Kaspersky Administration Agent 10. Remote installation of programs using Kaspersky Security Center

We continue our series of articles about Kaspersky Security Center.

Today we will talk about one specific problem that may arise when administering KSC.

The fact is that from time to time the Kaspersky Security Center server may lose connection with workstations. This may happen due to a failure in Network Agent.

In this case, you can see the following picture:

As you can see, Kaspersky Security Center Network Agent is running on one of the computers. Such a computer will not receive updates through group tasks and will not provide reports to the KSC server.

As a rule, the problem appears spontaneously and also disappears spontaneously (as I already said, Kaspersky Security Center is fraught with many bugs). The reason here is that the roots of the problem lie in the Network Agent service. Therefore, the problem goes away when you restart the computer and, as a rule, goes unnoticed.

However, servers are a different story. They are able to work without rebooting for weeks and months. Sometimes rebooting the server is simply not an option.

In this case, you should open the services that are in the operating system (the method is equally suitable for both server and desktop OSes) and find the service Kaspersky Security Center Network Agent.

Most likely, you will see that the service works quite well. Don't believe this statement. Open the service properties and first click the button Stop, and then Launch.

This way you will restart Network Agent on the computer and the problem with it will probably be solved.

If the Kaspersky Security Center administration server was reinstalled

It’s another matter if the KSC administration server was reinstalled while the database was preserved. In this case, you can observe a massive appearance of the status that Network Agent is not functioning. Even if the server name and IP address have not changed. As far as I know, the problem lies in the administration server certificate, which changes after reinstallation.

The solution to the problem suggests itself - reinstall Network Agent on client machines. But you will most likely encounter the fact that the server will give you a message about waiting for a connection without performing the installation. In this case, you need to open the properties of the Network Agent installation task, go to the section Options and refuse installation via Network Agent, forcing loading using Windows. You can leave both options as in the screenshot, or try any of the two. Also, uncheck the option Do not install a program if it is already installed. This will force installation.

Please note that installation must be performed under an account that has local administrator rights on client machines.

This material was prepared for specialists involved in managing anti-virus protection and security in an enterprise.

This page describes and discusses the most interesting functionality of the latest versions of Kaspersky Endpoint Security 10 and the central management console of Kaspersky Security Center 10.

The information was selected based on the experience of communication by NovaInTech specialists with system administrators, heads of IT departments and security departments of organizations that are just switching to Kaspersky anti-virus protection, or are going through the process of switching from using the 6th version of the anti-virus on client computers and the Administration management console Kit 8. In the latter case, when anti-virus protection from Kaspersky Lab is already in use, it is also often the case that IT specialists do not know the most interesting aspects in the work of new versions of products that really help make life easier for these same IT specialists, and at the same time increase level of safety and reliability.

After reading this article and watching the videos, you can briefly familiarize yourself with the most interesting functionality that the latest version of the Kaseprky Security Center and Kaspersky Endpoint Security management console provides and see how it works.

1. Installation of the Kaspersky Security Center 10 administration server.

You can find the necessary distribution kits on the official Kaspersky Lab website:

ATTENTION! The distribution package of the full version of Kaspersky Security Center already includes the distribution package of Kaspersky Endpoint Security of the latest version.

First of all, I would like to talk about where to start installing anti-virus protection from Kaspersky Lab: Not with the anti-viruses themselves on client computers, as it might seem at first glance, but with the installation of the administration server and the central management console Kaspesky Security Center (KSC ). Using this console, you can deploy anti-virus protection on all computers in your organization much faster. In this video you will see that after installing and minimally configuring the KSC administration server, it becomes possible to create an installer for an anti-virus solution for client computers, which even a completely untrained user can install (I think every administrator has such “users”) - the installation interface contains only 2 buttons - “Install” and “Close”.

The administration server itself can be installed on any computer that is always on or is maximally accessible; this computer must be visible to other computers on the network, and it is very important for it to have access to the Internet (for downloading databases and synchronizing with the KSN cloud).

Watch the video, even if you have installed the center console before, but from previous versions - perhaps you will hear and see something new for yourself...

We do the same supply of Kaspersky products. And even more - we provide technical support. We care about our clients.

