Login skype com registration of new users. How to register for Skype on a laptop

For more than ten years, Skype has connected users from all over the world. This free program allows you to communicate via the Internet with other users, no matter where in the world they are. You can communicate through a microphone, webcam, or limit yourself to text messages. Before you register on Skype, you need to install the Skype program from the developer on your computer or mobile device.

Registration on Skype is simple and does not take much time. Among the advantages of this program, it is worth noting that it is absolutely free; you can communicate with your friends, colleagues, and relatives via the Internet for an unlimited amount of time. The only paid service on Skype is calls to mobile and landline phones. The cost depends on the region chosen for the call.

Registration in the service

To start using the program's services, you need to create your account. Registration on Skype is free and will not take more than 10 minutes. There are two ways to register on Skype.

First way

First you need to launch the program and click on the “ Create an account».

This field will open a page in your browser where you will need to enter registration data, such as full name, place of residence, nickname, etc.

When all the data is filled in, click on the " I agree(a)" and your account will be created. This page will open in front of you, where you can manage all the functions available in Skype.

Now that your account has been successfully created, you need to log into the program using your username and password.

As we can see, registering a new user on Skype is quite simple and does not take much time. If for some reason you want to change your account, you can always register a new one using a different mailbox.

Second way

The second option is perfect for owners of pages on the social network Facebook. This method involves registration without email and you can get an account quite quickly, literally within one minute.

First you need to launch the Skype program on your computer or smartphone and click on the “ button in the lower right corner Login with Facebook“.

In the window that appears, enter your email and password for your Facebook account and click on the “ Entrance».

In a few seconds, Skype will open in front of you with your Facebook account and you can start communicating.

Skype benefits

  1. Free video and audio calls to Skype users
  2. Low rates for calls to landlines and mobile phones
  3. Group audio conferencing.
  4. Group video conferencing.
  5. Voice mail and answering machine function. Even if you are offline, the program will record a message addressed to you.
  6. File sharing. Through Skype you can share small files, such as documents, photographs, small programs.
  7. Forwarding. When you switch to a new account, you can forward calls and messages from your old account.
  8. Screen demonstration. The ability to share your screen with your interlocutor. This function is useful when you need to explain to your interlocutor how to understand a particular program. Through this option you can demonstrate a clear example.
  9. The program is available in Russian.
  10. Possibility to send SMS at a favorable rate.


operating system Windows/XP/Windows 7/8/8.1/Windows 10

Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard (or later)

Linux Ubuntu 10.05/Debian 6.01/Fedora 16/OpenSUSE 12.2 (or later)

RAM Minimum 1 GB
Hard drive space 75 MB
CPU 1 GHz and above
DirectX 9.0 or later


The first advantage is that registration in Skype is free, like most of the services provided. Perhaps this is the best program for communicating via the Internet with huge functionality. If you need to call friends and relatives, no matter what country they are in, then Skype will be simply irreplaceable in this case.

Skype provides several opportunities: communication of any number of people in a chat conference, fast audio and video calls, calls to a real phone number. The software download is available for free from the official website. The universal program in Russian takes up little memory space and is available on traditional PCs and the latest phones.

Registration on Skype

Using the free service requires you to create an account with a unique login. With it, you will have access to your account on your computer, mobile phone, laptop or tablet. You'll always have your list of friends and acquaintances you can call with one click or swipe of a finger, so it's important to know how to go through the process. A new user is registered in Skype when you first launch the program on your personal communication device:

  • To create an account on Skype, enter your email address, username and password.
  • Completion of registration requires agreement to the terms of use and confirmation of the email address - to do this, go to the mailbox through the mail service or directly in the browser. From now on, logging into the program will only require the entered password.
  • On a device that is constantly used, the login is automatically remembered. Registering for Skype will allow you to sync your message history across all devices.

