Disable the password request in Windows when you turn on the computer. Requesting a password for logging into Windows. Disable the password request in Windows when you turn on the computer Requiring a password

If you want to quickly boot into the Windows 10 desktop without skipping the login screen and want to avoid entering your account password every time you turn on your computer, then you can easily disable the login password in Windows 10. We'll look at how to do this in this article.

The main advantage of logging in without a password is that the account will not require you to enter it, which means you won’t have to remember it and waste precious time during loading. That is, it will launch the desktop faster. However, do not forget that it is much easier to access a PC without a password (for example, for children).

The process of setting up automatic login in Windows 10 is very similar to the same operations in and, therefore this article is also suitable for these systems. The method is applicable to both the local account and the account. In general, you can use these instructions, regardless of the type of account.

Attention: Enable automatic login only if you are the only user of the PC. If the computer is used by other people (and children), it is best to always keep accounts locked.

You can use one of the methods below to turn on Windows 10 without entering a password.

Method No. 1 for automatic login without entering a password

The easiest way to remove the password from the Windows 10 login screen.

Open the window Execute, while simultaneously pressing + R(Windows logo key and R key). In the window that appears, enter Netplwiz, and then press the key Enter.

Next a dialog box will appear User accounts, select the user account, and then uncheck the option Require username and password. Click the button Apply, then a window will open.

In the window Automatic login enter the password, re-enter it to confirm, and click OK.

Now make sure the check mark is gone. You can try rebooting the system to check.

Method number 2 to remove the password through the registry

If, for some reason, you were unable to set up automatic login in Windows 10 following method 1, try using this one.

Open Registry Editor. To do this, open a window Execute(using keyboard shortcut Win+R). Next enter the command Regedit and press the key Enter. If a window appears asking you to make changes to the system, click on the button Yes.

In Registry Editor, navigate to the following section:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon

On the right side of the Registry Editor, look for a setting called DefaultUserName, double-click on it and make sure that the name of your Microsoft account or local user account is mentioned in the field Meaning.

Next, again in the same part of the window, find the parameter DefaultPassword. If there is no such entry, create it. To do this, right-click on Winlogon, press the button Create and then clicking on String parameter(String Value). Rename it to DefaultPassword and enter the password in the field Meaning. After completing the steps, click the button OK.

Now you need to enable automatic login. To do this, go to the right side of the registry editor and find the entry labeled AutoAdminLogon and then change its value from 0 (zero) to 1 (units).

That's all. Restart your computer and try Windows 10 by automatically logging into your account without asking for a password. But it’s better, of course, to try the first method first.

But the process is slightly different. And, in my opinion, in Windows 8.1, system protection without a text password is better thought out. The reasons are in the afterword.

Disable login password in Windows 8

Press the key combination Win (Windows icon key) + R. In the window that opens, write “netplwiz”, press OK (or Enter)

An alternative is to bring up the sidebar by moving your desktop cursor to the lower right corner. In the sidebar, select “Search” and enter “netplwiz” in the search bar that opens.

“User Accounts” window. Uncheck the box requiring a password and click “Apply”

A window will appear in which we leave the “Password” and “Confirmation” fields empty. Click OK.

We return to the desktop. We turn to the sidebar again (see point 2), now click on “Settings”.

In the settings sidebar, click on “Change computer settings”

Open the “Users” tab, “Change password”

We indicate our current password, after which we do not write anything as a new one. We apply the changes, the system reports that they will take effect at the next start.

The following inscription will serve as confirmation of the changes:

Disable login password in Windows 8.1

Differences from the previous instructions begin only with step 7, so the first 6 points are carried out according to the instructions for Windows 8.

While on the desktop, call up the side menu and select the “Settings” option. There is the item “Changing computer settings”.

Click on “Accounts” -> “Login Options”. If a password is set, you will see the following text:

After clicking the “Change” button, you will need to indicate your current password, and again we do not write anything as a new one. Next – “OK”.

If everything is done correctly, we again receive a notification that our account does not have a password.

Let's reboot. You will be logged in automatically.

Resetting a forgotten password in Windows 8/8.1


First, we'll need a few things:

  1. Another computer with a USB connector.

  2. Blank flash drive 1 GB or higher.

  3. Hiren's Boot CD image (hereinafter referred to as HBCD) (Download, 570 MB)

  4. Universal USB Installer program (hereinafter referred to as UUI) (Download, 1 MB)

Video instruction

Text version

Step 1. Prepare a boot disk/flash drive.

