How to pick up a parcel from the post office if. Is it possible to receive a parcel without notification? How to receive a parcel without notification? The correct algorithm for receiving a parcel at Russian Post

How to receive a parcel from Aliexpress at the post office without notification?

Russian Post: is it possible to pick up a parcel without notification?

On PR official website rules for receiving parcels are written, which say:

“To receive the shipment at the department, you need to present a notice or track number, as well as an identity card.”

From here we see that notification is not necessary upon receipt of the parcel; you can simply have a tracker with you. The most important thing is your passport. This is the main document to receive.

It often happens that without notification, a postal employee refuses to receive your order. He doesn't have that no rights, our “postal workers” are just so used to arguing with people and not fulfilling their duties.

How can I receive a parcel without notification?

What to do in such a situation? Tell the employee that he is violating his job duties. And what if he doesn’t move, then you call the PR support line. As practice shows, this is a very effective method.

If the employee still refuses, well, we go to extreme measures and call directly from the department 8-800-2005-888 and leave our complaint. In this case, the employee will be punished, and you will simply be required to give your package back.

But you must admit, sometimes you don’t really want to quarrel with people. And even at the post office they may remember you and harbor a grudge. After all, you still have to receive your parcels from them.

Therefore, of course, it is better to solve everything amicably. But if the employee himself comes at you with claims, then there are no other options. You need to defend your rights.

is the national postal operator of the Russian Federation, whose activities are regulated by the Charter and other regulatory documents. The organization provides legal entities and individuals with a variety of services related to communications, commerce and finance. One of the most popular and in demand is the service for the delivery and issuance of international postal items (IPO). But it would seem that the simplest procedure - receiving a parcel can result in unforeseen difficulties that it is better to know about in advance.

Standard scheme

Typically, the process of obtaining MPO occurs according to a standard scenario, regardless of whether you receive a small package weighing up to 2 kg or a parcel directly, that is, a postal item weighing 2-10 kg.

After the postal item arrives at the addressee's place of residence, postal employees issue a notice, which the postman brings and places directly in the mailbox at the address indicated on the parcel. The recipient comes to the branch, fills out the required fields on the form and presents an identification document. The post office operator finds the parcel and gives it to the recipient.

At first glance, nothing complicated. This is true - if the shipment reached its destination on time, the notification reached the right address, and the parcel itself was safe and sound.

Unfortunately, things are not always so rosy. From the moment the parcel sets off, unpleasant surprises may await the recipient at every stage, for which you need to prepare, just in case, both morally and informationally.

Stage one - waiting for the parcel

It would seem, what questions could there be? Wait and wait. However, imagine this situation: all reasonable delivery deadlines have long passed, but still no parcel. What to do in this case?

The most important information needed to find out the location of the parcel is its identification track number. Track numbers in the standard format adopted in countries that are members of the Universal Postal Union are assigned to all registered postal items. According to the S10 standard, the track number consists of 13 characters, where:

  • the first two are a code indicating the type of shipment;
  • the next nine are a numeric identifier consisting of an eight-digit item number and one check digit determined by calculation;
  • the last two are the sender's country code, specified in accordance with the UPU ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 code standard.

All items weighing more than 2 kg are registered by default as items sent by EMS express delivery service. But an ordinary small package may well turn out to be unregistered if there was no other agreement between the sender and the recipient.

Thus, if delivery deadlines are violated, it is not difficult to track the path of the registered shipment - you just need to enter its track number into any of the available search services on the Internet. The system will show you exactly where the package is “stuck”.

It should be remembered that you can file a claim for late delivery of a postal item only within 6 months from the date it was sent.

Of course, the chances of successfully finding a non-tracking (unregistered) package are very small, and no one can give guarantees. The search application form can be downloaded from our website.

When an unregistered MPO crosses the border, ending up on the territory of the Russian Federation, an identification number is assigned to it by the internal postal operator, but information about it is closed to the recipient until the very moment the parcel is delivered.

Stage two - waiting for notification

Suppose you used parcel search systems and found out that your shipment was assigned the status “Arrived at the place of delivery.” However, several days pass, and the long-awaited notification with information about your parcel still does not appear in your mailbox.

