How to set a password on photos and videos on iPhone or iPad with the Pocket Files app. How to set a passcode for apps and photos on iPhone

Articles and Lifehacks

A mobile device is our constant companion, and therefore we often have to store personal information on it. Our article will tell you how to password protect folders on iPhone to protect personal information from prying eyes.

How can you password protect folders on iPhone?

This is possible if our device has a jailbreak. Note that performing a jailbreak on a device is just as risky as doing it yourself. But if you already have one, then it is recommended to use tweaks to set a password.

For example, the Icon Passcode add-on will be quite useful. With its help, we can install password protection on a folder, and even on an application. By the way, the tweak works not only with a smartphone, but also with an iOS player and tablet. After installing the program, we will see a new menu item (you can find it in the standard device settings). A 4-digit password will also be required upon startup. The Icon Passcode program will help us indicate those applications for which we want to set a password. Note that, if desired, we can even request a multitasking panel.

Another well-known tweak is Folder Passcode. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that it is a kind of continuation of the previous program. By installing it, we will be able to protect the device folder with a password. Subsequently, you will just need to add personal data there. Among the shortcomings, we note that all other settings are simply missing.

So, we figured out how to password-protect folders on an iPhone. Both tweaks can be installed from Cydia completely free of charge and just as easily via iTunes.

How to password protect folders or programs on iPhone with iOS 7?

If we use this version of the operating system, we can look for a tweak like LockDown pro. It will also help us set a password for a folder or application on an Apple smartphone (tablet). This will protect the information from unauthorized access, so that it cannot be used by anyone for personal gain.

Let us add that the tweak is notable for the fact that with its help we can hide the icons of certain applications. We also have the right to prohibit their removal, or the movement of icons on the desktop. You can buy LockDown pro from Cydia for $1.

When we go into the settings of this tweak for the very first time, we will need to enter 2 passwords (a simple numeric one and a more complex alphabetic one). We indicate the folders or applications that we want to password protect. You should not set a password on the Cydia icon (it is deliberately marked in red).

Many users note that although they have Cydia installed, they rarely use tweaks from the repository. In fact, they often contain really useful programs. For example, there is a tweak that will help you make any song from iTunes a ringtone.

It often happens that you need to hide some data from other people; for this case, you can put a unique password on the data folder. Then only the person who knows the password will be able to access the files. This is what we will tell you in this article.

In order to password protect a folder, you can use two methods. The first effective way is to use the phone's built-in capabilities. The second method is to use a third-party application to set passwords.

How to put a password on a folder on iPhone using the built-in capabilities of the phone

In order to put the code on the iPhone folder, you need to go to the phone settings, go to the “Basic” section, “Restrictions” sub-item. After this, you need to enable the “Enable Restrictions” function, then enter the future combination of characters. Important - the protection must be quite complex, consist of upper and lower case Latin letters, and must also be diluted with numbers and consist of at least eight characters.

Why can't I use my date of birth or my cat's name in my password?

The unique code should not consist of your date of birth and your pet's name, as these passwords are very easy to crack. Do not forget that such code may not be enough to protect data. The password-protected section can be easily hacked by simply selecting dates, names, or favorite quotes from the movie. For reliability, you can use special Internet services that provide services for generating random complex passwords; such a code will be very difficult to crack, of course, unless you write it on the phone case).

How to put a password on a folder on iPhone using third-party applications

If you lack the built-in capabilities of your phone, you can download a special application from the App Store to password-protect a folder. Such an application is Folder Lock. With this application you can password protect anything on your phone, be it a folder, settings, photos or contacts.

Installation process for Folder Lock on iPhone

To get started, go to the App Store and download the latest version of the FolderLock app. Once the installation is complete, a category called Folder Lock will appear in your device's phone settings. In order to set protection, go to the settings menu, select the Folder Lock category and set up protection for your data, folders, settings.

Installation process of Folder Passcode on iPhone

The Folder Passcode application exists so that you can specify those applications and folders that you want to protect; you can download it just like the previous one through the App Store. After installation, you will be asked to enter a 4-digit password; this is the one that will be installed on the components that you want to protect. By going to the program, simply select the directory you want to protect, after which you will be asked for a code when you try to access it.

