Password managers for Windows in Russian. Free password manager. Where to store passwords. LastPass Review

Considering the current specifics of the Internet, even the most unpretentious users are forced to use one or another program to store passwords.

Even with a very limited number of sites visited, for almost every person who actively uses the capabilities of the World Wide Web, there are several dozen accounts on various resources.

Remembering such a large number of passwords is almost impossible.

For many people, such a loss can cause serious harm in the form of leakage of personal correspondence or loss of access to an electronic wallet.

Therefore, a reliable program that stores all passwords in one place and at the same time protects them using an encryption algorithm is an essential tool on a computer.

However, there are dozens of products in this field that have different reputations and technical features, and choosing the right one among them is not easy.

This task becomes especially difficult for inexperienced users who have little idea of ​​what encryption methods, a trusted connection, dictionary search, etc. are.

This review is aimed at them, but those who consider themselves savvy in matters of Internet technology can also find a lot of useful information in it.

No. 1. KeePass – OpenSource with a human face

Its main advantage is a free license, which allows you to use all the functions of the software for free.

Despite its spartan interface, this software has extensive capabilities that are quite conveniently organized, which is not typical for OpenSource software.

It's easy to start using KeePass; you just need to follow a few simple steps:

  • After installing the distribution, for further convenience, you can organize work with the software in Russian.
    To do this, you need to download the localization file from the appropriate section of the official website and place it in the directory with the program files. Then select the View-Change Language function and select the required item.

Advice! At the moment, two program branches are supported, versions 1.XX and 2.XX, and the second is backward compatible with the first. We recommend choosing version 2, as it has an improved encryption system and advanced data export capabilities.

  • Next, you need to create a new password database. To do this, use the File-New command on the toolbar. Here we enter the created master password and remember it, since it will be required each time you launch KeePass.
    Also in this window you can select additional protection measures such as Key File or Windows Account.

  • The KeePass operating interface is quite intuitive. You can create a new entry using the key icon with a green arrow on the toolbar or using Edit-Create Entry. The new entry menu looks like this:

Advice! KeePass supports an auto-dial feature, which can be activated using the hotkey Ctrl + Alt + A . When you click this combination, the account login fields will be filled in automatically. You can configure this function correctly in the menu of each entry by going to the Autodial tab.

  • By selecting the Service-Settings function, you can customize the software for yourself. All options are described quite carefully and clearly, so if you do not take into account the complex technical issues associated with the encryption procedure, then everyone can figure it out.

Many network security experts believe that the best software is open source, and the author of this review fully shares this opinion.

But for the sake of objectivity, you should consider other options for such specific software, since some options can also be a good solution.

No. 2. LastPass – modern design and usability

The LastPass developers took a rather original approach to solving the issue of porting to various systems: the main product is distributed in the form of a browser add-on, which can be downloaded from the application store or from the official website.

There is a free version, but it has significant limitations, in particular, it does not support synchronization across multiple devices.

To get started, you need to create a LastPass account, which will be the basis for protecting your password database.

The main advantage of this product is its visual appeal and a fairly well-thought-out interface that captivates many users.

After installing the add-on and registering your account, you must enter your username and password in the appropriate field.

You can manage your passwords both through the web interface and through the add-on menu. This article will consider the second option, as the most popular.

Working with passwords through this manager is very convenient: when entering data in the appropriate authorization fields, the user will be prompted to make an entry in the database.

Also, special buttons will be attached to the login and password fields, giving access to some functions.

Advice! Despite the fact that there is a version in Russian, the quality of the translation leaves much to be desired. Some menu items are not translated accurately, and some are only written in English. Therefore, if you want to fully understand the functionality of the program, at least a superficial knowledge of the English language will be very useful.

Other features of the LastPass plugin include the ability to create secure notes, templates for new entries, and generate customized passwords.

These functions may seem quite useful to some, but, in the opinion of the author of the article, they are added only to create the effect of a wide variety of tools.

The program settings, as in the previous case, are quite clear. But most of them in LastPass are related to usability and interface improvements.

These features are the main reason for the popularity of this application.

It should be mentioned that in 2015, LastPass servers were hacked, resulting in hundreds of thousands of accounts falling into the hands of attackers.

However, this incident only caused reputational losses to the developers, since the user agreement states that the company does not bear any responsibility for the data provided to them.

Therefore, if you decide to give preference to this password manager, be sure to analyze other similar products that may turn out to be at least as good.

No. 3. Dashlane - a feature-rich commerce solution

A special feature of this password manager is its focus on organizing secure online payments.

