Do not turn off the computer while the update is in progress. The message “Preparing Windows. Don't turn off your computer." hangs constantly. The system does not boot. What to do

Every user of computers and laptops encounters automatic updating of the operating system, because the system itself initially recommends running this process by default. So, we already know that if, when you turn off your computer, the message “Updates are being installed” appears on a blue background and the device does not turn off, you just have to wait and it will automatically turn off. But what if this doesn’t happen, and the laptop or computer is stuck on one update and won’t move on?

What should I do if my computer freezes while installing updates?

Since completely shutting down the computer while installing system updates is not completed can damage system files, your possible options for action may be as follows:

  1. Don't jump to conclusions about restarting your computer. Better wait a little longer. Sometimes the system can continue the started process even after half an hour.
  2. If more than half an hour has passed, listen to the operation of the hard drive. When the laptop or computer is in complete silence, and the hard drive does not show any signs of operation, then it is indeed possible to force it to shut down. To do this, as you know, just hold down the Power button for a few seconds. If you hear that the hard drive continues to work, it is better to wait until it quiets down.
  1. After turning off the laptop, you can remove the battery and disconnect the power cable from the network.
  2. If the laptop or computer does not turn on in normal mode, then it is better to perform a safe boot into Windows, during which the system should be rolled back to an automatically installed restore point.
  3. Try a clean boot of Windows. That is, in the system configuration window (msconfig command), disable startup items and all services not used by Microsoft (click “Do not display Microsoft services” and “Disable all”.
  4. Check your hard drive for errors. If you do not know how to do this, it is better to contact a specialist to carry out such a check and diagnose the device. After all, freezing can be a signal of a lack of RAM or the presence of viruses in the system.
  5. Reinstalling Windows is also an option if your computer freezes while installing updates. This method is more radical and, if you have not done this before, it is better to turn to specialists.

If the actions taken do not produce results, and you decide to contact specialists, as, for example, it was indicated in paragraphs 6 and 7, or if your computer still freezes, the ITKEY service center will be happy to help you and advise you on the further use of the system.
The main thing is not to forget about the above rules, especially the first two. Remember that haste and rash actions are obstacles to the normal operation of the device! Do not create such obstacles, and if they arise, we invite you to eliminate them together with the ITKEY service center!

Now Windows 10 is a new operating system for users. But despite its capabilities, it still needs improvement, like any other system, for convenient use. If errors occur and updates freeze, you should not solve the problems yourself. In order not to aggravate the situation, it is better to use proven methods. Let's look at how to deal with computer freezes during Windows 10 updates.

Why does Windows 10 freeze when downloading updates?

The occurrence of this problem can be due to various reasons:

  • working with various programs that reduce PC performance;
  • a large number of applications running in the background;
  • the update conflicts with the antivirus;
  • lack of free disk space;
  • faulty RAM.

How to fix updates stuck at 32%

Some computers have a very poor Internet connection or poor performance.

Updating on older devices takes a very long time, so users with weak PCs can only wait patiently for the process to complete. The hard drive light will blink to indicate that updates are not yet complete.

Typically, the PC freezes at 32% when you try to update the system using Windows Update.

If Windows update has stopped at 32%, do not rush to interrupt the process - the computer can download the necessary files

The device can slow down for a long time, not reacting to anything and showing no signs of the end of the updates. This error can be easily fixed. You need to download or install old update packages so that the new system can work stably and without problems. You need to run Windows Update diagnostics:

  1. Press Win + R buttons.
  2. Enter the command msdt /id WindowsUpdateDiagnostic in the Run window. Click OK.
  3. Click "Advanced".
  4. Check the “Automatically apply patches” checkbox and select “Run as administrator.”
  5. Click "Next". Once the steps are completed, you can safely upgrade the OS to Windows 10.

When a black screen appears and the mouse pointer has a blue circle, you might think that updates have stopped and the computer has simply frozen. In fact, it downloads dynamic updates for Windows 10.

