Odnoklassniki social network Roma hares Cheremisinovo. Download the Odnoklassniki application to your computer for free. Application features on PC

Download Odnoklassniki on your computer for your desktop. Download and install now! Communicate comfortably on your favorite social network.

This is a popular social network that allows users to communicate on the Internet, find new and old friends, share audio and video messages, and view various multimedia materials. Now you can install it on your computer or laptop, directly on your desktop. By downloading and installing Odnoklassniki, you can use this site comfortably. All you need to do is download a special program.

Download Odnoklassniki for computer for free

I bring to your attention the official version of the browser program for the site www.ok.ru- . The main advantage of this application is that it has a simple and very convenient interface, which contains many useful modules for comfortable use of social networks.

This is what the main program window looks like:

An excellent choice for those who want to conveniently visit the site directly from their desktop on a computer or laptop.

What will you get if you install Amigo?

  • All your contacts will be at your fingertips.
  • You can easily send and receive notifications about new messages right in the program.
  • Not a single interesting or long-awaited event will be missed - all notifications will be displayed on the computer desktop.
  • You will be able to listen to music, communicate and use all the functionality of the social network comfortably and, most importantly, effectively.
  • Colorful design themes will be available to you, using which you can decorate your browser as you please.
  • For even more convenient use, a special widget has been developed, which is located on the right side of the program. It will allow you to carry on a conversation while on other sites.
  • The browser is completely safe to use. The Odnoklassniki developers themselves recommend using it.

Did you like it? Then quickly download Odnoklassniki to your computer!

Download Odnoklassniki to your desktop

Download and install now. Installation will not take you much time. Just run the downloaded file and the unpacking will take place automatically. Odnoklassniki will be installed directly on your desktop.

I suggest you read the simple installation instructions:

  • 1. Download the file from the official hosting of the developers using the link above.
  • 2. Double-click to launch the installation file and wait until all the necessary steps are completed.
  • 3. Done! The installation was successful, you can use the social network comfortably.

If you have any difficulties, you can always contact technical support Mail.ru

For free!
check Official distribution of Odnoklassniki check
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close Recommendations for installing the necessary programs check
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Today, communication on the Internet has replaced all other types of it. There is no longer any need to send letters, SMS and calls to the people you would like to talk to. All you need is an Internet connection and then you can be in touch with the whole world. Agree, in the 21st century social networks have become very popular. Odnoklassniki is exactly such a project.

This site is intended for the older generation, as it was originally created to look for their classmates (hence the name). When registering on the site, you indicate the place of study and the year in which you completed your studies, and the system automatically selects friends for you and looks for “classmates.” Once you have found them, add them as friends. After this, you can write messages, rate photos, listen to music, play games, read posts and keep abreast of events.

Application for OK

Of course, you can use a regular browser for an active life in Odnoklassniki. But why do this if there is a special application that is easy to download and convenient to use? In addition, with this approach, Internet traffic is spent much more economically, which is especially noticeable with a mobile connection. Therefore, downloading Odnoklassniki to your computer would be a very smart decision. Moreover, now you can do this for free and without registration.

The most convenient way to be active on this social network is using the Amigo browser - it uses a minimum amount of RAM to work on the social network. Unlike Chrome, which eats up RAM in huge portions and is simply not applicable on older PCs. The browser is also very convenient in its simplicity - there are no unnecessary buttons. The interface is also pleasing: it is made to match the style of the site and is colorful and warm.

The browser is suitable for both a beginner, such as a grandmother or a woman who has never dealt with a PC, and for experienced users. In addition, Amigo is equipped with its own anti-virus engine, which will protect you from basic attacks from the network via JavaScript, etc. After all, none of us wants to be a target for spammer bots or get a couple of Trojans on our hard drive. By using Amigo, you eliminate this possibility!

The latest version of the program has added a special “Instant Alerts” tab: thus, everything that friends write on any social network will be displayed in a convenient feed that you can always view. And you can respond to friends’ messages in the chat, which was also relatively recently added to Amigo.

The browser interface is pleasing, but besides this there are several other interesting features. These are, for example, a quick action panel and a tab manager, which make using the social network even easier and more convenient.

If you are a frequent visitor to Odnoklassniki, then soon the Amigo browser will identify it as your favorite topic and put it in first place among other tabs, and the built-in collections will mark this page and the tab with OK will always be at your fingertips.

