How to create and come up with a strong password. Tips for creating passwords. How to come up with a strong password and make it easy to remember

Passwords are everywhere: on social networks, payment systems, on your computer and phone. It is unrealistic to keep so much information in your head, so many users follow the path of least resistance - they come up with one key that is easy to remember, and then enter it on all sites where they register.

This approach to security can end in disaster. If the access code for VKontakte or Odnoklassniki can be lost without serious financial consequences, and therefore there is no need to make it complex, then you need to come up with a password for registering in the payment system or creating an Apple ID so that no one except the owner has access to the data.

Rules for creating passwords

Almost all sites have a list of password requirements when registering. However, usually these requirements are minimal: at least 8 characters, cannot consist only of numbers or letters, etc. To create a truly complex password, you need to keep a few more restrictions in mind.

  • Login and password must not be the same.
  • It is not recommended to use any personal information, especially if it can be obtained from social networks or other sources.
  • It is not recommended to use words.

To understand the logic of these prohibitions, just look at how passwords are cracked. For example, a 5-digit key is only 100 thousand combinations. The hacking program, by simply searching through all the options, will find a suitable combination in 2 minutes, if not less. A rare word will not work for an access code either. An attacker can analyze different dictionaries in different languages ​​and find a match. The only question is how long it will take - a few minutes or a couple of hours.

Advanced PDF Password Recovery program for cracking passwords set on PDF documents. It uses brute force and allows you to fine-tune the selection by noting the characters used in the password.

The combination of a rare word and numbers will also not work. Bruteforce technology allows you to search for combinations of numbers and words, so that such a key will fall if necessary. It will, of course, last a little longer than 123456789, but if you suffer losses due to hacking, then this time difference is unlikely to seem significant. To understand which password is strong and which is not, let’s look at specific examples. The approximate hacking time is calculated using password checking services, which are described below.

  • Date of birth (05041992) – will be hacked in 3 milliseconds.
  • A name with a small or capital letter (Segey, sergey) will last 300-500 milliseconds, that is, less than half a second.
  • Combinations of numbers and lowercase letters (1k2k3d4a9v) – approximately 1 day.
  • It will take about 6 years to crack a password like HDA5-MHJDa.
  • The combination AhRn&Mkbl363NYp will be deciphered in 16 million years.

The cracker will not work for 16 million years or even 6 years - this value only demonstrates that it is impossible to crack the password within an acceptable period of time.

Password generation

It’s one thing to know the rules, another thing to follow them. Most users are aware that they cannot use an access code consisting of their date of birth or name to register, but this stops few. Two problems:

  • It's hard to come up with a complex password.
  • Even if you create a password containing a random set of characters, it is difficult (sometimes simply impossible) to remember it.

An online password generator will help you solve the first problem. On the Internet you can find a large number of services that offer to quickly create a complex password from letters, numbers, and special characters.

Online generators work on the same principle: you indicate which characters you need to use, select the required number of characters and click “Generate”. The services differ only in certain aspects.

For example, on you can generate several dozen passwords at once (up to 99 combinations). PassGen allows you to set the option to automatically exclude duplicate characters from the security key, that is, all characters in it will be in the singular.

Key storage

If you can generate a password online, then you need to store the keys on your computer. Writing the password on a piece of paper, in a separate document on the computer, on a sticky note glued to the screen is the path to unauthorized access to data. So here comes the second problem: how to remember the created key.

You shouldn't rely on memory, but you can rely on a password manager. Many users choose KeePass. This program is distributed free of charge and works on Windows 7, Windows 10 and other modern versions of Microsoft OS. In addition, KeePass has a built-in password generator, so you don't have to search for online services every time.

The only downside of a password manager is that it also requires an access code, which is called a master password. But remembering one master password is much easier than keeping dozens of complex combinations in your mind. In addition, when creating it, you can use a trick - take poetry, counting rhymes or any other memorable lines as a basis and turn them into a combination of letters, numbers and signs.

For example, you can take a quatrain, highlight the first letters and punctuation marks, and then write them in the Latin layout. Some letters can be replaced with numbers - “z” with “3”, “o” with “0”, “h” with “4”. As a result of such manipulation, from four lines of a children's poem that will never leave your head, you will get the password U0d?D3ep.Gzc3hek, which will take 3 trillion years to crack.

Difficulty check

On many sites, when registering, the user is shown whether he has a good password. You can make sure that the generated code is complex and you won’t be able to hack it quickly, you can do it yourself using the ? In the “Enter Password” field, paste the generated password. In response, you will receive the approximate time it will take to crack the key on a regular computer. If it’s several million or at least thousands of years old, then the code is definitely reliable.

