How to create your own wallet on WebMoney. Creating a WMR wallet

Hello, dear readers. Today we will register in the WebMoney system and create an electronic wallet. I want to immediately assure you that the procedure for creating an electronic wallet is very simple, and you will now see for yourself.

The first time I thought about the need to have an electronic wallet was several years ago, right after paying for my first second-level domain. My first website was still running on free hosting. I was offered a variety of payment methods to choose from: using various electronic wallets such as Yandex.Money or WebMoney (which I didn’t have then), using bank cards (I didn’t want to show my salary card on the Internet, and getting a new one, again, usually costs money) , using a mobile phone (insane commission). Payment methods also included payment through Sberbank. The commission is less than when paying via mobile, but I had to walk to the nearest branch and stand in line to pay. Moreover, payment to the registrar was received only the next day. After this torment, I set myself the goal of making the next payment for something on the Internet (purchase/renewal of a domain or payment for hosting) from a WebMoney wallet.

I have two questions:

  1. How to create a WebMoney e-wallet. This article is just about that, read below.
  2. How to transfer money to a WebMoney wallet. It turned out that money can be easily transferred to my wallet through the ATM of my bank, where my salary card was opened, or through Bank Online without commission.

So let's get started creating a wallet.

To create a WebMoney wallet, we first need to register in this system. To do this, go to the WebMoney website and click on the button Registration, located in the upper right corner.

On the next page we have the choice to register as an individual or as a legal entity.

WebMoney offers us to register as an individual by default, we will do so. In the field below you need to indicate your mobile phone number in international format without a plus sign at the beginning, for example, 79191234567, where 7 is the country code (Russia, in this example), 919 is the operator code (MTS in this example), 1234567 is a seven-digit number your mobile.

In the future, SMS messages with a confirmation code will be sent to the specified number before conducting monetary transactions (payment of bills from the wallet, withdrawal of funds from the wallet, etc.)

So we enter the number, press the button Continue and we get to the page for entering personal data.

The shape is quite long. Let's look at the first part of the form Personal Information:

Fields Surname, Name And Surname indicate exactly as they are written in your passport, down to the letter.

Below in the section Actual location in field A country select your country from the drop-down list (for example, Russia), in the field City indicate your city, and in the field Address We indicate the street, house and apartment of your residence.

Below in the section Passport details fill in the fields:

  • Series and passport number– fill it out exactly as in your passport;
  • Passport issue date– the date of issue is also indicated in your passport;
  • State that issued the passport– select from the list, in my example Russia;
  • Passport issued by– indicate the department code or name of the authority that issued the passport. This information is also in your passport.

Below in the section Contact Information We indicate your e-mail and, if desired, the address of your website.

  • Security Question
  • Answer to the question
  • Additional email

You will need this data in case you lose access to your wallet or lose access to your main mailbox.

After filling out all the fields of the form, click on the continue button. The system will prompt you to check all entered data again.

On the last page you will need to create a password. Create a password that is as long and complex as possible, so that it contains not only lowercase, but also capital letters, as well as numbers and special characters.

Congratulations, you have registered in the WebMoney system.

After you log in using your e-mail, cell number or wmid (which was sent to you by mail) as a login, you will be informed that you have not created a single wallet and will be offered to immediately create a wallet.

I will list the main types of wallets:

WMR – wallet for Russian rubles;

WMZ – dollar wallet;

Hello everyone and good mood. Want to break into the world of e-commerce? Today we will go through step by step how to create a WebMoney wallet. My instructions take into account all the nuances and will teach you how to use virtual money.

WebMoney was founded in 1998. Now this is a huge electronic money payment system with more than 30 million users in the CIS, most of whom are from Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. Suitable for various purposes from running a business to making purchases online.

In a nutshell, I’ll tell you about the scheme of work in the system.

Each user is assigned a unique number - WMID. It is used for all actions with the account.

