The organization receives payments from individuals to the Yandex.Money wallet: how to register it in accounting. Yandex.Checkout - a convenient tool for online business

Read about the specifics of accounting and processing these operations for individual entrepreneurs using the simplified tax system without an accountant in our article.
Most sites have online payment, but many entrepreneurs do not know how to correctly account for income received through the payment system and enter transactions into KUDIR.

How it works?

The payment system accepts payments from your website around the clock and acts as an intermediary between the store and the buyer.
The Yandex.Checkout service does not send data to the tax office, but transfers it to the online cash register, which transmits the check data to the OFD, and then to the Federal Tax Service.

Documents and payments from Yandex.Checkout

Every day the payment system creates payment to your account and sends it by email with the number and amount of accepted payments per day.
Issues monthly, which can be signed electronically.

Features of accounting for income from the payment system

1. Funds are transferred to the bank account not from the buyer, but from Yandex.Checkout. And not in the full amount, but minus the commission.

2. Funds are credited to the account not at the time of payment by the buyer, but on the next business day.

For example: The client paid 1000 rubles, ~ 950 rubles will be received on the account.

Despite the fact that the proceeds are credited to the bank account after deduction of the commission, the income is taken into account in the full amount paid by the client. If you maintain KUDIR and calculate tax using a bank statement, this may lead to an underestimation of the tax base and a fine.

How to reflect the full amount received from the client?

I found 3 ways, 2 of them manual and 1 automatic.

1. Internet accounting service from Kontur.Elba.

  • A year free on the Premium tariff for newly opened individual entrepreneurs + account in Elba.Bank
  • 30 days trial period for everyone
  • Automatic formation of KUDIR
  • Submission of declarations for individual entrepreneurs on the simplified tax system and UTII
  • Calculation of taxes and insurance premiums

Tariff "Economy" - 4,900 rubles/year or 1,900 rubles/quarter

Step-by-step instruction:

1. Log in to your account’s online bank and download the statement.
2. Upload the extract to Kontur.Elba
3. Select operations and change the operation type to “Sales under an agency agreement” (you can select all operations at once)

4. In the “Take into account taxes” field, indicate the full amount of payment by the client, including the system commission. See the payment register for the full amount per day.

There should be 2 amounts - how much was received and how much is taken into account in taxes:

2. Internet accounting service from Tinkoff.Business

  • 2 months pay-as-you-go on any tariff free for new users or
    6 months for newly registered individual entrepreneurs
  • Automatic calculation of taxes and insurance contributions for individual entrepreneurs using the simplified tax system
  • Maintaining KUDIR on the simplified tax system
  • Filing declarations + free issuance of CEP
  • Personal manager
  • Convenient mobile application
  • The need to process each transaction manually (for payments from Yandex.Checkout)
  • KUDiR on request

The Tinkoff Accounting service is provided free of charge to everyone who has an account with Tinkoff Business

Step-by-step instruction:
1. Log in to the Accounting service section “Operations”
2. Select the operation to be confirmed. In the “Revenue through an agent” field, enter the amount accepted by Yandex.Checkout. Click confirm.

We get 2 sections - “Revenue through an agent” with the full amount of payment by the client and the amount received by the bank.

3. Internet accounting “My Business”

This online accounting service differs from previous ones in that everything happens automatically.
You will need to set up integration with the payment system once and the service itself will take into account all receipts and maintain tax records in accordance with your SNO.
It will especially simplify life for individual entrepreneurs on the simplified tax system with the Income-Expenses object, because The service takes into account the commission of the payment system in expenses, thereby reducing the amount of tax.

  • Integration with payment systems (Yandex.Kassa, RoboKassa, PayPall) and with many banks
  • Accounting for intermediary commission in expenses for individual entrepreneurs with the “Income-expenses” object
  • Automatic calculation of taxes and insurance premiums
  • Generating and sending reports
  • Expert consultations
  • Inventory control
  • Short test period (3 days)
  • Payment of tariff for at least 12 months

Tariff 833 RUR/month – 9,996 RUR/year

Step-by-step instruction:
1. Set up integration with Yandex.Checkout. To do this, follow the algorithm
2. After activating the payment system, all transactions will be displayed in the “Money” section

Every day the transactions for the previous day will be loaded. If there are downloaded receipts, a notification “Import an extract from Yandex.Cash” will appear on the “Money” page.

