Mobile air conditioners. Household air conditioners

Many of our compatriots refuse to use such a benefit of civilization as air conditioning, motivating their decision by lack of space or living conditions that do not correspond to the power of climate control equipment. As an alternative to the “bulky” one, choose a more compact fan. But in vain, because not all modern split systems require a lot of space for installation. This article will talk about really small room air conditioners that will fit perfectly into the interior of the smallest room.

What does the modern climate control market offer?

Today, the smallest air conditioners are some monoblock models, including:

  • Portable units that operate both from household electricity and from a rechargeable battery. This type of equipment is the best choice for small office spaces, summer cottages, etc. Many people take portable air conditioners with them on hikes: they cool the tent perfectly.
  • Window monoblocks. The smallest air conditioners in this line can be mounted even in the vents of a standard window.
  • Mobile or portable air conditioners. These devices are equipped with wheels and can be easily moved from one living space to another.

You should know that a small air conditioner is not necessarily a low-power device. Many typical representatives of this line of climate control equipment can easily compete in performance even with fairly powerful units.

Finding a device and difficulties in choosing it

Most often, a person faces the choice of miniature equipment solely out of necessity. Lack of space and difficulty with installation are the main reasons for purchasing small air conditioners. Below are some practical recommendations for choosing the right product.

  1. Before purchasing, you should decide on the type of air conditioner that will ideally suit your home: a portable unit, a split system or a window monoblock.
  2. Price issue. Japanese manufacturers demand up to 20 thousand rubles for high-quality miniature equipment; European – from 10 to 15 thousand rubles; There are also cheaper models from lesser-known manufacturers. If you have funds of about 20 thousand rubles, then feel free to choose your favorite model from famous Japanese manufacturers. If your funds are less than 10 thousand rubles, then choose a manufacturer from the Middle Kingdom that you trust.
  3. If you want to install a split system, then measure the free space in the room, because the smallest representatives of this line have overall dimensions of 550x250x150 mm. Almost all companies produce split systems with these sizes, so choosing the most suitable device is quite simple.
  4. If there is no free space on the walls, and an air conditioner is simply vital, then you can opt for a miniature window air conditioner. This choice has its advantages and disadvantages. The main advantage of such models is that even if there is no space at all in the room, there is always room for a “window”. The disadvantage is the high noise level, since all devices are located in one module. The best choice for a manufacturer of miniature window monoblocks would be a company from the “Land of the Rising Sun” or Europe.
  5. If you need a small air conditioner for your home, which needs to be periodically moved to different rooms, then the right choice would be to focus on portable devices made in China. At a low cost, you can get a fairly high-quality and functional device, of which there are more than 100 models offered.

Major manufacturers of small air conditioners


The Frigidaire FAX052P7A model is in constant demand among consumers. Manufacturer USA.

With the more than modest dimensions of a small air conditioner (300 x 390 x 300 mm), the device shows excellent cooling capacity - 1.5 kW/h. with an energy efficiency coefficient of 9.7 units. According to the manufacturer, this power is enough to cool a room with an area of ​​45 m2. In addition to good power, this model is equipped with a serious filtration system, 2-speed fan and air flow control.

The only problem with this “baby” is connecting to our power grid. The device is powered by 110 v, which will require our compatriots to complete the device with a special adapter.

South Korea

Without exaggeration, the LG LP6000ER Air Conditioner can be considered one of the smallest models. Manufacturer: South Korea

The remarkable low-profile design and modern “appearance” make it the most attractive of the entire line of miniature climate control equipment. In addition to design, this virtually silent device has excellent cooling capacity (1.8 kW) and good functionality: 3 fan speeds, 3 cooling modes, auto-restart, 4 air flow directions, etc. LG LP6000ER is an excellent air conditioner for a small room.

Small mobile all-in-one unit Hyundai HAP 1-03C-UI001. Manufacturer: South Korea.

The modest dimensions of this model (375x500x285 mm) and average performance (1 kW) make the device almost ideal for a small room. The device is equipped with good functionality (operation in automatic, ventilation, dehumidifying modes). In addition, the device has a timer and 3 fan rotation speeds, which makes it a full-fledged representative of full-fledged climate control equipment.

The selection of miniature climate control equipment in Russian stores is quite extensive. Despite the widest range of air conditioner models with modest dimensions, consult a specialist before purchasing. If the size of the room does not allow you to install any of the models presented above, then turn your attention to ceiling split systems.