There is a system of wallets, the main ones, of course, are ruble and dollar, but there are also many other currencies. The abbreviation is WMR for ruble, WMZ for dollars. Wallets consist of the letter R or Z and 12 numbers.

There are levels of access to system functions, they are called certificates. The first levels are given for free. The first level is a pseudonym, the second is formal, then initial and then personal. To obtain it, you need to provide scans of your passport data to a special person - the registrar.

Why do you need an electronic wallet?

If you have come to the world of online earnings, you can’t live without virtual money. It's like an online wallet. For any work, for example, for completing a task on, you will be paid in electronic money.

Therefore, first of all, create web wallets, now the most popular ones are WebMoney. After that, calmly look for a job and receive a well-deserved reward.

This will also allow you to:

  • Make purchases online in a few clicks. Let's say topping up your phone will take a few seconds.
  • Withdraw money to a plastic card (provided you have the required system certificate).

Register in WM

It’s very easy to register and get yourself a wallet; you can do it even without a passport. To do this, go to the site via your favorite browser. Click "Registration".

First, enter your current phone number. I recommend entering a phone number that you use regularly; changing it will be problematic.

Next, enter your personal information. Be careful when entering your security question; it will be very useful later. I advise you to uncheck the boxes offering to receive news, because there will be a lot of them. Then, if you want, you can set them in your personal profile settings. Of course, you agree to the processing of your personal data, without this you will not be able to move forward.

In the next step, you will be asked to check the data again. Next, enter the password that will be sent via SMS to the specified phone number.

Create a password to log in. It is advisable not to use banal combinations of numbers. Enter the code shown in the picture to continue.

Registration is completed. Check your email for a link to activate your account. Walk along it.

You will receive a message that your email has been confirmed.

Creating a wallet

In your personal account, click on the section "Finance".

Press the blue plus sign and select “Create a wallet”.

Select a currency. We get acquainted and accept the terms of the agreement, click "Create".

I created two main wallets - dollar and ruble. Look at the screenshot, you can give these numbers to customers to receive money earned on the Internet.

For now, you have a pseudonym certificate, with it you can receive and send transfers within WM, replenish wallets through terminals with cash, make purchases in stores and pay for utilities. Except that withdrawal to a plastic card is not available (for this you need an initial certificate), but for now this is quite enough.

A little later I’ll tell you how to expand the functionality of WebMoney by receiving the following certificates.

Now you can download the WebMoney Keeper application to your mobile device for easy management of your personal account.


Congratulations. You have taken the first step towards making money online. You can receive your first fee today. Just give the customer your brand new WebMoney wallet number, complete the task efficiently and wait for the salary to be credited.

Ask your questions in the comments. All the best to you.

In RuNet, popular electronic money is WebMoney (abbreviated WM, in Russian “webmoney”). Many online stores and commercial portals work with Webmoney.

Anyone who is thinking about generating additional income online may need to create a Webmoney wallet for this. WebMoney can also be used to pay for products and services, utility bills, mobile communications, television, etc.

Many users create WM wallets and, if they have some experience (and experience, as they say, is an acquired taste), they are happy to use this payment system.

How to create a Webmoney wallet

If you create a Webmoney wallet, then you can work with it either directly through the browser, or through applications installed on your computer or mobile phone. For those who use small amounts, it is probably easier to work through a browser.

You should register on the official Webmoney website only once, and then you can use your Webmoney wallet through “Login” (4 in Fig. 1).

In Fig. 1 in the top menu you can see that registering WebMoney for free takes 4 steps (the steps are clickable):

It all starts with the first step:

1) Phone input

To create a Webmoney wallet, follow the link to

And enter your mobile phone number, which you should have at hand during registration:

Rice. 1. The first step to create a Webmoney wallet: enter your phone number

Enter the phone number without errors in the field marked with number 1 in Fig. 1 in the format: country code, without spaces, immediately operator code and phone number. For Russia, the country code is 7. Therefore, we enter the phone number for Russia, for example, in this form: 79100012345. Click the “Continue” button (3 in Fig. 1). Hurray, the first step has been taken!

