YouTube doesn't work for a reason. YouTube does not load in the Yandex browser on a weak computer. If videos load slowly

The Youtube video portal is very popular among Internet users. That is why, when suddenly for some reason the treasured page in the browser stops opening, a slight panic begins: YouTube does not work, the page does not load, does not show the video, etc. How to be? Why doesn't YouTube work? There are several reasons for this, and therefore there are also several solutions to these problems.

On a smartphone

Currently, the most popular operating systems for them are iOS and Android. They are quite different, although common points can be traced. So, for example, due to the low speed of data transfer (or the Internet), YouTube does not work. Yes, and other sites too. Therefore, first, it’s worth checking: do the pages open in principle, is there a data transfer speed at all? If this is the problem, then the solution is simple. You need to turn on mobile Internet or connect via Wi-Fi to a network with sufficient speed.

Cache full

It often happens that frequent use of an application in which the user watches Youtube videos leads to the memory being completely filled. As a result of this, YouTube does not work. The application is simply unable to download anything new, since its memory is already full of information about other videos. Therefore, there is a simple solution: you need to go to the settings of your smartphone and go to the list of available programs. Having found the one in which videos from a popular site are viewed, you need to erase all data and clear the cache. Restarting your smartphone will help restore the application to work smoothly. The method also works on devices running Android and Apple gadgets.

iPad, iPhone, iPod

Sometimes it happens that users of Apple products en masse begin to wonder why YouTube does not work. The answer is most often as simple as possible - something went wrong in the application. The most common reason is such a popular jailbreak, which is so persistently installed by enterprising users. All these tricks “how to deceive the company and use the device at 100%” lead to the fact that the operating system itself begins to slow down and applications become glitchy. YouTube is no exception. If the gadget has the function of hiding some icons on the desktop enabled, then seventy percent out of a hundred it is the popular video hosting service that refuses. All you have to do is check the box next to “enable Youtube” in the settings of the hiding application, and everything will work again. By the way, updates are also needed. So, for example, about two or three times a month the official Youtube application releases them for Apple gadgets. And every time the developers strive to correct their previous mistakes. Therefore, installing updates can be very useful, especially if YouTube keeps crashing or glitching. The same applies to the operating system itself! Updates are needed so that the user can fully enjoy all the delights of his gadget.

On a personal computer

It is much more difficult when YouTube does not work on the computer, since there can be a lot of reasons: from the browser and viruses to various “glitches” and failures. Not to mention very individual characteristics. Therefore, first of all, you need to check the following: if YouTube does not work in Opera, turn on another browser. If everything opens up beautifully in him, then that’s the problem.

How to treat Opera

Most often, YouTube does not work in Opera because the corresponding plugins are not enabled. These are micro-settings that allow you to download this or that information from pages on the Internet. In order to enable plugins, you need to go to the Opera settings, go to the “Advanced” sub-item and check the boxes next to everything that is there. By the way, another popular reason why YouTube does not work in this browser is the outdated version of the latter. It is necessary to update Opera in a timely manner so that it works correctly.

How to treat Mozilla

If YouTube does not work in Mozilla, then in 90% of cases the reason lies in uninstalled plugins. That is, they need not just be turned on, as in the case of Opera, but loaded. This is easy to do, since the “Fire Fox” on the toolbar has already provided the ability for users to set useful and not so useful settings. The plugins you need are those that are related to video. After installation, you need to restart the browser. If YouTube does not work in Mozilla even after this, but shows a black screen instead of a video, it means that you also need to update the flash player. Usually the inscription about this is displayed right in the middle of the page with the video.


Before rushing to search engines with the question: “YouTube doesn’t work! What should I do, where should I click?”, you should try to do one thing. View another video. Sometimes it happens that a very popular video is watched by many users at once, so there is simply no room left for the newcomer! If all the videos load without problems, except for one, you need to wait a little. After a while the video will load.


It is this small and most often hidden from the prying eyes of users file that contains the most basic information about allowed nodes. If you look into it, you can see many different resources, access to which is allowed in any browser on a personal computer. Therefore, if YouTube has refused everywhere and at once, then you need to find the Hosts file in the depths of the system. And, as mentioned above, it is most often hidden.

