How to install old bookmarks for mozilla firefox. Yandex elements have disappeared from Mozilla Firefox. How to return an extension

When one bookmark accidentally disappears from the browser archive, this is already unpleasant, but what to do if after the launch of Yandex they all disappeared? Restoring bookmarks is easy if you know the correct approach to the settings and hot keys of the program.

Restoring bookmarks in Yandex Browser

First of all, check whether you are bookmarking your favorite pages correctly. Open the desired website and click on the star icon in the address bar. The Ctrl+D key combination works in a similar way. Now check the result to see if the link remains in the bookmark archive. If a bookmark was deleted by accident, do not close the browser, otherwise it will be completely erased. To return it, do the following:

  • Press Alt+F to open the settings menu;
  • select “Bookmark Manager” (or hotkeys Ctrl+Shift+O);
  • On the right, click on the “Arrange” item and select “Cancel deletion”;
  • the bookmark will return to its place.

It should be noted that returning files by downloading from an OS restore point is a myth, which is more likely to not work in the case of returning bookmarks (with the exception of a full image of the system disk).

How to restore bookmarks in Yandex - protection and reliable storage of data

To prevent bookmarks from disappearing if the browser crashes, or after reinstalling the system itself, you should use the synchronization function, which will record them in the cloud. You can also save bookmarks in a separate HTML file, updating it by rewriting it if necessary, and then connecting it to a new program. To transfer to HTML:

  • press Alt+F;
  • select “Bookmark Manager”;
  • click on “Arrange”;
  • select “Export”;
  • save the file on your hard drive and remember where it is.

To restore bookmarks from an HTML file, from the “Arrange” menu, select the line “Copy from..” and indicate the location of the backup.

How to restore bookmarks in Yandex - synchronization via Yandex account

To protect important information in case of a hard drive failure or reinstallation of the operating system, it is convenient to use the synchronization function. It will allow you to manage bookmarks and other settings on any computer to which you have connected your Yandex account. To use this function:

  • press Alt+F;
  • select “Synchronization”;
  • indicate the username and password for Yandex mail;
  • Below, click on the yellow “Enable synchronization” button;
  • you will be redirected to a settings page where you can choose what data to save.

To return bookmarks on another computer or after reinstalling your browser/operating system, simply enable synchronization and provide your Yandex account information. Bookmarks will be transferred automatically.

The browser also supports a convenient visual bookmarking function - it displays sites that are frequently visited on the Tableau. If you do not visit the web site for a long time, the bookmark will disappear. To prevent this from happening, right-click on it and select “Pin.” If synchronization is enabled in the browser, it will “remember” the state of the visual bookmarks. In some cases, when no method helps to return the bookmark, you can try to find it in the saved history of visited pages.

The modern industry offers all users of computer and mobile equipment a variety of various add-ons and interesting programs. However, the most popular are browsers that are designed for convenient and quick viewing of any pages on the global Internet. Among them, known to everyone, is Mozilla Firefox. But to use it optimally, you definitely need to familiarize yourself in detail with the features of management and performing specific tasks. For example, some people don’t know what to do if visual bookmarks disappear in Firefox. Do not despair in advance, as there are quite effective and simple ways to solve this problem.

Why is it important to bring back visual bookmarks in Firefox?

A convenient Internet browser offers its users many useful services and add-ons, among which visual bookmarks take pride of place. This is a special device that was created so that a person can quickly visit favorite pages.

Important! The use of visual bookmarks in the Mozilla Firefox browser is not pre-installed by default, so to use them you need to download program files, run the installation process and configure it as you wish. You can read how to do this.

The main advantage of the visual bookmarking service is the ability to use it on an ongoing and free basis. However, unpredictable difficulties may arise in the smooth operation of this mechanism. Most users complain about the inability to use them due to the fact that visual bookmarks in Mozilla disappear. Therefore, it is important to decide how to normalize the browser.

Visual bookmarks in Firefox: how to restore them quickly and efficiently

If visual bookmarks have disappeared in Firefox, you can easily install them back by reading the tips and recommendations of computer users. To do this, you will need to reinstall the extension (you can read more about removing extensions, and about updating) to the old version of visual bookmarks by performing a series of sequential steps:

Important! For normal operation, you need to type the combination “yafd:tabs” in the line to enter the home page address.