How to choose an accounting automation program? And what is better, Kontur.Elba, Tinkoff.Accounting or My Business? In fact, there is no single answer; each service is good in its own way.

To summarize, we can note:

  • Tinkoff.Business provides a full-fledged accounting tool for free, and payment is debited only for servicing the account.
  • Elba gives an excellent “kit” for starting. Individual entrepreneurs registered less than 3 months ago will receive a whole year of account management + accounting services on the Premium tariff for free.
  • Automation of income and expense accounting + integration with payment systems makes the My Business service the most popular and in demand.

When choosing an assistant to run your business, consider your own needs and take advantage of the free trial period.

Electronic money has long ceased to be just a virtual currency; it is now a legal means of payment. Electronic money was legalized by Law No. 161-FZ of June 27, 2011 “On the National Payment System”.

It is not easy to understand the text of the law; for example, the concept of electronic money in Article 3 is given as follows: “Electronic money is money that is previously provided by one person (the person who provided the money) to another person, taking into account information about the amount of money provided without opening bank account (obliged person), to fulfill the monetary obligations of the person who provided the funds to third parties and in respect of which the person who provided the funds has the right to transmit orders exclusively using electronic means of payment.”

There is no particular point in thinking about such a cumbersome formulation, because most Internet users know how electronic money works from their own experience. The functionality of electronic money is quite wide. They can be used to pay not only for housing and communal services, taxis, communications, digital goods and goods from online stores, but even to pay taxes and traffic police fines.

But that's not all. Electronic money allows businessmen to pay remuneration to individuals under civil contracts (usually freelancers on the Internet), transfer funds to an accountable person, and return money to the client when returning goods. True, in order to legally take such calculations into account in business activities, the electronic wallet must not be an ordinary one, but a corporate one.

It makes sense to use electronic wallets only as an additional way to receive payment for goods and services. It is not worth using them as a means of accumulating and preserving free money. They do not accrue interest, as on deposits, and are not subject to deposit insurance rules.

Types of electronic wallets

The type of electronic wallet is determined by what information about itself its owner provided:

  • anonymous(non-personalized) wallet is opened if the owner has not informed the electronic money operator of his passport data;
  • personalized, the owner of which has undergone simplified identification by indicating his passport details;
  • corporate, which is opened by individual entrepreneurs and organizations, involves its identification using a TIN.

The higher the level of identification of the wallet owner, the larger amounts of electronic money can be involved in calculations. Thus, the monthly payment limit for an anonymous wallet is 40 thousand rubles, and for a personalized wallet - 200 thousand rubles.

When using a corporate wallet, there are no restrictions on the amount of payments per month, but there is a limit on the balance of electronic funds at the end of the working day - 600 thousand rubles. The surplus is automatically credited to the current account of the owner of the corporate wallet without his order.

Organizations and individual entrepreneurs cannot pay each other using electronic money. One of the parties to such settlements must necessarily be an ordinary individual, and if payment is made using electronic money under a civil contract, the recipient’s wallet must be personalized.

How to open a corporate wallet

Let's look at opening a corporate wallet using Yandex Money as an example. Especially for this case, the payment system created a service

An important innovation for online stores - from July 1, 2018, it will be necessary to use cash registers in cases of online payment by card or through services such as Yandex Cashier. The buyer receives only an electronic receipt. Previously there was no such requirement. For online fiscalization, you can use the Yandex.Checkout solution with a partner cash register or your own option, for example, sending checks using a CMS or CRM system. Yandex.Checkout will transmit information about orders and payments to your cash register and inform the store about successful payment and receipt registration.

If you provide remote services/sell goods and have not yet connected Yandex.Checkout, we advise you to do so right now. Today, this is the payment service most adapted to the new law. By submitting a request using the button below, you will receive 3 months of service on a premium tariff with a minimum percentage (the connection itself is free):

In the application for connection, you must indicate the type of entrepreneur (legal entity or individual entrepreneur), TIN, contact information, website (if available). Next, you need to fill out a form to connect.

