How to recover efs partition. Repair IMEI on Samsung phones without root. How to find out the IMEI on your Samsung Galaxy phone

If you sew very often or are sewing your Android smartphone or tablet from Samsung for the first time, then you need to take care of the safety of the IMEI. In the article How to save and restore IMEI on Samsung you will learn how to do this in 2 ways.

Method No. 1 Save and restore IMEI

1. Install the free Android Terminal Emulator application on your Android Device

2. Go to this application and type the commands:

su dd if=dev/block/xxxxxx of=sdcard/efs.img

In order to repair IMEI:

su dd if=/sdcard/efs.img of=/dev/block/xxxxxxx

Where xxxxxxx this is the name of the EFS block.

How to find out the EFS block name

Go to the Android Terminal Emulator application and type the command:


then find the section and its name (in my case the name mmcblk0p1)

su dd if=dev/block/mmcblk0p1 of=sdcard/efs.img su dd if=/sdcard/efs.img of=/dev/block/mmcblk0p1

Method number 2 Save and restore IMEI

This is all the detailed article on backup and restoration of efs android is over, do not lose your IMEI!

What is NVRAM

NVRAM in the application to smartphones on the MTK platform is a service area in non-volatile memory that stores IMEI, MAC addresses for WiFi, BT, and much other information unique to your smartphone. When you do a factory reset, a copy is made from this partition to the user data /data partition, and Android uses this data.

What is the risk of damaging the NVRAM partition?

WiFi, BT, and mobile communications that are malfunctioning or not working at all

How can you ruin an NVRAM partition?

Incorrect version of the SP Flash Tool when flashing the firmware (which is why it is recommended to use the version that comes with the firmware), full memory formatting in the SP Flash Tool (in rare cases you have to do this operation), incorrect recovery script.

These problems can be avoided if follow a simple rule: Having received a smartphone in your hands, the first thing you need to do is make a backup (including the NVRAM partition, or at least just that) and save it on your computer!

Perhaps there will be some problems with it and you will have to return it under warranty, it happens that the firmware with which it came is simply not found on the network, perhaps you will re-experiment with the firmware.... I recommend making a full backup, and then experiment.

To create a backup, you must have root rights on your phone or have TWRP recovery installed.

A backup of the NVRAM partition can be obtained in the following ways:


Using TWRP custom recovery.

If your phone already has an extended TWRP recovery, you can make a backup in it to restore (in it) all the main system partitions - just press the button in the main menu

Backup, tick all the boxes Select partitions to back Up , check the box to enable compression Enable compression , set a name by pressing Set Backup Name and swipe right to start creating a backup


After that, reboot and, having connected the smart phone to the PC, copy the TWRP\BACKUPS\name of your backup folder to a safe place. From such a complete backup you can always restore any necessary partition, including NVRAM


Using the MTK Droid Tools program from a PC.

Most phone owners on the MTK platform know this powerful tool.

Download the latest version from here(the link is the author’s, it will be the simplest form of gratitude to download the program from it)

  • On the phone in the settings in the "Developer Options" section it is enabled USB Debugging. If you don’t have the “Developer Options” section in your settings, then go to the “About phone” item in the settings and tap on the build number 7 times to turn on the display of the “Developer Options” section.

After that, run MTKdroidTools.exe as administrator and connect the cable to the port on the PC motherboard (on the back)

After the program detects your phone, a colored rectangle will appear in the lower left corner, indicating the capabilities of working with the phone.

If this rectangle green, as in the screenshot - everything is fine, there is a root shell


If this rectangle yellow, then you need to click the button at the bottom right ROOT and follow directions


Most often, the program manages to obtain a temporary root shell.

After that, press the IMEI/NVRAM button, check the checkboxes /dev/nvram And /data/nvram and press the button Backup. Upon completion of work, two files with the extensions bin and tar and information in the name about the phone name, IMEI and the date/time of creation of the NVRAM backup will appear in the subfolder of the BackupNVRAM program.



Download archive and unpack it into a folder with full access for you (preferably without spaces or Russian letters in the path), in which you will store your NVRAM backup.

