The computer does not see the memory card of the Sony phone. How to understand that the problem is in the card? Format without a computer

Small and capacious MicroSD cards (flash drives) are used on almost all mobile devices. Unfortunately, problems with them occur much more often than with USB drives. One of the most common problems is that the smartphone or tablet does not recognize the flash drive. Why this happens and how to solve the problem, we will talk further.

If we are talking about a new MicroSD card, it is possible that your device is simply not designed for this amount of memory or cannot recognize its specification. Therefore, carefully study the information about which flash drives are supported by your smartphone or tablet.

The file system on the memory card could be damaged or the markings might be lost. This could happen after installing Root rights, due to incorrect formatting or flashing the device. Although, even if such manipulations were not performed, the flash drive may become unreadable simply due to accumulated errors.

The most unpleasant case is when the media fails due to mechanical or thermal damage. In this case, it is impossible to repair it or return the data that was stored there.

By the way, a flash drive can burn out not only from overheating, but also from the device itself on which it is used. This often happens with cheap Chinese devices, which spoil storage devices over and over again.

How to check the fault

First, make sure the flash drive is installed correctly. It may have moved or been inserted the wrong way around. Also carefully inspect the connector itself for contamination, and if necessary, carefully clean it.

If your phone still doesn't see the memory card, try inserting it into your computer using a card reader. Also check the functionality of other flash drives on your gadget. As a result, you will understand what the problem is - in the carrier or the phone. In the latter case, the culprit may be a software error or simply broken contacts, and the best solution would be to contact a specialist. But when the flash drive itself refuses to work normally, you can try to solve the problem yourself. There are several ways to do this.

Method 1: Clearing the system cache

This may help if problems occur in the internal memory of the device. The data on the flash drive should be saved.

It is worth saying that this method is not suitable for all smartphones/tablets. Most models allow you to clear the system cache. Some have so-called custom firmware, which also provide this opportunity. But if in mode "Recovery" You will not have the above command, which means you are out of luck and your model is one of those on which it is impossible to clear the cache. If this method does not help, move on to the next one.

Method 2: Check for errors

In this and subsequent cases, you need to insert the USB flash drive into your PC or laptop.
There is a high probability that the system itself will offer to check the memory card for errors. Choose the first option.

Otherwise you will have to do it manually. To do this, follow these steps:

What kind of failures can cause an Android device to stop detecting a microSD memory card, and what to do in this case?

Most modern smartphones are equipped with a microSD slot. Thus, manufacturers provide the gadget with a standard amount of internal memory and give users a choice: do they need additional data storage space for some money or not. This solution is convenient for both parties and helps reduce the cost of the device - otherwise, using a flash module with a large volume leads to an increase in the price of the device.

If you decide to expand the capabilities of your gadget by purchasing a flash drive, you may find yourself in a situation where the phone does not see the microSD memory card. There may be several causes and solutions to this problem.

If you have not yet purchased an additional drive, but are planning to do so, be sure to check out ours, which contains valuable and useful information.

Checking the memory card

System failure

Sometimes minor glitches occur in the system. As a rule, a simple reboot of the smartphone or tablet helps resolve such problems. As a last resort, you can try resetting the settings to factory settings, but all data from the device will be deleted.


Each device supports a certain type of memory card, depending on the manufacturer and model. Users, in pursuit of large volumes, ignore the capabilities of the gadget itself, which later causes problems and the phone does not read or does not see the flash drive.

Before buying a microSD, carefully read the technical requirements of the gadget. If the instructions say that it supports memory cards up to 32 GB, you should not try to use a 64 GB or 128 GB flash drive.

No contact

Another reason that Android does not recognize the memory card may be problems with the contacts - they may move away or become clogged. In this case, take out the flash drive, clean the contacts and insert it back into the device.

Damaged sectors

The problems may have arisen due to damaged sectors or incorrect formatting. In this case, you need to format the microSD card.

  1. Insert it into your computer or laptop. If the PC sees the content, copy it to the computer and only then start formatting - this way you can save all the important files and data.
  2. Right-click on the name of the drive, select “Format”. In the formatting settings in the “File system” line, FAT32 should be selected, since Android may not read other formats.
  3. Click "Get Started."
  4. Additional formatting may be required on the device itself. You can perform this operation in “Settings”, in the “Memory” section, “Format SD card”.

Problems with internal memory

There is a situation when a microSD memory card cannot be read by a smartphone. The reason may be a system failure when deleting or changing system files, sometimes this happens when the device is rooted.

In this case, you need to try to fix it in . With the device turned off, press the key combination to go to a special menu. Different smartphones use different combinations:

  • Volume up + power button.
  • Volume down + power button.
  • Home key + power button.
  • Home key + Power button + Volume up.

When you open the recovery menu, you will see something like this:

In the list, click on the item Wipe cache partition (cleaning the system cache) and reboot the gadget.

