How to change the computer name on the network. How to change the computer and workgroup name


To give your computer an original name, go to the main system settings. To do this, right-click on the “My Computer” shortcut to bring up the context menu. Select the bottom "Properties" item. A window for basic system and computer settings will open. This indicates the name of the operating system, its bit depth, computer performance expressed by a special index, system license activation data, as well as the names of the computer and group.

Click on “Change settings” to open the network name and group settings window - it is also one of the tabs in the “System Properties” window. Click on the "Change..." button - the "Changing computer name or domain" window will open.

Change the computer name as you wish. You should not set names that are too long: when displayed, the name will be shortened, as is customary in Windows for long shortcut names. As a rule, it is better to enter the name in the language, since many applications, when connecting to a local network, automatically use the name of your personal computer and detect only Latin characters and numbers. Save your changes.

The operating system will warn you that you need to restart the computer to complete the renaming procedure. Do this and then open System Properties again to check the results of your actions.

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Renaming a group is rarely drastic. Most often, some inaccuracies in the title are corrected and new information is added. Changing the name on a social network can only be done by its administrators.


In the Name field, enter a new name for the community. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click the "Save" button.

Video on the topic


When choosing a new name, consider some requirements. For example, if you want the community to remain recognizable and cover the same issue, the keywords of the previous name or synonyms should remain in it. Example: if the community was dedicated to the work of the musical group “Polar Bears,” you can change the name to “Polar Bears: Tour of the cities of the Moscow region. Tickets are on sale now!” Another option: “Polar bears aka Polar explorers.” Over time, the group can be completely renamed “Polar Explorers”
If there is a radical change in the name or activity of the community, an outflow of users may occur.


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During normal operation at the computer, it Name Usually you don't need to know. However, when creating a local network or testing its functionality, you may need to define a name computer, located on the network. This is not difficult to do.


In order to find out Name computer in the Windows Xp operating system environment, go to the desktop and find the shortcut with the image computer. Next, right-click on this shortcut and select “Properties” from the menu that appears.

If this shortcut is not on your desktop, you can use the control panel. To do this, click on the “Start” button, thereby calling up the menu of the same name, in which you need to find the “My Computer” item. As when working with a shortcut, right-click on this item and select “Properties” (the very last one in the list) in the context menu.

In addition, there is another way to display a window with system properties. It may not be the fastest, but it still shouldn't be overlooked. To do this, as in the previous paragraph, open the “Start” menu, but now select “Control Panel”. When you click on this menu item, you will see a window with many icons, of which we are interested in the icon with a computer, on the screen of which there is a red check mark (labeled “System”). Double click on this shortcut.

Next in this window we are interested in the “Name” tab computer" By selecting it, we will receive an information window informing not only Name computer, but also the workgroup in which this computer is currently a member.

As you might have guessed, in the tab that opens we are interested in the line “Full Name", opposite which the real is written Name your his computer.

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The task of renaming the selected network in the Windows 7 and Windows Vista operating systems can be performed using the Network and Sharing Center, which provides the user with the functions of configuring all settings and managing the computer’s network connections.


Click the "Start" button to open the main menu of the Windows Vista or Windows 7 operating system and enter the value " net" in the search bar field to perform the operation of renaming the selected network. (An alternative way to open the main window of the Network and Sharing Center is to right-click on the "Network" icon on the computer desktop and select the "Properties" item in the drop-down context menu. It is also possible to launch the required element through the network shortcut in the notification area.)

Call up the new “Configure network properties” dialog box by double-clicking on the icon of the selected network and enter the desired value for the new network name in the “Network name” field.

Click the “Change” button to select the required image symbolizing the parameters to be changed net(if necessary), and click OK to confirm that the selected changes are applied.

Return to the main Start menu and go to Control Panel to perform the operation of renaming the selected VPN connection.

Call the context menu of the connection name to be changed by right-clicking and specify the Rename command.

Enter the desired name for the selected VPN connection in the text field of the dialog box that opens and click OK to apply the required changes.


Use the capabilities provided by the Network and Sharing Center and the Network Connection Setup Wizard tool, which is one of the center components, to configure additional settings for displaying all network connections on your computer.

Helpful advice

Carrying out some of the above operations requires administrative access to computer resources.


  • How to change the network name and icon in Windows 7 in 2019
  • Renaming a VPN connection in Windows 7 in 2019

When accessing disks, folders, or the optical drive of someone else's computer on the local network, the system uses the addresses of these devices and objects, which include the network name of the remote computer. The same goes for accessing a printer, flash drive, and other peripheral devices connected to someone else’s computer. You can change this network name in the operating system settings.

On the “Computer Name” tab in the system properties window, click the “Change” button, after which, finally, a window will appear with the “Computer Name” field, the value of which you need to change. Enter a new Internet name, following standard rules for Internet names. They allow the use of letters only from the Latin alphabet, as well as numbers and some symbols, with the exception of special ones. Prohibited items include, for example; : " * + \ | , ? =. Microsoft recommends that names be short and descriptive, no longer than 15 characters. Additionally, they should not contain only numbers and cannot contain spaces.

