How to change the IMEI identifier on an Android device. How to restore imei on Android after flashing

After prolonged use, any smartphone may begin to work incorrectly and generate errors. Both global brands (HTC, Samsung, Lenovo, etc.) and Chinese counterfeits are susceptible to this. In extreme cases, it is necessary to flash the system, reset the device to factory settings, after which the IMEI may be lost, which should be restored.

What to do if after the firmware the phone does not see the network

Users do not always turn to the service center for help. Changing the firmware is not a simple process, after which problems with the device may arise, so a successful installation is very important for the performance of the smartphone. One of the possible consequences due to an error during the procedure is that the phone does not see the network. If this happens, you need to check if you have a code in your phone. If it is missing, then below are ways to restore IMEI on Android after flashing it.

How to restore memory on Android yourself

The absence of an imey code on Android leads to the loss of the smartphone’s communication signal. Your gadget turns into a useless device that can neither send SMS nor make calls. After unsuccessful firmware, it is better to take the device to a specialist, but if you wish, you can try to restore the code yourself. In some cases, re-installing a new version of the OS helps. There are several options for how to register IM on your Android phone:

  • using specialized programs;
  • manual recovery via the engineering menu.

Manual recovery on Android

To make sure there is no imey code, dial *#606#. If nothing appears on the screen, it’s time to start restoring. You can find the identification number inside the phone itself (usually written under the battery) or on the device box. If the device is designed to work with two SIM cards, then there should be two IMEI. Instructions on how to restore it manually through the engineering menu:

  1. Take out the SIM card.
  2. Make a call using the number combination *#*#364633#*#*. It will take you to the engineering menu.
  3. Go to "CDS Information", then click on "Radio Information" and select "Phone 1"
  4. At the top after AT+, type the combination EGMR=1,7,“IMEI”.
  5. Click “SEND AT COMMAND” to confirm the action.
  6. If the device is designed for 2 SIM cards, then you need to repeat the procedure, but enter the combination AT+EGMR=1.10, “IMEI”.

The above method is written for Alcatel, Philips, Fly phones. But to go to the engineering menu on other models, other combinations are needed. Try one of the following for your phone:

  • gadgets with MTK processor - *#*#54298#*#*;
  • Samsung – *#*#4636#*#*;
  • HTC – *#*#3424#*#*;
  • Sony – *#*#7378423#*#*.

Using special programs

If you were unable to manually register your phone again, then there is another option on how to restore IMEI on Android after flashing the firmware. For this you can use the application. The procedure is as follows:

  1. Remove the SIM card.
  2. Unpack and copy the application to your device via cable.
  3. Launch the program, click the “Read” button if the program did not automatically determine the identifier.
  4. Cancel the “same IMEI” option and enter the required numbers in the appropriate field.
  5. Click the "Exit" button and reboot your device.

After turning it on, call the combination *#06# and the number lost after the firmware will be restored. If the above method does not work, you can use another method:

  1. Download and unzip the restore_imei archive on your computer.
  2. Find and open the run.bat document using standard notepad.
  3. Enter your ID in the appropriate field and click the “Save” button.
  4. Run the same file by double clicking. The file should appear in the folder - MP0B_001.
  5. Copy it to your device's SD card.
  6. Download and install “Root Browser” on your Android.
  7. Using this application, move MP0B_001 to the following path /data/nvram/md/NVRAM/NVD_IMEI/MP0B_001.
  8. Restart the device and it should display correctly.

Video instructions: recovery via the engineering menu

IMEI is a unique set of 15 digits that is assigned by the manufacturer to each mobile phone and serves to identify the device in the GSM network. Often, owners of Chinese devices of dubious origin are faced with the absence of this code on the device. And after a backup or IMEI it can also crash. And this often affects the quality of communication on a smartphone. Let's figure out how to change IMEI on Android if GSM network reception is poor or restore the serial number after erasing it.

How to determine IMEI on a smartphone

Before changing the IMEI on an Android device, you need to find out the IMEI that was assigned to this device by the manufacturer. This can be done in several ways:

Once you have managed to find out the id, you can proceed directly to changing it.

