How to create a group to send outlook mail. Create a distribution list or contact group in Outlook for PC. How to create a mailing list in different versions of Outlook


Launch Outlook. Double-click the application icon on your desktop or click the “Start” button and select the desired item from the “All Programs” menu. After downloading the application, select the "File" menu and find the "New" line. When you hover your mouse over this text, action sub-items will appear. Find the “Maillist” item and left-click on it. A window for creating and editing a new list of mail recipients will open.

Enter a name for the list in the Name field. This way, you can create several different groups of recipients for different tasks, and then quickly switch between them. For example, “Customers”, “Employees”, “Friends” and so on.

Click the button labeled "Select Members" to add recipients from your address book. Find the person you need in the list and click OK. The recipient selection window will close and the recipient will appear in the mailing list; repeat until you have entered all the required addresses. This method is well suited if you have already entered the names and e-mails of those to whom you want to send mail in your Outlook address book. If this is a new name, you must use a different method for entering recipients.

Left-click on “Add”. A small window will open in which you will see the “Short Name” and “Email Address” fields. Copy and paste the name and address if you have an email from that person, or type the new name and address manually. Click OK (it will only become active after you enter your email address). The dialog box will close and a new line will appear in the list of recipients. Repeat this step as many times as necessary to add all mailing subscribers.

Click the “File” button at the top line of the window and select “Save.” Left-click it and in a few seconds the outlook mailing list will be created.


  • how to create a list


Call the main system menu by clicking the “Start” button and go to “All Programs”. Expand the Microsoft Office link and launch the Outlook application. In order to use the names of recipients located in the application's address book, expand the "File" menu in the top service panel of Oulook and select the "Create" command.

Select the Mailing List subcommand and type the desired name of the list you want to create in the Name line. Go to the "Distribution List" tab in the dialog box that opens and use the "Select Members" link. Specify the address book containing the desired email addresses in the Address Book directory. Type the name of the selected recipient in the “Search” line and highlight the identified name in the directory located under the search line. Click the “Participants” link and repeat all the above steps for each desired mailing addressee. Confirm the selected action by clicking OK.

If you send emails to a team frequently, you need to type or select the email addresses of all team members one by one every time you send an email. Luckily, Outlook has a feature to create a distribution list that includes all the email addresses of group members. You just need to select a mailing list, then your email address will be sent to all recipients specified in the mailing list. The following instructions will show you how to create and use a mailing list.

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Create and use a distribution list in Outlook

1. Launch Outlook 2013 or 2010, click home > New items. See screenshot:

2. Click More items > contact Group

3. On contact Group tape, click Add participants.

4. Select From the address book in the drop-down list to add participants.

5. in Select participants select one of the recipients and then click Community Users button. Repeat this operation until this distribution list includes all group member email addresses. Then click OK Button.

7. When you want to send an email to this team, select the mailing list from Select names dialog box, click To and then click OK button. See screenshot:

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Step-by-step instruction:

At creating a new contact in Outlook, it is sufficient (and mandatory) to specify the contact name. But it is extremely convenient to add other useful information to the contact information - place of work, home address, phone numbers and more. This will help clear your head and keep all the information in one place.

In order to do this, you just need to do the following:

  1. If, when you open Outlook, you do not see any contacts, click on the Contacts button available in the navigation panel (on the left side of the main program window):
  2. Click on the Create button (or press the key combination Ctrl+N)
  3. A window for creating a new contact in Outlook 2007 will appear, in which enter the contact’s first and last name and, if necessary (and in fact this is very convenient), information about the place of work and position:
  4. Add the email of the contact you are creating in Outlook 2007. The short name that will be available in the contact information will automatically appear after adding the email address. If desired (or necessary), add the website address:
  5. Outlook 2007 allows you to add up to three different email addresses to your contact information. By clicking on the drop-down menu:
    you can add an additional contact email address:
  6. In the "Telephones" section, add work, home, cell and fax phone numbers:
  7. In the "Addresses" section, enter the person's work address: The home address field is also available for filling:
  8. In the notes section, you can write various notes about the contact. Here you can place various information that you do not want to keep in your memory all the time - for example, this type:
  9. In the upper right corner of the window (just above “Notes”), you will see the contact card gradually filling with the data you enter:
  10. If you have added all the required information to the form fields creating a new contact in Outlook 2007, click on the “Save and Exit” button in the upper left part of the window:

The result of our actions will be the created contact, which will appear in the section Outlook 2007 Contacts:

As you yourself have seen, create a new contact in Outlook 2007 very easy!

There are situations when you have to send messages to a group of people. In order not to add the same people to the list of recipients every time, Outlook has the ability to automate this process.