Thus, visual bookmarks in a popular browser allow all users to visit their favorite pages at any time, so it is important to know how to troubleshoot problems with this service.

After the release of its browser, Yandex updated many of its applications and services. The update also affected the popular Visual Bookmarks add-on for various browsers. Many users did not like the update and want to return to the old version of Yandex visual bookmarks.

The new is not always better than the old; many did not like this browser add-on update. Many users were comfortable using older versions of visual bookmarks, and there were many regrets about this.

Since this pressing issue worries many users, I decided to write this article on the topic - how to return visual bookmarks. Now I will write how to install old visual bookmarks for Mozilla Firefox.

An article on visual bookmarks, including visual bookmarks from Yandex, has already been published on my website. I admit that I did not immediately understand the meaning of the questions asked to me, which included an extension for Mozilla Firefox.

On my computer, I use another extension for visual bookmarks - . It satisfies me more than visual bookmarks from Yandex, but many people like them, which is why I am writing this article.

After installing the extension again, the old version of the visual bookmarks add-on will work in your browser.

To install the old version of the visual bookmarks extension, you will need to download the file that contains the old version of visual bookmarks to your computer.

This was done because Yandex can remove the previous version of the add-on at any time after it releases another version of the extension.

old visual bookmarks download

Extension Visual bookmarks for Mozilla Firefox old version, downloaded to your computer, is a file with the extension “.xpi”. Now all that remains is to solve the question - how to return visual bookmarks.

How to get old visual bookmarks back

Before installing the add-on, you should remove new visual bookmarks from Yandex if they were installed on your computer.

To do this, click on the “Firefox” => “Add-ons” => “Extensions” button. In this window, you should find the “Visual Bookmarks” extension and click on the “Delete” button to remove this version of the add-on from your browser.

After the new version of the extension has been removed, you can proceed to installing the old Yandex visual bookmarks extension for the Mozilla Firefox browser.

To install the extension in the Firefox browser, the visual bookmarks add-on file “YandexVizualBookmarks.xpi” must be dragged with the mouse into the open browser window.

After this, the “Program Installation” window will open in the Mozilla Firefox browser window. In this window you will need to click on the “Install Now” button.

Then you will need to click on the “Restart now” button in the pop-up window near the browser address bar.

After restarting the Mozilla Firefox browser, you need to click on the “Firefox” => “Add-ons” => “Extensions” button. In the “Manage add-ons” tab, in the list of extensions you need to find the “Visual Bookmarks” extension, and then click on the “More details” link.

In the “Visual Bookmarks” tab, you should activate the “Disabled” radio button. This is required to prevent the extension from automatically updating to a new version.

After these steps, you need to click on the “Firefox” => “Settings” => “Settings” button. In the “Settings” window, in the home page field, you will need to enter the expression “yafd:tabs”, and then click on the “OK” button.

After restarting the browser, your home page will open - old visual bookmarks for Mazila.

You can customize visual bookmarks from Yandex as you wish. To do this, click on the “Settings” button in the lower right corner.

In the “Visual Bookmarks: Settings” window, you can select the update time for thumbnail thumbnails of visual bookmarks, select the optimal number of visual bookmarks to be displayed. To replace the background image, you will need to select an image from those offered, or upload it from your computer.

To upload a background image from your computer, click on the “Add” button.

In the Explorer window, you will need to find and select the desired image by clicking on the “Open” button.

If you need some more settings, then you can check the boxes next to the items for additional settings - for example, “Display the bookmarks bar.” You can change the number of bookmarks in the browser window. After completing the settings, click on the “OK” button.

To add new visual bookmarks, you need to click on the empty bookmark window with the left mouse button, and in the “Edit visual bookmark” window, select one of the recently visited sites to add, or enter the address of the site that you want to add as a visual bookmark.

After adding a new visual bookmark, you need to click on the “Save” button.

Visual bookmarks can be moved to the desired location and rearranged.

Added visual bookmarks can be “Edit”, “Update” or “Delete” by clicking on the corresponding button in the upper right corner of the thumbnail.

Solving the problem of displaying visual bookmarks

After updating the Mozilla Firefox browser, the old version of visual bookmarks stopped working. This problem can be solved by installing a specific version of the browser.

