How to put a comma at the top on the keyboard. How to put an apostrophe on a Windows, Mac keyboard. Where is the comma on the keyboard?

An apostrophe (upper, superscript comma) is a non-literal spelling sign. Used in the Belarusian and Ukrainian languages ​​it replaces the letter “Ъ”, and in many other foreign languages ​​it replaces some vowels and voiced consonants and is used before a possessive suffix.

In the Russian language, the apostrophe was the predecessor of the hard sign, and is now used when writing foreign proper names and place names. If necessary, there are several ways to place a leading comma on the keyboard.

Put the top comma

You can place an apostrophe in text typed in Cyrillic using special characters and key combinations on the keyboard:

  • You can try switching the keyboard layout from Russian to English (Alt+Shift or Ctrl+Shift), then press the “E” key and switch the layout again;
  • Or hold down the Alt button and, holding it, sequentially type 0146 on the number pad of the keyboard (on the right side of it) (you will get this apostrophe: “’”) or 039 (the result will be the sign “"”);
  • The hard way: in the Word application, you need to select the “Insert” section in the menu, then the “Symbol” item (on the right) and find the apostrophe sign;
  • You can also type a word in the text that a priori contains an apostrophe. The spelling feature will highlight the given word as being misspelled. Next, all that remains is to accept the correction proposed by the system. Further typing should be done before the word with an apostrophe or copy the apostrophe from it (select it with the mouse, press Ctrl+C in any layout to copy it, then place the cursor in the place where you need to insert the apostrophe and press Ctrl+V to insert the symbol) .

Any of the actions can be performed only once, and then copy and paste the apostrophe as described in the last paragraph.

In programming languages, the "top comma" is used to write literals and comments. Even in the artificial language Esperanto, this symbol is needed to shorten the article and indicate the final vowel of nouns in the nominative singular.

One small character can create difficulties when writing even large and serious documents. One such symbol is the apostrophe. Moreover, the answer to the question how to put an apostrophe on the keyboard, is also of interest to those who constantly work with the Cyrillic keyboard layout and changing the layout every time becomes a waste of time.

How to put an apostrophe without changing the layout?

There are a few simple tricks that will greatly improve your experience when it comes to apostrophes in Word.

    1. While working in Word, typing in the Cyrillic layout, when you need to put a “comma on top”, hold down the Ctrl key and double-click on the Russian “E”. The apostrophe is not long in coming.
    2. Place the cursor in the place where the “'” symbol should appear, then hold down the Alt button and type 039 on the right side of the keyboard. However, remember that this method is not suitable for laptops, because it only works if there is a dedicated panel with number buttons.
    3. Another number combination with Alt also works well for such keyboards. Place the mouse cursor where the apostrophe should be, hold down the Alt button and type the numbers 0146 one by one. In this case, the apostrophe will turn out to be more ornate - “’”.
  1. In addition, you have the opportunity to put an “inverted” apostrophe by pressing and holding the Ctrl key and simultaneously double-clicking the button with the Russian “Ё” (in the upper left corner of the keyboard).

Remember - if you use combinations with the numeric keypad to put an apostrophe on your keyboard, the latter must be turned on! If it is turned off (in which case the first light on the left above the numeric keypad will not light up), press the NumLock key.

If necessary, there are several ways to place a leading comma on the keyboard. To add a leading comma, go to the “Insert” menu and select “Special characters...”. The top comma is properly called an apostrophe. Therefore, those who often type a large number of texts learn a different way of setting the top comma. Let's look at the ways you can print the top comma.

Only this is not called a “comma on top”, but, accordingly, an apostrophe and a gravis (or a back apostrophe or a side accent sign). Look at the letters “E” and “E” on the keyboard. As a result of these actions, an apostrophe will appear at the location of the cursor instead of the typed numbers.

Everything would be fine, but I didn’t know how to put an apostrophe!! The computer science teacher said that if I don’t know how to put an apostrophe, then I simply cannot be given a grade higher than a C. In the Russian layout, without switching anywhere, we get an apostrophe with the key combination Alt + number 39 on the numeric keypad.

We put the upper comma on the keyboard using a key combination

An apostrophe is a non-literal spelling sign in the form of a superscript comma, which is used in the alphabetic writing of different languages ​​in various functions. There is another way to put an apostrophe, a little more complex and less convenient, but, nevertheless, quite working.