What to do if you forgot the password for a folder on your iPhone?

If, nevertheless, you have set a complex unique code, but cannot remember it, you need to reset your passwords, as well as remove third-party programs. How to do this?

iPhone recovery

Restoring your iPhone is the most reliable way to reset all passwords and locks on your device, but it's not the only way. If your iPhone is locked, connect it to your computer and sync with iTunes. Switch your phone to DFU mode. To do this, reboot your device and hold down the power button and home button for about ten seconds. Synchronization will return your device with all the data, but without passwords for the components, and you can continue to use your phone.

Where should I store the code?

It's best to remember the code without documenting it anywhere, but if you're a forgetful person or just want to play it safe, it's best to write the code in a text file on your computer and hide it in files and documents so that only you can find the file if necessary.

Every modern user knows that a mobile phone is a place where a huge amount of personal information is stored. Some of this data is secret, and many people want to protect the data from prying eyes. Owners of Apple equipment have the opportunity to protect themselves from penetration into their personal gadget, since they can set a password on it that will be known only to the owner.

Protecting files using Touch ID

Owners of an iPhone or iPad can easily protect their device from unauthorized access to personal photos. The introduction of Touch ID technology made it possible to set a password for the Photos folder in the form of a fingerprint of the gadget owner. To set a password, you must use Notes. The process itself does not take much time and is carried out in 2 stages. First you need:

  • Go to Settings.
  • Select the “Notes” section.
  • Disable "Media and Photo Saving".

At the second stage you will need:

We understand that 99.9% of the time this method will not be used and it’s generally strange that Apple still hasn’t made proper protection for photos and videos. Indeed, many materials can be private. Even celebrities suffered from this, if you remember Jennifer Lawrence, whose Apple iCloud was hacked and they gained access to very racy photos that are not ethical to post in our magazine. Although, for a specific request, each of you will be able to find them :).

In order to hide photos, it is not necessary to set a password through Notes. An alternative is to use Pocket Files app. Its advantage is the ability to record hacking attempts and notify the owner about them.

To put a password on a photo on iPhone, you need to:

  • Download the app
  • Launch the application and select the “Photos” folder.
  • There is also the ability to independently add photos to the folder to further restrict access to it. To do this, you need to click “+”, select the desired photos and allow access to them.
  • The selected files are imported into Pocket Files, so you can safely delete the originals.
  • Go to “Settings” inside the application and select the option to set a password.
  • There is also the ability to use Touch ID, so if you wish, you can set a password using your fingerprint.

In general, the Pocket Files application not only sets a password on photos, but also on videos or other documents. Can serve as a secure browser when surfing the Internet.

Applications for setting passwords

Today, there are many blocking analogues in the form of third-party applications that can be downloaded for free from the App Store. The most popular among Apple users are:

  • Folder Lock(from the AppStore) – after downloading it, you need to go to the Gadget Settings, where the corresponding application tab will appear. In it you can select the necessary folders, and, having protected them with a password, no longer worry about attempts to illegally penetrate personal files.
  • MyPhoto(deleted at the time of publication, they promise to restore it) – has wide functionality and a user-friendly interface, thanks to which the application has won the love of a large number of users. To ensure the safety of your photos, you must:
    • Launch the installed program, create a new album and place the necessary photos in it.
    • Enter the name of the created album, come up with a secret password and click on “Create”.
    • Enter the new folder, enter the secret password you just created and confirm your actions with the “OK” button.
    • Click on the arrow located on the screen and select among the proposed photos those that you want to hide from prying attention.

For every owner of Apple technology, the ability to secure personal space, including photos, is the best way to protect yourself from hacking attempts or theft of sensitive data. The functionality of the devices and alternative third-party programs allow you to put a password on the photo, which will be known exclusively to its owner. This ensures peace of mind for your data at all times.