Number 2 in Fig. 1 it is noted that you can use WebMoney applications for social networks if you have accounts on social networks.

Is it possible to register a webmoney wallet for Ukraine? Of course it's possible.
When entering the site, you can immediately click on the language selection (5 in Fig. 1). Then we’ll see what languages ​​WebMoney is friendly with:

Rice. 2. Selecting a language on the WebMoney website

There are Russian, English, Ukrainian, Spanish, Portuguese, Turkish and others. There is no German language; the Webmoney payment system is probably not used in Germany.

Registration of a webmoney wallet for Ukraine and for some other countries (see languages ​​in Fig. 2) consists of the same four steps that are described here.

2) Entering personal data

In order to be able to resolve possible questions or problems with WebMoney, you should enter reliable data: letter by letter, as in your passport. After registration, the data cannot be changed or edited; you may have to create another Webmoney wallet. Although it will be possible to change your mobile number and e-mail.

By clicking “Continue” (3 in Fig. 1), we proceed to the second registration step:

Rice. 3. Second step for registering WebMoney for free: entering personal data

1 in Fig. 3 – enter your date of birth. To do this, click on the small triangles in field 1. A drop-down menu of numbers will appear, in which you need to find and click on your date.

2 in Fig. 3 – select your country of residence if another country is offered. If you click on the small triangle in field 2, you will see a huge list of countries: there is plenty to choose from. You need to find your country and click on it to select it.

3 in Fig. 3 – in this field, enter your email without errors.


  • To register in the payment system, it is better to use a new e-mail and, if possible, not show this e-mail on the Internet in the future. This is useful for reducing spam in your mailbox, and most importantly, to prevent account hacking. Login, password, security question from new mail should be written down in a notepad.
  • There is no need to confuse the password for your e-mail and the password for your Webmoney wallet, these are different passwords.

4 in Fig. 3 – select a security question.
In addition to the mother's maiden name, you can select “Favorite number”, “Pet name”, “Favorite sports team”, “First car brand”. (By the way, in Spain, at birth, every child is given 2 surnames: the first from the father, the second from the mother. They have two surnames in their passports. Therefore, for Spaniards, the option with the mother’s maiden name is unlikely to work).

5 in Fig. 3 – enter the answer to the question you chose in field 4.
It is better to write all this data in a notepad as the data necessary to access your WebMoney wallet.

6 in Fig. 3 – you can leave the checkboxes (they are checked by default), or you can uncheck them.

7 in Fig. 3 – without a check mark next to “I give... consent” the further path is ordered, so this check mark is required!

Please note that at each step you can return to the previous step by clicking on the “Return” button. While registration is not completed, you can easily edit your data to create a Webmoney wallet.

Click “Continue” (8 in Fig. 3). The “Check again the correctness of the personal data you provided” window will appear.

Rice. 4. Check your details for registering a WebMoney wallet

We carefully check all the data again, it is better to write it down. At the bottom of this window there are buttons “Return” (if something is wrong) and “Continue”.

If everything is correct, click “Continue” again. Hurray, the second step is done!

3) Phone check

After clicking on the “Continue” button, an SMS message containing a code to confirm that you are the owner of the phone is immediately sent to your mobile phone.

Rice. 5. Confirm your mobile phone for Webmoney registration: enter the code from SMS

Enter the code received on your mobile phone in an SMS message (1 in Fig. 5) and click “Continue” (2 in Fig. 5).

4) Password assignment

Here you need to come up with a password for your Webmoney wallet. This must be a new password that is in no way related to the password from the e-mail that you specified when entering your personal data (Fig. 3).

You can use it. A password consisting only of numbers is bad, because numbers are most quickly found using appropriate password-guessing programs. In addition to letters, the wallet password must at least contain Latin letters. The presence of other characters (!, :, etc.) increases the strength of the password.