The browser supports the following operating systems:

  • Windows XP;
  • Windows 7;
  • Windows 8;
  • Windows 10

Amigo is specially adapted for easy use. The developers advise you to download Odnoklassniki to your desktop: this means that their shortcut will appear on the desktop for the fastest and most convenient login to the social network.

Download for all Windows

By installing the application, you will make your work with Odnoklassniki as convenient as possible. The most important advantage of using the Amigo browser is that you will not need to enter your login information every time. Amigo caches, that is, saves, data and enters your page automatically! Immediately after logging into the social network, you will see the “Odnoklassniki - My Page” tab.

We advise you to download the latest version of the Amigo browser, because it is the only one that does not have any errors and includes a maximum of innovations, convenient tabs, a quick access panel and other amenities. When you install the latest version of the browser, a shortcut with your favorite social network – Odnoklassniki – will appear on your desktop.

This product is recognized as one of the best browsers for surfing the Internet and active communication on a social network. So don’t hesitate and download Amigo from our website!

Classmates is a popular program for communicating with friends, colleagues and just acquaintances on the social network odnoklassniki.ru (ok.ru) for a phone based on Android (Android), iOS or Windows Phone. The developers of this program did their best to make it as convenient and easy to use as possible. To use Odnoklassniki on your computer, you just need to go to the website ok.ru and through it you can directly access your page on the social network. And for more convenient access from mobile devices, we recommend that you download Odnoklassniki for your phone.

The design of the Odnoklassniki program for the phone is made in the same style as the official website of the program. You can always download the latest version of Odnoklassniki for free using a direct link from the official website without registration and SMS on our website.

Features of the Odnoklassniki 2019 program for Windows, Android:

  • Possibility of listening to your favorite music.
  • Video chat with a fairly high-quality connection.
  • Display instant notifications informing about important events related to you.
  • Ability to upload multiple photos at once.

Often users want to download Odnoklassniki for Windows 10, 7, 8, but unfortunately there is no version for the computer. There is an Odnoklassniki application for Windows Phone.

The 21st century has not just arrived, as ordinary people usually talk about it, but has become firmly entrenched in people’s heads. And if it concerned only the so-called generation of “children of the 90s” - but even their fathers and mothers, and sometimes grandparents, are simply thoroughly imbued with the trends of the modern era: innovations in all spheres and industries, perfection of technology and genius engineering and design ideas. And they don’t just get into it – it becomes an integral part of their life.

And the most important and at the same time the most interesting thing is how differently they begin to perceive seemingly familiar things and phenomena familiar from childhood. Take, for example, those same classmates: previously, this word most often meant real people with whom the best years of life passed—the school years.

It was during this golden, without exaggeration, time that one could become such friends with someone that these childhood emotions would sit in one’s head for the rest of one’s life. It is from school that some become inseparable friends for many years to come. It is among classmates that people often find the love of their lives.

They meet with classmates a year, five, ten after graduation, and sometimes even more. What's wrong with this word now? But nothing... nothing bad, but a lot of unusual, surprising and interesting things, because now these are not only people with whom you once had to share a seat at a desk, but also a real social network.

And not just some dating site, or a simple resource where you can look through pictures and listen to music in your free time. This is one of the most popular social networks in the CIS countries.

You can endlessly argue about this, arguing in stereotypes and saying that nothing better than VKontakte or Facebook has yet been invented, and this is only an analogue for people of a past era - or you can simply download the Odnoklassniki application on your computer and quickly see the opposite .

Video review

Application features on PC

What can you do on the Odnoklassniki social network? In general, everything is the same as in all the most popular resources of the same type. What, in this case, is the application of the same name used for if you have a website that is quite well-thought-out and ergonomic in terms of design and has no problems with performance?

Everything is quite simple - as the motto of all successful people says: “everything good can always be made even better,” and in this case it is completely confirmed in practice. To begin with, download Odnoklassniki to your desktop, putting an application shortcut there, and go there every time through an Internet browser - things are a little different, and the first undoubtedly wins in terms of speed and convenience.

