How to block Beeline Internet while on vacation. Russian night channel Beeline. Beeline "Voluntary blocking" service. “Fixed IP Address” service

If you have lost your phone or do not plan to use your Beeline SIM card for a long time, then you need to immediately temporarily block the number. The operator provides this opportunity completely free of charge, and the subscriber can at any time.

If you don’t know how to block a Beeline SIM card temporarily or permanently, then just read the instructions below.

  • Attention
  • Once your SIM card is voluntarily blocked, cellular services will no longer be available until you take appropriate steps to activate the number.

Temporary SIM card blocking

Before blocking a Beeline SIM card, you need to decide which blocking option suits you. You can block your number temporarily or permanently. The operator has provided several ways to block a SIM card, and within the framework of this article, the Internet assistant will introduce you to all of them that exist today. Most often, subscribers decide to temporarily block a number, so let’s start with the methods that are relevant for these cases.

Beeline subscribers can block a SIM card using the following methods:

  • By calling the contact center at 8 800 700 06 11 ;
  • Through your personal account;
  • At the Beeline office.

Let's take a closer look at each of the above methods for blocking a SIM card.

  • Important
  • SIM card blocking is free, but some tariffs require a subscription fee, so details should be clarified in the description of your tariff plan.

How to block a Beeline SIM card forever

There are situations when you need to block a SIM card forever, without the possibility of restoring it. There are enough reasons for such a need and we will not list them.

You can block a Beeline SIM card:

  • By calling the MTS operator and asking to block the SIM card forever;
  • By contacting the Beeline office or the salon of official Beeline dealers.

Before blocking your Beeline SIM card without the possibility of restoring it, you should think carefully about everything. Perhaps in the future you will still need this number and it would be wiser to use temporary blocking, which allows you to call when necessary. If you finally decide to block your SIM card forever, then use one of the above methods.

This is where we will end this article. As you can see, there are enough options for blocking a SIM card; you just have to choose the most convenient method for yourself. If you still have any questions, ask them in the comments.

Beeline home Internet is a convenient service from one of the most popular operators, providing the subscriber with many opportunities and favorable tariffs. This is a high-speed connection provided using FTTB (fiber optic) technology. This allows the subscriber to receive high data exchange speeds, reaching 100 Mbit/s.

Beeline unlimited home Internet, which can be managed using your personal account, has the following advantages:

  • availability of unlimited access to the network;
  • convenient management and prompt receipt of information about all current Beeline tariffs;
  • connection via Wi-Fi via a router or a special adapter;
  • the ability to maintain access to services, including mobile communications, even if the balance reaches a negative value;
  • high level of protection using the latest version of Kaspersky Lab (for only 69 rubles/month);
  • the ability to connect any services;
  • the ability to quickly pay for Beeline Internet with a bank card online or through a terminal.

In addition, the subscriber has 24/7 access to support from technical specialists who will tell you how to set up Beeline home Internet, resolve issues with communication problems or re-register an address.

Archived tariff plans

Home Internet from Beeline offers profitable plans that change regularly. Old packages go into the archives and are replaced by new offers. For example, home Internet with TV connection for only 1 ruble. This tariff has been replaced by a more interesting one - the provision of Internet and digital television services for free. But this is only a connection; you will have to pay separately for the volume of specific services, for example, speed and traffic.

Once again, tariff offers, including home Internet and TV, changed in mid-2017. Packages such as “All for 301” and the like have been replaced by the very advantageous “All in One” tariff.

How to connect Beeline home Internet? First of all, you should dial the operator number 0611 and find out whether it is possible to install a fiber optic cable for a specific address. The same information can be obtained on the operator’s website If you choose the second option, you must complete the following steps:

  • go to the specified page;
  • go to the “Home Internet” tab, then go to “How to connect home Internet”;
  • Next, you need to click on the “Right Now!” button, select your address where you want to connect the Internet;
  • if connection is possible, the message “your home is connected to the Home Internet” will appear;
  • if there is no ready-made connection, you can apply for connection by filling out a special form on the same website.

Wireless home Internet Beeline

Beeline wireless home Internet can be connected by visiting the nearest operator or dealer office. Consultants will familiarize you with all current tariffs, services offered and prices, and help you choose the best option. After selecting the appropriate package, you will be asked to sign a standard agreement.

If it is not possible to visit the office, then all steps to conclude an agreement can be completed online. This will require the following steps:

  • after checking the availability of the service at a specific address (it must be indicated on the website), you must fill out an application for connection, indicating the full address and contact information;
  • if a connection is available at the specified address, you must fill out the appropriate form indicating your name and telephone number for contact;
  • Within a few days, an operator will contact the subscriber, who will clarify the details of the service and agree on the most convenient time for connection.

You can also pay for Beeline home Internet online. For this, various methods are used, for example, or an auto-replenishment service when the balance drops to the minimum level. You can also pay for Beeline home Internet at any nearest operator office.