1 in Fig. 6 – come up with a strong password and write it down in a notepad,
2 – repeat entering the same password, the main thing is to repeat without errors,
3 in Fig. 6 – enter the characters from the picture.

Click "OK".

Note: write down your information entered during registration in a notebook or otherwise. Relying only on your memory amid the flow of information in life and on the Internet is a utopia.

We get to the window (Fig. 7), in which you can immediately select the wallet currency.

A wallet with ruble currency is WMR, its number begins with the letter R, for example, the ruble WebMoney number can look like this: R530000018008. Although you can later create wallets with other currencies in your Webmoney account if you need them. Rubles are selected below (number 0 in Fig. 7).

Rice. 7. Accept the agreement and create your WebMoney wallet

In the upper right corner, pay attention to the WMID - this is not yet the Webmoney wallet number (1 in Fig. 7), it is a WM identifier, which is just the address of a participant in the Webmoney payment system.

Do not confuse WMID with WebMoney wallet number, these are different things. Topping up WebMoney means putting money into your WebMoney wallet number, but NOT into WMID.

So, as can be seen in Fig. 8, the task of creating a Webmoney wallet has been solved:

Rice. 8. WebMoney ruble wallet created

WebMoney wallet number in Fig. 8 is highlighted with the numbers 1. It is this number that will be needed in order, for example, to top up a WebMoney wallet through the terminal, which will be discussed below.

Email confirmation

In your email, which you specified during registration (Fig. 3), we look for a letter from Webmoney Team with the heading “Confirm your email address”:

Rice. 9. Confirmation of email address for WebMoney wallet

To confirm your email, click on the long link (red frame in Fig. 9). True, the entrance to the Webmoney wallet is carried out mainly by mobile phone number, at least for an anonymous (unidentified) user.

Login after registration

Registration on the WebMoney website takes place only once. In the future, you can log in on your computer (smartphone) through a browser using the link:

Login to Mini WebMoney

To log into your WebMoney wallet, you need to enter your login and password. You should use a mobile phone number rather than an e-mail as your login.

In the future, if necessary, you can identify your WebMoney wallet in order to change the status of an anonymous user to an identified one. There are other levels of WebMoney certification; if necessary, you can pass them.

Exit from WebMoney

The correct exit from the WebMoney wallet is the small button in the upper right corner, which is shown in Fig. 8 is circled in a red rectangle.

How to deposit money on Webmoney?

You can put money into your Webmoney wallet, or, if necessary, into someone else’s wallet. To deposit money into someone else’s Webmoney wallet (for example, through a terminal), you don’t have to create your own wallet, although dealing with your own wallet is, of course, easier and more pleasant.

To make electronic payments directly from home, office or through mobile devices, you need to top up your Webmoney wallet. There are different options for replenishing your Webmoney account, below is a useful overview.

Webmoney replenishment methods

The official website of the payment system contains information about all available methods for replenishing a WM wallet. This includes

  • bank transfer,
  • replenishment from a mobile phone,
  • remittance,
  • terminals and
  • special Webmoney cards.

You can use the option that suits you at the moment.

You can top up your Webmoney wallet in rubles. And if you need another currency for payments, you can make a quick exchange inside the Webmoney payment system. Currency exchange in Webmoney can be carried out directly through the system itself or through third-party services (through reliable exchangers). In order not to lose money on commissions when exchanging them, you can remember that it is reliable and practical to use WebMoney online, for example, to pay for mobile, Internet, etc.

How to deposit money on webmoney through the terminal

If you want to top up Webmoney with cash, then to do this you will need to write down (or print) the Webmoney wallet number on a piece of paper. As already mentioned, the WM ruble wallet number can look like this: R530000012345. This type of number should be written down without errors.

With your Webmoney wallet number written down on a piece of paper, you should go to the nearest terminal, which is located in a store, shopping or office center, bank, or train station. All modern terminals are equipped with the function of replenishing electronic wallets. Through the terminal you can top up your Webmoney wallet or any other wallet.