You can also use other services to check reliability: for example, from Kaspersky Lab. It also shows the time required to crack a password, at the same time telling you what can be done within the specified period.

Another interesting way to check is the “Password Strength” service on the website Here the result is categorical: the key is either reliable or unreliable.

You need to understand that the hacking time shown by these services is very arbitrary and is designed for the case if the hacker uses a regular computer. A supercomputer with fantastic performance will do the job faster, as will dedicated password-cracking machines that can test up to 90 billion keys per second. But it is unlikely that people who own such equipment will need your email, Skype or Wi-Fi password.

Hello, my dear readers!

Frightened by “horror stories” that evil hackers can crack the password of anything, the poor little user feverishly begins to go through all his passwords and wonder: will they crack it or not...

At one time I asked myself the question: how to create a strong password for all my services for which I am registered? Is this even possible?

How do burglars operate?

First, let's think about how the hacking process occurs. In general, there are several main ways for an attacker:

  • look at the paper, on which all passwords are written. Surprisingly, many users still keep a sticker glued to their monitor, on which is written the password so treasured by the attacker. As they say, no comments...
  • brute force. Simply put, the usual enumeration of all possible options. As we often see in films: a special program finds the required password with lightning speed (or not quite lightning speed). In reality, this is practically impossible. If the password is crypto-resistant, that is, it consists of a sufficiently large number of characters and contains capital letters and numbers, selecting it can take a lot of time;
  • obtaining remote access to the user's machine and viewing all the necessary information on it, including cookies and special administration files. Again, movie techniques don't work here.
    Gaining full access to a specific computer is not such an easy task and requires a certain approach to solving it. If your data is not particularly valuable, it is unlikely that a hacker will waste his precious time on your computer;
  • keyloggers– keyboard interceptors. They are especially often used to gain access to payment information. Fortunately, the famous Kaspersky antivirus has a virtual keyboard in its arsenal. So it’s impossible to track keystrokes: there is simply no pressing;
  • viruses. The advice here is this: don’t go where you don’t need it, and don’t download anything you don’t need. And if you do download, then install a good antivirus on your computer and trust in its power;
  • regarding mobile platforms, then most often they use either the same brute force or the method of intercepting packets over encrypted network channels.

A few rules for creating a strong password

So it's not all that bad. Nevertheless, almost every one of us has probably encountered the fact that his account on VKontakte or on a forum was “hacked”, or even Odnoklassniki sounded the alarm... As a rule, this happens due to the simplicity of the password itself. There are special programs that already “know” standard sets of passwords and generate their variations.

You can, of course, randomly run your fingers over the keys, “generating” a password. Alas, even in this case, the algorithms of hacker programs select all possible options, albeit not very quickly.

I advise you to permanently abandon passwords that are a repetition of your login. Fortunately, many services do not allow the user to set such a password at all. But social networks use either a mobile phone number or an email address as a login. This makes life much easier for an attacker.

And God forbid you from the names of animals, children, parents and dates of birth! Such passwords can be hacked by people even from close circles.

Some time ago I used a method that I personally invented. Only later did I find out that I was not the only one so smart. Its essence lies in the fact that some phrase in Russian is invented. For example, “This password is strong.” And then the keyboard switches to the Latin layout and the same is entered, but without spaces. It turns out: “”njngfhjkmyflt;ysq”. Is this method a good one? Not really. Smart hacker algorithms have long been aware of this method.

But in general there are only three requirements for passwords:

  1. more signs. 8 – good, 12 – even better, 16 – great;
  2. Be sure to use numbers. Moreover, both in the middle and at the end of the password;
  3. alternate between capital letters and regular ones. And exactly the same - in the middle and at the end.

Password generators

I also tried special services - both online and separate applications. Last Pass, for example, or here’s another: RandStuff, Password Generator and a bunch of services with the simple name “Password Generator”.

At first glance, they are all really capable of generating a random set of characters and numbers. But this is only at first glance random. An experienced programmer knows that there is no truly random generator; they all work according to certain algorithms. I won’t lie that this is exactly the case, but I suspect two things:

  • knowing the algorithm by which passwords are generated, it will not be difficult for a hacker program to trace this algorithm in the opposite direction;
  • Some of these programs and services, oddly enough, are used specifically for hacking. The generated password is saved somewhere in a cache or in a cookie. And, perhaps, it goes straight to the attacker’s car.

Therefore, it is necessary to use only proven programs with an excellent reputation!

Now the choice is yours: use special programs or come up with complex passwords yourself. But under no circumstances store them on paper. Better create a file and save it on the cloud. By the way, other services also provide excellent cloud storage.