The basic version can be downloaded for free on the official website, but just like LastPass, it has significant limitations.

A commercial subscription costs $40 per year, which may be too high for many users.

Cross-platform functionality has also been quite successfully implemented, allowing you to import this storage for Android, Windows, iOS and Mac.

The approach to working with Dashlane is unique: the software is a comprehensive solution consisting of a desktop client and an add-on for any of the popular browsers.

But often both of these components copy the functionality of each other, and only the version on the computer has some advanced features.

The working area of ​​the main program is organized quite standardly: a top toolbar, a sidebar with the most necessary functions, and a workspace that occupies most of the window.

Advice! There is no Russian localization, so if you are not comfortable with the most popular languages, such as English, German or Spanish, then Dashlane will not suit you.

The best place to start is by exporting passwords from previously used managers.

The program has extensive capabilities that allow you to move records from many different clients, including KeePass and LastPass, without loss, for which you need to use the File-Import Passwords function.

To create new entries, you must use the Password functions in the sidebar, after which they will be displayed in the Security Dashboard.

Settings (accessed via Tools-Preferences) allow you to organize the synchronization procedure, change the master password and slightly adjust usability and security features - nothing unusual.

The browser add-on serves only as a kind of remote control and gives access to basic functions, such as generating passwords, viewing and using entries, as well as the most necessary settings.

In general, this product is very similar to LastPass: behind the beautiful cover there is a lot of tinsel and a lack of necessary functions.

Moreover, all this is complemented by a paid subscription, which must be renewed annually.

There are other solutions in this area, such as StickyPassword, Roboform, Password, but they are noticeably inferior to the products described in this article.

At the same time, KeePass remains the only cross-platform OpenSource solution, the reliability of which can be checked by everyone.

Video materials:

Password manager KeePass Password Safe (program review)

Review and use of the free and convenient password manager KeePass Password Safe in a portable version.

Where to store passwords. LastPass Review

Where to store passwords? This question is no longer relevant for me, since I store my passwords in the LatPass storage.

One of the common features of modern operating systems and user applications is the ability to save credentials for accessing certain resources. Thus, when accessing such a resource again, the user is required to re-enter the account name and password. Naturally, this function is not very good from a security point of view, but from a user point of view it is very convenient. Therefore, the most common opinion is that it is better not to save passwords for security-critical resources, financial systems and systems with personal data, etc.

In the event that you still want to store credentials for accessing network resources on the local network, be aware that in Windows 7 there is a special manager Credential Manager. This manager allows you to store authorization data for accessing servers, network folders and drives, websites, etc. This password manager also stores user passwords when they are saved by the command

In Windows 7, to get acquainted with the list of users for whom the system already stores names and passwords, you need to open: Control Panel >All Control Panel Items > Credential Manager.

You will see a list of network resources for which access data is stored on your system.

Each of the stored records can be expanded and viewed in detail.

From here you can change your username/password.

Or delete the saved information.

The password manager also allows you to backup and restore saved credentials (buttons Back up Vault And Restore Vault).

If access to the password manager is denied (this can be done by an administrator through Group Policy), Credential Manager can be opened from the command line (works in both Windows XP and Windows 7).

To do this, on the command line type:

Rundll32.exe keymgr.dll, KRShowKeyMgr

In the Stored User Names and Passwords window that appears, you can perform the same procedures for managing stored passwords.

When a person uses the Internet, over time, accounts appear on social networks, registrations on forums, online stores, and online banks. Along with them, the number of accounts on different resources increases in order to remember all the passwords and a password manager was invented. The simplest version of this program is the “notepad” program, some place it in an archive with a password, so the text file with passwords is relatively safe, but the archive is quite easy to hack, and the text file will not be difficult to read, and if it contains passwords for online banking? To reliably store passwords from prying eyes, specialized password managers have been developed.

They all work according to a similar algorithm, there is a database in which passwords are stored, most often in hashed form, and a shell is connected to the database in the form of a convenient interface, such an algorithm can be organized locally, that is, on one computer, or over a network, the database is located on the server, and the user connects through a web form or a client program installed on the computer.

Password manager for computer

Consider the password manager “KeePass”. This manager is the so-called “open source”, that is, open source, and free. Since the source code is open, anyone can participate in its modification and testing, including its resistance to hacking. Thanks to this, “KeePass” has gained great popularity among users.

The program is installed on a computer running Windows XP-10, Linux-like OS (Debian/Ubuntu and similar), Mac OS X, Android (there are portable versions for Windows).

