Personal account megaphone Caucasus service guide. How to log into your personal account? Internet MegaFon Povolzhye

A personal account service (service guide), or a subscriber self-service system from the mobile operator Megafon, which opens up truly limitless possibilities for the clients of this company. Using this service, you can monitor the current status of your personal account at any time, receive up-to-date information about completed payments and charges, easily change tariff plans, order various additional services and tariff options, manage accumulated points in the Megafon-bonus system and much more. . In a word, by connecting to your personal account, you will get a great chance not only to fully control the status of your account, but also to optimize your expenses and reduce expenses on mobile communications.

Today, many subscribers of this company want to install this service, but do not know how to connect a megaphone personal account. This is quite easy to do. There are several very easy, clear and quick ways to do this:

How to connect your MegaFon Personal Account

First way- just call a specialized contact center by number and submit a request to create a personal account. After this, you will need to create your own unique password to access your personal information. The password must consist exclusively of numbers and range from 6 to 26 characters. For safety reasons, it is better to avoid too simple combinations or, for example, multiple repetitions of the same number. When you come up with a password, be sure to write it down or remember it by heart, since you will certainly need it in the future for authorization;

Video instructions for registering in your MegaFon personal account

Second way- this is an independent connection to the service. To do this, you need to dial the combination *105*00# and make a call. In a couple of minutes, the service will be activated automatically, and you will have the opportunity to choose your personal password. If the service is not connected after some time, contact the contact center;

Third way- this is to send an empty SMS message to the number 000110. As in the previous case, your personal account will be connected automatically;

Fourth method— you can get access to your own account by registering on the official website of the Megafon company. Just type the address and follow the instructions on the site.

How to log into your MegaFon personal account

Open the main page of the subscriber self-service system (Megafon Personal Account) -, enter your phone number in the login field - ten digits without +7. Next, enter the password you previously received via SMS message, as well as the security code from the picture, which will allow the system to verify that you are not a robot. That’s all, all the possibilities for “tuning” your tariff plan and options are open to you.

MegaFon-bonus - how to give accumulated points to another subscriber

To give your accumulated Megafon-bonus points to another subscriber, click on the “bonuses and gifts” menu on the left side of the page and the “Megafon-bonus” menu will open in front of you. Log in there and see all the necessary information: the name of your program, activation date and the number of points accumulated. Just below there will be the “Reward Activation” menu we need. It gives you two options to spend your points: either on your own number, or you can activate the reward on another phone number. Enter the phone number connected to Megafon to which you want to transfer your points and, after confirmation by SMS, the points on the number you need will be activated and one of your friends or relatives will be delighted with a small but very pleasant gift.

That's basically it. We hope that now you know perfectly well where and how to register in Megafon’s Personal Account and know how to manage the services that are provided there, because it is absolutely easy and simple.

That's all. Bye everyone.

Today, many people use self-service systems: Internet banking, mobile banking, etc. Mobile operator Megafon tries to make life easier for users and provides the Service Guide service. It allows you to fully control your mobile number from your computer or phone, anywhere. Now we will give a short overview of this option.

What is “Service Guide”

Service Guide is a service thanks to which the subscriber does not need to call the operator or wait in line to get the necessary information regarding the number. Subscribers can receive account details and find out where funds are debited, in addition to this:
  • Monitor the bonus program;
  • Set up tariff;
  • Block/unblock SIM card;
  • Activate or deactivate services/services;
  • Link bank cards.

A number of services are also provided; we have highlighted only the main ones. You can use the Service Guide on your computer by logging in through a browser, or on your phone/tablet.

Registration (how to find out your login and password) – instructions

To use the service you need to obtain a password, I already have a login – phone number. You can get the code by entering the command *105*00#. In response, you will receive an SMS with the necessary data.

The second option is to call the service number 0505 and, if none of the previous methods worked for you, then send an SMS message to the number 000105, indicating “00” in it.

By the way, you can log in through a popular social network. net. In contact with. To do this, you should download the program to your device from the application store of your operating system or from the Megafon website.

Methods for logging into Service Guide

How to login via mobile platforms

Owners of smartphones running IOS and Android operating systems can access the service:

How to log into the service guide via PC

Login to the number management system via a PC is carried out on the official website - By clicking on the link you should:

Access via voice service

The voice informant provides the opportunity to manage your account, as well as services, by calling a special number +7 922 111–05–05. To get the information you need, you need to follow the voice robot's prompts. If the subscriber is roaming, the call will be charged at a fixed rate.

Access via SMS

It is impossible to manage your number via SMS messages. Using them you can obtain a special password to access the system. How this is done is described above.

