Clean the Windows 7 registry using ccleaner. How to clean the registry using CCleaner. Download and install CCleaner

Do you know what it is Windows Registry? What is it for? AND how to clean it?

If not, read on. This basic principles of computer operation, they are useful for everyone to know. So, the Windows Registry is a database that Windows needs to work. It contains brief information about installed programs, ways and methods of operation, settings and, in general, a lot of necessary information that

Can be compared to a person's notebook. Using a notebook, we can easily find a friend’s phone number or the address of our clinic. Now imagine what will be in your notebook information about all the people you have met in life, and among them all the clinics you have ever seen will be hidden. How difficult will it be to find the information you need? Same thing with Windows registry. Therefore, it is necessary to periodically clean our "notebook" to make the system work faster.

If you don't know where to download and how to install ccleaner, read our previous article:

Installing the computer cleaning program ccleaner

So, let's get started. Cleaning the registry using ccleaner is very simple, all you need to do is press a couple of buttons...

Let's press the button Search for problems. If the system has been installed for a long time, and the registry was not cleaned, There may be a lot of problems, but don't let that bother you. It's almost all the way back to the old ones remote programs and files. My program found only 1 error. But the figure in 400-800 There may be mistakes too.

If there are not very many files, like I have a couple of pieces, then there's no point in saving b these changes. If the number of errors is significant, then save just in case, somewhere a file where you can restore everything is back.

Then CCleaner summarizes his actions, asks you about removing unnecessary values.

Click To correct, and then Close.

The operation must be repeated several times until there are no errors.

In this simple way, by pressing four buttons: Search for problems, Fix, Fix marked, Close, We are improving the performance of our Windows operating system.

CCleaner program

When a user installs many programs, connects UBS media, equipment, launches toys on his PC, all these actions are displayed in the system registry. We can say that the registry is a huge database. The problem is that after deleting/disabling/fixing anything, the configurations are saved in the database, that is, garbage, errors and other defects appear, even, for example, after the program is uninstalled.

Cleaning the system registry in CCleaner

To make Windows 7 work faster, you sometimes need to clear the registry of debris. If we do the cleaning manually, it will take a lot of time. The registry accumulates not tens or hundreds, but thousands of different parameters. CCleaner will help you instantly clean your entire system.

Section - Registry

(Picture 1)

1. Open the program and go to the “Registry” section.
2. Start the scan. If you don’t want to delve into the work, then just click "Search for problems". However, before searching, you can exclude many items:
help files;
type libraries, etc.

As for backups, this opportunity appears before cleaning. That is, you create a copy of the entire registry so that if an important parameter is deleted, you can easily return it. This is very useful when, for example, you deleted the registration key from a program installed on your computer.

(Figure 2)

3. Analysis of error search results
The analysis itself takes about 30 seconds, no more, during this time CCleaner manages to search for broken or unnecessary registry files using our own database. After searching for errors in the registry, the user receives a complete list of problems, data, and their location in the registry. So you can fix problems either manually or through an automatic tool.

(Figure 3)

The cool thing about CCleaner is that it shows you exactly what the problem was before fixing it. For example, the game was not completely uninstalled, and they also offer a solution, most often, this is deleting an unnecessary parameter.

(Figure 4)

(Figure 5)

Based on the results of the test, you will, of course, not see any significant improvements in the performance of the operating system, you just ensured a faster response to make Windows respond to your tasks much faster. In addition, if you did not uncheck any boxes before analysis, the startup system was also cleared, which means that Windows 7 will now boot much faster.

You've probably noticed more than once that your computer produces various errors from time to time, for example: when installing drivers or using a power-hungry program. And the space on your hard drive began to disappear somewhere... But deleting large files did not bring any special results? The diagnosis is clear - the registry needs urgent cleaning! Well, you’ll learn how to clean the registry using CCleaner right now!

Clean registry Dirty registry
Constant errors No Yes
System freezing No Yes
Lack of hard disk space No Yes

Let's start cleaning the registry with CCleaner!

“The popular utility can not only help you delete Internet history and other garbage, it can tidy up the Windows registry!”

