How to make a cool channel design on youtube. YouTube channel design

Hello, friends. Vasily Blinov is in touch and today we will start making high-quality design for the channel on YouTube.

Let's break down the entire registration process step by step, dividing it into two stages. At the first stage, I will tell you how to beautifully design the main page of the channel, and at the second - about the design of the videos themselves so that they bring in new viewers, subscribers and are remembered with a unique style.

First of all, I think, you need to think about your unique style (design) not only for the channel header, but also for future and existing videos, so that they are somehow remembered by the audience, and they immediately recognize them by their appearance.

If possible, it is better to make a technical specification of how you imagine the design of your channel, and turn it over to professional designers who can do it beautifully. Or do it yourself for the first time; I will provide you with video tutorials.

Still, designing a channel on YouTube is not a permanent matter; after a while you will discover new ideas, understand what subscribers like and don’t like, and improve your channel in terms of design and quality of videos.

Design of the main page of the channel on YouTube

Let's start with the appearance of the channel itself, the setup of which can be divided into 4 stages:

  1. Creating and installing an avatar.
  2. Creating and installing a header.
  3. Creating playlists and customizing their display on the main page.

We could also add here, which we did in the previous lesson. They are also displayed on the main page and play a small role.

Channel icon

1. The first is the channel icon or avatar. It could be your photograph, a project logo, or just some kind of picture. Remember that it will appear under all your videos, in the header, comments, similar channels, search, subscriptions, statistics sites, advertising, etc.

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You will find all the details on how to do it correctly in a separate instruction.

Background image

2. The background (header) of the channel plays a more informational role for visitors; it usually complements the information about the channel. Shows visually whose channel it is and what it’s about. In a separate instruction, I will tell you how to make a header and why the size of the picture must be 2560 x 1440. I will also give you a bunch of ready-made templates to make it yourself.

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3. In the next step, we will make a channel trailer, which will be shown to new viewers who have not subscribed to the channel. It will need to tell and show in detail what the channel is about and make it clear what the person who subscribes to it will receive.

But we’ll get into it a little later, when we start filming, editing and uploading videos.

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Creating and organizing playlists

4. The last thing we will configure for the main page is the location of the playlists, but first we will need to create them. This is done so that it is convenient for the subscriber to view your videos, divided into separate sections.

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Now that we have designed the main YouTube page, all that remains is to prepare the design for future videos.

Making video recordings on the channel

Not everyone has the patience to take YouTube so seriously that they can also create videos. For many, the design of the main page is enough, but the video is uploaded in a clunky way, making a simple installation.

I suggest making all the blanks for the design of each video, then just insert new material into them and you’re done.

Corporate identity (channel logo)

5. The channel logo, so you understand, is an icon that appears in the lower right corner when watching a video.

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Screensaver (icon, preview) for video

6. Background icons for videos are also an important part of the design. It's worth making several design templates for video screensavers. A beautiful and, most importantly, catchy icon plays a big role in promoting the video and the entire channel.

As you can see in the screenshot, the video on the left has a video icon, and the three on the right simply have a frame taken from the video itself. They look much worse. Therefore, it is worth paying special attention to this point.

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Video intro (intro) at the beginning of the video

7. This and the last step are not so important, you can do without them, but these video intros have many advantages.

Please note that absolutely all films and TV series have an initial video, from which you can immediately understand who made this film or what kind of series it is. Any channel on YouTube is like a TV series, as new episodes (videos) are constantly uploaded to it. Therefore, it will be cool if you make your own unique intro.

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End screen

8. The splash screen at the end of the videos plays a slightly different role. It is usually done so that the viewer starts watching other videos that are announced at the end of the video, or does a simple action. For example, I subscribed to a channel, another social network. network, etc.

For example, I sometimes use the end screen as a navigator for video tutorials. A person immediately watches the next lesson, rather than looking for it somewhere in a bunch of videos.

