My Kyivstar call history. Add an arbitrary phone number in the personal account of the mobile operator Kyivstar (Ukraine). Call details - description

I am a client of the Ukrainian cellular operator Kyivstar and a user of their web service Like many other operators, Kyivstar offers a web version of your personal account, where you can view your account balance, call details, change the tariff, order or disable a service, etc.
They also recently launched a new version of their personal account It has an interesting feature - adding another Kyivstar phone via SMS verification. I undertook to check it for vulnerabilities, since it actually gave the same access to the added phone as to my own, which did not particularly please me as a client.
The new site has the following interface for adding a phone:

Adding is done in 4 steps:
Entering a phone number

Selecting the option through joining via SMS (sometimes also through a static password, but it doesn’t show up for me)

Enter the received SMS.


These 4 steps translate into a series of POST and GET requests. The last three requests in this series are responsible for adding a number after passing OTP verification.
And I decided to check: what if I repeat these requests without those responsible for SMS verification.
Let's take a closer look at these last 3 queries.
They look like this in the Google Chrome Developer Tool (Shift+Ctrl+I):

Merge.rpc requests are sent to
Contents of the first request:

The request contains the phone number to be added (097...)
Contents of the second request:

The third request to the address is a GET request without parameters, confirming the previous two operations.

Next, I decided to reproduce these 3 requests again, after first deleting the phone number I had just added from my personal account.
I used the Postman application to reproduce it.

As expected, after updating the page, the phone was successfully added to your personal account.

What we have.
We can add any phone number to our personal account without SMS verification and manage it as our own, namely:

  • view balance and call details
  • view the PUK1 code and serial number of the SIM card, which allows you to replace the SIM card yourself
  • add new services and change tariff plan
  • and most importantly - transfer money from phone to phone
You can't think of a better gift for scammers.

As expected, I immediately contacted Kyivstar customer support and asked to provide me with the contacts of the security service or the responsible employee of the development department, so that they could describe in detail the essence of the vulnerability and how to reproduce it. As expected, my request was denied and they suggested that I send a description of the vulnerability either in the chat or through a universal form on the website.
Understanding the possible risks if a detailed description of the vulnerability were available to any customer support employee, I still insisted on my request, but again to no avail. Realizing that there was no other way out, I compiled detailed instructions for reproducing the vulnerability into a Google Docs file, wrapped it in a link through the link tracking service, and sent it to the chat.
As I expected, my application caused a stir and increased interest among the company’s employees, which was reflected in the analytics of the service:

The application was viewed by 22 unique users within 2 days.

Statistics show that the link was viewed from both computers and mobile devices. The geography of views was also not limited to the Kyiv office, the list included Kyiv, Lvov, Dnepropetrovsk, Tbilisi.
Analyzing the statistics, it becomes clear that the existing communication channel with the company is not intended for filing applications of this kind and can lead to information leakage and exploitation by third parties until the vulnerability is closed.

To give credit to the company, the responsible employee contacted me on the second day, thanked me and asked me to remove the link from public access. Over the next few weeks, the vulnerability was closed, and I was contacted again and informed that the application had been completed.

This story reminds us that we need to be more attentive to information security issues in companies of the size of Kyivstar, and create separate communication channels for this, to which only authorized employees will have access. Well, the company’s participation in bug-bounty programs or the creation of its own also has a positive effect on strengthening the security of services.

And a new offer: Person's location on cell phone. Some of them are completely free. All operators are available: MTS, Beeline, Megafon, Tele2, Yota, Motiv and others.

What is call printout?

Call printout or number printout is a detailed list of all subscriber actions performed in a certain period of time. In fact, it is a very important document, because it contains a lot of confidential information of the subscriber. If this is your first time deciding to use a call printing service, then know that call detailing is an identical concept and has absolutely no differences, the only difference being in the name. Remember that SMS Printout is a completely different service that contains message texts.

Take a decryption for any operator:

  • Beeline call printout
  • Call printout Megafon
  • MTS call printout
  • Tele2 call printout
  • Call printout Motive
  • Call printout Yota (Yota, eta)
  • Call printout Kcell (Activ)

What the call printout shows:

The call printout file includes many parameters. Here you will learn about who the subscriber called, the duration of the conversation, the numbers of all subscribers, the date and time of calls, the total number of incoming and outgoing calls, as well as the personal data of the SIM card owner. By ordering such a service from us, you will receive comprehensive information about a person’s actions, which is stored for a long time on the servers of cellular operators.

How to get a call printout for free

So, how can you get a call printout for free? A question with a simple solution for those who want to get a transcript of their phone number. As you know, every mobile operator provides such a service, both through your personal account and via the Internet. To do this, you just need to go to the official page of the cell phone and, with the help of small manipulations, enter your personal account and order call details. All that is required of you is that your cell phone is turned on and can receive SMS messages. Here you can get step-by-step instructions for working with your personal account - MTS, Megafon, Tele2, Beeline, Yota.

