This article answers the question “How to create a webmoney wallet?”.

This is a brief instruction on how to register a webmoney wallet. Keep in mind that sometimes the registration scheme for WebMoney wallets changes slightly.

Therefore, if you are registering your first wallets for the first time, you look at these instructions and see that on the registration site something is not the same as in my instructions, then do not be alarmed. This is all normal. It’s just that the registration scheme for WebMoney electronic wallets has changed a little since this article was written.

When registering, you should proceed as indicated on the registration site. And my instructions are intended rather for initial familiarization, so that it can be seen that there is nothing difficult or complicated about creating a webmoney wallet. And please also note that this instruction “how to create a webmoney electronic wallet” is intended only for individuals. For legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, there is another scheme for registering WebMoney wallets.

First, you need to open the Internet Explorer browser, which is already installed on the Windows operating system, no matter how badly you feel about this browser.

You will experiment with your other favorite browser and its settings later, for example, when you try to transfer money from one WebMoney wallet to another. But the correct creation of WebMoney wallets is guaranteed only in the Internet Explorer browser, and in the standard default settings. Therefore, immediately set this browser to default settings.

If you try to create WebMoney wallets in some other browser and something doesn’t work out for you, the WebMoney support service will advise you only after you start registering through Internet Explorer. Alas, there are a lot of different browsers, and the functioning of the WebMoney system needs to be made cheaper. Therefore, WebMoney support service is not scattered, but focuses only on supporting one browser.

So, let's start registering a webmoney wallet. Go to the official website of the WebMoney system and click on the “Registration” button there or immediately go to a separate registration site:

The first step is choosing a webmoney e-wallet management program

You will be asked to select a program for managing your WebMoney electronic wallets. There are four programs: Mini, Classic, Light and Mobile. You can, of course, read there how they differ from each other. But further here all the instructions will be only for the case if you choose the Classic program. Although beginners and those who find it difficult to choose are advised to choose the Mini, I advise everyone to choose the Classic. All the same, you will then switch from Mini to Classic, because Classic is the most convenient and full-featured. According to statistics, the majority of all Web Money users work with Classic. So click on the “Select” button next to the word Classic.

The second step is filling out the WebMoney system form

Indicate your reliable data in the form, and not the data of some Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov. Otherwise, if something happens, you will not be able to prove that these are your wallets and you may lose your money. You will experiment with registering for some Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov later, if you ever need it at all.

By the way, you can then hide your personal data (address, phone number) from viewing by other users of the Web Money system, so you can safely indicate all your real data without hiding anything.

Click on the "Continue" button. A window will appear to check the entered data. Check the entered data and click on the "Continue" button again. You will be taken to the email verification page.

The third step is checking your e-mail and mobile phone in the WebMoney system

Check your email. There should be a letter for you from the WebMoney system. If your mailbox is registered at, then such a letter will arrive to you within a minute. On other mail services this time may be longer, for example on Rambler.Ru a letter may arrive within a day.

The email contains a 32-character code that you must copy to the email address verification page. This is how they simply check that you have entered your email address correctly and not someone else’s. DO NOT DESTROY the letter with the code! The code will be needed later.

If you don’t receive a letter for a long time, it doesn’t matter. You can close your browser until tomorrow. The received letter contains a link, by clicking on which you can continue registering your WebMoney wallet from the Third Step. All your data entered in the Second step is stored for 10 days, waiting for the registration to continue.

Similarly, your mobile phone number is then verified. On the WebMoney wallet registration page, you must indicate the code that was sent to you via SMS to your mobile phone.

Installing WM Keeper Classic

After this, you confirm once again that you select the Classic program, then download the installation program to install the WM Keeper Classic program on your computer, launch it and install it on your computer. Installation proceeds normally, nothing complicated. You agree to all terms and conditions and MUST confirm the download of all certificates.

Finally, you make the first launch of the installed WebMoney Classic Keeper program.


At the very first start, in the window that appears, select the “Register in WebMoney” item.

