How to create your own creative community on VK. How to set up a group on VK. How to create a VKontakte group

A group in contact can be anything. This could be a store, media, personal blog, or just a community of interests. If you plan to sell goods and services or just want to create your own community, then you definitely need to start groups on social networks.

First, we’ll figure out how to create a VKontakte group, and then you can choose the desired community format for yourself.

There are 3 of them on VKontakte:
1. Group
2. Public page (public)
3. Event

Go to your page and look at the menu on the left. Find “groups”. If there is no such item, then move the mouse over “my page” so that a gear-shaped icon appears and click on it.

Check the box next to the group and click the “save” button. Now in the left menu you will have a new “groups” section, click on it.

In front of you you will see a list of all the groups to which you are subscribed #1. On the tab under number 2 you will see all the groups that you manage.

That is, all the pages that you have created or to which you have access as an administrator or moderator will be visible here. More on this below.

2. Create a VKontakte group

Click on the “create community” button. Come up with a name for your new group.

The name should clearly reflect the essence of your community. You will be found in searches by name, this will allow your community to receive free subscribers and clients.

Group names are very well indexed by search engines. Free traffic will also come from there.
Now you need to decide on the look.

Group– suitable for communities where active activities are planned. For example, you need to create many different topics and discussions. Groups are somewhat similar to forums, in which there are many different threads and discussions. If you plan to make a closed community, then you will need to select a group. There will be no such option on public pages.

Public page (public)– suitable for quickly sharing news. Great for blogs, media, business, entertainment. Most communities choose this format for its simplicity and convenience.

Event– suitable for organizing meetings, concerts and other events that should take place on a specific date.
Select the topic as accurately as possible and click on the “create community” button. If your topic is not on the list, then choose a similar one.

Define the page type. I put – organization or website. Don’t forget to check the box and click on the “create page” button.

Congratulations! Your first group has been created, now you need to make it presentable.

3. Setting up a VKontakte group

You are now in the administrative part of your group. From here you can set up and design the community. These settings are only available to you for now.

You can change your name at any time. But you shouldn't do this too often. VKontakte also doesn’t like it when a community works on one topic and then abruptly switches to another. For this you can get the group blocked.

This line can be edited. Remove all numbers and letters and write any name in Latin letters. If it is free, then it will be yours.

Community Cover – The cover must be 1590x400 pixels in size. Try to choose a high-quality picture, people love high-quality and beautiful pictures!

You can make such covers yourself or order them from freelance designers. If you don’t have money, you can pick up a picture from the Internet. Or you can make the cover using .

Just change the size you need. That's exactly what I did for this example. Click “upload” and select the prepared image. Click “save and continue.”

The foundation date may not be set. It takes up extra space and doesn't make any sense.

Let's move on to the “sections”. Select the desired items that will be displayed in the community in the right column.

Photo albums. Suitable for those who plan to add a lot of photos. For example, if you work with flowers, you can upload pictures by category.

Audio recordings. You can upload entire albums of music and it will be available to your subscribers. All bands do this.

Discussions. Allows you and your subscribers to create and participate in discussions on various topics.

Activity. Allows you to schedule some kind of event for your subscribers.

Places. You can put a GEO tag. For example, you created a group for a business that is located in your city. You can add an address to this label where customers can find you.

Contacts. If required, you can indicate your contacts so that people can contact you by writing in private messages or by email.

Main block. Select the main section, which will not be in the right menu, but on the main page. Usually there are goods there.

Goods. If you plan to sell goods or services through VKontakte, then check the box. Additional settings will open in front of you.

In which you can specify the delivery region, currency and contacts to contact you. Click on “save”.

Let's go to the “comments” tab.

Leave a checkmark if you want subscribers to be able to comment on your posts and news. If you don't want to follow comments, turn them off.

Section “Participants”. Here you will see all your subscribers.

Leaders. In this section, you can add assistants who will fill the community with useful content, answer questions and keep order. Such people are also called “helpers”.