The numbers typed at the top of it will not work. Since the apostrophe is very often used in English, you can type it by changing your keyboard layout to English. The Microsoft Word text editor will allow you to add an apostrophe. Let's look at the example of version 2007. Click on the “Insert” menu and select the “Symbol” item there.

After this, press the key with the Russian letter “E” on the keyboard

It's located to the left of the Enter key. Just be sure to use the numeric keypad located to the right of the main one. My keyboard is generally Latin, and does not include Cyrillic. The apostrophe is very often used in English (for example, the word it’s - short for it is), sometimes in Russian. The next step is to press the letter E on your keyboard.

There is another type of apostrophe on the keyboard, as far as I know it is used in Ukrainian, although I could be wrong

In this case, it is very important that this method only works with the numeric keypad, which is located on the right side of the main keyboard. If you are using a laptop, then typing in this case is usually done with the Fn button pressed. I recommend using the first method as the simplest and most convenient. But you must type numbers on the number pad of the keyboard, and not in the row that is located above the letters, otherwise nothing will work.

Accordingly, when typing texts in English, it is often necessary to enter this character in the editor used. Internet search statistics show that a certain number of users have problems with the apostrophe. Most often this is done using the Ctrl+Shift or Alt+Shift key combination. I didn’t know about the second method before, I only used the first, thanks, maybe it will come in handy in the future.

I’ve been tormented all my life, I went to “Insert”, selected “Symbol” there, and in the appearing list of various symbols I selected an apostrophe, then clicked “OK”. The whole story. I remember that unfortunate day when there was a computer science lesson at school. In the English layout, a key that corresponds to the letter e in Russian. In the picture it is highlighted with a green circle.

The apostrophe will appear in the place where you wanted

As you can see, I no longer have problems with the apostrophe, but I can’t get the apostrophe through “E”. Some users don't know how to do this, so they simply copy the sign from other words. Believe me, there is a much easier way. Remember. To translate the layout, you need to press the key combination CTRL+SHIFT or ALT+SHIFT, depending on the settings of your operating system.

However, if you press the NumLock button, the numeric block will turn on the alphabetic one, and you can carry out the necessary manipulations. After this, close the window. The required icon appears in the document. A similar function is available in the free text editor OpenOffice Writer. You can use the symbol program built into Windows.

Select the appropriate font and double-click on the apostrophe icon or select it and click “Select”. Now select it, copy it to the clipboard and paste it where necessary. This is done by successively pressing the key combinations Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V. In the Russian language, the apostrophe was the predecessor of the hard sign, and is now used when writing foreign proper names and place names.

The comma is lowercase on the Del key of the numeric keypad if the Russian locale is selected. Convert the keyboard to the English layout. To begin, select the place in the text where you want to add a leading comma. Open the text with an editor in which you need to put an apostrophe and place the cursor in the desired place by left clicking after the mouse hover. It's easy to install. Hold down the Alt key on your keyboard.

The upper comma or apostrophe, as it is correctly called, is often used in English, French, Ukrainian and Belarusian, but there are times when it needs to be written in a Russian word. This can be done using the keyboard buttons or a special text editor menu.

An apostrophe is a non-literal spelling symbol in the form of an upper superscript comma, which is used in Russian in the following cases:

  • foreign proper names with an apostrophe, most often preceded by the letters “D” and “O” (for example, D’artagnan, O’Connor);
  • foreign geographical names (for example, Côte d'Or);
  • words written in Latin letters with a Russian suffix (E-mail).

Let's look at the ways you can print the top comma. To begin with, the simplest one. With the Russian keyboard layout, press the Ctrl button and, holding it, double-click the key with the letter “e”. We get the following symbol “’”.

Since the apostrophe is very often used in English, you can type it by changing your keyboard layout to English. Now press the same button with the image “e”. A “‘” icon will appear on the screen.

In the Ukrainian layout, the top comma is also placed on a separate key and is located where the Russian letter “е” is. Press it and get “’”.

You can add an upper comma using ASCII codes. For example, if you hold down the Alt key and type 039, the symbol “’” will appear at the cursor location. Now enter 0146, also holding Alt. We see “’” on the display.

