How to turn on the home button on iPad. Why the home button on iPhone doesn't work

The iPhone is the iconic smartphone of the current generation. These phones are in great demand among people all over the world. But you need to know how to handle this gadget. The Home button plays a huge role in controlling the device. Sometimes it refuses to work or starts to "glitch". At such moments, you can display the faulty element on the screen and use a graphical interpretation instead of a physical one. It is very comfortable. Especially if there is a suspicion that the device is broken. Next we will talk about how to “Home” from the iPhone screen and display it on the display. Anyone can cope with the assigned tasks!

About the Home Button

But first, a little about the mentioned control. Why do we need a Home button? And is it really necessary to display it on the screen and remove it from it?

The Home button is used extremely actively. This is one of the most useful smartphone controls from Apple. The button has a huge number of applications. They mainly depend on the operating system you are using.

Most often, the Home button is needed for:

  • unlocking a mobile phone;
  • quickly exit programs, applications or games;
  • voice control of the device (especially in the latest iOS).

How to remove the Home button from the screen of an iPhone 4 or any other if necessary? What needs to be done to initially display it on the display? This will be discussed further below.

Output on display

Initially, the Home button on Apple gadgets is not displayed on the screen. In order for it to appear on the display, you need to resort to the help of a specialized service. It is included in the standard iOS applications.

The AssistiveTouch service is responsible for displaying the Home button on the screen. It is on every modern Apple phone or tablet. It is with its help that you can figure out how to remove the Home button from the iPhone screen.

It is suggested to display Home as follows:

  1. Open Settings on iPhone.
  2. Go to the "General/Basic" - "Universal Access" section.
  3. Select the AssistiveTouch menu item.
  4. Move the slider so that the green area next to it lights up.

You can exit the smartphone settings. After these steps, a graphical interpretation of the Home button will appear on the screen. It can be placed in any convenient place and used for its intended purpose instead of a physical control element built into the gadget.

Removing a button

There's really nothing difficult about getting Home on the display. How to remove the Home button from the iPhone screen? Every owner of an Apple phone can do this.

It is not difficult to guess that in general, enabling and disabling the option under study is done in approximately the same way. Accordingly, you will need to work with AssistiveTouch.

To get rid of the Home button on the display, you need to:

  1. Turn on iPhone.
  2. Go to the "Settings" - "General" menu.
  3. Click on "Universal Access" - AssistiveTouch.
  4. Turn the switch to the "Off" position. At the same time, the green indicator next to it should disappear. It is usually painted white.

This is where all the action ends. You can exit Settings and continue using your mobile phone without the Home button on the display.


It is proposed to end on this note. From now on, it’s clear how to remove the Home button from the screen of an iPhone 5 or any other Apple device.

All modern Apple devices have AssistiveTouch. It is with its help that the “Home” button is displayed and configured on the display. Every iPhone owner can figure out how this service works in a few minutes.

Along with the Home button, the following options are displayed on the display:

  • notification center;
  • device functions;
  • Siri;
  • "User".

It is noted that without them it will not be possible to display “Home” on the screen. Exactly the same as removing it from the display. This is about all that can be said about bringing a control called Home to the screen and removing it from there.

  • As you know, the Home button on your iPhone or iPad is designed not only to turn the device on or off, but also other important functions. We will talk about them in this article.

So, with the button " Home", located under the screen, you can do the following:

  • Return to the home screen;
  • Open multitasking mode;
  • Start and shutdown Siri;
  • Call up the lock screen;
  • Activate “Easy Access” (works starting from iPhone 6);

But these possibilities are not all that are available to you with this miracle button. Below we will talk about five more functions with the “ Home” that you might not even know about. We immediately warn you that some of them may only be available from and above. Therefore, if you have not yet updated your operating system, we recommend that you do so right now in order to be able to take full advantage of the new features.