Be careful when choosing your credentials! By appointing a person as an administrator, he will have control over your group. Appoint as administrators only those people you trust 100%!

Black list. Here you can add all spammers and other unwanted people. Hand out “bans” to all the impudent people! By blacklisting a person, he will never be able to see posts in the community or leave comments again.

Messages. By connecting messages, your subscribers will be able to write to you directly from the group. It is very convenient if you need to quickly answer customer questions and process incoming requests.

By checking the “add to left menu” box, the group will be displayed on your page in the left menu. This is very convenient for moving from your page to a group and back.

We will return to the application section a little later, but for now our group is ready to work, let's start filling it out!

4. Forming a VKontakte group

Go to the group's main page. You can find it in the left menu or in groups.

Let's add an avatar. Choose a square photo for your avatar.

The photo should be clear and reflect the essence of your group. When you add news, all subscribers will recognize your group by this small image.

Let's pay attention to the menu on the right. All the extensions that we specified in the “sections” appeared there. You can always disable unnecessary ones. Now you can fill in the sections. Photos, videos, music, products, topics for discussion, etc.

Add a product. We select the appropriate category for our product. We write down the name and description. In the description, try to describe your product or service in as much detail as possible.

We upload several photos from different angles if required. You can get by with just one photo. We indicate the price and click “create product”. There can be as many goods as you like.

You should not have any difficulties filling out other sections; everything is very simple and clear.

5. Live broadcasts in the VKontakte group

VKontakte has the opportunity to conduct live broadcasts with your subscribers. This is very convenient if you are engaged in online training or broadcast other information.

To start a broadcast, click on “add video” and select “create broadcast”.

To broadcast from a computer, you need special software. If you want to broadcast from your phone, then install a special mobile application.

VK Live for Android
VK Live for iOS

6. Add a VKontakte entry

Let's post our first entry in the group. To do this, you must have prepared text, photos or videos in advance.

Click on the “what’s new” section and write any text. If you have large text, then divide it into paragraphs, it’s easier to read, especially from your phone.

Now add to the text a beautiful photo on the topic of your community. Always remember that beautiful photos evoke more emotions.

Click on the camera icon and upload a picture from your computer.

If you want to make changes, click on the 3 dots next to the entry and select “edit”.

7. Create a VKontakte poll

You can create a poll for a post. A cool feature that allows you to engage your audience more.

Click on the “more” button and select “poll”.

Ask an interesting poll and place the answer options, click “save”.

8. Set a timer for recording

Another useful thing in creating themes is a timer. The timer allows you to release pre-planned posts to the group at a specified time. You can upload different themes for a week or even a month in advance in one day.

The timer will be available in a post that has not yet been published. Create a new topic, insert text, add a photo, then click on “more” and select “timer”.

Now all you have to do is set the desired date and time and click on the “queue” button. The same should be done with the rest of the entries.

9. VKontakte community statistics

In the upper right corner there is a menu from which you can always get to the settings of the group where we were originally located. It's called “community management.”

There are also a number of useful functions there. For example, statistics. Click on it and you will be taken to a new section.

Here you can watch the growth and activity of your group. See the daily reach of your posts.

Knowing the gender and age of your audience will make it much easier for you to communicate with them. If the audience is an adult, then there is no need to show them pictures with “stupid” humor.

This audience is very valuable and needs to be given useful content.

See what cities and countries your subscribers are from.

Analyze which posts get more shares and likes. This will help you better understand what exactly your people like.

9. How to transfer a group to public and back

If for some reason you suddenly want to transfer a public to a group or vice versa, you can do this in the main menu. Just click on “transfer to group”.

Before translating, please note a number of changes you will encounter. Next time you can change only after 30 days.

10. How to create a VKontakte conversation

You can create your own chat on VKontakte. To do this you need:

1. Go to “messages” and click on the plus sign.

2. Tag friends with whom you want to communicate.

3. Enter the name of the chat and click “create conversation”. If desired, you can set a chat picture. Ready!

11. How to delete a VKontakte group

Once you have created a group, you can no longer delete it. The only thing you can do is remove all members from it and make it private.