The reason for the black screen is loading dynamic updates.

The process really seems very slow with little productivity. To speed up loading, check if you have connected any USB devices. Turn them off. Then the PC will work faster.

Reasons why your computer won't update after 99% (also applies to 91%)

After booting to 99%, the computer completely freezes, and the installation can take a long time. This happens because you have downloaded an unwanted program on your PC. The problem will be solved if the user performs a clean boot, which starts the Windows system using minimal sets of drivers and various programs, and thus reduces the chances of conflicts with system software. A clean boot will help get rid of unnecessary applications running in the background, which only slow down the operating system:

  1. Press Win + R keys.
  2. Enter the msconfig command. Click OK.
  3. Open the Services tab.
  4. Check the box "Do not display Microsoft services."
  5. Click on "Disable All".

How to deal with update installation freezes at 71%

The computer stops at 71% of downloading updates due to a large cluster of programs running in the background. You should definitely look at which programs you no longer need and turn them off in the Startup menu:

  1. Go to the Start menu. Enter the msconfig command. Wait for System Configuration to open.
  2. Click the "Open Task Manager" button.
  3. Go to the Startup tab in Task Manager. Right-click on any program and click “Disable”. Click “Apply” and “OK”.
  4. Turn off Task Manager and restart your PC.

Video: how to disable autorun programs in Windows 10

Computer slows down by 75% when updating Windows

If your computer has more than one hard drive, then disconnect everything (including the external hard drive, USB key) except the target hard drive on which Windows 10 will be installed. Very often, when it freezes at 75%, the problem that occurs changes the system locale to English language. And the update is successful only in the non-English version of the OS. You should change the system locale to Russian. To do this, do the following:

  1. Go to the Start menu. Select "Control panel".
  2. Click on the “Clock, Language, and Region” section.
  3. Select "Add a language" under "Language".
  4. Click on "Add a language".
  5. Find the desired language in the list and click on it.
  6. Click on "Options".
  7. Wait for the language availability check to complete.
  8. Click "Download and install language pack".
  9. Wait until the download process completes.
  10. Go to the language settings (the “Options” button).
  11. In the window that opens, click on the “Make this the primary language” button.
  12. Restart your computer after changing the system locale.

Video: how to change the locale in Windows 10

A universal way to fix errors when updates freeze

You should use the Windows Update troubleshooter to help resolve update errors:

  1. Press Win + X and go to Control Panel.
  2. Click on the "Troubleshooting" section.
  3. Under System and Security, click Troubleshoot using Windows Update.

    Click on fix problems using Update Center

  4. Wait while the wizard completes the check and determines whether the error has been resolved.

If none of the above solutions help you fix your Windows 10 upgrade problem, try deleting the Software Distribution folder:

  1. Go to the path “C” - “Windows” - “SoftwareDistribution” - “Download folder” and delete all files from the last folder.
  2. Go to the Start menu and select Command Prompt (Admin).
  3. Type the command exe /update now and press Enter.
  4. Go to Windows Update and check if the error is resolved.

Preparing to install updates freezes

Most often, updates getting stuck is due to a software conflict or a pre-existing issue that simply wasn't discovered until Windows updates started installing. Do the following:

Video: How to enter Safe Mode in Windows 10

Downloading updates freezes

Freezes occur due to a damaged OS distribution that does not have enough space on the hard drive, or due to incorrect settings in the BIOS settings. To correct the settings, do the following:

"Getting Updates" searches endlessly

Sometimes it happens that loading a new version of the OS starts to slow down when updates arrive. This process can search endlessly without producing any results.

The reason for this freeze may be the incorrect operation of the Windows Update Service, because it is this that causes the loading to slow down. To disable it, do the following:

Almost any problem or error related to a computer can be solved nowadays. Developers are always trying to improve the performance of the new operating system for the user, but many problems have to be dealt with alone. The most important thing is to use trusted sources so that the system is updated without problems.

