How to hide the list of interesting pages on VKontakte. How to hide interesting VKontakte pages: description of each step

Due to the current anonymity policy of the social network VKontakte, staying incognito on the Internet is now becoming more and more difficult. With some changes in one of the large-scale updates to VK introduced in 2015, some functions that made it possible to hide detailed information about yourself became unavailable. However, in return, it will introduce a separate section in the account settings, in which you can select the privacy settings for your photos, music, comments and groups to which you have a subscription.

In this article we will tell you exactly what manipulations need to be done in order to hide the list of your groups, communities and interesting pages from friends and prying eyes in general.

How to hide interesting groups on VK

First of all, let's consider the option of privacy of the groups in which you are a member; this is done quite simply and literally in a couple of clicks of your mouse. To do this, go to your page where your avatar is located and pay attention to the upper right corner where your miniature avatar with your name is displayed, then hover the mouse cursor over the name and select “Settings” in the additional context menu that appears.

Now that you have gone to the settings section of your page, you have access to such functions as “Security”, “Blacklist”, “Payments and Transfers”, but you need to go to the “Privacy” section, which you can select from the list on the right. Then you will need to find the line “Who sees the list of my groups” and left-click on it with your mouse.

After this, another context menu will pop up, in which you will have the opportunity to select the following options:

- Just me- this way you can hide your groups from everyone and only you can see them.

- Only friends– the list of your groups can only be viewed by your friends

- Friends and friends of friends– this point is a kind of addition to the previous one. In addition to your friends, the list of groups can be viewed by all users who are friends with your friends.

- Everything except– by selecting this item, you can select those users from whom you want to hide your groups. That is, all VK users except those selected will see them.

- Some friends– this item is radically different from the previous one; here you will have the opportunity to select those individuals who will be able to view the list of your groups.

Important: if we are talking about complete privacy, then you should select the “Only Me” option.

How to hide interesting pages in VK

The bulk of the “Groups” section consists of communities or interesting pages. Unfortunately, the answer to the question: “Is it possible to hide your communities from public viewing” is no. This function is simply not provided in VKontakte. However, you can do a trick that will allow you to view the necessary news from the desired community or public page, without your friends knowing about it.

To do this, open the main page of VK, where your avatar and information about you are located, and go to the “Groups” section.

Now from the list, select the community you need, which you want to hide from prying eyes and open it. Now all you have to do is unsubscribe from him. To do this, click on the special “Unsubscribe” button.

After which you need to add it to your bookmarks.

In modern society, almost every person has a page on a social network. Among young people, the most popular network is VKontakte, which allows users to subscribe to public pages and receive news from such pages.

If you are bored with them and want to remove them from your news feed, you should figure out how to hide interesting VKontakte pages. We will also consider the question of whether it is possible to completely hide public pages so that no one knows what you are subscribed to.

Editing interesting pages

If you want to hide interesting VKontakte pages, you need to follow the instructions:

  1. First, open your news feed. Typically, three tabs open: news, updates, and comments. You need to stay on the News tab.
  2. Under the tab name, click on “+”, in the window that opens, select “Recommendations” and uncheck this line. This way you will get rid of interesting pages that the service offers you with a free choice. The social network VKontakte selects the news feed that you indicated in your profile. If you want to limit news from a specific group or person, then you will need to hover over the news from that person and click the cross. At this point, indicate users and groups whose news you would not like to see in the news feed.

If you want to view interesting pages again, you need to check the box next to “Recommendations”.

How to remove interesting pages from the main page?

Information about subscribing to public pages is located on the user's main page. But you must admit, not everyone wants to show all their friends and other users what they are interested in and display the “Anti-cellulite program” advice page for everyone to see. However, unfortunately, it will not be possible to hide interesting pages in this case. The site's policy is that all users can view such pages, so there is no way to block access to them. The only thing you can do is unsubscribe from the pages and simply add them to your bookmarks.

How to remove interesting pages on VK from prying eyes.

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Social networks, how much has already been said and written about them, but the questions do not decrease. I am constantly given new ideas and questions for articles. Today, in my opinion, this is a very interesting question to which there is no simple answer.

One user complained that he would like to hide the list of communities in which he is a member from public view. I couldn’t find how to do this using the settings. No matter how hard he tried, nothing worked.

Do you want to know how to hide interesting pages on VKontakte? I can give you a short and comprehensive answer; this cannot be done using the settings in VK! However, when have we ever retreated from difficulties?

The more difficult the problem, the more interesting it is to solve it, do you agree with me? And if we need to find information on how to remove interesting pages in VK, then we will definitely find a solution.

In the settings, we can only hide the groups we are a member of. To do this, click on the triangle next to your avatar and go to settings.

This line in the settings should look like this.

This way, the list of groups you are a member of will not be seen by anyone except you. It’s not that simple with communities; you can’t hide them from prying eyes.

If you want to hide from strangers which pages are interesting to you, then there is only one way to hide your interests from curious visitors. This method is simple - unsubscribe from those communities that you do not want to advertise.