The corporate wallet is linked to the current one, so it must already be open.

All that remains is to upload a scan of the passport of the manager or individual entrepreneur and enter into an agreement with the Yandex-Money payment system. If you want to enable Yandex-money payment via a widget on your website, you will be sent technical documentation for setting up payment button codes or a payment module.

Electronic payment systems in Russia

Law No. 161-FZ recognizes the Bank of Russia, credit organizations (including non-banks) and Vnesheconombank as money transfer operators. To connect a corporate wallet, you must contact a registered payment NPO (non-bank credit organization).

The table contains the main non-profit organizations registered on the Central Bank website

In addition, to connect payments via electronic money, payment systems such as QIWI wallet, owned by QIWI Bank, and Robokassa (OCEAN BANK service) are popular.

But another popular payment system, WebMoney, is not a credit organization registered in accordance with Law No. 161-FZ, although it also offers organizations and individual entrepreneurs the opportunity to connect payments for goods and services on the Internet. Based on this, when making payments through WebMoney for business purposes, difficulties may arise in accounting for the movement of such funds.

Electronic money accounting

Law No. 161-FZ equated payments with electronic money to non-cash payments, therefore in accounting and tax accounting they are taken into account according to the same rules as non-cash funds.

The Ministry of Finance believes that for payers of the simplified tax system, the moment of recognition of income occurs at the moment when money from a buyer or client is received in an electronic wallet, and not in a current account linked to it.

“The moment of repayment of the buyer’s debt to the organization is the moment of simultaneous acceptance by the electronic money operator of an order, reducing the balance of the payer’s electronic money and increasing the balance of the recipient’s electronic money by the amount of the electronic money transfer. This moment is the date of recognition of income from the sale of goods.” (from the letter of the Ministry of Finance dated January 24, 2013 N 03-11-11/28). In this case, the entire amount of sales excluding bank commissions is recognized as income.

Payers of the general system who use the accrual method to account for income from sales take into account income in the form of electronic money at the time of sale of goods or provision of services, regardless of the actual receipt of funds.

The income of an individual who received electronic money for his services entails the same tax consequences as when receiving money in another form. If the money was transferred by an organization or individual entrepreneur, then they act as tax agents in relation to this income, and therefore must withhold personal income tax.

Powerful and useful tool for owners of online stores, various funds and online platforms on the network. This is the best solution for accepting electronic payments, thanks to which it is possible to build a business and significantly increase profit levels. What are the features of an online cash register? What are the rates? Is Yandex.Checkout suitable for online stores?

Brief overview of Yandex.Checkout: purpose, who can use it

Today it is difficult to imagine a large business without integration into the global network. Searching for future partners, buyers and even making transactions takes place online. One of the most attractive directions is opening an online store or other online service. The question is how to automate the acceptance (making) of payments and “connect” several electronic payment systems (EPS) at one point of sale.

The optimal solution is to connect Yandex.Checkout. This tool is available to individual entrepreneurs and legal entities not only from the Russian Federation, but also from other countries.

Read also -

Using the service you can receive payments in various ways:

  • From bank cards.
  • In cash.
  • Electronic money (WebMoney, Qiwi and others).
  • From your phone account.
  • Through online banking.
  • By attracting credit funds and so on.

One of the features of the online cash register is the ability to make mass payments to clients, which is important for representatives of currency exchange platforms, lottery organizers and representatives of other “mass” areas. Available funds can be transferred in the opposite direction - to EPS wallets, bank cards, financial institution accounts or phone numbers.

How does Yandex.Checkout work, and what are the connection features?

Connecting a Yandex.Money cash register- solving financial problems for representatives of Internet businesses. The principle of operation is mutual responsibility between the participants in the process.

To make payments, the client (individual entrepreneur or legal entity) transfers a certain amount, which acts as security for payments. Next, the online cash register is given a list of telephone numbers, cards and accounts where the funds should be credited. Based on the results of the transactions, an act is issued confirming the provision of the service and containing a full report on the work performed.

To connect Yandex.Checkout, you should do the following:

Yandex.Checkout is a good solution for online stores. By connecting a special service, you can receive money from various directions (bank cards, EPS, mobile accounts, and so on).

