What program to open a vcf file on a computer (contact extension). VCF: what is the file and how to open it

The VCF format is used to store contact information. In a file with this extension you can find the full name, phone number, email and other data of people. However, this format has a peculiarity - to open it, you must use third-party software. Only through it can you open a virtual notebook, copy or edit the necessary data.

Programs that can open VCF Format

Microsoft Office can be used to solve most user tasks. Various programs from this package can also be used to open a VCF file on your computer. Microsoft Outlook is perfect for this - a completely free email client that has a rich history, as well as equally rich functionality.

Using it, you can not only communicate with other users of email services, but also open VCF contacts. This is quite convenient, because this way you can port the entire notebook from your phone to your computer, and then save the necessary contacts and use them for their intended purpose.

Of course, rarely does anyone use Outlook to solve this particular problem, but having this program on your computer is quite useful. It has a user-friendly interface, Russian language and extensive help. Any user can understand its management.

An excellent free utility that comes with most Nokia phones. By connecting the device to the computer, you can open this program and perform the necessary operation in it. The functionality of PC Suite is quite extensive, and in it you can not only port contacts, but also set up synchronization, create backups, share files between devices, and generally manage your phone.

The program is distributed completely free of charge, which makes it accessible to most users. Also, it has built-in multilingual support (more than 80 languages, including Russian). Having it on your computer is useful for any user who owns a Nokia phone.

Recently, this program has ceased to be supported, and it has been replaced by an updated version of Nokia Suite, which has expanded functionality and an updated interface. It also has increased productivity.

If you have any questions, ask in the comments, we will definitely help.

A VCF file can be opened by special programs. To open this format, download one of the proposed programs.

.VCF file extension

To store business card contact information in electronic form, the VCF (vCard File) format is used. This is a standard data representation file containing information about the user. There may be contact phone numbers, email addresses, user logins and even passwords. Additional sections of a VCF file may contain data other than text format, for example, jpg icons (images), as well as media files. The main purpose of the VCF format is the transfer of various contact information, in particular the procedure for importing/exporting the address book of a user.

How to open and create a VCF file

If you couldn't open the VCF file on your operating system, this means that you need to install additional applications that work with VCF files. It is possible that the necessary program is already installed, but it must be forcibly assigned to open the VCF format.

The most common programs that will open a VCF file (run on the Windows OS platform):

  • Microsoft Outlook (Express);

To open VCF file contacts on a Mac operating system, use the Apple Contacts application.

Users of various gadgets and iPhones can download directly to the mobile device application Contacts.

Outlook Express Backup- the most “advanced” plugin for creating and editing VCF. This program supports work only on the Windows platform. You can also send the VCF file online, for example by email.

Convert VCF to CSV and SPB format

It is necessary to understand that it is impossible to convert a VCF file to absolutely any format, and this, as a rule, is not necessary. The most popular conversions are to and . Samsung Kies is an application that is created specifically for converting VCF to CSV/SPB. As practice shows, data transmission is almost always of high quality and lossless.

Why VCF and what are its advantages?

The VCF format has gained popularity primarily due to its invariance with respect to various devices: almost any smartphone or operating system can easily read this format thanks to built-in applications. In addition, the VCF file does not take up much disk (physical) space.

A standard file format for storing contact information about a person or business. Typically includes name, address, telephone number, email address and other contact information. Also supports custom fields, images and other media types.

VCF files are often used to import and export contacts from your address book. They can be embedded in emails that provide an easy way for the recipient to import the sender's contact information.

Windows Vista users can open vCards using the built-in Windows Contacts program. Mac OS X users can open vCards using the built-in Address Book application. iPod and iPhone users can load vCards directly into the device's Contacts app.

Extensions previously unknown to users require software installed on the computer in which you can view the contents of a particular file. VCF is a format that stands for vCard File. This format contains contact information: full name, phone numbers, email addresses and more. Those. in other words, the phone book is saved in the file, which can later be transferred to a smartphone. Read the article about which programs can open VCF.

How to open a VCF file?

1.Microsoft Outlook

If you own a Microsoft office suite, you can open the VCF file using the included Outlook program. The program is distributed only together with other Microsoft Office programs, and it is no longer possible to download it separately.

Download Microsoft Office for free

2. Windows Contacts

A standard solution from Microsoft for viewing your contact list. The only caveat is that the Cyrillic alphabet may not be displayed correctly.

To open contacts this way, you don't need to download anything. Just right click on the file and go to menu "To open with" . Typically, the system should display the program Windows Contacts , which must be selected.

