Basic functions of the MS Word text editor. A detailed guide to using Microsoft Word

1. Execution of basic standard text editors (entering and saving information).

2. Document formatting (changing font, size, style, modification, color, scale, animation, character spacing, line spacing, paragraph spacing).

3. Spell check.

4. Automatic transfer.

5. Working with tables and pictures.

6. Entering mathematical formulas.

7. Inserting symbols, links, hyperlinks.

8. Creating templates, using ready-made templates.

9. Document merging function.

10. Creation of electronic forms.

11. Creating notes and footnotes.

Basic elements of a text document

Word– an arbitrary sequence is limited at both ends by service characters (spaces and punctuation marks).

Line is a sequence of characters between page boundaries.

Paragraph is a sequence of characters located between two .

Text entry rules

1. Press only needed at the end of the paragraph.

2. Text is transferred to another line automatically. The hyphenation is carried out automatically. The hyphenation arrangement is set by a special command Service - Language - Hyphenation - Automatic hyphenation (for Office 2003) or Page Layout - Hyphenation (for Office2007) .

3. It is forbidden : center, set paragraph indentation and shift text using spaces and .

4. It is forbidden : number pages manually, set page number by command Insert - Page Number . The title page is not numbered.

5. The heading is a centered paragraph that does not have a period at the end. If the title consists of several sentences, then only after the last one there is no period. Hyphenation is not allowed in headings. The hyphen can be canceled using the command Format (or home ) – Paragraph – tab Position on page – checkbox Disable automatic word hyphenation . It is not allowed to “break” the title from the text. To do this, run the command Format (or home ) – Paragraph – tab Position on page – checkbox Stay focused on the next one .

6. Solid text is aligned « in width" .

7. A space is not placed before punctuation marks, but is placed after them.

8. There is no space between the framing character: “ ”, (), and the text.

For example:

9. It is not allowed to print the first line of a paragraph on the previous page and the last line of a paragraph on the next page (the “No Dangling Lines” rule).

To eliminate dangling lines, you need to run the command Format (or home )– Paragraph - tab " Position on page " - checkbox " Ban dangling strings ».

It is not allowed to move several characters (less than four) to the last line of a paragraph.

it's impossible it's possible

11. You cannot separate the names of units of measurement from their meaning, or the initials from the surname. To do this, you need to use a non-stretchable spacebar (Shift+Ctrl+spacebar).

For example, 10ºcm, IvanovºM.ºI.

12. It is forbidden Use the space key to set the intercharacter distance, and for this you need to use the command Format (or home ) - Font .

13. It is forbidden key set line spacing, but you need to use the command for this Format (or home )– Paragraph .

14. It is forbidden design tables and columns using the Drawing toolbar.

Structural elements of the page and their purpose

1) The main text (“bоdу tехt” is the part of the text that does not include headings, inscriptions...), that is, these are lines, paragraphs, tables and figures.

2) The footer is placed in the margins at the top and bottom of the page and contains information that identifies this document (section number, document title, date, company brand...). The footer is installed by command View - Footer (or Insert – Header and Footer )

3) Footnote - a note to the text, which can be located either at the bottom of the page or at the end of the document. (Located within the main text.)

4) Page numbers.

5) Fields ( File (or Page layout ) - Page settings , tab Fields ).

Control questions

1. What tools for working with text documents do you know?

2. Describe the Notepad text editor.

3. What is the difference between a text editor and a word processor?

4. Name the main functions of Microsoft Word.

5. Define text entry rules.

6. What are the main elements of a text document?

7. Tell us about the purpose of the structural elements of the page.


H Exercise 1

1. Text editors are:

3) Notepad.

3. In the window of any word processor, the title bar contains the following buttons:

1) close;

2) collapse;

3) delete.

7. The footer does not contain:

1) title of the document;

2) date of the document;

3) main text.

H Task 3

Insert missing words:

1) _________________ - a note to the text, which can be located either at the bottom of the page or at the end of the document.

2) The header and footer is located on the _____________________________________________ part of the page and contains information that identifies this document

3) _______________________ is a centered paragraph that does not have a period at the end.

Task 4

Write basic functions of MS Word.


