It is impossible to determine the location of Instagram. Instagram can't find the location. Instagram secrets. Location and geoposition. Adding a point to Instagram

Geolocation on Instagram does not work - a problem that many users of the social network face. Permission to put your own address is an opportunity to tell the audience about the place where the publication was made. This way you can quickly attract clients for your business or let your friends know about your location. For this reason, the lack of an option to identify an address raises many questions. The article explains why the problem occurs and how to fix it.

There are many reasons for this failure. To resolve the issue, you should perform the following manipulations:

  1. Go to insta settings. Here you need to connect the social network with the Foursquare geolocation service. It collects data from numerous sensors on phones with GPS.
  2. The fact of connection to the network is checked.
  3. Application error. You can fix it by standard restarting the application.

If the device does not have GPS and LTE options, the exact location may be determined with an error of 100 km. The address shown is inaccurate if the resource fails. In this situation, you need to reboot. If there is no positive result, reinstallation will help.

Why isn't searching determined?

It is necessary to ensure that the following conditions are met:

  • Installing social networks on a smartphone;
  • Profiles on resources are active;
  • The procedure for linking accounts has been completed.

The creation of a geoposition must be carried out in FB. If Instagram does not search for a location, you need to follow the instructions:

  1. On the main page of the portal, select the Where are you tab.
  2. The line contains the name of the place that will be added to the publication.
  3. For the name, you need to select a category from the proposed list.
  4. The address of the new location is written in the city input column.

After automatic detection, you need to click on the line I’m here. If the location does not appear, you should check the location detection activity in the settings.

I can't add a place on Instagram

If the location service is disabled on the phone, it is logical that the resource does not work and does not find the desired address and writes about it. Activating the location detection feature is easy. Instructions on how to proceed depend on the OS and brand of phone.

On iPhone

If Instagram does not see the geolocation, you can activate it using this method:

  1. The Privacy section on the iPhone opens.
  2. Click the Location Service item.
  3. The position of the sliders next to the list of FB and Instagram applications is checked.
  4. Next to the Insta social network, the lever should be placed opposite the Add to photo card item.

Additionally, you can create a GPS activity. This is a special satellite navigation. It allows you to find the location of the owner of the phone and the owner of the social network account. Using the same scheme, you need to disable the ability to determine the address. A ban can be placed on access resources and on individual utilities.

On Android

Android users who are unable to assign a location will need to follow this procedure:

  1. Goes to settings.
  2. The checkbox is placed in the active position next to the item that shows the GPS address detection tool or network.
  3. After performing such actions, the location is activated in FB and shows this. You can go to Instagram.
  4. In this network, a video or photo is selected.
  5. In the publication details, you need to click on the address identification button.
  6. Next, the name indicated on Facebook is noted. It is displayed in the list of available locations.

After carrying out the manipulations, it is necessary to ensure that the location is confirmed. You can follow the same scheme if you want to provide GPS access to various services and utilities.

Why doesn't Instagram search for geolocation?

There can be many reasons for indicating the exact address under the publication in the application. The reasons for the failure must be found. The sequence of actions depends on this. Among the most popular problems and solutions to them are:

  1. Turn off and on determining the geolocation point under the photo. In half of the situations, this action solves the problem.
  2. Checking whether mobile Internet is enabled. This has a direct impact on the accuracy of the determined address.
  3. You can try to end processes on the social network. You should not minimize, but close Insta, and then start it again.
  4. Rebooting the phone helps. This action will be relevant if the resource fails. You can use a more radical solution - restarting the application itself.

If none of the above actions brings a positive result, you will need to reinstall the social network resource.

When solving problems associated with the inability to establish your own location, you need to check the quality of the Internet. If it is disabled or the user is in an area with low-speed traffic, you should not expect a high quality connection. This is typical for cases when a person takes a photo in the countryside or in nature.

The failure occurs when the energy saving mode is activated. As soon as the owner of the phone activates it, the option that detects geolocation is disabled automatically. If the tips listed above did not bring a positive result, if Instagram does not find the geolocation or searches for a long time, you should reboot your phone.

How to add a geolocation to Instagram if this location is not found?

Automatic location detection is a standard option of the social network. Despite its popularity, users note the lack of the ability to add a place to the social network.

Often the problem manifests itself in the fact that the program does not find the required address. You shouldn’t immediately contact support and say, “I can’t set up the address.” In this case, you can add a geolocation manually. A person, when deciding how to indicate an address, performs the following manipulations:

  1. On the main Facebook page, select the What are you doing option.
  2. On this tab, Where are you is activated.
  3. The location in which the photograph was taken is indicated.
  4. Select the desired category from the list.
  5. The location is indicated.

Instagram may not see address tags for various reasons. After entering a new address manually, it will be saved in memory. The next time you post, the location will appear automatically.