In the window that opens, you again need to enter the registration code that you already received by email. Click the "Next" button. In the window that opens, create a password. This password will be used each time you log into Keeper Classic. Write this password down in a safe place.

Now you will be asked to randomly move the mouse in different ways. During random mouse movements, unique access keys are generated.

After this, you will be assigned your personal WM-identifier (WMID). WMID is your unique number in the Web Money system. It consists of 12 digits and is associated with your personal data. It acts as your login when logging into Keeper Classic. You can use it to view your personal data (if you have not prohibited such viewing for everyone in the settings). It is also used when corresponding with other WebMoney system participants via internal mail through the Keeper Classic program.

Write down this identifier in a safe place (although, in principle, it is not secret to others, but you also need to remember your login). Click "Next".

In the window that appears, you must specify another password (access code) for your key file and indicate the path where to save the key file. Please note that the access code must not be the same as the Keeper Classic password. Write this code down in a safe place too. This password will be needed when you want to work with your WebMoney wallets from another computer and you need to transfer the key file to another computer and assign them a different path.

By default, you are prompted to save the key file on floppy disk A:. You should change this path and specify another, more secure location, for example, on a flash drive or somewhere on a computer disk, if you are sure that your computer is well protected. Don’t forget to then make a copy of the key file to another flash drive or CD, or even better, two copies on different media.

Finally, you will receive an activation code by email, which you will need to enter to finally complete the registration process with WebMoney. Of course, due to the slowness of email, it is envisaged that this activation code can be entered later, when starting the Keeper Classic program.

By the way, you may receive such activation codes more than once when you are already fully working with the Web Money system. For example, when you change your IP address on the Internet, when you change your computer, when you switch to a new version of the WebMoney Keeper Classic program, etc.

You need to be very clear about the difference between the Keeper Classic login password and the key file access code. The password is needed simply to enter the Keeper Classic program, as usual, you enter any programs that require authorization. In this case, your ID in the system serves as your login. But the key file is needed to be able to connect to WebMoney from another computer or after reinstalling the operating system.

Therefore, if someone finds out your password to enter the Keeper Classic program, they will not be able to use your money in the WebMoney system, since they do not have your key file on their computer. This distinguishes WebMoney from many other payment systems, where, if your login and password are stolen, they can transfer all your money to themselves.

And in WebMoney, even if a fraudster manages to copy your key file to his computer, it will still not give him anything, since he will also need an access code to the key file. The WebMoney system will definitely ask him to enter this access code in order to register a new path to the key file and start working from his computer.

This is such multi-level protection! If you have ever worked with any bank using the electronic bank-client payment system via the Internet, then, of course, you realized that the Web Money system uses a real banking security system. And therefore, today the WebMoney system is one of the most secure in the world.

Now, as for working with the WebMoney system. I am not giving instructions here on how to receive money to your wallet and how to send money to someone else’s wallet from your wallet, since it’s all very simple. (See the menu system in the Keeper Classic program.) If you managed to create your own wallets (and you have four wallets there: ruble, dollar, euro and hryvnia), then you will be able to figure out how the WebMoney system works yourself. In addition, you can consult the support service on the official website of the WebMoney system. Look on the same site how you can deposit regular money into the WebMoney system and how you can withdraw it from there, for example, in the form of cash rubles.

Hello everyone and good mood. Want to break into the world of e-commerce? Today we will go through step by step how to create a WebMoney wallet. My instructions take into account all the nuances and will teach you how to use virtual money.

WebMoney was founded in 1998. Now this is a huge electronic money payment system with more than 30 million users in the CIS, most of whom are from Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. Suitable for various purposes from running a business to making purchases online.

In a nutshell, I’ll tell you about the scheme of work in the system.

Each user is assigned a unique number - WMID. It is used for all actions with the account.

There is a system of wallets, the main ones, of course, are ruble and dollar, but there are also many other currencies. The abbreviation is WMR for ruble, WMZ for dollars. Wallets consist of the letter R or Z and 12 numbers.