How to find

You must first give all hidden files and folders an overview. It is disabled by default. It turns on like this:

  • folder "Computer";
  • "Arrange" item;
  • sub-item "Folder Options";
  • "View" tab;
  • "Show all files and folders" checkbox.

After this, everything that was hidden will appear before the user’s eyes. True, hidden files and folders will appear paler than usual. You can find Hosts in the following way:

  • local disk with the operating system (usually drive C by default);
  • Windows folder;
  • Win32 folder;
  • Etc folder

You need to open the "Hosts" file through the "Notepad" application. Everything below "" can be deleted. After this, it is strongly recommended to clean the system using an antivirus, and then reboot. When all the manipulations have been completed, you can try to play the videos on Youtube again.


Spyware attacks, malware and viruses often block the user from everything he uses most often. And sometimes a popular video hosting site is included in this list. Therefore, after editing the “Hosts” file, you definitely need to clean the system. If this no longer helps, and there is no antivirus, then there is one global way - changing the operating system and completely destroying the local disk. In this case, all malware and viruses will “die” along with it.

Let's look at why YouTube gives an error and doesn't work. Find out how to fix website problems.

YouTube is the largest video hosting and the most popular Internet platform for bloggers and viewers. Every day the resource is visited by hundreds of millions of users from all over the world.

Over the 12 years of its existence, the site has grown from a simple source of short videos to a full-fledged platform for the development of creativity.

You can find content for any audience on YouTube.

Also, the site is a cross-platform service. This means that users of computers, smartphones and tablets can work with it in the form of a client program.

Today YouTube has working versions of the software for all existing operating systems.

Causes of errors

Due to testing new features, users often encounter problems with YouTube.

Almost every week information appears on the network about short-term failures and malfunctions in the service.

In 90% of cases they occur on the server side of the site. Developers regularly test new functionality, develop algorithms and test their operation. All this is the main reason for periodic slowdowns of video hosting.

Also, the problem may appear on the user's side.


  • Slow Internet connection;
  • Browser errors. In this case, the site itself will not load;
  • Problems with your account.

Also, bugs may appear in the mobile application for smartphones. Below you will find solutions to all possible video hosting problems.

Error 404 on YouTube

Error 404 is the most common error code that can occur on any website.

The problem appears in three cases:

  • The user provided an incorrect link to the site page;

If your browser has a YouTube cache, instead of the text “Error 404” you will see this page:

  • No response received;

Due to too large a flow of requests, the server may crash.

In this case, the error will appear simultaneously for several users on all devices.

The only thing you can do is wait until the site administrators solve the problem.

As a rule, on YouTube all problems are resolved in a maximum of 15-20 minutes.

  • Software incompatibility.

After automatically updating the mobile OS, the YouTube client application may be incompatible with the system, which is why difficulties arise with loading data.

Video won't play

There are situations when the site loads without problems, but a playback error appears in the video display form.

If your browser uses Flash Player to display media, We recommend updating the service:

  • Go to the official Adobe Flash developer page at;
  • Click on the “Download” field;
  • Wait for the installation file to download and run it.

Wait for the installation to complete and restart your PC.

Try re-launching the video on YouTube.

Everything should work without failures. If the video is not being produced, delete the browser cache using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl - Shift - Del.

The site does not load in all browsers

If you cannot access the site from all browsers installed on your computer, most likely the resource address is included in the list of system restrictions.

This is the result of malware.

To solve the problem, you need to edit the HOSTS file.

Follow the instructions:

  • Open the folder in C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc ;
  • Find the HOSTS file without extension and open it with notepad;
  • Find the last line of the text document. It should be " localhost". If there is other data below this line, it needs to be removed. Next, save the changes and reboot the device. After this, access to YouTube will open.

Problems adding videos to Youtube

Not only viewers of TV channels, but also their creators encounter site bugs.

Recently, there have been a large number of complaints about problems with monetizing videos, filtering comments and views.

There is also a bug in loading videos onto the site.

When you add a file from your computer to YouTube, everything freezes or the download does not finish even after a day.

This problem is described in detail in the site's community rules.

The following are the reasons for slow video loading:

  • Low data transfer speed over the network;

Your ISP can limit traffic.. We recommend testing your download and upload speeds using the online services Speedtest or Multitest.