Some Windows 7 users are experiencing problems with the standard Update Center operating system. Windows 7 searches for updates endlessly, cannot download them, and continues to look for others.

A problem like this can cause a lot of trouble. Firstly, the latest patches will not be installed on your computer, which may reduce work efficiency OS. Secondly, while the search is ongoing, CPU and physical memory are heavily loaded. This may not be very noticeable on powerful PCs, but on “weak” ones it is very unpleasant. This article describes what to do if Windows 7 Update can't complete searching for updates.

Setting up automatic search

Firstly, you need to completely disable Windows update, which loads the operating system as it goes on forever. Subsequently, you will be able fix the problem and activate it back, if you want. But even without updates, Windows still works stably. Many users disable them on purpose and do not experience any problems.

You will need to do the following:

This is followed by to restart a computer to stop searching. Now your system will not try to search for new updates. If you need to enable this function, you can do this in the same menu.

Stopping a service

In some cases, the above method may not work. For example, when you try to reboot, the computer will try for a long time to download and install some kind of patch. And after turning it off and on manually, all settings return to their original state. And accordingly, the endless search for Windows 7 updates will begin again. To fix this problem, you need completely disable the service responsible for the work Update Center.

After these steps, the search for updates will be completed. To run it, you must return the service configurations to their original state.

In some cases, stopping the service and starting it again may solve the problem. Try this before resorting to more complex methods if your computer takes a long time to search for new patches.

Correcting errors in system files

Often such problems arise as a result damage to important system files. This may occur as a result system failures, actions of virus programs, incorrect installation of previous updates and so on.

In Windows OS there is special utility, with which you can automatically find and correct such errors. It does not have a GUI, so users need to launch the system command prompt to use it.

This is done as follows:

If you want to copy this line, you must use the context menu by right-clicking inside the window. The Ctrl + V combination in the console does not work.

After that Windows will scan all system files. All detected errors will be corrected. After this, you should restart your computer and start searching for updates again. If the process is still too slow- need to search other ways to solve the problem.

Microsoft has released special update for their operating systems, patching Windows Update, which endlessly searches for updates. Download links are located on the official website of the developer, so you can download the patch without resorting to services Update Center.

  • For owners 32-bit version Windows -
  • For Windows with 64-bit architecture -

You need select the interface language of your OS and click on the red Download button. Then just run the downloaded file, wait for the installation to complete and restart your computer. In most cases, this patch solves all problems that arise.

Updates KB3020369 and KB3172605

If the previous solution did not help, then you should update the seven by installing two more updates, rebooting the computer between their installations. This method was suggested by several of our readers and it really helps.

Microsoft Troubleshooter

Another way to solve the problem is to use the Microsoft Troubleshooting Tool. Its action is somewhat similar to “sfc /scannow”, with the difference that it was created specifically for Update Center and can solve a significantly larger number of problems. Besides, it has a graphical interface, which makes it easier for users unaccustomed to working in the console.

Do the following:

Wait until the operating system scan is completed. If the utility detects any problems, it will report it and automatically apply fixes.

We hope this article helped eliminate the endless search for updates to the seventh version of Windows, significantly speeding up your computer and making it much more stable.

Video on the topic

Despite the popularity of Windows 10, after the release of new system updates, users began to complain en masse that freezing occurs during the upgrade. Typically, the computer stops responding to anything at various stages of the system update. Loading happens quickly, but then the screen freezes - only the update icon continues to spin on the taskbar. Microsoft has acknowledged the problem, but there is still no single way to solve it.