You will need to use Firefox browser version up to and including 25.0.1. On this version of the browser, old visual bookmarks work normally. Download this version of the Mozilla Firefox browser from the official website, and then disable automatic updates in the browser so that the browser does not automatically update to the new version.

Conclusions of the article

The user can restore old Yandex visual bookmarks for the Mozilla Fifefox browser to a specific browser version.

How to get back old Visual Bookmarks for Mozilla Firefox (video)

There are many useful sites on the Internet whose addresses you want to save. This purpose is served by bookmarks - a special archive where web resources are added for further viewing. The Yandex browser also has an option to add to bookmarks - to save a site, you need to click on the asterisk in the address bar or use the Ctrl + D combination. But what to do if you accidentally deleted a bookmark (or tab, as they are also called) or they simply disappeared after reinstalling the system?

Recovering bookmarks

If you deleted a saved site, do not restart your browser. The Yandex browser has an undelete function, which can be accessed in the bookmark manager:

The deleted bookmark will come back. After restarting the browser, this function no longer works, so you won’t be able to get your lost tabs back. You can try to roll back the system to a checkpoint - there is a chance that the web browser files will return to the state when they still contained the necessary data:

When you roll back the system, all changes that were made after the date you selected will be canceled. If the function of saving checkpoints has been disabled, you will not be able to roll back the system.

Data synchronization and export

If you do not want to lose your tabs, then take care of saving them as an html file or enable synchronization. To save in HTML format:

To restore bookmarks in Yandex Browser, use the “Copy from HTML file” option. Specify the path to the bookmark file and click “Open”. All the tabs you previously exported will return to their place.

To avoid hassle with exporting/importing files, use synchronization, which is carried out using your Yandex account. If you have a Yandex mailbox, then there is a profile with which all data is synchronized.

In the window that appears about enabling synchronization, click the “Change settings” button and specify what data should be saved in the profile. You can access them from any computer: you just need to enable synchronization in Yandex Browser and go to your profile.

Visual widgets on the scoreboard

Yandex Browser has a “Tableboard” on which visual bookmarks are saved. They change on their own, showing frequently visited sites. Therefore, if you forgot about a site and did not visit it for a long time, then it may well disappear from Tablo.

Instructions for restoring Yandex visual bookmarks.

Visual bookmarks are convenient icons that allow you to quickly go to the desired site. With the advent of modern browsers, the visual bookmarking function has found support from a huge number of users. However, there is a problem with restoring bookmarks in Yandex. It is not difficult to cope with it; you just need to carefully study the sequence of actions.

The main problem associated with bookmarks arises from the fact that the maximum number of bookmarks in a standard browser is not always sufficient for normal operation. The Yandex Bar service comes to the rescue. The capabilities of this extension allow you to increase the number of possible bookmarks to 25. And this number is quite enough for anyone, even the most sophisticated user. In Yandex, you can choose the way bookmarks are displayed, as well as the design. You can install “Yandex bar” on your browser as follows:

  • Open the page;
  • Click on the “Download application” button in Yandex;
  • Find the saved file in your downloads folder;
  • By double-clicking the left mouse button on the shortcut, go through a simple installation. Carefully follow the instructions provided during installation;
  • Open your browser and use the new bookmarks from Yandex bar.

How to return visual bookmarks?

Visual bookmarks are a list of Internet pages that appears in the start window of your browser. This list can show both your favorite pages and sites you've recently visited. Your browsing history is saved in the memory of your personal computer. You can configure Yandex bookmarks the way it suits you.

Sometimes, if the computer restarts unsuccessfully, or if a new version of the browser is poorly updated, the saved visual Yandex bookmarks disappear. This causes problems for the user, since convenient bookmarks have completely disappeared from the computer’s memory. Restoring them is not difficult. It is only important to know the procedure.

  • Open your browser and find the Bookmarks menu. By clicking on it, you will see the “Display all bookmarks” button - left-click on it. You will see a library with which you can manage bookmarks in Yandex;
  • Find the “Import and Backup” menu. Left-click on the “Restore” field. Choose how you want to restore visual bookmarks: through an archived copy or from a direct file in Yandex;
  • In Yandex, select the “Settings” menu. Check the option “Display visual bookmarks when opening a new tab or window.” Then go to the “Extensions” section and you will see “Yandex bar” in the list. When you open a Yandex page, all visual bookmarks will appear in front of you.