Then click OK and close Control Panel. If the computer is part of a domain, the system will also require you to enter the password of a user who has the right to change the names of computers in the domain. And if the domain is not used, note that other computers on the local network will try to find resources on this computer (for example, a network drive) at the same address. Therefore, you will need to manually change the name in the network resource address or disconnect it and connect it again.


  • how to change computer name in windows xp

More and more people using personal computers are trying to find out how to change the username in Windows 10, since many of the default logins set by the system do not meet the requirements for work. This operation simplifies the use of the system and allows you to more conveniently and accurately define work groups and devices. There are various ways to change the name in the latest version of Microsoft Windows.

How to change login on Windows 10

The simplest way to change the user name in Windows 10 is to change the system account settings. This function is accessed through the Start menu, where you need to click on the icon with the avatar and user name. You can also go to the system control panel and select “User Accounts”.

In the window that opens, you can rename the profile of both your own and other users (if you are logged in as an administrator).

Enter the desired name and confirm it by pressing Enter. Now you can see it in the Start menu, on the boot screen and other places. Computer owners interested in how to change the username on Windows 10 should keep in mind that it is better to indicate any system name in Latin letters. The use of Cyrillic is allowed, however, this may cause conflicts with some programs that do not support the Russian language, where the name in this font will be displayed incorrectly. Think about this if you want to thoroughly understand how to change your username on Windows 10.

Changing the name of the computer and workgroup

To change the name of the computer and workgroup in Windows, the same sequence of actions is used. Go to the “Start” menu and click on the name of the “PC Settings” item. Go to the “System” tab, where you will see the current name of the computer and workgroup. Click “Change settings” to make changes and in the window that opens, rename your computer and, if desired, your account, confirming the action by clicking OK.

Please note that the change you make will only become active after you restart your computer.

You can perform this operation immediately by clicking on the button that appears, or later, after completing active applications. If your computer is connected to other devices in the house over a network, you should also remember to rename the network connection (for example, by restarting the router) so that it appears in network groups accordingly.

Creating a new user and deleting accounts

If you are interested in how to change the Windows 10 username, be sure to keep in mind that some applications begin to work incorrectly after a standard change of username or workgroup. In addition, some of the system folders can no longer be renamed or moved to other directories. If a similar phenomenon occurs on your computer, the best solution would be to create a new account and make it the default account (transfer administrator rights). To get started, use the standard system features by going to the Start menu, clicking on your avatar and selecting “Change account name.”

In the window that appears, select the function to change parameters. Go to the “Family and other users” tab and then select the option to add a new profile for the current computer. Many people ask questions about how to rename Windows 10 users or create new ones without online connection.

The fact is that by default, when creating a new profile, a computer running Windows 10 automatically binds it to the Microsoft server, connecting to the system manufacturer’s website. This is not convenient for all users, since access to various data will require a constantly active Internet connection, so the corresponding option can be disabled.

To avoid synchronizing with Microsoft servers, create a new profile without specifying an existing email address, and also check the “Add without a Microsoft account” checkbox.

Now you can specify the desired name and, if necessary, set a password, supplementing it with a hint for recovery in case of loss. Give the created profile administrator rights by selecting the “Change account type” function and selecting “Administrator” here. Restart your computer to sign in with your new settings.

After creating a new profile, you most likely won't need the old one anymore, so you can delete an unused account in Windows 10. Use the account settings window you already know, which opens through the Start menu or Control Panel. Here you can go to the options of any profile that is not a computer administrator and select “Delete”.

Be sure to first save all unnecessary profile data from the Users directory on your hard drive in a separate folder or on removable media, as they will be deleted from the default folder immediately after the current user record is deleted.

Performing these actions is not difficult and is done quite quickly. It is worth noting that for this you need to have administrator rights. In addition, the use of Cyrillic characters and special characters is not provided.

To rename a PC running Windows 7 you need to:

Allowed use of Latin characters and hyphens. Russian letters and other special characters should be avoided. The new name will become active the next time you turn on the device.

How to change name in Windows 10

Through system settings

One solution is to use " Parameters" To open the required settings window you need to:

Changes will take effect after reboot device, about which the user will also be notified by the system.

Through system properties

The settings menu, designed specifically for Windows 10, is not the only place where you can set a new device name. To use more familiar interfaces you need to:

Renaming via the command line

Changing this parameter is also available through the console. For this purpose in cmd with administrator rights you must enter the command «% computername%"callrenamename=”New computer name”. To avoid problems, it is recommended to use only Latin letters. After restarting the device, its name will be changed.

Change in Windows 8

The override of this parameter in this version of the operating system from Microsoft is somewhat different from previous ones. This state of affairs is caused by a differently constructed interface logic.