There are levels of access to system functions, they are called certificates. The first levels are given for free. The first level is a pseudonym, the second is formal, then initial and then personal. To obtain it, you need to provide scans of your passport data to a special person - the registrar.

Why do you need an electronic wallet?

If you have come to the world of online earnings, you can’t live without virtual money. It's like an online wallet. For any work, for example, for completing a task on, you will be paid in electronic money.

Therefore, first of all, create web wallets, now the most popular ones are WebMoney. After that, calmly look for a job and receive a well-deserved reward.

This will also allow you to:

  • Make purchases online in a few clicks. Let's say topping up your phone will take a few seconds.
  • Withdraw money to a plastic card (provided you have the required system certificate).

Register in WM

It’s very easy to register and get yourself a wallet; you can do it even without a passport. To do this, go to the site via your favorite browser. Click "Registration".

First, enter your current phone number. I recommend entering a phone number that you use regularly; changing it will be problematic.

Next, enter your personal information. Be careful when entering your security question; it will be very useful later. I advise you to uncheck the boxes offering to receive news, because there will be a lot of them. Then, if you want, you can set them in your personal profile settings. Of course, you agree to the processing of your personal data, without this you will not be able to move forward.

In the next step, you will be asked to check the data again. Next, enter the password that will be sent via SMS to the specified phone number.

Create a password to log in. It is advisable not to use banal combinations of numbers. Enter the code shown in the picture to continue.

Registration is completed. Check your email for a link to activate your account. Walk along it.

You will receive a message that your email has been confirmed.

Creating a wallet

In your personal account, click on the section "Finance".

Press the blue plus sign and select “Create a wallet”.

Select a currency. We get acquainted and accept the terms of the agreement, click "Create".

I created two main wallets - dollar and ruble. Look at the screenshot, you can give these numbers to customers to receive money earned on the Internet.

For now, you have a pseudonym certificate, with it you can receive and send transfers within WM, replenish wallets through terminals with cash, make purchases in stores and pay for utilities. Except that withdrawal to a plastic card is not available (for this you need an initial certificate), but for now this is quite enough.

A little later I’ll tell you how to expand the functionality of WebMoney by receiving the following certificates.

Now you can download the WebMoney Keeper application to your mobile device for easy management of your personal account.


Congratulations. You have taken the first step towards making money online. You can receive your first fee today. Just give the customer your brand new WebMoney wallet number, complete the task efficiently and wait for the salary to be credited.

Ask your questions in the comments. All the best to you.

WebMoney offers its clients to open an account in different currencies. In Russia, the ruble wallet is the most popular. You will learn how to create a WMR wallet in this article.

A WM wallet is an official account that is registered in the WebMoney payment system, allowing you to store virtual funds. WMR in WebMoney means that account transactions are carried out in national currency, that is, in rubles. You can understand in what currency the account is kept by the third letter, in our case it is R. It is this type of electronic payment instrument that has gained the greatest popularity in the post-Soviet space.

If suddenly you need to make a purchase in another currency, then this is not a problem. Using the internal capabilities of the electronic payment system, rubles can be exchanged for other currencies at the current rate.

You should know that each registered virtual account has a 12-character number associated with the WMID. The number begins with a capital letter, indicating the currency in which funds are received and transferred in the wallet. An account working with the title symbol - ruble, looks like this: R000000000000. If necessary, you can create an unlimited number of different accounts in one account, but for other currencies.

The money available on WebMoney can be used in many areas, here are just a few of them:

  • spend on purchases in online stores;
  • pay for services;
  • pay traffic fines;
  • pay for utilities;
  • translate to a friend;
  • pay taxes;
  • credit to phone balance, etc.

