How to hide correspondence in approx. How to hide correspondence in Odnoklassniki

08.03.2012 23:35 Question 1. I'm interested in the following question. When I delete correspondence and individual messages, do they only disappear for me? Do messages remain or are they automatically deleted from the recipient?
Answer: When deleting correspondence, the messages are deleted only on your page; they remain with the recipient.

Question 2. Is it possible to understand that spam is being sent from your account?
Answer: In such cases, friends usually report it.

Question 3. Please explain why the footnote “Do you have a significant other” is needed?
Answer: This is necessary so that users know your marital status.

Question 4. Is there an easier way to appoint one of the participants as a group moderator? Without looking for it in the long list of participants?
Answer: To make it easier to find him, ask him to leave the group and then re-enter it. In this case, he will be among the newcomers of the group, namely among the first. This makes it easier to find him.

Question 5. I left my page on, and upon entering I was taken to the page automatically. It turns out that someone hacked my page in my absence?
Answer: To constantly enter a password when entering the site, you need to uncheck the “remember password” box, and when leaving the site, clear your history and cookies. You can also disable the function of automatically remembering all passwords in your browser settings.

Question 6. Good afternoon One of my friends is sure that her gifts are stolen, since they disappear from her ahead of schedule. I told her that it was just a problem with the site, but she convinced me otherwise. Which one of us is right?
Answer: You are right. After all, even the owner of the page himself cannot delete them. The likely reason is that the donor's profile has been deleted.

Question 7. More than a week ago I deleted my profile on Odnoklassniki. Now I can't register again for the same phone number. Why?
Answer: Register for now with the number of someone from your family, and later in the settings under the main photo, change the phone number to the one you need.

Question 8. I don’t understand why in the top orange panel, where alerts, messages, etc. are located, all the words are written unclearly? Everything else on the page and the “exit” button are clearly written.
Answer: Your Internet browser is probably unstable. Try logging in from another browser, and uninstalling and reinstalling this one.

Question 9. I ask you for advice because I don’t know what to do? A strange friend with the name Admin just appeared as a friend online. odnoklassniki, 61 years old, odnoklassniki, Russia, and instead of a photo he has the logo of the Odnoklassniki website. Since I know that there are no such people on my list of friends, I went to his page. I found out that this is my friend, but he changed the photo. I wrote to him, no answer. I understand that it was hacked. And now what i can do? After all, the hacker's activity will begin now?
Answer: Most likely, your friend’s page has actually been hacked, you need to contact him in some other way and report it.

Question 10. Is there a way to view private profiles?
Answer: To view a private profile, you need to be this person's friend.

Question 11. How to delete all correspondence with all users? I deleted messages from each user one by one. And now I’ve come in, some users and their messages are in their place, as if I hadn’t deleted them. What to do? I want to completely clean everything.
Answer: You can only delete messages for each user individually.

Question 12. Tell me why I haven’t been able to open notifications, discussions, messages, etc. on my page for several days now? What do we have to do?

  1. Clear cookies and cache on your internet browser.
  2. When you enter the page, wait until it loads completely. If this still does not work, press the F5 button to refresh the page.
  3. If the previous methods do not help, you can open messages as before. There are columns at the bottom of the page; in the center, find the function you need and open it in a new tab. If this does not help you, reinstall your browser or log in from another one.
Question 13. On New Year's holidays, a window appeared on my Odnoklassniki page asking me to enter my password. Allegedly, this is all confidential and is required by the site administration. Without understanding anything right away, I entered my password, and my page was hacked, and it disappeared - I did not appear either in the list of my friends or through the search. Now I am writing from a new page. A few days ago, I completely accidentally found my old page, all the information on it has not disappeared anywhere. Why did it happen? Can I fully use my old account again?
Answer: Most likely, you followed a phishing link, where your login and password were fraudulently stolen. After which your page was temporarily blocked, but has now been restored again. Try to access it by entering your previous username and password.

Question 14. Are there free gifts on the Odnoklassniki website, or are they only for money?
Answer: All gifts are paid.

Question 15. How can I block access to my account to everyone except my friends?
Answer: It is possible to close a personal profile, but this is a paid service.

Question 16. Tell me how to open “My Forum” on your page yourself? Mine doesn't have it.
Answer: This forum is accessible through the "Other Sections" link, so you won't find it on the main page.

Question 17. Is it possible to turn off discussions? I turned off the news feed myself, but the discussion is not working.
Answer: In the discussion window above each there is a “do not discuss this topic” button.

Question 18. Is it possible to remove an unnecessary gift from the main photo? Or will he disappear on his own?
Answer: The gift from the main photo disappears after 7 days.

Question 19. I have been playing the game Farm Frenzy for a long time, but after the update the game became much worse. Is it possible to return everything as it was?
Answer: You need to ask this question in the official support group, every group has one. If, after updating the game, it does not work correctly, you must delete all temporary files from the browser and restart the game.

