Inventory of attachments form Word. Inventory of attachments in a valuable letter (sample, form)

Contractual relations imply the fulfillment by the parties of their obligations in full. If one of the parties, let’s call it the offender, violated the terms of the contract, then the victim begins to take measures to eliminate the contradictions. In most cases, the dispute can be resolved before trial, especially since in most civil law disputes it is important to follow the claim (pre-trial) procedure for their settlement, without which the arbitration court will return the statement of claim.

Typically, a “debriefing” begins with the presentation of a claim (complaint) to the offender, which is often impossible or very difficult to convey personally. The reasons may be different: the parties are geographically far from each other; the victim’s health condition does not allow him to visit the offender in person; the latter refuses to accept the claim, and so on. The post office comes to the rescue; there is a branch in almost every locality. In this article we will look at how to properly send a claim by mail, what types of mail are used for these purposes, and which one will be most preferable?

Registered letter with acknowledgment of delivery

Any registered letter is a registered mail item (RPO). This means that all stages of its passage from the place of receipt to the place of delivery to the addressee are documented (each RPO is assigned a tracking number), and the fact of delivery itself can be proven by requesting the relevant information from the Russian Post (letters are handed to the addressee with a receipt). But if suddenly the matter comes to trial, then such a request may take time and delay the consideration of the case. Therefore, it is recommended to send any letter of claim with acknowledgment of receipt.

The notification is a special postal form (for shipments within Russia - form 119), on which the recipient’s signature is placed at the time of delivery. It is sent along with the letter and then returned to the sender with a receipt, a postal stamp and the signature of the employee who made the delivery.

Notifications, like letters, can be simple or registered. A simple card will follow the path back to the sender in the same way as a simple letter - it will not be taken into account or registered anywhere, it will simply be dropped into the mailbox. A registered notification must be received by mail, but the risk of its loss will be eliminated by adding it to the documents at all stages of the process.

When registered mail arrives at the post office at the addressee's location, the letter is delivered to the address of the legal entity (the delivery procedure is determined by an agreement between it and the postal operator) or a notice is sent to the organization's post office box. The notice is a special form (Form 22), which is designed to inform the recipient that there is a registered postal item in his name (or company address). In this case, registered letters are delivered at post offices upon presentation of a notice, as well as a passport and power of attorney (if the recipient represents a legal entity).

By sending certified mail with notification, you will provide conclusive evidence that your application (or claim) was delivered to the recipient's address. However, here we cannot exclude the possibility that during the trial the recipient will declare that he received from the victim an envelope with a blank sheet or with completely different information, in general, he will say that he did not see the claim.

Indeed, the very fact of delivering a registered letter with acknowledgment of delivery does not mean that there really was a claim, and not a declaration of love or a wish for a long and happy life. And if a guarantee of delivery is an undoubted advantage of registered mail, then the lack of evidence regarding the attachment is an undeniable disadvantage. Therefore, in order to competently resolve controversial issues, it is better to send the application by letter with a declared value.

Valuable letter with a list of attachments and notification

A valuable letter (with a declared value) also applies to RPO and is protected from the risks of loss in transit due to the fault of postal workers. When sending such a letter, its “declared value” must be indicated - this is the amount that will be paid to the sender in the event of damage to the correspondence or its loss as a result of force majeure.

Valuable letters are delivered exclusively at post offices upon presentation of a notice. Delivery and delivery to the location of the organization or the place of residence of the individual is not possible.

Receipt of delivery, as in the case of registered mail, will indicate that the addressee has received the letter. But the problem of proving the contents of this letter will remain open. Therefore, it would be better to send a valuable letter with a description of the attachment and a receipt.

Inventory of attachments is a special postal form (Form 107), which is filled out before sending a letter (this “option” is only possible for valuable letters and does not apply to registered ones). The inventory indicates the names of the documents contained in the envelope and their quantity.

To send such a letter, you must prepare an envelope with a claim enclosed. The envelope DOES NOT need to be sealed. Fill in all the required fields on the envelope (your address and the recipient's). Fill out two copies of the inventory form f.107. This can be done on the post office website, after which they can be printed. Or take the blank printed forms directly from the branch, where you can fill them out.