If you don’t make an intro, then YouTube, as soon as the video ends, offers you to watch similar videos, and the viewer may leave your channel.

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When you complete all these 8 points, you can consider your channel 100% complete. All you have to do is not be lazy and process each new video.

Designer services and how much does design cost?

All that remains is to tell you how much it costs to design a channel on YouTube and where you can find a designer. Prices, as always, are different, someone can make a background banner for 300 rubles, and someone for 5,000.

You will essentially need to order:

  • logo;
  • hat;
  • a couple of templates for video icons;
  • preview;
  • end screen template.

A simple design will cost you approximately 2 - 3 thousand rubles. For a preview, you may have to contact specialists skilled in video editing separately, but any designer can do the rest. You just need to think through and write down what you want to see.

You can find specialists at. Just register, create a task and choose the designer you like.

Or you can contact my designer, I’ll post a link to him here a little later.

I hope you liked this article, subscribe to blog updates and ask your questions in the comments.

That's all for me today, let's move on to step-by-step lessons for each design item. I wish everyone good luck!

“They meet you by appearance, you see them off by video” - this is how, paraphrasing a well-known saying, we can characterize the topic of this article. No matter how interesting the videos you make, the inexpressive appearance of your channel, especially at the initial stage, can scare away potential fans of your work. Therefore, we will analyze in detail the question - how to design a channel on Youtube and give your virtual brainchild an attractive look. In addition, a channel with an original design is remembered faster and is easier to distinguish among the huge mass of other similar projects.

The newly created channel doesn’t look so great - a gray standard background, a faceless icon, and therefore we will change all this. After all, you must agree - it’s one thing to contemplate this

And something completely different - something like this

And we will start designing the YouTube channel by changing the background or, as it is also called, the header. This is the top banner that all visitors to your page see first. Bright and original - it will make the channel recognizable, indicate the theme and style.

How to make a header for a Youtube channel

There are two options to change the background. First, click on the big blue button right on the header with the inscription “Add channel design” and you will be taken to the image selection page.

Second, move the mouse cursor over the gray background. A pencil icon will appear in the upper right corner.

Click on it, then click on the white menu that appears with the inscription “Change channel design” and get back to the header editing window.

You can use pictures to design your YouTube channel:

  • Upload from computer.
  • Select any photo saved in your Google profile as the background.
  • Select a photo from the standard gallery, which contains free pictures. It is worth noting that the choice here is very scarce, and therefore this option should be used only as a last resort, when there are no other photos at hand.

If we select the “Upload photos” option, then either click on the “Select a file on your computer” button and look for the desired photo, or drag the already selected photo directly into the browser window in the area marked with a dotted line.

The optimal header size for a Youtube channel is 2560 x 1440. It is an image with this resolution that allows your background to be displayed correctly on all devices. Minimum – 2048 X 1152 px. In addition, the file size must be within 4 megabytes.

If you are not satisfied with what you see, for example, the company logo, slogan or contact information is not visible, click on “Crop” in the lower left corner and go to editing the photo visibility area for all users.

We move the visible part to the desired place, again look at how it looks on different devices. If you are satisfied with the result, confirm with the “Select” button and admire the result.

To make the header even more attractive, you can work on the image in Photoshop. Add captions, effects, or make a photo collage to the central part of the picture, which is visible on all devices. There are also online image editors that allow you to quickly create suitable headers for your Youtube channel.

Ava on YouTube channel

An avatar or icon is another way to add uniqueness to your project. You can use your photo or company logo as an avatar for your YouTube channel.

Again, point the mouse at the standard icon in the form of a stylized man. An icon with a pencil will appear - click on it.

We are asked to go to our Google+ profile. Click on “Edit” and go to settings, where we can upload an avatar.

We upload the image you like, if necessary, crop it and save it. The service recommends uploading square images in JPG, BMP, JPG, GIF (not animated), BMP or PNG format with a resolution of 800 X 800 px. It is prohibited to upload photos of celebrities, erotica or pornography, or images protected by copyright as an avatar.