In our technogenic world, tablets and smartphones will no longer surprise anyone. Seeing a person with a “smart” device on public transport has become commonplace. But the abundance of storage media means that a lot of information will be stored on them. Agree, the screen, full of shortcuts for various applications, looks untidy. And the owner of the device himself will probably not be able to quickly find the one he needs among them... Is it the case when everything is distributed into folders and is in perfect order, and each application has a strictly defined place?

But if tablet manufacturers had not taken this problem into account, they would have been worthless. Users have the ability to create folders that can hold up to 20 applications. True, alas and ah, you cannot create subfolders in them. Let's look at a step-by-step plan for creating a folder on your iPad.

By the way, the question of how to create a folder on an iPad is not entirely correct: in this case, the concept of “folder” is used in a slightly different sense: it is not a combination of files, but a combination of application icons.

In principle, the entire creation process is described in this video:

If you don’t want to watch the video, then brief instructions are given below.

1. Click, hold, drag

In principle, it is these three simple steps that you, dear reader, have to perform in order to make a folder on the iPad.

Turn on the tablet, select an icon (in the example - Opera), click on it and hold for a few seconds. As soon as the icons begin to shake, you need to drag the selected icon to the one with which you would like to combine it.

2. Call

As soon as you drag one icon on top of another, the device will offer to create a folder and even suggest a name for it (if it finds something in common in the combined programs). Therefore, if possible, combine applications belonging to the same category (games, browsers, etc.), otherwise you will then have to rummage through all the folders in search of an unknown program that has disappeared somewhere.

As for the folder name, it is important to remember: it should be short and succinct, accurately reflecting the essence of the contents of the directory. A long and beautiful name like “Internet browsers and useful utilities”, of course, has a right to exist, but keep in mind that it will not be fully displayed. Have you decided on a name? Click the “Done” button and voila! The folder has the name you need.

3. Fasten

Finally, tap on an empty area of ​​the screen to return to the desktop. There you will see your folder.

In the future, you can add at least 18 more icons to the new folder. If you need to disband it or remove one of the applications that you use most often to the desktop, then the procedure will be almost the same.

In an open folder, click on the icon and hold it until the icons begin to shake, then drag the one you need onto an empty area. And if you remove all the icons from the catalog, it will be automatically deleted. By the way, a folder can contain only one application.

Now you can create folders on your iPad. As we promised at the beginning of our material, it turned out to be quite easy. Each program has a specific place, and clear short names help you quickly navigate and find the desired application in seconds. Let order reign on your desktop, not chaos.

Update. About setting a password

Often, users of Apple products wonder how to password-protect a folder on an iPad. This would be convenient, for example, to restrict children's access to a certain group of applications.

Unfortunately, the standard iOS modification does not imply this. You have only one option - set a password on the iPad itself. Unfortunately, you cannot set a password for an individual application or group of applications. Or rather, this can be done on models with jailbreak, but we are talking about standard versions of the operating system without jailbreak.

“to the fullest” without installing any mobile applications will not work. And modern Apple devices have a truly enormous number of hardware capabilities: no matter how many applications you download, the gadget will still not be fully solved.

For those who are trying to master the functionality of their Apple device, it is useful to know how to create a folder on an iPhone. You can “pack” game and application icons into folders so you can quickly find what you need. Using folders is much more convenient than flipping through a dozen desktops.

You should create a folder with applications like this:

Step 1. Tap on the icon of any application and hold your finger for a couple of seconds. This will switch you to desktop editing mode - program icons will shake and crosses will appear above them.

In our example there are 3 calculators - we need to collect them in a folder.

Step 2. In edit mode, drag one icon onto another.

The folder will be created automatically, and both applications will be in it.

Step 3. Drag the remaining applications into the prepared folder in the same way.

Step 4. Click the button Home" - this will exit the editing mode.

One iPhone folder can contain a maximum of 12 icons. The number of folders that can be created is also limited - no more than 180. On the iPad, the limits are less strict - 220 folders, each of which contains up to 20 icons. You can bypass these restrictions only if your mobile device is jailbroken.

Folder management

When a directory is created, the mobile device analyzes its contents and independently assigns a name to it. However, the user can rename the folder on the iPhone. Here's how it's done:

Step 1. Open a folder, tap on its name and hold your finger for a couple of seconds.