Most people think that air conditioners are always large units that require a lot of space. And people decide that it’s easier to get by with a compact fan, which can additionally be moved anywhere. But there are not only large split systems, but also the smallest air conditioners that will fit into any corner of the room.

Let's look at monoblock systems, for example:

  1. Portable. This is a replacement for a portable fan. Portable models can be moved from one room to another. Their advantage is that they work from 7 hours a day from a battery or directly from the network.
  2. Window. Small representatives of this family have long established themselves and are known to everyone. Usually installed in the window opening.
  3. Mobile. These are the same window sizes. When installing a mobile air conditioner, you should lead the pipe with hot air to the street side. Small mobile air conditioners (in more than 90% of models) are equipped with wheels, which justifies the name of the type.

It’s worth paying attention to mobile models. The reason is a huge number of advantages: relative energy savings, easy to install in any room, no preliminary preparation (installation of brackets), convenient to move. All this for the same price as regular air conditioners.

Difficulties in searching and choosing

Most often, the need for a compact air conditioner comes when you really want not only fresh air at the desired temperature, but also want to decorate your home. Old models are not at all suitable for this purpose. Huge, quickly dirty and difficult to install air conditioners will only spoil the appearance. And sometimes there is simply not enough space for them.

Small split systems are gaining popularity these days. The width of the smallest wall-mounted models starts from 550 mm, thickness from 150 mm, and height from 250 mm. Almost every famous manufacturer has its representatives in the compact world of air conditioners. There are no particular differences, so choose the company whose reliability you are more accustomed to trusting.

Before buying, you should decide on the main questions:

  • Available capital;
  • The main purpose of the air conditioner;
  • The importance of the brand.

Direct selection

If you do not have funds of more than 10,000 rubles, then you can buy an air conditioner, but you should not chase a famous brand. In this price range the choice is quite small. The bulk of small mobile models cost from 10 thousand rubles. up to 20 thousand rubles.

Having decided on the price range, we move on to the purpose. If you want to have a portable air conditioner, then pay attention to portable compact models. For example, there are situations when it is necessary to maintain a certain temperature in a small room and an air conditioner is required for a small room. Putting a bulky air conditioner there is wasteful and stupid. Portable devices are often installed in a car or in a camping tent.

After purchase, window and wall air conditioners are installed in a certain place and are not moved anywhere else. The equipment requires an additional fixation on the wall - a bracket. First, the retaining structure is installed. If the air conditioner is wall-mounted, then the structure must hold one part of the split system inside the ventilated room, the other part is held by an external structure, which is located on the facade of the building. This type of split system is recommended to be installed only in places of permanent residence. There are enough design options, so choosing one to match the overall style of the room will not be difficult.

If there is not enough money to install an air conditioner both in a city apartment and in a country house, then mobile compact air conditioners remain the last choice.

The main manufacturers of small air conditioners and their distinctive features

Classic solution

The very first split systems were window ones. This option has always been and is the best in terms of convenience and ease of installation. Almost all windows are compatible in size with window air conditioners. In rare cases it is necessary to replace the frame. Therefore, it is better to choose an air conditioner for the frame than to then select a frame for the air conditioner.

The classic option is to install the device on a windowsill. This ensures the security and stability of the system. The smaller part of the system goes inside the room, while the larger part goes outside. In this case, the dimensions of the air conditioner play a very important role. If they are too large, there will be a problem with sunlight penetration. So the best choice would be a small and compact climate system.

Don’t forget about the corner top windows, in the opening of which you can install an air conditioner. This option is well suited for those who have children or pets. Keeping them out of reach will keep your small window air conditioner in working condition for a long time. It is advisable to select models that are controlled remotely using a remote control.


There are so-called “cassette players”. There are not many models of this type. The only advantage of such split systems is that they do not require a large ceiling space.

LG electronic products have always been and will be popular. Air conditioners from this company come in all types. One of them is a channel split that has not yet been considered. Its peculiarity is that the higher the indoor unit, the lower the suspended ceiling should be installed. One of the additional advantages of LG is that design is as important to them as functionality. Huge selection of colors, shapes, etc.

