How to emphasize a letter in Word. Place an accent mark above a letter in Microsoft Word. Inserting an accent using additional characters

The Word text editor has features that not everyone needs. Take, for example, such a function as the accent mark in Word. But it was not in vain that it was programmed. So someone needs it. So I decided to describe it too. Let there be a complete set.

There is no person who has never seen or worked with the Word text editor. But even those who work a lot in it are not even aware of some of its functions.

How to put an accent mark inWord

We write the text. Now we choose the word in which we should have emphasis. Place the cursor behind the letter over which you want to place an accent, and in the menu Insert select an item Symbol(V Word 2003).

IN Word 2007/2010InsertSymbolOther characters

In the table that opens, set the Symbol on the tab of the same name Font – (plain text) , KitArea of ​​personal application , select sign « Accent » , click the button below Insert, then the button Close .

IN Word2007/2010 in the same table we do the same thing, only in the field Kit install Combined diac.marks .

Sometimes when writing words you need to put an emphasis on the letter in Word. This is usually used by editors of various educational literature on the Russian language, students of specialized philological departments of universities and colleges. There is no accent symbol on the keyboard of a laptop or personal computer, so to substitute it in Word there is a combination of hot keys and a set of special characters.

There are several ways to place an accent on a letter in Word. The program used as a demonstration is version 2007. In other versions, the execution sequence and functionality of the execution do not differ from those demonstrated. Next, we will look at each of them in detail and try to show as clearly as possible how to do this.

1. Press and hold the “Alt” + “769” button.

Let us describe this method of placing emphasis in more detail. Let the word “call” be written on a page in a Word document, the emphasis in which must be placed on the third syllable (the letter “and”):

To place an accent, you need to place the cursor (“print carriage”) between the letters “i” and “t”:

Next, hold down the “Alt” button on the keyboard, find and press the “Num Lock” button on the right, which activates the additional numeric keypad below it, type the number “769” using the numbers on the additional keyboard without releasing the “Alt” key, and after dialing the number, release the button Alt:

2. Key combination “Alt” + “X” + number keys “301” or “300”.

Let us describe in more detail this method of placing emphasis on a letter in Word. Let’s say the same word is written in a book format Word file as in the first method, and with the same accent letter “and”:

Then to insert an accent mark above this letter, you need to place a print carriage after it:

Note: you can enter the number 300, but then the accent icon will be oriented from left to right

And then simultaneously press the “Alt” and “X” buttons (the English letter “X”). Thus, the result will be this:

3. Using a table of special characters.

This method requires too much time to solve the problem under consideration, so it is advisable to use it only if it was not possible to use the two above. Before opening these special characters, you must also place the print carriage after the letter over which you need to place an accent mark:

In the dialog box that appears, click the “Other symbols” button:

In the dialog box that appears, you need to select the “Plain Text” font, the “Combined Diameters” set. signs”, and in the character list field, select an accent symbol, or you can enter the digital code of a special character in the character code field (the accent character has the following codes: 0301 and 0300), and then click the “Insert” button:

As a result we get:

Hot key combinations are the fastest way to solve the problem in question, so you just need to remember these key combinations on the keyboard and use them as needed in the future.

Good day everyone! Today we continue to study the features of the Word editor and text formatting in it. Word provides for almost all possible stylistic, grammatical and other text corrections.

However, unfortunately, despite the fact that this editor is quite popular, it has a lot of flaws or labor-intensive operations. One of these is the placement of accents over a letter.

In most cases, we use this function little, but it also happens that it is simply necessary to add this very emphasis. And here many people are at a dead end. And this can be done using the keyboard, and actually in the Word editor itself. Next we will look at all these options in more detail.

Let me point out right away that you have to be patient when formatting text with accents. At the end of the article there is a video showing one of the examples. It’s a pity, of course, that there are no more convenient ways, but there’s nothing you can do about it. You'll have to poke your finger.

Putting emphasis on the keyboard in an Office document - Word 2010

How to add an accent using only the keyboard? In principle, putting an emphasis is not difficult, there is simply no single button for this. You need to place the cursor after the letter that should be emphasized. After that, write the code 301 after the letter and press the ALT+X key combination. Schematically it looks like this:

In this case, the sign will be tilted to the right. If you dial 300, the sign will be tilted to the left. This is such a clever team. Another way to use the keyboard is to add an accent mark. To do this, we also place the cursor after the letter above which this sign should be placed.

After that, press the ALT key and, holding it, on the numeric keypad, which is located on the right (it is also called additional), dial the code 769. The main thing is to hold the key and type the code not on the upper numeric keys, but on the side ones.

Place an accent on a letter in a Word 2007 document

In the Word 2007 editor, setting emphasis using the keyboard is done in the same way as described above. In addition, it is possible to set the accent using the “symbols” tab. This is much more difficult to do than using the keyboard. So be patient. So, open the “Insert” tab, where we find the “symbols” panel.