Access via USSD request

The user can use the Service Guide without an Internet connection. The login algorithm is as follows:

What to do if you forgot your password

Subscribers who previously registered in the system but forgot the code can recover their password. When the first registration was made, it was necessary to specify the code word used to restore access. Now you need to go to the settings and specify this very word. To make it easier, it is better to use the USSD command *105*00#.

Setting up SMS notifications when logging into the Guide service

The SMS notification service allows the user to control all entries into his personal account using his number. As soon as successful authorization is completed, a message will be sent notifying you of this. Settings are carried out:

  • Through the personal account interface.
  • In the operator's cabin.
  • By calling the operator on number 0500.

Features of using Service Guide on a modem

Owners of 3G and 4G modems can access the account to configure their tariff plan without a password. Instead, a PUK code is used, indicated on a plastic base and covered with a protective layer.

All features of the Service Guide

The service makes it much easier to manage your own Megafon number and provides the following features:

  • Use of accumulated bonuses under a special program.
  • Receive invoice details to your email address.
  • Selecting a favorable tariff.
  • Monitoring the account balance and monitoring the availability of service packages.
  • Blocking the possibility of outgoing calls and SMS.

Updating the service guide, how to enter the old version

Not long ago, the operator decided to make changes to the design of the personal account. The functionality was not affected, but using the service became much more convenient. If you are not satisfied with this update, everything can be returned as it was by clicking on the special button located in the upper right part of the LC interface or by following the link -

Any modern person uses cellular communication services almost every day. It's hard to believe that just a few years ago everyone got along without mobile phones. Back then, these small devices with black and white screens seemed like something amazing. They could be used exclusively for calls and sending SMS messages. Today, the market is filled with smartphones - phones that perform the functions of a small personal computer. At the same time, the list of opportunities that cellular operators provide to their subscribers is expanding. Fighting for every client, they offer many tariff plans, additional services and options: paid and free. Their list is constantly updated, conditions and prices change. To learn how to navigate this diversity, as well as control your balance, a subscriber can register on the official website of his cellular company and receive a password to his personal account. The well-known telecom operator Megafon has a similar system called “Service Guide”. Any subscriber can use it absolutely free of charge. How to register in your Megafon personal account? Before answering this question, let’s figure out why this needs to be done.

Personal account ("Service Guide" system): possibilities

Despite the fact that there is no additional fee for registering in your personal account, not all subscribers resort to this procedure. Why? Most likely, many simply do not know what opportunities Megafon opens up. The "Personal Account" service allows you to manage your account without leaving your home or office, from any computer with Internet access. In particular, you can change the current tariff plan, connect or refuse any service or option, obtain information about the status of the balance, receipts and expenditures of funds, find out about the number of accrued bonuses, and also temporarily block the number. And this is an incomplete list of actions that can be performed using the Megafon self-service service “Personal Account”. It's very easy to register.

Official website "Megafon"

First of all, you should open the official website of the mobile operator Megafon. The entrance to your personal account is located on its main page in the upper right corner. You can find the site you need by entering the name of the cellular company in the search or address bar of your browser. Having opened the main page, you should pay attention to the region indicated in it and, if necessary, change it. Each republic or region has its own Megafon website. After this, you can proceed directly to the registration procedure.

Personal account (Service Guide system): registration procedure

How to register in your Megafon personal account? First, you need to click on the “Personal Account” button located on the website of the mobile operator in your region. After this, the subscriber is taken to a page where he must fill out three fields. This is a password, login and security code. Each of them is mandatory. The login is a phone number. You can find out by dialing the combination *205# from the Megafon SIM card. The security code is a combination of numbers shown in the picture. There are several ways to gain access to the Service Guide system.

Mobile operator "Megafon": personal account, password for logging into the system

There are three ways to access your Megafon personal account. The first of them is as follows: on your mobile phone with a Megafon SIM card, you need to dial the command *105*00# and press the call button. The second involves sending a message with the text 00 to the number 000105. You can also use the “Get password” service. In this case, you will need to indicate your phone number, verification number and click on the “Get password” button. In all three cases, you will receive an SMS message with the required combination of numbers and letters.

Personal account (Service Guide system): changing password

To start working in the Service Guide system, you need to follow the link on the Megafon website “Personal Account”. Login is carried out after entering a password, and therefore it is advisable to change it to a more convenient one. To do this, send the command *105*01# from your phone. Then you need to follow all the system instructions and change the password.