Now let's move on to creating a contact group. Open Outlook 2010 and select the view " Contacts" and click on " home" Select the item “ Create a contact group"(Fig. 1)

In field " Name"enter the name of the group to which we will apply automatic mailing and select the item " Add participants».

Select the method by which we will add participants Contact groups: From Outlook contacts, from an existing address book, by creating a new contact. In our example, this is adding contacts from Outlook.

In the window that opens, select the contact that we want to add to Contact group and click on “ Participants" Then don’t forget to click on “ Save and close"(Fig. 2).

We check the correctness of our actions. Create a new message. In field " To whom…» write the name of the one we created Contact groups. If you need to remove some contacts from the mailing list, then in the “ To whom…» messages, click the plus sign (+) next to a mailing list name to see its contents, and then delete the names of people you don't want to send the message to (Figure 3).

Using BCC in Outlook

When corresponding by e-mail, it is convenient to copy all people who are interested in familiarizing themselves with the correspondence, but are not participating in it. In such cases, the recipient of the letter will see that the letter has arrived to him, and will also see all those who are in the copy of the letter.

But what to do when you don’t want to let your counterparty know that someone other than him is receiving this letter? In this case, use the Bcc field. Create a new email, go to the " Options" and select the menu " Show BCC recipients"(Fig. 1).

Enter the address and send the letter to the recipient.

The modern age comes with incredible intensity. Almost every day you have to perform actions, the speed of which determines the effectiveness of the activities, and after this, the success of your career growth may also depend.

Often you have to send out important correspondence. If letters are sent to the same users, then the pressing question arises of how to create a distribution group in Outlook, which will significantly save time, allowing you to perform several additional manipulations.

Indeed, the Outlook email application comes with many successful functionalities that make the process of completing many tasks easier.

If your professional tasks include working with a mail resource, including not only reading and sending messages, but also sending various materials to your immediate partners, it is really useful for you to study the information on how to create a mailing group in Outlook.

Forming a group of contacts

If you are interested in how to create a mailing list in Outlook, first of all, you should decide to whom you want or are required according to your job description to forward important letters. All of these users, in most cases, are already included in the Outlook contact list, but in order to save time, it is most useful to combine them into one common group.

Making a list

Making an instant mailing is absolutely easy if you create a list of business partners in advance. For this reason, your initial task is to create such a useful contact list for you, and for this, carefully study the recommendations of experienced users on how to create a mailing list in Outlook.

Launch the Outlook email application, at the bottom of the window on the left side you can easily find the “Contacts” menu, click on it.

Now on the horizontal menu ribbon, find and click the “Create Contact Group” button.

The mail app will prompt you to enter the name of the group you are creating.

You can come up with any name, just keep in mind that if you intend to create several groups for different occasions, then the name of each should be such that you do not confuse them in a hurry and do not send letters to the wrong destination.

When you have come up with a name and have already entered it into the line, click on the next button “Add participants”.

The mail application will immediately offer you several options for adding users, among which select the first option, which is focused on adding message recipients from the contacts of the Outlook application itself.

In the new window that opens, all you have to do is select the necessary contacts, and then click the “Participants” button. This way, you can create a list of all those to whom you should send certain correspondence.

Do not forget to click on “OK” when completing the formation of the contact list, otherwise, as a result of your forgetfulness, the list will not be saved, you will have to do all these manipulations again.

If you are just starting to work in such an application, you will not have a single email address listed in your Outlook address book; you will have to enter these addresses manually when creating a list of partners. Don’t be lazy and spend time once, and the next time you will be able to appreciate the benefits of the manipulations you have done.

How to send correspondence

After you have managed to create a list of all recipients with whom you have to maintain close contact every day through an email resource, all that remains is to understand how to send a newsletter to a created group in Outlook.

There is also nothing complicated about this, you will learn everything very quickly and remember it the first time.

Create a new message or open a letter that needs to be sent to all the partners you previously specified. In the "To" field, simply enter the name you came up with for the group. All email addresses of all partners will be added automatically. You won't see them because only the group name will appear in the address bar.

Enter the first characters from the name - and the group will be suggested automatically

To ensure that the letter goes to its destination, click “Send”, all participants will instantly receive a message from you.

It may also happen that you need to forward correspondence to these participants, but with a few exceptions.

In this case, initially do everything as described above, and after the group name is already indicated in the address bar, pay attention to the small plus sign nearby.

Click on this plus sign, immediately after this the entire list of recipients will open. If you need to remove someone because they do not need this particular letter, remove them from the recipients' contacts and send the letter immediately.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated either when creating a group list or when directly redirecting correspondence. Outlook is a great email app that has a ton of amazing features that make it easier to get things done, so get to know it and make your job easier while increasing your productivity.