  • You are adding a video in an invalid format. The service supports a limited number of extensions. When you try to load a format that is not supported, an error occurs or the video continues to be added endlessly. Use MP4, AVI, MOV, MPEG4, WMV, FLV, WEBM, ProRes formats;
  • The maximum video time is 12 hours. YouTube doesn't ignore attempts to add a longer video. If you see entries on the site for 13, 15 hours, this means that they were loaded even before the adoption of the restriction rules.

Please note the video size, it should not be larger than 128 GB. To reduce this indicator, you can use applications for compressing MP4, AVI, FLV and other formats.

The viewed entry has disappeared

Users of the site may encounter problems playing a particular video. At the same time, the video hosting itself will work without failures.


  • The video is blocked at the request of the copyright holder;

If a channel owner has uploaded a video that contains content from other authors, the video will be automatically blocked after a few days.

When you try to open the player, you will see the message “Blocked by copyright holder.”

  • The author of the video has restricted access to the recording.

Channel owners can configure the display mode of previously added videos.

Videos may be added to a private playlist, only accessible through a link, or not playable in a specified list of countries.

In the first two cases, you will not be able to watch the video, but in the second, you can enable VPN.

This way, the contents of the page will become available, because the country of the account will change.

YouTube doesn't work on Android - solution

If the Youtube application stops working on Android, there is a simple and effective way to solve the error. Follow the instructions:

  • Go to your smartphone settings and select “Applications”;
  • In the list, click on the YouTube field;
  • In a new window, you need to delete all the settings that are in the program. Click on the buttons “Erase content”, “Delete default settings”. It is also recommended to uninstall updates.

Then restart the client application. Its old version will be displayed.

You can update it via Google Play as described above.

Bottom line

YouTube is a functional service for watching videos. The site is constantly updated and updated with new features, which may cause users to experience playback errors.

If YouTube stops working on your device, first determine the type of problem: eliminate the possibility of bugs in the browser, clean the HOSTS file, or use a VPN to access videos blocked in your country.

Thematic videos:

YouTube has long become a part of the daily life of any user. But it may happen that it stops working. In this case, it’s worth figuring out exactly why it doesn’t work in order to eliminate it. These could be various blockages, malfunctions of the software or the computer itself, or maybe something more serious. Let's look at all the reasons why YouTube may not work and how to solve them.

Main reasons

YouTube is a huge video resource, the number of users of which has long exceeded tens of millions, and some of them sooner or later encounter various problems. It’s quite difficult to determine what happened to YouTube offhand. The reasons for these malfunctions can be completely different. YouTube for video playback uses a helper module for the Adobe Flash Player browser, if there are any problems with it, the videos may not load.

To access the Internet, all users use different browsers and it may happen that because of it the user will not have access to his favorite resource.

In the modern era of the Internet, you can find a large number of viruses on the Internet that harm your computer and can block various resources, including YouTube.

Users get access to the Internet, which is provided to them by the provider. It happens that for some reason the provider blocks certain resources, which may include YouTube.

As mentioned above, YouTube is a huge resource and has problems from the server sideYouTube extremely unlikely, but they should not be ruled out.

Problems with Flash player

If you can access the YouTube website without any problems, but nothing happens when you open a video, most likely there is a problem with the Flash player. Usually, if there is a problem with Flash, then instead of a video there will be a window notifying about this. But even if there is no notification window, it is still worth updating the Flash player:

  1. Go to
  2. Left in the window select operating system, which is installed and the kernel under which the Flash player is installed, if this did not happen automatically. (If you use Yandex.Browser, select one that has Chromium)
  3. In the window in the middle uncheck two boxes(unless of course you want to install an additional antivirus).
  4. Press the button " Download" in the lower right corner.
  5. After downloading, run and install the file.
  6. To restart a computer.

Browser problems

If the situation has not changed after updating the Flash player, there may be a problem with the browser itself. Every browser has a cache, and from time to time it becomes clogged and prevents stable operation. This may be the reason why YouTube does not work in popular browsers, including Yandex Browser.