Check before starting that:

  • The antivirus is temporarily disabled on the computer
  • ADB drivers are installed on the computer
  • On your phone, USB Debugging is enabled in the Developer Options section of your phone. If you don’t have the “Developer Options” section in your settings, then go to the “About phone” item in the settings and tap on the build number 7 times to turn on the display of the “Developer Options” section.

Connect the phone cable to the port on the PC motherboard (on the back) and run NVRAM_backup.bat, upon completion of work, a file will appear in the folder nvram.img.

This article is about recovery
encrypted file system (efs) performance, import
keys from the old user profile in
new system for gaining access to
encrypted information. To start
Let's decide what you can do first
try a number of existing utilities for
this work, the work performed in the article
requires certain knowledge and skills.

  • Our favorite elcomsoft offers advanced
    efs data recovery for 2K/XP for $99 with
    available demo version.
  • Our beloved Microsoft also has in its
    arsenal recovery program
    reccerts.exe, which can be obtained via
    paid support service.
  • Well, Passware unknown to us offers efskey,
    which is said to be slower
    aefsdr, but costs exactly the same - 95 conventional

Let's return to our sheep. By default names
efs in XP are colored green. If everything fails
keys are naturally lost, and when opened
file creates a blank document with
description of the error. For example:

  • notepad: cannot open the c:\documents and settings\foo\my
  • file: make sure a disk is in the drive you specified.
  • wordpad: access to c:\docume~1\foo\mydocu~1\report.txt was denied.

This error usually occurs
indicates that for everyone
users who had access to the file,
The wrong encryption key is being used.
There may be several reasons for this -
the most common is reinstallation

Everyone is recommended before the first
using efs to export
public and private keys, and
preferably on another medium (cipher /?) - these
keys are randomly generated upon creation and
when reinstalling the system
naturally do not repeat. Surprisingly,
maybe on purpose, at the first
no warnings when using efs
valiant Microsoft does not give out and there is a real
completely forget about the danger.

In 2K and XP, data on efs is here:

c:\documents and settings\user\application data\microsoft\crypto\ -
private key
c:\documents and settings\user\application data\microsoft\protect\ -
password entry to the private key
c:\documents and settings\user\application data\microsoft\systemcertificates\ -
public key. In general, not so

Let's say the files have been saved and you need them
use. To work with file
the system requires the same account with the same
computer number, which is what it was originally.
You can find this data here:

c:\documents and settings\%username%\application data\microsoft\crypto\rsa\s-1-5-21-1078081533-

Computer number: 1078081533-1606980848-854245398
User number: 1003

In hex, respectively: fd374240 f094c85f 16c0ea32 and 3eb.

Go to hklm\sam\sam\domains\account\users\%usernumbers% and
check if there is an account with the same number in
system. If there is, then you need to find the name
user and create a profile with
original password. If it doesn’t exist, we create it,
having previously changed hklm\sam\sam\domains\account\f to
offset 48 to the required number, and add
him to the admin group. Next: in
hklm\sam\sam\domains\builtin\aliases\00000220\c change the machine SID
to the original one. We do the following and
here: hklm\sam\sam\domains\account\v. From hklm\software\microsoft\windows
nt\currentversion\profilelist\ export the key,
describing the car number with the suffix of
user numbers, change to
original numbers and import them back.
Copy the folders with keys to c:\documents and
settings\%username%\application data\microsoft\, reboot...
and everything should work.

In the next part we will look at the situation
in which there are no key files.

The /efs folder contains the smartphone's IMEI, which is part of the system that identifies the phone and the network it connects to. From time to time they are deleted due to various wipes and/or installation of custom firmware. If you want the /efs directory not to be deleted, you need to save it as a backup copy. For Samsung Galaxy S3, you can now backup the /efs folder very easily using a tool offered by XDA developer.

EFS Backup/Restore is a very simple tool that can be used from your computer. This is an executable script that extracts data from the EFS phone and saves it on the computer as an image file. If you need it later, you can restore it using a similar script. When restoring, make sure that the image file is in the same folder as the other files.

This method works flawlessly. If you use it, you can test various firmware practically without risk. If you encounter an error, you will need to install a new version of ADB in advance. This is the case if you have not updated the program in advance.

This tutorial will show you how to backup your Galaxy S3 EMEI and /efs folder.