Ways to restore IMEI

There are two ways to restore or change IMEI on Android:

  1. . Like , it is provided on all devices running Android.
  2. Using additional software. Among the programs that allow you to register new IMEIs, we should highlight Mobile Uncle and Xposed IMEI Changer.

Changing IMEY through the engineering menu

The engineering menu is used for testing and optimal configuration of mobile devices. This area is hidden, but can be activated using certain USSD commands entered through the standard dial pad. These commands may differ for different smartphone models. For example, for an HTC phone, the combination *#*#3424#*#* or *#*#8255#*#* will be relevant. For Samsung, the command *#*#4636#*#* or *#*#197328640#*#* is suitable.

After changing the IMEI, proceed as follows:

For the changed settings to take effect, the smartphone must be restarted. After you have succeeded in changing the IMEI, you can verify the positive result using the same command *#06#.

Changing the ID through additional software

Using specialized software requires superuser rights on the phone. They can be activated using the programs Romaster SU, UniversalAndRoot, Farmaroot, etc.

So, to open extended access on a mobile device via Farmaroot, you need to:

Changing your IMEI using Mobile Uncle

This program for changing IMEI is freely available, so you can easily download it from the Play Market. It works like this:

After you have succeeded in changing the IMEI on your Android device, it is better to close the superuser rights and completely remove the Farmaroot program from the smartphone.

Using the Xposed IMEI Changer utility

The Mobile Uncle application allows you to change the IMEI only on devices running MTK series processors. If you need to install IMEI on Android after flashing a phone with a processor from a company, for example, Qualcomm, the Xposed IMEI Changer program comes to the rescue. The procedure will be as follows.

Data-lazy-type="image" data-src="" alt="have" width="300" height="205"> !} Mobile device users often wonder how to change the IMEI on an Android device themselves. IMEI (International Mobile station Equipment Identity) is a series of numbers used to identify devices that use terrestrial cellular networks to transmit data.

Each mobile device must have its own unique IMA number. In a sense, it can be considered the calling card of the phone.

Why is IMEI needed?

There are several possible options for using imei:

  1. As mobile devices become more popular, the number of lost and stolen phones is constantly increasing. If the user knows his name, he can block the missing smartphone so that no one can use it. To do this, just call your mobile operator and report that the phone has been lost. The operator can block a specific device within its network and notify other cellular providers.
  2. The name, consisting of 15 digits, indicates the origin and model of the phone. Typically, the first 8 digits indicate the model and origin, and the last 6 indicate the manufacturer (Samsung, LG, etc.).
  3. If a user subscribes to a mobile device tracking service, they can use imay to locate the phone even if it is using a different SIM card.

Those who are interested in how to change IMEI on Android should know that the main purpose of this number is to identify the smartphone, regardless of where it is located. This is why some users feel uncomfortable and feel like they are constantly being watched. It is assumed that replacing this number will help you disconnect from the worldwide database and get rid of surveillance.

How to change IMEI

It will not be difficult to change your name even if you do not have access rights to Root. Those who want to know how to change IMEI should carefully consider their decision before starting the procedure. Changing your number will delete all files on your smartphone, so you will first need to make a backup copy of all the information you have. To replace IMEI, you must follow these steps.

Each mobile device has its own radio module identifier. It looks like a 15-digit set of numbers, unique for each module. Accordingly, if your device is designed for two SIM cards, when checking you will see two IMEI values.

Knowing your IMEI will be useful if you lose your tablet

You need to know the unique code of your device at least in case it is lost or stolen. This data will greatly facilitate the search task. If it is lost, you indicate this data in a statement to law enforcement agencies, after which, upon request, it will be able to find out the location of the loss, be it a smartphone, Android tablet or iPad, with an accuracy of several hundred tens of meters.

So, how to find out the IMEI of your device? To do this, you need to dial the USSD code *#06# on the keyboard in phone mode, and in the message that appears you will see the identifier value (or two if your tablet is dual-SIM). Write them down and keep them in a safe place.

Another way is to find an item with information about the device in the tablet settings menu. Along with other technical information, this data will be indicated there.