H Task 5

Solve the crossword puzzle “Application software”

12. Text letter size.

13. The user communicates with the computer by telling it various...

16. Description of text design; consists of a name and instructions.

20. Another name for a bookmark in a document.

22. Vertical flickering line in a document.

23. A function that automatically corrects typos in a document.

24. A ready-made blank document for a specific purpose.

Vertical questions:

1. To respond to a received letter you need to know your email...

2. The distance between lines in the text.

4. Footnote.

5. Selected part of the text.

6. One of the font types: vector or...

8. A mechanism for adding part of the text to a document.

14. Contextual…

15. Text editor file type.

17. Cancel multiple actions.

19. Changing the position of the text relative to the left and right margins.

21. General view of applications in Windows OS.

Task 6


Task 7

Keyboard skills.

  1. Open a text editor: Start – Programs – Accessories – Notepad.
  2. Type one line from each column of the word in capital letters:
A) b) V) G)

Microsoft Word - Character Formatting

Formatting is the design of text according to some rules. There is character formatting and paragraph formatting.

Character Formatting – This is a change in font, size, style, type of change, color, scale, animation.

To format characters use the command Format – Font (for Office2003), Home – Font (for Office2007), when executed, a window with three tabs opens: font, spacing, animation (not available in Office2007).

Tab " FONT"

1. List Font allows you to select the type of font installed on your computer.

2. List Typeface allows you to set the style type: Regular, Italic, Bold, Bold Italic.

3. List Size sets the character size in points (pts), where 1pt=1/72inch, 1inch=2.54cm.

4. List Text color provides a color palette for symbols.

5. List Underline allows you to select types of underlining.

6. Underline color is set only if at least one of the underline types is selected.

7. List Modifications :

q Strikethrough- bike

q Double strikethrough- bike

q Superscript- bike

q Subscript- bike

q With shadow- bike

q Circuit- bike

q Upbeat- bike

q Recessed- bike

q Small caps- bike

q All caps- bike

q Hidden– when setting invisible characters, the hidden text will be underlined with a dotted line.

8. When using the " Default » all changes in the font will be applied further when working with text.

9. Button OK » is applied to a selected piece of text.

10. Button " Cancel » - to cancel the specified parameters.

Tab " INTERVAL" contains the following components:

1. List Scale - allows you to select the scale of characters relative to the length of the character, but the height of the character does not change.

2. List Interval – allows you to select the spacing between characters. Types of intervals: regular, sparse, compacted.

3. List Bias – allows you to move characters up or down by several points.

4. Checkbox Kerning – is set to reduce the intervals between some pairs of characters. Kerning makes the characters in words appear more evenly distributed. Kerning is not performed for all fonts, but for such as True Type and Adobe Type Manager.

Tab " Animation» – contains types of animation of font design. But no animation is printed on the printer.

Microsoft Word - Paragraph Formatting

Paragraph formatting– this is a change in text structure parameters, such as alignment of paragraph lines, indentation in the red line, line spacing and padding (i.e., the distance between paragraphs), numbering, marking, as well as inserting a break.

When executing the command Format ( or Home) – Paragraph – the “Paragraph” dialog box appears with two tabs: “Indents and Spacing” and “Page Position”.

Microsoft Word - working with objects


Note– this is text that pops up when you hover the mouse cursor over it and provides additional information about the printed information.

The note is set using the following algorithm:

1. execute command Insert - Note(for Office2003) or Review - Note(for Office2007)

2. A text input window will appear at the bottom of the document window, which will be a note;

3. enter text and click “Close”.

When the note setting is complete, the text field containing the note will be colored.

Inserting symbols

When typing text, sometimes it is necessary to add it with some symbol.

In the dialog box

a) on the “Symbols” tab, you must select the required font to insert the symbol; for example using a font

ü Arial - @ § ¶ & ♫ ♪ ♦ ♣ ♠ ☺ ☻ ♀ ♂ ▲ ▼;

ü Courier New - ά έ ΰ α β γ δ ζ η λ ξ ς σ χ-Greek letters;

ﲟ ﲠ ﲡ ﲥ ﲨ ﲬ ﳉ ﳍ ﺋ ﺞ ﺶ ﻍ ﷲ ﲰ - Arabic letters;

ü Symbol - Ã Ê Ï Â

ü Lucida Console - Š Ť Ũ Ų ǻ ǽ - Czech letters

ü Wingdings - " & * (_ a b c a b c d à õ

R / : D = P Q R G A;

b) on the “Special Characters” tab, it is possible to insert characters such as © § ¶ ®.