Then disable the ability to add new topics and comments and unfollow her yourself. In any case, the group will belong to you. By the way, an unlimited number of communities can be created.

12. How to create a VKontakte group from a phone or tablet

You can create a group from a mobile gadget only if you go to the full version of the VK website. There is no such option in the mobile application.

Open a browser on your phone or tablet and enter in the search bar, then log in to the site. I'll give you an example of how I do this from an iPhone.

Click on these 3 dashes and select “full version” in the drop-down menu.

Now you have access to all the settings as for the web version. Go to groups and click “create community”. All settings are the same as we did above.

After you have completed all the settings, you can install an additional application on your phone or tablet, especially for group administrators.

VK Admin for Android
VK Admin for iOS

The application is very convenient to reply to messages and view statistics.

13. Useful VKontakte applications (widgets)

Go to the main menu and select “applications”.

The list of applications in VK is constantly updated. I'll show you the most interesting ones.

When working with email, you will constantly have to deal with the fact that your letters will end up in the spam folder. This is excluded here. It is very good to sell through this tool. Anyone who has worked with email will appreciate this widget. Spam is strictly prohibited.

Widget in the community. This widget addresses the visitor who visited your group by name.

You can see how this works in the picture. I entered someone else’s group, and the widget immediately recognized me by first and last name.

Most people are surprised by this trick, begin to read the text that is written there and are happy to do what they are asked to do there. Be sure to use this tool in your community.


Creating a VKontakte group is very simple, follow these simple step-by-step instructions and you will not have any difficulties.

Design your community beautifully. Choose an attractive cover and avatar.

Make interesting posts and engage your followers in discussions using polls. The higher the activity in the community, the better your community is ranked (more people will see the post).

Keep an eye on the statistics and start your group, and then from there.

If you have any questions, ask them in the comments, I answer all comments!

VKontakte is one of the most popular and visited resources on the Internet. This popularity is due to the fact that VK provides enormous opportunities for communication. However, in addition to communication, you can also earn money with its help. Let's consider how to create a group on VKontakte (VK).

It should be noted that creating a group is a fairly simple task. But creating your own community is just the beginning. After that, it still needs to be filled with interesting and useful information.

Step-by-step instructions: how to create a group on VKontakte

Let's look at it step by step, how to create a group on VKontakte(VC).

A window will open in which you need to click on the “Create a community” link.

In the next step, a new window will open where you will need to specify the name of the new VKontakte community. Keep in mind that the name should clearly describe the essence of your community and contain keywords. After all, it is by keywords that people will find it.

  • "Group". Selected for communication between users.
  • If you need to focus attention on your personal messages, select the item called "Public page".
  • Option "Event", as the name implies, is chosen for organizing concerns, parties, and so on.

After selecting the required option, click on the “Create Community” button. That's all, the group has been created, and a page with the following settings (fields) will open:

  1. Name. Everything should be clear here. You must indicate the name that was entered in the previous step.
  2. page address. Specify the URL where the created VKontakte group will be available. It should be noted that you can choose more interesting options, and not just those offered by default. This is an important point as this will be a permanent address and will be remembered by future potential clients. Try to make the VKontakte group address memorable and reflect the essence of your activity.
  3. Community Description. This includes information that describes your business or your activities on a social network as fully as possible.
  4. Community Topics. You need to indicate the most suitable topic for your VK group.
  5. Web site. If you have your own Internet project, you can indicate it here. This address will appear on the main page of the created group.
  6. Age restrictions. You need to indicate what age audience the group will be for.
  7. Comment filter. Allows you to set up a filter that will automatically delete entries containing obscene words or any words you specify.
  8. Location. It only makes sense to indicate it if your company or office has a specific location.
  9. Community Posts. By activating this function, users will be able to write private messages to the group administration.
  10. Wall. Here you need to indicate the type for the wall: open, limited or closed.
    Off. News will not be available in the group.
    Open. Everyone can post messages in the group.
    Limited. Only the owner of the VK group can write posts, but anyone who wants can leave comments.
    Closed. Any content is added only by the group administration.
  11. Switches: photos, videos, documents, audio recordings, materials for discussion. They regulate the corresponding types of sections. Can be turned off, open or closed.
  12. Group type. Adjusts the visibility of the group for those people who are not yet members of it. There may be the following options:
  • Open. Anyone can join the group.
  • Closed. Before new people can join a group, the administrator must approve the application to join.
  • Private. Entry is by personal invitation only.