Do not forget the fact that power, noise and size indicators are related. The more powerful the split system, the larger it is in size and, accordingly, the higher the noise level. Therefore, small air conditioners are quieter, which is reflected in the smaller size of the room they are able to ventilate.

Some models are equipped with a slip mod function and a timer. When purchasing such air conditioners, carefully read the additional functions. You shouldn't buy a split system stuffed with electronics if you don't need it. It will cost a pretty penny.


If you are planning to buy an air conditioner, then prepare in advance before going to the store. The modern choice is very rich and varied. Installing an air conditioner in a window is not difficult, but choosing one is not easy. Without deciding on the main characteristics at home, in the store your eyes will run wide, and consultants will offer the most expensive options.

First of all, the air conditioner is designed to ventilate the room, so there is no need to chase design. It happens that they buy something that is beautiful and cheap and fits into the interior, but after a couple of weeks it ends up in the trash.

A mini-air conditioner in the summer is an affordable solution if you have a limited budget or the impossibility of installing a conventional split system at home - a rented apartment, where the owners do not allow holes to be made in the wall for communications. The obstacle is the old wiring in the house, which can hardly support the most necessary electrical appliances, not to mention a powerful air conditioner. To avoid a fire, you must first carry out repairs and replace the electrical wiring, and then acquire stationary wall devices.

Advantages of small air conditioners

A desktop air conditioner creates a comfortable climate within a radius of 2-3 meters

Compact climate systems have a number of advantages. They can be selected according to the type of design - window, tabletop, floor. The power is lower than that of wall-mounted household air conditioners, but there is still less risk of getting sick, since the airflow is not as intense.

Positive aspects of mini-systems:

  • Does not require installation. In the summer, queues form at the teams that install stationary models. You can connect a compact air conditioner yourself and not wait for the technicians to come.
  • Safety - the device is made of environmentally friendly materials, and coolant circulates in the circuit, which does not affect health and well-being.
  • Reliability. Depends on the price of the device, but if you wish, you can purchase a high-quality device and use it for a long time.
  • In the summer, you can take the air conditioner to your dacha, and in the fall, transport it to your apartment and use it for heating, because mini systems, unlike wall-mounted split systems, can be turned on at sub-zero temperatures. The models do not have an external unit - the entire air conditioner is located in the room.
  • Wide selection of units: selected according to functions - basic and additional, noise level, power, type of design and control, design qualities.
  • The size is selected depending on the area of ​​the room, but can be moved or transported from one room to another.
  • Some models work both from a power outlet and from a battery, which allows you to take them with you in the car or into nature.

There are also disadvantages, but they depend more on the configuration of a particular model:

  • makes loud noise;
  • short corrugation for displaying out the window;
  • the short power cord does not reach the outlet;
  • no wheels for moving on the floor - for floor-standing models;
  • low-power.

In order for the device to meet the needs, it must be correctly selected according to technical indicators and type of design.

Types of compact climate control devices

Floor-standing models bring warm air outside using corrugation

Depending on the installation possibilities, choose:

  • Window models in which half of the device is located outdoors, half indoors. Such air conditioners are installed in a window or a specially made opening in the wall according to the size of the device to ensure tightness.
  • Floor-standing. Made in the form of a monoblock. There is a corrugation for removing warm air outside; it is moved from room to room using wheels.
  • Tabletop. The smallest devices. The dimensions of the air conditioner are from 25 – 30 cm in width and depth.

There are flat mini-models that take up little space but operate with high performance - up to 1.5 kW, which is comparable to low-power wall-mounted split systems. The narrow air conditioner can be hung on the wall.

The smallest device was invented in the USA for prison inmates whose lives were valuable to the justice system. They were inserted into the window opening and created comfortable conditions in a cell with an area of ​​10 square meters. m. Dimensions of the device – 18x18x30 cm.

New air conditioners for small rooms have the following set of functions:

  • three-stage fan;
  • on timers;
  • adjustment of cold air flows;
  • possibility of remote control;
  • possibility of ventilation;
  • air drying function;
  • heating and cooling;
  • air purification using a filter system.

The main manufacturers of miniature models are the USA, South Korea, Japan, Russia.

Window mini air conditioners

Window mini air conditioner does not shade the room

The design type is a monoblock, one part of which is located indoors. When installed in a window opening, it makes quite a lot of noise because the glass begins to vibrate during operation. Larger units limit the amount of light entering the room. If the house has metal-plastic windows, then installing such a mini device in the window will not work - you need to break through the wall.