In the “Name of Items” column, enter the name of your claim, for example, “Claim for refusal to return part of the insurance premium after early repayment.” In the column “Number of items” we write 1 (unit). And in the column “Declared value, rub.” enter a small amount in rubles (no more than 10 rubles).

What does a postal worker do:

  • checks the inventory with the contents of the letter;
  • puts a certification signature and seal on the inventory with the date and department index;
  • one copy of the inventory is returned to the sender;
  • the claim with the second copy of the inventory is sealed in an envelope and the receipt of the postal item is formalized.

This way, it will be confirmed that you sent exactly the claim, and not something else or a completely blank sheet. In this case, the postal worker who certified the inventory bears full responsibility for the correspondence of the inventory to the actual attachment. The payment receipt, inventory and receipt receipt will be conclusive evidence that you sent the claim to the offender. And it will be possible to compensate for your expenses at the expense of the recipient of the letter (if, of course, the sender wins in court).

Note! To ensure that in the future the other party cannot challenge the contents of the claim letter, it is advisable to indicate the most detailed name of the attached documents when drawing up the inventory. For example, “Claim with requirement”.

Even despite the presence of an inventory, the addressee may open a dispute regarding the content of the received requirement. How can you fight your opponent in this situation? It’s very simple - download the inventory form from the Russian Post website and fill it out on your computer. At the same time, the contents of the entire claim are entered in the text of the inventory in small print. Then the name of the attached document will look like this: “Claim with the following content: “.

The main disadvantage of valuable registered postal items with an inventory is the lack of a guarantee of their delivery. It is quite possible that the message will be returned to the sender with a note indicating that the storage period has expired. The main thing here is not to print out the letter, but to keep it until the trial. During the hearing, you can present the envelope to the judge for review and open it in his presence. This will be guaranteed proof that you sent “the right thing” and your good intentions.

If the recipient claims that he did not receive anything, or received, but not what you sent him, then the burden of proving these circumstances lies entirely with him. The judge in this case will probably side with the sender.

You can send any claim letters using the methods described above:

  • application to court;
  • complaints to Rospotrebnadzor, the prosecutor's office, FAS;
  • claims to the bank;
  • requirements for borrowers, etc.

How to properly send a claim by mail? Additional measures

Let us assume that all measures aimed at delivering the claim by mail have been completed. But the addressee stubbornly refuses to receive the letter. Maybe because he suspects its contents, or maybe everything is much more banal. Employees of the organization are simply too lazy to go to the post office, or, as knowledgeable people write in reviews, a legal entity. persons draw up powers of attorney for their employees only to receive registered letters (according to the standard postal power of attorney form), but unfortunately, they forget about valuable ones or are too lazy to draw them up. How can we force the other party to receive the shipment?

The first thing they recommend doing on the forums is to send a telegram following the complaint. In the text of the message you need to indicate that you sent the letter by mail and ask to receive it (just indicate the letter number). The telegram is delivered directly to the addressee, without prior notification of its arrival. Therefore, there is practically no chance that they will not receive it. This will ensure that the defendant is properly notified of the claim. And if he refuses to receive a registered (or valuable) letter, this will be regarded as a deliberate evasion of obligations.

The second option is to use the same telegram as the main means of notification. In this case, the entire text of the claim is written in the forwarded telegraph message. But this method only works fully in cases where the text size is small, i.e. takes up no more than 1 sheet. True, this method will cost a pretty penny. Alternatively, you can send only the main idea of ​​the claim, an excerpt from it in a few words, for example: “I ask you to recalculate the insurance premium and return part of it in connection with the full early repayment of the loan.”

So what is the correct way to send a claim by mail? Which method will be most preferable? Those discussing this topic on various forums agree that nothing better than a valuable letter with an inventory and notification has yet been invented. You can try all available options with additional measures, but the most reliable way to transfer claims is still to personally deliver them to the offender (just don’t forget to get a copy with a receipt stamp; alternatively, you can prepare a second copy of the claim for these purposes). Here, the very fact of delivery cannot be disputed, and the essence of the transmitted message is not in doubt.

Inventory of attachment- this is a document that is included in the postal item and contains the name, quantity and cost of the items being sent. The attachment inventory is used when sending valuable letters, parcels, and parcels. This document must be endorsed with a post office stamp before sealing the postal item.