The icons will shake and a cross will appear next to the directory name.

Step 2. Erase the name assigned by iPhone and enter a different one. Then click " Home" to consolidate the result.

You can also remove an application icon from a folder through the editing mode. The user needs to open the folder, click on the icon and, holding his finger, move it beyond the boundaries of the folder, placing it on the desktop.

To delete a folder, you just need to remove all the icons from it. In the usual way - by clicking on the cross - a folder from the iPhone cannot be erased.

How to create a folder on iPhone via iTunes?

You can also use iTunes to create a catalog on your iPhone. Folders are created through the media harvester like this:

Step 1. Connect your iPhone to your PC with a cable and launch iTunes.

Step 2. Proceed to the device management menu - to do this, click on the button with the image of a smartphone.

Step 3. On the menu " Settings" Choose a section " Programs».

Step 4. In the block " Home screens» Double click to select the page on which you want to place the catalog.

Step 5. Use your mouse cursor to grab one of the icons and drag it to the other.

The folder will be created.

Step 6. Rename the directory - give it a name that will allow you to quickly find it if necessary.

Step 7. Click on an empty space to let iTunes know you're done editing your home screens.

Step 8. Start the synchronization process.

At the end of the process, the icons on the mobile device will be collected in a folder.

You can delete a catalog through iTunes in the same way as on a gadget - by removing all the icons from it.

How to create a folder within a folder?

iPhones generally shouldn’t be able to create folders within folders. However, there are occasional bugs in iOS that allow you to do this. This happened with both iOS 8 and iOS 9. The author of this article managed to create a folder inside a folder on iOS 7. This operation is not easy - it requires skill, and it may not work the first time. You need to do this:

Step 1. Create a folder in the usual way that you will place inside another folder.

Step 2. Hold the free icon with your finger and drag it onto another one - so that another directory is formed. While the folder is being created, “drop” into it the one that was previously prepared.

The video will help you understand how this is done. You should watch from 1:05 – until this moment there is nothing interesting.

The user can remove all applications from the catalog and leave only folder to folder. In addition, the iPhone owner is able to place a folder with a folder inside another folder - and repeat this process ad infinitum.

How to put a password on a folder?

You won’t be able to put a password on a folder using the iPhone itself. Only a digital unlock code and Touch ID can be used as security measures - however, these measures protect the iPhone as a whole, not an individual directory.

You can create a folder with a password using third-party software. Several applications that are capable of this task are distributed free of charge in the AppStore. The most famous of them is Folder Lock. This program allows you to place important data in its internal storage under a graphic or digital password.

Folder Lock will not be able to “password protect” a folder created on the iPhone desktop. No application can handle this task.

You need to place data in the Folder Lock directory as follows:

Step 1. Launch the application and set a password. Several forms of password are available - pattern (graphic), PIN (consisting only of numbers), Password (consisting of letters and numbers), Touch ID (fingerprint access).

Step 2. Enter your email address. Through this address you can restore access to secret directories if you forget your password.

Step 3. Select the appropriate section according to the type of data you want to hide. For example, if you want to hide photos, click on the “ Photos" There is no section intended for storing applications in the list.

Step 4. In each of the sections there are folder templates - for example, in " Photos"there are catalogs" Friends», « Family" and others. You can place data in one of the prepared folders or create a new directory by clicking on the plus button.

Step 5. Remove files downloaded to Folder Lock from iPhone built-in apps.

Thus, only those who know the Folder Lock password or have access to your email can get access to the “hidden” data.

To create “password-protected” folders, you can use other programs from the AppStore:


You can create a folder on iPhone in 2 ways: directly through the mobile device interface and through iTunes. Use iTunes to create a folder illogical– you can perform this operation directly on your iPhone with just one touch.

Knowing how to create folders in iTunes is useful for the user who “downloads” applications in a media combine and downloads them to the iPhone through synchronization. In this case, it is more convenient to group icons directly in iTunes, because all desktops of the mobile device are in front of your eyes.