So, we looked at how to create a new group in VK. Now the only thing left behind is to upload a photo (avatar). To do this, click on the “upload photo” button. A new window will open where you need to select a suitable photo. This can be your own photo or any other image you like.

You will then be prompted to crop the image to fit the required size. All that remains is to choose how the thumbnail will look and save the changes.

With this, the VKontakte group has been created, and you can start publishing new posts in it.

So, the article looked at how to create a VKontakte group and set it up so that it turns out to be an excellent platform that will inspire confidence among new visitors and will encourage people to want to make a purchase. It will also be useful to watch the video instructions:

CreationgroupsIn contact with- video

Instructions for creating a VKontakte group

In this article we will talk to you about how to competently create a VKontakte group. I decided to tell you most of the information personally! Namely, I recorded two videos!
There are quite a lot of reasons why you might need a group. Perhaps you want to promote your own business using social networks or you consider social networks as a platform for building a business

Creating a group or public on VKontakte (technical part)

Video #1

Designed for beginners. In it, I decided to highlight the technical process of creating a group or public:

As we can see, everything is quite simple, we need to perform the following steps:
- Join your groups.
— Start the “Create Group” button
— Select a name for the group
— Choose what we will have, a group, public or meeting.
- Ready!

If you still have questions about the technical part of creating a group after watching the video, ask questions in the comments at the end of the article.

Some tricks for creating VKontakte Groups!

Video No. 2
In this video we will look at the three main steps to create your project.
— Selecting a group name.
— Formation of the group.
— Group content (content).

So what should you do after you have received the knowledge? Right! Pin it!
Your task for today:
- To create a group.
— Come up with a title containing keywords.
— Fill the first 30 posts with content.
— Write in the comments to this post: the target audience of your project, the name of your project, why this particular project?

Setting up a VKontakte group

Once the group is created, we need to configure it. The first thing we need to do is upload a beautiful avatar. This is done by simply clicking on the “Add photo” button in place of the avatar:

Next, go to the “Page Management” section, the link is located under the loaded avatar:

After we go to the “Page Management” section, the following fields will open in front of us:

We do the following:
— First of all, you need to pay attention to the “Page Address” field, initially we are given a standard address like “”, but we have the opportunity to replace the ending with this address. Let's replace it with ours! For example

— We write our name of the group. It is desirable that the title contains keywords.

— Fill out the description of the community. It would be desirable that the keys be registered there too.

— Website, if you have a website, insert a link to it. This will add loyalty from search engines Yandex and Google for your project.
You can also place a VKontakte widget of this group on the site. I explained how this is done in the article.

— Comments can be left either on or off. If you leave them enabled, the activity within your community will be much higher, but then you will have to constantly monitor comments for spam.

— Additional sections are also installed at your discretion. It is desirable that the group be filled as much as possible with various materials. video, photo, audio, discussion, etc.

And now a little about the sad... Every day hundreds of groups are created on VKontakte and only a few become successful! What's the secret? Why does most of it merge? You need to understand that creating a group is exactly the same business! Do you think it is possible to create a profitable business by devoting 10 minutes of time a day to it? Of course not! 90% of people who start promoting groups think that they can raise their project by investing in it a maximum of 30 minutes a day. I am sure that you will take this process as seriously as possible and the results will not take long to arrive!

Let's take a step-by-step look at creating and designing a community that is attractive to buyers.

The first step is the name. Select a three- to four-word phrase that matches your main search query. Be sure to indicate a geographic reference, for example, “Sale of fur coats throughout Russia.” It should be immediately clear where and what you are doing.