3. Google.com

Did you know that you can store contacts in your account, export them to a separate file (including VCF) and import new ones.

To do this, just log in to your Google account on Gmail.com. When your mailbox is displayed on the screen, click on the button in the left area of ​​the window "Gmail" and in the menu that appears, select "Contacts" .

A list of your contacts (if any) will be displayed in a separate tab. In the left area of ​​the window, click the button "More" to expand more menu options, and then select "Import" .

Select last item "Import from CSV or vContact File" .

For further work, the system will offer to switch to the previous version of the site, because The new one is still being finalized. Select "Go back to previous version of contacts" .

A window will appear with the old appearance of contacts, where you need to click on the button at the top of the page "More" , and then select "Import" .

Click the button "Choose File" to open File Explorer, and then point to the VCF file stored on your computer. Click the button "Import" .

After a few moments, all contacts stored in the VCF file will be displayed.

When buying a new phone or flashing an old one, we are recommended to create a backup copy of contacts from the phone book, so as not to lose important information and not waste time entering numbers manually. After creating a copy and saving it on the computer, we need to open the .vcf file to view the contact's phone number. But how to do this and using what program? We will consider the answer to these questions below.

How to open a .vcf file?

The extension file.vcf is a subscriber’s business card, which stores information about the contact (name, phone, email, personal website and links to pages on social networks). It can be opened using standard tools of any mobile operating system. But in Windows there are some nuances.

Windows Address Book

Standard method that does not require installation of additional software. Right-click on the .vcf file and select “Open with” – “Windows Contacts”.

Attention! The built-in Windows Contacts program does not recognize the Cyrillic alphabet! If the numbers from your address book were signed in Russian, Ukrainian or Belarusian, they will not be displayed correctly!

Microsoft Outlook

If you have Microsoft Office preinstalled on your machine, you can open “contacts.vcf” using MS Outlook. To do this, drag the .vcf file onto the program's working window and follow the instructions. After viewing the contact details of business cards, they will be saved in the address book of the email client.

Nokia Suite

An epoch-making application from Nokia, in which creating a backup copy of contacts and restoring them is a small part of the entire functionality. The application will allow you to view contact data and restore it on your mobile device (if it is manufactured by Nokia Corporation).


A multifunctional text editor that supports many encodings and guarantees the correct display of information. The application cannot export data to mobile devices, but allows you to edit a contact: add, delete and edit information.

Google's Gmail

To view contacts in .vcf format, you can use Google services.

  1. Create an account or sign in to Gmail.
  2. Click on the drop-down list and click the “Contacts” button.

  3. In the “More” tab, click “Import” – “Import from a CSV or vCard file.”

  4. Confirm the transition to the previous version of contacts.

  5. In the window that appears, click “More” – “Import”.

1. Windows Contacts

This file is opened using a standard application called Windows Contacts. To use it, right-click on the file and in the drop-down menu, hover over the line “Open with” and select the desired program. It can also be found in the Start menu.

Rice. No. 1. Open in Windows Contacts

Attention! If the text is not printed in Latin, it will be displayed in hieroglyphs.


If you have the Windows operating system and the Microsoft Office suite of office programs on your computer, then you also have Outlook.

Using it is exactly the same - press the right button and select Outlook in the list of available programs.

The problem with this contact reader is the same as mentioned above - the Cyrillic alphabet will not be read.

3. Standard text editors

Also, absolutely any standard text editors are suitable for opening VCF - Notepad, Notepad++ and the like.

The fact is that such files are text files and in such editors they will open in the form of a special code. But it is very easy to decipher. Among all the lines you can easily find your name, phone number and other data. An example of this can be seen below.

Rice. No. 2. Opening in Notepad

And you can open it in exactly the same way as described above - press the right button and select a program, or open the program and select a file in it.

4. Gmail

To use it, do this:

  • Open your mail. Click the "Gmail" button and select "Contacts" from the menu that appears.

Rice. No. 3. Contacts in Gmail

  • Next, select “More” and “Import”.
  • In the next window you will need to choose where to get the data from. There is a clause regarding VCF. Just click on it, indicate where the file is located and follow the copying process.

Important! The system may prompt you to upgrade to an older version of Gmail. Agree with this proposal. And in the old version, click “More” at the top, select “Import” and also indicate where the file is located.

Rice. No. 4. Selecting contact path

The “My Contacts” section will appear in your mail, where you can view all the data from the file.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in this procedure. Write in the comments which method helped you!