How to connect Yandex.Checkout in relation to an online store? The registration and registration process takes a minimum of time:

  • . As soon as this work is completed, Yandex.Checkout opens a personal account for the user. An Internet manager is assigned to the newcomer, giving tips at each stage.
  • Preparation of papers. All documents are processed through the online cash register, which does not require a personal visit to the payment system office. It is enough to enter the data into the form, scan the director’s passport and send the electronic version for verification. The next stage of registration is to download the application, print it and sign it. Finally, all that remains is to go to your personal account, study the contract and tariffs.

The last stage of connecting the Yandex.Money cash register and tariffing of services

After completing the above steps, you can begin conducting business activities through an online cash register. The money is credited the very next day, subject to the deduction of commission (fees for service services). Every day, the user of the online cash register receives registers, and monthly - a statement indicating all services provided.

Connecting Yandex.Checkout is completed by integrating the service - connecting, setting up payment acceptance, as well as checking the functionality of the system. The connection can be made using CMS settings, with or without integration.

Worthy of attention and Yandex.Cash service tariffs. When it comes to receiving funds, there are two options:

  • Basic tariff- suitable for entrepreneurs with a sales volume not exceeding one million rubles per month. In this case, the commission ranges from 3.5 to 6 percent, depending on the payment. The lowest parameter (3.5%) is for bank cards and payments from Yandex.Money, and the highest is for other electronic payment systems (WebMoney, Qiwi).
  • Premium- Yandex. Cash register for online stores with a turnover of over a million rubles. The main feature is reduced commissions. The upper limit is 5%, and the lower limit is 2.8% (for bank cards, lending) and 3% for Yandex.Money.

If we are talking about the payment of funds to clients by the user of an online cash register, there is one tariff plan. For example, when transferring funds to a wallet within the system, to a bank account or card, a commission of 2.8% is charged. When transferring to a phone number - 4%.

A profitable and convenient solution for retail outlets operating online. With the help of this Internet service, it is possible to optimize payments and receipt of money subject to a minimum commission.

You can read the terms and conditions and connect on the official website Yandex Cashier. Happy business.

Hello! Today we will tell you why online cash registers are needed and present our review of online cash registers for online stores.

Federal Law 54-FZ established that all entrepreneurs must work with online cash registers. This is a device with a built-in fiscal drive that will transmit information to the tax office in real time via the Internet.

Online stores need an online cash register if:

The online store works with individuals. And customers pay for the purchase in cash, by card, through the online store’s own courier service, or an online form on the website, or through a bank and form PD-4.

An online cash register is not needed if:

  • The online store works with individuals, but does not accept money directly. And it ships through third-party courier services, cash on delivery through Russian Post and does not have online payment on the website.
  • The online store works only with legal entities and accepts bank transfers to its bank account.

All online stores accepting payments in cash or by bank cards were required to start using online cash registers from July 1, 2017.

Until July 1, 2018 a delay has been established in the installation of online cash registers for online stores that accept payment by transfer between electronic wallets, using a client-bank transfer from the buyer and by receipt for payment at the bank.

Which online cash register to choose?

It all depends on the payment method used in the online store.

1. Online payments only

In this case, you need to transfer the data to the tax office, but there is no need to print a paper receipt - it is sent to the buyer by email. What would be appropriate in this case?

This service enables the acceptance of electronic payments to the company’s account: in online stores and online services, on websites and offline - payments from Mastercard, Maestro, Visa, Mir bank cards and other methods. Yandex.Checkout operates both in Russia and abroad.

The service is suitable, including for small companies with a turnover of less than 100,000 per year. To connect payments on the site via Yandex, you only need the director’s passport, sign an agreement and carry out the integration. All this can be done in 3 days.

If you decide to use Yandex.Checkout, please note: you will have to independently purchase and use a cash register with a fiscal drive to transfer data to the Federal Tax Service.


This is a turnkey cloud solution, an online cash register for rent - the same as hosting for an online store. A fiscal drive is provided, a connection to the OFD is in progress, checks are automatically generated and sent by email.

The virtual online cash register works with all possible payment services and aggregators, has a testing platform, and eliminates the need to develop additional software.