Open the downloaded archive with HBCD, find the disk image of Hiren's.BootCD.15.2.iso there, transfer it somewhere to your computer.

Insert the flash drive. We launch the UUI, configure it as in the screenshot (select ISO and the drive letter of the flash drive).

Click “Create” and select “Yes” in the window that appears.

When the “Close” button becomes active, the flash drive is ready.


Step 2: Reset your password.

We insert the drive into a computer where we don’t remember the password.

In the BIOS we set the boot priority not from the hard drive, but from the flash drive (this step is individual, becauseEveryone's BIOS is different. But mostly the download priority is in sections like "Boot" and "Bootdevicepriority").

When the bootloader appears, select “Mini Windows XP” and press Enter.

After loading the desktop, open the HBCD Menu program, in it click “Browse Folder”

In the window that opens, find the disk on which Windows is installed. If it was called “Local Disk”, then look for “Local Disk”. If it was called differently (say, “Winda,” then look for this name). The goal is to find this drive and remember its letter (C; D; E:, etc.).

Having found the desired letter, close the Explorer window.

We return to the HBCD Menu again: press the button Programs -> Passwords/Keys -> Windows Login -> NTPWEdit.

In this program, you need to change the drive letter in the “Path to SAM file” line to the drive letter with Windows installed. If everything is done correctly, the (Re)open button will become active. If not, then substitute another letter.

Click (Re)open and get a list of users. Select the one we need and click the “Change Password” button.

In the new window, we can either set a different password or disable it completely - in this case, leave the password fields empty.

Click "Save changes". Then, in the lower left corner of the screen “Start” -> “Shut Down” -> “Restart”.

The computer will reboot, and the flash drive can be removed. (Don't forget to re-set it toBIOS prioritizes booting from the hard drive, although this is not critical).

Warning. This method is also less secure, since your password will be stored in the registry in clear text.

Disable password prompt when exiting their sleep mode

It may also be worth disabling the password request when the computer wakes from sleep mode. The easiest way is to make their interface a modern Control Panel.

Quite often, when logging in, we are asked to enter the user password. This measure allows you to keep user data safe, preventing external intrusion. Of course, you can hack a password if you want, but it will require too much effort. In cases where it is not really necessary to protect data with a password, it can be disabled. But doing this is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. This question is especially relevant for Windows 10 users, who have literally been transferred to Microsoft accounts and are required to enter a password every time they turn on. So, to disable the password when starting the operating system, you need to follow these simple steps.

Step 1.

For Windows XP: Start -> Run and enter control userpasswords2
For Windows 7/Vista: Start, enter in the search field netplwiz and press ENTER.
For Windows 8-10: Win+S, enter in the search field netplwiz and press ENTER.

Step 2.

Uncheck the "Require username and password."

After unchecking the box, click OK.

Step 3.

Enter the password twice.

After completing these three steps and rebooting, the system will no longer prompt for a password and will immediately log into the account whose data was entered in the last step. It is important to remember that a password ensures the security and safety of personal information. Therefore, you should not turn it off in cases where someone else is using the computer, or if it is located in a place where there are third parties who can access your personal information.

Good day.

Then you need to open the accounts section (they contain all the settings, including the login password).

Rice. 6. user accounts

Below is a short guide on how to change the password policy in . By default, the password policy is defined so that all user account passwords must meet the following requirements:

  • Do not contain the user account name or parts of the full user name longer than two adjacent characters.
  • Be at least 6 characters long.
  • Contain signs from three of the four categories listed below:
    1. Latin capital letters (A to Z)
    2. Latin small letters (a to z)
    3. Numbers (0 to 9)
    4. Characters other than letters and numbers (for example, !, $, #, %)

All password policy settings are set in local group policies. To launch the Local Group Policy Editor, you need to run the command gpedit.msc(to do this, press the key combination Win + R, in the “ Execute» ( Run) in field " Open:» ( Open:) enter the command name and press " OK»)

In the launched snap-in, in the Group Policy tree, we sequentially expand the groups:

  • « Computer configuration» ( Computer Configuration)
    • « Windows Configuration» ( Windows Settings)
      • « Security Settings» ( Security Settings)
        • « Account Policies» ( Account Policies)
          • « Password Policy» ( Password Policy)

Here we can change the policy we need. In particular, the password complexity policy. To do this, double-click on the line “ The password must meet complexity requirements» ( Password must meet complexity requirements) and in the policy properties window set the switch to “ Disabled» ( Disabled)

A fairly detailed description is available for all policies, to access which you need to go to the “ tab Explanation» ( Explain).