How to make a call printout of someone else's number

But there is another question: how can you make a printout of calls from someone else’s number, and even for free? Here everything is a little more complicated. As you understand, you need that person’s cell phone at hand. If there is, great. We go into his personal account and the call details of someone else’s number are in your hands. Via the Internet, the transcript is sent to your email. If you do not have access to the number, then only to order. But we hasten to please you, the cost of the services is small, which means it is affordable to each of you.

Recover deleted calls and SMS

Remember that it doesn’t matter to us whether the owner deletes his calls and SMS from the phone’s memory or not. You will receive complete information, since all correspondence information is stored in full for several years.

Printing other people's calls yourself

Do you have a number that you shared with your husband? Great, then formally you are the owner of this SIM card. It doesn’t matter who uses it, it is important that in the eyes of the operator you are the rightful owner and can always officially request details of calls from “your number”, and in fact, another person. Take advantage of this advice.

How to order a printout of calls?

Use the form to submit an application, and we will immediately begin fulfilling your order by printing the number. You can receive the finished file in just a few hours.

Procedure for cooperation:

As you understand, the order of cooperation requires compliance with certain rules on both sides. Little is required of you: you do not need to disclose to anyone the fact that you have contacted us and pay for the order as soon as it is ready. For our part, we guarantee you absolute confidentiality and the owner of the number will never know that someone is reading other people’s SMS or calls. The number is printed at the software level and does not require any mailings.

We work with all operators not only in Russia (MTS, megafon, beeline, tele2, yota, motive), but also in Ukraine (mts, vodafone, kievstar), Belarus (Velcom, Life), Kazakhstan (tele2, beeline, asset)

Call printout SMS messages Phone control Reviews Questions Support


MTS Beeline Megafon Tele2


Available formats:

It should be noted that detailing calls to MTS, Megafon or Beeline is a service that is most often used not for illegal actions or to obtain information about the subscriber’s personal life. Much more often, call details from Megafon or any other cellular operator are ordered to ensure security, and often to search for missing people


Information from operators

Call printout / Conversation details

Formats are provided as PDF, DOC, XML

Process of receiving RSMS data:

A simplified process for issuing mobile operator reports is shown in the figure. Raw CDR files generated from various network elements within an operator are sent centrally, often called a proxy module, for the prebilling process. The module's premier mediation function for converting and cleaning raw CDRs and putting them into a format acceptable to the billing processor.

In addition to internally generated CDR data, the mobile operator may also be required to obtain CDRs from its business partners (e.g. IDD unilateral/bilateral agreements and content providers), roaming2 partners (data and/or voice), and short message service (SMS) clearing houses. These CDRs, unlike those, are internal and can be routed either to a mediation module for pre-processing or directly to the billing system.

Mobile telephone traffic (outgoing or incoming, and includes a fixed or mobile network) is considered to pass through a key mobile network element known as a mobile switching center (MSC). Since the main task of the MSC is to route calls, raw call CDRs are usually collected, created and maintained within the MSC.

This article highlights some high-risk areas for potential CDR leakage or fraud in postpaid services and explains how potential losses can be identified. An overview of billing processes provides a basis for understanding the main sources of CDR files, which are then identified, and finally four separate control zones designed to resolve leaks resulting from the processing of CDR files that are provided.




We value your time! And we respect the desire to know the truth. That is why the service offers a simple and elegant solution - complete detailing of the activities of any subscriber. Only on the RSMS service you will receive all the necessary information: calls, SMS, incoming and outgoing activity. And we don’t care whose number it is...

How to gain access to other people's calls and correspondence

Current legislation (in general) frowns upon attempts to spy on someone else's personal life. You can easily get it if the number is registered to you. But you are unlikely to succeed - for this you need to wear shoulder straps or have direct access to the archives of the mobile operator.

What to do if the SIM card does not belong to you at all, but you need to get information from it? Firstly, there is no point in contacting mobile operators - you will only waste time there. Of course, you can try, but the operators MTS, Beeline, Megafon and Tele2 will politely show you the door: you will receive details of your calls upon request, even for free, but they won’t let you in on other people’s conversations and SMS..

You can take a risk and turn to detectives and investigators. The sadness of the situation is that officials can gain access to any archives of any operator - but they face unpleasant consequences for this: for disseminating personal information of unauthorized persons, security forces face penalties ranging from deprivation of office to administrative liability. And private detectives are not afraid of anything. For the simple reason that they simply do not have the necessary information. The maximum for which they can be prosecuted is fraud, since extorting money from naive citizens with promises to provide non-existent data does not fit well with the letter of the law.

And then there is us! We don't make big promises or stars from the sky - we do our job. And we do it effectively, as you can see for yourself by reading our grateful clients.

Printing out other people's calls - how does it work?

Let's say you need information about calls and SMS from a specific subscriber. You create a personal account and get our resource at your disposal. Services include:

  • Full details of calls
  • SMS printout
  • Sampling of activity for any specific period
  • All mobile operators: MTS, Beeline, Megafon, Tele2
  • Technical Customer Support

We provide you with access to a colossal amount of data - after which you can track calls of any age. But remember: all information from the RSMS resource is provided for personal use and cannot be used for personal gain or as evidence.