Disable Easy Access to prevent accidental clicks

After Apple introduced a new line of 4.7 and 5.5-inch smartphones iPhone 6 And 6Plus, holding them in one hand, and at the same time, reaching all the necessary icons on the screen has become almost impossible. For this, the Cupertino team came up with the “Easy Access” function: when you briefly touch the sensor of the “Home” button, part of the screen seems to slide down for a few seconds. This gives the user additional convenience in managing and interacting with the smartphone, because with the screen shifted down, reaching even the most distant icons (located at the top) becomes really not as difficult as before.

However, as practical experience shows us, only a very small part of owners use the “Easy Access” function iPhone, and even then extremely rarely. So, often, it even causes some discomfort due to accidental clicks, and users have to turn it off completely. How to do it? Very simple. Go to the main settings of your iPhone, then to the Accessibility menu, then go to the “Interaction” section and turn the switch to the “gray” (inactive) position next to the “Easy Access” item.

Decrease velocity

In addition to the various functions of the Home button, there are also those that require double or even triple presses. But these presses should be performed at the fastest possible pace, which is not always convenient for ordinary people or people in adulthood. In this regard, Apple has provided the ability to reduce the click speed through individual settings.

By going to “Universal Access” through the main settings of your iPhone, select “Home”, after which three options for pressing speed will appear: “Fast”, “Slow” and “Very slow”. Set up the one that seems most convenient to you and press the “ Home“It will be possible at a normal, comfortable pace, and not at a frantic pace, as was the case before.

Disabling Siri

Surely, everyone who actively uses their iPhone, namely: often takes screenshots, uses the “Easy Access” mode and other functions, Siri turns on every once in a while along with its characteristic sound. Often this simply interferes in places or environments where such sound is not at all desirable. As a result, there is only one way out - .

To do this, go to settings again, where you will find the “ ” menu. Next, you will see the “Access with screen lock” menu, by going to which, a switch will appear opposite the inscription “Siri” - this is the on/off button.

If you want to turn off the voice assistant fully, go to the device settings again, and then to the “Siri” menu. There you will find a switch that you simply need to deactivate by turning it to the gray position. Next, a pop-up menu will appear, confirm your action on it, and Siri will be turned off.

Assigning an action to a triple click

Have you heard that there is a triple click button? Home“, but didn’t know what it was for? First of all, you can assign some actions to it. To find out if this feature is enabled on your iPhone, go to General Settings and Accessibility. There you will find the “Keyboard Shortcut” button, which can be either activated or disabled (by default). By going to the appropriate menu, you will be presented with several options for using the triple press of the “Home” button.

Clearing RAM

Let's move on to the feature that users are talking about iPhone And iPad The least heard is clearing RAM using the “Home” button. This procedure can speed up work and increase the performance of older Apple devices, whose RAM can become very clogged during use and actually interfere with the correct operation of the system.

To clear the RAM on your Apple device, hold down the power/power button until the “ slider” appears. Switch off" Without turning off the device, immediately press the " Home", after which you will automatically go to the desktop. That's it, the RAM is cleared.

From time to time, the main button of mobile devices on iOS becomes less responsive - it starts to work with some delay or stops working at all. In most cases, this is due to a software failure and restoring its functionality is not difficult. It happens that after several years of active use, the Home button mechanism wears out and more serious intervention is needed.

Be that as it may, you can revive iOS devices without contacting specialists at a service center. There are four ways to fix the broken Home button problem on iPhone and iPad.

Method 1: Software calibration

Sometimes the main button of the iPhone and iPad smartphone becomes less responsive and starts to work with some delay. If this is due to a software failure, then it is necessary to perform.

To do this, you need to open any standard application, such as weather or stocks. Then, press and hold the power button of your iOS device until the power bar appears. Now you need to hold Home until the bar disappears and the running application is unloaded from memory. After this, the Home button will work as expected.