Using the “AutoCorrect” button, it is possible to organize automatic replacement of characters using the following algorithm:

1. select a symbol for autocorrect;

2. click the “AutoCorrect” button;

3. the selected symbol will be automatically highlighted in the “on” field;

4. in the “replace” field, enter designations for the symbol to be replaced;

5. Click the “Add” and “OK” buttons alternately.

List is a numbered sequence of paragraphs. To format lists, you need to select numbered paragraphs and run the command Format – List (for Office2003) or on the “Formatting” toolbar with the icon shown in the figure. For Office2007 run the command Home – Paragraph and use a similar icon.

Any text document can be supplemented with a graphic image. It could be

1. a picture from the WORD word processor image library, which can be installed using the following algorithm:

§ execute the command “Insert – Picture – Pictures (Clip)”;

§ select the required picture from the WORD word processor picture library;

§ click the “insert clip” button;

2. a drawing from a graphic file, which can be installed using the following algorithm:

§ place the cursor at the place where the picture will be inserted;

§ execute the command “Insert – Picture – From File”;

§ in the “Insert Picture” dialog box, specify the path to the inserted file;

§ press the “insert” button;

3. a drawing or diagram created from autoshapes that can be set using the Draw toolbar.

Formatting pictures in a document

In order to perform operations with a picture or autoshape (crop, conveniently place, format an inscription, rotate, etc.), you need to select the picture or autoshape and execute the command: Format Drawing (Format - Autoshape ). A dialog box with six tabs will appear:

On the “Colors and Lines” tab you can: 1. set a color fill in the proposed color palette;
On the “Size” tab you can set: 1. size in height and width (for pictures);
2. rotation in degrees clockwise (for autoshapes).
On the "Position" tab, you can set the position of the picture or autoshape relative to the text.

On the “Drawing” tab you can: 1. set the cropping of the drawing, indicating which side and by how many centimeters;

2. set the color image in the form: a) auto – will depict the real color of the picture;

b) shades of gray – will depict a picture in gray tones; c) background – will depict a pattern in the form of watermarks (good to use for the background of text); 3. adjust the brightness and contrast of the image. On the “Inscription” tab, you can set the fields for inscriptions placed in drawings. (for Office2007)

On the Web tab, you can set alt text. Web browsers display alt text when pictures are loaded or when pictures are missing. - Tables are used to organize and present data in which calculations can be made. Using tables, you can create page layouts by arranging pieces of text and pictures as needed. To work with tables, use the command


(for Office2003) or Insert - Table 1. On command


Draw a table – you can create a table of any shape using the pencil tool, and it is also possible to create cells like 2. On command

A) Table – Add (Insert) - Table - in the dialog box that appears, you must specify

Comment! Changes to the table shape (the width of columns and rows) can be adjusted manually by dragging the lines. b) Table - Add - Columns

(left, right) – relative to the cursor; V) Table - Add - Rows

(above, below) – relative to the cursor; G) Table - Add - Cells

(along with row or column). 3. On command Table - Delete

– all selected columns, rows, cells are deleted. 4. On command Table - Select – you can select everything where the cursor is positioned (usually used in cases where there is no mouse). 5. On command

Table - Merge Cells – you can get one from several cells. You must first select the cells to be merged. – You can set the header to automatically repeat at the top of each page of large tables.

For this:

ü highlight the table title;

ü execute the command Table - Headings .

After which all pages of this table will automatically begin with the same line indicating the title.

8. On command

A) Table - Transform - To text – you can convert the table into text, and the lines of the table disappear.

b) Table – Convert - To Table – the text is converted into a table, for this you need to format the text correctly:

9) On command Table - Sorting – you can arrange information such as text, number or date in ascending or descending order. When you execute the command, a dialog box appears in which you need to install:

10) On command Table - Formula – you can make some calculations. When you execute the command, a dialog box appears in which you need to:

a) in the field Formula After the “=” sign, enter the formula, indicating the address of the cells that are used for the calculation. The cell address consists of a letter and a number: B7, where B is the column number, 7 is the row number;

11) On command Table – Auto-selection ―you can make the height of the rows and the width of the columns equal in size.

12) On command Table - Table Properties - can be installed:

13) On command Format (Layout) - Text Direction ― you can set the direction of the text in the specified cells.

14) On command Format - Borders and Shading (Designer – Draw Borders) - possible for specified cells

a. on the tab Border set border type; type, color and thickness of the border line; select type Horizontal line by clicking the corresponding button;

b. on the tab Fill select cell color.

