What are the advantages of the USB type c connector? Everything you need to know about USB Type-C

The process of mass introduction of the USB interface in PCs and peripheral devices began in the late 90s of the last century. Just a few years have passed, and USB has become the de facto standard for connecting peripheral devices, practically displacing other solutions - such as serial and parallel ports, PS/2, etc.

Moreover: the matter is not limited to computers and peripheral equipment. The convenience, ease of connection and versatility of the USB interface have contributed to the spread of this solution in other areas - in particular, in mobile devices, household audio and video equipment, automotive electronics, etc.

Since the process of improving PCs, mobile devices and other equipment is ongoing, from time to time there is a need to refine the USB interface in order to improve key characteristics (in particular, throughput), expand functionality, introduce new connector sizes, etc. All this allows you to adapt the existing solution to the changing needs of the industry.

One of the most notable innovations in recent years is the introduction of the SuperSpeed ​​mode, which appeared in the USB specification version 3.0. The final text of this document was approved at the end of 2008, and over the next couple of years this decision became widespread.

However, a lot of time has passed since then, and the time has come for further improvements. In the coming year, the IT industry and you and I will see a number of, without exaggeration, revolutionary innovations. We will talk about them in this review.

SuperSpeedPlus mode

In the summer of 2013, the USB specification version 3.1 was approved. The main innovation that this document legitimized was the SuperSpeedPlus mode, which allows the bandwidth of the USB interface data bus to be doubled: from the previous 5 to 10 Gbit/s. For compatibility with older equipment, it is possible to operate in SuperSpeed ​​mode (up to 5 Gbit/s). Thus, a USB 3.1 connection will allow (at least theoretically) to transfer data at speeds in excess of 1 GB/s and practically reach the HDMI version 1.4 interface (whose bandwidth is 10.2 Gbit/s).

What does this mean in practice? A bandwidth of 10 Gbps is quite enough to broadcast high-definition video (Full HD) with a frame refresh rate of up to 60 Hz or stereoscopic recordings in a similar resolution with a frequency of up to 30 Hz. Accordingly, USB 3.1 can be considered as a full-fledged alternative to specialized interfaces (such as DVI and HDMI) for broadcasting high-resolution video signals from PCs and mobile devices to monitors, projectors and other devices.

USB Type C connector

One of the revolutionary innovations that will affect the PC sphere, as well as peripheral and mobile devices in the near future, is the introduction of a new type of USB interface connector. The specification for USB Type C plugs and sockets was developed by the USB 3.0 Promoter Group, and the final text of this document was approved in August 2014. The design of USB Type C connectors has a number of important features that it makes sense to talk about in detail.

Firstly, USB Type C plugs and sockets are symmetrical in shape. In a USB Type C socket, the plastic tab is located exactly in the middle, and the contact pads on it are located on both sides. Thanks to this, the plug can be connected to such a socket either straight or inverted by 180°. This will greatly simplify the life of users who will finally be freed from the need to determine the correct orientation of the plug at random (which is especially important when connecting cables to a system unit installed under the table).

Secondly, the USB Type C specification requires the use of symmetrical cables, which are equipped with the same plugs on both sides. Accordingly, the sockets installed on the host devices and on the peripheral equipment will be the same.

And thirdly, the USB Type C connector will not have mini and micro versions. It is expected that USB Type C sockets and plugs will become common for desktop and laptop PCs, peripheral equipment, household equipment, mobile devices, power supplies, etc. Accordingly, to connect devices of any type you will need only one unified cable.

The dimensions of the USB Type C socket are approximately 8.4x2.6 mm, which allows you to easily place it in the case of even small-sized devices. There are several design options for sockets for mounting both on the surface of a printed circuit board and in a special cutout (the latter option allows you to reduce the thickness of the device body).

The design of USB Type C plugs and sockets is designed for 10 thousand connections and disconnections - which corresponds to the reliability of USB connectors of currently used types.

The first public demonstration of USB Type C connectors and cables took place at the 2014 IDF Fall Forum, which took place in early September in San Francisco (USA). One of the first mass-produced devices equipped with a USB Type C connector was the tablet announced in mid-November.

Of course, the physical incompatibility of the USB Type C connector with older types of outlets is not the best news for end users. However, the developers from the USB 3.0 Promoter Group decided to take such a radical step in order to expand the functionality of the USB interface, as well as create a foundation for the future. To connect new devices to equipment equipped with older types of connectors, adapter cables will be produced (USB Type C - USB Type A, USB Type C - USB Type B, USB Type C - microUSB, etc.).