Clearing the cache is done in approximately the same way in all browsers, let's look at an example:

  1. Press the button " Clear browsing history»

In modern browsers, users often use various extensions. They may conflict with each other or directly with the content of the YouTube video hosting site. Therefore, they should also be disabled; this can be done as follows.

In the browser Opera follows:

For browser GoogleChrome the procedure is like this:

IN Mozilla Firefox follows:

  1. Next to each extension, click the “Disable” button
  2. Restart the browser.

For Yandex browser follows:

  1. Near each extension, set the slider to “ Turned off»
  2. Restart the browser.

Checking the firewall and antivirus

There are cases when the Windows Firewall, for some reason, blocks access to other resources. To make sure that the problem is in Windows Defender, you should disable it for a while and try to access YouTube. To disable it you need to do the following:

If an antivirus is installed on your computer, it often takes on the “responsibilities” of the standard Windows firewall. An antivirus can also block access to a resource for various reasons. Therefore, in order to finally make sure that it can block access, the antivirus also needs to be disabled. All antiviruses are disabled in a similar way. In the lower right corner of the panel you need find the antivirus icon, by right-clicking on it, select “Exit” or “Disable protection” depending on the installed program. After completing the manipulations, try to access the site.

Checking your computer for viruses

Every computer that is connected to the network is susceptible to virus attacks. Viruses can penetrate a computer, despite the fact that an antivirus is already installed on the PC. Hackers are constantly developing more and more new viruses that can bypass antivirus software. Therefore, there is a possibility that the computer is infected with viruses that block access to the video resource. To check your computer for viruses, you can use already installed software.

If you do not have an antivirus on your PC, you can download Dr.Web CureIt. This utility is a one-time antivirus that, after downloading, starts, scans your computer for viruses using the latest antivirus databases and is removed after scanning, leaving no garbage in the system.

The second step of checking will be the hosts file, which can be found along the path Windows\System32\drivers\etc. Before this, you need to enable the display of hidden files. You need to open the file using Notepad and delete all the text, then restart the computer.

Problems on the provider side

If after all the manipulations done, access to the video service is still not available and Youtube does not work on the computer, you should call your provider and find out if everything is ok on their part. There are times when providers, for their own reasons, add YouTube to the blocked list. By calling technical support and explaining the whole situation, you can get information about the problem.

Problems with YouTube servers

YouTube has powerful servers on which the site is based, but it happens that even they fail. If this happens, then there is nothing to do but wait a little. To find out why YouTube is not working today, you can check the official Twitter or ask your friends if it works for them.

Common mistakes

YouTube's multimillion-dollar audience sometimes encounters various errors. The most common one is “Error 404” when following a link or when playing a video. Below we will discuss the most common errors and ways to solve them.

Error 404

The reasons for the 404 error are varied, but there are not many of them. Let's look at each in order.

The first and most important thing is wrong link. If you go to YouTube via a link from some third-party resource, check whether the link to the video is correct. Check that the URL is spelled correctly in your browser's address bar. If you know the name of the video, you can search on YouTube.

The second reason for this error may lie in direct server side problems, in this case you will need to wait until everything is fixed.

The third reason is software incompatibility with the site. Old and outdated browsers do not support some technologies that modern YouTube uses and thus can cause crashes and 404 errors.

Doesn't show video

Often the problem when a YouTube video does not play is solved by updating the Flash player. How to do this was written above. But users using the Opera browser may encounter incorrect browser settings. In order to check your browser settings you need to simultaneously pressAlt+P On the left side of the screen, select the “Sites” tab and check that all markers are exactly the same as in the screenshot below.

Opera also has a “Turbo” mode, which uses traffic compression, thereby speeding up the opening of pages, but does not affect video playback on YouTube. This mode is suitable for those who have slow Internet; for everyone else it should be disabled. This can be done in the settings, in the “Browser” section.

The site doesn't load

The problem above discussed the situation when the video does not load, but what to do if the site itself does not open?

First, you should check the stability of your Internet connection; to do this, you can go to various resources that measure speed, for example speedtest or 2ip. If the speed exceeds 5 Mb/s, then the site should load without any problems. Maybe something is blocking it; the solutions to this problem were described above.

Video is not added

A fairly common problem for YouTube channel owners is when the video does not load for one reason or another. If an error appears, then you should clarify what video formats the video hosting supports.