You can download the Notice form from our website.

What to do in this case?

When it comes to a registered shipment (and this is the only one you can find information about in the system), you don’t have to wait for a notification at all. All you have to do is come to the post office, present your identification document and give the tracking number of the parcel, by which it will be found very quickly, and a notification will be issued to you right on the spot.

If the package you are expecting is unregistered, then you should take measures to ensure that the notification reaches you on time - for example, regularly check the contents of your mailbox and reliably protect it from any hooligan penetration.

5 days after the initial notice is issued, it is issued again.

The postman must hand over the secondary notice to the addressee personally against signature. If after this the parcel is not received within one working day, then the postal operator has the right to charge a fee for its storage (clause 34 of the Rules for the provision of postal services of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Russian Post"). In fact, secondary notices are most often dropped by postmen into the mailbox in the same way as primary ones. And in the same way they can disappear for an unknown reason. If, after 30 calendar days, the parcel remains unclaimed, its storage period at the post office is officially considered expired, and it is either returned to the sender (at his expense) or transferred by the post office to the place of temporary storage of unclaimed parcels for a period of 6 months, after which subject to opening, seizure and when making an appropriate decision - destruction.

From all of the above it follows that it is safer and more reliable to deal with registered mail. Otherwise, in any unforeseen situation, there is a risk of never receiving the parcel at all.

Stage three - receiving

Let's assume that the parcel has arrived at the delivery location and you already know about it. Then you should come to the post office, taking with you one of the following documents:

  • passport;
  • diplomatic passport;
  • seaman's passport;
  • military ID or identification card (for military personnel);
  • temporary identity card of a citizen of the Russian Federation, issued at the time of registration of the passport.

Please note that this list does not include a foreign passport. Officially, a foreign passport is considered a document identifying a citizen of the Russian Federation outside the territory of his country or at border control points. The regulations of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Russian Post" do not contain direct instructions on the prohibition of issuing parcels upon presentation of a foreign passport. However, you should keep in mind that some post offices may refuse to issue you an item, citing the fact that a foreign passport is not in the list of identification documents.

When you arrive at the post office, you should enter your last name, first name and patronymic, as well as information about the document being presented, in the appropriate fields of the notice. You can do all this at home in advance, but remember that you must put the date and your signature under the line stating that you received the mail safe and sound only when you actually receive it and at least make sure there is no damage on the package. Usually, the post office employee, in a non-objectionable tone, invites you to sign the notice immediately, but you have every right to demand that the parcel be inspected and weighed first.

Each recipient should remember that until the delivery of the postal item to him, it, together with all contents, belongs to the sender. In fact, the transfer of ownership occurs at the moment the recipient signs the notice, confirming that the item has been delivered to him. That is why it is so important to make sure that the parcel is delivered to the delivery location safe and sound.

If you have problems

What kind of problems may arise when receiving mail? Usually this is either a damaged package or a discrepancy between the actual weight of the parcel and the weight indicated in the notice. What should you do in such a situation? In both cases, the parcel should be opened right at the place of receipt and the safety of its contents checked. Surface damage or discrepancies in weight do not always indicate that something is missing from the parcel. For example, in the case of weight, errors occur when filling out the notice and simply inaccuracies when weighing. The container may be dented or torn during shipping and loading, but the contents often remain intact.

When delivering a parcel to the addressee, the duties of post office employees include checking it for consistency in weight and appearance. If a defect is detected, the client is asked to perform an autopsy right on the spot - this is also the direct responsibility of the postal worker. Of course, the recipient has the right to refuse to open it - in this case, he must confirm in writing that he has no claims regarding the weight and contents of the parcel (usually this is indicated directly on the notice).

If the recipient agrees to open the mail, the entire procedure is reflected in the act in form 51-c, one copy of which belongs to the recipient. The recipient can either completely refuse to deliver the parcel to him, or take away the remaining part of its contents - in the latter case, the package of the item remains at the post office for an internal check upon detection of defects.