2. Setting up centralized management on computers with Kaspersky already installed.

It is often found that in small organizations, system administrators install and configure anti-virus protection on each computer manually. Thus, the time they spend on maintaining anti-virus protection increases and they do not have enough time for some more important tasks. There are cases when administrators, simply due to lack of time, simply do not know that corporate versions of anti-virus protection from Kaspersky Lab generally have centralized management, and do not know that they do not have to pay anything for this miracle of civilization.

In order to “link” already installed client antiviruses with the administration server, you need very little:

  • Install the administration server (First section of this article).
  • Install the administration server agent (NetAgent) on all computers - I will tell you about the installation options in the attached video below.
  • After installing the administration server agent, the computers, depending on your settings, will be either in the “Non-distributed computers” section or in the “Managed computers” section. If the computers are in “Not distributed computers”, they will need to be transferred to “Managed computers” and configure a policy that will apply to them.

After these steps, your computers will be visible to you from the central console, users will no longer be able to manage the antiviruses installed on their machines and, as a result, there will be fewer infections and less headaches for the administrator.

In the video below, I will try to describe scenarios for installing NetAgents on client computers, depending on how your network is structured.

A large number of articles describe how to remotely install an application on several computers in a domain network (AD). But many people face the problem of finding or creating suitable Windows Installer (MSI) installation packages.

Really. In order to install, for example, FireFox for all users of a group, you need to either assemble an MSI package yourself (), or download a suitable one from the appropriate website. The only thing is that in the first case, in fact, the task is not at all trivial, but in the second, we get a package configured in the way its creator wanted, and even in fact modified (doubtful, but a minus).

If your organization uses Kaspersky Lab products as anti-virus protection - and you use an administration server - you can install programs remotely even from *.exe packages, using keys to control installation parameters.

Silent installation options

Most programs can be installed in “quiet” mode, for example, there is a table with a large number of frequently used programs, and supported parameters passed during installation. You can also find a large number of transferred installation parameters.

So we need:

  • Download the standard distribution of the program we need from the developer’s website (or where you usually get them from)
  • Find on the Internet which silent installation keys the program you are using supports.
  • Install the program on the user's PC using Kaspersky Security Center
To do this, you need to prepare an installation package in Kaspersky Administration Kit (KSC). And the task or manually install it on the desired computers.
Administration panel - gives full controllability (during installation) comparable to administration through Win-server group policies, and for me it’s even more convenient - less tricks - less chance of making mistakes;)

If you will assign the installation of programs manually, or all your users use the same set of programs, then you can skip this section, but if in your organization different software is installed in different departments, these departments can be assigned different groups for which different tasks will be used .

User groups in KSC are divided - similar to the structure used in AD - directories and sub-directories. Tasks and policies used in parent groups are applied to all child groups.

This way, for example, all company users can install FireFox and Chrome, and only Photoshop designers.

So let's get started:

1) To create an installation package, you need to go to the “Installation packages” subsection of the “Storage” section in the KSC control panel. There we will see a list of created IPs, the ability to create a new one, as well as edit or delete an existing one.

Creating a new installation package is simple: you indicate its name (how it will be displayed in KSC), select “IP for a program specified by the user”, specify let to the program (exe, bat, cmd, msi) and specify launch parameters (quiet keys installations).

The specified package can then be used for installation on remote computers.

2) Now we need to create a task to install the created package. If you have previously worked with KSC, or its previous analogue Adminkit. The process of creating a task itself will not be difficult for you.

You can either create a task by going to the folder of the corresponding group, and going to the “Tasks” tab - create a new task. Or Go to the “Tasks for sets of computers” section and create a new task.
Set the name of the created task and select the task type “Remote installation of a program”.

We select the program that we want to install, which user groups will be assigned this task, and indicate the user who is allowed to install the software on all of the computers used (usually a domain administrator).

The only thing in terms of settings is that we are limited only to those parameters that the developer allows to be passed when installing the program, and we are unlikely to be able to configure the proxy server in the browser via the command line. But here standard AD group policies come to our aid. After all, alternative browsers usually use system proxy settings, and we can assign them to the desired users via AD. ;)

Kaspersky Lab product removal utility (kavremover).

