How to set the date and time on your computer. Setting the correct time and date on Android

Although the time and date on your computer are set during installation of the operating system and synchronized over the Internet, there may be times when these settings must be set manually.

There are two ways to get to the date and time settings: using the control panel and using the time indicator located in the .

Let's look at these two methods using Windows 7 as an example, as the most common system at the time of writing. Setting the time and (or) date in Windows 8 and Windows 10 is similar.

Set the time and date on your computer using the Windows Control Panel

Left-click on the " Start"call , in which we select the item " Control Panel».

In the panel that opens, switch the viewing mode to the “ Large icons» for ease of finding the desired setting item.

In the control panel on the left we find what we need “ date and time"and left-click on it to open the settings window.

In the window that opens, you can set your time zone or proceed to setting the time by clicking on the " Change date and time" In the next window, you can set the time by direct input from or using the up or down arrows. Set the date in the calendar field by selecting the day and month with the cursor. Having completed the installation, close the installation windows by clicking on the buttons " OK" And " Apply».

Set the date and time on your computer using the clock in the notification panel

This is a faster installation method. Here, to open the settings window, you only need two mouse clicks. The first click on the clock indicator in the notification panel will open a calendar window with a clock, in which you need to click on the line “ Changing date and time settings».

As a result, we will be taken to the previously discussed settings window, where we will set the time and date according to the instructions given above.

Additional date and time settings on your computer

The settings windows have tabs for additional settings, where you can set the time display for different time zones. To do this, click on the tab " Additional hours", check the box next to " Show these hours", select time zones and confirm with the buttons " Apply" And " OK" Now, when you click on the clock indicator, a window will be shown with the time in the time zones you have set.

Tab " Internet time» allows you to enable or disable clock reconciliation with the exact time server. Click on the button " Change settings"We will open the time setting window via the Internet. A checked checkbox indicates that the time on the computer is checked against the exact time server. It is recommended not to disable this function.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated about setting the time and date on a computer.


To set the date and time in Windows XP, a special utility is used. To call it, open the control panel and click on the date and time icon. An additional window will be displayed on the screen, consisting of three tabs: date and time - this is the first tab on which you can set the date and time. In order to change the date, you must select a month. Open the drop-down list and click on one of its items. Next, set the year and click on one of the days of the month. The time can be changed as follows. Set the rates to any position in the time entry line. And after that, click on the arrows to the right of the line to either increase or decrease the value.


On this tab you can set the time zone. Open the drop-down list by left-clicking on the arrow images on the right side of the list. Next, select one of the values ​​in the list and left-click on it. At the bottom of the tab there is an icon that specifies the mode of automatic transition to summer and winter time.

Internet time

If the computer is a member of a domain, its clock is probably automatically synchronized with a network time server. If the computer is not part of a domain, the computer's clock can be synchronized with an Internet time server. In order to synchronize, select a server; to do this, open the drop-down list by left-clicking on the arrow images on the right side of the list. Next, select one of the values ​​in the list and left-click on it. Next, click the update now button and the synchronization will take place. If synchronization is enabled, the computer clock is synchronized with an Internet time server once a week.

How can this be?... With each update of the operating system, finding computer settings that are already familiar to everyone becomes more and more difficult. There are so many possibilities, but the most basic settings are hidden so that you can’t find them...

If before it was very simple to set the time - you just need to click on the date and time in the lower right corner and select change the system time, but now it is a little more complicated. But let's take a look at where these settings can be found in different operating systems.

Windows XP

Double-click on the date and time with the left mouse button.

Or go to the control panel and select "Date and time":

After this, a window is displayed where you can set your time and date, select a time zone and enable or disable synchronization with the time server (for synchronization, it is recommended to first specify today’s date and only then click “Update now”. When synchronization is enabled, the time and date you specified changes automatically).

Windows 7, Windows 8

Left-click once on the date and time (which are located on the bottom right).

Click "Change date and time settings."

Click "Change date and time" and enter the current values.

Click "OK". To synchronize the time automatically, you need to go to the "Internet Time" tab.