Method 2: Adjust the position of the dock connector

In situations where the Home button on the iPhone and iPad stops responding to presses, it will help, for which you will need a standard 30-pin cord. First, you need to place the plug into the iPhone socket, and then put your finger under the plug and gently press it from the bottom up. After this, all you have to do is click on Home. Now you can remove the cord and check the operation of the device.

Method 3: Use WD-40 spray.

You can restore the functioning of the worn-out Home button mechanism on the iPhone and iPad using the well-known among (or simply “Vedeshka”). This product is used in the weapons and aerospace industries, aviation, and electromechanical production.

The spray is also used at home, the “Vedashka” eliminates the creaking of doors, it can be used to lubricate bicycle parts, locks, etc. WD-40 is also suitable in the case of an iPhone - just spray the product on the non-working Home button, and then make 5-10 quick clicks. As a rule, it comes to life and begins to respond to pressure again.

Method 4: Software duplication

If the three previous methods did not work, apparently, the button is really broken and specialist intervention is required here. Until you contact a workshop for repairs, you can take advantage of the software duplication function built into the iOS operating system.

To do this, go to the Settings menu -> General -> Universal Access and turn it on by clicking the switch at the top of the screen. Now click the circle that appears on the screen and in the window that appears, click “Home”. Once you close settings, you can call this button at any time to return to the main screen.

In this case, this is a temporary solution that will allow you to use your iPhone and iPad even with a broken Home button.

On Apple mobile devices there is only one physical key that is used for navigation. It is located at the bottom of the screen. It is almost impossible to perform any operations with a broken Home button. And for such situations, the developers of Apple gadgets have provided a virtual replacement. The Home button on the iPhone screen is an additional element of iOS and functions as a replacement for a physical key.

Assistive Touch function

AssistiveTouch is shaped like a white circle and is an accessibility button. It is used by users with disabilities, when the physical “Home” button fails, or simply for convenience.

With its help, you can view notifications, lock the screen, adjust the volume, take screenshots, and use the camera as a magnifying glass.

In standby mode, AssistiveTouch is matte in color, darkens during operation, and may enlarge when you press the screen in some models.

It’s easy to display it on your smartphone’s display. Go to “Settings”, in the “General” section, select the “Universal Access” item and move the toggle switch in the “AssistiveTouch” line to the “on” state. After which a floating round button will appear on the gadget screen. This will mean that the AssistiveTouch function is activated, and any iPhone owner can easily understand how this service works.

Remove the Home button from the screen

Deactivating “AssistiveTouch” follows the same procedure. Through “Settings”, then “General” and “Accessibility”. Switch the switch in the “AssistiveTouch” line to the “disabled” state.

Some iPhone owners cannot turn it off and resort to a full reset or reflash the operating system via iTunes. However, it is quite easily disabled in the AssistiveTouch service settings.

Applications that emulate the Home button on the screen

Over time, the main key of your favorite iPhone stops functioning or responds with a delay. This happens due to software glitches or simply due to wear and tear. In the first case, it is easy to restore functionality, but in the second, repairs will be required.

You can temporarily use a free tweak called Menu Button Emulator. This solution is more practical than using AssistiveTouch. You can download it from the Cydia software application. After installation, a gray circle will appear on the display above the applications. It can be easily dragged to any convenient location on the screen. This button is used in exactly the same way as the hardware button.

For those who have iOS version 9 and higher, you can use the SPTouch tweak. The new plugin installs a virtual button on the display, the functionality of which is identical to the hardware “Home” key. By making a single click, the user will return to the home screen settings, by double-clicking, a multitasking dialog box will appear, and the device will be locked by pressing and holding the button.

SPTouch is very easy to use. The button can be easily dragged to any location on the screen. In the settings you can set its size and color, outline thickness, transparency, etc. The settings are applied instantly, no rebooting of the device is required. You can disable its display on the lock screen. To download, use the Cydia repository.