When uninstalling Kaspersky Lab products using standard Windows tools (Control Panel -> Add/Remove Programs), errors may occur as a result of which the program will not be uninstalled or will be partially uninstalled. To completely remove a Kaspersky Lab product, use the kavremover utility.
The uninstall utility completely removes the following Kaspersky Lab products:

  • Kaspersky Safe Kids

  • Kaspersky Small Office Security for Personal Computer/File Server (all versions)

  • Kaspersky Total Security (all versions)

  • Kaspersky PURE (all versions)

  • Kaspersky Anti-Virus (all versions)

  • Kaspersky Internet Security (all versions)

  • Kaspersky Free

  • Kaspersky Password Manager (all versions)

  • Kaspersky Fraud Prevention for Endpoint (all versions)

  • AVP Tool driver

  • Kaspersky Security Scan 3.0

  • Kaspersky Security Scan 2.0

  • Kaspersky Endpoint Security 8/10/10 SP1 MR2 for Windows (for file servers)

  • Kaspersky Endpoint Security 8/10/10 SP1 MR2 for Windows (for workstations)

  • Kaspersky Anti-Virus 6.0 R2 for Windows Workstations

  • Kaspersky Anti-Virus 6.0 R2 for Windows Servers

  • Kaspersky Anti-Virus 6.0 FS MP4

  • Kaspersky Anti-Virus 6.0 SOS MP4

  • Kaspersky Anti-Virus 6.0 WKS MP4

  • Kaspersky Anti-Virus 8.0 for Windows Servers Enterprise Edition

  • Kaspersky Network Agent 10

  • Kaspersky Lab Network Agent 8/9

Working with the utility

To completely remove the program, follow these steps:

  1. Download the archive kavremvr.zip, and then unpack it (for example, using the WinZip archiver program). Or download the executable file kavremvr.exe.

  2. Run the kavremvr.exe file by double-clicking on it with the left mouse button.

  3. Read the Kaspersky Lab License Agreement. Read the agreement carefully and, if you agree with all its points, click I agree.

  1. In the window Kaspersky Lab Products Remover Enter the security code shown in the picture in the empty field. If the code is not visible clearly, to re-generate the code, click on the refresh button to the right of the image.

  2. Select from menu The following products were detected Kaspersky Lab program that was installed on your computer. Click Delete. If several Kaspersky Lab products are installed on your computer, select and remove them one by one. You can select a program to remove from the list of all products supported by the uninstall utility, to do this:

    • Run the kavremvr utility via the command line in manual selection mode, with the nodetect parameter:

    • kavremvr.exe --nodetect.

    • Select the desired program from the list and remove it. If there are several such programs, remove them one by one.

  1. Removal may take some time. Wait for a dialog box to appear indicating that the product was successfully removed and click OK.

  1. Restart your computer.

By default, the view deletion log is saved in the utility folder. kavremvr xxxx-xx-xx xx-xx-xx (pid xxxx).log, where you can view the version of the utility:

Additional Information (Enterprise Products)

When uninstalling Network Agent version 10 or Kaspersky Endpoint Security 10/10 CF1/10 SP1 MR2 for Windows, you may be required to specify a password. For this:

  1. Run the utility from the command line with the parameter

  2. kavremvr.exe --password-for-uninstall:%PASSWORD% --MSIPARAM:KLLOGIN=%login%, Where:

    • %login% is the username for the corresponding product;

    • %password% - This is the password for the corresponding product.

    Example: kavremvr.exe --password-for-uninstall: 123 --MSIPARAM:KLLOGIN= Ivanov

  1. Select the desired program from the list.

The following errors may occur during program operation:

    Error 1001
    Products that cause an error when uninstalling: Kaspersky Endpoint Security 10/10 CF1/10 SP1 MR2

    Cause: FDE-encrypted disks or disks scheduled for FDE encryption were detected.

    Error 1002

    Products that cause an error when uninstalling: Kaspersky Network Agent 10 CF1, Kaspersky Endpoint Security 10/10 CF1/10 SP1 MR2
    Cause: The specified products have a password set for uninstallation, but the user did not enter a password on the command line.

    Error 1003
    An error may occur when uninstalling any Kaspersky Lab product.
    Reason: KAVRemover is launched from a directory that contains non-ASCII characters in its path from a localization other than the current Windows localization. For example, this situation may arise if the username is not specified in Latin letters, and the user launches the utility from his desktop.