But you must type numbers on the number pad of the keyboard, and not in the row that is located above the letters, otherwise nothing will work. This will be a bit problematic for laptop users. However, if you press the NumLock button, the numeric block will turn on the alphabetic one, and you can carry out the necessary manipulations.

The Microsoft Word text editor will allow you to add an apostrophe. Let's look at the example of version 2007. Click on the “Insert” menu and select the “Symbol” item there. In the pop-up window, click on the inscription “Other symbols...”. Now in the “Font” field we set “Plain text” and among the presented characters we select the one we need. It can be “’” and others. Double-click on it or select it and click “Insert”. After this, close the window. The required icon appears in the document.

A similar function is available in the free text editor OpenOffice Writer. To add a leading comma, go to the “Insert” menu and select “Special characters...”. In the “Select Character” window that opens, select “Basic Latin” or “Additional diacritics” in the “Set” field. Select the desired symbol and double-click on it or select it and click OK.

You can use the symbol program built into Windows. Go to the Start menu. Select “All Programs”, then “Standard”, and then “Service”. Open the “Symbol Table” utility. Select the appropriate font and double-click on the apostrophe icon or select it and click “Select”. It will appear in the To Copy field. Now select it, copy it to the clipboard and paste it where necessary. This is done by successively pressing the key combinations Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V.

Now you know how to place a leading comma in different ways, and you can choose the one that is most convenient for you. And to make your work easier, you can print it only once, and then simply copy and paste it into the right place.

Types of commas

When thinking about where the “comma on top” is on the keyboard, the user should understand that apostrophes come in different forms. And therefore there is no clear answer to the question posed.

At the moment you can find a regular apostrophe. This is a comma, the tail of which “looks” in one direction or another.

You can work with a slanted apostrophe. This is a comma that is placed above a character slanted strongly to the right. Often found in English texts.

In addition, the “comma on top” can be double. This symbol is usually called double quotes. We'll talk about them too.

Standard apostrophe seal

How to put a “comma on top” on the keyboard? It’s worth starting with the most common scenario. We are talking about printing a single “slanted” apostrophe.

In this case, you will have to perform the following manipulations:

  1. Switch keyboard layout to English.
  2. Place the cursor in a particular place in the text.
  3. Press the button with the letter “E”.

This algorithm can be repeated as many times as the number of characters required by the user. The reception does not cause any real difficulties.

Italic apostrophe

How to put a “comma on top” on the keyboard? The following technique will help you install a slanted apostrophe. The user will not need any skills or abilities to complete the task.

The instructions for installing the corresponding symbol have the following interpretation:

  1. Switch the language to English.
  2. Press the button with the letter “E”.

There is no need to do any further manipulations. We found out where the “comma on top” is on the keyboard. What other ways are there to bring your idea to life?

Digital code

For example, you can use a non-standard solution. We are talking about using a digital character code. Using specialized combinations, the user can easily insert characters in the text that are not on the keyboard. And the signs on it too.

How to put a “comma on top” on the keyboard? You can use the following form of instructions:

  1. Enable Num Lock mode.
  2. Press the Alt button.
  3. Type code 0146 while holding Alt.
  4. Release the pressed keys.

The manipulations performed will provoke the writing of a regular apostrophe. This technique, as a rule, is not in great demand, because not everyone knows the combination responsible for printing the “comma”.

Inserting characters into text

We found out how a “top comma” can be placed on the keyboard. What needs to be done to easily print any types of apostrophes in the text? It's not as difficult as it seems.

Let's consider this action using the MS Word text editor as an example. The so-called special insert comes to the rescue. This operation allows you to easily print a variety of characters in text. For example, “trademark” icons and more. The main thing is to find the corresponding symbol.

How to put a comma on top? There are only a few corresponding symbols on the keyboard. To install all existing types of apostrophes in the text, you must perform the following steps:

  1. Go to MS Word.
  2. Open the “Insert” menu item.
  3. Select the line “Symbol...” or “Paste Special”.
  4. A window with various symbols will appear on the screen. Among them, the user will have to find one or another type of apostrophe.
  5. Double click on the selected element. It will appear in the location of the cursor installed in the editor.
  6. Repeat the process as many times as necessary.