After installation, download the Russian language localization, copy it to the program folder and launch “KeePass”. In the program, select “view-change laguage”,

Choose Russian language

Then “file-new...” in the window that appears, write the name of the password storage and the path in which it will be created. Then the wizard for creating a password vault will appear, in it we select the encryption type and additional settings, enter the password to access the vault and click done.

After the above steps, in the groups located on the left side of the program window, select the group and in the main window click on the “add entry” button.

In the window that appears, enter your login - password that needs to be saved, the site and the comment are filled in as necessary. The advantages of this program also include a large number of plugins and extensions.

Download KeepPass—

This manager only works online; there is an extension for major browsers - Opera, Firefox, Safari, Chrome, IE. There are also clients for mobile platforms - iPhone, iPad, Android, Symbian OS, BlackBerry. It is possible to install the client on Windows, load the database through it and work offline, but synchronization with the cloud database must still occur; this main feature is to organize access to personal passwords from anywhere there is an Internet connection.

The resource has both a paid subscription and the possibility of free use with some non-critical restrictions, the interface is very friendly, registration on the developer’s website is required to work, then the wizard will guide you through the main stages of creating a password database.

Download LastPass—

Corporate password manager. A database is created on a separate PC (server) and server software is installed for remote connection of clients. Clients using client software or a browser can log into pre-created accounts and work with them; in essence, this is a password manager, chat, and corporate email. For a business where security is more important than ever, this is a good solution to the task.

Download Passwork—

For security purposes, it is recommended to come up with an original password for each new registration, because otherwise an attacker, having gained illegal access to one account, will be able to easily hack others. It’s difficult to remember a lot of different logins and passwords, and writing them down in a notepad is unsafe, so the best option to relieve memory is to use special programs for storing passwords. It is enough to remember just one master password to gain access to all the others.

Price: Free

LastPass is a well-known cloud service for storing passwords, developed by the company of the same name and available on computer operating systems Linux, Windows, OS X, in the Google Play, AppStore, Store application stores, as well as in the form of plugins for major browsers, for example, Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome . This program not only remembers identification data, but also manages it: helps the owner generate a new password, changes data if it notices a hacking attempt, analyzes the complexity and strength of passwords, and makes sure that passwords from two different accounts are not the same.

Key Benefits LastPass:

LastPass is considered a free password storage program, however, to use the mobile version you need to purchase a premium account.


Price: Free +

Users 1 Password note as important advantages of the program the ease of use, as well as a very friendly and pleasant interface. However, these are the advantages of a program for remembering passwords entered on a computer: 1 Password are not exhausted - there are others:

  • Cross-platform. The program works on Windows, Mac OS, Android, iOS, and is also built into the most popular browsers like Opera and Firefox. However, such broad integration is more the norm for password managers than a distinctive feature.
  • Synchronization. Through Dropbox And iCloud You can open access to your password storage to unauthorized users.
  • Reliability. The database is protected by the AES-128 cipher, adopted as a standard by the US Government. Data leakage is prevented by built-in keylogger– a device that records user actions.
  • Password generation. If it is necessary to create a new password, the password generation program does not simply produce a random set of numbers and letters, but generates a combination that corresponds to the parameters previously specified by the user. Such parameters are the number of characters, the presence of numbers, and even the pronunciation of the combination.
  • Possibility of security audit. The program will check the database for duplicate and weak passwords.

1 Password has the highest rating among analogues in the AppStore (4 stars out of 5), however, this software is not without its shortcomings. Compared to analogues, 1 Password The program is quite expensive, and owners will have to part with a decent amount of money to install the full version. However, even after paying this money, the user will not be able to edit the database from a mobile device.


Price: Free

Password manager released in 2012 Dashlane immediately gained worldwide popularity thanks to its simple, high-quality interface, high security and the ability to automatically fill out forms on web pages. By 2016, several updates had occurred, and the program had acquired additional functions. How is it different? Dashlane?

  • Two-factor authentication– a sign of the developers’ attentive attitude to the reliability of their brainchild.
  • Purchase tracking and integration with electronic wallets simplify the process of shopping through online stores.
  • Availability for any device. This program for saving passwords entered on a computer works with both desktop and mobile operating systems, and even has a plugin for Internet Explorer. Cloud synchronization of multiple devices on different platforms is possible, but only when purchasing the Pro version.

Basic application functions Dashlane are available for free, but to access advanced features you will have to purchase a paid version. Despite the presence of a Pro version, the application has not yet been translated into Russian - this is the main reason why Dashlane not as popular among domestic users as, say, LastPass.