USB Power Delivery 2.0

One of the reasons for the current popularity of the USB interface is the ability to transfer not only data, but also power over one cable. This allows you to simplify the connection procedure as much as possible and reduce the number of wires used. When working with mobile devices, this property of the USB interface makes it possible to transfer and synchronize data from a PC, and at the same time recharge the gadget’s battery by connecting just one cable. The same can be said about low-power peripherals. Thanks to the ability to transmit power via an interface cable, we have long been freed from the need to use external power supplies for some peripheral devices - in particular, flatbed scanners, low-power speaker systems, etc. Due to this, it was possible to reduce not only the number of wires on the desktop, but also the occupied sockets under it.

However, the rapid development of mobile devices in recent years has led to a significant change in the requirements not only for the bandwidth of the data bus, but also for the parameters of the power supply supplied via a USB connection. To charge low-power devices (such as MP3 players or wireless headsets), a current of 500 mA is sufficient (and this, remember, is the maximum value for standard USB ports versions 1.1 and 2.0). However, for normal charging of modern smartphones and tablets, power supplies capable of delivering a current of 2 A or more are required.

A similar situation is observed in the segment of peripheral devices. The power transmitted via USB is sufficient to power a 2.5-inch external hard drive or a desktop flatbed scanner with a CIS sensor. However, the USB interface, even version 3.0 (and in it the maximum current was increased to 900 mA per port), does not allow supplying electricity to a small inkjet printer or, for example, an LCD monitor.

In order to expand the capabilities of the USB interface to provide power to external devices, the USB Power Delivery 2.0 specification was developed. This document regulates the supply of power to devices with a power consumption of up to 100 W, and in any direction - both from the host device to the peripheral device, and vice versa. For example, a laptop will be able to receive power from a monitor to which it is connected via USB.

Of course, the ability to supply power to external devices is limited by the design features of the PC or other device that acts as a power source. That is why the USB Power Delivery 2.0 specification provides three profiles - for devices with power consumption up to 10, 60 and 100 W. In the first case, the supply voltage is 5 V, and the maximum current in the load circuit can reach 2 A. The second profile involves using a supply voltage of 12 V, and the third - 20 V. The maximum current in the load circuit in both cases is limited to 5 A.

It should be noted that in order to power a powerful load, both devices must support the appropriate USB Power Delivery 2.0 profile. Obviously, the maximum power will be limited by the capabilities of the device acting as a power source. There are other aspects that need to be kept in mind.

If the current in the power circuit does not exceed 2 A, USB connectors of any currently existing types can be used to connect devices. Connecting a more powerful load is only possible through USB Type C connectors (which were already mentioned above) and the corresponding cables. It is also necessary to pay attention to the fact that, unlike USB Type C connectors, the design of standard cables is designed for a maximum current of 3 A. Thus, to connect a more powerful load you will need a special cable.

The introduction of the USB Power Delivery 2.0 specification will significantly expand the ability to transfer power via the USB interface bus. The implementation of this solution in the future will make it possible to use the USB ports of a desktop computer to recharge not only smartphones, tablets, etc. gadgets, but also mobile PCs - netbooks, laptops, etc. In addition, the range of peripheral devices will be significantly expanded, which can receive the current required for operation via the USB interface bus and, accordingly, do without separate power supplies. This list will be supplemented by LCD monitors, active speaker systems, etc.

Alternate Modes

Another important innovation that will become available with the transition to using the USB Type C connector is support for Functional Extensions. A special case of functional extensions are the so-called alternative modes (AM). With their help, manufacturers will be able to use the physical connection of the USB interface to implement the specific capabilities and functions of certain devices.

For example, the Audio Adapter Accessory Mode allows you to use a physical USB connection to broadcast analog audio to headphones, external speakers, and other equipment. To a device equipped with a USB Type C connector and supporting Audio Adapter Accessory Mode, you can connect headphones or an external speaker through a special adapter equipped with a 3.5 mm mini-jack jack.

Support for alternative modes is one of the properties of a new class of USB devices - USB Billboard Device Class. Manufacturers who intend to develop their own alternative modes will need to obtain a unique identifier (SVID) from the USB-IF organization.