Want to know all the computer secrets? How about learning to communicate with a computer on a first-name basis? In this case, you can order a multimedia training course “ Computer genius“, everything will be explained there in the most accessible language and - most importantly - they will clearly show how to apply the acquired knowledge in practice.

Be sure to share the link to this material with your friends via social media. networks so that they do not become victims of attackers. Don't forget to subscribe to the blog update mailing list, which will notify you when a new article is edited. Be careful, see you soon!

Sincerely! Abdullin Ruslan

Spanking in Rus' until the twentieth century was always the most common method of corporal punishment. Initially, representatives of almost all segments of the population, all genders and ages were subjected to it.

"Trade Execution"

Punishment by flogging was first enshrined in law in the Code of Laws of 1497. They were punished this way for a variety of crimes. For example, they could have been flogged for daringly speaking out against the authorities.

They hit mainly the back of the body - the back, thighs, buttocks. Most often, the person punished was completely undressed for this purpose.

Punishment with a whip required special art. To do this, the executioner had to move a few steps away from his victim, and then spin the whip over his head with both hands and, with a loud cry, quickly approach the condemned person, bringing the instrument of torture down on his back. It was impossible to hit the same place twice. After each blow, the executioner was required to wipe off the blood and skin particles adhering to it from the whip. According to researcher Katoshikhin, the execution usually lasted several hours, with 30-40 blows of the whip applied per hour. [C-BLOCK]

One foreigner, who was an eyewitness to such a procedure, left the following testimony: “The executioner beats so brutally that with each blow the bones are exposed. So it's

(the person being punished) is torn to pieces from the shoulders to the waist. The meat and skin hang in shreds.”

Many died from this. Everything depended on the individual characteristics of the body, as well as on the force of the blows. Some withstood 300 blows, and some fell like a sack after the first blow. If the executioner felt sorry for the person being punished, he could hit him weaker (sometimes for a bribe). Otherwise, he could have beaten him to death.

In the era of Peter the Great, punishment with a whip was called “trade execution.” She was often appointed for political crimes in combination with branding.


Punishment with batogs was considered much lighter. The latter were thick sticks or rods with cut ends. Batogi were often used - to extract taxes and arrears, to beat serfs and subordinates. Sometimes the court ordered beatings with batogs - for theft, perjury, disrespect for the royal family... So, a clerk was punished with batogs, who, when drinking to the health of the sovereign, did not take off his headdress.

The execution took place like this. The person was placed face down on the floor or on the ground. One of the executioners sat on his legs, the other sat on his neck, clasping it with his knees. Then each of them took two batogs and beat them on the back and below the back of the victim until they decided to stop the punishment or until the bars broke. At the same time, it was forbidden to strike the stomach, thighs and calves. Also, during the execution, the person being punished had to shout the word: “Guilty!” If he did not scream, then the punishment continued until he screamed and admitted his guilt.

Through the gauntlet

More cruel was the punishment with spitzrutens - flexible rods about 2.1 meters in length and less than 4.5 centimeters in diameter. They were used mainly to punish soldiers. This was called “running the gauntlet.” The method of punishment was borrowed from the Swedes and was introduced by Peter I in the Russian army in 1701. The person punished for this or that offense was stripped to the waist, his hands were tied to a gun, which was turned towards him with a bayonet so that the unfortunate man could not evade reprisals, and he was escorted between two rows of his comrades lined up to his right and left. Each soldier had to hit the offender on the back with a spitzruten. The regimental doctor followed the beaten person, counting the blows so that the punished person would not be marked to death or maimed.

"Teachings" for children and women

Children's punishments were “blessed” by the famous “Domostroy”: “... but also to save through fear, punishing and

teaching, and when to beat.” Children in Rus' were usually flogged with rods. A rod was a bundle of rods that was used to strike the soft parts of the body. They could punish with rods for any offense, and this punishment was applied not only by parents or educators, but also by school teachers - say, for negligence in learning. Sometimes girls were also flogged.

This method of punishment was applied to children of any class: it was considered useful for the child. In large families, they sometimes held weekly floggings on Saturdays, and often the offspring were flogged not only for actually committed offenses, but also as a preventive measure, “so that it would be discouraging.”

Before carrying out the execution, bundles of rods were soaked in cold running water. Sometimes the soaking took place in a salty solution, and then the beating caused severe pain. However, scars after such punishment rarely remained. Less often, a rope with knots was used to beat the younger generation, which was used to whip them backhand. [С-BLOCK]

Women were also flogged, most often with whips or rods. Domostroy prohibited the use of hard objects and methods of beating that could cause injury.