Registration rules

Procedure for creating WMR:

  1. Register in the system and create a new account (if you have not previously created an account in the system in your name). Produced on the official WebMoney website.
  2. Log in to your account.
  3. Go to the "Wallets" section.
  4. To create a wallet in Russian national currency, you must select rubles from the proposed list and agree to the terms. To do this, click on the “I accept the terms of this agreement” item.
  5. The electronic payment system will inform you that for full-time work you need to obtain a certificate. To do this, you will need to go to the Certification Center; here, be prepared to be asked for personal information. In particular, these are: passport data (with a scanned document attached), individual tax number, place of residence, etc. Be as responsible as possible when entering information; to correct the slightest errors in the future, you will have to contact the service’s technical support. Next, enter the identification code and after checking the entered data, the user receives a formal certificate.
  6. WMR registration is completed. You managed to create a wallet (payment module).

Those who need to have different R wallets must go through the described procedure again. In this case, registration is carried out under a different name, since the service provides for the creation of only one wallet for one currency.

In the WebMoney payment system, you cannot create an R-wallet without a passport. Thus, the system takes care of the safety of its users and their funds. Otherwise there would be more scammers than there are now. If you created an account before the new user verification rules were introduced, you will still have to go through the procedure. While using the system, it will prompt you to verify, otherwise your actions will be practically blocked.


As a rule, even a novice Internet user is able to independently register with WebMoney and open a ruble account. Therefore, the question of how to add a wallet with rubles to WebMoney is resolved very quickly. The only thing that may cause difficulties is obtaining a formal certificate. Or, more precisely, downloading copies of documents confirming the user’s identity.

Pay attention to this point regarding the WebMoney gold wallet. Interestingly, we will not be talking about a payment module that works with gold, but about one of the types of deception. It is often practiced by online scammers on gullible users who want to earn easy money.

The essence of the deception is that a person is promised free WebMoney title units. Online scammers offer various wallets to which you need to transfer money and get a large amount back. It can exceed the initial investment by two or even three times. However, this scheme mainly works only when you send small amounts, up to 100 rubles. But, as soon as the user decides to make a large transfer, his money will not be returned.

WebMoney Transfer is one of the most popular payment systems on the Internet. Electronic wallets are used in all countries of the world; there are many local “clones” of WebMoney (for example, Yandex Money). It is clear that if you decide not to limit yourself to one country, you cannot do without your own account. Today I will tell readers how to create a WebMoney wallet for free and quickly.

What you need to know about WebMoney

Here are some factors that are useful for system users to know about the service:

  1. The WebMoney electronic system was founded in 1998. Since then, more than 34 million users have registered. The system allows you to keep track of funds, exchange currency online, enter into secure financial transactions and withdraw funds to a bank card.
  2. Transactions within the site are carried out instantly, money is not withdrawn. Electronic billing technology provides all users with the same interface. Funds are stored in specialized Guarantor companies.
  3. Each user is assigned a WMID registration number. The right to valuables is provided by the WebMoney title sign (WM) for each currency separately. To register on the site, you must provide personal information, then the data undergoes a special certification for authenticity. This feature of the system allows you to avoid the threat of fraud.
  4. Depending on the financial transactions carried out, the participant receives a Business Level. The size of transactions and the ability to open new foreign currency accounts depend on the business level and certificate.
  5. Depending on the level of identity verification, you are assigned a certificate. To increase it, you must provide copies of documents (passports, for example). The higher the certificate, the more opportunities the user has on the site.

WebMoney continues to be the most popular electronic payment system in Russia. Using the system, you can pay for up to 95% of all purchases on the Internet; business transactions are made here and currency is changed at the most favorable rate.

I recommend : The monitoring system every 5-8 seconds displays the best options for 20 popular currency pairs in the TOP only on verified network exchangers:

How to create a WebMoney account

So, how to open an e-wallet correctly? Many users who have not encountered e-wallet systems may have difficulties. The first step is to register in the system. To do this, go to the official WebMoney website. Then click on “Registration” in the upper right corner.

To create an account, go to the main page of the site

After entering the phone number, a detailed questionnaire will open where you need to provide personal information. Check each line carefully as it is very difficult to change these sections. Enter personal information such as full name, address, date of birth.