Columns are commonly used in newspaper articles, brochures, and similar documents. To divide existing text into columns, you need to select it. And to divide parts of the document into columns, select that part.

To more effectively manage the process of creating columns, use the dialog box Columns, which is called by command Format - Columns (for Office2003) or Page Layout – Page Setup – Columns (for Office2007) or using the icon
on the toolbar.

Then enter the desired width of each column in the appropriate box. Width. In the window Interval indicate the desired spacing between this column and the column on the right.

To add lines between columns on a page, select the checkbox Delimiter.

Ways to create columns


  1. Type text;
  2. Select it;
  3. Execute window command Columns.


1. Execute the command to open the Columns window.

2. Type text.

In order to move from one column to another, you need to press Insert - Break - Start new column 3. adjust the brightness and contrast of the image. Page Layout – Page Setup – Breaks – Column (for Office2007).

In order to finish working with columns and continue printing text in full width, you also need to make a break on the current page: Insert - Break - New section on current page (for Office2003) or Page Layout – Page Setup – Breaks – Current Page (for Office2007).

Control questions

1. How to set a note?

2. How to set footnotes?

3. How to set the desired symbol?

4. How to install the list?

5. How can you place a picture in a document?

6. What operations can be performed when formatting pictures in a document?

7. What are tables used for?

8. How can you create a table?

9. How can you delete a row in a table?

10. How can you add a column to a table?

11. How can you combine several cells in a table?

12. How can you organize information in a table?

13. How can you make calculations in a table?

14. How can I set the automatic creation of a header in a table on several pages?

15. How can you make several tables from a table?

16. How can you adjust the cell sizes in a table? (3 ways)

17. How can I delete a table?

18. How can you change the direction of information?

19. How can you change the border in a table?

20. How can I set a colored background for table cells?


H Exercise 1

Select the correct answer and mark it. Justify your answer.

1. Character formatting:

1) color change;

2) change of style;

3) change animation.

4. Can the following text be called a table -

1) no, this is a list separated by spaces;

2) yes, this is an unlined table;

3) no, it's just text.

6. Using the command Table - Table Properties - you can set:

1) exact size for cells;

2) a line is prohibited or transferred to the next page;

3) vertical alignment of information in a cell;

4) alignment and wrapping of the table relative to the text in which the table is placed.

8. Is it possible to use the Table - Sort command to sort the data in a column - the name of the Zodiac signs in the order of their alternation in the year:

H Task 2

Formulate a definition:

H Task 3

Insert missing words:

1) _______________________________ is text that pops up when you hover the mouse cursor over it and provides additional information about the printed information.

2) __________________ – This is a comment on the text, which can be located either at the bottom of the page or at the end of the document.

3) __________________________ is a numbered sequence of paragraphs.

4) By command Table - Transform- _________________________________ – the text is converted into a table.

5) By command Format― _______________________________________ ― you can set the direction of the text in the specified cells.

6) By command Format - Borders and Shading- possible for specified cells

a) on the tab Border install _____________________________________________


b) on the tab Fill choose __________________________________.

Task 4

Establish a match.

Task 5

Establish a sequence of actions.

Task 6

Define alignment type:

Here are examples of text with different alignments. Here are examples of text with different alignments. Here are examples of text with different alignments. Here are examples of text with different alignments. Here are examples of text with different alignments. Here are examples of text with different alignments.

Task 7

Keyboard skills

1. Open the text editor Start – Programs – Accessories – Notepad.

2. Type one line from each column of the word in capital letters.

Useful features when working in Word October 4th, 2016

I already showed you and . Let's add to this also. Now it's time for Word.

1. You can quickly insert a date using the Shift Alt D key combination. The date will be inserted in the format DD.MM.YY. The same operation can be done over time using the Shift Alt T combination.

2. If you do not yet know the touch typing method, then CAPS LOCK can play a cruel joke on you. By accidentally turning it on and not looking at the screen, you can type a mountain of text that will have to be deleted and rewritten from scratch because of one pressed button. But by selecting the desired text and pressing Shift F3, you will change the case from uppercase to lowercase.

3. Cursor acceleration
Typically, if you move the cursor using the arrows, it moves one letter at a time. To speed up its movement, hold down the Ctrl key together with the arrow.

Did not know? Then maybe you don’t know anything further?

4. A very useful function that allows you to highlight inconsistent text fragments. Hold Ctrl and select the pieces of text you need.