First of all, we place the cursor after the letter over which we need to place an emphasis. Click on “symbols” and in the drop-down menu select “other symbols” at the bottom. As a result, the “characters” window will open, in which you will need two fields: “font” and “typesetting”. In the “font” field, select “(plain text)”; in the “Set” field, select “combined diacr. signs." In the list of characters, find the required characters (shown by arrows in the figure) and click “insert”.

The accent mark will appear above the letter. Please note that below there is a set of symbols called "previously used...". This means that the characters you used are reflected here. The next time you enter the same character, you do not need to look for it in the upper list, but turn to the lower one. He will already be there. All that remains is to choose it.

How to set emphasis on a letter in Word 2013-2016?

If you have already studied the above material, in the latest versions of Word it is also easy to place a symbol. Let's start with a method such as inserting through “symbols”. To do this, in the “insert” tab we find the “symbols” panel and in the drop-down menu, when you click on this panel, select “other symbols”.

A window will open in which in the “font” field select “ plain text", and in the "set" field - " combined diacr. signs" Here we find the accent symbol and select it.

After that, click insert and an accent mark will appear above the desired letter.

Before all these operations, do not forget to place the cursor after the letter over which you want to place an emphasis.

In addition, you can add an accent mark from the keyboard using either the Alt+X key combination or just the Alt key. In the word, place the cursor after the letter where the emphasis needs to be placed and write the code 300 from the keyboard.

At the same time, there are several code options in which you can put a different slope, or write this sign without a slope at all.

300 - for left accent,
301 - for the right inclination of the accent,
30D - for stress without tilt.

Accent, Accent, Accent

You can simply hold down the Alt key and enter the numeric code 768 from the keyboard (on the right side). After this, release the Alt key and an accent mark will appear above the desired letter. At the same time, you can also change the slope of the sign using different codes.

768 - for the left inclination of the accent,
769 - for the right inclination of the accent,
781 - for stress without inclination

How to put an accent on a letter in Word 2003 from the keyboard?

Word editor version 2003. Let's say this is an outdated version. It is unlikely that most people have it. Although anything can happen, many people are accustomed to it and do not want to work in others. This section is to help. It's all about the design of the programs, it's different, but essentially everything is the same

The placement of accents in this editor is similar to that described above. To make it a little clearer, watch the video below.

That's all, good luck!

Sometimes, it is simply necessary to emphasize a word in a document. And logically, the question arises. How to put an accent on a letter in the Word text editor?

Let's look at 3 ways to insert an accent over a letter in a word:
1) by inserting a symbol,
2) using character replacement,
3) using selection.

Place an accent on a letter by inserting a symbol

In the desired word, place the cursor after the letter that needs to be emphasized.

In the tab Insert groups Symbols click Symbol, in the menu that appears, select Other characters.

A window will open Symbol. In the tab Symbols, in field Sign code, enter one of the following values:
030D- for stress without inclination.

Click the button Insert and close the window. The accent mark you selected will appear above the letter.

Place an accent on a letter using symbol substitution

This method is similar to the first, but a little faster.

Place the cursor after the desired letter and type one of the values ​​already known to us:
0300 - for the left inclination of the accent,
0301 - for the right inclination of the accent,
030D- for stress without inclination.

Press the key combination Alt+X. An accent will appear above the letter.

Place an accent on a letter using highlighting

Select the letter we need. While holding the button Alt On the keyboard we enter one of the values ​​on the additional numeric keypad:
768 - for the left inclination of the accent,
769 - for the right inclination of the accent,
781 - for stress without inclination.

The accent will appear above the letter we have selected.

Now you can easily put emphasis in a word in the Word editor, in any of the ways convenient for you.

When working in Word, one day you will have to face the need to add an accent mark. You can, of course, highlight the stressed vowel in bold, but in an official document such a highlight will look somewhat... frivolous. Why resort to amateur means if you can approach the matter professionally and, most importantly, carry out this action easily. By the way, stress is also used when writing foreign words (for example, in French).

Instructions for Word 2010

Putting emphasis in Word 2007

TURN ON SUBTITLES if you want to see the Russian description!

  • If you need to place an accent symbol tilted to the left, then place the cursor after the accent letter, type 0300 on the keyboard without a space, and press the combination “Alt+x”. Tilt to the right is done by entering 0301, and the same combination “Alt+x”. By the way, if you want to learn how to touch-type, then here.
  • If the above manipulations do not work, or you do not fully understand the specifics of the input, you can proceed as follows: place the cursor after the letter. Select the “Insert” section, the “Symbol” subsection - “Other symbols”. Find the required accent symbol and click “Insert”. Ready!

How to add emphasis in Word 2003

TURN ON SUBTITLES if you want to see the Russian description!
Here everything is about the same or even simpler, judge for yourself:

  • Place the cursor after the letter. On the top panel, click “Insert” - “Symbol”.
  • Select the accent symbol. We confirm.

By the way, in order to find a symbol faster, it is recommended to set the font field in the “Symbols” tab to “plain text”, the “combined diac” set (for version 2007) or “area of ​​personal use” (for version 2003).

Remember that the combination 0300 “Alt+x”, 0301 “Alt+x” works (with some skill).
Conquer Word and see you again!