The investment inventory form has standard form 107.

How to fill out an investment inventory

Let's consider the procedure for filling out the form for listing the contents of a mail item.

First, indicate the type of shipment: valuable letter, parcel post or parcel.

Then in the “To” line we write the full name, in the “Where” line - the recipient’s postal address.

We proceed to filling out the table in which we indicate the item number, the name of the items being sent, their quantity and cost (in rubles). The declared value affects the amount of compensation in case of loss of mail. But it is important to take into account that the higher it is, the higher the insurance fee for sending a postal parcel. If the sender wishes, it may not be indicated.

We put a signature in the “Sender” line.

Below is the position and signature of the postal worker who verified all the completed information.

The list of attachments is drawn up in two copies - one of them is included in the postal item, the second is received by the sender along with the receipt. This document is written by hand or filled out on a computer. Corrections are not allowed. Before sealing the postal item, a postal item is stamped on the attachment inventory form.

Download the list of attachments form f. 107 2019 Russian Post form (link)


Inventory of attachment according to form 107 of Russian Post- form (a service that can be used for valuable postal items). A legally significant description of the contents is attached to a letter, parcel or parcel with a description of the contents. Please note that the service is only available for sending items within Russia. The sender fills out a form indicating all the items being sent, their quantity and declared value. For items without an assessment, a dash is placed in the “Declared Value” column. Corrections are not allowed. A letter or parcel with an inventory of the contents is presented to the post office in open form and with the inventory form f.107 completed in two copies. Source here and below: 1 - Russian Post.

After going to the page, you can immediately indicate your full name and fill out the lines of the table and print a form with them immediately from the Russian Post website. You can also print out a blank form and post this information directly into pdf, and then print it out.To download the form, click the "Download form" button at the bottom of the page on the Russian Post website.

Also according to:

If the list does not fit into a sheet of the form, it is continued on the next sheet. In this case, on each sheet of the inventory you need to indicate its number and total quantity: for example, “Sheet 1 of 2”, “Sheet 2 of 2”.

When accepting a shipment with an inventory of the attachment, a Russian Post employee compares the contents with the inventory, after which he puts a stamp with the date, post office index and his signature.
One copy of the inventory is included in the shipment, the other is returned to the sender.
Upon receipt, a postal item with an inventory of the contents can be opened in the presence of a Post Office employee and compared with the inventory. If it is discovered that the shipment has not reached the addressee in full, the post office employee will draw up a corresponding report, which will be sent to a higher organization for investigation. Such an investigation is carried out within a specified time frame - up to 2 months. Upon completion, the sender (or recipient) will be reimbursed for the missing items.

The inventory of investments in Form 107 is mentioned and given in several documents:

1) "Postal Rules"adopted by the Council of Heads of Communications Administrations of the Regional Commonwealth in the Field of Communications on April 22, 1992, as amendeddated November 14, 1992. Whichare applied to the extent that does not contradict the Federal Law of July 17, 1999 N 176-FZ “On Postal Services” and Order of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia dated July 31, 2014 N 234 “On approval of the Rules for the provision of postal services.”In accordance with Order of the Ministry of Communications of the Russian Federation dated November 14, 1992 N 416"Post Rules"apply from January 1, 1993.

2) Order of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Russian Post" dated May 17, 2012 N 114-p"On approval of the Order"(together with the “Procedure for acceptance and delivery of domestic registered mail”).

Excerpts from Order of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Russian Post" dated May 17, 2012 N 114-p:

4.6. Postal items with a declared value, at the request of the sender, can be accepted for forwarding with a description of the attachment f. 107 (Appendix No. 1). Such postal items are accepted in open form, indicating all items being sent (indicating their quantity and value). For checking the attachment of mail sent with an inventory of the attachment, an additional fee is charged in accordance with the tariffs approved by the branches of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Russian Post". The size of the declared value of the postal item must correspond to the total value of all attachments indicated in the inventory of the attachment.

Government loan bonds and lottery tickets are recorded in the inventory of the letter with the declared value, indicating the numbers, series and their nominal value, and for bonds and tickets on which winnings fell, instead of the nominal value, the winning amount is indicated.