Supported formats:MOV,MPEG4,AVI,WMV,MPEGPS,FLV,3GPP,WebM.

But if the video is in a format that YouTube supports, but it still won’t load, you can try this convert to another format There are a lot of video conversion programs on the Internet.

The video has disappeared

It is possible that when you click on a link to a video, you see the picture “Video is blocked” or “Page not found.” This situation may arise if a video is blocked due to the presence of copyright content in it and the lack of copyright to this content. Maybe the owner of the video himself has limited access to the video for one reason or another and it is no longer available to a wide audience. Or the video was deleted altogether.

YouTube doesn't work on phone

Now almost every person has a smartphone. Many people prefer to watch YouTube on their smartphone while on the road to or from work. Watching YouTube on your smartphone helps pass the time in line or on a long trip. But it happens that YouTube stops working on the phone, this may be a consequence of a number of reasons.

Not high quality updates– the first reason why an application may stop working. Developers are human beings and they tend to make mistakes. This may be incorrectly written code or the application’s compatibility with a certain version of Android has not been calculated. Fortunately, such malfunctions are eliminated very quickly.

Crowded application cache– the second reason that may interfere with YouTube. To fix it on your phone, you need to go to “” or “Application Manager” (the names may change, it depends on the device and version of Android).

Find the YouTube application there, select it and click the “Clear cache” button, then restart the device and enjoy watching the video.

You can also watch the video:

Problems with TV operation

Modern TVs with “Smart” technology have free access to the most popular video service. But if for some reason YouTube stops launching or simply disappears from the application bar, you should do the following:

  1. Open app store
  2. Enter YouTube in the search bar
  3. Press the button " Install" or " Update» if YouTube is already installed.
  4. Launch YouTube from the application tray.

Android is one of the most popular mobile OS in the world. In recent years, it has been distinguished by a high level of stability, optimization and functionality. But even the most well-developed product is not able to get rid of glitches. One of these problems is that YouTube does not work on Android. In case of an error, there is no need to panic, reset the settings or run to the service center. The problem can be solved with several simple methods.

You can find out why YouTube does not work for watching videos on a tablet or phone by analyzing the behavior of the system and possible reasons:

  1. Updates are one of the most common ailments. If the utility stops working correctly after downloading changes in the software code, then there is a high probability that the reason lies precisely in them. Sometimes when starting YouTube I get an error. The whole point is that the developers also make inaccuracies. They may not handle compatibility correctly, causing the device to not interact with the utility. The system does not understand how to correctly reproduce information and crashes.
  2. A cache is a database of temporary files that sometimes simply clog up the OS (they must be deleted in a timely manner). It may cause an error when starting YouTube. Any OS interacts with the cache, but if its size becomes too large, then unnecessary files simply interfere with work. The utility is not capable of processing large amounts of information at once (some of it is unnecessary) and generates an error. Also, YouTube can take a lot of effort to read information, while an exact time is allotted for launching (at the end of it, the program closes).
  3. RAM loading - another application prevents the system from functioning stably, taking all resources for itself. Often in this situation we are talking about viruses or other malware.

Spproblem solvers

In such a situation, the main thing is not to panic, running around asking what to do. The problem with YouTube not working is not critical and can be easily solved in a few steps, after which you can safely continue watching videos on your tablet or phone.

Clearing data in the application

If you find a problem, try clearing the cache and removing interfering files that load Google Play services.

  • Go to the system settings menu and find the “Applications” line.
  • Open the full list of all programs by tapping on the “All” inscription at the top of the display.
  • Among the utilities, find YouTube.
  • Click on it.
  • A detailed menu for working with program data will open.
  • Scroll further and find the words “Clear cache” (the procedure is instant, but on weaker devices it can take a long time, especially if a large amount of information has accumulated in the program).
  • Scroll up and tap on the “Erase data” line.
  • Try logging into YouTube; if that doesn’t work, reboot your phone. If not, it's not a cache issue.

Complete reinstallation of the application

If clearing the data does not help, you need to completely uninstall the application and all the latest updates. Process:

  1. Go to "Applications" in the settings section.
  2. Find YouTube.
  3. Click delete.
  4. Restart your phone and download the service again.