Personal account (Service Guide system): password recovery

If you have lost your password for the Megafon self-service service "Personal Account", you can log in to the system in three ways. The first one is suitable for subscribers who have specified information about the security question in the “Service Guide” settings. The service is available to them. Here you need to indicate your login (phone number), select a security question and write an answer to it. After this, you need to enter the code shown in the picture, click the password recovery button and wait until you receive an SMS message on your phone. When concluding an agreement with Megafon, the subscriber indicates a valid email address. You can use it to confirm the password for the “Personal Account” service. And finally, the third way. It involves receiving a new password by sending the USSD command: *105*00#.

How to use your Megafon personal account?

So, everything is clear about how to register in your Megafon personal account. Now let's figure out what to do next. You can use your personal account with this telecom operator in several ways:

Where to go if you have questions?

All explanations on how to register in your Megafon personal account can be obtained from the telecom operator’s contact center. You should call the short number 0500 (within the network) or 5077777 (for subscribers of other cellular companies). In addition, you can contact the nearest communication center. Information about its exact location is on the website of the mobile operator. To do this, open the “Support” section and select “Contacts”. A link will appear below that opens a page with the addresses and opening hours of all Megafon communication stores in the selected area.

The Internet today is not only a place for leisure, but also a way to manage your own accounts. Cellular companies implement this opportunity through a personal account. For Megafon, as for any other telecom operator, this is one of the ways to reduce the workload of the contact center and offices. For subscribers - the convenience of using the services of a cellular company. Checking the balance status, receiving statements, connecting and disabling additional options, changing the tariff plan - all these are possibilities of the Megafon self-service service "Personal Account". It's very easy to register. Just go to the official website of the mobile operator in the “Service Guide” section, indicate your phone number and use one of the three available ways to get a password. Subsequently, it can be changed, and if lost, restored. Using the self-service service is also very convenient. At Megafon, you can enter your “Personal Account” in several ways, in particular, via the Internet, using USSD commands, as well as service number 0505. In addition, the official website of the telecom operator provides links for downloading applications developed specifically for different operating systems of smartphones and for regular phones. They also allow you to use all the features of your personal account. And most importantly, this service is provided free of charge.

The Megafon personal account is a special account for Megafon cellular subscribers in which they can view all information on their expenses and independently manage services.

When you click on the link, a welcome window from your Megafon personal account will appear in front of you, in which you will need to enter your login and password to log in. In the login field, enter your phone number. It is important that the number belongs to the Megafon operator.

In the password field you must indicate your password for your personal account. But if you don’t have it, you can log in without it; read on to learn how to do this.

How to log into your personal account

The method described above was how to get to the LC through a special official website. However, this is not the only way to use this service.

  1. You can use your mobile phone, having previously downloaded a special application from the market, App Store or on the operator’s official website. To access the application, you will also need authorization. To do this, you can use the previously obtained confidential data for the site. If you have not received it before, you can do this using the algorithm described above.
  2. You can also log in through your social media account:VKontakte, Facebook or others. To do this, you will also need to download a special application. For example, for the first social network it is located at the link In this case, in addition to the standard set of services, you will be able to use your account: share news, read friends’ posts, etc.
  3. If it is not possible to log into your account via a desktop computer , and the application is not installed on the phone, you can use an alternative method - enter it through a special number by sending a corresponding request to the system. To do this, type the combination on the keyboard *105# and make a call. Then you will be connected to the account menu, which is designed as a USSD version.
  4. An analogue of this version is ability to manage your account via short number 0505. Only in this case the system will supervise you in voice mode via audio recording.

Did you know? In this case, the management of the account takes place through the introduction of special requests, and the activation of services is carried out by entering the appropriate codes.

How to register

  1. To log into your MegaFon personal account, registration is required. Only after this you can receive your unique password and log in. To complete the registration procedure, the subscriber will need to type the address in the search bar of the browser. In the open window in the upper left corner there will be a login form for the service, through which you can get into it.
  2. To register you will need user's personal number,which allows you to obtain a unique password. You can get it in several ways. First of all, you can send a request to the service by entering*105*00# . Then you need to press the call button and wait for an SMS message, through which you will receive authorization data.
  3. MegaFon has provided an alternative way to find out the password to your personal account. You must send a message containing 00 to phone number 000110, after which the necessary information should come. If these methods do not work, you can dial 0505, where the robot will tell you step by step what actions you need to take.

Important! In the latter case, you will not receive a ready-made password; you will need to provide it yourself. Think of it in advance.

Only after receiving this data can you resolve the issue of how to enter your MegaFon personal account. After opening the authorization form, you must enter your phone number and the password obtained through any procedure described above. Then press the enter button and you will be redirected to the desired page. Now you have access to all the functions provided by this service.

Important! If you enter the wrong password five times in a row, access to your account will be blocked. You can remove the blocking if you obtain new information using any of the methods described above..