This is an online cash register for rent based on the ATOL 42FS cash register complex and ATOL software technologies. The service provides ready-made integration with popular CMS systems and payment services, and helps register cash registers with the Federal Tax Service. Full technical support is promised around the clock.

E-COM cash desk

An online cash register can be rented or purchased as a property. This is a cloud-based solution that operates in single window mode. Technical support service is included in the monthly payment.

2. Payments both online and offline

This is a service that provides a mobile terminal that can be used by couriers or at a pickup point, as well as an electronic signature. The cash register is integrated with all programs that are needed for work. If the cash register is no longer needed (for example, the business has closed), it can be returned.


The service, which runs in the cloud or in the office of an online store, has its own API for integration. The online cash register works with a fiscal printer that the entrepreneur already has. Cash register equipment can be purchased and installed in your premises, or you can rent a device located in the company’s data center.


The service has ready-made modules for popular engines and APIs, provides both automatic checks for online payments and manual checks from the back office of the online store. This option is suitable if you have one legal entity, but several online stores (in this case, one online cash register is used), and also if you also have a physical point of sale.

What happens if you don't use the online cash register?

  • You'll have to pay a fine. For individual entrepreneurs, this is from a quarter to half the amount of the settlement that did not go through the cash register (at least 10,000 rubles). For legal entities - from three quarters to the whole amount of the settlement amount (at least 30,000 rubles).
  • If the violation is recorded again, and if the amount of payments made without the use of cash registers totaled one million rubles or more, the official will be disqualified for a period of one to two years. An administrative suspension of activities will be imposed on legal entities and individual entrepreneurs for up to 90 days.
  • If there is an online cash register, but it does not meet the requirements, an individual entrepreneur faces a fine of 1,500 to 3,000 rubles, for a legal entity - from 5,000 to 10,000 rubles or a warning.
  • If the buyer does not receive an electronic check, the fine for an individual entrepreneur and an official will be 2,000 rubles, for a legal entity - 10,000 rubles or a warning.
  • For failure to provide information at the request of the Federal Tax Service, an individual entrepreneur will be fined from 1,500 to 3,000 rubles, a legal entity from 5,000 to 10,000 rubles or a warning, and an official - from 1,500 to 3,000 rubles.

Want to discuss the article? Leave your comments!

Prepared by Victoria Chernysheva.

Review-comparison of online cash registers for online stores

4.8 (96.25%) 16 votes

In this article we will look at the features of working with Yandex.Checkout. We will find out the possibilities of a personal account for individual entrepreneurs and other types of businesses, and also analyze the tariffs depending on the payment method. We will tell you how to connect Yanex. Cashier, and let's focus on customer reviews.

What is Yandex.Checkout and what are its capabilities?

Yandex.Checkout is a payment service for online stores, with which you can accept payment for all kinds of purchases, be it a specific product or some service.

Go to the website of Ya.Kassa

There are several calculation options:

  • Using a bank card. It could be MasterCard, Visa, Maestro or MIR.
  • Through mobile applications - Android Pay and Apple Pay.
  • Through electronic wallets such as WebMoney, QIWI, Yandex.Money.
  • Using the online capabilities of the banking platforms of Sberbank, Promsvyazbank, Alfa-Bank, Masterpass.
  • Using a mobile phone from an MTS, MegaFon, Beeline or Tele2 number.
  • It is possible to accept cash. This can be done through Comepay terminals, Euroset and Svyaznoy branches.

Thus, electronic cash register supports almost all methods of settlement with an individual. Yandex.Checkout, if necessary, can be integrated with an online cash register, taking into account all legislative changes under 54-FZ. The necessary data will be transferred to the fiscal authorities, and based on the reports, it will be possible to easily calculate the tax to be transferred.

Yandex.Checkout is suitable for running a variety of businesses. And the function of accepting mass payments will be appreciated by gaming portals, marketing agencies, as well as companies offering microloans. As soon as the transactions are completed, Yandex.Checkout will generate a register, which will subsequently be sent directly to the customer. The latter will be able to track the accuracy and timeliness of payments using the capabilities of his personal account.