5. If you use copy and paste (and you probably do), then you most likely know about the advanced clipboard in Word. If not, then it is called by clicking on the button of the same name and shows everything that you copied to the buffer while working.

6. If you are making a manual, a review of a service, or you just need to insert a screenshot into Word, you can do this very simply using the appropriate tool. Click the Snapshot button and Word will show all active windows. By clicking on any of them, you will receive a screenshot of this window.

7. Including hyphens can improve the readability of text and also eliminate long empty spaces between words. You can arrange them yourself or entrust it to the computer. The button is located in the “Page Layout” - “Hyphenation” menu.

8. You can add a watermark to your document for added protection. To do this, go to the “Design” menu and select “Background”. Word has four standard templates, or you can create your own.

9. A very useful function that allows you to duplicate the last command. If you press F4, Word will repeat the last command you made. This can be entering text, sequentially deleting several lines, applying styles for different sections of text, and much more.

10. Putting emphasis in Word couldn't be easier. To do this, place the cursor after the letter on which the accent should be placed and hold down the key combination Alt 769. Important: numbers must be pressed on the numeric keypad on the right.

11. The top ribbon with buttons can be customized very flexibly. To do this, go to the menu “File” - “Options” - “Customize Ribbon”. Here you can add features that were not there before and remove those that are not needed. Moreover, you can delete or create your own tabs with functions.

12. Quickly select a large piece of text
To quickly select a large piece of text, place the cursor at its beginning and Shift-click at the end of the fragment. It will save time and nerves in situations where you have to select several sheets at once.

13. Quickly move through a document
There are several combinations that greatly speed up document navigation:

Ctrl Alt Page Down - next page;
Ctrl Alt Page Up - previous page;
Ctrl Home - move to the top of the document;
Ctrl End - guess for yourself. :)
Inserting a new page

14. How I hate myself for not knowing this combination before. Ctrl Enter allows you to instantly create a new sheet, rather than holding Enter with one hand while brewing tea with the other.

15. By default, Word saves all files to the Documents folder. To change this, go to the menu "File" - "Options" - "Save". In the “Default local file location” line, select the folder you need. In the same menu, you can configure the default document format, autosave, and much more.

16. In order to return the text to its original formatting, you need to press the Ctrl Spacebar key combination.

17. If you are a big fan of Microsoft and Word in particular, you can even use it as a task manager. True, first you have to try a little. Right-click on the Features Ribbon at the top and select Customize Ribbon. In the right column, enable the only disabled tab “Developer”.

Go to the “Developer” tab that appears and find the “Checkbox” element, which shows a check mark (why not). Now, by clicking on the checkbox, you can create lists of tasks and mark them as completed.

18. If you accidentally mess up your list, you can highlight the text vertically. To do this, hold Alt and use the mouse cursor to select.

19. There’s no need to even say why this is necessary. In our age, when information has become the main weapon, it never hurts to have additional protection. To protect a document with a password, go to the "File" tab and select the "Document Protection" option. Now feel free to create a password, but remember that if you forget it, you will not be able to recover it.

20. If you hold down Ctrl while dragging a piece of text from one place to another with the mouse, this fragment will be copied.

21. To rename a file or folder, just select the element by left-clicking and press F2. This method is faster than the traditional combination: select with the left mouse button + call the context menu with the right button + select “Rename”.

22. Combinations of words and numbers, surnames and initials, generally accepted abbreviations and subsequent symbols at the end of the line may be broken. To prevent this from happening, between the elements of this combination (for example, between the letter “g” and the word Moscow), insert a non-breaking space Ctrl+Shift+Space.

23. You can make the text flow out of order. To do this, select Font -> Spacing on the Home tab. There, select the Sparse value and set the desired distance between letters. In this case, words that are out of order in the text are transferred correctly.

24. It is better not to insert extra paragraphs, since when changing the formatting they will have to be added or removed again. If you need to change the distance between two fragments, on the Home tab, in the Paragraph item, select the Spacing field and change the Before or After value there. To always start a new chapter on a new page, select Insert -> Break -> Start New Page on the tab.

25. To prevent the title of a chapter or section from remaining at the bottom of the previous page, select it and select it on the Home tab -> Paragraph -> Position on page. There, check the Keep from the next box.

26. To navigate through the text, use the up, down, right, left arrows. To move an entire word, hold down Ctrl.

27. The Home, End keys will move you to the beginning and end of the line, respectively. To go to the beginning or end of the document, additionally hold down Ctrl. Keys PageUp, PageDown, move up and down the page.