Of course, the parcel must be opened not just like that, but following the established procedure (clauses 604, 605 of the Postal Rules):

  • Draw the attention of the post office employee to any reasonable doubts you have about the integrity of the attachment.
  • Ask to open the parcel in the presence of a responsible employee (the head of the enterprise, his deputy, the head of a department or workshop, etc.).
  • Make sure that upon opening the department employees draw up a report in form No. 51-v.
  • Depending on the results of the autopsy, either agree to receive the shipment or refuse it by making an appropriate entry in the act.
  • In any case, take with you the copy of the act intended for you.

The act of opening the postal poisoning is drawn up in 4 copies and contains all the data about the parcel and its contents:

  • information about the sender and recipient;
  • weight of the item;
  • a detailed description of the reasons for the autopsy;
  • inventory of the actual contents (drawn up on the back of the act).

The act must indicate to whom all 4 copies of this document are sent (one of them must remain with the recipient, that is, you).

For additional insurance, it is recommended to record the opening process in a video recording, since now this function is available in any simple phone. If the package was really seriously damaged, then having a video document can greatly simplify the process of recovering damages caused to you.

Keep in mind that the recipient can demand compensation from the postal operator for damage or loss of sent items only if the sender gives him such a right by formalizing this with an appropriate application. Otherwise, only the sender has the right to make claims for compensation, since he is the one who is legally the client who has entered into an agreement to receive services from the postal operator.

Remember that you have the right not to pick up the damaged parcel and not to sign for it in the notice, and after drawing up act 51-c, simply leave it at the department, having issued a refusal to receive it. Such a parcel will be sent back to the sender, accompanied by one copy of the opening certificate.

If, despite external damage or discrepancies in weight, you are completely satisfied with the contents of the shipment, you should indicate that you have no complaints, sign the act and notice, and then pick up the parcel.

What to do if the contents of a postal item are partially lost? For example, what if you ordered two pairs of sneakers and only one arrived? After drawing up the act, you can pick up such a parcel, and then contact the sender and explain the situation to him, attaching a copy of the act as evidence. As practice has shown, online stores with a good reputation in this case always meet the customer halfway and compensate him for the damage, even if it is not their fault for the loss of part of the order.

If the shipment looks intact from the outside and its weight also corresponds to that indicated in the accompanying documents, but you want to ensure the safety of the goods being sent (for example, due to its fragility), you can open the parcel directly at the post office, in the presence of its employees. It is advisable to record each stage of the autopsy using video recording. Keep in mind that if the parcel is externally intact, but its contents are damaged (for example, broken watch glass, etc.), it will be extremely difficult to file a claim with the postal operator, because there is no evidence that the item was not already shipped in poor condition. Form 51-v report is also not drawn up after the fact. The only thing you can do is to immediately draw up a free-form complaint to the sender and ask the post office staff to certify it as confirmation. This measure will insure you against possible suspicion that you yourself damaged the goods after receiving them. And then you should contact the seller and resolve with him the issue of full or partial compensation, replacement of goods, etc., attaching video materials and a document drawn up by you by mail.

Additional Information

Sometimes it happens that a parcel arrives to you already opened by official authorities - for example, the customs service. In this case, there are usually traces on the package: for example, adhesive tape that differs from the one with which the sender packed the parcel. You should know that a shipment opened during shipment must be accompanied by an act in Form No. 51, containing a full description of the parcel and the actions performed with it.

If at one of the stages of forwarding, sorting or customs clearance, representatives of official services identify any discrepancy between the postal item and the accompanying documents, a report in Form No. 51 is also drawn up regarding this, which is attached to the parcel and follows it until delivery to the addressee.

Please note that if there is such a document, post office employees are required to inform you about it before delivering the parcel and, accordingly, before you sign the notice.

If you are expecting a registered postal item and carefully monitoring its route through online services, then please note that at each marked stage the weight of the parcel must be indicated. It may vary slightly within acceptable limits, but if you suddenly see a sharp change in this data, this is a good reason to be wary and mentally prepare in advance for the opening procedure upon receipt of the parcel.