This method of restoring bookmarks is very simple and convenient. If suddenly your visual bookmarks in Yandex are deleted, you can easily restore them without losing a single necessary link.

In order to restore visual bookmarks, it is worth understanding how to install them. Every PC user prefers to use different browsers. This is logical, since some value speed, others value design, and others value convenience. Modern browsers combine all these qualities, but some stand out due to higher performance of one or another parameter. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. In order to restore visual bookmarks in Yandex, you should carry out a set of actions.

How to install visual bookmarks in Yandex?

In order to install visual bookmarks in Yandex, you should download the “Yandex Bar” add-on. After you install it on your computer, a list of bookmarks will appear on the Yandex home page. In order to add a new bookmark, you need to left-click on the empty window. Having done this, a menu will appear where you can add the site that you need as a bookmark.

Use the following algorithm to install Yandex bookmarks:

Easy installation:

  • In Yandex, go to the Yandex bar page;
  • Install the application on your computer;
  • Restart your browser;
  • New bookmarks will appear automatically on the start page.

Complex installation:

This installation method is needed for those who have bookmarks that do not appear automatically. If this is what happened to you, you need to do the following:

  • In the upper corner of the browser start page there is a “Tools” window. By clicking on it, you will see the following “Add-ons” button in front of you. Select it;
  • Then click “Extensions”. A new window will open in front of you. You should wait until the full list of all installed extensions is updated. After waiting for this moment, find the “Yandex bar” extension. To the right of it, check the “Enable” checkbox and restart the browser;
  • In order to make Yandex bookmarks “for yourself,” you should go to your browser settings and set the matches you need. After setting all the parameters, do not forget to press the “Ok” key, otherwise the new options will not be applied.

And also, Yandex will help you configure additional bookmark options such as:

  • Basic background. There are several dozen different pictures to choose from, which can be an excellent background for your bookmark menu. A variety of images will give scope to your imagination;
  • Location of visual bookmarks. There are two ways to place bookmarks in Yandex: vertical and horizontal. A matter of taste - choose the method that suits you;
  • Number of visual bookmarks in Yandex. The maximum number of bookmarks is 25. It is not at all necessary to use all possible ones. Choose the number that is sufficient for you.

Thus, your Yandex browser allows you to use a huge number of visual bookmarks, and helps you spend time at the computer as comfortably and conveniently as possible.

A method for restoring bookmarks on Yandex

The Yandex Bookmarks service is familiar to anyone who uses the Yandex browser. Such visual bookmarks help you quickly and easily navigate to the desired site. With this option you can easily create a whole catalog of bookmarks. And you can access the catalog at any time, using any computer. All bookmarks can be stored both in computer memory and on the Internet. But there is one inconvenience: once you delete a visual bookmark from the catalog, you can only restore it in one way. Below are detailed recovery instructions:

  • Register on the official website and go to the page;
  • Click the “Export” button, then in the new window “Save file” and “Ok”;
  • After the previous step, the process of loading visual bookmarks will begin. Once the file download is complete, go to your downloads folder and you will see a new file called “Bookmarks.html”. If you do not know where the downloads folder is located, then look at the address of this folder in your browser menu, or click on the file and select the “Show file in folder” action;
  • Open the “My Documents” folder and move the downloaded Yandex visual bookmarks file “Bookmarks.html” there. For better organization, create a “My Bookmarks” folder and place the new file there;
  • Give the file a new name (for example, “Bookmark1”), but do not remove the base “Html” extension;
  • Export new Yandex bookmarks as often as possible;
  • In order to restore visual bookmarks, log in to Yandex and log in. Left-click on the “Import” icon, then the “From” window will appear in front of you. In this window you need to enter “From file”, and then select the “Browse” option;
  • Find the file you need in the list. In the “To an existing folder” position, select the root one. This will avoid repeating bookmarks. Finally, press the Import key.

So, by going through a simple algorithm of actions, you can restore your visual bookmarks. All you need is the Internet and a basic Yandex website.

Use Yandex visual bookmarks and make the process of working on the Internet as fast, simple and convenient as possible. When faced with problems, now you will know exactly how to restore your important bookmarks.