Let's do it in a few simple steps:

1. To begin, open the “ Registry" in a programme. As you can see, CCleaner offers a fairly flexible cleaning system. Initially, the checkboxes will be placed everywhere, it is recommended to leave everything as is so that the benefits of cleaning are maximized.

After checking, CCleaner will show you all the detected registry defects, showing the name, data and registry section in which this problem is located.

4. Before fixing detected problems, CCleaner will prompt you to make backup copies of all changes. It is strongly recommended to agree to this step, although the risk is minimal, it is still there, and making copies takes 5 seconds.

“The best option would be to create a separate folder on your computer for backups. This way, during subsequent cleanings, there will be no confusion and, if necessary, you can easily find them.”

5. The obvious advantage of the utility is that it shows the essence of the issue and gives you a choice: fix a specific problem or leave everything as is. By the way, if you want to complete the cleaning faster, then press “ Correct marked“, the program will instantly sort out all the problems.



If you still have doubts about whether it’s worth cleaning the registry on Windows 7 at all, then let’s summarize what cleaning gives us:

  • PC operation becomes more stable;
  • System freezes and errors caused by the registry disappear;
  • Frees up space on your hard drive.

All users of personal computers, sooner or later, have to clean their computer of “garbage”, which accumulates over time and begins to slow down the computer. So today I’ll tell you about what it isregistry cleaning , why clean it, what programs to optimize it with, and what are the benefits of this procedure.

What is the Windows operating system registry?

The Windows registry is a database for storing operating system settings information. To put it simply, the registry stores data about programs installed on the computer and other documents. Computer users are allowed to edit the registry; to do this, simply run the standard editor Regedit.exe or Regedt32.exe. Manually editing the registry can sometimes provide good results in eliminating many errors, but not all ordinary users understand this. Also, when editing the registry, many encounter an error, but this is not a problem, I wrote a separate post about this - where the main cause of this error was, of course, viruses.

Why clean the system registry?

Windows Registry Cleaner- this is essentially one of the procedures. Just recently I talked about it, which, in principle, also helps. To defragment your computer's hard drive, I recommended using programs such as Defraggler and Auslogics Disk Defrag. Well, we will clean the registry using the best “cleaner” - CCleaner . I have already spoken about this wonderful program more than once. Today I will make a detailed review of this utility, explain how to use it and what settings need to be made to clean the registry.

So I explained that by cleaning the registry you can, in principle, increase the performance of your computer, but due to what, perhaps many did not understand. But in fact, everything is simple. When you install programs on a computer, they leave their branches in the registry, and it turns out that when you uninstall, there are extra branches (or links) to programs that prevent the computer from working smoothly, and cleaning the registry using the same free CCleaner utility allows free up unnecessary branches that interfere and slow down the computer.

Now I hope it’s clear that the registry needs to be cleaned at least sometimes. Now you can go to the CCleaner registry cleaner program. First, of course, you need download CCleaner, then install, there should be no problem with the installation, everything is as simple as when installing other programs. Next, launch the utility by double-right-clicking on the shortcut.

Perhaps after the first launch the program language will be English; to change it, you need to go to the “Options” -> “Settings” tab and in the drop-down menu opposite “Language” select the desired language.

After the analysis is completed, and this can be recognized by the green strip with the percentage of the analysis completed - “100%” and the “Fix” button becomes active, you need to click on this very button.

Next, a window appears in which you must agree or disagree to save the backup copy. I recommend that you save, although it rarely happens that something goes wrong after cleaning the registry with CCleaner, but nevertheless, it’s better to take care of it right away than to regret it later. To do this, simply click “Yes” when this window exits.

You will be asked to save the file; to do this, you need to select the location where the backup copy will be saved, by default it is in “Documents”.

That's it, the backup copy has been saved, now if problems arise with programs, games or other “lags” on the computer, you can simply run this saved backup copy and the registry will be restored to its previous state. But that’s not all, after we agreed or refused the backup, the following window appears:

Where you need to click the “Correct marked” button. After this, the word “Fixed” will appear. You can close the window.