In 2014, the Video Electronics Standards Association (VESA) developed the DisplayPort Alternate Mode specification. This solution allows you to use two pairs of USB cable conductors (TX+/TX– and RX+/RX–) to broadcast an uncompressed digital AV stream. At the same time, the possibility of data transmission (in Low Speed, Full Speed ​​and Hi-Speed ​​modes via the D+/D– pair), as well as power supply via the same interface cable, is retained. Thus, by connecting two devices that support DisplayPort Alternate Mode, you can broadcast audio and video signals, transfer data in both directions at speeds of up to 480 Mbps, and also supply power - all over one cable!

Devices that support DisplayPort Alternate Mode can also be connected to equipment that is not equipped with USB Type C ports (in particular, monitors, TVs, etc.). The specification of this mode provides options for connecting to DisplayPort, HDMI or DVI interfaces through special adapters.

In November 2014, the MHL consortium announced the development of an alternative mode, MHL Alternate Mode, which will allow broadcasting uncompressed audio and video signals (including high and ultra-high definition) from mobile devices equipped with a USB Type C connector to external equipment (monitors, TVs, projectors etc.) via a standard USB cable. Specialists from Nokia, Samsung Electronics, Silicon Image, Sony and Toshiba took part in the development of the specification.

The introduction of alternative modes will significantly expand the functionality of the USB interface and greatly simplify the procedure for connecting devices of various types.


Concluding this review, we will once again list the most important innovations, the process of introducing them into mass-produced devices equipped with a USB interface will begin in the near future.

The SuperSpeedPlus data transfer mode described in the USB specification version 3.1 will increase the maximum throughput of this interface to 10 Gbps. Of course, this is less than HDMI 2.0 and Thunderbolt 2 (which, remember, provide data transfer speeds of up to 18 and 20 Gbps, respectively). However, 10 Gbps is quite enough to transmit uncompressed high-definition video signals with frame rates up to 60 Hz. In addition, representatives of USB-IF stated that in subsequent versions of USB it is quite possible to increase the throughput to 20 Gbit/s - fortunately, the design of the new USB Type C connectors and the corresponding cables contains a certain margin for further development.

The introduction of support for the USB Power Delivery 2.0 specification will significantly increase the maximum power transmitted over a USB connection. Accordingly, the range of peripheral and mobile devices that will be able to receive power via an interface cable will be expanded. The widespread implementation of this solution will significantly reduce the number of cables and external power supplies used, reduce the number of occupied outlets and use electricity more efficiently.

The advent of USB Billboard Device Class devices with support for alternative modes will open up completely new possibilities. At the same time, each manufacturer will be able to create their own modes for devices of certain types, taking into account their specifics.

Of course, one of the revolutionary changes that will affect the spheres of PCs, peripheral and mobile devices, household equipment, etc., will be the introduction of the USB Type C connector, which (as expected) will replace the USB plugs and sockets of currently used types. On the one hand, the transition to a single connector for devices of all types will significantly simplify the lives of users and reduce the number of required cables to a minimum. But, on the other hand, the industry and users will have to go through a very difficult and painful process of generational change. Previous solutions were distinguished by maximum compatibility: the design of conventional USB Type A and Type B plugs allows them to be easily connected to the corresponding sockets of version 3.0. Now, to connect devices of different generations, you will have to use additional devices.

The USB 3.1 specification provides backward compatibility with earlier versions of the interface. However, with the advent of serial devices equipped with a USB Type C connector, users will inevitably face the need to purchase adapters and adapters that provide the ability to connect new devices to older equipment with USB Type A, Type B and other types of sockets. Considering that currently about 4 billion devices equipped with a USB interface are produced annually, this problem will be very relevant for at least the next five to six years.

It should also be noted that it will be possible to fully realize the potential of the USB version 3.1 interface and the USB Type C connector in practice only when users accumulate at least a minimum amount of equipment equipped with these new products. Obviously, in the case of interaction between two devices of different generations, the functionality and maximum bandwidth of the interface will be limited by the characteristics of the USB controller of the older device.

According to experts from the well-known Taiwanese resource DigiTimes, serial models of PCs, as well as mobile and peripheral devices equipped with a USB 3.1 interface and USB Type C connectors, will go on sale in the first half of 2015. In turn, leading operating system and software developers have already announced their readiness to release updates to implement USB 3.1 support in their products.

Let's start with the new standard. USB Type-C. designed to unify connectors on many devices from coffee makers, cameras, televisions to smartphones with computers.