To create a free account, fill out the form

It is important that if you lose your phone, it is problematic to restore access to your account. When creating a Webmoney wallet, pay attention to the phone number used for registration. Experienced users even advise registering an account with a separate SIM card and keeping it at home.

It is advisable to disable email notifications. If you actively use the e-invoice service, your mail can turn into a real dump in a couple of days.

Open your email to activate your account. There you will receive a message with a code necessary to complete registration.

Similarly - with an SMS code to the specified mobile phone number. After successfully entering both security codes, the site will prompt you to create a password. Don't forget to enter the captcha (numbers in the picture).

Creating an account in WebMoney is free

A notification appears: “Registration on the site has been completed.” Next, you proceed directly to creating an electronic invoice in a specific currency.

Creating a WMR wallet

WebMoney offers the user the opportunity to assign several currency equivalents to an account. So, WMR is a ruble account. It can be used for transactions in rubles, and withdrawal of money to ruble bank cards. WMZ – dollar equivalent. In addition to these two main currencies, you can attach an account of euro (WME), Ukrainian hryvnia (WMU) and other currencies.

Think about what kind of currency you need. Why register an equivalent that you will never use if, for example, a ruble and dollar account is enough?

Follow the procedure:

  1. To create an account, select a wallet from the drop-down list.
  2. Read the terms of the user agreement in detail, click on the checkbox and the “Create” button.
  3. To find out the number of the created wallet, click on the icon.
  4. The “Finance” section will show the numbers of your registered accounts and a button to add new ones. To add an account, click on the plus.

You can tell everyone your wallet number, because how else will they send you money to it? This is public information, and knowing only the number, no one will be able to hack the wallet without a phone number and email.

I described the main stages of creating an electronic wallet; additional nuances can be gleaned from these instructions in video format:

Features of working with wallets

Some users from neighboring countries encounter problems when registering ruble accounts. The fact is that the ability to create Webmoney for some equivalents is not available to all clients. This point depends on the presence of a business certificate and the country in which the user is registered. All users can open accounts for the title units WMZ and WMG (the equivalent of a dollar and one gram of gold). Ruble wallets, like other regional currencies, correspond to the country of registration.

WebMoney certificates

In the future, the user can receive a formal certificate with the right to open wallets of regional currencies, but for this it is necessary to provide copies of the passport for verification at the Attestation Center. It is enough to take a high-quality photograph or scan the documents confirming the identity of the owner, download them to the computer and send them to the Attestation Center.


Sometimes they ask how you can make the WebMoney electronic wallet a source of credit funds. That's what WMC is for. This equivalent is calculated for payment in dollars on credit. To use a wallet on credit, you must have a personal passport and confirm the payment transaction through the E-num service. If there is an error in loading the service, you must upload a copy of the document and submit a request for a certificate upgrade. But most often there are no problems with the service if the owner already has a personal certificate.

Transfer money to WebMoney from one account to another

In principle, transferring funds from one Webmoney wallet number to another is a simple operation. Paying for services and goods via an electronic invoice takes no more than 3-4 minutes if you follow the algorithm correctly. The problem is that the vast majority of guides for paying from WebMoney to WebMoney on the Internet are outdated. Reviews from many novice users constantly emphasize this. Users of the system are demanding new descriptions of the algorithm on how to top up someone else’s wallet for free.

  1. Go to the “Finance” menu. In the list of accounts, look for the desired currency and click on it (in our case, ruble WMR).
  2. The history of money transfers will open on the right. Below the list there will be a “Transfer money” button. Click on it to make a money transfer to another wallet.
  3. Select the “To Wallet” item in the transfer menu. After this, a detailed form will open for you to fill out. The site will require you to provide recipient information. A separate column is reserved for entering the recipient's WMID, e-mail or WM wallet. Here we recommend entering your WebMoney account number.
  4. Next, indicate the amount (in this case, in rubles). The one-time transfer amount is limited by your certificate. The higher the certificate, the larger amounts you can operate. Separately, you can indicate the “details” of the payment: from whom, for what, and so on. This will allow the recipient to quickly understand who sent the money. Especially convenient when purchasing goods online.