Description. Beautiful stories like “Where We Started” are not interesting to most readers unless you represent a well-known brand. Briefly describe the products and services, the advantages of the company, indicate more communication channels (telephones, mail, address, Skype, etc.). Write down the terms of purchase, payment methods, delivery times, and what guarantees you provide. It's good to use several search terms for your business in your description.

Status. Above the description there are several lines where you can place useful information, a slogan, phone numbers, news about a promotion or discount. This way the community will immediately attract attention to your products and services.

Address. You can assign a name to the public in the address bar along with a standard set of numbers. This will allow you to “brand” the page a little and make its address memorable (like a website address). Choose a short and succinct name and indicate it in the “Community Management” tab.

Photo (avatar). Choose a beautiful and high-quality photograph so that even from a cropped thumbnail your type of activity is clear. Ideally, on the avatar you should write the name or type of company services, indicate phone numbers, and insert a call to subscribe.

Contacts. In this menu, sign the titles of managers, questions for which you can contact them, telephone numbers or email addresses.

Online store

The latest innovation on VKontakte allows you to turn your page into a small online store. How to place products correctly?

  • Only high-quality photos (3-4 pieces);
  • A detailed description of the product is required, not just its name. Provide technical specifications, use keywords;
  • Under each product, indicate the price, contact information and purchase/delivery information.


After entering the main information, the group must be filled out and formatted correctly. Pay attention to the wiki markup. This tool allows you to make your public page brighter and more interesting, add additional pages, formatting, links and pictures.

The menu needs some work, which is usually located in the same place as the “description”. You can add store sections to the menu, similar to websites. Each section leads to photo and video materials. The menu looks like a solid picture and attracts the attention of visitors.


In order for the store to interest potential buyers and recruit participants, it needs to be filled out correctly.

Basic materials

The group must include:

  1. Photo albums with high-quality photos and captions, photos from satisfied clients are required;
  2. Videos related to your products or services, or simply entertaining;
  3. Several discussions, topics “questions and answers”, “wishes”, etc.

Regular publications

This is the key to attracting customers and increasing the popularity of the public. There are several rules to follow:

  • All posts on the wall must be posted with photographs, at least 3-4 times a week. To get reposted, you should post 50% commercial posts and 50% entertainment ones. ;
  • Post polls on your wall every week. This increases the activity of participants in the comments;
  • Regularly publish promotions, news, and giveaways.

Promotion and advertising

There are several ways to promote a page.

Advertisements in large public pages. You look for relevant or simply large urban communities and post interesting news or promotions on a paid basis. Depending on the popularity of the public, the duration of the placement and even the location (in the header, on the wall), the price of the ad is from 3 to 80 dollars.

Competitions and sweepstakes in special groups. A very popular method of promoting services. VKontakte is full of communities involved in prize draws among subscribers. On average, the publication price is $5-25. You can find a public page that hosts competitions for free. From this, the store receives new subscribers (according to the terms of the competition, you need to join the group of the sponsor of the draw) and fame thanks to reposts of your information.

Invite your friends create a store account and add new subscribers from it. The account will allow you to offer your services directly. The main thing is not to fall into spam and not to lose your page due to user complaints.

What not to do

There are simpler methods, such as automatically increasing subscribers and likes. But this is fraught with bans, and it is noticeable that in the community most of the people are so-called “dogs” (blank pages) or fakes.

Hello dear readers! Like all social networks, VKontakte is constantly developing and changing. This is no longer the simple page that was founded in 2006. Many new functions and features have appeared. It is difficult for a simple user to keep track of all changes and take them into account in their work. Therefore, for those who value their time, I suggest studying the detailed instructions on how to create your own group in contact.

From this article you will learn:

At the beginning of the existence of the social network VKontakte, groups were purely informational and entertainment in nature. But already in the 2010s, when the number of users exceeded 100 million people, people realized that this was an excellent field for business. And now every self-respecting businessman, online store, beauty salon and confectionery shop has a public page in VKontakte. A little popularity and you can make a lot of money from it!