Reasons for Windows 10 update freezing at different stages and how to get out of the situation

It often happens that when preparing for installation, the update stops at certain values: 32, 71, 75, 91, 99%. This usually happens for the following reasons:

  • conflict with antivirus software;
  • the drivers installed on the computer are not updated;
  • operating system build below 100041;
  • There is not enough free space on the hard drive.
Sometimes Windows 10 update freezes due to a conflict with the antivirus or lack of hard drive space

Sometimes the update is so slow that it seems like your computer is frozen. If the hard drive indicator continues to blink, the update process is most likely progressing, just very slowly. Typically, the user feels like “everything is lost” at the following moments:

  • by 32% - as a rule, at the 30–39% stage the system downloads dynamic updates;
  • by 96% - at this time data backups are created;
  • on the message that the update will be ready soon.

Outputs for solving freezing problems

In any case, if you realize that the system is frozen at the update stage and does not respond to any actions, then there are several options for getting out of this situation:

  1. Officially, Microsoft suggests trying to start the PC in safe mode and dumping all the data onto one storage device (one disk).
  2. The company also offers to roll back to the previous version of the OS, but this will only work if less than 10 days have passed since the start of the update.
  3. Update the OS build if its version is lower than 100041.
  4. The update may get stuck due to disconnected connections or failures on the Microsoft server. Sometimes there is simply not enough space on the hard drive to install the update, or the computer is infected with a virus that slows down the system upgrade process. If the update is frozen, you need to restart the computer by turning off the power or using the Reset button, then clean the disk, check the PC for viruses and try installing the update again.
  5. Disconnect all USB devices, additional monitors, and generally any external devices except the keyboard and mouse. Remove third-party antivirus programs and completely clean out the $Windows.~BT folder. It doesn’t hurt to make sure that all drivers installed on your computer have received their update.
  6. You can try returning the Update Center components to their original state. To do this, you need to either run automatic diagnostics of the Update Center and follow the instructions, or restore everything yourself. Detailed instructions are available on the official Microsoft website.
  7. If this does not help, you can perform a clean boot of Windows. It is also advisable to remove programs and applications associated with changing the Windows screensaver, themes and user interface.
  8. If all else fails, you may need to update your BIOS. This is not a very simple procedure and is usually described on the motherboard manufacturer's website.

Video: Windows 10 update stuck at 99%

What to do if downloading Windows 10 updates is stuck

If the system freezes during the initial stages of downloading an update for Windows, running the upgrade troubleshooting utility may help. It can be downloaded from the Microsoft website, and once launched you just need to follow the instructions. Most often, the tool itself eliminates errors.

If the system is stuck downloading updates, running the Windows Update Troubleshooter may help.

You can also manually clear the update cache. To do this you need to do the following:

What to do if Windows update preparation is stuck

If the system freezes at the initial stage of preparation, this is either due to insufficient disk space or a damaged distribution kit, or due to incorrectly set BIOS parameters. If in the first and second case everything is solved quite simply (the distribution kit needs to be downloaded from the official website), then in the latter you should turn off the safe boot mode and, conversely, activate the compatibility mode with other systems.

To do this, you need to enter the BIOS: to enter there immediately after pressing the PC power button, you need to press a key or key combinations depending on the computer model - as a rule, these are Del, F2, F10, Ctrl+Alt+Esc and others (often they are indicated in the very bottom line at the beginning of the launch). In the BIOS, in the top menu, go to the section in problems arising in the “Update Center”.

When the system takes an endless amount of time searching for updates for Windows, it is usually due to problems with the Update Center.

In order not to spend a lot of time correcting errors, you can disable it and thereby eliminate the problem. Here you need to restart the PC, press the Win+R key combination and enter msc in the window that appears. In the window that pops up, find “Update Center”, open this item by double-clicking and select “Disable”. Usually, when you try again, the download of updates starts without problems.

Unfortunately, there are quite a lot of situations where Windows freezes at various stages of updating. Correcting them takes time. The main thing is to find out the cause of the freeze and eliminate it, if possible. If nothing helps, it’s easier to roll back the system to the previous version and wait until Microsoft improves the update mechanism.