Click “Change settings” and check the box according to the following figure:

If synchronization does not work, try setting today's date and updating synchronization.

Windows 10

Right-click on the time or date (bottom right) and select “Set date and time” from the drop-down list.

If desired, the items “Set time automatically” and “Automatically set time zone” can be enabled. Then there is no need to manually set the time.

If there are any discrepancies with the time, check Windows updates. If all the updates are installed, but the time is still behind or in a hurry, install it manually. To do this, disable "Set time automatically" and click the "Change" button.

After that, enter the current date and time and save your changes.

It is important to consider: If the date and time on the computer constantly gets lost (for example, after turning it on), then it’s time to change the battery inside the system unit (on the motherboard). And although a dead battery does not affect the performance of the computer in any way, due to an incorrectly set date, the browser may report an invalid certificate, and in some cases, even restrict access to the Internet.

If you cannot change the time and date using the above methods, you can try changing it through the BIOS.

If, when changing the date and time, the computer requires administrator rights, you can try to display the administrator account, log in, and change the necessary data there.

And, of course, we are waiting for your comments! Write whether you managed to solve the problem or not. This may be a short comment, but it is very important for us. Only your questions will help us more accurately describe the material and solve the corresponding problem. And most importantly, through the comments you can quickly get an answer to your question. But I think I’ll write about this in a separate article :)

Today we will deal with the problem: why the date and time settings may get lost when loading the operating system. Don’t worry, nothing bad happened to your computer and the issue can be resolved on your own.

Time Zones

The first reason could be an incorrectly selected time zone. Therefore, when you load the operating system, the time is synchronized with the server and, accordingly, is set incorrectly.

To view which time zone is selected for you, you need to right-click on the clock located in the tray and select the item from the context menu "Setting the date and time".

In the next window, look at the set time zone. If it is selected incorrectly, click on the button "Change time zone..." and set the desired value. Then click on the “Apply” and “OK” button.

Change to another time

The second reason is the automatic transition to summer/winter time. As is known, this transition has been canceled in Russia since 2014. That is why the clock on your computer can either lag or rush by 1 hour.

To solve this problem, you simply need to update the installed operating system. If, for known reasons, you cannot do this, then we will consider other methods.

To do this, right-click on the clock in the tray again and select from the context menu "Setting the date and time". In the next window go to the tab "Time on the Internet". Here we click on the button "Change settings". Now you need to uncheck the box “Synchronize with Internet time server” and click "OK". Then click “Apply” and “OK”. Then simply set the correct time.

You can also try changing the time zone. For example, you had UTC+03.00 set, change it to UTC+02.00.

The battery on the motherboard is dead

The third reason, why the time and date on the computer are lost, it could be a dead battery on the motherboard. Moreover, they get lost every time you turn off the power to the system unit.

The thing is that when the computer is disconnected from the mains power, the system time and BIOS settings are not lost only due to the power received from the battery. Therefore, when it sits down, when loading the operating system, a window may appear where you, and then the time and date are incorrect.

In this case, you need to disconnect the system unit from the network, turn it with the back cover towards you, and unscrew the screws that secure the side covers. Then remove the side cover and locate the small battery on the motherboard. It is shaped like a tablet, provides a voltage of 3 volts and is usually called CR2016, CR2025, CR2032. Carefully take it out, it is secured there with a latch, and buy the same one in the store - they are not expensive. Then install the battery and put the parts of the system unit back together.

Now turn on the computer and immediately. This can be done by pressing F2 or Del when loading the operating system. We set the correct date and time there. Then we exit the BIOS and wait for the system to finish loading. Then simply set the correct date and time on your computer.


The fourth reason can be called computer viruses. At the same time, they are embedded in system files and because of this, date and time settings can be lost.

Check your computer with an antivirus program. Moreover, it is better to do this not only with the one installed on the computer, but also with a couple of others. If something is wrong, remove any viruses found. If you are still in doubt, check non-system drives for viruses, format the system drive on your computer. You can read more about this in a separate article.