And in order to always have these communities at hand, you need to bookmark them. Now I will tell beginners how to bookmark a community.


  1. Go to the community and unsubscribe with one click by clicking on the button - you are subscribed and selecting unsubscribe.
  2. Click on the three dots and choose bookmarking. Although, you yourself decide what suits you best, perhaps it will be receiving notifications or messages.

After these simple steps, unwanted interesting pages will no longer be visible. Today this is the only way to remove interesting pages on VK from prying eyes.

The “Interesting Pages” block is visible to absolutely everyone today and practically nothing can be done about it. But, if there is a need to hide the lists of your favorite sites, you can try to go the other way. So, how to hide interesting pages on VK?

Editing interesting pages and subscriptions

For personal convenience, and in order not to clutter your feed with unnecessary news, you can edit interesting pages and subscriptions so that only the most relevant ones remain. So, let's look at how this is done.

Editing subscriptions

To begin with, to understand the mechanism for managing subscriptions, it is important to understand what they are. These are the profiles that a person is subscribed to. They can be deleted or viewed in the friends menu, or more precisely, in the “Outgoing Requests” tab. These are people whose news you have subscribed to, although in fact they are not friends. To remove any news, you can simply unsubscribe by clicking on the button next to your profile name.

Editing interesting pages

Making changes to your list of favorite sites is just as easy. Today, all public pages to which the user is subscribed are sorted by date. That is, the first ones are always the ones you became interested in recently. How can I change anything on this list?

Is it possible to hide them in VK and why do it?

More recently, in the privacy settings, you could select options to completely or partially hide the content of your personal profile. The modern design of VKontakte does not allow this. Unfortunately, it is not possible to completely hide only public pages. But there are opportunities to do this in other ways. How is this done in practice?

From friends

It will not be possible to hide subscriptions from friends, since this option is not provided by the site developers themselves. In any case, all friends will be able to see the pages you follow, no matter what your privacy settings are. The only thing that can be hidden from friends is the communities block, which is located under the main profile information. To do this, select the “Privacy” item in the settings menu and set the appropriate option.

From subscribers

The situation with subscribers is similar - they cannot help but see the block, so it will not be possible to hide subscriptions using the settings. To ensure that subscribers do not see the public pages they have subscribed to, they can only unsubscribe from them.

From other users

All people who are registered on VKontakte and are not included in the “Black List” can see the block, so you cannot hide your subscriptions from them. But, there are a couple of options to get around this inconvenience. Of course, you won’t be able to hide your profile from everyone with one keystroke.

You can delete all your subscriptions, or some of them, but in order not to lose these pages, transfer them to bookmarks.

Important! Only the profile owner can view all bookmarks, so this is the best way to hide subscriptions. You can see the list in bookmarks, or rather, in the links section.

There is another way to hide not only a block, but also the entire page from those who are not authorized in VK. To do this, in the privacy settings you need to select the item “Who can see my page on the Internet” and set the option to “Only Vkontakte users”.

Deleting subscriptions

Of course, the most reliable way to get rid of a block is to delete the public pages completely. This is easy to do if there are few pages - you just need to go to the block and click the “Unsubscribe” button under each label.

Attention! If there are too many public pages, you can use auxiliary software, for example, the VKBot program. You can download only on the official website. Both free and paid versions with extended functionality are available.

After all publics are removed from the list, the block itself will disappear; it simply will not be visible - neither to the user himself, nor to his friends and subscribers. Albums with photographs will be located immediately below the friends block.

Are radical measures necessary?

The only truly effective way to quickly hide a public block is to completely delete it. But is it worth taking such drastic measures for the sake of privacy? If there was something truly valuable and important in the block, you should leave it, because after deletion it will be impossible to restore everything!

Hi all. Today I would like to tell you about how to hide VK groups on your page. I am sure that many users of the VKontakte network once had such a thought.
I myself thought about this once, when I did not want to expose my activities on the Internet to my friends (the screenshot below does not apply to my VKontakte account, I posted it only as an example).

For this purpose, an item was created in the privacy settings - “Who sees the list of my groups.”

So, if you decide to hide groups in Contact, then you need to go to the menu item - “My Settings”.

On the “Privacy” tab, in the “Who sees the list of my groups” line, you must select: “Only me.” Once this is done, you need to click the “Save” button at the bottom of the page. After this operation, no one will see your groups.

You can also hide other elements of the page or completely.

It is also very important to note that it is impossible to hide interesting pages from the user’s page, just like groups. However, you can remove recommendations from your news feed. To do this you need to go into it. On the News tab, there is a plus symbol on the left. After clicking on it, a context menu will appear, and in the “Recommendations” line you need to uncheck the box.

In connection with the above, another problem arises. A lot of people on the other side of this issue are trying to find out these hidden VK groups of their VKontakte friends. However, fortunately or unfortunately, (depending on who) such a possibility is not yet provided. Any offers that supposedly allow you to view hidden groups of other users in contact are nothing more than a virus. There is also a high probability that when using these programs you will be hacked.