Serious damage

If none of the above methods help, the problem may be hardware or drive malfunction. In this case, you need to contact a specialist or buy a new card.

As a rule, there are no problems with restoring ordinary flash USBs: the code of the flash drive is read, the necessary utility is taken, and you’re done. But no matter how many times they try to restore SD or Micro SD using the same software, it is usually to no avail.

Connecting such a “flash drive” to a PC requires the presence of a USB adapter or card reader, however, in this case it is not possible to read the Pid and VID code embedded in the table on the flash drive. How to restore a microsd flash drive, what can be recommended for this, and in general, is it possible?

Data recovery

If the SD flash drive is detected, the easiest way to restore data is with Easy Recovery (paid). The free version, although with a lesser guarantee of file recovery, is called PC Inspector Smart Recovery.

First, select the disk in the first list “Select device” (this will be a flash card), in the “Select Format Type” column you need to select the desired format from the list (extension of the files you are looking for). In the “Select Destination” line, select the folder into which the recovered file or files will be written; it is advisable to select it on the PC’s hard drive.

After starting the program (the “Start” button), we wait for the result. How many files have now been restored can be seen in the active window. Upon completion (100%) – look in the specified folder on the disk (“Select Destination”) to see if the required file is there.

If all this does not help: in the “File” – “Settings” menu there is an “Intensive Mode” option. After its activation, scanning must be re-enabled. Sometimes it helps.

The purpose of this program is to recover erased and deleted files and data. You can download it here:

If the files were not deleted, but simply, for example, are difficult to read, standard tools can help. Which are built into Windows.

Click (right button) on the drive letter. In the menu, select “Properties”. There will be a window with property tabs, select “Service”.

Of the three options offered here, we will select only one, the top one (“Run check”). After that, check two boxes: “Scan and repair bad sectors”, “Automatically correct errors”. Click on “Launch” - and that’s it!

I must say, the programs built into Windows are not that bad. In particular, this service does everything that commercial utilities do.

How to restore a micro flash drive without “damaging” the media more (without “reading” it several times)? You can create an image of a flash drive (which will then allow you to work only with the image).

Most quickly, the flashnul program will allow you to do this. Display available devices: in the console, with administrator rights, do: flashnul –p (by going to the folder with the program in this console).

Not available – this means that access to the device is now not possible. If the media is still in the list, you can save the image with the command: flashnul D: -S c:\image, where D: is the letter of the “flash drive”, c:\image is the image file (another name is possible). The letter “-S” is the “command” for saving (we don’t change it).

You can download the program here). After which, any of the data recovery programs can work with the recorded image (suitable - attention! - for hard drives, and “understanding” images). This could be R-Studio, Easy Recovery, or similar ones.

How to restore a microsd flash drive if the data is no longer needed, but only the “carrier” is needed, is discussed below.


In the “easy” case, you can format it using standard Windows tools. Although, it comes in two types: fast, full. It is believed that “quick” will not delete information (it will only erase all sections). But, after “full”, the information is simply “erased” (it will no longer be possible to restore any file).

If the card malfunctions, it may be like this - the PC sees the card and writes “Format not completed.” In this case, “Bootice” will help (

The “Select and Fill” button starts the process of completely “filling” the map with zeros and ones. The main thing is to choose the right physical disk - not the C: drive, but a flash drive!

After such manipulations, the flash card becomes an “empty” surface of the media. Now - no problem, try formatting...

Removing the password

If, when you insert the card into your phone or other device, a password is “vitally” required, connect the device to the PC. All modern gadgets are accessed via USB (flash drive). The way to recover a SD flash drive if the password “gets in the way” is simple.

You need to go to the G:/System folder (G is the drive letter for portable devices). In the System folder of this disk, there should be a file mmcstore. We find it, copy it to your computer, you can view the contents using Notepad. The mmcstore file usually contains the password!

I must say, the method is simple. But it doesn't work 100% of the time. Still, a password is a password, if it is set on this medium, it means there was something to protect.

Well, “devices”, for example photographic equipment, use a method of working with a password: when you install the card once, the password will be requested, then the device will remember it. And when you install the same card a second time, the device “recognizes” it by its hardware code (no password required).


We looked at how to restore a micro SD flash drive. The finite resource of write cycles limits the service life of drives (and this is the difference from “real” HDDs). Durability also depends on the nature of use. However, the owner of a digital camera or voice recorder in this case risks the least: sequential recording to a card, and then copying with subsequent formatting is better than other options.

On average, a modern flash drive lasts 2-3 years before it wears out. From time to time, it is also recommended to perform a full format (of course, saving the data before doing so). Identifying “unstable” blocks in this case prevents “losses”.

