What testimony did arrested blogger Dmitry Begun really give? Instant Pathfinder — LiveJournal Dmitry runner what is not being written about

There was a time when we were friends with Dmitry Begun (aka 63ru ) and Ernest Staratelev (aka staratelev ). But now a year has passed since we did not shake hands with each other. I do it because I’m afraid to get dirty in this shit, they because they consider themselves the “steers” of the blogosphere of the Samara region. Edakimi, guru. The guys are “in the know.”

And, indeed, for some time (not without the help of individual comrades from the circle of the former governor of the Samara region, Vladimir Artyakov), they managed to supervise social networks, create events, initiate news events in the region, and therefore blackmail businessmen and officials. It’s not for nothing that Begun publishes the numbers of various electronic payment systems on the main page of the website. He himself does not hide the fact that he takes money for his publications.

Staratelev turned out to be smarter in this regard - he simply uses the Runner. But it works no less. Most of those blogs where “stormy” discussions happen are the work of Staratelev.

Today Ernest performs under a different nickname: trojanhorse_63
I know the style and manner of writing of Comrade Staratelev very well, since I have worked with him since 2000.

And he has about ten such blogs. Previously, living writers took part in the “scheme”: me, Nina Bogaevskaya, Dmitry Blinov (I won’t name the others, so as not to spoil relations with them). They want to earn money - a flag in their hands, a drum around their neck, an electric train coming their way.

To “legalize” the information, Staratelev was given the portal samara.ru (which is now on its last legs) and airtime on the Gubernia TV channel, where he hosted his analytical programs and, it seems, round tables that even he himself did not understand.

The “machine” worked like clockwork: a topic was “thrown” into blogs, then it appeared on samara.ru and regionsamara.ru, later broadcast in the form of announcements on Valera Koknaev’s radio stations, and if a businessman (or, as Staratelev put it, a “huckster” ) did not want to pay, it was published in “MK” in Samara,” or “Arguments of the Week.” Koknaev also had licenses to publish these media.

A year ago, I helped these “scammers” draw up some dubious reports for Valery Lebedev. He dragged them to the White House. They still didn’t understand a damn thing about social networks. Ernest took monstrous money from Artyakov’s entourage for promoting the ex-governor in search engines and social networks. Although in reality I didn’t hit a finger. “War games” on Begun’s blog don’t count.

Later, a “scheme” was invented, in which Valery Koknaev (Region Media) was again involved. He, as the owner of several large radio stations, helped “promote” the “hot” topic. The last example is the story with Alexander Mileev on TOK FM. But communication: blogs + radio for some reason failed.

Probably because Artyakov is no more. This means that our heroes cannot rely on either Viktor Kuznetsov (former adviser to the ex-governor) or Valery Troyan (vice-speaker of the Samara Provincial Duma).

Dmitry Begun came to United Russia wearing galoshes

Both were sad without orders. And then there’s the loss in Samara. Alexey Degtev, a protégé of Staratelev-Begun, failed to “crush” Mikhail Matveev in 2010. After this, Vladimir Koshelev (nominated for the State Duma from the Ulyanovsk region) was defeated in the elections in 2011. The same people managed the election campaign: Staratelev and Begun.

Another problem: the Runner turned out to be a scammer. And he managed to swindle most of the top bloggers in the Samara region out of money. Now living writers refuse to work with him.

What remains for Begun and Staratelev?

Dodge, lie, cheat, run over, lick. Moreover, everyone in a row: Mayor Dmitry Azarov, United Russia, “biting” Governor Nikolai Merkushkin. Someone has to take on the burden of defending power structures on social media.

But both Staratelev and Begun, to put it bluntly, crap themselves.

Pay attention to the quality of the Runner's information, say, in 2010 and now. Insider information disappeared because the governor changed and the fat man in galoshes was no longer allowed into the White House.
The blog “What newspapers don’t write about and TV doesn’t show enough” (the author’s spelling has been preserved - author’s note) is increasingly turning into a latrine. A magazine with more questions than answers.

The blog-hop company named after Dmitry Sergeich Begun is again in the circus arena. And again they caught fire on the order, or rather on an unsuccessful drain.
I don’t want to defend the head of the city traffic police, Alexei Martyntsev, but even a traffic cop is not a crime. And being the head of the traffic police does not mean, by definition, being guilty of all mortal sins.
So Alexey Napylov laid everything out correctly. Read...