5. Features of receiving RPO with a list of attachments

5.1. With an inventory, investments are sent to RPO only with a declared value.

5.2. RPOs sent with a description of the attachment are submitted by the sender in open form.

5.3. The sender must fill out two forms to list the attachment f. 107, which states:

Type of postal item;

Name and postal address of the addressee;

Name, number of items and assessment amount of each item;

The overall total of the number of items sent and the final amount of the assessment in numbers.

After filling out, the sender puts his signature on each form.

If among the items being sent there are items without valuation, then in the column “declared value” a dash is placed next to their name on each form.

At the request of the sender, the valuation of the items may not be indicated on the copy of the attachment inventory included in the mail item.

5.4. If, when filling out the attachment inventory form, f. 107 there are not enough lines to record all the items sent, then the second form is filled out, etc. description of attachment f. 107 marked “sheet 1”, “sheet 2”, etc. with a summary of the number of items sent and the total amount on the last sheet of the investment inventory form.

5.5. When sending documents, the attachment list f. 107 indicates their name (details if necessary) and the number of sheets.

5.6. After filling out the investment inventory forms f. 107 a post office employee must:

Compare the entries in both copies of the investment inventory;

Compare the correspondence between the address and the name of the addressee indicated in the inventory of the attachment and on the address side of the shell (address label) of the RPO;

Compare the items being sent with the entries in the attachment inventory;

Check the compliance of the total value of investments indicated in the investment inventory f. 107, the amount of the declared value of RPO.

The amount of the declared value of the RPO must correspond to the value of all investments indicated in the investment inventory f. 107;

Put a calendar postmark on both copies of the attachment inventory and sign for them;

Write by hand in the specially designated place on the attachment inventory form the SPI number;

Attach the first copy of the attachment list f. 107 over the enclosure in the RPO packaging and sealed or covered with matte synthetic adhesive tape at least 5 cm wide, with the name of the branch printed on it. Give the second copy to the sender along with the receipt.

5.7. On the envelope of the postal item, the accompanying form for the parcel f. 116, the stamp “With inventory” is placed on address labels f. 7-a, f. 7-b (Appendix No. 8), f. 7-p a mark “X” or “V” is made in the “With inventory” box.

When receiving an EMS shipment with a description of the attachment f. 107 on the accompanying form “E 1-c” the sender in the “Description of contents” zone indicates: “according to the description of the attachment f. 107”.

24. Features of delivery of the RPO with an inventory of the attachments; with cash on delivery; with cash on delivery and a description of the investment

A list of attachments in a mail item is a special form that is filled out by the sender if necessary or at will. This document is quite simple, but it requires care and accuracy. We'll tell you how to fill out an inventory of attachments to a valuable letter online, where to get a form to fill out manually, and what to pay attention to.

What is an inventory of Russian Post attachments (form) and when is it needed?

The law provides for the possibility of transferring various papers and documents not in person, but by mail. Thus, for example, you can submit tax returns, send statements of claim to the court, and transmit messages to shareholders about a general meeting. But in all cases where confirmation of shipment is necessary, it is necessary to draw up an inventory of the contents. This gives the sender an additional guarantee that his parcel or letter will be delivered safe and sound, or he will receive compensation commensurate with the declared value. At the same time, this document explains to recipients what is contained in the letter or parcel.

Russian Post calls the inventory form Form 107. It was approved by order of the state enterprise dated May 17, 2012 N 114-P, but the document can only be used when sending:

  • valuable letter (weight up to 2 kg);
  • parcels (weight cannot exceed 5 kg, and when sent within the Russian Federation - 2 kg);
  • parcels (shipment weight is not limited).

Form 107 Russian Post (the form can be downloaded at the end of the article) looks like this:

Essentially, this is a list listing the items or documents being sent, drawn up on Russian Post letterhead. We'll tell you what to do with it further.

How to fill out the form correctly

If you need to send a parcel or letter with valuable documents, you can use two methods.

  1. You can fill out the investment inventory online.
  2. You can print the form or take it to the branch and fill it out manually.

Which method you use doesn’t really matter, because at the very end you sign the document personally, and no one will doubt its authenticity.