If possible, decommission all unreliable instances; checking for failures (for example, using Windows tools) is better if carried out regularly.

micro SD, SDHC – recovery

Modern phones often have a fairly small amount of internal memory, and that is why owners have to buy a memory card with the required number of gigabytes. There they store photos and videos taken, all kinds of working documents and study materials. It’s not even worth mentioning the amount of music that fits on one standard 4 gigabyte memory card. Of course, in this case, a situation where the phone no longer sees the memory card can bring many minutes of mental anxiety.

But don’t rush headlong to look for the nearest service center or open the online store catalog to look for a replacement for the breakdown. Perhaps the situation can be resolved on our own. The first step is to rule out the possibility of a problem with a loose contact. To do this, the memory card is removed from the phone and then returned to its original position.

Next, you need to restart your phone. Since it is quite possible that it was just a software glitch. Also, older phones may have a problem with large-capacity memory cards or devices with increased access speed (SDHC), so when purchasing them, check with the seller about compatibility with your phone.

If the situation (the phone still does not see the memory card) has not changed, then you will definitely need a card reader. So, you can insert a microSD or miniSD card into the card reader, and it into the USB port of the computer. After this, you need to find “My Computer” on the desktop; if a line with the name of the memory card appears there, then right-click its context menu and select the “Properties” line.

In the window that appears, go to the “Service” tab, and there we look for the “Check disk for errors” item and click the “Run scan” button (here in the settings you should set the “Scan and repair damaged sectors” option). After completing the check, you need to return the memory card to the phone and make sure that everything is in order.

If restoring damaged sectors did not help, and the phone does not read the memory card, then you can turn to drastic methods and format it. In this case, all the data contained on the flash drive will be lost (if the microSD was opened on the computer, then you should transfer the information to the hard drive). Just use the card reader again and select the “Format” line in the context menu of the flash drive.

The main reasons why the phone does not see the memory card

Alas, if you have done all this, but the media still does not become visible, your path will have to go to a certified service center. Only a master will be able to determine what exactly happened, as well as what to do in a particular case.

Most often this happens precisely because the media and device are not fully compatible. Each manufacturer has its own standards for internal phone card readers and memory card contacts. Therefore, for example, Nokia phones do not work very well with Apacer carriers. Therefore, when purchasing, we repeat, be sure to check whether they will be compatible.

In addition, a fairly common cause of this incident may be simple damage to the media. Do not expose it to adverse physical influences such as sudden changes in temperature, excessive pressure or contact with liquids.

In this article, we will look at several reasons why the computer may not see the memory card, and also provide options for solving this problem.

In order to fix the problem, you need to find the cause. The reason could be either hardware or software. Let's take a step-by-step look at what needs to be done when the computer does not want to see SD or microSD.

Step 1: Checking the serviceability of the flash card and card reader

Check that your SD card is working properly. To do this, just connect it to another computer or laptop. Also, if you have another memory card of the same model, check whether it is recognized on your computer. If this is the case, then the card reader on the computer is working properly and the problem is in the card itself. The reason for the failure of the memory card may be incorrect removal during operation or its physical wear. In this case, you can try to restore the functionality of the SD card. To do this, experts distinguish 2 methods:

This utility allows you to quickly restore the functionality of a memory card. If it is password protected, then the program will not be able to format the card.

If the card reader itself does not see the memory card, you need to contact customer service for repairs. If you need to use the device urgently, you can use a temporary solution: use a portable card reader that can be connected to a laptop via a USB port.

It happens that a flash card is not detected by the computer due to lack of power. This is possible if the storage capacity is large, the power supply is faulty, and the USB ports are overloaded.

There may be a problem with model incompatibility. There are two types of memory cards: SD with byte-byte page addressing and SDHC with sector-by-sector addressing. If you insert an SDHC card into an SD device, it may not be detected. In this situation, use an SD to MMC adapter. It also plugs into the computer's USB port. On the other side there is a slot for different types of memory cards.

Step 2: Check for Windows failure

The reasons why the memory card is not recognized by the computer due to a failure of the operating system may be:

The program is very popular for finding and updating outdated drivers. To use it, do this:

It is best to get drivers from the website of the manufacturer of your memory card. So, for example, for Transcend cards it is better to go to. Remember that installing drivers from unverified sites can harm your computer.

Step 3: Check for viruses

An antivirus program must be installed on your computer. To fix the problem, just scan your computer and flash card for viruses and delete infected files. For this purpose in "Computer" right-click the drop-down menu and select the item there "Scan".

Often the virus changes the file attribute to "hidden", so they can be seen if you change the system settings. To do this, do this:

  • go to "Control Panel", then in "System and safety" And "Folders settings";
  • enter the tab "View";
  • in the parameter "Show hidden files and folders" set the mark;
  • click "OK".

Often, after a flash card is infected with viruses, it has to be formatted and the data is lost.

Remember that the data on the memory card can disappear at the most inopportune moment. Therefore, make periodic backups. This will protect you from losing important information.