Does Freedom Square fix Runner/Circle bugs?

As tltpravda.ru reported last week, the topic “video compromising material against Alexey Martyntsev” was developed in the newspaper “Freedom Square”. It is curious that the publication, part of the ADS Volgopromgaz media holding, interprets the stuffing organized by bloggers Ilya Krugov and Dmitry Begun in its own way, using favorite journalistic tricks to evade responsibility.

All last week, let us remind you, what PR specialists call “shaking of the topic” was happening on the Internet. The target of attacks was the head of the traffic police in Samara, Alexey Martyntsev. Initially, the video was uploaded by an anonymous user on YouTube, after which it was launched in the once popular LJ community samara-ru, where it was actively commented on by bloggers, who can most often be seen as commentators in the Begun live journal. And, after a couple of hours, the material was finally posted on the website 063ru.ru and on the blogs of Ilya Krugovoy and Dmitry Begun. A discussion immediately began with the same group of bloggers as on samara-ru and the traditional anonymous people for the “popular Samara blogger.”

The commissioned nature of the publication was not in doubt from the very beginning, since the so-called “compromising video” did not contain any incriminating evidence and was generally no more meaningful than an excerpt from a cheap domestic television series. However, the annotation to the video promised a serious revelation.

The text of the duet Begun/Circular stated in particular:

“The traffic police inspector stopped a white jeep, the driver of which almost hit a pedestrian at the crossing, and was about to roughly punish him, but the offender called somewhere. Ten minutes later, the head of the city traffic police himself appeared on the spot...

... the person taking the documents from the apologetic traffic police officer is none other than the driver and part-time security guard of the sausage king Oleg Kuzichkin, better known as a failed deputy of the Samara Provincial Duma.”

It almost followed from the text that Alexey Martyntsev arrived personally at the request of Oleg Kuzichkin.
Journalists of the newspaper "Freedom Square", apparently, understood the mistake of Begun and Krugovoy and did not assert so categorically. After all, they understand that they are dealing not with information, but with stuffing. In their version: “According to the author of the video (And as shown above, it is impossible to establish it, since the stuffing was carried out by an anonymous person - approx. tltpravda.ru) ... the driver of a businessman driving a white jeep (no longer the car of the “sausage king”, but simply “ white jeep”, which in any case is not in the frame) allegedly (a word that helps in court to say: “We didn’t say anything”) almost hit a man (A phrase from the category “a little pregnant”. Are we talking about “didn’t miss a pedestrian”? ) at a pedestrian crossing and after stopping the car, the traffic police inspector called on the phone. After 10 minutes, the head of the traffic police of the city, Martyntsev, allegedly (Again, a word that allows you to not say anything and, therefore, not bear any responsibility - approx. tltpravda.ru) personally arrived at the place, reprimanded the traffic police inspector using profanity, and he returned his license violator (is it a violator? But since it is unlikely that it will be possible to establish the identity of this Yura, we can call the person a violator - approx. tltpravda.ru).

Notes in the style of “based on unverified data from unnamed sources, inaccurate information was obtained that wished to remain unknown” are published by serious publications only in one case - to legalize information that has no basis for further work. Use of words “allegedly”, “as if”, “barely”, etc. just from this opera.

That is, Begun and Krugovoy, when publishing “compromising evidence against Martyntsev,” made a mistake by making a lot of baseless statements, including about the driver Kuzichkin. “Freedom Square”, as tltpravda.ru expected, corrected these errors.

It's hard to be with a blog... April 20th, 2016

...or how to monetize a blog and go to prison bunks.

Dmitry Begun is a star of the Samara blogosphere, a mega-top blogger in the region. At the end of last year, his name became known far beyond Samara. This is when Begun and another local blogger were caught red-handed “for extorting a million rubles from businessman Shatilo under the threat of making public information about the use of corrupt connections in the construction of a cancer center.”

...All winter there were only rumors about the “Begun case”, but on April 3, 2016, Samara Regional Duma deputy Mikhail Matveev posted on his blog scans of the Begun interrogation protocols, which were carried out in the Main Investigative Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Special Investigations in early November. They mention more than 60 names of VIPs at the federal and local level, 26 of whom demanded that a case be initiated against Begun under Art. 128.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (slander).

