How to launch an already downloaded mhotspot. How to distribute WiFi from a laptop: instructions from A to Z. The setup itself is completed in just three steps

The latest versions of the Windows 10 operating system provide a Mobile Hotspot option. This is a special function that allows you to configure the distribution of the Internet from one device to another via wireless Wi-Fi technology. But many users are increasingly complaining about unstable operation of the hotspot, errors in access point settings, etc. And all these problems arose after the release of subsequent updated versions of the “ten”. That's when this option first appeared. The pre-installed hotspot did not work on its own, but it also canceled other methods of setting up and distributing the Internet. For example, in some updated versions it was impossible to configure distribution using the traditional method - using the cmd.exe service.

Users for whom the method worked before the new feature appeared began to complain about many problems.

Common problems with the Mobile Hotspot feature:

  • Access point configured using the system option does not find a connected and stable network. Settings cannot be made if the device is connected via Ethernet (high speed connection). Or the settings are correct, but the number with password and login cannot be dialed. You did the right thing, but in the new function window you see an error notification. However, it states that there is no connection via wireless, Wi-Fi, network, high-speed Internet technology or mobile Internet.
  • You have configured your wireless router using an access point or cmd.exe service, but when you try to connect a smartphone, tablet, etc. gives startup error. The error may appear quickly or after a long time. The device cannot connect to the network distributor (desktop computer or laptop): it cannot obtain an address or pass authorization. And after lengthy attempts it returns a connection error.
  • You configured it correctly, were able to launch the base station via the command line or hot spot, and even connected your smartphone wirelessly. But when you try to access any resource, it appears notification about not connected network.
  • The system was updated automatically or you downloaded the new version yourself and were faced with the fact that your device stopped distributing the Internet. And it is impossible to reconnect as before, via the command line. The network hosted on this computer/laptop will not start. The operation cannot be performed due to a device mismatch (it is not in the required state).
  • It is not possible to configure a hot spot if your connection uses when connecting 3G/4G modem via USB protocol.

These are the main errors you may encounter in the new version of Win 10 when you try to configure an access point using the mobile hot spot function preinstalled in the system. To date, there is still no really existing option that could correct all of the above problems. But there are separate solutions that are applicable to the situation with setting up an access point and distributing Wi-Fi Internet to one or more devices.

Mobile hotspot Doesn't turn on with high speed connection(dialer, PPPoE, VPN)

For an unknown reason, the Mobile Hotspot function does not work with a high-speed connection (to connect to the Internet, you must log in by entering your username and password). In this case, the laptop or computer is connected, the connection is stable, but when you try to distribute the Internet, a notification appears that no connection via wireless, Wi-Fi, network with this high-speed Internet. Based on this, the conclusion suggests itself: a new feature of the operating system from Microsoft of the latest version has problems with connecting via the PPPoE network protocol, since the Ethernet adapter is not involved and assigns this connection to an unidentified network.

  • The message looks like this:

Microsoft system developers do not directly observe the problem, and provide standard solutions to countless questions. Or rather, most likely, the problem is clear, but it’s just not possible to solve it yet. In our opinion, it's all about the network adapter. When you try to connect via a mobile hotspot, it is not recognized by the function preinstalled in the system. And if so, then the issue of its visibility should be addressed directly by the operating system programmers. And, therefore, there cannot be ready-made, real options using this distribution function. Most likely, the function will be fixed in the next OS updates. But you can always find a way out, and we offer the following:

Solution: Try setting up a network access point using the command line (cmd.exe), more on that in the article. If the commands do not help, you can resort to other options. Below we will talk about possible solutions when the cmd.exe service does not start the access point.

There are also software launch options. You can use one of the most reliable and effective utilities (for example, the program) and try using it to distribute the Internet on the latest version of “tens”.

Devices connect, but the Internet works when you enable Wi-Fi sharing mode in Windows 10

This is a very common problem that any user can encounter, but it most often happens when connecting through the command line, while the Mobile Hotspot feature handles all the settings automatically. If your device is connected to the created access point, but the network is not working, then perhaps it’s all about sharing. Look at the settings and restart the Internet, more on this in the article.

If you still cannot find a solution, perhaps the options below will help you.

Distribution mode is enabled, but devices do not connect (no Internet)

If, with a correctly configured access point, there is no connection to other devices (long authorization, obtaining an address and other problems). A large number of users face this problem, but there is no single solution. We will describe probable and working solutions in more detail in the next article.

