How to remove mirror image (mirror a photo) on iPhone. How to create a mirror photo on iPhone

Many modern smartphones have a pre-installed feature that can cause all your pictures to be mirrored. In other words, we are talking about the fact that the pictures will turn out upside down, which can make them difficult to perceive.

By the way, many famous psychiatrists have recently increasingly begun to talk about the dangers of this kind of experiments, which can have a direct impact on the human psyche.

There is no need to explain that distortion of any image can lead to a person ceasing to adequately assess reality, which is very important for our thinking, which has a certain kind of specificity.

So, now we know the answer to the question of why the selfie camera flips the photo. This happens because manufacturers install a similar function on your device in advance.

How to remove camera flip in selfie camera?

In order to correct this state of affairs, you will need to follow a simple algorithm that is available on almost all smart devices. The only exceptions may be some iPhone models.

First of all, you need to go into your front camera, which we assume you currently have in front mode. More specifically, this mode is capable of changing the image you get when taking a selfie.

Each front camera has its own menu, which is most often located in the upper left part of the panel.

Mirror mode in selfie camera

If you take a closer look, it becomes clear that the “Front camera” option may have a green button on, which means that mirror mode is enabled on your smartphone.

Now, in order to fix the problem, you will need to release this button. As a result, a new entry will appear, which will indicate that your front mode, which is responsible for the mirror image, is disabled.

This means that now all the photos that you receive through selfies will be displayed in a form familiar to human perception.

In fairness, it is worth noting that there are certain difficulties with disabling this mode on iPhones in which this mode was initially installed during production. Therefore, you need to remember this before you invest money in this or that device.

If the camera flips the image on Android, then this problem can be easily resolved using the smartphone settings. In the parameters, select front mode (green button) and disable it.

But not all smartphones support the image display setting function.

With each update, Apple continues to improve the iPhone operating system, adding more and more features that make everyday functions more convenient. This time the changes affected the photographs. Now iPhone users do not have to edit their photos with computer editors. Simple actions - rotation, mirroring - are available directly in the device. It’s enough to dig a little inside the photo settings to understand, for example, how to remove mirror reflection on an iPhone.

Mirroring with Enlight Photofox

Unfortunately, the built-in iOS tools are sometimes not enough for such a simple operation. You'll have to use third-party software from the AppStore. The application directory contains Enlight Photofox. Install it on iPhone. To do this, click on the “Download” button, and then confirm the installation either with a fingerprint on the scanner or by entering your Apple ID account password.

We launch the program and wait until all functions are fully loaded. The Enlight app will ask for permission to access the photo gallery. Click "Allow".

From the list of pictures we look for the one that needs to be mirrored, tap on it. After opening the photo with the editor, select the “Tools” tab below, and in it click the “Canvas” icon. Three options will be available to change the image:

  • Horizontal mirroring (first icon).
  • Flip vertically. If you want the program to flip the photo from top to bottom.
  • Changing the aspect ratio of a photo.

After clicking the button labeled “Horizontal.” The photo will instantly display at 180 degrees. To expand a photo and save changes in the “Gallery”, you need to click on the checkmark at the top right.

Saving a mirror image to the Camera Roll

On social networks, non-standard images with some kind of twist attract the most attention. To give a photo an unusual look, you don’t have to be a master of photo editors; just add simple effects. Unfortunately, you won’t be able to disable mirroring of selfie shots from the front camera, but you can use apps to “rotate” the photo.

With the advent of a huge number of editing tools, processing images began to take more time than the actual shooting and preparation for it. In this article we will look at how to mirror a photo on an iPhone. This optical effect in the vertical version makes one think that the object is reflected in a body of water, when in fact there may be simple asphalt in front of it. To mirror an image, programs such as Photoshop are commonly used.

However, this technique is now available for editors on mobile devices.

The process of creating a mirror photo on an iPhone

The necessary option for working with images is present in the Enlight application, which can be downloaded for free on your iPhone 5 or other model in the App Store.

  • First of all, you need to take a photo and use the cropping tool in the above program to bring it to normal proportions.
  • The next step is to create a mirror image of the photo on your iPhone. To do this, you will need the Vertical function in Crop mode to rotate the photo. The program will turn it upside down while maintaining the proportions.
  • The inverted photo must be saved in the device memory. You will have two options: one inverted, the other in its original form.
  • Now, using the Collage function, you can combine two images into one. The required option is located in the “Finish” section. We select a suitable template and insert both pictures into it - one under the other. After this, you need to set the frame size to “0” in the “Tools” tab.
  • Repeatedly using the crop function, we remove the extra black stripes on the sides that were formed when creating the collage due to alignment.

Now you know how to mirror a photo on an iPhone. You can stop there, or you can apply a filter to the image or make the image a little blurry to make the illusion seem more convincing. In order for the blur effect to appear on only one, inverted part of the image, this must also be done in Enlight. In the “Tools” section there is a “Miniature” option, which we use in linear mode. Then turn the ruler 180° so that the distortion is on the desired side, or use inversion for this.

Mimigram app: add effects and send your photo for printing

You learned how to mirror a photo on an iPhone in Enlight, but this option is also available in the Mimigram program, as well as many other tools for processing successful shots before printing. For example, you can create art canvases from photographs taken in portrait mode, collages from cards from the front camera, and even entire photo books, collecting frames from your phone albums and social networks. Among photo processing applications, Mimigram occupies a special place, as it is used for designing original gifts based on your own masterpieces. And after the individual design for a mug, T-shirt or magnet is ready, you can place an order directly from your phone.