Dmitry Begun. Screenshot of a story by TERRA TV and Radio Company

Information came into the public space that Dmitry Begun regularly received quite serious money (even by Moscow standards) for posts on his blog...

According to Begun, after the first 7-hour personal conversation at the end of 2012 with the new governor Merkushkin, in which that same Enaliev took part, he began to receive assignments from him with reference to the governor. They were especially interested in construction, road repair and sociological research - those areas where structures associated with the governor from Mordovia worked. But the posts concerned not only the governor; information (true or edited) about other politicians and businessmen was also posted within the areas of “Politics”, “Economics” and “Pedagogy”. The third is the most interesting: according to the “pedagogy” scheme, messages were allegedly posted on the blog indicating certain risks for certain individuals. These individuals fled (after all, everyone knew whose tasks the Runner was carrying out) to the “White House”, from there they called him, who knew the password, and then the message, having fulfilled its “pedagogical” mission, was deleted from the blog.

According to Begun, Merkushkin and his staff paid him for this work in 2013-2015, 3-5 million rubles annually...

...in November, non-ordinary investigators of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs worked with Begun, he was interrogated on video, with the participation of a lawyer, and detailed and precise questions were asked. In particular, a bank transaction confirms the payment of the first 3 million rubles to Begun from a Mordovian commercial structure close to Merkushkin. The interrogated Enaliev recalled dozens of telephone connections with Begun, although not immediately, but only under the threat of a confrontation. The runner listed not only his cars (“Porsche Cayenne”, “Range Rover” and something else), but also the license plates of the cars that were sent for him and took him “to the First Clearing” - to the governor’s residence. His correspondence has not been made public, although during interrogations the blogger named the email addresses through which he conducted correspondence with the governor’s office.

...Samara froze in anticipation. Options are possible: 1) Begun’s testimony about working for Merkushkin will be passed over in silence in court - they have nothing to do with the topic of extortion; 2) The runner, despite the protests of the judge and the prosecution, will try to repeat his story out loud; 3) the court will send Begun for a psychiatric examination, he will be declared insane, and the case against other accomplices of extortion will be considered later.

...For three years the Runner walked along the corridors of power, opening any door with his slippered foot. Of course, the roof was blown away, especially since he is a man with imagination (that’s for sure). However, exaggerating his own political weight, Begun describes the rest of the scheme of postmodernity and the information society in their Samara version as an expert.

If you are into running, then you can assume that most likely you have already watched all the films on this topic, read most of the books, inspiring stories and interviews. But there is another equally fascinating and interesting world where you can glean a lot of useful information - the world of blogging. If for some reason you are not familiar with him, then correct this urgently.

We invite you to get acquainted with the most popular and interesting blogs about running in RuNet.

Running banker

Andrey Onistrat is a former successful banker, now an equally successful coach in the field of sports and business. Andrey has many half-marathons, marathons (with a best result of 2:42.34) and 3 IronMans under his belt.

3 years ago Andrey’s first video was released under the pseudonym “Running Banker” and today his channel on Youtube has more than 11 thousand subscribers.

Answers to the most common running questions, triathlon questions and a lot of motivation - all this can be found on the Running Banker channel.

Run and Travel

Yulia runs while traveling and travels while running, she ran her first marathon in 2013, and now Yulia has completed races in 17 countries in Europe, Southeast Asia, Africa and the Middle East.

How to plan running trips or how to dress for a run in winter? You can find the answer to these and other questions on her blog. Also, Yulia regularly shares reports of her races, tips and recommendations.

Running Beard's Blog

Roma Lee is a man who started running 3 years ago and during this time ran 3 majors (a series of 6 most prestigious marathons), many other races, created the First Running Radio Show and Radio Sports.

In addition to the interesting, informative and super fun First Running Radio Show (of which 46 episodes have already been recorded to date), Roma maintains her own blog, where she shares useful information from the world of running, as well as her reports from various competitions. You can also read a lot of interesting things on Roman’s Facebook page, for example, an episode from the Chicago Marathon.


Lena Kalashnikova is a girl who runs a marathon of 3 hours and this is already enough to at least subscribe to her blog.