You can also try to find this code on the information sticker, usually located under the removable battery. On the iPad, this code, along with the serial number, is indicated directly on the back cover.

How to restore or change IMEI ID

But what should you do if, when entering the USSD code, you see an empty field, that is, the IMEI is not displayed? This happens if the procedure for flashing an Android device is unsuccessful. At the same time, all functions of the tablet are preserved, except those that are associated specifically with the radio module, that is, the device will not be able to make calls and receive Internet via a mobile network.

In addition, there are situations when you need to change this identifier. In order to change it or restore IMEI after flashing, there are two main ways:

  • engineering menu commands;
  • special applications that use root access to the device.

Let's take a closer look at each of them.

Restoring IMEI through the engineering menu

The access code to the engineering settings may vary depending on the brand and model of the tablet, so it is better to find it by studying the instructions and other technical documentation included in the package.

Having entered the menu, you will need to go to the “Connectivity” tab, then to the menu item “CDS Information” - “Radio Information”. In the “Phone” section (or “Phone1” for dual-SIM devices) you will see AT+. After this, you must enter the following text: EGMR=1,7, [here is your device identifier]. The “Send at Command” button will save the information you entered to the radio module. If your device has two SIM cards, follow the same procedure with the “Phone2” section.

Repair IMEI through the application

If your device already has superuser (root) rights, you can restore or change the identifier using special programs.

  1. Mobile Uncle. Download the application from Google Play and install it on your tablet. After launch, go to the “Engineering Mode” tab, turn it on, then go to a specific processor. Further actions - as in the already described example with the engineering menu - “Connectivity”, “CDS Information”, “Phone Information”, entering a command assigning the IMEI code.
  1. Xposed IMEI Changer. For this application to work, you will need to first download and install the Xposed Framework. Then you can download and install the application itself. In the framework, you need to go to the “Modules” section and check the “IMEI Changer” module. Now you need to restart the device, and then you can launch the program itself. After launch, you will immediately see the “New IMEI No” field - all you have to do is enter the 15-digit identifier there and click “Apply”. The new code is now saved; Checking using any of the above methods will help you verify this.


Now you know that a device's unique IMEI code is quite important information. Don't forget to check it on all your devices and save it in a safe place. If the code of your tablet’s radio module has disappeared after flashing the firmware, use our methods to restore it.

We recommend not to abuse any actions with the OS (except for the official firmware), since changing IMEI and similar changes can lead to the cancellation of the warranty (if the device is still within the warranty period). If you know of others or how to change IMEI of Android or iPad, please share with us in the comments. You can also write to us if you have any questions about the procedures described in the article.

On Android - a serious error due to which the device loses the communication signal, which leads to the inability to make a call, send a message or access the Internet.

Reasons for the failure:

  • Incorrect device firmware.
  • Error when returning the smartphone to factory settings.

Some models of Chinese smartphones can work without an identifier, but if you have a high-quality device from a well-known brand and your Name is lost, the device will not work correctly.

Manual recovery

Dial *#06# on your Android phone. If the IMEI code does not appear on the screen, then you urgently need to restore it. You can find the identification number on the box, in the instructions, or under the battery. If the smartphone supports dual SIM cards, then two IMEI numbers must be specified.

Manual IMEI repair on Android:

If the number above does not work, try the following options:

If your Android supports two SIM cards, then you need to repeat the procedure for restoring the identification number. For the second SIM card the command will be: AT+EGMR=1.10,“IMEI”.

After recovery, you need to exit the engineering menu and reboot the phone. After turning on, dial *#06# again to check IMEI. If the number is not displayed, then to correct the error you will need an Android IMEI repair program.

Software recovery

If manual recovery did not help solve the problem of missing identifier after flashing, then try using the program.

After rebooting the device, dial *#06#. The device identification number lost after the firmware update will be restored. If the above methods did not help you figure out how to restore IMEI on Android after flashing, then try another option:

Using Root Browser, move the MP0B_001 file to the /data/nvram/md/NVRAM/NVD_IMEI/MP0B_001 directory. After transferring the data, restart your phone and check the identification number again - this time it should be displayed correctly.