A peasant woman could be “taught” by her husband - for impudent language, disobedience or suspicion of treason. Serf women and girls could be flogged by order of the landowner. The police flogged women who were illegally engaged in prostitution. But completely official corporal punishment also existed for representatives of the upper classes. Thus, two ladies-in-waiting of Catherine II were brutally flogged for the caricature they drew of Prince Potemkin.

Even in Catherine's era, an attempt was made to soften the existing system of corporal punishment. In 1785, representatives of the upper classes, merchants of the first and second guilds, were exempted from them. At the beginning of the 19th century, various restrictions were introduced - on the number of blows, punishments for the sick and elderly, and representatives of other categories. But in primary and secondary educational institutions, the rod remained a means of “education” until the 1860s.

Corporal punishment was completely abolished in the Russian Empire only in 1904. The Bolsheviks put a definitive end to this issue after the revolution, declaring flogging a “bourgeois relic.”

On the same topic:

Through the gauntlet and other methods of flogging in Rus' Deprivation of a beard and other most terrible humiliations for men in Rus' What punishments for adultery existed in Rus'

Spanking in Rus' until the twentieth century was always the most common method of corporal punishment. Initially, representatives of almost all segments of the population, all genders and ages were subjected to it.

"Trade Execution"

Punishment by flogging was first enshrined in law in the Code of Laws of 1497. They were punished this way for a variety of crimes. For example, they could have been flogged for daringly speaking out against the authorities.

They hit mainly the back of the body - the back, thighs, buttocks. Most often, the person punished was completely undressed for this purpose.

Punishment with a whip required special art. To do this, the executioner had to move a few steps away from his victim, and then spin the whip over his head with both hands and, with a loud cry, quickly approach the condemned person, bringing the instrument of torture down on his back. It was impossible to hit the same place twice. After each blow, the executioner was required to wipe off the blood and skin particles adhering to the whip from the whip. According to researcher Katoshikhin, the execution usually lasted several hours, with 30-40 blows of the whip applied per hour.

One foreigner, who was an eyewitness to such a procedure, left the following testimony: “The executioner beats so brutally that with each blow the bones are exposed. So it's

(the person being punished) is torn to pieces from the shoulders to the waist. The meat and skin hang in shreds.”

Many died from this. Everything depended on the individual characteristics of the body, as well as on the force of the blows. Some withstood 300 blows, and some fell like a sack after the first blow. If the executioner felt sorry for the person being punished, he could hit him weaker (sometimes for a bribe). Otherwise, he could have beaten him to death.

In the era of Peter the Great, punishment with a whip was called “trade execution.” She was often appointed for political crimes in combination with branding.


Punishment with batogs was considered much lighter. The latter were thick sticks or rods with cut ends. Batogi were often used - to extract taxes and arrears, to beat serfs and subordinates. Sometimes the court ordered beatings with batogs - for theft, perjury, disrespect for the royal family... So, a clerk was punished with batogs, who, when drinking to the health of the sovereign, did not take off his headdress.

The execution took place like this. The person was placed face down on the floor or on the ground. One of the executioners sat on his legs, the other sat on his neck, clasping it with his knees. Then each of them took two batogs and beat them on the back and below the back of the victim until they decided to stop the punishment or until the bars broke. At the same time, it was forbidden to strike the stomach, thighs and calves. Also, during the execution, the person being punished had to shout the word: “Guilty!” If he did not scream, then the punishment continued until he screamed and admitted his guilt.

Through the gauntlet

More cruel was the punishment with spitzrutens - flexible rods about 2.1 meters in length and less than 4.5 centimeters in diameter. They were used mainly to punish soldiers. This was called “running the gauntlet.” The method of punishment was borrowed from the Swedes and was introduced by Peter I in the Russian army in 1701. The person punished for this or that offense was stripped to the waist, his hands were tied to a gun, which was turned towards him with a bayonet so that the unfortunate man could not evade reprisals, and he was escorted between two rows of his comrades lined up to his right and left. Each soldier had to hit the offender on the back with a spitzruten. The regimental doctor followed the beaten person, counting the blows so that the punished person would not be marked to death or maimed.

"Teachings" for children and women

Children's punishments were “blessed” by the famous “Domostroy”: “... but also to save through fear, punishing and

teaching, and when to beat.” Children in Rus' were usually flogged with rods. A rod was a bundle of rods that was used to strike the soft parts of the body. They could punish with rods for any offense, and this punishment was applied not only by parents or educators, but also by school teachers - say, for negligence in learning. Sometimes girls were also flogged.

