Map of the Krasnoyarsk region of digital broadcasting. Digital television coverage area: how to determine that you are in it

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This page contains all the basic information about the broadcast of DVB-T2 digital TV channels in the city of Ufa and the Republic of Bashkortostan. Here you can find out the frequencies on which the digital television signal is broadcast, see a coverage map of the main transmitting towers, as well as useful information about DVB-T2 broadcasting in your region.

Frequency map

The frequency map shows the broadcast frequency of the RTRS-1 multiplex, that is, the first 10 main federal channels. The map shows the frequency channel and broadcast frequency in each sector. This data will be useful when setting up the antenna and digital receiver. More detailed information can be found on the digital TV coverage map. On this map you can find the transmission tower closest to you, broadcast parameters and multiplex status. Below are the broadcast points that broadcast all 20 channels of digital TV channels. The remaining television towers, distributed throughout the territory of Bashkortostan, as of the beginning of 2018 broadcast only 10 TV channels of the first multiplex. The table shows the frequency channels of the first and second multiplex, respectively.

Coverage of towers broadcasting both multiplexes

Below are the estimated digital television coverage areas of towers that broadcast all 20 channels of the DVB-T2 format. Clicking on the picture will open it in full size. It is enough to find your location on the map and you will be able to evaluate the possibility of receiving 20 channels without waiting for the launch of the second multiplex on all transmitters in the region.


The federal program provides for digital television coverage of the entire territory of Russia by 2015. Today, many areas of our country can enjoy high-definition television in HD format. But this pleasure is not available to everyone (everyone can watch it, but not everyone sees it))).

How to find out if there is DVB T2 coverage in your area

Very simple! To do this, go to the official website of the federal project, to the “Network coverage map” section. You get an interactive map where you can find your location or the nearest town by entering them in the search bar and selecting from the drop-down tips:

At first glance, nothing complicated, but also there are some nuances here ( did it on my knee and didn’t explain how to use it ) . Let's pay attention to the upper right corner of the digital TV map and see what's there.

By default, the " Broadcasting points"- essentially these are TV towers that broadcast in DVB T2 format, and RTRS-1 TV channel package. These are, that is, the first ten information channels of digital television. To see if you are in the broadcast zone of a TV tower, check the “Broadcast zones” box, as well as “TVC, frequency”, the map will be painted in cheerful colors:

“Green” towers are working. Here is the frequency and channel number on which the signal is transmitted

If your area is colored, and there is a “green” tower nearby, then everything is probably fine. At least you will definitely catch the first ten channels. The frequency of the towers will be useful to you when, so remember it, or better yet, write it down, as well as the number of the channel on which your “digital” broadcasts.

But that is not all.

The fact is that the first and second multiplex are transmitted by different towers and at different frequencies.

This means that, for example, the first ten channels may already be working for you, but the second ten – the tower is still being built and this often happens. It’s easy to check this, go to the “RTRS-2 channel package” tab:

The second multiplex - as we see, there are much fewer “green” towers

They will show us the towers again, and most likely, not all of them will be green, as in the first case. Since the first towers were built for the first multiplex, they have already been built a long time ago and are broadcasting the first ten channels. But with the second multiplex it’s worse. However, if there are no “green” towers near you, do not despair, click on the gray ones, there will be information about the stage of construction and approximate commissioning.

From personal experience, I will say that for my mother in the region, the first multiplex arrives from the tower 10 km away, but the second one comes from the neighboring region, 45 km from her house. True, an external “dryer” antenna is used here, with an amplifier, on a high pole. Naturally, without an amplifier it does not catch anything.

We receive detailed information on the tower. At least it's already built, which means it's launching soon!

At times they skip friezes" However, judging by the map, a tower with a second multiplex is being built nearby, so everything will be great soon.

I hope you have now figured out how to determine the coverage area of ​​digital television, and have learned how to correctly interpret the digital TV map on the official website of the project. It's time to move on to the next step.