I hope that one of the methods discussed above will help you. And when loading the operating system, you will no longer be bothered by incorrect date and time settings on your computer.

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Innovation has entered our lives so tightly that not a single person, even with a strong desire, can completely refuse them. With the advent of computers, a large number of specialists were faced with workplace automation. Almost everyone, both the younger generation and older ones, should learn to work on a computer. Along with the mandatory list of programs, every self-respecting user should know about several additional properties and functions of a PC. Despite the fact that some people find learning very easy, and they can memorize a large number of logical actions or manipulations in just a few minutes, others need to spend several days studying a simple question in detail. Along with other important things, every user should know how to change the time on the computer.

To many, at first glance, the task that requires synchronizing the time on a computer with the Internet may seem non-trivial. However, despite the fact that when solving this problem for the first time, the user may need a considerable amount of free time, if a typical situation arises again, a solution will be found after only 2-3 minutes.

A computer carries out thousands of operations, its memory contains gigabytes of important information, however, from time to time a person has to adjust system data. In the article below, we will consider several simple methods that allow you to easily and quickly set not only the date, but also the time on a computer on which Windows is installed. .

Step-by-step instructions for changing the date and time on your computer

A user with Windows installed on a PC does not need to think about its version, since the constantly improving system has identical icons, and, accordingly, methods that allow you to set the date and time on the computer manually.

So, if the Desktop is open in front of the user’s eyes, attention should be paid to the bottom of the screen; on the right side of the system bar, on which various shortcut icons are usually located, there should be the current date displayed as time. Therefore, in order to synchronize the time on your computer with the Internet, you should left-click on the corresponding icon, after which a small window will appear on the screen.

Anyone who wants to independently change the date and time on a computer for the first time should know that it will not be possible to make any modifications in the open window, it is purely informational and will be useful in that it can display information about the number of days in the current month, for example. Further manipulations to change the date and time require the user to take the next step, which consists of left-clicking on the line “Changing date and time settings...” located at the very bottom of the window that opens.

To edit, click “Change date and time”


The following window will appear in front of the user, equipped with three different tabs; if you only need to change the date and time, you need to select the first tab “Date and Time”; as usual, it is the one that opens first by default. The screen will display a picture of a clock indicating the current time and date; on the right side of this data there will be a clickable “Change date and time” button. By the way, when carrying out such manipulations, you should take into account that the user must be under an account that has administrator rights, otherwise, you won’t be able to change anything, since the computer itself will restrict access to all system settings.

Time change

If access is open, a new open window will allow you to manually set the time and date.

Set the correct date and time (1) and click OK (2)

On the left side, as usual, is the calendar. This block is easy to use; at the top there are small black triangles that allow you to correctly select not only the current month, but also the year in a few movements. Once both of these parameters have been specifically defined, all that remains is to specify the current number. Thanks to these simple manipulations, the date will be set on the computer.

On the right side of the same window is a clock dial, which helps you change the time in a few seconds. The user needs to click on the time, where the first number will correspond to hours, and the second to minutes. The small triangles located on the right side will help optimize the process of pressing buttons. Please note that the top icon works to increase time, and the bottom one works to decrease it. As soon as all the parameters are correctly configured, you need to click “OK” several times and see the correct date on the monitor screen.

If there is a need to set the time automatically, but there is no exact time value, you can try using the third tab of the second open window, which is called “Internet Time”. This function is relevant only for those people whose computer currently has access to the global network. When you choose to set the date in this way, the computer will automatically synchronize with the official website of the OS developer, reading data from “”. It should be noted that you will not have to constantly change this parameter, since the system will independently, according to a schedule (without the user’s knowledge), check the data and, in case of discrepancy, change it.


In fact, setting the correct date or synchronizing the time on your computer with the Internet is quite simple; it only takes a few minutes of free time. However, if the user has to perform a similar manipulation daily or after each OS reboot, close attention should be paid to checking the system for malware. A constant change in time indicates the presence of viruses or the need to replace the battery in the system unit.