Price: Free +

RoboForm– “pioneer” and “long-liver” among password managers. The development of this program began back in 1999, however, to this day the application continues to constantly improve and increase functionality. Those who believe that the use RoboForm Now, in the presence of many worthy competitors - a sign of unhealthy conservatism, they are mistaken, because the program can really offer the user a lot of unique advantages:

  • Versatility. The fact that the password manager works with all major and current operating systems will not surprise anyone. However, how many programs are known that are supported on Symbian, Palm OS, OS and even Windows 2003 ? RoboForm one of these.
  • Mobility. Doesn't have to be installed RoboForm to your computer or gadget , to use it - thanks to the function RoboForm2 Go, the program can be installed on a flash drive and run on public computers.
  • Reliability. Base RoboForm is encrypted using the AES-256 standard, which is traditionally used in banking.
  • Ability to create multiple profiles. One program can be used by different people - individual information will be stored in each password-protected profile. This allows you to save money and purchase a paid version of the application “shared together”.

The manager can be downloaded for free, but then you won’t be able to store more than 10 logins/passwords. To store an unlimited amount of data, as well as cloud synchronization, you will have to purchase a paid version RoboForm Everywhere.

Those who spend a lot of time on the Internet (like me) are well aware of the problem of remembering passwords. After all, they register not on one site, but on several. And besides, registration is required not only by sites, but also by programs, for example ICQ or. Therefore, even a novice user usually has at least five passwords in his head.

A little about passwords. It’s better not to set the same password everywhere, because an attacker who knows it will be able to gain access to everything. It is also not recommended to write it to a text file, for the same reason (and it can also be stolen over the Internet).
Therefore, there are password managers that allow you to securely store them.

So, what kind of program is this? password manager? Its meaning is to store any number of passwords from different sites and at the same time block access to them by setting a password.
The main feature of such a program is that you do not need to remember dozens of passwords and manage to create new ones, but simply save them in the program and put a password on it. This way you only need to know one password instead of several.

I won’t describe the programs; I won’t write about the possibilities either. You can read about this on their official websites.
I will describe only the basic skills of working with them.

Password Commander- a free manager program with a Russian-language interface. Download from .

1. Launch it, press the button Actions and choose Create a new account... from the menu

Please note the point Install on portable media...- this means that you can install it directly onto a USB flash drive. And all your passwords will always be with you.

2. Select the account type. The first one is best Standard. He's ordinary.
Second used if there are several accounts on the computer and changes can only be made under it.
Third can be used if you have a device for taking fingerprints, retina, etc. + You need to install an additional paid program.

3. Write the name and select the storage location

4. Select a password encryption method. If simple is enough for you, then choose Default. If you want better protection, then you need to choose Use encryption method and download plugins from the official website using the link in the program itself by clicking Download plugins!

5. Set a password for your account.
Pay attention to the lightning button - it will allow you to generate a fairly complex password.

Important in this window!
1) Remember this password and login. At least get yourself a tattoo, but try to remember them by heart. Because if you forget, you will lose access to all passwords!
2) Try to make the password hint as informative as possible. But it should be such that only you, and not someone else’s guy, would guess about it.

6. In the next window, click Ready and the main program window will appear:

7. Let's create the first group. I think the most important thing is mail. So I’ll create it in an example. To do this, press the big plus sign and Add group...:

8. This window will open to create a new group. By default, here you just need to add its name and click OK. But in the future it is possible Add other fields to display, such as URL, E-Mail, File, etc. You can also change their positions using the buttons Up Down.

9. Now add your mail to the created group. To do this, click on the already familiar “plus sign” and select Add a note..

10. Will open Post editor. Here everything is clear what and how. I just want to draw your attention to the already familiar button with lightning (password generator) and the button with the keyboard. This virtual keyboard is needed so that no one can trace the keystrokes on the keyboard (from viruses and Trojans, if any).

Now the main program window will look like this. All you have to do is select your username or password and press the button Copy(By default, but you can use other methods, for example, by dragging and dropping where needed) to enter a password or login into the window:

And you do this with all folders and data.
We can finish here. You can easily figure out all the other settings and parameters yourself.

KeepPass Password Safe- a free and Russian-language program. You can download from. There you can read about the possibilities and download Portable(not requiring installation) version (on a USB flash drive) and Russian localization files (they need to be “put” in the folder with the program).
For the especially lazy, you can download from my website under the spoiler, but remember - the latest version will always be at the office. website.

We unpack the file from the archive with the Russian language directly into the program itself, then run the program and in the menu View choose Change Language...

In the language selection window, click LMB on Russian and click Yes in the dialog box that appears