Just imagine a world in which one standard reigns. You don’t need to take a bunch of adapters with you on a trip or think about whether your friends have the necessary cable at home when you go to visit them. In a world where USB Type-C reigns, you can always charge your device, anywhere and anytime.

Standardization is perhaps the most important trump card of USB Type-C and almost all users will ultimately experience it. Well, for the fact that the connector can be inserted from either side, special respect to the engineers who developed this standard.

More powerful charging

Charging your phone using a cable from a camera or from a computer is not the coolest thing USB Type-C can do. Initially, the standard specification included the ability to pass a huge amount of energy through the cable, up to 100 watts of power. Of course, such current is not needed in smartphones yet, but it’s still nice to know that such powerful potential is already built into the USB-C standard.

Some manufacturers have already managed to implement their fast charging standards based on Type-C. For example, OnePlus' Dash Charge can deliver up to 5 volts at 4 amps, which equals 20 watts of power. Qualcom's Quick charge 4 also works based on Type-C and produces about 18 watts at peak. It is possible that in the future some graphene supercapacitors will require a current of 100 watts to charge in a couple of minutes, and in this case Type-C will not rust.

Sound output

Based on the Type-C connector, you can implement a huge number of different interfaces, from a basic and banal audio connector to advanced Thunderbolt 3 or pci express. We won’t go far for examples. The market is already full of devices that simply do not have a standard 3.5 mm mini jack. It was successfully replaced by a digital interface based on USB Type-C.

LeEco was one of the first to show the public the advantage of this method of sound transmission. Their CDLA technology allows you to transmit lossless digital Hi-Fi audio and implement the coolest noise reduction systems without additional power.

Video signal transmission via USB Type-C

But smartphone manufacturers have found another interesting use for Type-C. After all, the connector can transmit not only sound, but also video. And at the same time, feed the device with energy. As a result, we saw a number of docking stations that turn the smartphone into a full-fledged system unit.

Microsoft first implemented this idea in its lumia. Later, devices from HP Elite x3 were added to them. They are all very limited in their functionality. Windows in continuum mode does not spoil the user with many possibilities, but still in this mode it is already noticeably more convenient to browse, work with texts and watch videos on YouTube. And just recently it entered the market with a similar station.

To summarize, thoughts come to mind about the future and how cool everything will be when a full transition to USB Type-C does take place. But looking around, I understand that this very future has already arrived. Type-C can be found in the most unexpected places. In consoles, cameras, TVs and cameras, even in some inexpensive laptops. There is just a little time left before the full-scale transition. We can only hope that engineers and manufacturers don’t come up with something new. If you found this article useful, then share it on social networks with your friends. Click on your social media icon below!

Updated: February 8, 2019 by: Gold

In my materials devoted to the choice of -, thin ultra- and other beeches, I no, no, and I mentioned the USB Type-C interface, the presence of which is an undoubted advantage of this or that computer model. It may be a small advantage, incomparable in significance with a video card, etc., but we know who is hidden in the details, and it is these small pluses and minuses that can tilt the choice in one direction or another, influencing the decision on which model prefer and which laptop to buy. So, USB Type-C - what it is, what it is used for, in the sense of how and what it can be used for and whether it is needed at all. Are we figuring it out?

USB Type-C - what's in my name?

I will not repeat the history of the emergence and development of the USB interface. It has become so familiar that even the decision once made by someone to make the connector asymmetrical still infuriates, but not much anymore. The point is that you need to insert a flash drive or cable into a familiar USB socket in a certain position. How often have you been able to connect a device to the connector on the back of the system unit the first time? And from the second? Well, maximum from the third.

True, it should be noted that the connector is reliable, can withstand a large number of connections, and is capable of withstanding (within reasonable limits, of course) mechanical loads. But these qualities also come with a drawback - for compact devices in its original form (Type-A) it is too bulky.

Which exit? To do the same, but smaller, as a result, Mini-USB and Micro-USB appeared. Got better? Yes, but it’s still somehow inconvenient; different devices require different cables or adapters, and even small connectors still need to be inserted in a certain way.

So, Type-C is a new connector standard that has finally (caps up and champagne corks in the ceiling) become symmetrical! Its compactness and versatility allows you to replace the entire existing “zoo” of connector options and, accordingly, cables. At the same time, it was developed for the new USB standard specification, which received the number 3.1.