Six months ago I wrote an article about that, and now I switched to VK. Ask why? The answer is very simple! These are two fundamentally different networks with different contingents. Therefore, if you are planning to actively develop your business on the Internet, then creating a group in contact will not be superfluous, because you will have a chance to get new clients online.

Three clicks to create a new project

In order to open a new community in VKontakte you will need a personal page. I think that there will be no problems with this; most readers already have accounts. Well, if not, then it’s not so difficult to start one. Go through a simple registration, fill out a form with personal data on the website and you're done!

There is a menu on the left side of your page. We find the “Groups” section in it. You will see a list of all the pages to which you are subscribed.

At the very beginning of this list there is a button - “Create a community”. Let's press!

A pop-up window will appear in which you have to select the topic of the future community.

There are several options to choose from:

  1. Business - online store, beauty salon, workshop, cafe, cinema, etc.
  2. Thematic community - media, blogs, posters, news, entertainment.
  3. Brand or organization - products, companies, firms, educational institutions, public organizations and foundations.
  4. Interest group - student communities, closed clubs and communities, educational associations.
  5. A public page is a musical group, creative association, social or sports movement.
  6. Event - meeting, concert, exhibition, party.

I will explain the principle of action using the example of the business community. You should already be aware that I have my own project - “. I will take this as a sample.

The first thing you need to do is come up with a name for the group. It should be short, succinct, as original as possible, and reflect the essence of your project.

We go to the page containing basic information. Add a short description of the public and upload a cover that will be displayed on the main page.

I took the first beautiful picture I came across that matched the meaning and size. But in general, the cover, or as it is also called, the header, is the face of your community. It should be unique and memorable. Some even hire designers to create a header for a VKontakte group. And for good reason. After all, people are always greeted by their clothes.

Here you can change the page address, for example, instead of “public167788844” you can come up with a short address. I’ll write “schoolkoo”, and you can choose a name based on your topic. The main thing is that it is free.

Basic settings

Now is the time to start making settings.
Under the group cover on the right there is an “Actions” button. Click and select the “Community Management” section.

In the “Additional Information” section you must indicate age restrictions:

  • up to 16 years old,
  • from 16 to 18 years old,
  • over 18 years old.

Age restrictions are selected based on whether your community page will contain posts with obscene language, swearing, mentions of alcohol, drugs, as well as depictions of scenes of murder, death, violence, or an erotic nature.

My community will be quite decent. However, only persons over 18 years old can become, so my choice is obvious.

Here you can also indicate the founding date of your project, enable export of statuses from Twitter, and indicate who can post news on the wall: all users, only subscribers, or no one at all except the administrator.

You can go to the Settings menu yourself and add or disable the necessary sections on the corresponding tab, allow or disable commenting and discussion of posts. And also turn on the filter. Then comments containing swear words will be deleted automatically.

Group filling

Now you can return to the main page of the community and start designing it.

Set a bright and memorable avatar to make your community stand out in the general feed.

To do this, click on the circle located under the cover to the left of the title and attach a logo image.

See how beautiful and profitable your project looks in the general list. This is the first step to promote the group, which we will definitely do a little later.

And now, you can safely create thematic albums with photographs of your products, add videos that capture the process of your work or results, and reviews from satisfied customers.

Closed club

Not everyone tries to create an open group in contact.

Often, it is necessary that information posted on a page be seen only by a certain circle of people. This is not an innovation, on the contrary, closed groups have been around almost since the founding of the VKontakte social network, when it was considered exclusively for students. Communities opened to unite students from the same stream.

Now closed communities are created for marathon participants when conducting any online training and courses in order to maintain anonymity. In general, this is an excellent tool for running an information business.

If you are planning to create a closed group, then you should select the community type “Interest Group” or “Event”. Other types of communities, including “Business,” are open.

You can set the access type during basic page setup.