In such a situation, all versions of the program that have been updated during use are deleted.

Reset to factory settings

This method will delete all data and programs already downloaded to the smartphone. It is recommended to first create a backup of the system and copy all photos and important files to a separate medium.

Method number 1:

  • Go to Settings and open Backup & Reset.
  • Find the Reset tab. After opening, the built-in service for deleting information will open.
  • After that, the device will reboot, and you will need to log in to your Google account again and download the program to the device (you can use a backup).

Method number 2 - android recovery:

  • Turn off the device and simultaneously press the “Home – Power – Volume up” keys or simply “Power – Volume” (if there is no “Home”).
  • Once the screen is activated, release "Power" but hold the others for another 10-20 seconds.
  • Use the Volume buttons to select “Wipe data/factory reset”, and Power to select.
  • Follow further instructions.

You need to be careful with the Andoird operating system.

Rooted phone

This may be the reason; sometimes changing files leads to failures. Need to reinstall. Remove the application from the Market and download a regular apk file from a third-party (reliable) source (open the settings and in “Security” check “install from other sources”).

Check for updates - they may fix the problem. Another reason is Android itself. Perhaps the developers have released an additional patch to fix the “illnesses” of your version - update the system.

Check the reviews under the program in the Market. If there are many complaints in the comments about a similar situation, then there is only one way out - to wait.


Google is a huge company that, even if it makes mistakes, fixes them quite rarely and quickly. Try to solve the problem using one of the above methods; if it doesn’t work, then the problem is either in the phone itself (failure) or in the developer.


Let's look at why YouTube gives an error and doesn't work. Find out how to fix website problems.

YouTube is the largest video hosting and the most popular Internet platform for bloggers and viewers. Every day the resource is visited by hundreds of millions of users from all over the world.

Over the 12 years of its existence, the site has grown from a simple source of short videos to a full-fledged platform for the development of creativity.

You can find content for any audience on YouTube.

Also, the site is a cross-platform service. This means that computer users can work with it in the form of a client program.

Today YouTube has working versions of the software for all existing operating systems.

Causes of errors

Due to testing new features, users often encounter problems with YouTube.

Almost every week information appears on the network about short-term failures and malfunctions in the service.

In 90% of cases they occur on the server side of the site. Developers regularly test new functionality, develop algorithms and test their operation. All this is the main reason for periodic braking.

Also, the problem may appear on the user's side.


  • Slow Internet connection;
  • Browser errors. In this case, the site itself will not load;
  • Problems with your account.

Also, bugs may appear in the mobile application for smartphones. Below you will find solutions to all possible video hosting problems.

Error 404 on YouTube

Error 404 is the most common error code that can occur on any website.

The problem appears in three cases:

  • The user provided an incorrect link to the site page;

Follow the instructions:

  • Open the folder in C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc ;
  • Find the HOSTS file without extension and open it with notepad;

  • Find the last line of the text document. It should be " localhost". If there is other data below this line, it needs to be removed. Next, save the changes and reboot the device. After this, access to YouTube will open.

Problems adding videos to Youtube

Not only viewers of TV channels, but also their creators encounter site bugs.

Recently, there have been a large number of complaints about problems with monetizing videos, filtering comments and views.

There is also a bug in loading videos onto the site.

When you add a file from your computer to YouTube, everything freezes or the download does not finish even after a day.

This problem is described in detail in the site's community rules.

The following are the reasons for slow video loading:

  • Low data transfer speed over the network;

Your ISP can limit traffic.. We recommend testing your download and upload speeds using the online services Speedtest or Multitest.

  • You are adding a video in an invalid format. The service supports a limited number of extensions. When you try to load a format that is not supported, an error occurs or the video continues to be added endlessly. Use MP4, AVI, MOV, MPEG4, WMV, FLV, WEBM, ProRes formats;
  • The maximum video time is 12 hours. YouTube doesn't ignore attempts to add a longer video. If you see entries on the site for 13, 15 hours, this means that they were loaded even before the adoption of the restriction rules.

Please note the video size, it should not be larger than 128 GB. To reduce this indicator, you can use applications for compressing MP4, AVI, FLV and other formats.