These instructions are for use with the Galaxy S3 and its variants only. If you use these instructions with other smartphones, this may lead to the most undesirable results.
The information contained in this manual is intended for reference purposes and for educational purposes only. There are no guarantees that these instructions will work with your smartphone or in your specific situation.
You use these instructions at your own risk. We are not responsible for anything that may happen to your smartphone as a result of using the information in this guide.
Please read and understand the manual before actually following the instructions.

Technical requirements:

  • Get root rights to Samsung Galaxy S3 in any way:
    1. Method number 1.
    2. Method number 2.
  • A computer with Windows and WinRAR, 7-Zip or similar archiver installed.
  • Installed USB drivers. They are usually installed along with the Kies installation.
  • Download the EFS Backup/Restore tool for Galaxy S3 on your computer.
  • Make sure you charge your Galaxy S3 battery to 70%, otherwise there is a chance of the procedure being interrupted.
  • Make a backup copy of all contacts, SMS, mms, Internet settings, wi-fi passwords, because such data may be lost after the procedure. We recommend synchronizing with a cloud service or creating a local copy of your mobile data.


  • 1. Open the RAR file and extract its contents to a folder.
  • 2. On Galaxy S3, enable “USB debugging” in Settings > Developer Options > USB debugging.
  • 3. Connect your smartphone to your computer.
  • 4. On your computer, go to the folder with the unzipped data and double-click to run the BAT script:
    • To create a backup of /efs, run Backup_EFS.bat. The script will create a saved backup file in the same folder named efs.img.
    • To restore from a /efs backup, run the Restore_EFS.bat script. Please check in advance that the efs.img file is also located in the same folder.

Congratulations! You have just made an EFS backup of your Samsung Galaxy S3 data using a backup and restore tool.

Found a mistake? Select it and press Ctrl+Enter

IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity) is an individual code consisting of 15 digits, with which you can identify any mobile device. Using this code you can find and block a stolen phone.

If you have lost this number due to unprofessional interference with the phone or it has disappeared due to some kind of breakdown, it is possible to restore it. Here we will explain in detail how to repair IMEI on your Samsung Galaxy smartphone. You can always turn to Samsung smartphone repair specialists for help.

First you need to clarify which IMEI is assigned to your smartphone.

How to find out the IMEI on your Samsung Galaxy phone?

This can be found out in several ways:

1. This data can be found while your mobile device is operating. In digit dialing mode, to make a call you need to enter the combination *#06#. As soon as you press these numbers, a code will immediately appear on the display of your smartphone; this will be the IMEI of your phone.

2. Such information can be found on the device itself. You need to turn off the phone and remove the battery. Below it will be a sticker that contains the information you need.

3. If you still have documentation from the purchase of the phone, then in the warranty card or on the packaging itself there is also a sticker that contains information about the model of your equipment. Accordingly, the IMEI itself is indicated there.

How to repair IMEI on Samsung Galaxy

IMEI repair is a delicate process of external intervention into the closed settings of the Android system. Therefore, first you need to get Root rights (root):

Download and install the latest version of Framaroot on your device

Once you launch the program, you need to select an action. In this case - Install SuperSU. Below you see several exploits - available methods to obtain your rights.

Having chosen one of the exploits, if it does not work, then try the next one. If the method worked, a message with a hint will appear on your screen.

When you receive a hint result indicating that you have successfully obtained rights, you need to reboot your device.

Sometimes it happens that the Framaroot program closes in emergency mode. Just restart it.

By launching the application, find out what name is assigned to the EFS (Extent File System) block on your device. Type the command:

Then we look for the corresponding section with the name:

Be careful, xxxxx is the name of your EFS block.

Save the resulting backup on your PC; if difficulties with IMEI arise again, you can restore it from what was saved in this way. If you have not made a copy of it, then try the method described below. If it didn’t help, then we recommend contacting Samsung phone repair specialists

To restore IMEI if you have not backed it up, you can try the following:

1. Having root rights, find the EFS folder in the firmware and copy all the contents to the PC.

2. Now you need to flash the phone, rolling back Android to the version that was installed by default.

3. On files copied to the computer, you need to remove the ".bak" format and transfer it to the phone, placing it in the EFS folder.

4. Reboot your smartphone.

If no difficulties arise, the IMEI will be restored. If not, then you should contact a specialist.