How to disconnect home Internet from Beeline

How to turn off Beeline home Internet during vacation? This can be done through the subscriber’s Personal Account on the official website or by dialing the operator’s number. The block is offered for up to 90 days, after which the service can be resumed. If you need to permanently disconnect the Internet, you need to dial the operator’s number 8-800-700-8378 and find out at which nearest office you can write an application to terminate the service agreement.

When disconnecting, all provided equipment (usually just the router) will have to be returned, but the equipment that came as a gift remains with the subscriber. If you move, you can call the specified Beeline number to find out if it is possible to connect to the Internet at the new address. The re-registration service is provided free of charge, but only if there is a connection possibility. Otherwise, the contract is terminated.

Home Internet from Beeline - tariffs

Beeline tariff plans are varied; the full list can be found on the operator’s official website. One of the most popular tariff plans from Beeline is Internet and home TV for 1 rub..

This package can be connected together with any cellular tariff; the cost per month will be 1 ruble, but you will have to pay for some additional services. For example, a tariff with 5 GB of Internet, 300 SMS and 550 minutes of calls will cost 500 rubles, there are packages for 800, 1200 or 1500 rubles, where the volume of services provided will be greater in proportion to the price.

The Beeline package, which includes Internet and home TV, is the most popular; the user is offered 233 popular channels, but only if he orders a plan costing from 1,200 rubles. For those who want to connect only home Internet from Beeline, the following packages are offered:

  • Internet + router, speed up to 60 Mbit/s, cost – 500 rubles;
  • Internet + router, up to 100 Mbit/s, cost – 750 rubles;
  • home Internet, up to 60 Mbit/s, cost – 450 rubles;
  • home Internet, up to 100 Mbit/s, cost – 600 rubles.
For the last two tariffs, it is proposed to purchase a WiFi router in installments, payment is 100 rubles per month.

You can connect to Beeline home Internet by selecting the required tariff plan and volume of services on the website. If you need help connecting or your home Internet is not working, you can dial .

If you remember, we already sorted it out in the most detailed way. Well, that is, how to actually turn off the Internet connected to your phone, tablet or modem.

And today let's talk about how to disable the Internet on Beeline if it is connected at your home and what actions need to be taken to do this.

If you think that everything will be very simple, and the issue can be solved by pressing a couple of buttons, don’t be fooled! Otherwise, you may be deeply disappointed. No, of course, this also happens, but not always. However, let's talk about everything in order.

First of all, you need to decide whether you want to disable your home Internet on Beeline only temporarily (for a vacation period, for example), or forever.

If you need to completely disable your home Beeline Internet

If you no longer plan to use your home Internet from Beeline again, and want to turn off the Internet on Beeline completely and forever, then you need to terminate the contract that you entered into with the operator when connecting to the Internet.

And here the first unpleasant surprise awaits you. After all, the contract is terminated only in the personal presence of the subscriber, at the company’s office. In other words, you will have to make a visit to the Beeline office, there’s no escape...

Only after you write a statement at the office (more precisely, fill out the prepared form and put your signature), the service will be blocked and the Agreement will be terminated.

The balance of money in your financial account must be returned to you. But they will do it not in cash, but on a bank account. To do this, in your application you will need to indicate individual bank details to which your money can be transferred.

By the way, debts for home Internet from Beeline will also have to be repaid if you stop using the service.

If you decide that you no longer need home Internet from Beeline, immediately go to the office and write an application to terminate the Agreement. Because without this, even if you do not use the Internet, the subscription fee will still continue to accrue to you!

To the village, on vacation, to the wilderness, to Saratov!

We allowed ourselves to make a little pun with Griboyedov’s text just to highlight the second case - if you need disable the Internet on Beeline only temporarily- for example, for the period of going on vacation.

Here everything is simpler. You don’t have to pay a visit to the Beeline office, and just get by by pressing buttons. . After all, it is precisely for such a case that there is a free service for all Beeline subscribers, which is called “Voluntary blocking”.

This way, you can block Internet access for up to 90 days, while the funds in your account are retained in full.

After a maximum of 90 days, the system will remove the block automatically

You can use the service of temporarily blocking your Internet connection in any of two ways:

1. By connecting it in your personal account on the Beeline website.

In the “Internet” item in the menu on the official website you need to find “Service Management” and the “Temporary Internet Blocking” function and enable the temporary blocking service

2. Calling toll free 88007008000

You can activate “Voluntary blocking” only if the balance on your account is positive

And one more limitation. You can use the service no more than once during the billing period. That is, no more than once every 30 days from the moment of exit from the previous voluntary blocking.

Surely, you have a computer or laptop, but in the modern world, technology of this kind without access to the Internet can be of little use. The Beeline company, which provides telecommunications services, also offers “Home Internet” in its list of services. In other words, it is no longer just a mobile operator, but also a full-fledged provider that provides its customers with a dedicated high-speed Internet line, 24-hour technical support and, if necessary, a WI-FI router. However, as often happens, the quality may not satisfy the end user.