Question 20. Not long ago I found out that someone else is using my page on Odnoklassniki. The dates of the last visits do not coincide at all. Tell me, can anyone really find out the login and password for someone else’s page? It is so simple?
Answer: You need to change all passwords. Change the login and password for the site, the password for the email, and change the security question and answer there. To correspond by email, use a different email address that is not linked to your Odnoklassniki page. Check your computer for viruses and do not click on suspicious links.

Question 21. How can I copy text on the Odnoklassniki website?

  1. It is necessary to place the cursor either at the beginning of the message or at the end, without releasing the mouse button, move up or down the message, and all the characters seem to be covered with a bluish film. Right-click on the text selected in this way. In the table that opens, select “Copy”. In the window where you want to copy the text, click the right mouse button, a table appears, click “Paste”, and the text is copied.
  2. To copy any text, you need to press the Ctrl button on the keyboard, and while holding it, select the copy area, it is highlighted with a blue background. After that, in the English layout, press the following key combination Ctrl+C (copy), and in the window where the copied text needs to be pasted, press the key combination Ctrl+V (paste).
More entries

The social network Odnoklassniki confidently holds a position among the hundred most used in the world. Thousands of messages are sent here every second and they are all stored on servers. That is why we can always access our correspondence, read something again, or save the necessary data.

Very often, due to negligence, a person can delete either the entire dialogue or several messages. And then the question arises: how to restore correspondence in Odnoklassniki? The user starts typing it into the search bar and as a result downloads programs that supposedly should help.

How to restore correspondence and is it possible?

If you deleted a conversation with a person, you cannot restore it directly from the site. But don’t fall into despair - sometimes you can return to dialogue. We'll talk about how to do this below:

Appeal to a friend

If you need to find important information or read deleted messages in correspondence on a computer or phone, you can view them from your opponent (the person with whom the dialogue was conducted).

Notifications by mail

Odnoklassniki “know how” to send duplicate messages by email, but this function must be enabled. In order to do this, follow our instructions:

  1. First we need to open our profile settings. There is a mini-logo in the upper right part of the window - click on the arrow next to it and select the item in the drop-down menu "Change settings".

  1. In order for messages and other notifications to start arriving in our mail, you need to enable the corresponding function. Go to the “Notifications” tab and click on the link that we indicated in the screenshot.

  1. The next step requires you to specify our email address and password from Odnoklassniki. We do this, and then click “Save”.

  1. When you receive a confirmation email to our email, click on the button marked with an arrow in the picture below.

  1. After this, we will again be taken to the website and see a message stating that our email address has been confirmed.

  1. You can now activate sending messages by email. Check the boxes as shown in the screenshot and save the changes.

Now messages on your page will no longer be lost. You will always have a copy of them by email. Of course, if this feature was not previously enabled, all you have to do is contact helpdesk OK. We will tell you how best to do this below.


We can contact the administrators of Odnoklassniki and ask them to restore our correspondence, citing the fact that we deleted it accidentally.

In any case, follow our instructions:

  1. First, open the drop-down list in the upper right part of the window and select “Help” there.

  1. At the next stage, we will need to choose the topic of the appeal. In this case, these are messages. Therefore, click on the desired item.

  1. Scroll to the bottom of the page and select "Contact support".

  1. Next you need to fill in all the fields that you see in the screenshot below, and then click the button "Send a message".

  1. Our request has been accepted. We can only wait for an answer and hope that the administrators will help us.

There is no need to constantly send the same message to support. You will definitely get the answer to the first one. Most often the answer is negative, but it’s still worth a try, especially since it will only take a couple of minutes.

Recovery programs

If you are offered a program for free or for money that can restore correspondence in Odnoklassniki, you should know that this is a scam. All you get by installing this application is:

  • loss of control over your profile;
  • infection of a computer or laptop with viruses;
  • massive flooding of the browser with advertising;
  • loss of finances through theft of passwords from a PC.

We wrote in more detail about how to clean your computer from viruses.

As a result, we looked at all the methods that can answer the question: “how to recover deleted messages in Odnoklassniki?” If after reading you still have questions, comments or suggestions, write them in the comments. We will try to answer everyone as much as possible.

Sometimes a few simple messages can be the beginning of a true, strong friendship or even a tender relationship. This is especially true for the Odnoklassniki website - after all, on this social network you can meet users from literally all over the world! But what should you do if you accidentally deleted your important communication history? How to restore correspondence in Odnoklassniki and is it even possible? Our article will help you find answers to these questions.

Read about you can on our website in another article devoted to this particular topic.

Is it possible to restore correspondence in Odnoklassniki after deletion?

If you suddenly lost your message history with one user, then first you need to clarify whether you really deleted it or just accidentally clicked on the button that hides the correspondence with your friend. After all, there is such an option.

You can do this as follows:

If the correspondence was accidentally hidden and not deleted, then its entire history will immediately appear on your screen.

But is it possible to return and read truly deleted, and not hidden, correspondence in Odnoklassniki? This will be much more difficult, because the site developers do not provide for this at all. But there are still some ways and you can try to use them.