Unfortunately, post office employees are often overloaded with work and are not particularly willing to agree to opening a parcel and tediously drawing up a report. However, this is their responsibility. You must clearly know your rights and be able to defend them, and excessive shyness is inappropriate here. In any controversial situation, you should call the head of the department and resolve the issue in his presence. If this does not help, then be sure to contact higher authorities, presenting your complaints about the quality of postal services.

Important! In case of any disagreement with the employees of the post office, ask for a complaint book and describe the situation in detail in it - this will serve as documentary evidence of the validity of your complaints. In addition, each post office must have a stand indicating the addresses and telephone numbers of the “hotline”, where you can contact regarding the quality of service. Don't hesitate to assert your rights!

10/08/2018, Sashka Bukashka

Remember how the postman Pechkin from the cartoon village of Prostokvashino offered Sharik and Matroskin to deliver a telegram, a poker and an iron? In that cartoon, everything was simple: Pechkin took it, handed it over, and no papers for you! We have to figure out how to fill out a notice from the Russian Post (sample), and most importantly, what to do if it was not delivered.

Everyone who receives registered letters or parcels encounters postal notifications. It doesn’t matter who the sender was: relatives, bailiffs or an online store, you can pick up your parcel, valuable cargo or letter only by presenting your passport and notification of receipt of the shipment.

What does a postal notice (form) look like?

Officials approved a special notification form for Russian Post. Blank f. 22 looks like this:

Its reverse side:

The front side is prepared at the department where the letter was delivered. The document can be completed by hand, but most often it is done on a computer. As a rule, it has two “torn” edges. This is due to the fact that not one, but four notifications are printed on one sheet of paper. Then the sheet is torn and given to the postmen so that they can deliver them to their recipients.

All fields on the front side of the form are completely filled out. The date of compilation is indicated in the upper right corner (sometimes it is supplemented with a stamp), the main part shows the addressee, his address, and a brief description of the item (name, sender, weight, declared value).

The first line is the notice number. Russian Post sets it based on its data; this is a figure for the organization’s personal use. The track, if it was assigned at the time of departure, is located a little higher: in the form of a barcode and an alphanumeric combination.

Pay attention to the remaining lines. They often make mistakes. Last names, first names, street names - there may be errors in all this data, especially if the shipment was issued abroad. Either the post office employees themselves made a mistake, or the senders entered this data incorrectly. In most cases this does not play a special role. The post office understands that controversial issues may arise during transcription, so if there is a track and the citizen comes to pick up the parcel, the notice has reached the right address.

The last thing you need to pay attention to on the front side is where the letter is stored and where it can be stored. This information is contained in a specially designated field indicating opening hours and delivery address.

Russian Post notice: how to fill out

A letter or parcel can be obtained upon presentation of a passport and notification. The reverse side of this document is intended for the recipient to enter his passport details and place of registration (registration). Additionally, you must enter the date of receipt and signature. Details on how to fill out a notice from the Russian Post to receive a parcel are visible in the picture.

Please note that by signing the notice, the citizen simultaneously consents to the processing of his personal data.

The very bottom lines are for postal employees. Sometimes, to save time, they fill out these lines at the end of the shift, and not in front of the client. But this is no longer our concern, the package is already in our hands!

What to do if you haven't received a notification

Many have encountered the problem that the package is already there (the track tracking service shows this), but there is no notification. It takes too long to understand the reasons; it is much more important that you can get it without a document from the mail. When you come to the post office, you will be given the same form, which you will need to fill out in the same way.

Another option is to figure out on your own how to fill out a postal notification for a parcel without waiting for a form from the postman. To do this, you need to go to a separate page of the Russian Post, fill out Form 22 and download the document. You can also format the downloaded pdf file and then print it. Or you can print it first and then enter the data. Regardless of how you provide the data, remember that you must sign the form yourself.

When downloading, under the form you will find a note that if you don’t want to accept it, you need to complain to a specific phone number. Do not lose this information until you receive your package. Sometimes just mentioning the possibility of complaining is a guarantee of good service. After all, modern postmen do not always manage to be as cultured as their cartoon colleague Pechkin.