Many owners of Apple equipment are faced with a situation where the iPhone Home button does not work. The Home key on Apple devices is made of glass, which is susceptible to various external influences. Careless handling of the device or its fall from a height lead to damage to the Home button on the iPhone. In case of some malfunctions, you can repair the button yourself.

Check the function of the key

To check whether the Home button on your iPhone works or not, press it at least ten times in a row. If there is no response to at least a couple of presses, then there is a malfunction that affects the functionality of the key.

The main reasons for the failure of the Home key

The Home button may break down completely or stop working periodically for a variety of reasons. Most often, the iPhone Home button does not work due to:

  • mechanical damage
  • moisture getting inside the case of an Apple smartphone
  • software failure

If the Home key on your iPhone stops working, most likely, software or an application of poor quality was previously downloaded to your phone.

The Home button may break if you drop your new Apple smartphone or put strong pressure on it. Situations also arise when the button may break, as a result of which it stops responding to pressing or begins to periodically slow down after moisture gets inside the mechanism. In this situation, when you press the button, you will hear a creak, indicating oxidation of the contacts.

Fortunately for many owners of Apple gadgets, problems directly related to mechanical damage and liquid ingress are not so common. Most Home button failures occur due to a system failure. Because of it, the key does not work well, periodically slows down or completely loses its functionality. In this case, the time and cost of repairs will be insignificant.

How to revive a phone

If the Home button on your device works intermittently and does not always respond to presses, do not be upset. Once you find the root cause, you can use several methods to restore the Home button to its former functionality. These include the following:

  • calibration
  • changing the position of the keystroke connector
  • dry cleaning buttons
  • displaying the Home button on the main screen using a special program

How to calibrate if a key is faulty

To check whether the problem with the Home button on an iPhone is due to a software glitch, you should calibrate the key. To restore the functionality of the Home button on iPhone, do the following:

  • activate any application on iPhone, for example, Clock or Calculator
  • Press and hold the Power button until the power off slider appears on your phone screen
  • Release the Power key and press Home until the power off slider disappears from the screen

10 seconds after pressing the Home key, the system will calibrate the button. The problem after this procedure will be resolved if there was a software glitch, and the Home key to the main screen on your device will work as before.

Features of adjusting the connector on iPhone

If you are the owner of an iPhone 4 and 4S and are faced with a faulty button on your smartphone, do not rush to change it. The situation can be corrected by changing the position of the connector. For this:

  • connect the cable that came with your device to the phone
  • press the plug where it fits into the connector, and simultaneously press and hold the Home keys

Now disconnect the cable and check if the cause of the problem has been eliminated and if the button works. If the problem cannot be resolved, you can use another method to restore the functionality of the Home key to the main screen.

Chemical method to solve the problem

Often the reason why the Home button on an iPhone malfunctions is due to dirt and dust particles getting inside it. This also happens after liquid, for example, sweet drinks, gets under the body of an old or new smartphone, or if the device is taken with dirty hands. An effective way to quickly eliminate the problem in this case is to use chemical cleaning agents. This could be isopropyl alcohol or WD-40. To use this method to solve the problem, perform several manipulations:

  • drop a small amount of product onto the Home key on the home screen
  • press and hold the key until the cleaning agent penetrates inside
  • check the functionality Home after the alcohol has completely evaporated

Apply the chemical only to the key and not to the screen. Careless handling of the cleaning product can cause damage to other parts of the phone, which will increase the cost of repairing your Apple device.

Enabling a virtual button

The steps presented above allow you to determine the cause of the key malfunction and eliminate the breakdown. If your phone or its button has been subjected to strong physical impact, dry cleaning, calibration and adjustment will not solve the problem. The way out is to turn on the virtual button and then display it on the iPhone screen.

To replace a faulty key with a virtual one, you need to go to settings, find the Assistive Touch section, and enable the function here. A new icon will appear on the screen. When you click on it, a special menu will open, in which you can control your old and new smartphone without the Home key. This method will help with any reason for the breakdown.