Among the positive aspects of the work:

  • ease of maintenance, since it is easier to reach the device in the window than the external unit of the split system located on the wall of the house;
  • performs two functions simultaneously - cooling and heating, turns on at any time of the year, even at sub-zero temperatures;
  • with a high degree of cooling, it consumes little electricity, especially a class A air conditioner.

The price of the device will depend on its power and set of functions, as well as on the manufacturer’s brand. If you have a limited budget, you will have to buy a Chinese air conditioner, the service life of which is difficult to predict, since only the manufacturers know the service life of the internal parts.

Mobile air conditioner

If noise during operation is an important indicator, then you should not choose such a model, since a mobile air conditioner for a small room will work loudly. The noisiest part - the compressor - is located in the room, and the device itself is made in the form of a monoblock.

For effective cooling, it is necessary to provide an outlet hole in the wall or window for the corrugation. Many people, when buying a mobile mini system, simply open the window slightly and throw the corrugated hose outside, but with this approach, warm air enters the room and reduces the efficiency of the air conditioner.

In modern models of indoor mobile devices, condensate is discharged outside in the form of steam. This is a convenient new product, since in older models you had to periodically pour out the accumulated liquid manually.

Split system

Compact split systems with a small indoor unit are included in a separate category. The external unit is installed outdoors, the internal unit - in the room. Can be used in rooms of 20-30 m2. As a rule, the smaller the body, the lower the power. The set of functions is the same as for conventional installations. Producing countries: Japan, Switzerland, China, Korea.

How to make a mini air conditioner with your own hands

A mini device made by yourself costs a penny. The components can be purchased at any supermarket, and the benefits and energy savings are significant. Mini air conditioners are adapted for cars - they work from the cigarette lighter and cope well with the task: to cool the interior of the car.

Homemade cooling device - the most economical option

What is needed to produce a small homemade mini air conditioner:

  • 2 plastic coolers – maybe computer coolers;
  • plastic container with a volume of 6 - 8 liters;
  • tubes for air exhaust - you can use them from the plumbing department, but not straight, but curved at right or obtuse angles - you will need 2 pieces;
  • 12 W power supply;
  • plastic containers of 0.5 l 3 – 4 pcs.

Tools for work:

  • glue – silicone and “Moment”;
  • insulating tape.

Stages of work:

  1. Connect the coolers to the power supply. If everything is done correctly, when plugged into a power outlet, they will begin to spin.
  2. Cut a hole with a knife in the lid of the plastic container to the size of the cooler, secure with small screws and seal with silicone glue so that air does not escape outside. If 2 fans are used, one is superimposed on the second and secured with screws. It’s easier to install a powerful unit, the cooling will be stronger.
  3. A hole is made on the side of the plastic container for the outlet tube. One end of the tube is inserted into the hole and secured with sealant. The second end goes up.
  4. The second pipe is placed on the first without fixing it with glue, in order to be able to direct the air flow in the desired direction. Put on the cover with the coolers, plug it into the outlet and check to see if air is coming out and if there are any leaks. If there is, fill it with silicone.
  5. Freeze half a liter of ice in plastic pieces, remove them from the freezer and place them in a plastic container. You can include a mini model.

Ice melts in about an hour and a half, so the blanks need to be changed periodically. But it will take little time and money to create an air conditioner. If you do not change the ice, the air will be less cold - you will get something like a fan. Creating a more complex model of a home invention will require more time and knowledge.

Quite often, the modern user is faced with the problem of an insufficiently comfortable microclimate in the premises; installing a conventional air conditioner is impossible. It is for such cases that a mobile air conditioner was invented.

Design features of portable air conditioners

Almost all mobile air conditioners are similar in design. This is a compact monoblock in which the entire mechanism is housed, the only difference is in the design. The device is equipped with an air exhaust pipe that must be vented outside. Despite the fact that the air conditioner is called mobile, moving it from place to place is not always easy. The fact is that the minimum weight of such devices is 35-40 kg. The more powerful the device, the heavier and bulkier it will be. An easy-to-move version of this type of equipment is medium-sized floor-mounted mobile air conditioners equipped with wheels.