What other advantages does Yandex.Checkout have:

You will be able to sell a product or service with payment in installments. This is what the BuyVcredit customer service is designed for.

Your clients will be able to activate the “Autopayment” function, with which they can conveniently pay for the Internet, cellular communications, and also for access to online games.

You can link a bank card to payments, which will free your client from constantly entering their data.

It is possible to write off funds from the buyer’s card “automatically” in payment for goods or services, as well as return them if the shipment does not occur. The money is returned to the client’s card without commission.

You can send an invoice for payment to the client via SMS, chat, or email.

It is possible to quickly pay for a product or service using a smartphone by reading a QR code. In this case, it is advisable for the client to have a built-in official Yandex.Money application, which will reflect the details of his bank card or e-wallet.

How Yandex Cash works

Using the online payment service is quite simple. Let's consider a step-by-step algorithm of actions:

The buyer selects a product or service on the website.

When placing an order, enter all your contact information, including phone number and email address, which will be needed to send a check.

The buyer then proceeds directly to payment. For this purpose, the website provides a “Pay via Yandex” button.

It becomes possible to choose a convenient form of payment. These can be various payment systems, bank cards, electronic wallets and others.

By choosing a means of payment, you can pay for the product or service.

Payment information is generated in the payment register and sent to your personal account.

And finally, the last step is the goods are sent to the client.


If your client needs an invoice for payment, it will take you no more than one minute to generate it. It is created in your personal account, in a special section with products and prices. The invoice can be sent by email, as an SMS with an active link, or placed where you negotiate with the client, for example, in a chat.

Having received an invoice, the client either pays it or leaves it without consideration. In the second case, the invoice can be canceled or a fixed payment date can be set, after which payment will no longer be available.

If you are required by law to use an online cash register, then when issuing an invoice, enter all the data: product name, amount, VAT rate, customer contacts. Then the cash desk will generate a correct electronic receipt for the tax office.

Sales on credit

With the “Sale on Credit” service, you can offer your customers your goods with payment in installments. Activating the service on the website will not cause any difficulties, but it will be beneficial for both you and the buyer.

What is the benefit for you?

From the statistics of Yandex.Checkout partners, it is clear that with this service, sales increase by about 17%, and about 30% of customers return, paying for repeat purchases. Notification of a completed payment arrives almost instantly, and money is credited to your account the next business day.

What is the benefit for the buyer?

All actions are performed in real time. It will take the client about two minutes to fill out an application, in which you can choose the optimal conditions - loan term, amount of payments, etc. It will take the same amount of time to wait for a decision on the loan.

Due to partial payment, you can purchase more goods.

There is the possibility of an interest-free period and early repayment of the loan.

A convenient form of loan repayment is offered - it can be a bank card, cash, or other means of payment.

And most importantly, you can pick up the product you like right away, and pay for it every month in pre-agreed amounts. Payment can be tracked through payment history.

Payments to clients

Through the payment aggregator you can make payments with any number of clients. Money can be sent to bank cards, accounts, e-wallets, and phone numbers.

Everything happens as follows:

  1. Through the cash register you transfer a certain amount with which you want to pay clients.
  2. Through your personal account, in the form of a list, you send phone, card, and account data.
  3. The service sends money according to specified parameters.
  4. Every day you receive a report on payments made.
  5. At the end of the month you are provided with a certificate of services rendered.

This service is suitable for marketing agencies, gaming services and companies issuing microloans.

Tariffs of Yandex.Checkout

Let’s say right away that your customers will be able to connect to the online service for free. And the conditions for using the payment service for you will depend on the monthly turnover of the online store. If they do not exceed one million rubles, then the “Basic” tariff is suitable for you, which provides for the payment of a certain percentage of sales. If monthly sales are above this figure, you can consider the Premium tariff.

The table below shows the commission depending on the payment method chosen by the buyer:

At the same time, Yandex is ready to offer personal conditions if trade turnover exceeds 5 million rubles.

Detailed tariffs

Yandex Cashier with Internet acquiring

By connecting to Yandex.Checkout, you will be able to accept payments by bank cards, and you will also have access to automatic payments and holding amounts in your account.