That's it, we've sorted out cleaning the registry. But CCleaner has other cool features that will help increase your computer's performance. For example, in the first tab “Cleaning”, there is an item “Cleaning free space”, where you can check the box, click “Analysis” and then “Cleaning”. With this item, the cleaning operation takes quite a long time, but if you just want to speed up the computer a little by clearing garbage, then you can uncheck this item, leaving all the others unchecked.

Also, by going to the "Service" tab, you can see convenient functions, for example, "Startup", by removing unnecessary programs (they increase the OS boot time), you can reduce the system boot time, we have already talked about this, so use this function.

This concludes the article about optimizing your computer using cleaning the system registry Windows program CCleaner. Best wishes.

We launch games or all kinds of programs, install new games, utilities, drivers or codecs, remove unnecessary programs, etc. And we do all this without thinking about what is happening in the system at this time.

For example, many do not even know that when installing almost any program, an entry is made into the so-called Windows registry (so that the system “knows” about this program), and when the program is uninstalled, these entries are deleted from the registry. True, such removal does not always happen correctly, and sometimes does not happen at all.

Not all novice users also know that some programs create temporary files on the hard drive for their work or add new entries in the same registry. In most cases, such programs themselves delete temporary files and entries, but sometimes it happens that this does not happen, and the program leaves a bunch of electronic garbage and registry errors in the nooks and crannies of the operating system.

This can happen for various reasons. For example, power outages of the computer, incorrect removal of the program by the uninstaller, errors in the programs themselves, “curvature” of drivers and a host of other reasons, not to mention the most common reason - errors by the users themselves (accidental or due to ignorance).

And some programs generally need to “clean up” the garbage behind them. For example, any browser constantly places information about visited Internet pages in a cache (memory allocated for these purposes) so that the next time it loads this page opens faster, and if this cache is not cleared, then over time there will be a lot of these entries, and this can lead to “braking” of the system.

Or even simpler - many users simply forget to empty the Recycle Bin (some don’t even know that this sometimes needs to be done), which leads to free space disappearing “somewhere” on the disk.

Those. we must understand that while we are working (or having fun) sitting at the computer, inside the system there is a constant recording (or deletion) of some files and entries on the hard drive and in the Windows registry. And if you consider that these files and records are not always deleted, then naturally garbage and errors accumulate in the system over time.

Well, as you probably already guessed, we will remove this ill-fated garbage and correct errors in the registry using a special program, namely CCleaner , which you can download.

Why is it better to remove garbage using a program? Firstly, because manually finding all the garbage is simply unrealistic, and secondly, because manually deleting registry entries is very dangerous, because by deleting just one important entry, you can disrupt the performance of Windows (then it may simply not boot).

I would also like to explain why my preference is given to the CCleaner program, because there are a lot of utilities for cleaning the hard drive and registry.

And everything is very simple! Firstly, this program is free, secondly, it is so simple and easy to use that even the most novice user can handle it, and thirdly (this may even be the most important) the program works very carefully with the registry, which allows you not to worry about possible system crashes after running the program (although, just in case, the program provides the ability to roll back to an earlier version of the registry).

I hope that these reasons are enough for you to try the program in action...

The installation of the program is standard, so I won’t dwell on it.

After installation, launch the program by clicking on its icon:

On the left side of the window we see four main sections:

Cleaning- cleaning the hard drive from “garbage”;

Registry- fixing errors in the Windows registry;

Service- additional program features;

Settings- program settings.

Having selected the first section (Cleaning), check the boxes for everything that needs to be cleaned and deleted. First, check the checkboxes on the tab Windows, and then on the tab Applications.

To make it clearer, I will briefly talk about some points.

By the way, CCleaner automatically checks which applications are installed on your computer and, according to this, creates a list with checkboxes specifically for your computer, so it may differ slightly from the list presented in my picture.

Temporary Internet files These are the files that the browser “puts” into the cache. I have already talked about this above.

Visit log is the history of the Internet pages we visit. If you do not need this list, then check the box.