Google promises that the channel icon will update automatically within a few minutes, but sometimes this process takes a little longer. To see the changes, just refresh the page after a while.

We figured out how to beautifully design a channel on Youtube, all that’s left to do is set it up and start filling it with interesting content.


If you are seriously working on your Youtube channel and planning to monetize it, then you should pay close attention to the design of your Youtube channel and organize your content in such a way that subscribers can stay longer on your videos and want to receive even more content!

Find out how to create a channel on Youtube, organize content into playlists, post videos and fill out the “Channel Details” page in our article!

How to create a channel on YouTube and design it beautifully

1. How to create a header for a youtube channel. To make your channel visually attractive, you need to design your channel header.

To do this, you will need an image measuring 2560 X 1440 pixels. Moreover, the most active part of the header, which will be visible on a variety of devices (computers, smartphones, tablets) is the area 1546 X 423. It is in this part that you can place the main image and inscriptions for the channel. This is the part that will not be hidden across devices.

The full header image (2560 X 1440 pixels) is displayed only on modern high-definition TVs connected to Youtube.

The header file size should be no more than 2 MB, jpg format is preferred.

2. Video design.
Agree, a video with a man with his mouth open is not very attractive. To create a channel design on YouTube, you should pay attention not only to the appearance of the channel itself, but also to the video content located on it.

Give attractive previews to all your videos. You can configure this in the “Creative Studio” section. You need to upload the image you like to the screensaver by clicking on the “Set as default icon” and “Save” buttons.

This way you can create previews from images with catchy titles for the video, and thereby attract even more views!

5. Playlists. Divide all your videos into thematic playlists. Create playlists for each topic you cover on your channel. Organizing the content will have a good effect on the reputation of the channel not only in the eyes of users, but also in the eyes of Youtube, since the video hosting management pays special attention to playlists. And soon there will be new features in playlists.

Now you understand how to design a channel on YouTube. Work with the above five elements and organize all your content.

In today's lesson we YouTube channel design theme.

After you register and configure your URL, I suggest you go to this bell.

Most likely, you will see the number three here, this is if you have just registered on YouTube.

Let's get a look. I don't have any news right now, but I'll look at what I've read. Since I registered a new gmail address especially for you, three messages appear: “Welcome to Google+”, “Fill out your profile” and offer a different subscription. We are interested in the second message - this is “Fill out your profile”. We click on it and a new window opens, where we need to click “Open profile”.

We find ourselves in a newly opened “window”. In order for you and me to be more loved and respected in the search engine, let's fill out the form. It is necessary to fill out all sections one by one. And at the end of each of them, click “Save and Continue.” Further. We can change the cover here, and to the left we can change the photo, it will immediately appear on your channel.

Now I open it and show how to work with it. You can find this program and download it safely at Alt Club. You will register for free at Alt Club, go to the “Libraries” section, and there you will find Fastum Kepche. So, you need a picture 250 by 250. Go to the folder where the picture is located. Right-click on it and select “View” from the drop-down menu. The picture is now very small. To increase it, I hold down the Ctrl key and press +. You see how the picture has enlarged.

We have set up the basics. Of course, there are many more things you can learn here, but this is not the priority. Let's go back to our account now and see how our photo has changed. We refresh the page and we see that the picture has changed and Alt Club has appeared. Now we move the cursor to the upper right corner and catch the “pencil” there and click. Two messages appear: “Change links” and “Change channel design”. Click “Edit links”.

Surely you have some projects that you would like people to visit. After all, you came to YouTube to earn money, find subscribers, and so on. Therefore, we need to make a description of the channel. Here we write that Alt Club is a free educational social network. Of course, here you write your text, you give information about yourself, about your company, that is, everything you want to tell about your channel. I will briefly write that here are Free computer literacy lessons.