  • In order to deposit cash, you need to go to the “Electronic Commerce” section at the terminal.
  • After that, select the “Webmoney” icon and enter the number of your or another R-wallet (ruble wallet) into the field that appears without errors. Be sure to check that your input is correct.
  • Next, click “Forward” and deposit the required amount through the bill acceptor in the terminal.

Please note that replenishing Webmoney through the terminal involves paying a commission. The amount of additional costs can range from 3 to 10%, depending on which electronic terminal you use. If you need to transfer a certain amount to someone, take this point into account, otherwise you will have to go to the terminal again to deposit the money.

Money is credited to your Webmoney account almost immediately. Don't forget to take the receipt from the terminal to avoid possible problems with funds not being credited. Unfortunately, no one is immune from technical failures. You can, for example, deposit money through the terminal into a WebMoney wallet, come home or to the office and check the receipt of money in your wallet on your computer (smartphone).

Alternative ways to replenish your Webmoney wallet

You can receive funds to your WM wallet not only by depositing cash or electronic money. You can earn a certain amount on the Internet. Article exchanges, comment exchanges and other projects for making money on the Internet work with Webmoney (and some only with Webmoney), so you can receive the money received for completing tasks to your Webmoney wallet.

For beginners, suitable ways to earn money are writing reviews, writing articles for content exchanges, taking paid surveys, posting messages, comments on forums and social networks, etc. Of course, it will take time to earn even a small amount. Perhaps, for the first income, it is not the amount that is important, but the fact of receiving it. Therefore, this option for replenishing a WebMoney wallet has a place.

Now you know how to create WebMoney and deposit money there.

How to create webmoney wallets of other currencies

You can create Webmoney wallets in the following currencies:

  • the ruble currency is WMR, such an account begins with the letter R (1 in Fig. 8),
  • currency dollars is WMZ, the account number begins with the letter Z (4 in Fig. 10),
  • Euro currency is WME, its number is preceded by the letter E,
  • WMU – equivalent to UAH,
  • WMB – equivalent to BMY,
  • WMX – equivalent to 0.001 BTC,
  • WMG – equivalent to 1 gram of gold,
  • WMK is the equivalent of KZT.

A ruble WebMoney wallet has already been created, now we create a WebMoney wallet for the same WMID (1 in Fig. 10), for example, in dollars. This can be done in 6 clicks:

Rice. 10. How to create a WebMoney wallet with another currency: steps are numbered

1 in Fig. 10 – you need to log into your Webmoney account,
2 in Fig. 10 – click on the + icon,
3 – click “Create wallet”,
4 – select the required currency,
5 – read and be sure to check the box next to “I accept the conditions...”
6 in Fig. 10 – click “Create”. A wallet will appear with a number that will begin with the letter Z (since the currency was selected in Fig. 10).

How to remove Webmoney

Deleting WebMoney is not as easy as it might seem. The official website of Webmoney states that before deleting your Webmoney wallet you must:

  • Withdraw all funds.
  • Pay off loans, if any.
  • Complete claims and claims, if any.

Rice. 11 How to delete a Webmoney wallet

1 in Fig. 11 – you need to go into your wallet,
2 – click on Settings,
3 in Fig. 11 – in the window that opens, click “Submit a denial of service request.”

The request is checked by WebMoney technical support. A message is sent by e-mail that after 7 days the service will be completely stopped, all data will be deleted permanently.

Webmoney technical support

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Hello, my dear blog readers. Ruslan Galiulin is in touch as always. Nowadays, more and more people need to accept payments online, to a virtual account.

Regardless of whether you work online, want to pay for certain freelance services, or you just need to receive/send a one-time transfer, WebMoney is the best and most reliable time-tested option. That’s why many people wonder how to open a WebMoney wallet.

First you need to go to the following address: Click the "Register" button in the upper right corner. Please note that all the data you enter must be true. The system does not accept false information.

Step #1. Fill out the form for a new account. Here I would advise you to write your real data for further work and to avoid problems with receiving cash from an electronic wallet.