How to register for Skype on a computer

The main way to register for Skype on a computer is to go through the procedure of creating a username and password directly in the welcome window of the program. Video tutorials on the Internet explain in detail how to register for Skype on a computer. After registration, it is recommended to fill out your profile to make it easier to find friends and relatives to add to your contact list:

How to register for Skype on your phone

The procedure for registering with Skype on a phone is no different from that for a PC or netbook. You provide basic information about yourself, choose a login and a strong password. After registration with Skype is completed, calls, chats and video calls are immediately available to you (provided you have a powerful device). Download the latest version of the program from skype.com, which you will find in any mobile browser, then follow the step-by-step instructions.

How to re-register on Skype

Re-installation or registration is much easier. It is possible to re-sign up for Skype, but you must have separate email addresses for each new account. If you lose or delete your original email address, it is easier to create a new account by starting the standard registration procedure. Remove the old user login from the start menu of the running program after you have re-registered. To protect information, do not create the same login or password in the system.

Now I will show you how to quickly register on Skype on your computer or phone. First we will create a new account, and then we will learn how to use Skype.

How to register with Skype

Skype is a program for communicating over the Internet from Microsoft. Through it you can call and correspond for free, as well as communicate via video. But in order for all this to be possible, you first need to register as a new user.

Right now I’ll show you with an example how to register for free on Skype on a computer and laptop. I will do this through the official website in Russian.

On a phone or tablet, registering for Skype is exactly the same, starting from the third step. First you need to install the application, open it and click “Create an account”.

1 . Open the official website www.skype.com.

2. In the upper right corner, click on “Login” and select “Register” from the list.

3. We print your mobile phone number with the operator code. Example: 9001112233

If you want to sign up for Skype without a phone number, click on the "Use an existing email address" link. A field will appear to enter an email address where you need to type your address.

Here the system offers to get a new email address. But in this case, you will still have to confirm your account via mobile. Therefore, if you want to register without a phone, but you don’t have a personal email, then first create it on another site. And then indicate this address when registering.

4 . We create a password of eight or more characters: it must consist of numbers and English letters. Example password: 45826967s

If the password does not work, make a more complex version that includes both capital and small letters. For example, 45826967RNs

Be sure to write down the password. Without it, you will then not be able to log into Skype!

6. Now you need to enter the numeric code that will be sent to your mobile or email address and click “Next”.

A message comes to your phone from an unknown number with a registration code:

And if you specified an email instead of a number, you will receive a letter from the technical support service.

The email will contain a registration code.

Don't try to use the code I showed in the pictures. It will be different for you.

7. We print the characters from the image. The size of the letters doesn't matter.

8 . Skype online will open. Click "Get Started" and the system will start.

If a window pops up asking you to show notifications, click Allow.

That's it - registration is completed! Now you are on Skype and you can start communicating.

How to use Skype: instructions for beginners

There are three types of Skype:

  • Browser (Skype online)
  • As a separate program for a computer
  • As an app for your phone or tablet

This is the same program, just in different versions. And you can use all of them at once.

For example, install a computer version on a laptop, and an application on a smartphone. And use browser-based Skype on someone else’s computer.

Browser (Skype online) - this is the version without downloading. It simply works from a browser: from Google Chrome, Yandex, Mozilla Firefox or any other Internet program.

Computer program- this is Skype, which you must first download and install on your PC. This is convenient if you plan to use Skype regularly. The program will hang in the computer’s memory and as soon as someone wants to get in touch with you, it will immediately open.

Application for phone or tablet- this is the same program, but only for mobile. It will also hang in the device’s memory and as soon as someone calls or writes to you, it will be immediately activated.

How to log into your Skype

To log into your Skype, you must first launch the program. After this, the account will either open automatically or a login window will open where you will need to enter your data. You indicated them during registration: phone number or email, password.

How to open a program on a computer. To launch the computer version, open the Skype icon on your desktop (screen).

If the icon is not there, look for it in Start - All Programs.

Usually the program itself starts when you turn on the computer, and is always on the taskbar and in the tray.

How to open the application. To launch the application, click on the Skype icon on the screen of your smartphone or tablet.

How to open Skype online. To log into browser-based Skype, follow the link web.skype.com.

How to find a person

You can find a person in the system by email address, phone number or login. You can also search by the first and last name with which the user registered in Skype. This is done through the search bar.