Detailing calls to RSMS - why?

Do you want to find out who the person you are interested in was talking to? Do you want to find out who he called, who called him? This can be seen in detail - it will show all conversations, no matter how they try to hide them from you.

Complete confidentiality

The person you are interested in is unlikely to like persistent attention from anyone. Even if there is no crime in the call log and SMS archive, interference in personal space looks offensive. We have solved this problem - the RSMS service maintains your complete anonymity. And if you yourself, through negligence, do not admit to monitoring calls and messages, no one will ever know about it.

Customer support

After registering with the RSMS service, you get access to all of our tools. All you need to do is know the number of the desired subscriber - our resource will do the rest. You choose the printout format based on the technical characteristics of your device (what is more convenient to read). The intuitive menu is easy to navigate. If any questions still arise, we are at your service.

Fast. Just. Comfortable

Yours on the RSMS service is an isolated zone in which only you exist. The administration cares exclusively about ensuring that the service works without interruptions and provides a stable flow of data about MTS, Beeline, Megafon and Tele2 subscribers. None of the developers know who you are or whose number you are interested in. You have nothing to worry about.

Only with the RSMS service do you receive comprehensive protection against any accusations of surveillance and control. We have helped implement thousands of projects and are working to expand the range of services. Most of our clients chose to remain nameless (and we understand them well), but the bravest ones still left

Modern cellular operators are trying not only to improve the quality of communication and offer profitable tariff plans, but also offer the opportunity to control their personal account, incoming and outgoing calls using the Internet.


  • Go to the official website of the mobile operator Kyivstar - Next, in the lower menu we find the item “My Kyivstar” (for example, in MTS this section of the site is called “Internet Assistant”). The number in the format +380ХХХХХХХХХ is used as a login in the “My Kyivstar” system, and the password is sent immediately after registration.
  • In order to receive a password and become a member of the system, click the “Registration” menu item (this process is individual for each cellular operator). Next, a page will load on which you will be asked to enter your subscriber number and send a request of the form *100*88*the numbers shown in the picture #, after which you will receive a response.
  • Then click on the “Register” button. You should receive an SMS message containing your login and password for authorization in the “My Kyivstar” system. The password is only valid for 2 days, so change it immediately. To do this, log in to the site by entering the sent login and password, go to the “Profile” section, click the “Edit” button and select “Edit password”. Now you are authorized and can view incoming and outgoing calls to your subscriber number.
  • Go to the "Costs" section and select "Calls". You will see a list of calls (date, time, number, duration of the call and its final cost), and at the end of the list the amount of money spent for the month is indicated. The list is generated for the past month, not the current one. Enjoy!
  • Call printout in essence the same as call detailing. Thus, mobile phones involve obtaining data about the owner of the SIM card, numbers of incoming and outgoing calls, the content of SMS texts, date and time of validity, duration and location.
    You can read about the effectiveness of call printouts in the call detailing section.

    For example, even if your other half regularly meets with someone a couple of times a month, and you managed to take a printout of calls without coming to the attention of law enforcement agencies and without becoming a victim of scammers, it is 100% impossible to draw conclusions from it turn out. At most, some unfamiliar number. This is provided that your other half has only a dozen contacts in the phone’s address book, and if there are at least fifty, and it’s signed correctly, there’s zero chance. What if half of them have two phones or agreed in a couple of days? Or maybe I was or was just passing through the indicated place? Maybe they are just friends and periodically drink coffee together (by the way, a real case from practice)? Or maybe your other half doesn’t use a mobile phone in such cases?

    As you can see, it raises more questions than answers that external surveillance using video and photo shooting can give. External surveillance can not only confirm or refute any doubts, but also record them.

    There is also a category of people who type in search engines something like - free or call printouts for free. Comments are unnecessary here; a person who gives a printout of calls is already breaking the law and is subject to certain sanctions. It is unlikely that anyone will risk (job, career, reputation) for free, and regularly.
    There is also a category of scammers who, having taken money or part of it (as an advance), will simply disappear, or the printout of calls will be far from the original. Here it would also be appropriate to recall the legal side of mobile phone printouts.

    Call printout - legal side

    Call printout from the legal side - a violation of Article 31 of the Constitution of Ukraine, which guarantees citizens the secrecy of telephone conversations; Article 163 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, which provides for a maximum sanction in the form of restriction of freedom for up to three years for violating the secrecy of correspondence and telephone conversations; Art. 182 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine for the illegal collection, storage, use or distribution of confidential information - the same maximum sanction.

    Summarize. Call printout by itself will not be able to confirm or refute your guesses. There is also the possibility of falling into the hands of scammers or the attention of law enforcement agencies.

    If you still decide to act in this direction, it may be better not to type in search engines - mts call printout, Kyivstar call printout, and turn to the services of a private detective? Specialists, working in the legal field, having sufficient practice and professionalism, without invading personal life, will be able to 100% confirm or refute your concerns using photo and video recording. And it’s not a fact that it’s more expensive.