The main characteristics of standards 3.0 and 3.1 are given in the table.

VersionUSB 3.0
Max. transfer speed, Gb/s5 5 10
Max. current, A0.9 5
Cable length, m2-3 1
Resource (number of connections)1500 (Type-A)10000

Let’s add that through Type-C you can (given the current of 5 A) charge the device itself, connect an external monitor, peripheral devices, storage devices... It turns out that if the laptop has such a connector, then it will be possible to take advantage of all these benefits?

- Otherwise, you flush the water, and there might be...

- What could be there?

- Anything, understand?

© “Peculiarities of national fishing”

Not certainly in that way. You are guaranteed to get a new compact connector and USB in it. I deliberately do not indicate what version of the protocol there may be, because Type-C is a specification of the connector and what it MAY contain, but what is used in a particular tablet or laptop model depends on the manufacturer of this gadget.

Type-C - possibilities

As has already become, I hope, clear, the new connector is more than just USB, and much more. In, so to speak, a “basic” configuration, it provides USB 3.1 with all the advantages of this new version of the interface.

All other “buns” are alternative Type-C operating modes, which are marked in a certain way on the device’s body. Moreover, changes can lead to both an expansion of the capabilities used and the fact that USB 3.1 can be replaced by 3.0 or even 2.0. Let us present the options that may be encountered at the moment, since the capabilities of this connector are far from being exhausted.

DisplayPort. Via Type-C you can connect an external display with a maximum resolution of 3840 x 2400 pixels. This possibility should be marked either on the laptop case with a corresponding icon, or indicated in the specification for the device.
HDMI. It is now possible to connect external devices without adapters, directly using HDMI version 1.4.
Thunderbolt Supports Thunderbolt 3 compatibility mode.
Power Delivery (PD). The specification of a new standard that provides current transmission of up to 100 W in both directions, which allows you to charge a laptop through this port, or, conversely, power an external device connected through it, for example, an external display. On the device body, such a connector is usually marked with PD letters and an icon in the form of a battery, although there may be other options. If there is no PD support, then the maximum output current will be 1.5 or 3 A, depending on the modification.
Supports USB 3.1 Gen.1 protocol. Supports operating speeds up to 5 Gb/s.
Supports USB 3.1 Gen.2 protocol. Supports operating speeds up to 10 Gb/s.

What functions are supported by Type-C installed in a particular laptop model are marked on the case or written down in the specifications.

For example, consider the Lenovo Yoga 910 convertible laptop. It is equipped with two Type-C ports, one of which runs on USB 2.0 (by the way, here is an example of the fact that no one promised the mandatory presence of USB 3.1), and the second is 3.0 with DisplayPort support . Moreover, the function of supporting charging mode through this connector is simply marked with an electrical plug icon, without any frills like the “PD” logo, etc. The same applies to support for connecting a monitor. This is clear only from the documentation on the laptop.

Another example is the Asus ZenBook 3 UX390UA ultrabook, which, apart from the audio jack, has only one Type-C installed. But it can do almost everything: a power supply is connected to it, through it you can display an image on an external display, and exchange data with external media at speeds corresponding to the USB 3.1 Gen.1 interface. By the way, pay attention to the connector markings on the case. Everything is clear, clear and understandable.


The specification for the next version of USB, 3.2, is currently under active development, while Type-C will be used, and the possibility of working with the PCI Express and Base-T Ethernet protocols is being explored. In general, this connector is the future, although it is not being promoted so actively yet. The reason is the huge number of devices for old connectors; to connect them you will have to buy adapters and hubs.

Conclusion. USB Type-C - what is it, the future ruler of gadgets?

Quite possible. The presence of a single, universal connector is rather a blessing. The ability to connect power, a flash drive, and all sorts of other devices using one connector is tempting. There is only one “but”.

If power is connected through the port, or other devices are powered with its help, and at high powers, then you should pay special attention to the quality of the wires, adapters and hubs used. Low-quality products from Uncle Liao can lead to unpleasant consequences in the form of burned-out devices followed by expensive repairs.

High speeds to you, dear readers, and safe connection!

USB Type-C is a universal 24-pin connector that is used to charge many modern smartphones, and in some it replaces the standard 3.5 mm audio jack. But that's not all USB-C has to offer. We talked about the connector in more detail.

Ease of connection

Perhaps the inventor of USB-C was just really tired of upending USB-A.