However, from the point of view of saving time, the first method - filling out an inventory of the attachment (Russian Post) online - is better. Because you need to bring two identical lists to the department: one will remain with the sender, and the other will be sent to the addressee. If you fill out the list manually, you will have to duplicate entries. And when you fill out the list on the website, when you download it for further printing, you receive two completely identical lists, which you only have to sign.

Let's consider in detail how to fill out an inventory of investments (form 107 form) online. We go to the Russian Post website and get to this page:

Let's start filling in line by line:

  • Full name or name of the organization;
  • name of items;
  • their number;
  • declared value.

Please note that it is advisable to indicate the names of items completely and correctly. If you send a tax return to the Federal Tax Service, it is advisable to write this:

"original tax return"

if this is a copy of the service agreement, then you must indicate

“copy of the service agreement.”

Other details - for example, the date of drawing up the declaration or the second party to the contract - are not needed. Exceptions include government bonds and lottery tickets. They are reported by numbers, series, face value and even the winning amount if the tickets are winning.

If there are a lot of things and there are not enough lines, you can use additional sheets.

Many people are interested in how to value sent items and documents and whether it is necessary to declare any value. This is done at will, and the sender can indicate any value. Perhaps one person will value a copy of a service agreement at 1,000 rubles, while for another, a tax return will not even cost 10 rubles. In addition, it is possible that someone simply does not want the recipient to see the cost of the items. In this case, the fields with the declared value can be left blank for the addressee. In general, the declared value is used to calculate compensation for damage to the sender if it turns out that some document or item was not delivered.

But let's get back to filling out the form. Once you have listed all the contents and indicated the value of each document/item, you need to calculate the total value. Another advantage of the online service is that it will calculate the amount itself.

Filling example

See what the inventory of a letter with papers for the court from citizen Sergei Petrovich Ivanov will look like.

After you click on the “Download form” button, you will see the following page:

Postal inventory is ready! The form is not at all difficult to fill out and print, and you won’t waste time on it at the post office. The only thing else that needs to be done is to sign in the fields provided for this, and then present it along with the unsealed envelope or parcel to the post office employee.

You will have to pay for verification

We figured out where and how to fill out the inventory by email (the form can be downloaded at the end of the text). It remains to be told what the post office employees will do. According to the rules, the sender brings the parcel or letter unsealed so that the postal worker can verify the presence of all listed items in the shipment. After this, a stamp confirming the inspection is placed, and the postal worker signs the inventory. Then you can seal the letter. After payment, you must be returned one copy of Form 107, at the top of which the postal item (track) number will be indicated. With its help you can monitor the movement of the letter.

Please note: no matter who sends the parcel with the inventory, they will be charged additional money for comparing the contents and the list of specified items. This is a paid service. But you can find out its cost only in the branch from which you will send papers or things, since approval of tariffs is the prerogative of the branches of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Russian Post".

An enclosure inventory is a legally significant description of the contents of a registered letter or valuable item. This Russian Post service is valid only for shipments within the Russian Federation.
The inventory of the investment is filled out on form f. 107. A letter or item must be submitted to the post office in an open form so that the postal employee, when receiving it, checks the list of attachments with the contents of the item.
Download the Russian Post attachment inventory form f 107 in PDF

Download the form, fill it out in a PDF editor and print it immediately. This PDF file does not save edits, so you need to print it right away. For opening, filling and printing inventory of attachments use Adobe Reader. You can also print out a blank inventory form and fill it out with a regular ballpoint pen.

The source of the form is the official website of the Russian Post. Relevance of the inventory form is April 2017.

How to fill out the attachment inventory form f 107

Fill out both forms for the investment inventory, indicate the name and quantity of the investment items and the declared value. The amount of compensation in case of lost shipment depends on this amount, and the fee for the shipment is also calculated. Indicate totals by quantity and cost.
In the “Sender” column, indicate your full name or legal entity and sign on each inventory form. If all investments are without evaluation, also put a dash in the total cost.

Upon reception, the Russian Post employee will indicate his full name and position, sign and affix a stamp. He will include one copy of the inventory in the shipment, and give the second to you. Don't lose it, it's proof of your mailings.

How to fill out an investment inventory form f 107 with zero value

If among the investments in the shipment there are investments with a zero price (i.e. without valuation), then in the “Declared value” column, simply put dashes on each inventory form.

Our attachment inventory form will help you save time at Russian Post offices.