In this case, you can try disabling blocking antivirus programs, turning off the firewall (set neutral parameters) or checking the IP address settings by setting the automatic mode.

Wi-Fi access point cannot be configured in Windows 10 after update

And this error affected a large number of users. However, both the mobile hotspot and the activation of distribution via the command line over a wireless network do not work. Even those who easily distributed the Internet via the command line before the advent of the pre-installed mobile hot spot function encountered it. When you try to execute a command, the service notifies you of the following problem: the operation cannot be performed due to a mismatch of hardware and device settings.

This can mean one thing: the wireless adapter does not have drivers or the versions installed on the device are outdated. We described this in detail in the article. Reinstall the drivers, remove them and download them from the official resource, and be sure to restart your computer.

If you have not yet used one of the connection methods, then try another (in the article)

Distribution cannot be configured when connecting to the Internet via a 3G/4G modem

If your laptop/computer is connected via a modem via USB technology (cellular operators) using the programs included with this equipment, then most likely you will encounter errors when turning on the distribution. The Mobile Hotspot function most likely will not see this modem and this connection. But this problem can be solved.


The Internet through this modem can also be started using software methods of the Windows 10 system itself, using only the driver included in the kit (when connecting the modem to the computer, use Windows’ offer to install drivers from the specified location). In this case, by clicking on the network connections icon, the tab “ Cellular«.

All unnecessary programs must be removed (or exited from them). The mobile hotspot must see such a connection.

With this connection, distribution through the Mobile Hotspot should work.

Other solutions

We offer you three more options when all of the above does not work.

  • Option one. Launch the command line as PC Administrator. You can open it by right-clicking on the menu icon “ Start" and selecting " Command Line (Administrator)«.

  • In the open window, enter the commands one by one (below) and press the button “ Enter».

netsh winsock reset
netsh int ip reset
ipconfig /release
ipconfig /renew
ipconfig /flushdns

  • After you do this, you must restart your computer.

Option two. Download the Wi-Fi adapter driver from the official website of your laptop manufacturer, or if you have a removable Wi-Fi adapter installed, then from the website of this developer. After which you need to launch it. Next, uninstall the wireless adapter driver through the " Device Manager" In chapter " Network adapters" You can do this by right-clicking on the device (named “Wireless” or “Wi-Fi”) and selecting “ Delete«.

  • Restart your PC. Afterwards, the drivers for the wireless Internet should be installed automatically.

Option three. Reconnect the Internet (reset network settings). If it is impossible to connect to the main device via Wi-Fi (no matter what method you set up access), you can try this option. Just remember that all connection options will be deleted, and the adapters will be configured as standard.

Attention: after performing the network reset procedure, the parameters of existing networks will be erased to the initial state of the computer. You will need to re-enter your login information.

  • To do this, you need to go to " Options"PC and in the section " Network and Internet t" find the tab " State". It is here that you can return to your previous Internet settings by clicking on “ Network reset«.

  • The system will require you to confirm your action with the “ Reset now«.

After rebooting the device, configure distribution again, first making sure that the Internet connection is active. If the network does not work after a reboot, configure it using the system's software methods. We hope everything worked out for you.

mHotspot is an excellent program with which you can create your own wireless Wi-Fi network using a laptop, computer with a Wi-Fi adapter, or Android smartphone. All you need is for your device to have access to the Internet and have this program installed on it. There is no need to install any additional modules on your PC.

mHotspot is distributed free of charge, suitable for PCs with the operating system Windows 8, 9, 10. The interface language is not provided in Russian - everything is in English, but this should not cause difficulties in use, since there are few settings and everything is very simple.

The archive will contain a file for installing the program. Double-click on it with the mouse.

In the first window, click on the “Next” button.

The line will indicate the path where the program will be installed. You can leave it like that. If you want to change it, click “Browse” and select the desired directory. Click "Next".

Specify what you want the folder to be called in the Start menu and continue.

One more proposal - we also refuse it.

By the way, when I downloaded the program from the official website, it was precisely because of these suggestions that the browser marked it as a “potentially dangerous file.” The program is absolutely safe, and you can refuse advertising that appears during the installation process.

When everything is ready, click “Install”.

After completing the installation process - “Completing”, you can uncheck the “Launch mHotspot” field, if you do not need to launch the utility immediately, and click “Finish”.

A window will also appear “How do you want to open?”. Select a browser, uncheck the box next to it "Always use..." and click "OK". As a result, the developer’s page on the Internet will open thanking you for downloading the utility.