The most obvious advantage of USB-C is its design: Type-C always fits into the socket the first time because the port is completely symmetrical. The contacts in a double-sided connector are more difficult to damage, because the cable will fit in any position, no matter how you turn it over.


Many models with USB-C do not have a separate headphone jack. Users often criticize this trend, saying “we don’t want to buy new headphones or use an adapter, bring back the 3.5 mm jack.” However, one can understand the manufacturers: abandoning the audio connector in favor of Type-C makes it possible to make the smartphone as thin as possible.


Type-C is designed to replace all existing connectors - and this is not an exaggeration. On smartphones, it has already combined an audio output and a charging connector, and also serves to connect docking stations and external peripherals. This leads to the next advantage - a smartphone with USB-C can work in desktop mode.

Desktop mode

USB-C makes it easy to turn flagship smartphones like the latest Samsung Galaxy S9 into true desktop computers. Via USB Type-C, the gadget can be connected to a special docking station and transfer data to an external monitor. In total, USB-C allows you to connect up to six peripheral devices, including DisplayPort monitors, audio devices, and all kinds of keyboards and mice.

High data transfer speed

USB Type-C 3.1 provides data transfer speeds of up to 10 Gbps. This allows smartphones to stream 4K video to an external monitor and quickly transfer large files over a wire. However, not all USB-C operates at the 3.1 speed standard. The bandwidth of the older 3.0 is “only” up to 5 Gbps, and 2.0 is up to 480 Mbps.

The main catch is that it is impossible to determine by eye the USB standard that the smartphone supports. For example, the Galaxy S8 and Huawei P20 have Type-C 3.1 (10 Gbps, respectively), while the Galaxy S8 and Huawei P20 have exactly the same USB-C, but 2.0 (480 Mbps). So if you want to quickly transfer files to a PC or stream heavy videos, pay attention not only to the presence of USB-C in the gadget, but also to its standard.

Fast charging

The faster a smartphone charges, the better, and we can safely say that gadgets with USB-C break all records in this regard. Type-C standard 3.1 allows you to transfer a charge with a power of 100 W (5 A) - this technology is called USB Power Delivery. The standard is already used in laptops, and it is based on the Quick Charge 4 fast charging technology for smartphones. In addition, many manufacturers are developing their own fast charging functions compatible with Type-C. For example, it supports Honor Supercharge proprietary technology, which allows you to fully charge the gadget in just 50 minutes.

Most of the benefits of USB-C, such as super-fast charging and high data transfer speeds, are only available on flagship models. However, no smartphone yet supports 100 W charge transfer. However, there is a trend in which USB-C is increasingly appearing in mid-range smartphones, for example. At this rate, micro-USB will remain only for state employees, and all haters of 3.5 mm adapters will be nostalgic for the good old days.

Take a look at almost any laptop and you'll find a number of different ports gracing its sides: USB, HDMI, power connection, and a few others. This may soon be a thing of the past, as manufacturers such as Apple, HP and are ready to adopt a new universal standard that offers increased speed, improved functionality and convenience. The time of USB-C is coming, and its future looks very promising.

One cable, many uses

The idea behind USB Type-C is simple. You have one type of cable, one type of port, and through them you connect everything you need. This means you can use the same connector for hard drives, monitors, audio interfaces, smartphones, tablets, and even to charge your laptop.

Nowadays, most peripherals are connected to a PC via USB-A. It has a rectangular shape and is used on USB flash drives, external keyboards, mice, hard drives and almost all other devices.

On the opposite side of the cable, there is usually another type of connector, such as Micro USB for connecting to smartphones, Mini USB for other gadgets, Micro USB-B for connecting to some storage devices, or square-shaped USB-B used in printers. The difficulty is that you need to have a separate cable for each device, and there is no guarantee that if you are somewhere else, you will be able to find exactly the one you need.

USB-C simplifies this situation by establishing one standard format for all devices, and even the same connector on both ends of the cable. The slim, oval-shaped connector is smaller in size than previous USB formats. Plus, it's also symmetrical/reversible like Apple's Lightning connector—so the days of fiddling with a cable to find the right way to connect to your device will soon be a thing of the past.