28. If you hold down Shift while using the above keys, the text will be highlighted. and use the above keys to quickly select text. For example, to select a piece of text from the current position to the end of the line, use the combination Shift+Home. To highlight a word, press Shift+Left

29. Use the Ctrl+X keys to cut text to the clipboard. Ctrl+C to copy and Ctrl+V to paste. The Ctrl+S combination allows you to quickly save a document.

30. Rounding out our list is an incredible hacking trick. If you used to open Word by creating a new document or searching for it in the Start menu, that's a thing of the past. Press the Windows R key combination and enter winword in the window that appears. If you don't use the Command Prompt for other commands, the next time you press Windows R, the command to launch Word will automatically load and all you have to do is press Enter

But if you are interested

General information about Microsoft Word. Overview of text editor functions. What opportunities does using Word offer?

The word processor, known as Microsoft Word or Word, is designed to work with text documents - creating, editing. The application uses the simplest table-matrix algorithms. This software product is presented in the Microsoft Office application package.

At the moment, we can say with confidence that of the many existing office applications, Word is the most popular. And this is not surprising, given its functionality, power and ease of use.

Thanks to Microsoft Word, the work of creating and editing text is greatly simplified. This application allows you to process texts, conduct business correspondence, and regulate the flow of correspondence. The advantages of the program include functionality, which is combined with ease of use - it is easy to understand even for those who do not have much experience with computers.

The program's intuitive interface makes it easy to create a text file, as well as format it. With a set of thoughtful tools and features, Microsoft Word is comparable to a portable publishing system. Its functionality includes:

Dozens of fonts and symbols that can be used in text;

Opportunities for highlighting text fragments;

Functions that allow you to adjust the distance between lines and paragraphs;

Availability of built-in automatic spelling and punctuation checking;

The ability to automatically select synonyms;

Convenient function of wrapping words to another line and numbering pages;

Tools for creating hypertext, links, tables, inserting pictures, etc.

Thanks to such a wide functionality, any text can be given an attractive appearance, making it easy to understand and convenient to read. The user can select styles and auto-formatting tools, and use pre-prepared templates.

Text entry is carried out both by using the keyboard and by inserting passages of any size. The presence of various Word functions allows you to edit text, change and edit the information it contains. Using this processor, it is convenient to align indents, select the font and its size, and set the spacing between lines. The user can choose styles that differ from each other in several ways and use themes to design web pages. Information is presented both in text and in table form. You can easily create footnotes, headers, footers, signatures, or frames in your documents.

Word also contains built-in tools that allow you to create lines, geometric shapes of various configurations, and other graphic objects. You can insert ready-made figures into documents, a set of which includes several dozen images. In addition, graphic elements from numerous formats supported by the operating system are easily imported into documents.

Using Word, you can layout documents and prepare them for printing, creating both simple leaflets and newsletters, magazines and books. To do this, there is a tool that allows you to format text in the form of two or more columns, set the type of flow around graphic frames and illustrations, alternate headers and footers with the desired sequence, create a table of contents, design links and an index.

Word also has a merge function, thanks to which you can extract the necessary elements of information from the database and compose new documents and letters from them. This principle also applies to a function that allows you to select a specific field from the database and include it in the desired place in the document. Moreover, if the contents of the field are updated, the document itself will be automatically updated. There is also the possibility of using macros, which allow you to perform quite complex sets of tasks with just a few keystrokes.

Word is used to create complex web pages that include tables, graphics, forms, audio and video formats for presenting information. You can use Internet resources directly from Word, for example, insert hyperlinks into a document.

The convenience of Word also lies in the fact that its settings can be customized to suit the requirements of any user and any working environment. The processor has an extensive range of automation tools that allow you to format the text as you type and create numbered lists. In the toolbar and menu, each user can place the commands that he uses most often and always have access to them. And creating templates for documents and letters is simplified with the help of a wizard.

From all this we can conclude that today Microsoft Word can rightfully be considered the most convenient application for working with text, which has wide functionality and is easy to use.

Any person who quite often uses a personal computer to work with text is familiar with a program called Microsoft Word. And it doesn’t matter which version you have installed. In any case, this text editor provides users who use it with a large set of functions designed to make it easier to work with this program. Let's look at the main functions of the program in question using the MS Word 2010 text editor as an example. In general, it is worth noting that working in Word belongs to the field of word processing technology.