Another fairly common reason is the lack of communication with FB. In this case, you need to check your profile activity on this social network. If available, you need to check the quality of traffic. Having set the required settings, you should restart the phone or reinstall the application.

Summing up

There are many reasons for the inability to add an exact or approximate address for posting a new photo or video. If you follow the recommendations presented in the article, enabling geotagging on the Instagram social network will not be difficult.

It is very convenient when, when posting a photo on Instagram, the user can immediately tell his audience about the place where it was taken. Before updating the application in 2015, the geolocation option was implemented in the application, but after the release of the new version of Insta, the ability to specify a location was removed by the developers. Now, to indicate a place in a photo, you need to have a Facebook account and set the location using the functionality of this particular site. (You can find out from the corresponding article.) The difficulty is not even that users need to make additional “body movements”, but that when trying to specify a location for a publication, many people encounter an error: the application does not automatically determine the location of the object. In this publication, we will look at why it is impossible to upload a place on Instagram and find a solution to this problem.

Why is it impossible to upload a place on Instagram?

The main reason why a location is not added to a photo published on Instagram is that the geotag was created incorrectly. If you are sure that you are doing all the operations to add a location to a publication correctly, but the geotag is not added, then:

  • Go to Insta settings and link this social network with the Foursquare geolocation network. It is she who uses data from numerous sensors in smartphones and determines their location using signals from GPS, cellular and Wi-Fi networks.

  • Check your internet connection. In order to download geotagged content, a fairly high connection speed is required. Exit by switching to 3G networks or just try to log into Insta after a while.

Important! If your smartphone is not equipped with GPS and there is no way to activate LTE, then all data is received via the Internet and cellular communications. In this case, the error in determining the location can be 50-100 km.

There is one more reason: it is quite possible that you have encountered a banal application error. As a rule, the problem with determining the location is solved by rebooting the device, but in some cases you have to reinstall the application and even update the gadget’s operating system.

By the way, about publishing photos. We have one that talks about this in great detail.

Why is location not detected on Instagram?

Often the support team is faced with the problem that the application does not find the location of the object when creating a geotag. The reason for this may be an incorrect sequence of user actions.

To create a place on Insta, several conditions must be met:

  1. The Facebook and Instagram applications are installed on your mobile device.
  2. Active accounts have been created in these applications.
  3. The procedure for linking an Insta profile with a Facebook account has been completed.
  • On the main Facebook page, select the “What do you do?” tab. and the item “Where are you?”;
  • enter the name of the place that will be added to the publication;
  • for the name, select a category from the list provided;
  • In the city name input field, enter the address of your place.

After the location is automatically determined, click on the “I’m here now” button. If automatic detection does not occur, it is quite possible that the geolocation service is disabled on your mobile device.

Why doesn't geolocation work on Instagram?

If the location service on your smartphone is disabled, then it makes perfect sense why the app isn't looking for your location.

You can enable this service on devices running iOS as follows:

  • open the “Privacy” tab;
  • tap on “Location Services”;
  • check that the “sliders” of the Facebook and Instagram applications are turned on;

  • on Insta, turn on the slider next to the “Add to photo card” item.

If you are an Android device user, the “Location” option may be disabled.

  • go to settings;
  • check the box (turn on the slider) opposite the item that determines what to use to determine the location: wireless networks or GPS satellites.

Now that geolocation is enabled and the location has already been created on Facebook, you should finish adding the geotag to the post on Instagram. For this:

  • Log in to Instagram from your mobile device;
  • select the desired photo or video;
  • in the information for publication item, click the location button;
  • Enter the name that was specified when creating the geotag on Facebook. This location should appear in the geolocation list.

The last step is to confirm that the location is added to the post.


In this article, we examined the question of why it is impossible to upload a place to Instagram and suggested ways to solve this problem. As you can see, almost everything can be solved even without contacting support. Follow our recommendations, and you won’t have any difficulties creating a geotag for publishing on Insta.

By adding a location to a photo or video on Instagram, you can immediately tell your followers where it was taken. But sometimes you can’t add space above a post. Why does this happen and what to do? Let me try to help you find a solution to this problem.

1. First, read again. You may be doing something wrong. If this information did not help you, go to the second point.

2. If you can’t add a location to a photo on Instagram, first in the settings link it to a geolocation network called Foursquare. For more details on how to do this, read. The fact is that Instagram “takes” places from Foursquare. If you are not registered there, register. Perhaps you will like this social network too!

3. If your Instagram is connected to Foursquare, then check your connection settings. If you use mobile Internet, then connect to 3G networks, as the application requires a fairly high data transfer speed.

4. If you have done everything, but still cannot add a location to a photo, then most likely you have encountered an application error. Update it, and also check that your mobile device has the latest version of the operating system.