We figured out the installation. Now let's look at how to use and configure mHotspot correctly to get it working.

After the first launch, the following window will appear. It outlines the main points to pay attention to:

1. Make sure the Wi-Fi adapter on your laptop is turned on.

2. If you have any problems, you can contact Support.

3. You can write to Support directly from the program window. To do this, click on the green button with a question mark.

4. Go to the “Settings” section to make them for a specific user.

I note that this window will appear every time after starting the program. If you do not need this, check the “Don`t show again” box. To close the window, click “Close”.

The main window of the program looks like this. Let's open "Settings" right away.

Check the boxes here for the options you want:

1. Launch with Windows.

2. Automatically create an access point.

3. Always minimize to tray.

4. Always on top of other windows.

5. Show pop-up notifications.

6. Automatic updates of the list of connected users.

7. Automatically check for updates.

If you click “Reset to Defaults” all checkboxes will be checked as they were by default. To save the settings and close the window, click on the cross.

To create an access point, you must fill in the “Hotspot Name” field – a name (you can come up with any name) and “Password” – a password (at least 8 characters). To view the password, click “Show Password”. Next, in the “Internet Source” line, select an available Internet connection. Specify the number of users who can connect simultaneously - “Max Clients” (you can select a maximum of 10). To start distributing the Internet, click “Start Hotspot”.

If the “Hotspot” field is “ON”, then your access point is working and you can connect to it, if “OFF”, then you are not distributing the Internet.

To stop the created access point, click on the “Stop Hotspot” button.

There are three tabs in the bottom block. On the first one – “Hotspot” – you can see how many devices are connected – “Clients connected”; how much data was sent (“Sent”) and received (“Received”); total amount of data transferred (“Total”); speed of uploading ("Upload") and downloading ("Download").

For example, by connecting one device to the created Wi-Fi, the numbers began to change.

The second tab “Clients” will display the name of the connected device, IP and MAC addresses.

Even after updating the list (“Refresh Clients”), nothing appeared here. Although I connected the phone and used the Internet on it.

The third tab “News” is advertising. It will open most often: when opening a program, closing any window (for example, with settings) and the like.

I hope that now you will not have any difficulties installing and configuring the mHotspot program for distributing Wi-Fi. Download the utility and at any time you can create your own network, without purchasing a router, and start using the Internet from your phone, tablet, smart watch and similar gadgets.

It is very important to have Internet access on your tablet computer. After all, without it, you will not be able to download dozens of interesting applications from Google Play (formerly Market). Of course, the easiest way is to use a Wi-Fi router. But if you don’t have it, then pay attention to another method, which requires a laptop (or a regular computer) with a built-in Wi-Fi adapter, connected wired Internet (via the RJ-45 port) and a special program. In general, let's figure out in detail how to set everything up...

1) First you need to make a Wi-Fi access point from your laptop (desktop computer). For convenience, we will use a special program designed for this. You can download it from our portal - mHotspot (size - 5.4 MB).

We extract (using any archiver) the program from the archive and run it. We have this window in front of us:

Everything is simple here! Button " START» to enable wireless connection. " STOP» — respectively, to turn it off. In chapter " Setup Hotspot» configure the connection name and password. There is nothing else in the program.

2) Open " Network and Sharing Center» (Start ›› Control Panel ›› Network and Internet ›› Network and Sharing Center). On the left side of the window, click on the link “ Change adapter settings«.

You will see a list of network connections. We are interested " Wireless network connections". I have two of them, you may have one or, on the contrary, more!

Return to the mHotspot program, click on the button " Start". And we look at which wireless connection starts identification, remember its name! Remember?! Then click on the button “ Stop"in our program.

3) Now let’s set up shared access for the Internet connection (wired). Read the next sentence very carefully. If you configure it incorrectly, there will be no Internet on the tablet!

If you have a VPN connection to the Internet, then go to its properties. If your Internet works through a local network, then go to the properties of the local network connection (LAN/Network).

In the connection properties, go to the “ Access". Check the box " Allow other network users to use this computer's Internet connection" and select the desired wireless connection (which you previously remembered). And click " OK«.

After that, disconnect this Internet connection and connect again!

4) We return to the program again. Click on the button " SETUP HOTSPOT", enter the name of Wi-FI in the column " Hotspot name" and the password in " Password"(minimum 8 characters, preferably numbers only).

Confirm the changes by clicking on “ OK". All you have to do is click on the “ START". The connection will appear in the list of current connections. Under the name of your access point it should be indicated - " Internet access". If not, then most likely these are not the correct settings.