Having changed the necessary parameters, save the settings and close the windows by clicking “ OK» .

In the same branch, you can change the Account Lockout Policy in case of incorrect password entry. All policies are edited in the same way.

It is important to understand that changing the password policy can greatly reduce the security of the server. Better user for generating and storing passwords.

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But the process is slightly different. And, in my opinion, in Windows 8.1, system protection without a text password is better thought out. The reasons are in the afterword.

Disable login password in Windows 8

Press the key combination Win (Windows icon key) + R. In the window that opens, write “netplwiz”, press OK (or Enter)

An alternative is to bring up the sidebar by moving your desktop cursor to the lower right corner. In the sidebar, select “Search” and enter “netplwiz” in the search bar that opens.

“User Accounts” window. Uncheck the box requiring a password and click “Apply”

A window will appear in which we leave the “Password” and “Confirmation” fields empty. Click OK.

We return to the desktop. We turn to the sidebar again (see point 2), now click on “Settings”.

In the settings sidebar, click on “Change computer settings”

Open the “Users” tab, “Change password”

We indicate our current password, after which we do not write anything as a new one. We apply the changes, the system reports that they will take effect at the next start.

The following inscription will serve as confirmation of the changes:

Disable login password in Windows 8.1

Differences from the previous instructions begin only with step 7, so the first 6 points are carried out according to the instructions for Windows 8.

While on the desktop, call up the side menu and select the “Settings” option. There is the item “Changing computer settings”.

Click on “Accounts” -> “Login Options”. If a password is set, you will see the following text:

After clicking the “Change” button, you will need to indicate your current password, and again we do not write anything as a new one. Next – “OK”.

If everything is done correctly, we again receive a notification that our account does not have a password.

Let's reboot. You will be logged in automatically.

Resetting a forgotten password in Windows 8/8.1


First, we'll need a few things:

  1. Another computer with a USB connector.

  2. Blank flash drive 1 GB or higher.

  3. Hiren's Boot CD image (hereinafter referred to as HBCD) (Download, 570 MB)

  4. Universal USB Installer program (hereinafter referred to as UUI) (Download, 1 MB)

Video instruction

Text version

Step 1. Prepare a boot disk/flash drive.

Open the downloaded archive with HBCD, find the disk image of Hiren's.BootCD.15.2.iso there, transfer it somewhere to your computer.

Insert the flash drive. We launch the UUI, configure it as in the screenshot (select ISO and the drive letter of the flash drive).

Click “Create” and select “Yes” in the window that appears.

When the “Close” button becomes active, the flash drive is ready.


Step 2: Reset your password.

We insert the drive into a computer where we don’t remember the password.

In the BIOS we set the boot priority not from the hard drive, but from the flash drive (this step is individual, becauseEveryone's BIOS is different. But mostly the download priority is in sections like "Boot" and "Bootdevicepriority").

When the bootloader appears, select “Mini Windows XP” and press Enter.

After loading the desktop, open the HBCD Menu program, in it click “Browse Folder”

In the window that opens, find the disk on which Windows is installed. If it was called "Local Disk", then look for "Local Disk". If it was called differently (say, “Winda,” then look for this name). The goal is to find this drive and remember its letter (C; D; E:, etc.).

Having found the desired letter, close the Explorer window.

We return to the HBCD Menu again: press the button Programs -> Passwords/Keys -> Windows Login -> NTPWEdit.

In this program, you need to change the drive letter in the “Path to SAM file” line to the drive letter with Windows installed. If everything is done correctly, the (Re)open button will become active. If not, then substitute another letter.

Click (Re)open and get a list of users. Select the one we need and click the “Change Password” button.

In the new window, we can either set a different password or disable it completely - in this case, leave the password fields empty.

Click "Save changes". Then, in the lower left corner of the screen “Start” -> “Shut Down” -> “Restart”.

The computer will reboot, and the flash drive can be removed. (Don't forget to re-set it toBIOS prioritizes booting from the hard drive, although this is not critical).

Windows will not ask for a password when you log in. All is ready. You can leave it as it is, or you can come up with a new password.


Despite the large number of points, resetting a password is a quick task, as long as you have a free computer at hand. And as you can see from this example, whoever needs it will pass such protection. A password is good protection from the eyes of colleagues or guests in the house, but I would not recommend hoping that it will save you from all troubles.