We have a free Altoshka center for children. We have free subscriber recruitment training here. And so on. When a person comes to your channel, he will definitely be interested in what you wrote about yourself, about your business, about your work. Also here in the “About Channel” section it will be shown how many subscribers you have, how many views, and so on. You can also indicate Skype, be sure to write your email address, phone number, and so on and so forth. Click “Finish”.

Further. Custom links, what does that mean? This means that a person will come here and see your project. In this case, I will write my Alt Club project here and give a link to it, click “Finish”. As you can see here I have an active link. That is, a person, by visiting my channel and clicking on the link, will go to the Alt Club website. I can also edit this section and click “Add”. Let's say I can write an Alt Club Blog and give the blog address here. I click “Finish”.

Now we see that we already have three links, a person will come in and look at what I offer him.

Our lesson is over for today. Make your channel settings, and next time we will continue this topic.

Nastasya Gerasimenko.

If you are going to make video blogging your job, then you should take care not only of creating unique, interesting and high-quality content. The visual design of the channel and videos is another important aspect in this line of work. In this article, we have selected for you some tips and lessons that will help you create and customize a beautiful channel design.

Properly designed channel elements not only give it a beautiful look, but also increase user interest in your person. Thanks to this, the audience is more willing to watch videos and subscribe to new material. The entire registration process consists of several steps, let's look at them all in detail.

Step 1: Add an avatar

The choice of channel photography directly depends on the content you create. When talking about your life or, for example, travel, the right decision would be to install your personal photo. Before this, it is important to process it and add visual effects using a graphic editor. If the content is focused on completing games or a specific game, then it would be logical to use an original image that would include the name of the channel and additional elements related to the game. The main thing is, don’t be afraid to use your imagination and experiment. In addition, there are professionals in their field, artists and designers who will help you create a beautiful avatar.

Step 2: Add a Channel Header

A banner or header serves not only as an information board where you can indicate the schedule of videos or other important data, but also visually complements the channel. Here it’s the same as in the first step – everything depends on the topic of the channel. If it is a game, then you should create a beautiful banner with the logo or name of your project, add a variety of elements or stick to a minimalist character. Be sure to pay attention to the dimensions of the image before creating and uploading it, as the standards are a bit specific.

Step 3: Select a video as a channel trailer

Of course, a beautiful banner and avatar will impress new viewers, but they need to be interested in something else. A good solution would be to add a short trailer video that would talk about your channel, include clips from other videos, or you personally convey some information to visitors. Prepare a video up to a minute long in advance and upload it to YouTube. After this, it is enough to designate it as a trailer and the video will be displayed to new viewers.

In addition, it is worth noting that if you are engaged in game broadcasts or do not want to record video separately, then you can assign a stream or any other added recording as a trailer.

Step 4: Add Video Intros

In addition to the channel, you also need to design the video beautifully so that all the content on the page looks harmonious. When downloading new videos, pay attention to the option to add a screensaver. If a user finds your video in search or goes to the page, he will see a video with this image in the preview. It is important that the picture is chosen correctly and arouses the user’s interest. In addition, we recommend paying attention to the title of the post, this will help attract new viewers.

Step 5: Add Video End Screens

Now that you have a beautiful preview image, the user has proceeded to view and watched to the end, you need to further interest him. Adding end screens is also a visual design for the video. The viewer, seeing beautiful images of other posts and a link to the channel with a high-quality avatar, is more likely to click on these buttons and continue exploring the channel. Read more about designing end screens in our articles.

Step 6: Create Playlists

The design of the channel should not only be beautiful, but also convenient for visitors. Therefore, when adding videos, you should take care to sort them into thematic playlists in the correct sequence. In addition to convenience, this will also help increase the viewing time of videos, as the chance of the viewer moving on to other material increases. Read more about creating playlists in our article.

Today we looked in detail at a few simple steps that will help you beautifully and correctly design your YouTube channel. Thanks to these tips, you will not only get a visual design that is pleasing to the eye, but will also increase the interest of new viewers in the project’s content.