If this doesn’t help, then most likely you will just have to wait for the next Instagram update. Or maybe the error will disappear on its own in a few days.

Almost every person who cannot imagine their own life without social networks once wonders how to add a place to Instagram. This function significantly expands the capabilities of the application, allowing users not only to share the brightest moments of their lives with others, but also helps subscribers experience the same positive emotions that the author of the publication previously experienced.

But sometimes account owners simply do not find a suitable point on the maps, because for some reason it is missing or simply has not been created yet. The only way out of this difficulty is to independently create and enter the required point. True, it is often more difficult to understand this process and create a location than most users would like. Therefore, in order to solve the problem, those wishing to be marked on the map should be patient and allocate a little time to solve the existing problem.

Almost any user who wants to indicate his place on a general map, but does not find a suitable point in the list offered to him, faces difficulties when creating a new point.

This difficulty lies in the absence of an option on Instagram that allows you to add a new location. It was available until 2015, but the innovations and updates introduced then led to the disappearance of such a useful function. Therefore, everyone who decides to check in will have to:

  1. link to a photo network with a Facebook account;
  2. log in to a social network;
  3. create a geolocation there;
  4. return to Instagram;
  5. indicate the necessary information on the published photo.

There is no other, simpler and more convenient way to solve this problem. Therefore, account holders will have to log into Facebook, create new pages and actively use both sites.

Add a place to Instagram

To figure out how to add a location on Instagram that doesn’t exist, you should combine the social network with Facebook. When this is done, you will need:

After this, you can check the result on Facebook by creating a post indicating the new location.

How to add your place on Instagram?

Having done all of the above, it will be much easier to cope with the existing task and indicate the location in the publication.

To enter the desired information into a post, you just need to take a photo and, when you get to the point asking you to describe a future post, you just need to enter the desired name.

Typically, the system independently provides the necessary hint after indicating the first letters of the name of the previously created location. Otherwise, nothing unusual or unusual awaits account holders.

Additionally, it should be noted that the photo network allows registered people to set parameters not only for the published entry, but also to supplement information about photographs and videos posted long ago. At the same time, the process of making such changes does not contain anything complicated and everyone can easily indicate their place.

Possible difficulties and their solutions

The procedure described above is extremely simple and should not cause any great difficulties or questions for those wishing to add a geolocation that does not exist. But sometimes Facebook simply doesn't have the functionality you need, making it impossible to make the necessary changes.

The main reason for this problem is incorrect settings of smartphones and tablets.

To solve the problem, you will need to make changes to the basic parameters of the phone. To do this you will need:

  1. click the settings icon in the smartphone menu (does not depend on the operating system and model);
  2. select the section dedicated to privacy;
  3. switch to geolocation management;
  4. provide the necessary sites, programs and applications with access to the service.

After that, all that remains is to check whether the existing problems have been resolved.

If the problem persists and it is impossible to add a location, you will have to contact photo network support operators for help. They will indicate the exact cause of the difficulties and tell you how to correct the current situation. But it should be remembered that in order to receive full support, it is necessary to be honest and describe the current situation in as much detail as possible.

How to add geolocation to Instagram?

Sometimes, to figure out how to create a location on Instagram, you have to visit a lot of useless sites. But solving such a problem should not cause serious difficulties for users. To cope with the existing task and add a new point to the map, it is enough to combine your Instagram and Facebook accounts, then open a second social network and carry out the necessary manipulations in it to make the necessary changes to the map.

Separately, it is necessary to note the importance of the function for small businesses. Making your own entries can be a unique way for entrepreneurs to tell potential customers about themselves, their services or products. There is practically no better way to advertise yourself in the modern world. After all, almost all people registered in the photo network will instantly find out about a new salon or store. And the businessman will have to not disappoint the expectations of visitors and turn them into regular customers.

Reading time:

Can't add a location to an Instagram post. The problem is noticed if, when publishing a photo, the geotag is not added or is indicated inaccurately. There are several reasons for this:

1. GPS is turned off, the LBS method is used to determine the location. If your phone does not have a GPS module or is turned off, Foursquare will take location data from the Location-based service. In this case, location information is determined via the Internet, Wi-Fi, GSM, UMTS. The radius for determining coordinates can range from 50 meters to 100 kilometers. Solution - turn on GPS. If not, activate WCDMA or LTE. If all else fails, select the location manually.

2. Account suspended from Foursquare. A very rare error that appears if your profile on the Foursquare social network is blocked due to violations of the service rules. This can happen if you publish photos with inappropriate content. The solution is to register on Foursquare using a different email.

3. Check your internet connection. Perhaps the connection speed does not allow you to upload a geotagged photo or the Internet is not active at all. Solution - turn on network access, change the access point, or try logging into Instagram later.