How to recover deleted correspondence in Odnoklassniki?

There are several options that make it more or less likely to return your lost messages. We will list them below and consider each in detail.

  • You can view notifications sent to you by SMS .

If you once activated the SMS notification service for messages coming to your profile from other users, then this can now help you. You should view the sent SMS, which contains the texts of the messages you received on Odnoklassniki. They can be read (if, of course, they have not yet been deleted), but, unfortunately, they cannot be returned to your account.

But, if you have not enabled this option, try the next option.

  • You can contact the site support service.

This method also does not guarantee you a 100% recovery of your chat history, since you need to find a really compelling reason to persuade the site administration to return the messages you deleted, but it’s worth a try.

  • You can ask your friend to forward all messages to you again.

If you still maintain good relations with the person whose messages disappeared from your profile due to a misunderstanding, then this option will be the easiest way to restore them. After all, when the messages were deleted from you, the interlocutor remained safe and sound. He may well resend them to you.

As you can see, restoring chat history that has been deleted is very problematic. Therefore, be careful when working with your account and control all the actions you perform. Also, you can ask questions on the topic in the comments to this article, and we will try to answer them for you.

How to restore correspondence

Social networks are becoming more popular every day. Indeed, this is a very convenient and fast way of communication. One of the most famous such resources in Russia and beyond is the Odnoklassniki website. Unfortunately, it happens that the user with whom you are corresponding is blocked by the site and all messages with him are deleted, or the account is hacked and absolutely all messages can be deleted. This article will help every person answer the question: how to restore correspondence in Odnoklassniki?

What to do first

To begin with, don’t panic and make sure that the correspondence with the person was truly deleted. There is a special function that can hide messages - it is called “hidden correspondence”. To make sure you need to:

  1. Go to the page of the person with whom the correspondence was deleted.
  2. Click on the “Write a new message” button - in this case, the hidden dialogue will be displayed again.

If, after performing the steps described above, the messages you are looking for do not appear, then restoring them will not be easy.

Help from a friend

If a dialogue with a person who was not blocked was accidentally deleted, then it is enough to contact this person with a request to forward the deleted correspondence, after which the problem will be quickly resolved.


There is a function in Odnoklassniki that involves notifications about each message in the form of an email. The entire text is displayed in the letter. In order to activate this function you must:

  1. Go to settings. The menu is located in the drop-down list located on the top panel on the right.

  1. Next, on the panel that opens, you need to select the “Notifications” icon, see if there are notifications about new messages, and if there is no checkmark, then it’s best to check it just in case.

If this function works, then just go to your email and look at the text of the dialogues you are interested in. This method is very useful, so this synchronization is recommended to everyone, so that if problems arise with deleting dialogs, they can be quickly resolved. So it’s better to always have all correspondence saved.

Contacting support

And finally, the last option is to contact support with a request for help after deleting correspondence, if the above methods did not help you.

  1. First you need to click on the “Help” icon, which is located next to the exit in the upper right corner.

  1. In the menu that opens, you need to find the link “How to contact support” and click on it.

  1. Detailed instructions will open. You will need to read it and write a special statement in which you will need to fill out absolutely all the fields in order to describe the problem that has arisen as completely and accurately as possible.

  1. In the goal column put “Services”, and in the topic column – “Messages”, then describe the problem as accurately as possible. Also, do not forget to indicate your email address.

It will take some time to respond to a request, so there is no need to constantly write statements - each user is always answered. Typically, such a wait involves up to 3 hours, but there are exceptions.

Thus, to restore deleted correspondence, there are only a few ways. Therefore, it is strongly recommended that you never save passwords to prevent hacking and regularly clear your browser history, at least once a week. And, of course, do not tell anyone or leave your personal data anywhere. It is also important to note that there are no special programs that can restore deleted dialogs.


  • Scroll down the open conversation with the user and find the “Hide Conversation” button. After clicking it, the dialogue will disappear from the page and will no longer bother you with its presence.
  • You can permanently delete correspondence with a user. You can only delete one conversation with a specific person at a time. To do this, from the main page of the social network, go to the “Messages” section, after which you will see a list of all dialogues with contacts.
  • Find the correspondence you need using the search bar and entering the person's name into it. If there is a small number of dialogues, just scroll down the page. Click on your friend's photo. In your message history, click on the “Delete all correspondence” button located at the top. In the future, to start a new dialogue with this person, you will need to go to his page and select the “Send message” option.
  • You can not delete all correspondence, but only individual messages. To do this, click on the one you don’t need and select the “Delete message” option. Confirm your actions by answering yes in the dialog box.
  • If necessary, you can limit the receipt of messages from other users by setting appropriate privacy settings. At the same time, your profile will be open, and those who are in your contact list will be able to send you messages. For other users, this function will be available only if you approve their friend request. Go to the "More" section, which is located under your photo. Left-click on it and open the “Change Settings” section. Go to the “Publicity Settings” line. Select the "Message me" option. Select the Allow Friends Only option.