Over time, USB-C will likely become the only universal port for all devices, replacing the USB-A, USB-B, Micro USB and Mini USB that make our lives so difficult now. All cables will be the same and will fit all devices. Admittedly, this will not happen very soon, since most peripherals on the market still use the old connection types. But with Apple's new line of MacBook Pros featuring exclusively USB-C ports, and the Asus Zenbook 3 and HP Specter using the same approach, USB-C ports are becoming a common feature on many modern laptops and 2-in-1 devices. This undoubtedly indicates that the future lies with the new platform.

What are the benefits of USB-C?

Of course, simply changing the design of the connector and port is unlikely to be a compelling reason to upgrade your entire peripheral, but this is not the only advantage of USB Type-C. The new format also supports the latest USB 3.1 protocol, which is faster and more versatile than previous versions used on USB Type A devices.

  • Speed. When USB 1.0 was introduced back in 1996, it had a maximum data transfer speed of 12 MB/s. USB 2.0, which followed in 2000, “jumped” to 480 Mb/s. USB 3.0, which replaced it in 2008, provided a significantly improved performance of 5 Gb/s. Now USB 3.1 has doubled that figure, offering as much as 10 Gb/s and a number of additional benefits.
  • Performance. These additional benefits include the ability to deliver up to 100 watts of power to connected devices, which is enough to charge any smartphone, tablet, and almost any laptop. The new format can also carry 4K monitors and audio.
  • Compactness. The smaller size and versatility of the ports means they will now become ubiquitous on ultra-thin laptops and Android smartphones such as the Google Pixel.
  • Versatility. The universal nature of the new standard opens up a range of useful practical applications using just one cable. For example, a user can connect their USB-C-equipped laptop to an externally powered display and charge while watching video content. If other USB devices are connected to the monitor, such as an external drive, the PC can also access it and transfer files. In addition, the cable can be used to connect and charge your smartphone.
  • Compatibility. USB Type-C is backward compatible with previous generations. If you have an adapter or dongle, you will be able to use your USB devices over USB-C. To meet this need, a number of interesting accessories have already been released, such as the Targus Dock 410, which offers not only three USB 3.0 ports, but also HDMI, Gigabit ethernet and various video options. The fact that the device can manage this entire range of functions through a single USB-C port shows the potential of the platform - it's not for nothing that more and more modern laptops, for example, Apple's line of thin 12-inch MacBooks are equipped with a single port. Now there is an even faster form of USB Type-C, which also includes support for Thunderbolt 3.0. With it, devices like the MacBook Pro, Dell XPS 13 and HP Specter can reach speeds of up to 40 Gb/s - four times faster than USB 3.1. Thanks to the increased data transfer speeds, users can connect a USB-C cable to the aforementioned Targus Dock 410 and run two external displays at up to 3840x2160 resolution by connecting them to the DVI-D and HDMI ports on the dock. Since the standard is still new, manufacturer specifications may vary between devices - so consumers need to ensure that accessories like the Dock 410 are compatible with their laptops.
  • Reversibility. Who has never cursed while trying to get a Micro USB connector or even a standard USB connector into a device correctly? Apple's Lightning connector eliminates this inconvenience, and now USB-C is just as convenient.

What are the disadvantages of USB Type-C?

While USB-C is a shiny new format that will no doubt become ubiquitous in the near future, it is currently still in its infancy and therefore not without some confusion and dangers.

Since USB-C refers to a connector type rather than an internal specification, users may be unpleasantly surprised that their device isn't as fast as they expected. The first generation of USB-C uses USB 3.0 technology, which has a maximum speed of 5 Gb/s, while the second generation of USB-C supports USB 3.1, which provides 10 Gb/s. There is also a third generation that includes Thunderbolt 3 (for example, on the new MacBook Pro), with a maximum speed of up to 40 Gb/s. The problem with each of the ports is that they look the same, but the manufacturers use different components in their model lines. Therefore, to avoid disappointment, potential buyers should check the connector's specifications and speed before purchasing.

Cables can also be confusing because they all look the same but have different designs that affect their capabilities. If you need a charging cable, you'll need to make sure it supports USB Power Delivery, and for HDMI, MHL, or DisplayPort, you need a USB-C cable with Alt Mode functionality. These inconveniences will undoubtedly be eliminated in the future, but at this stage the buyer should check all details carefully.

The main problem facing USB-C is cheap cables and accessories that can cause physical damage to the device. The problem is caused by the amount of energy they are capable of transmitting. This can be dangerous not only for devices, but also for people. Therefore, you should not purchase cheap, non-branded products from China, but choose reliable, proven brands.