The AliExpress website sells a lot of useful little things. I want to buy a lot of things. And the goods are relatively cheap.
When buying an inexpensive product, buyers are faced with a situation where the parcel is sent either without a track at all, or with tracks from courier services that are not tracked in the recipient’s country. And the buyer just has to wait until the postman drops the treasured notice in their mailbox that a parcel is waiting for them.

And everything would be fine, but it happens that the notification does not arrive for some reason. And the package, although inexpensive, is long-awaited. And it will not be stored in the mail for a long time. It will lie in the post office for 30 days and will be sent back. What then to do? You can open a dispute because the package was sent back to China, return the money and order the product again. But this will take a lot of time. And oh, how I want to receive my cherished purchase early.

In such situations, experienced buyers advise visiting the post office once every 2 weeks with a smile, sweets and a passport. For the postal worker to look for the package in your name.

But unfortunately the candy trick doesn't always work. Postal workers are informed that without notice or without a normal track, they are not obliged to search for the parcel. This happens very often in Russian post offices. And, to be more precise, you will be very lucky if the postal worker begins to help you.

The question arises: Is the post office employee required to search for your package when presenting your ID?

We can find the answer on the official website of Russian Post:

“If you do not have a notice or a tracking number, upon presentation of your ID, you can ask a Post Office employee to find the item by the name and address to which it was sent.”

As we see, this text is posted in the “Postal Services and Rules” section. That is, according to the rules of the Russian Post, you can officially contact a postal employee with such a request.

Therefore, when a smile does not help, and a postal employee refuses your request, you have to use “heavy artillery”, namely, show the employee this information from the official website of the Russian Post, and also ask him to write a written refusal. This trick usually helps, and the postal employee reluctantly searches for your package using your passport and without a tracking number.

By the way, you can also find information on how to leave a complaint against a postal service employee on the Russian Post website

We wish you to meet only kind and helpful employees at the post office. Enjoy the shopping!

If you have any other secret ways to influence postal workers so that they look for packages without a tracking number, then write about them in the comments!

Have a question? Write it in the comments or chat

In order to receive parcels, small packages or letters at Russian Post, you no longer have to carry a passport with you or fill out notices. Progress does not stand still and now it is enough to take your phone with you. Find out how to activate this service (even without filling out paper forms!) and receive parcels via SMS in this article.

Registration on the mail website

First you need to register on the Russian Post website. To do this, follow this link - Here you need to fill out a form and take two important steps - confirm your mobile phone and email address (both must be yours!).

Step-by-step registration process

  1. When you click on the “Fill in” link on the welcome page, a window appears asking you to enter your email and password. There is no need to do either one or the other yet - all this is already for those who have gone through all the steps. At the bottom of the form there is a link “Register” - click on it.

2.First of all, you need to enter information about yourself. Do not substitute fictitious data - all of them will require subsequent certification at the Post Office, so that you can then use it without a passport. That is, you will have to bring your passport once. So, leave your personal information in the input fields and create a password. When entering an address, the system itself will find suitable components (city, street, house number) from its database, so the address should ultimately be formatted according to mail rules. As a rule, there are no difficulties with this.

3. During registration (at its different steps), the system will ask you to confirm the entered mobile phone number (it will send an SMS with a code that must be entered in the field) and email address (it will send a verification letter containing a link to go to it).

4. After all contacts have been confirmed, the system offers to supplement information about yourself with passport data. Additionally, she wants to know the TIN and SNILS data (they are not required, but their presence gives the Post the opportunity to offer you additional services. For example, sending registered letters, messages about fines, etc.).

5. When the form is completed, the system will inform you that it already has all the data about you. And in order to receive parcels, parcels, letters and other correspondence without a passport and without filling out notices, it is enough to show up at the post office once with the document so that the operator prints out the form, verifies the passport data and provides the service.

Personal account of Russian Post

The organization provides its clients with access to their Personal Account, in which they can now, for example, subscribe to periodicals without coming to the branch, order the sending of registered letters electronically (at the time of writing this article works, however, only in Moscow and the Moscow region), receive information about money transfers, letters, parcels in your name, call a courier to your home and receive many other additional services.

We remind you that in order to receive correspondence at the Post Office without a passport, after filling out the form, you need to go there once with a document so that you are identified and connected to the system.