Step #2. Now after you have activated your main mobile phone number, you can start filling out your application form.

Step #3. If everything is fine and the data is entered correctly, we just need to click continue and follow the instructions. The first step in protecting your wallet will be to confirm your email by entering the received code in the form below.

Step #4. The second step is to confirm ownership of the mobile phone number, which will receive a verification code to confirm registration. Please note that to change your number in the future, you will need to have access to mail and your mobile phone.

Step #4. Verification of all data and completion of registration. We will need to come up with our own password and enter it into the form, as well as the system verification code.

After registration with webmoney is completed, you will be able to log in to the system using your email and password, or simply enter your WMID (the so-called wallet ID).

Basic methods of managing a payment system

Keeper Standard (Mini). This is the most common wallet site that works on smartphones, tablets and all computers. To log in, you need to enter your password and login in the appropriate fields. Link You can also log in through your profile on VKontakte, Facebook and other social networks. It is in Keeper Standard that you will be taken immediately after creating an account.

Keeper WebPro (Light). This site has more possibilities. You can log in here using your login and password or using a personal digital certificate.

Keeper WinPro (Classic). Program for the Windows operating system. Login is made through a secret access key. It can be stored on the secure E-NUM site or in a file.

Keeper Mobile. A simple and convenient application for smartphones.

How to open a webmoney wallet

Let's continue our initial registration in WebMoney Keeper Standard. After authorization, select the “Finance” menu section - the “Wallets” tab and click the plus icon. In the submenu that opens, select “Create wallet”. After which, you will be redirected to the “Create a new wallet” tab, where you need to decide on the type of account and check the box accepting the terms of the agreement. Afterwards all you have to do is click on the “Create” button. To get started, you can create webmoney wmr.

Note: There are many types of accounts, each abbreviation means a specific currency. WMR is Russian rubles, such an account can be used by a resident of Russia. WMZ is used to purchase and pay for goods in US dollars. WME is electronic money in the currency of the European Union, the euro. WMU corresponds to Ukrainian hryvnia. WMB is Belarusian ruble. WMK can be replenished using Kazakhstani tenge. WMG is a receipt indicating that the bearer has exchange gold in the vault. WMX and vice versa. Thus, WebMoney has all the major electronic currencies and several real ones.

After creation, you will receive a corresponding notification, for example, “The WMR wallet was successfully created!”

The number of your electronic money, which must be remembered for replenishment, is located in the left column “Finance”. Depending on the selected currency, the initial letter will change, example of a ruble WMR wallet: R37238815****.

The first stage has been completed. Now you know how to open a webmoney wallet. But we’ll immediately warn you that you are now subject to a number of financial restrictions, because you have not confirmed your identity, and in Webmoney terms, you are not certified.

How to get an initial and formal Webmoney certificate

WebMoney has a system of certificates with different rights. After answering the question of how to open a WebMoney wallet, you need to think about certificates. After registration, the user receives an Alias ​​certificate with minimal capabilities. The main question is how to get an initial webmoney certificate? The pseudonym prohibits the withdrawal and entry of large amounts, there is a limit on the number of transfers and many other restrictions. To actively work with accounts, it is better to obtain a Formal Certificate.

To do this, you need to upload a color scan of the first page of your passport and submit it to the administration. Higher level certificates are not needed by most users of the system. But for people who do business using electronic money, an Initial or even a Personal Passport will be useful. They are issued during a personal meeting with the Personalizer. The first costs 3-4 dollars, the second - 12-13. You can also buy a certificate online. For those people who want to make money on the system, there is an excellent option - a webmoney seller certificate.

After you receive a certificate, learn how to open a webmoney wallet and log in, you can start working seriously.