So, the main functions of the program in question include:

  1. Editing, creating text. Saving the document as a file with the required extension (in 2003 the default extension is *.doc, in 2007, 2010 - *.docx). Searching for the required file on a storage medium (hard drive, flash drive, disk, floppy disk, etc.), as well as reading it from the disk.
  2. Finding spelling errors in existing text and checking vocabulary.
  3. Ability to split text into pages.
  4. The user can format the texts at his own discretion.
  5. The ability to create a table of contents for a document (and in automatic mode).
  6. Built-in multi-window mode (working with windows).
  7. Printing files in various formats. Moreover, this text editor differs in the following: what the user sees is what will be printed, the so-called WYSIWYG mode (What You See Is What You Get).
  8. Removing objects from a file, as well as inserting them there.
  9. Inserting and creating pictures in a file (you can also insert ready-made photographs). You can use a library called CLIPART, where ready-made drawings in *.wmf format are stored, and also insert them into a file.
  10. Inserting scientific formulas (chemical, mathematical, etc.) and diagrams into a file.
  11. Changing the size and type of font used in the text (not for the entire text as a whole, but for different parts its own printing format can be used).
  12. Selecting the necessary sections of text or block, as well as moving them to a new location. If necessary, they can be removed. The ability to frame required sections of text is also included.
  13. Creation and insertion of spreadsheets into a file. Moreover, you can change the number of rows and columns at your discretion.
  14. Create databases in spreadsheets and perform complex or simple mathematical calculations.
  15. The ability to program in a language called Word Basic, as well as create macro commands. A macro or macro command is a sentence of language that identifies a set of very simple commands. A macro usually stores a key combination that can be used more than once in the future. Using macros you can automate the most common operations. It should be noted that in addition to keyboard macros, there are language macros that are created in the Word Basic programming language.
  16. Creation of letter envelopes, labels and emblems.
  17. Inserting video clips, text special effects, multimedia and sound files into a file.
  18. Preview text before printing, with the ability to enlarge it for better viewing.
  19. The text editor in question includes an extensive help system, thanks to which the user can get help fairly quickly.

The main functions that the MS Word 2010 text editor can perform have been listed above, but in fact there are many more of them! This program was created specifically to make life easier for users!

Surely, you have already heard about Microsoft more than once, as well as about the software it provides. The most popular of them is Office, and a large number of people use a word processor called Microsoft Office Word: students, businessmen, housewives, office workers, etc. Why this one and not some other word processor? Indeed, in fact, there are quite a lot of its analogues today, but most people prefer it. Everything is very simple. After all, Microsoft Word provides many opportunities to its users. In general, word processors, unlike test editors, provide more opportunities to format text and embed tables, formulas, graphs and other objects into it. That is why they are often used not only for typing text, but also to create various documents, including official ones.

So, what features does Microsoft Word 2013 provide?

  1. The ability to create a new document using templates. It is worth clarifying that this includes templates that can be used to create standard letters, greeting notes, faxes, reports and other documents.
  2. The ability to simultaneously open and work with more than one number of documents.
  3. Automatically check spelling, style and grammar as you enter text into a document.
  4. The ability to automatically correct errors that are most often repeated in the written text.
  5. Includes advanced document formatting options.
  6. MS Word, unlike WordPad, allows you to align a document on both edges (or in the center), and also provides the ability to use multi-column layout.
  7. Ability to apply styles to quickly format a document.
  8. Provides the ability to automate the entry of standard and repetitive text elements.
  9. Includes convenient mechanisms for working with footnotes, links, and headers.
  10. Allows you to include in your text elements that were created in other programs included in Microsoft Office: spreadsheets, graphics or photographs, graphics, videos, sounds, and much more.
  11. Ability to prepare Internet hypertext documents and simple spreadsheets.
  12. The ability to automatically create indexes and a table of contents for a document.
  13. The ability to send a finished document directly from Word by email or to another person or company by fax.
  14. Contains a built-in volumetric help system and a hint wizard.

It's worth noting that the techniques for using the Microsoft Word 2013 (or earlier) word processor are the same as for any application included in Office, and are entirely based on visual perception. It turns out that when the user opens the document, the graphics, text and formatting look exactly the same as it will be printed on paper.

It is thanks to its capabilities that Microsoft Office Word has earned the respect and recognition of a large number of users.