You have three options to choose from:

  1. Open - such a group is visible in search, any user can subscribe and view information.
  2. Closed - visible in search, but you can join it only by invitation from the administrator or by submitting an application.
  3. Private - completely hidden from prying eyes, that is, it is not displayed in searches, and only invited users can subscribe.

If, when creating a project, you accidentally selected the wrong type of community, then it is not difficult to change it. Although it is better to do this at the very beginning, so as not to edit all the settings later.

To do this, select the last item in the “Actions” menu - “Transfer to group”.

After this, you will need to link your phone to the page. This is done in one click. An SMS notification is sent to the specified number, which must be entered in a special field, and voila, your community has been converted!

Mobile versions of the site

I am to some extent an old-school person. I prefer to carry out all manipulations on a computer, so I always and everywhere carry a laptop with me. But I know that many have long switched to mobile devices.

As it turned out, creating a group using a phone or tablet is no more difficult.
The creators of VK tried their best and made a very convenient application and a perfectly adapted mobile version of the website.

1. In the mobile application, the process of creating a community occurs in the same way as in a computer browser.

Go to the “Groups” section and click on the “+” icon in the upper right corner.

And here we see exactly the same menu, with types of groups, that popped up in the browser.

We repeat all the same steps, we get a group. As you can see, there are no differences. Only the blocks are located a little differently, because they are adapted to the phone screen.

2. And if you go to the browser of your phone or tablet and try to create a new public page, it will look a little different.

And so, go to your page, to the “Groups” section and go to the “Management” tab.

At the bottom of the page you will find the inscription “Create a community”. You need to click on it.

On the new page you can also enter the name and topic of the community, but there will be only three types:

  • group,
  • public page,
  • event.

With the group and the event, everything is quite simple. Their creation scheme is no different from what we have already considered earlier.

But if you select “Public Page”, a new list with page types will open.

And you have to choose what you will broadcast about on your page - about a small company, a cafe, a cinema, or about a large organization or social movement, perhaps it will be a famous person, a show business star, or some specific work - a film , book, product.

We decided on the type and type. Don’t forget to specify the subject and click the “Create” button.

So we can create communities in three different ways. All functionality for managing your group is preserved, both from the mobile version and in the application. And this is great, because you can do your business anywhere - at home, on vacation, or even on the way to work.

Friends and contacts

Once you've finally set up your community and posted a couple of posts, you can invite friends.

To do this, under the cover of the public on the right next to the “Actions” button, click on the inscription “You are a member” and select the “Invite friends” option.

You will see a list of friends to whom you can send invitations. Those who accept the invitations will become the first subscribers of your group and will be kept up to date with the news.

If you don’t plan to run a business alone, you can add your partners and colleagues to the number of group administrators.

To do this, go to edit the “Contacts” section and select “Add contact”.

To add a user, you need to insert a link to his contact page in the appropriate field. If you wish, you can also indicate your position, contact phone number and e-mail. This will be very useful if, for example, you have an online store and you want to appoint a sales manager who will take orders.

Please note that you can only add a user to your group contacts if they are subscribed to your community.

Community apps

Now let's move on to the fun part. Not long ago (to be precise, at the end of 2016), a new service appeared in VKontakte - “Community Applications”. With it, you can expand the functionality of your groups and simplify management.

To install the application, just go to the “Community Management” section and select the “Applications” tab. At the moment, the list of applications is huge and it is constantly growing. So you can install applications for booking tickets to events, holding competitions on the page, sending messages, collecting reviews, etc.

I chose the application to collect applications.

As you can see, the button names and visibility mode can be edited.

After installation, the application block will appear on the community page.

Try it yourself! Choose interesting applications to make your page lively and unique. And in general, think carefully about the idea and work on the content, because this will help you make money from your group.

I hope that the information presented in this article was sufficiently complete and understandable. If you have any questions, be sure to write in the comments! Let's analyze and discuss all the nuances! Don’t forget to share the link to the article with your friends and colleagues, and be sure to subscribe to blog updates. The VKontakte topic is just beginning! Ahead of you is a series of interesting and useful articles about community promotion and earning opportunities! Wait! See you soon!