How to top up your WebMoney wallet

At the moment, there are a lot of ways to replenish webmoney. The user only needs to understand whether he wants to top up his account:

  • From a bank card online;
  • Using payment terminals;
  • Through Internet banking;
  • Through other electronic money;
  • From a mobile phone account;
  • By handing over to the guarantor for storage;
  • Through a bank branch;
  • Using money transfer;
  • By postal transfer;
  • Prepaid cards and vouchers;
  • Through an ATM;
  • Bank transaction;
  • Using the WebMoney exchange office.

Each of the listed options has its pros and cons. The main disadvantage is the commission charged for replenishment. It may be from 0% to 12.5%. The most profitable replenishment method, which is available for all currencies, is to transfer money from another attached electronic account, for example, Yandex.Money or Qiwi. The commission in this case is 0% , Money comes instantly. It turns out that you can top up without commission.

With zero fees, the account can also be topped up using vouchers or prepaid cards. Sometimes there is no commission at Webmoney exchange offices, but more often it reaches 4%. Transfer to an electronic account from a bank card can be free in rubles, hryvnias and tenge, but it only takes up to 24 hours. The largest commission is charged when topping up via a mobile phone. From a thousand rubles, maybe 120 can be withdrawn as a commission.

Topping up webmoney via ATM

Go to the ATM and click on WebMoney top up. ATMs often have an “Electronic money” section, and that’s where you’ll find it. Most often, you have a choice between funding your dollar account or your country's official currency account. Select your currency. In the input field that appears on the screen, enter your wallet or phone number. Bring in the bills. The terminal commission is shown on the screen in advance. Do not throw away the check until you receive a notification about the account replenishment or until you verify that the funds have been credited in your personal account.

If the funds have not been credited to your account within 24 hours, you need to contact the administration of the premises where the ATM is located to find out the reasons and return the funds. You can also call the number that is written on the receipt or near the ATM.

How to transfer money from webmoney to a card

Topping up your card through virtual money is the fastest and most profitable way to receive it. If you have a formal certificate level or above, you will be able to do this. To transfer funds, go to the finance page and select “Withdraw” with the paper airplane icon. A drop-down menu will give you a choice between an attached wallet, a bank card, or any card in rubles.

The same action is performed when you click “Withdraw funds”.

Select any card in rubles. A page will appear on which you need to enter the card number, amount and select the wallet from which the funds will be debited.

The most reliable confirmation method is via SMS. Click OK. You will be redirected to a page where you will need to enter the code received in SMS. After entering, the operation will be completed. Money most often comes instantly.

Transfer from webmoney to Sberbank

Two main conditions in order to successfully transfer money: the presence of a formal certificate and 2-3 days. When you need funds urgently, you should use numerous exchangers. If you have a passport of the required level or higher, a card and time, log in to Webmoney Banking, a Webmoney service for transactions using bank cards.

There, go to the “Withdraw” section and select a currency, and then a withdrawal method. You have the opportunity to make a bank transfer, repay a loan or make a postal transfer. Click Forward. If you have used this service before, it will be easier for you to use the saved template. If you are making a transfer for the first time, click “New details”.

Enter your Bank Identification Code (BIC). After the system will automatically fill in the “Recipient’s Bank” field, all you have to do is enter the recipient’s current or other account number. All you have to do is enter the amount you want to receive. In the “Give WMR” field, the system will automatically calculate how much money will be withdrawn along with the commission. Agree with the company agreement and click “Forward”. If you wish, save the replenishment template.

Transfer from Yandex money to Webmoney

Yandex.Money is virtual money, which also allows transfers from a virtual account. It is easy to make direct integration between such accounts, after which it will be possible to transfer funds from WebMoney to Yandex and back. Follow the instructions:

  • Go to: and log in to your account.
    Create an account in Yandex.Money and log in,
  • In your WebMoney account, go to the "Account Linking Service" section and click on Yandex.Money.
    Select a ruble wallet, write your account number in Yandex.Money and click the “Continue” button.
  • Copy the linking code you receive. It will be useful for further confirmation of the operation. The binding must be confirmed within 48 hours, otherwise it will be necessary to start all over again.
  • Open the site Yandex money, click on balance and find the linking message. Follow the link and enter the binding code that you saved earlier.
  • After this, the required section with an attached account will appear in Yandex.Money in the “Settings” section. And in WebMoney, in the “Wallets” section, the “Yandex.Money” panel will appear.