Double commas

The last tip will help you immediately put double quotes (or two “commas on top”). This method involves using the keyboard.

Here are instructions to help you set double quotes as commas:

  1. Press "Shift" and press the "2" button on the keyboard. We are talking about the key located above the alphabet.
  2. Switch the keyboard layout to English, press “Shift”, and then press the letter “E”.

It is done. We have figured out the basic ways to print an apostrophe and double commas on top. Where is the top comma on the keyboard? Finding it is easier than it seems. The answer to this question will no longer confuse you.

In Microsoft Word documents you do not always need to work with text in Russian. And, for example, in English or Ukrainian, quite often there is a need to put an apostrophe in words. And this is where users have questions: how to do this, which buttons to press? Let's figure it out in this article.

If when the English keyboard layout is turned on, everything is more or less clear, then when typing in Ukrainian, everything is not so simple - here you won’t be able to press a couple of buttons. Therefore, now I’ll tell you what combinations you can use in Word to insert an apostrophe, and how to assign your own to quickly insert the required character into a document.

How to make an apostrophe in Word using the keyboard

Turn on the English keyboard layout and place italics after the letter where it should appear.

This method is good to use if you are printing a document in English. If your document is in Ukrainian, then constantly switching the keyboard layout is not very convenient. So let's move on to the following methods.

Using keyboard shortcuts

To insert a comma at the top of a word, you can use various combinations of buttons. Since in the ASCII table, each character corresponds to a certain number, for the apostrophe it is “39”.

Press and hold "Alt" on your keyboard and type "39" on the numeric keypad. This is the result.

Since the “Alt+39” combination adds quotation marks to Word, if there is a space in front of the italics instead of a letter, after pressing the combination an opening quotation mark will be inserted, pressing it again will add a closing quotation mark - which is exactly what we need.

If you set italics immediately after the letter in the word and press the combination, then a suitable, in our case, closing quotation mark will be immediately added.

There is also a combination “Alt+0146”. Press and hold the “Alt” button and alternately press “0146” on the numeric keypad located on the right.

You can also use this combination - “Alt+8217”. It is typed in the same way as the previous two - use the numbers from the numeric keypad.

With its help, the sign we need is obtained in different forms. If you put italics after the letter, it will look softer; if italics are placed after the space, it will look like a dot with a tail at the bottom.

Using the above combinations, an apostrophe will be added to the text with any keyboard layout enabled.

Inserting via the Symbol Table

You can add an apostrophe to the desired word using a ready-made table of Symbols.

Set italics in the desired word, go to the “Insert” tab and in the “Characters” group, click on the corresponding button.

A drop-down list will open in which you can select the apostrophe sign, but only after inserting it into the document for the first time. Now click on the item "Other symbols".

A window like this will open. In the "Font" field, set "(plain text)", in the “Set” field – "punctuation marks". Find what you need in the list, select it by clicking on it and click “Insert”. The apostrophe symbol will be added to the document, and this window can be closed by clicking on the corresponding button at the bottom right.

In this window, by selecting the required symbol in the list, you can see which hot keys correspond to it. This is “Alt+0146”, we have already talked about them.

You can also find the desired character if you select “Font” - "(plain text)", and “Set” – "letters change spaces". Select the desired character by clicking the mouse and click the “Insert” button to add it to the document. Then “Close” to close the window.

Here, too, there is a combination for the selected character - “02BC, Alt+X”, but it only works when the English keyboard layout is selected, since it uses letters. Type “02BC” on the keyboard, and then press “Alt + X” and you will get the desired character.

Assigning a keyboard shortcut

If you are used to using hot combinations when working with various programs, and for some reason the combinations given above do not suit you, you can set them yourself.

To do this, open the “Symbol” window, as described above, and select the desired symbol from the list provided. Then click on the button "Keyboard shortcut".

A window will open "Keyboard Settings". Make sure the correct one is selected in the “Commands” field. Then click "New keyboard shortcut" and press the keyboard buttons you want to use. Attention! Just click, you don’t need to print them - in the example, I pressed the combination “Alt+Z”.

Then make sure that in the field "Current assignment" stands "[no]". If another team is indicated there, then you need to come up with a different combination. In field "Save changes to" select “Normal” so that this combination can also be used in all other Word documents. Then click the “Assign” button. Close the window.