In a computer program:

In the application:

In browser-based Skype:

How to add a contact

Contacts is something like a telephone directory. You add a person there, and he is assigned to your account. This way you can add a friend, relative, or colleague to Skype.

To add a new contact, you first need to find the person on Skype. To do this, type his name or login in the system, email address or phone number into the search.

Then select the user and click on “Add to Contact List”. A request window will appear. It is advisable to type who you are instead of standard text.

Immediately after sending, the person will be added to your contact list. But next to its icon there will be a small icon with a question mark. This means that the user has not yet approved the request. When he receives it and accepts it, the question mark will change to something else.

How to communicate

Communication via Skype is possible in three options:

  1. Call
  2. Video call
  3. Correspondence

A call is something like talking on the phone. You hear your interlocutor, and he hears you. To do this, you will need a microphone, headphones or speakers, as well as a fairly fast Internet connection. Modern laptops, tablets and smartphones usually have both a microphone and speakers.

To make a call, click on the person in the contact list and click on the button with the image of a handset.

A video call is voice communication + video broadcast. You not only hear the interlocutor, but see him. And he, in turn, sees you. But for this you must have a special camera. It's called a webcam and is built into every modern laptop, tablet or smartphone. For a personal computer it can be purchased separately.

To make a video call, click on the caller and click on the button with a camera image.

For video communication, the Internet must be high-speed and preferably unlimited.

Correspondence is an exchange of text messages (chat). You write what you want to say and get a response. In the chat, you can send not only a message, but also a file: photo, video, document.

For correspondence, use the lower window. Just click on the user in your contacts list first.

Before you start chatting, pay attention to the icon next to the user icon. If it is green with a tick inside, it means the person is currently on Skype and will be able to answer. And if the icon is yellow, red or empty (white), it means the subscriber is busy or offline.

How to find out your login

Login (nickname) is your Skype address, personal number in the system. It consists of English letters without spaces, and may include numbers and signs. Examples of addresses: ivan.petrov, live:petrov_19, petrucho333

Where can I see my login?. To find out your login in the program on your computer, click on your name in the upper left corner. Your address will be written in the “Accounts” section.

To find your login in the mobile app, you need to click on your icon at the top of Skype.

In the “Profile” item your Skype name will be written.

You can also easily find out your Skype number through the browser version. To do this, go to web.skype.com under your details and click on the name in the upper left corner. A page will open where the login will be written.

Answers to frequently asked questions

Are Skype calls free?

Yes, calls, video calls, chat conversations, and file transfers are all free. Only the Internet is consumed.

Can I make Skype calls to regular phones?

Yes, you can call regular numbers via Skype - landlines and mobiles. But this is already paid. To find out about tariffs and also to deposit money into your account, follow the link.

Is it possible to create Skype again if I have already registered?

Yes, you can re-register with Skype and create another account. But for this, when registering, you will need to use other data: another phone number or email.

Is it possible to register without a phone number and without an email?

Previously, using the old registration form, you could create an account by indicating a fictitious e-mail. But now email confirmation is required. Therefore, now, in 2018, you need to provide your personal information: a real phone number or email address.

How to log out of Skype correctly?

To log out of the program on your computer, click on the Skype button in the upper left corner and select “Sign out of account.” If there is no button, click on the three horizontal lines at the top left ().

In the mobile app, click on your icon, then scroll down to the bottom and select “Sign Out.”

In browser-based Skype, click on your name and select “Sign Out” at the bottom.

What to do if you forgot your password?

The password can be changed. To do this, go to login.live.com, enter your phone number, email or Skype login and click “Next”. Then click on the “Forgot your password?” link. and follow the instructions.

How to contact support?

To contact technical support, open the “Help” section and select “Contact us” at the bottom of the page.

I didn't find the answer to my question

Skype is an excellent solution for voice communication over the Internet with friends or family. In order to start using the application, you need to register with Skype. Read on to learn how to create a new Skype account.

There are several ways to register a new profile in the application. Registration is absolutely free, as is using the application. Let's consider all registration options.