The reason may be regular connection interruptions, high ping, discrepancy between the declared speed and the actual speed, or simply the high price of tariffs. In this case, you will probably find our article useful on how to disable Beeline home Internet. By following the instructions below, you can cancel this service.

Disabling home Internet on Beeline

1. To terminate the contract with the Beeline company, in order to disable the Beeline home Internet, you will need to refuse the services provided, specified in the document, by writing a written statement to the provider. Any nearest Beeline office will help you sort this out.

2. Upon termination of the contract, you will have the opportunity to return the funds that remained in your account by indicating the details of your bank account or Beeline mobile phone number, to which the unused funds will be received.

3. If there is an insignificant amount in your account, or there are no funds at all, then in this case you can not pay attention to the contract, but simply stop paying for the home Internet service. When the tariff plan payment deadline approaches and there is no required amount in your personal account, Internet access will be temporarily disabled until money equal to the cost of your service is deposited. By the way, the contract will be considered terminated if you do not use Beeline’s home Internet for six months. This means that the provider no longer has obligations to you and your account is deleted from the database.

4. Using the “Deferred payment” service, and if the account balance is negative, you will need to repay the debt in full in order to terminate the contract.

Wondering how to disable Beeline home Internet? There are several ways to resolve this issue. You can change the provider and refuse to provide its services at any time, but it is worth considering all the pros and cons of this decision.

To refuse, you need to write an application and visit the office, calling 8 800 700 8378 to find out at what address such services can be provided.

But before terminating the agreement pay attention to a few nuances:

  • If you notice that the Internet is slow, try cleaning your PC of any junk and checking that all programs are updated.
  • Constant connection dropouts may be due to a bad router, which you need to try to change and check the connections.
  • With your individual problems regarding the Internet, you should contact technical support or call a service specialist to your home.

Disabling Beeline home Internet

The Internet can be blocked only by submitting an application at the Beeline office. If at the time of writing such an application the user has no funds left in his account, then the entire registration procedure will be relatively simple.

If you have your own funds, the provider is obliged to return them in a convenient way to your mobile account or bank card after a certain time after disconnection.

The existing online debt will need to be repaid, and this can be done during the process of writing the application.

It will be useful to view:

Balances on your home internet account are not refundable in cash, so it is best to provide details at the time of application. Mobile balances are returned only to Beeline users, but if it’s convenient for you, you can also provide bank card details.

If you decide to finally terminate the signed papers with this provider, then it is better to choose the right moment when the paid funds have run out.

The contract is officially terminated, but this requires an application from the user, which is submitted not only to close the Internet, but also home television. Provided set-top box from the company will also need to be returned to the office.

The subscriber can completely disconnect from using home traffic at a time convenient for him by submitting an application to the Beeline office, which is responsible for this range of services. In some cases, suspension of services for both home Internet and television is provided - order for a period of no more than 90 days.

You can use all offers only if you have a positive account balance and no debts.

Is it possible to temporarily suspend home Internet?

During a vacation or a long business trip, the provider providing home Internet has a temporary suspension of access.

To do this, the user must use the “Voluntary Blocking” service, which suspends the flow of traffic and charges the subscription fee. This proposal is an excellent alternative compared to traditional blocking.

When returning home, you can freely use the Internet as before. The benefit of the service is that it is provided free of charge, so using it is always profitable.

To unblock access you don’t need to pay anything and you don’t have to visit the office, since all operations can be completed on the official website of the Beeline provider.

“Voluntary blocking” service

You can temporarily disconnect from using the Internet for up to 90 days using the “Voluntary blocking” option. During this period there will be no charges for using the service. The automatic connection is resumed after three months, unless the user has done so before.

Block like this There are two ways to use the Internet:

  • Call technical support 8 800 700 8000, where they will clarify important instructions for using the service and deactivate it.

  • Through your personal account, which remains accessible even at the time of blocking.

Should you disconnect the Internet from Beeline if you move?

You can pause Internet use at the time of moving, but you need to clarify the distribution of traffic in the new place in advance.

You can also consult a service number that ends in 8000. In this case, the user does not terminate the contract, but simply submits a request to move and temporarily blocks access. If the services of this provider do not work at the changed address, then the subscriber must disable them completely in the prescribed manner.

When moving, it is better to freeze the distribution of traffic, because even without using it, you need to pay for the services provided. The contract is automatically terminated only after six months of non-payment, and all other points of interest can be clarified with the support service.

Visitor survey


All the conveniences of using home Internet on Beeline are preserved until the last moment of service activity. Even at the moment of blocking or disconnection, the provider is concerned about keeping the client happy, providing different ways to terminate traffic.

All users have at their disposal an online account through which they can not only pay, but also block or unfreeze access.

If difficulties arise, the client can contact Beeline communication salons, where they will help resolve the problem quickly and free of charge (when contacting, do not forget to take identification documents with you).