Now, when you select an apostrophe, the list below will indicate which buttons to use for insertion.

I hope one of the methods described in this article for adding an apostrophe to a Word document will suit you.

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If necessary, there are several ways to place a leading comma on the keyboard. To add a leading comma, go to the “Insert” menu and select “Special characters...”. The top comma is properly called an apostrophe. Therefore, those who often type a large number of texts learn a different way of setting the top comma. Let's look at the ways you can print the top comma.

Only this is not called a “comma on top”, but, accordingly, an apostrophe and a gravis (or a back apostrophe or a side accent sign). Look at the letters “E” and “E” on the keyboard. As a result of these actions, an apostrophe will appear at the location of the cursor instead of the typed numbers.

Everything would be fine, but I didn’t know how to put an apostrophe!! The computer science teacher said that if I don’t know how to put an apostrophe, then I simply cannot be given a grade higher than a C. In the Russian layout, without switching anywhere, we get an apostrophe with the key combination Alt + number 39 on the numeric keypad.

We put the upper comma on the keyboard using a key combination

An apostrophe is a non-literal spelling sign in the form of a superscript comma, which is used in the alphabetic writing of different languages ​​in various functions. There is another way to put an apostrophe, a little more complex and less convenient, but, nevertheless, quite working.

The numbers typed at the top of it will not work. Since the apostrophe is very often used in English, you can type it by changing your keyboard layout to English. The Microsoft Word text editor will allow you to add an apostrophe. Let's look at the example of version 2007. Click on the “Insert” menu and select the “Symbol” item there.

After this, press the key with the Russian letter “E” on the keyboard

It's located to the left of the Enter key. Just be sure to use the numeric keypad located to the right of the main one. My keyboard is generally Latin, and does not include Cyrillic. The apostrophe is very often used in English (for example, the word it’s - short for it is), sometimes in Russian. The next step is to press the letter E on your keyboard.

There is another type of apostrophe on the keyboard, as far as I know it is used in Ukrainian, although I could be wrong

In this case, it is very important that this method only works with the numeric keypad, which is located on the right side of the main keyboard. If you are using a laptop, then typing in this case is usually done with the Fn button pressed. I recommend using the first method as the simplest and most convenient. But you must type numbers on the number pad of the keyboard, and not in the row that is located above the letters, otherwise nothing will work.

Accordingly, when typing texts in English, it is often necessary to enter this character in the editor used. Internet search statistics show that a certain number of users have problems with the apostrophe. Most often this is done using the Ctrl+Shift or Alt+Shift key combination. I didn’t know about the second method before, I only used the first, thanks, maybe it will come in handy in the future.

I’ve been tormented all my life, I went to “Insert”, selected “Symbol” there, and in the appearing list of various symbols I selected an apostrophe, then clicked “OK”. The whole story. I remember that unfortunate day when there was a computer science lesson at school. In the English layout, a key that corresponds to the letter e in Russian. In the picture it is highlighted with a green circle.

The apostrophe will appear in the place where you wanted

As you can see, I no longer have problems with the apostrophe, but I can’t get the apostrophe through “E”. Some users don't know how to do this, so they simply copy the sign from other words. Believe me, there is a much easier way. Remember. To translate the layout, you need to press the key combination CTRL+SHIFT or ALT+SHIFT, depending on the settings of your operating system.

However, if you press the NumLock button, the numeric block will turn on the alphabetic one, and you can carry out the necessary manipulations. After this, close the window. The required icon appears in the document. A similar function is available in the free text editor OpenOffice Writer. You can use the symbol program built into Windows.

Select the appropriate font and double-click on the apostrophe icon or select it and click “Select”. Now select it, copy it to the clipboard and paste it where necessary. This is done by successively pressing the key combinations Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V. In the Russian language, the apostrophe was the predecessor of the hard sign, and is now used when writing foreign proper names and place names.

The comma is lowercase on the Del key of the numeric keypad if the Russian locale is selected. Convert the keyboard to the English layout. To begin, select the place in the text where you want to add a leading comma. Open the text with an editor in which you need to put an apostrophe and place the cursor in the desired place by left clicking after the mouse hover. It's easy to install. Hold down the Alt key on your keyboard.