How to choose a portable home air conditioner

In order to buy a portable air conditioner correctly and without risk, you should think through some nuances in advance. This:

  • Power
  • Functional ability requirements
  • Brand
  • Air conditioning regulation and control system
  • Should there be air conditioning with or without heating?

It is also important for residents of the capital that the air conditioner chosen for their apartment can be found in Moscow. In order for you to be able to buy a mobile air conditioner “correctly”, you should pay attention to one more subtlety. Contact only those retailers who are official representatives of the air conditioner manufacturer or specialized services.

In such places, mobile air conditioners, the price of which is very affordable, can be purchased without doubt about their quality. So, you have decided that it is worth finding a floor standing air conditioner, buying it and using it for the benefit of your home. Try to rely on the authority of the manufacturer and technical indicators, because price tags are a very unreliable indicator in this regard.

A little about the operation of a portable air conditioner.

All mobile air conditioners have an air vent - hoses for exhaust and air recirculation. These two tubes are connected to the window frame or the entrance to the balcony. It is worth understanding that they should not be pinched, broken or damaged. Otherwise, it will harm the air conditioner and will not bring the expected effect from the system. The air supply path is equipped with a filter that must be cleaned or changed regularly (depending on the operating recommendations for your unit).

Mobile air conditioner: leading manufacturers

  • Electrolux is a Swedish manufacturer with a worldwide reputation
  • Ballu is an equally famous and proven Chinese brand
  • Honeywell and Carrier are American brands with many years of experience
  • Hyundai is a Korean brand known all over the world.

These and less famous manufacturers are represented in the website's product catalog with a wide range. Our company makes it possible to purchase the necessary goods without leaving home. You will be pleased with the price, the possibility of purchasing equipment on credit and delivery of the air conditioner with installation and configuration. Delivery is made not only in Moscow, but also to the most remote corners of Russia.

Portable air conditioner price

The cost of devices varies from 11 to 400 thousand rubles, which will allow everyone to choose an inexpensive and flagship option - according to their budget. Mobile air conditioners in Moscow are an ideal option for providing specific temperature conditions in a small room.

The modern market for household air conditioning systems is largely represented by split systems. They are convenient, efficient, and quiet. One problem is that the installation is only stationary, and although transfer is possible, it can only be done by qualified specialists and for a considerable fee, which can become completely indecent in the event of a refrigerant leak or the need to lengthen the route.

A worthy alternative is mobile air conditioners. They are easy to install (can be easily done independently), move without problems on the floor on built-in wheels, and can be transported in a car to the current location (whether to a dacha, or to a camp site).

We have selected the best representatives of this “breed” for you in today’s rating of mobile air conditioners. The rating includes floor-mounted mobile air conditioners, which are the most popular among buyers of Russian online stores. When determining the leaders, we used sales data and customer reviews from major online resources.

What kind of “beast” is this mobile air conditioner?

This is a universal monoblock, not strictly tied to one point. The operating principle is reminiscent of everyone’s favorite No Frost system in household refrigerators. Only the compressor is much more powerful and the cooled air does not enter hermetically sealed small cabinets, but directly into the room, and even with temperature, strength and direction of flow adjusted.

Another feature: the heat from the “back wall” should not dissipate into the surrounding space, therefore it is forcibly removed to the street through a window or wall, for which all mobile air conditioners are equipped with special sliding plastic pipes. The only way. Otherwise, efficiency is zero, and energy costs will simply go down the drain (not a corrugated one).

The condensate evaporates and is removed outside automatically along with heated air (depending on the model) or collected in a special container for subsequent drainage. Alternatively, use a drainage hose to continuously remove moisture.

A small clarification: do not confuse mobile air conditioners with air conditioning humidifiers, which are ineffective in terms of actual cooling (without hoses, but also without a compressor), operating on the principle of air washers.

Which brand of mobile air conditioners is better?

It is traditionally believed that the best air conditioners are Japanese. And it is true. But you shouldn’t look for “Japanese” among mobile air conditioners - such models are rare. Among floor-standing mobile air conditioners, the undoubted leader in our market is Electrolux. They supply us with the widest range of models, and Electrolux products rarely cause problems for owners. Electrolux air conditioners are equipped with a large number of different additional functions and modes.

Other popular brands of mobile air conditioners:

  • Zanussi;
  • Aeronik;
  • Royal Clima;
  • Ballu;
  • General Climate.