Cookies- these are files that contain information about the sites we visit, for example, the login and password for entering a specific forum or site. If the browser stores such files, then when entering a previously visited forum we will not need to enter the login and password each time we visit this forum, and if the cookie is deleted, then the next time we log in we will need to enter the login and password. Therefore, you can decide for yourself whether or not to delete such files, or configure the program so that it does not delete all cookies (see Settings - Cookies).

Autofill forms– these are files that the function uses to automatically fill out forms on visited sites. For example, the password and login fields are automatically filled in when entering a website. These files are also remembered by the browser.

Saved Passwords– browsers have the ability to store logins and passwords. If you actively use this function, you can uncheck the box.

By the way, I would not recommend storing passwords and logins using browsers, because... if it malfunctions (or Windows crashes), you may lose this data. It is better to store passwords and logins completely outside the computer, or at least not on the system drive.

Recent Documents- a list of recently used Windows documents (documents you have worked with recently).

Run (from the Start menu)– a list of used commands that were entered using the Run dialog box.

Thumbnail cache- when you open any folder with pictures, a so-called Thumbs.db file is automatically created in this folder (this file is hidden). This file is required to display thumbnail images in Conductor Windows. This file is not very important, so you can safely leave the checkbox, especially since the next time you open the folder, such a file will be created again.

The purpose of other points is more or less clear from their names and therefore I will not dwell on them. Read, think and choose for yourself. Personally, I don’t use the functions of autofilling forms, storing passwords, and I don’t like storing cookies, so I generally leave all the checkboxes that the program offers at startup (by default).

After the checkboxes are checked on two tabs ( Windows And Applications) you can start the program using the button Analysis:

After analysis, we see the size of the space released by the program and information about the files being deleted. To start cleaning, press the appropriate button:

As you can see, we very quickly and easily got rid of excess garbage on the hard drive.

After this, we move on to the second section (Register), where, just like in the first section, we simply put (or uncheck) the necessary checkboxes. In most cases, you can also leave all the checkboxes and not worry about possible violations in the system.

Then press the button To correct…:

In the window that appears, we will be asked to save backup copy registry before changes are made to it:

For the first time, I recommend that you agree and click the button Yes so that the program creates a file for us with which, in the event of any failures in the system after cleaning the registry (which is unlikely), we can restore the registry.

So let's press the button Yes and in the window that opens, select the location on your hard drive where this file will be saved. As you can see, I save the file to drive D:

The program generates the file name (this scary set of letters and numbers) automatically, and therefore, having selected the save location, press the button Save, after which you can find the created file (with the extension reg):

This file will be our insurance in case of unsuccessful registry cleaning, and therefore, having created it, you can safely start cleaning the registry. To do this, in the window that appears, click one of two buttons:

Button To correct allows you to correct errors one by one, thereby viewing the details of errors found in the registry. If you want to understand what specific entries CCleaner deletes and what may cause this error, then use this button.

Button Correct marked allows you to delete all erroneous entries at once with one click, which is of course faster, but will not teach a novice user anything.

After removing all errors, click the button Close:

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in cleaning the registry with this program - everything is quite simple and safe.

But just in case, let's talk about how to return the registry to its original state if suddenly (after some time) you don’t like something about the way your computer works.

Everything here is also quite simple. We find the previously created file with a backup copy of the registry:

We click on this file to run it and agree to make changes to the registry. And in just a couple of seconds we will be informed that changes from our file have been successfully made to the registry:

After such manipulations, your registry will be the same as before CCleaner corrected the errors.

Chapter Service contains some additional features, namely uninstalling programs, managing startup, deleting restore points and wiping the disk:

It's up to you to use these features of this program or not. Personally, I use this section very rarely, because... in my opinion, there are other programs that cope with such functions more effectively. For example, dedicated uninstallers remove programs more efficiently than CCleaner (although CCleaner uninstalls programs better and faster than Windows itself).

Well, if you don’t know how and how to delete restore points or unnecessary programs in startup, then nothing prevents you from sometimes going to the section Service and do it from here.

Well, this is where I will probably end this lesson.

I don’t consider the program settings, because... there is absolutely nothing complicated there and I am sure that you will figure them out on your own.