Secondly, the site’s menu, for all its obvious advantages, can hardly be called intuitive - in any case, for beginners who barely had time to register, the process of familiarization and subsequent adaptation risks becoming too long. It’s a completely different matter - a corresponding application with an interface changed for the sake of maximum user convenience: simpler, more convenient and understandable.

The next point is saving consumed traffic. Yes, for the lucky owners of an unlimited package from an Internet provider, such a problem does not exist a priori, since online they can do whatever they want and as much as they want - as they say, they will not lose money. But those whose tariff is limited to a certain amount of traffic cannot afford such luxury - however, they can get as close to it as possible.

In the case of Odnoklassniki, everything is done very simply and again comes down to installing the application - using special software code, it automatically compresses the size of all multimedia files viewed by the user.

In the settings menu, you can also disable the automatic playback of certain elements - for example, videos, or so-called “moving pictures” - files in the “GIF” format. Thus, even with the most active use, you can always keep within 1-2 GB of traffic - for comparison, when using the site through a browser, this volume can be safely multiplied by half, if not more.

Well, for the rest, as noted, this is a social network in the full sense of the word: here you register and fill out a personal questionnaire with all the accompanying data, including photographs, audio and video recordings, here thematic communities are created that gather people with similar interests, here you can watch movies and listen to music, as well as play mini-applications tailored specifically for this resource.

Well, the most important thing is the concept of the network itself, what distinguishes Odnoklassniki from the same VKontakte. You can, of course, do whatever your heart desires here; in fact, this application can replace half of the entire Internet with this application - but its main idea is still the ability to communicate. And not just to communicate, but to find those with whom you would really like to communicate - people with whom you once studied, worked or worked together in a sports section, about whose fate and life it would be really interesting to learn.

Advantages and disadvantages of the application


Undoubtedly, the application has a lot of advantages. Among them are:

  • a convenient, almost intuitive interface, which in many ways goes against the grain of the original site;
  • speed of operation - even after downloading Odnoklassniki to a laptop or PC with a powerful configuration, even a sophisticated user will appreciate the difference in performance compared to working through a browser;
  • full functionality - creating a profile with the ability to include all personal data in it, the ability to create and join communities, categories of interlocutors: friends, acquaintances, relatives, etc., individual and group chats, video and audio player, built-in program for quick image viewing, integrated mini-applications and games without links to other resources and much more;
  • ability to quickly launch from the desktop.


As such, Odnoklassniki does not have any outright blunders. All site innovations are constantly monitored by the developers and transferred to the application - as a result, users periodically receive update packages, upon completion of installation of which previous shortcomings, operational errors, performance instability, etc. are eliminated.

How to install Odnoklassniki on your computer

As for the installation process, it will not cause any particular difficulties even for people who, as they say, communicate with the computer on first-name basis, and even then in a whisper. However, most ordinary people are much more accustomed to hearing that the application can be downloaded on Android or the notorious iOS than, for example, that you can download Odnoklassniki for Windows 7. This is quite natural - after all, it was originally developed for mobile platforms, and therefore downloading to a PC has some features. This is done in three ways:

Odnoklassniki is one of the largest entertainment social networks; more than 20 million people communicate, listen to music, watch videos and play on it every day, and the number of created accounts has already exceeded 70 million. Download Odnoklassniki for free - one of the most common questions in search engines, and This is the topic we will focus on today.

You can install Odnoklassniki on your gadget, be it a smartphone or tablet, or you can access your page from a computer or laptop, bypassing the browser. Read detailed instructions for downloading and installing the application using the following links:


  • IPhone and iPad - App Store
  • Windows Phone - Windows Phone Store

If you decide to install the Odnoklassniki program for free in this way, you can be sure that you will not encounter any difficulties during the installation. Just enter the name of the desired application in the search engine (usually the first two letters are enough for the system to find what you need) and click “Install”.

The system will download the application and install the “Odnoklassniki” shortcut on the desktop of your smartphone.

All that remains to be done is to click on the icon, enter your username and password, and you can start using the social network.

If you want to download the .apk file directly to your computer, then you can do this on our website:

More details about this are described in a separate article on our website.


You can download the login program in the same way as with a smartphone - through the application and game store, unique for each platform.


How ? Many users want . There are several options for doing this, but it all depends on what operating system you are using.

All the options proposed above are not the official application of this social network (at the moment it simply does not exist), but they will, nevertheless, make working with OK much more convenient.