How to completely remove adobe flash. How to remove Adobe Flash Player without installing special programs

Probably everyone already knows what Flash Player is and what it is needed for, so I will skip the description of this program. Adobe Flash Player can sometimes crash and freeze, like most other programs. Very often, completely removing the player and then installing a new version from the official website helps solve almost all problems with online video playback. In my article “” I wrote how to install a new version of the player, now I want to tell you how to remove Adobe Flash Player in the easiest way.

We will remove Flash Player in two stages. First, you need to uninstall the program using the Windows Uninstall Programs utility. Naturally, go to the Start menu and open the control panel of our Windows.

Then click “Uninstall a program” in the control panel (if not found, then “Add or Remove Programs” or “Programs and Features”, depending on the version of Windows).

In the list of uninstall or change programs, find Adobe Flash Player ActiveX and Adobe Flash Player Plugin. These are the ones we have to remove. Try to read the article to the end and remember what you read, since you will have to close all browsers during the removal process. Click on Adobe Flash Player Plugin with the left mouse button, then click the “Delete” button above the list. The Flash Player uninstall window will open, close all browsers and click “Uninstall” again.

Adobe Flash Player will be removed from your computer, but that's not all. You need to delete the remaining files from the old player. Go to “My Computer”, open drive (C:) -> Windows folder -> System32 -> Macromed -> Flash. Manually delete all files that exist here. Let me remind you, select the files and press the Shift+Del keys at the same time. Adobe Flash Player has now been permanently removed.

There are already two fairly active topics on the site, one of which discusses why, and the other why. Today I will talk about how to properly remove this platform from your computer (this may be necessary, for example, if the player does not work properly and reinstalling it without first removing it is impossible).

Removal using standard Windows tools

Contrary to tradition, I will start with a more complex method. It is suitable for those people who, for example, do not have access to the Internet for one reason or another.

The first thing you need to do is go to the “Control Panel”. To do this, click on the “Start” button, then select “Control Panel” on the right side of the window that opens. In the menu, select the “Programs and Features” section.

This way you will see a list of programs installed on your PC. We are only interested in one program - Adobe Flash Player. Find it in the list.

I want to make a small note right away. In my case, AFP appears once, but sometimes you can see several versions of the player at once. Don't be alarmed, this is normal. So, one version can be used only for the Internet Explorer browser, the other - for all others. In any case, they will need to be removed.

So, find the utility, right-click on it and click “Delete”.

A window like this will appear.

To continue uninstalling, you will need to click on the “Uninstall” button, after which the system will begin automatically uninstalling the utility. If suddenly browsers are opened that use AFP at the time of deletion, the system will report this and offer to close these browsers, which you will have to do. Afterwards the operation will continue. When finished, click on the “Done” button.

And this would be the end of the story if Adobe Flash Player had not scattered its “spare parts” into various folders, which, by the way, can become a problem when reinstalling the program. Therefore, you will need to delete everything that is in the following folders:

  • %appdata%\Adobe\Flash Player
  • %appdata%\Macromedia\Flash Player
  • C:\Windows\system32\Macromed\Flash
  • C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Macromed\Flash

Simply copy the addresses one by one, paste each one into the address bar in Explorer, and delete the contents.

In order to make sure that the flash player was finally removed, you need to check. To do this, we will go to the official website of Adobe. On the site, click on the large yellow button that says “Check Now,” which is located immediately after the line “Check if Flash Player is installed on your computer.”

You should see that the player is not installed (in English - not installed).

Just in case, I would also clean the registry using .

Removal using a proprietary utility

For those who don’t want to bother with removing Flash Player, Adobe has come up with a special utility that will do everything for you on its own.

You need to open the Adobe website ( or just type in Google the query uninstall flash player (without quotes) and go to the first link.

We launch the utility, delete the flash player, and then do not forget to delete all the folders specified in the first method. Just in case, clean the CCleaner registry.

If you have questions, you can ask them using comments.

Dec 25 2012

Good day. Today's episode will be devoted to a topic related to the Internet, specifically how to remove flash player, I will show and tell you how to properly remove Adobe Flash Player. In the previous article we talked about this.

Flash player is a program that helps us watch animation, videos and commercials on the Internet.

Let's say some pages on the Internet are displayed incorrectly. What actions need to be taken to solve this problem:

  1. Update Flash Player. If this does not help, then you can use the second step.
  2. Completely remove Flash Player from your computer.
  3. After uninstallation, you can download and install Flash Player again.

Installing Flash Player

In one of the previous issues of my blog, I wrote a detailed article. You can follow the link below, download the program and install it yourself.