This method of punishment was applied to children of any class: it was considered useful for the child. In large families, they sometimes held weekly floggings on Saturdays, and often the offspring were flogged not only for actually committed offenses, but also as a preventive measure, “so that it would be discouraging.”

Before carrying out the execution, bundles of rods were soaked in cold running water. Sometimes the soaking took place in a salty solution, and then the beating caused extreme pain. However, scars after such punishment rarely remained. Less often, a rope with knots was used to beat the younger generation, which was used to whip them backhand.

Women were also flogged, most often with whips or rods. Domostroy prohibited the use of hard objects and methods of beating that could cause injury.

A peasant woman could be “taught” by her husband - for impudent language, disobedience or suspicion of treason. Serf women and girls could be flogged by order of the landowner. The police flogged women who were illegally engaged in prostitution. But completely official corporal punishment also existed for representatives of the upper classes. Thus, two ladies-in-waiting of Catherine II were brutally flogged for the caricature they drew of Prince Potemkin.

Even in Catherine's era, an attempt was made to soften the existing system of corporal punishment. In 1785, representatives of the upper classes, merchants of the first and second guilds, were exempted from them. At the beginning of the 19th century, various restrictions were introduced - on the number of blows, punishments for the sick and elderly, and representatives of other categories. But in primary and secondary educational institutions, the rod remained a means of “education” until the 1860s.

Corporal punishment was completely abolished in the Russian Empire only in 1904. The Bolsheviks put a definitive end to this issue after the revolution, declaring flogging a “bourgeois relic.”

First way

The most important trick here is to come up with a keyword that will become the basis and template for all your subsequent password options. This word will always remain unchanged and will be placed at the beginning of the password. For example, such a word would be “ dog».

Now we need to create the second, variable part of the password. This part can be the first 3-5 letters of the name of the site whose services the person uses. For example, if a person uses the site , then the variable part may look like this - “kak”.

By connecting the two parts, placing, for example, an underscore between them, you get the password - “ dog_kak».

Thus, all passwords will be different, but compiled according to the same, understandable scheme. Such passwords will be very easy to remember.

It is also important to know that the password must include at least eight characters and contain not only letters and numbers, but also symbols. In this case, it is an underscore.

Numbers can be added to the template (constant part). Let, for example, it be the number of your birthday or something else well known to you. The password will be “ dog25_kak».

It will be extremely difficult to pick or crack such a password, but remember it without much difficulty.

Second way

You can make a simple and memorable password using an online generator. For example, use the site passwords of 5-12 characters, pronounceable and easy to remember. To receive new passwords, you just need to refresh the page.

Third way

Password from a phrase. You need to come up with a phrase. “Fluffy stone”, or “Liquid foot”. The crazier the phrase, the better it is remembered. This password can be made more complex and its constituent words can be declined. “Explosive Clown” and “Horned Cat” are already quite reliable and will be well remembered.

For extra security, you can add numbers before the phrase (“12 fluffy stone”) or write words in different layouts (“ :blrfzleg»).

Fourth method

Password from a phrase. You need to take a memorable phrase, for example, “What a disgusting thing your jellied fish is!”, or “I love a thunderstorm in early May.” Such phrases, associated with the theme of the password, are very easy to remember. Now we write the two initial letters of the phrase - “Kagavazars”, “Lugrvnama”. We write in the English layout - “ Rfufdfpfhs" The result is a complex and unpronounceable password that is easy to remember.

Fifth method

You need to randomly replace letters with numbers, for example, flirt can be turned into fl1r7.

Sixth method

You need to take the word and turn it around. For example, take the English word neighborhood and get doohrobhgien.

Rules for creating a strong password

  • Every three months, or at least every six months, you need to change the passwords on all your accounts!
  • You cannot use simple combinations of symbols and numbers. For example, passwords 123, 321, 123456, qwerty, asdfg and others like that are not suitable.
  • You cannot use personal information when creating a password (names of relatives, pets, dates of birth, phone numbers, addresses, zip codes, etc.). For example, passwords Masha, Sasha21, Vasya 02071988 and others like that are not suitable.
  • Do not use passwords that can be guessed from a dictionary of popular passwords. For example, passwords love, cat, alfa, samsung, mercedes and other similar ones, as well as their variants and combinations are not suitable.
  • Do not use passwords that are less than 10 characters long.
  • The password must consist of upper and lower case letters, numbers and special characters.
  • When coming up with passwords, use your imagination and don’t think in stereotypes. A computer that guesses a password is good at math, but it can't think or be creative.

Checking password strength

There is a special online service - The Password Meter(English-language resource), which will analyze the password and tell you how strong it is. There are many evaluation criteria, so the evaluation result is objective.