Launch the application. An introductory window should appear.

Do you see the “Create an account” button (it’s located under the login button)? This is the button we need now. Click it.

Your default browser will launch and a page will open with a form to create a new account.

Here you need to enter your details.

Enter your name, email address, etc. Some fields are optional.

Please indicate a valid e-mail address, as you will be able to receive an email to reset your account password if you forget it.

You will also need to come up with a login for yourself using which you will log into the program.

When you hover the cursor over the input field, a hint about selecting a login will appear. Some names are taken, so you may have to come up with a different login if the current one is busy. For example, you can add several numbers to an invented name to make it unique.

At the end, all you have to do is enter the captcha, which protects the registration form from bots. If you cannot make out its text, then click the “New” button - a new image with different symbols will appear.

If the entered data is correct, a new account will be created and you will automatically log in to the site.

Registration via Skype website

Register a profile not only through the program, but also through the application website itself. To do this, just go to the site and click the “Login” button.

You will be redirected to the Skype profile login form. Since you don’t have a profile yet, click the button to create a new account.

The same registration form will open as in the previous version. Further actions are similar to the first method.

Now all that remains is to try logging in with your account. To do this, open the program window and enter your username and password in the appropriate fields.

If problems arise, click the help button at the bottom left.

After you log into your account, you will be asked to select an avatar and sound settings (headphones and microphone).

Choose the sound settings that best suit you. You can use automatic configuration by checking the appropriate box. You can also configure your webcam here if it is connected to your computer.

Then you need to choose an avatar. You can use either a ready-made image on your computer or take a photo from your webcam.

That's all. This completes the registration of a new profile and login to the program.

Now you can add contacts and start chatting on Skype.

Skype is a free application that allows you to make voice and video calls, share files, and create video conferences. In order to use Skype, you will need to sign in to the client using a Microsoft account, Facebook account, or Skype login. Below you will learn how to register for Skype correctly by following a few simple steps.

Registering a new Skype user via computer

To register for free with Skype, go to the official website (https://www.skype.com/ru/) and click on the “Login” button in the upper right corner.

You will be directed to the registration menu. By default, Skype prompts you to register using your mobile phone. In this case, you just need to enter your mobile number and come up with a password, after which an SMS with a confirmation code will be sent to your phone, which you will need to enter in the next window. If you do not want to use your mobile number, consider the 2nd option - registration using an email address. To do this, click the “Use an existing email address” link.

You will be directed to a page where you will need to provide your email address and create a password. After entering these data, make sure they are correct and feel free to click “Next”.

Advice: A strong password always contains uppercase characters, numbers, and special characters. Also, it should not be duplicated in other accounts.

In the next registration window, you will be asked to enter your first and last name in Russian. In addition to your real data, you can enter a pseudonym that you have created.

Open this email and find the verification code.

Copy and enter it into the appropriate field of the registration procedure, then click “Next”.

After a few seconds, the registration of a new user on Skype will be completed and you will be automatically redirected to the web version of the client. Now you know how to register for Skype, and you can fully log into your account from any device where the client is installed.

Note: If you have already installed the Skype client, you can register using it. Simply click “Create Account” and the above steps will be displayed directly in the client itself.

How to register for Skype using a phone/tablet?

To register for Skype from a tablet or Android phone, you need to use a mobile phone number. To create an account, download the Skype client from the Android Play Store and launch it.

You will be asked to enter your phone number and create a password for your account.

Fill in the required fields and click “Next”. An SMS with an activation code will be sent to the specified number. Enter it in the appropriate field and proceed to the next step.

In the last window you need to enter your first and last name. After this, the Skype account will be successfully created and the client will automatically sign in.

Adding additional information

By creating a Skype account, you can add additional information about yourself so that others can easily find you. You can do this on your account page, which will open after clicking on the “Login” button.

Scroll down the profile window and click on the “Edit personal information” link.

Here you can add a photo, contact phone numbers, country of residence, city, date of birth, as well as additional email addresses.

By providing all the necessary information, in your opinion, you will be able to fully use the Skype client on your laptop, phone, tablet and be always online.