FAR 2 RUN is not only a motivator, but also a useful source of information, where the author shares his reviews of running accessories and gadgets, various types of training and exercises. Also, on the blog you can observe the goals that Lena sets for herself, for example, one of the goals was to run a marathon in 3 hours, which she successfully completed.


Running a marathon dressed as a bride is no problem. Running 3 marathons (Kyiv, Chicago, New York) with a break of 2 weeks is also possible, and all this Mary Karachyna — founder of the Skinny and Strong Club project and fitness trainer.

You can read the stories of three marathons on the blog Mary. Even more useful information can be found on her equally interesting Facebook page and motivating Instagram.

“Fifteen years ago, on April 29, 2002, the editor-in-chief of Togliatti Review, Valery Ivanov, was killed...”, my colleague Sergei Melnik recalls on Facebook.

I also remember how, several months before the murder of Valery Ivanov, I met him.

As a young, aspiring stringer at the newspaper "Life", I was investigating some brutal domestic murder. The editor-in-chief of the Samara edition, Alexey Sementsov, loved only truly “yellow” materials, and therefore sent me on that business trip to Tolyatti.

“If something doesn’t work out, go to Valera Ivanov, he will help,” Sementsov admonished me.

I remember I managed: I found all the heroes of the stabbing, but I couldn’t find a photograph of the deceased. There is nothing to do, you will have to ask the Togliatti Review for a photo.

It was spring, just like the gentle, velvety weather was now. I went into the TO editorial office and made it clear from the door that I would only talk with the editor-in-chief. In response, Togliatti Review shrugged their shoulders and, I remember, even laughed.

A minute later he went out into the corridor: smiling, simple and light.

You to me?

I nodded my head.

Well, let’s go,” and he opened his office.

Now, of course, it’s funny to remember all this. As I tried to bargain with Ivanov, he promised a fee for the photograph I needed.

And he continued to smile, studying me carefully. Then he picked up the phone and asked someone to come to his place. A minute later I had the same photo.

Valera was already a legend then and I didn’t want to leave. I wanted to be as warm, smiling, successful, insightful.

And then he was killed. 15 years have passed, but even we, local journalists, still don’t understand why Ivanov was taken from us?

I want to say thank you to Sergei Melnik for reminding us all what a talented journalist and editor worked in Tolyatti. He reminded the security forces that they had never solved this contract killing. And then another monstrous crime - the murder of Valery Ivanov's deputy Alexei Sidorov. And now I’m back in Togliatti. But this time in court, where a completely innocent person is accused. Like, this is Kuibyshevazot mechanic Evgeniy Maininger, who is so proficient in sharpening that Alexey, bleeding to death, died near his entrance.

But the horror continues: Maininger is kept in a cage, although both Sidorov’s relatives and colleagues unanimously assure the investigation: “This was not done by a Kuibyshevazot mechanic.”

A low bow to those who fought for Eugene, defending his innocence. I know that after the nightmare he experienced, Meininger left for permanent residence in Germany.

And Valera and Alexey “left” for the Banykinskoye cemetery.

“On April 29, our colleague, Chairman of the Board of Editors of the Togliatti Review newspaper, Valery Ivanov, was killed. The man is certainly a professional, who has been a prominent figure in Togliatti journalism for many years.

We consider murder unacceptable and unacceptable as a way to resolve any issues. It is impossible for our city, as well as throughout the country, to resume life without rules, according to the principle “no person, no problem.” This is unacceptable for a society that considers itself free and democratic.

We hope that the investigation will sort it out and punish the criminals according to their deserts...." - Togliatti editors and journalists wrote in 2002.

Now that 15 years have passed since Ivanov’s death, I personally no longer hope for anything. Moreover, I am sure that in both Samara and Togliatti there live non-humans who are capable of ordering the murder of an editor or reporter. They don't care that it's 2017 outside the window. You can always provoke a journalist by locking him in a cage for 5-6 years. And the real perpetrators of blackmail, as in the case of journalist Dmitry Begun, are not only left free, but also rewarded with a new project.

To those who are behind the murders of Tolyatti journalists; behind the imprisonment of Samara colleagues: blogger Dmitry Begun and investigative journalist Oleg Ivanets, high-quality press is not needed in the region. They have enough one-legged propagandists on their territory. The same disabled people without principles, mentality and faith, like themselves.