Let's sum it up

Today we have discussed several ways to solve the problem of incorrect display of some pages on the Internet. We learned how to update Flash Player and looked at several ways how to remove flash player and finally downloaded it again.

Finally, I suggest you watch a video tutorial on how to remove Adobe Flash Player.

How to remove flash player | website

If you don’t understand something or have any questions related to Adobe Flash Player, you can ask them in the comments to this article.

Thank you for reading me on

In some cases, a flash player may malfunction, it may stop playing images or the sound may fail. In such situations, you need to reinstall the program, but first you should uninstall it. Let's figure it out how to remove flash player completely.

Instructions for removing Adobe Flash Player

In order to answer the question, how to remove Adobe Flash Player, you will first need to go to the “Control Panel”, and then select this program from the window that opens and delete it.

Quite often, two flash players installed on your computer may open in front of you. This Adobe Flash Player ActiveX and Adobe Flash Player Plugin. Specialized ActiveX technology is used exclusively for the Internet Explorer browser. For other browsers, a specialized plugin is installed - a small application that extends the capabilities of the browser.

Before you start removing the flash player, you should close all browsers.

Flash player is not completely removed from the “Control Panel” window; “tails” remain in the system, so for complete removal you should use a specialized utility developed by this company. You can download the uninstaller utility from the manufacturer's official website. There is nothing complicated in this procedure; before launching the utility, you will need to close all browsers, and then follow the instructions.

However, that's not all. There is a possibility that some files will still remain on your computer. We will need to find them and remove them manually.

To do this, we need to open the Explorer program, and then go to the Flash folder located in drive C. We delete all folders from this folder. Then we will need to delete files from the following folders: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Macromed\Flash, %appdata%\Adobe\Flash Player, %appdata%\Macromedia\Flash Player.

It is not necessary that all these folders may be available on your computer, for this reason, if a particular one is not available, then you should look for the next ones in the list. After completing this procedure, you can check your computer for Availability of Adobe Flash Player on the official site. This completes the removal of the flash player. You can start downloading a new one with peace of mind.

Have you installed a new version of Adobe Flash Player, but it's buggy? Lost sound in the browser? Has your Youtube video started to slow down? Or does it even ask you to update the flash player, even though you just installed it? This happens sometimes. In this case, you need to reinstall Flash Player. That is, remove it and then install a new one. In most cases this will solve the problem.

What to do if deleting the flash player did not help? Then the last option remains. You will need to install a special utility to completely remove Adobe Flash Player from your computer. But first things first.

How to reinstall Flash Player?

It is very easy to remove Adobe Flash Player from your computer. For this:

Please note: in the screenshot above there are 2 flash players at once. The first (ActiveX) is for IE, and NPAPI is for other browsers (Mozilla, Opera, Yandex). If you have the same picture, then you need to delete both versions.

A separate plugin is installed for Chrome, and it is not displayed here.

This is the standard procedure for removing Adobe Flash Player. After that, install the new version again and everything should work: sound, video, games in the browser.

If this does not help, then you need to reinstall the flash player using the utility.

How to completely remove Flash Player?

The standard removal procedure leaves traces on the Windows system. To completely remove this plugin from your computer, you must use the Flash Player Uninstall utility from Adobe developers, designed specifically for such cases (link).

You run it and follow the program instructions - it will do everything itself.

The only caveat: before uninstalling the old version of Adobe Flash Player, you need to exit all browsers.

When the removal of the flash player is successfully completed, there are still a few simple steps left to complete. After all, the Adobe Flash Player Uninstaller utility leaves a couple of extra folders.

To remove them manually:

Repeat the same procedure for folders:

  • C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Macromed\Flash
  • %appdata%\Macromedia\Flash Player
  • %appdata%\Adobe\Flash Player

Instead of Win + R, you can open any folder and copy all 4 items one by one into the top line for the address. Perhaps it will be easier and more convenient for you.

If a folder is missing, just skip it. If the files do not want to be deleted, restart your PC or laptop and try again. Or use the Unlocker program (if available).

This is how Flash Player is completely removed. You can make sure that you did everything correctly by opening this link. Click on “Check Now” and read the message.

And finally, it’s worth noting about the flash player in Chrome.

How to remove an outdated Flash Player plugin in Chrome?

Chrome already has built-in Flash Player. And you won’t be able to remove it using this method. It comes as a plugin, so you can disable it by typing chrome://plugins in the address bar.

If there are certain problems (no sound or video is slow), try updating it manually. To do this, enter chrome://components in the address bar, find the flash player and click the “Check for updates” button.

That's all. Now you know how to properly remove Adobe Flash Player on a laptop or PC. And in two different ways. Then all that remains is , after which video, audio and games in the browser should be played in normal mode (without glitches or slowdowns).