5) Now on your tablet computer go to Settings ›› Wireless networks ›› Wi-FI. We find your connection, enter the password. The tablet should automatically configure itself and gain access to the Internet. If it doesn't work the first time, try rebooting the tablet!

When the Internet is not needed, press the button " STOP» in the mHotspot program. To re-use, you will need to re-enter the name and password in the utility. In general, that's all! If something is not clear, watch our video tutorial on this article (link above)!

It would seem that the Internet is an incredibly useful thing - what difficulties might arise with it? But they arise easily; it is enough to have not a router in your home, but a direct Internet cable designed to connect to a laptop and computer, but certainly not to your brand new smartphone or tablet.

In such a situation, using the mobile Internet is, of course, not an option. And here programs that turn your laptops into routers– this is a great idea! For example, a utility such as mHotspot, which we will now discuss.

About mHotspot:

One of the popular programs that is still being updated. As you can understand, the developers are attentive to their brainchild and fix problems pointed out by users.

This utility was developed for OS Windows, and it is compatible only with the most popular and new versions - Windows 7, 8, 8.1 and 10. It is not recommended to use it with older versions, as operation problems may occur.

Initially, mHotspot was available only in English, but our RuNet users corrected this shortcoming. Therefore, you can now use it in Russian without fear of not understanding any of the functions.

The program is quite compact, if not small, and convenient. It has very few functions, only the most necessary ones are present. This allows mHotspot to remain one of the simplest, yet most functional programs among its competitors.

It is distributed free of charge, so you should not download it from sites that offer you to buy this utility. Better yet, use this blog to mHotspot download in Russian for free.

Setting up mHotspot:

As mentioned above, the functionality is quite small, so it will be much easier to understand than with similar programs for setting up a virtual network. But the excellent and uninterrupted operation of the virtual router more than pays for this fact.

First, install mHotspot on your computer. Agree to the license agreement, select the folder where you will place all the files, in general, standard operations.

But now the cunning installer will offer you to install Hamster Free Zip Arhiver (archiver) and SpeedUpMyPC (supposedly a computer accelerator). Don’t believe him, uncheck unnecessary boxes and complete the installation of mHotspot specifically by clicking on Install. After all, you don’t want to clutter your system with unknown programs, right?

Now launch the program and you can work with its settings.

The first step is to come up with a name for your network. Come up with it and write it down in the box.

Once you come up with a password, select your network connection. If it is selected incorrectly, the gadgets will connect to Wi-Fi, but the Internet will not work on them. Therefore, go through all the options until you find the one you need.

Finally, specify the number of clients that will be able to connect to the network. It could be three, five or seven. But no more than ten!

Now you can safely press the Start Hotspot button and catch Wi-Fi with your smartphone or tablet!

To stop working, click Stop Hotspot accordingly.

Easy to set up and easy to use, the program will ensure that your gadgets work comfortably with the Wi-Fi network it creates.

A real find if you need to quickly set up a network and don’t have the necessary equipment nearby.

Sometimes suspicious windows will appear informing you that some data cannot be read, but feel free to close them, since mHotspot will work fine in any case.

In principle, any laptop today includes two network devices: a wi-fi network card and a “regular” network controller (wired). In this case, the wi-fi card, in most cases, can be an “access point”, that is, distribute the network to other devices. How to use a laptop as a router is discussed in various reviews and on forums, because there are many methods. We will consider the simplest one: using the mhotspot program. Along the way, let’s say why in some cases everything works and in others it doesn’t. The method discussed here is simple, but it will require switching to Windows 7: the laptop acts as a router through a “virtual” adapter. It can be seen by any device, including Android phones, etc. (in older versions of Windows, the “virtual access point” mechanism is not implemented).

Let us repeat that there are several methods for solving such problems. Some require Windows 7, others do not, but they exclude Android devices from the wireless network. Mhotspot is a router program for a laptop, compatible with Windows 7 or 8. You can download it here (

Before installing the program, we recommend that you update the wi-fi network card driver. You can download it from the official website of the laptop manufacturer. The driver must support Virtual WiFi technology. Some wi-fi adapters (or their driver) may not support this mode (which means, using Software Access Point technology, using the laptop as a router with this adapter will not work). In other cases, it must work!


Before you run the program, make sure that:

  1. – antivirus – disabled;
  2. – you can run the application with administrator rights;
  3. – built-in firewall service – operates in “Auto” mode.