To change your name in Windows 8, you will need to follow these steps:

Now the device will contain in its parameters a different identifier assigned by the user. This is especially useful within a local network, when it becomes obvious who the owner of the device is. You should avoid identical names within the same node, otherwise there is a high probability of network conflicts.

In this article, we will look at a short instruction on how to change the computer name in the Windows 10 operating system. To perform these actions, you must have administrator rights.

So why change the computer name? According to Microsoft help, any computer on the network must have its own unique name. Thus, two different computers identify each other and interact. This is especially true when we are talking about several organizations and PCs located there, constantly in contact with each other.

By default, each computer has its own name, but any user, if desired, can change it at any time.

This procedure can be performed in several ways. It is worth saying that it is advisable to assign short and understandable names. Combinations of symbols and letters are possible, without spaces.

First way.

Let's move on to the next path Start - Settings - System. In the window that opens, select the “About the system” tab in the left column and click “Rename your computer.”

We enter a pre-invented name into the window, click “Next” and after restarting the computer, it will be assigned a new name.

Second way.

This method may be most familiar to users, as it was used in some previous versions of Windows.

Right-click on the “Start” menu and go to “System”. Next, select “Advanced settings” (you can also click “Change settings”).

In the “System Properties” window, open the “Computer name” tab, then “Change”.

And the final step is to indicate the new computer name and click “OK”.

Third way.

This is a shortened version of the second method. Right-click on the “Start” menu and select “Run”.

Enter the command sysdm.cpl and click “OK”. Next, we perform the steps described above. After you restart your computer, the changes will take effect.

Not all users know that each computer running Windows has its own name. Actually, this only becomes important when you start working on a network, including a local one. After all, the name of your device will be displayed to other users connected to the network exactly as it is written in the PC settings. Let's find out how to change the computer name in Windows 7.

First of all, let's find out which name can be assigned to a computer and which cannot. The PC name can include Latin characters of any register, numbers, and a hyphen. The use of special characters and spaces is excluded. That is, you will not be able to include the following characters in the name:

@ ~ () + = ` ? ^! $ « “ . / , # % & : ; |\ { } * №

It is also undesirable to use letters from Cyrillic or other alphabets other than Latin.

In addition, it is important to know that you can successfully complete the procedures described in this article only by logging in as an administrator. Once you have decided what name you will give to your computer, you can proceed to changing the name. There are two ways to do this.

Method 1: “System Properties”

First of all, let's look at the option where the name of the PC changes through the system properties.

  1. Click "Start". Right click ( RMB) in the panel that appears by name "Computer". From the list that appears, select "Properties".
  2. In the left area of ​​the window that appears, move to the position "Extra options…".
  3. In the window that opens, click on the section "Computer name".

    There is also a faster option to go to the PC name editing interface. But to implement it you need to remember the command. Dial Win+R, and then type:

    Click "OK".

  4. The already familiar PC properties window will open right in the section "Computer name". Opposite value "Full name" The current device name is displayed. To replace it with another option, click "Change…".
  5. The window for editing the PC name will appear. Here in the region "Computer name" Enter any name that you consider necessary, but adhering to the previously stated rules. Then click "OK".
  6. After this, an information window will be displayed in which it will be recommended to close all open programs and documents before restarting the PC to avoid loss of information. Close all active applications and press "OK".
  7. You will now be returned to the System Properties window. In its lower area, information will be displayed indicating that the changes will become relevant after restarting the PC, although opposite the parameter "Full name" the new name will already be displayed. A restart is needed so that other network participants can also see the changed name. Click "Apply" And "Close".
  8. A dialog box will open in which you can choose whether to restart your PC now or later. If you select the first option, the computer will restart immediately, and if you select the second, you can reboot using the standard method after you finish your current work.
  9. After restarting, the computer name will change.

Method 2: "Command Line"

You can also change the PC name by entering an expression in "Command line".

  1. Click "Start" and choose "All programs".
  2. Go to the catalog "Standard".
  3. Find the name among the list of objects "Command line". Click on it RMB and select the option to run as administrator.
  4. The shell is activated "Command line". Enter the command using the pattern:

    wmic computersystem where name="%computername%" call rename name="new_name_option"

    Expression "new_name_variant" replace with the name you see fit, but, again, adhering to the rules stated above. After entering, press Enter.

  5. The rename command will be executed. Close "Command line" by pressing the standard close button.
  6. Next, as in the previous method, to completely complete the task we need to restart the PC. Now you have to do it manually. Click "Start" and click on the triangular icon to the right of the inscription "Shutdown". Select option from the list that appears.
  7. The computer will restart, and its name will finally be changed to the option you assigned.

As we found out, you can change the computer name in Windows 7 in two ways: through the window "Properties of the system" and using the interface "Command line". These methods are completely equivalent and the user decides which one is more convenient for him to use. The main requirement is to perform all operations as a system administrator. In addition, you need to remember the rules for creating the correct name.