You can connect to Internet acquiring either on the official website of Yandex.Checkout, or directly at the cash desk, in your personal account. To activate the service, you must fill out an application and attach a copy of the director’s passport to it. Your personal manager will prepare a service agreement, which will spell out everything. You must sign it and send it for verification. After some time, a copy of the signed agreement will appear in your personal account.

Among the advantages of Internet acquiring for business, it can be noted that it is free to connect and there is no subscription. pay. Information about all paid transactions will be available in your personal account.

Yandex.Checkout with mobile acquiring

From Yandex.Checkout is intended for accepting payments, for example, at outdoor events, courier deliveries, taxi services and others.

The device works almost everywhere, using 3G, 4G, Edge, as well as Wi-Fi, and recognizes cards from all leading payment systems, both magnetic stripe, chip, and contactless. For additional security, card data is encrypted and is not saved after the payment has been made. Another plus is that technical support will be in touch with you around the clock.

The price of the card reader is 7,990 rubles. Service will cost 2.75%, calculated from the amount of each customer purchase.

To connect the device, you need a smartphone with an online connection. You need to download and install the “2can Terminal” application on it, in which the account will be activated. The final step is to connect the smartphone to the terminal with the reader via Bluetooth. You can use a tablet in the same way.

How to connect Yandex Cashier

In order to connect Yandex.Cash, you need to fill out a simple application on the website.

Go to the website of Ya.Kassa

After this, you will have access to your personal account and the opportunity to discuss questions about setting up a cash register with technical support.

Next, following the instructions, you need to fill out the necessary applications and then scan them. In most cases, to register a cash register, a standard set of documents is required, the only exceptions being the conduct of a licensed activity (a copy of the license is required) and the conclusion of an agreement by an authorized person (a copy of his passport is required).

So what do you need to do?

  1. Fill out the form.
  2. Make scans of the passport of an individual entrepreneur or the head of an LLC.
  3. Fill out the contract, sign it, make scans of all pages.
  4. Submit documents for verification.

Based on the submitted documents, a cooperation agreement will be concluded with you. After some time, a copy of it will appear in your personal account, and it will reflect the tariffs for servicing the payment service.

After connecting the cash register, you will have access to:

  • Accepting payment. Money will be credited to your current account the next business day minus commission.
  • Daily receipt of summary purchase registers.
  • Reconciliation of all sales.
  • The ability to exchange documents with Yandex.Money in electronic format, if this method is most convenient for you.
  • The cash register can be configured according to your requirements, be it SMS notifications, a payment form with settings for accepting payments, API integration, as well as others.

Login to your Yandex Cashier account

To log into your account, you must enter your username and password, linking it to your personal phone. This is necessary in order to receive SMS with codes confirming important operations (returning, deleting and adding users).

In your Yandex.Checkout personal account, you can customize the payment system interface, which will be clear and convenient for both you and your clients. By enabling the document exchange function, you can send and receive reports and change settings.

You will be able to work with several trading platforms located on different sites at once. All sales information, statistics, analytics will be available in one personal account. You will also have the opportunity to add users, for example, couriers, technical workers, accountants, defining the role of each of them in the system.

Through your personal account, you can make returns, send invoices for payment to customers at the specified address, view and download statistics on completed transactions.

Go to your personal account

Advantages of Yandex Cashier for individual entrepreneurs and legal entities

Yandex.Checkout is suitable for any business, both individual entrepreneurs and legal entities. persons With its help, you can easily accept any payment from individuals. persons, and almost instantly, since the transaction speed is quite high - about 600 transactions every second. All kinds of payment methods can be used for settlements, including the latest developments, which greatly simplifies the task and gives you an advantage in trading.

The fact that about 90 thousand partner stores are connected to the payment service speaks volumes, and the company itself has already 15 years of experience in providing this type of service and continues to improve.

Yandex.Checkout is universal and understandable both for the online store itself and for individuals who will use your services. It can be connected to any online platform, without exception.

The payment service can be integrated with an online cash register. Here the ATOL company also acts as partners. In the future, we plan to cooperate with a large number of companies supplying online cash register systems to the market.

Contacts Yandex.Kassa

Do you have questions about the cash register and don’t know where to turn? The table below shows support and hotline numbers:

Official website of Ya.Kassa