One of the points is dedicated to “Type of translation”. There are both regular, instant transfers and transfers with a security system based on code and time. The meaning is very simple: the money is protected by a code or a period of time, the recipient will not receive it without the full consent of the sender.

In fact, the entire operation of transferring money to another WebMoney wallet takes 3-4 minutes. No wonder this resource is very popular in various online stores. You can also convert currency from one WM wallet to another. If withdrawing money from a Euro account at an ATM is quite problematic, you can always transfer it into rubles and get rid of a lot of problems.


The WebMoney electronic payment system is one of those tools without which it is impossible to enjoy full freedom of action on the Internet. Thanks to the electronic wallet, the user can change currency online and buy things from other countries directly with delivery to the Russian Federation. In addition, WebMoney is ideal for working on the Internet. A freelance employer can transfer funds to your WMR account, from where you can transfer money to any bank card and cash out.

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What is Webmoney?

Webmoney is a payment system that allows you to exchange real money for electronic money and then make payments with this electronic money on Internet sites.

So, for example, you can buy with electronic money by paying with webmoney.

You can also do the opposite operation, exchange electronic money from your webmoney wallet for real money through a network of exchangers, or withdraw money to your bank account or plastic card account.

Wallet..wallet...Where can I get it? :)

So, step by step instructions.

Click "Continue"

Or you can not click, but simply launch the wallet through Start-Programs-Webmoney or by clicking on the icon on your computer.

After this, you will need to enter a password to enter the wallet. The password must be entered as normal, and not “123456”, so that bad people cannot pick it up, but also so as not to forget it yourself :) Enter it and click “Next”.

After this, the key generation process will start.

You will be assigned a WebMoney ID. It is usually referred to as WMID. This number must be remembered, because... it will be the login to enter the wallet.

After this, you will need to indicate the disk and directory where to save the file, and also indicate the access code for the keys. You will need this code if you install the wallet on another computer or after reinstalling Windows. Therefore, this code must also be remembered.

After this you will need to check your email again.

and enter the activation code.

A window like this will appear. Uncheck the "Start procedure...." checkbox. Click "Done"

All. Now your webmoney wallet will start.

Now click on the "Wallets" tab

This bookmark will be empty and we need to fix this :)

Click the right mouse button and select “Create” ... we mean create a wallet.

And we create, for example, a WMR ruble wallet. Or dollar WMZ. Or in another currency - hryvnia, Belarusian rubles, etc.

After you finish, the wallet, amount, and the actual wallet number will appear in the wallets tab. If someone wants to transfer you WMR webmoney rubles, they will need to provide your R-wallet. Report along with the letter R, not just numbers!

After you have made one wallet, you can create wallets in other currencies.

Obtaining a formal certificate.

After you have installed your wallet, it initially has an alias certificate.

This is the youngest certificate in the WebMoney system and this means that not all opportunities are available to you. Therefore, you need to obtain at least a formal certificate.

Attention. If you have problems at this stage, it means something is wrong with your browser’s security settings. Set them as default. To do this, go to the browser menu Tools - Internet Options - Security tab and set the default settings there.

If everything is OK, then remember the code that is shown to you, click “Login”

Enter this code into the form and click Yes

The WebMoney certification page will open.

Click on the icon that I have circled in red. *

Here you need to fill in all fields marked with a red asterisk.

After filling out the form and clicking on the appropriate. button, you will see that you have been assigned a formal certificate.

All. Now you can start replenishing your webmoney wallet.

How to top up your wallet.

Click the right mouse button and select “Top up”.

We select the wallet that we want to top up and select the method of replenishment.

Or select in the keeper the item “Where can I top up my wallet in my city?”