How to recover your password

Sometimes a situation arises when you need to know how to recover the password to your MegaFon personal account. To recover your password, you can use the same methods that are provided for obtaining it for the first time, that is, described above. If you do this through the website, the system will require you to provide the code word that was entered during registration. If you do it through your phone, it will send you the password via SMS without requiring confirmation.

To change your password, just go to your personal account, From there, go to settings, where you can find the item for managing this data. By going into it, you can change the secret data to the required one. Another method that allows you to change your password via SMS. To do this, a message is sent to number 000105 with the following content: "PAS new password." You can create a new one by typing a service request on your phone *105*01#, after which you need to enter new data.

Features of Megafon personal account

A subscriber’s personal account with a mobile operator is no longer exclusive. This service makes it easier to provide, use and manage other operator services in a short time, without being distracted by communication with the subscriber department. MegaFon, like other operators, provides access to the service only to its subscribers. The service, called “Service Guide,” is provided by default, automatically; the subscriber only needs to register and log in to the account. We will tell you how to do this below.

In your Megafon personal account you can take advantage of the following features:

  • Monitor the status of your Megafon personal account and top it up if necessary
  • Disable/enable additional services and options, as well as manage your tariff plan
  • View balances of service packages and extend them if necessary
  • See the number of accumulated bonus points and spend them
  • Use all this from any device, be it a smartphone/tablet/PC
  • get detailed information about calls;
  • activate the “Promised Payment” service;
  • receive a report on the transactions performed;
  • block a number;
  • change tariff;
  • connect or disconnect any service;
  • transfer money to another MegaFon account;
  • to get a consultation.

Most companies that provide their clients with communication services, Internet access, as well as modern banks, have long been actively introducing services such as personal accounts. Thanks to the existence of these, users acquire the opportunity to independently obtain most of the information they need about their own account, as well as perform many operations with it remotely.

MegaFon personal account

Comfortable!No, bad!

MegaFon was no exception and also offers customers the opportunity to use a similar service, which we will pay special attention to today.

Functionality of a MegaFon subscriber's personal account

Your personal account is not a simple service that allows you to obtain information about your account status and the validity period of the subscriber’s tariff plan. Today, the system has already moved far away from the functionality it had several years ago when it was first introduced. Modern MegaFon subscribers can access the following benefits of their personal account:

  • Changing the tariff plan;
  • Activation and deactivation of additional services;
  • Receiving an accurate statement and account details;
  • View available quotas for services provided;
  • Replacing the horn;
  • Contact support;
  • Participation in the loyalty program and spending accumulated points;
  • Account blocking.

However, even with this list, the functionality of the system is by no means limited, and also contains a lot of small and not very small capabilities, each of which was carefully weighed and worked out by the relevant specialists of the company.

Registration in your MegaFon personal account: step-by-step instructions

The system registration procedure itself is a sequential set of actions that modern users should find intuitive. However, if you suddenly have problems completing the procedure for creating a personal account, we invite you to read our step-by-step instructions, after reading and following which you will not have any questions.

So, to create a personal page for a MegaFon subscriber, you need to do the following:

  1. Pick up a phone with a SIM card installed, for the number of which you want to open access to your personal account.
  2. Enter the USSD combination on your phone keypad *105*00# and press the call key.
  3. After a few seconds, the phone display will display the password information. In the future, it can be used to log in to the system.

How to log into your MegaFon personal account

Now that you have a password to log into the system, the only thing left to do is small. In order to authorize in your personal account, you must also strictly follow the simple instructions:

  1. Go to the company’s website located at
  2. On the home page of the resource, pay attention to the list of links in the “header”, and find the “Personal Account” button there, which you should click on.
  3. Once on the authorization page, fill out the fields to log in to the system: enter your phone number (in any format), as well as the password you previously received after entering the USSD request.
  4. Click on the “Login” button.

Within just a few seconds you will be logged in to the system and will be able to use all the features and benefits of remote control over your account.

It is worth emphasizing that in the personal account settings, any user has the opportunity to configure the login password by changing it to any other one. However, it is important to set not only a reliable, but also a memorable access code, so that in the future you will not have to deal with the password recovery procedure.

How to change or recover the password from your MegaFon personal account

If you suddenly forget your password to your personal account, you can change or restore it without any problems. Fortunately, the operator implemented not only the simplest procedure for registering in the system, but also a list of actions for password recovery that was similar in simplicity.

All that needs to be done to obtain a new system access password is to use the same USSD request *105*00# , and the new password, as before, will be displayed on the device display.

Video instructions for registering in your Megafon personal account