To withdraw money to Yandex, you only need to select the attached account on the main page of WebMoney and enter the amount in the page that appears.

Here is the complete answer to how to open a WebMoney wallet. Overall, this is easy to do. The most difficult part is obtaining a certificate, but if you have a color printer at home, then there will be no problems with that. All other functions are easy to grasp.

I hope the material was useful and I advise you to subscribe to my blog’s newsletter. See you soon.

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Sincerely, Galiulin Ruslan.

Hello! In this article we will look at step-by-step instructions on how to register and create a wm wallet in the WebMoney electronic payment system.

I know how much you “like to read long introductions.” Therefore, I will only say that if you are going to make money on the Internet, then it is almost impossible to do without your own WebMoney wallet. The fact is that many web services for earning money make payments and accept payments through this payment system. And also, on some sites, registration occurs through the WebMoney system. In addition, it can be useful not only for withdrawing earned money. Through the WebMoney system you can pay for various services, loans, make purchases on the Internet, transfer electronic money anywhere in the world and much more.

How to register with WebMoney

To register in the WebMoney Transfer system:

1) Open the registration page on the official WebMoney website.

2) We indicate the phone number. You only need to use your number to which you have constant access. In the future, it will be needed to perform various operations. For example: authorization in the system, money management, restoring access to your account if you accidentally forget your password, etc.

3) Fill in your personal information, preferably real information. Select a security question from the proposed options and indicate your secret answer to this question. Next, we confirm our consent to the processing of our personal data by checking the appropriate box. If you do not want to receive system news and information about promotions, then uncheck these items and click “Continue”.

4) On the next page, once again check the correctness of the specified personal data. If you accidentally made a mistake when entering data, then click “Return” and edit them. If everything is correct, then click “Continue”.

5) To confirm your number, an SMS message with a verification code will be sent to your phone. Specify this code. Click “Continue”.

6) Come up with a password. Enter the numbers from the picture and click “OK”. Use your phone number as your login.

Actually, this is the process registration in WebMoney completed. You can now log into your account.

Enter your login - phone number, enter your password. Click “Login”. In the future, you can use your confirmed email or your wmid number in the WebMoney system as a login.

Enter the code from the SMS message and click on the “Login” button.

How to create a webmoney wallet

Immediately after registration you can create an electronic wallet. To do this, click on the “add wallet” tab, then “create wallet”, select the WM wallet type (type of currency). For example, WMR – wallet– these are Russian rubles. See title signs (types of wallets) below.

Accept the terms of the agreement and click continue.

All is ready. Created webmoney wallet is displayed in your personal account on the tab at the top. If you need one or more wallets, then we create them in the same way. Just keep in mind: it will not be possible to delete the wallet in the future. Therefore, open a new wallet only if you really need it.

Types of WebMoney wallets:

  • WMZ– wallet type Z – funds equivalent to US dollars;
  • WMR– wallet type R – funds equivalent to Russian rubles;
  • WME– wallet type E – funds equivalent to euros;
  • W.M.U.– U-type wallet – funds equivalent to Ukrainian hryvnia;
  • W.M.B.– wallet type B – funds equivalent to Belarusian rubles;
  • WMK– wallet type K – funds equivalent to Kazakh tenge;
  • WMY– wallet type Y – funds equivalent to Uzbek sums;
  • WMG– wallet type G – funds equivalent to gold;
  • WMX– wallet type X – funds equivalent to 0.001 BTC;
  • WMH– wallet type H – funds equivalent to 0.001 BCH.

WebMoney wallets can also be managed on a computer. To do this, you need to obtain a formal certificate and install the official WebMoney Keeper WinPro program for Windows. This method of managing wallets is more convenient and secure.

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