That is, both the built-in and any other firewall must be turned off, and the service must be turned on (and in the “Auto” mode). You can view it in “Control Panel”, “Administration” (click on the “Services” icon):

The picture shows how it should be (how to turn it on/off, see here: The laptop acts as a router, works through Software Access Point - a Windows driver that emulates an access point.

If all preliminary steps are completed, you can launch mhotspot. Run the exe file with administrator rights:

We get a window:

The program interface, as we see, is simple. Come up with a name for the network, a password for it (here it’s better to use numbers), fill in the appropriate fields. In the “Share from” line, the connection that implements the Internet connection must be selected (usually “Local”). Here you can select “No Internet connection” (and create a wi-fi network “without the Internet”).

Now, you can click “Start Hotspot”. But, don't rush.

“Sharing” the Internet

You need to open the “Network and Access Control Center” (“Control Panel” -> “Internet Network”). Here we will see the connections:

Note "wireless". There may be several of them. By clicking “Start Hotspot”,

You will notice what has changed (in the Network Connections window):

That is, only one of the “wireless” connections “changes”. Below it will be the inscription: “Identification”. As soon as you notice, click on “Stop Hotspot”.

There is one last step left. Right-click the connection “responsible” for the Internet.

Select “Local Area Connection”

In its “Properties”, go to the “Access” tab:

The settings should be as in the figure (in the line - the connection that passed the “identification”). Do this, click "OK". After these settings (oh, miracle!), the program will work correctly. Setting up the router on the laptop is now complete.

By clicking “Start Hotspot”, you will notice that the following will appear in the list of connections:

With the name of the new network, and “access to the Internet.” Such a wifi router distributes “dynamic” IP addresses via a laptop (using the standard DHCH protocol).

Maybe someone will say: why, for the sake of such “little things,” a laptop with Windows 7? Not just any hardware will support this OS. Everything is quite simple here: a laptop with a wi-fi card can only be equipped with a Pentium-4 (and higher). The same applies to USB 2.0.

But that is not all. Older versions of mhotspot worked fine under XP and Vista. Which applies to versions up to 3.0 inclusive. That is, you can configure a laptop as a wifi router from XP. The problem may be in the driver (if you take the “old” pc-mci adapter, then the driver supporting the technology discussed will be missing). The choice is up to the user.

Proprietary technologies

In fact, you can “share” the Internet this way in Mac-OS X ( But an Apple laptop as a wifi router – isn’t that too chic? The user will decide.

It seems that Sony has not lagged behind Apple, having included the ability to create an “access point” in the most expensive VAIO line (you only need the “VAIO Network” program). What can I say? If you don’t have any of the listed laptops, then the simplest option is Windows 7.


How can I check if the adapter (and its driver) supports Soft AP (software access point) mode? In Win7, for example, like this:

netsh wlan show drivers

If you type this in the command line, with administrator rights, then the output will follow, which will contain the line “Hosted network supported”. If it says “Yes”, then it supports, if “No”, then it doesn’t, alas... (it won’t be possible to set up a laptop as a router with a full-fledged “access point”).

What to do in the case of “No” - for example, is given here ( By default, ad-hoc mode (discussed in the review at the link) creates a connection between 2 computers (laptop and some gadget). You can run a laptop as a Wi-Fi router with an external Wi-Fi adapter (to USB). These are the so-called “USB whistles”; let’s look at working with them in more detail.

USB adapters

All USB adapters containing a wi-fi module are divided into 3 classes:

  1. “Hosted network support” – they do not support, they do not have proprietary software (including the “Access Point” mode).
  2. They do not have proprietary software, but with the latest versions of the driver they support “Hosted network support” (and therefore “Virtual AP” mode). A good choice for beginners.
  3. Finally, the third subset is devices equipped with “proprietary” software for organizing a wi-fi access point.

You can make a laptop work as a wi-fi router with class 2-3 devices. “Proprietary” software is, of course, more convenient. It is easier to set up and does not (usually) require installing anything additional. The only downside is that it wasn’t made by Microsoft.

That is, for the third case, you need to look for information on forums (in reviews). What OS does it work in, how stable is it, and the actual speed...

In conclusion, let's say: a laptop as a Wi-Fi router is, in any case, better than a regular router. It will work faster (there is more memory here), and the computer is easier to set up.

There are no real obstacles to creating a router (at least theoretical ones). You can try and share information here.

Share the Internet without a Wi-Fi router