How to choose a computer configuration. How to assemble a computer in the online configurator with compatibility check

Desktop computers remain the best solution for those who want maximum productivity. Games, music, movies, work programs - your PC can handle everything. We won’t hide it - price in most cases determines performance, but in the case of prefabricated computers you have room to move and maneuver, no one limits you in modifications and modernization.

The choice is huge, your eyes are wide open, the prices are affordable. Office or home, budget or gaming, for graphics and video editing or for watching movies - you will certainly choose something to suit your taste. Now tell me, what do you feel when you hear the words gaming computer? We are a little worried, because each new PC is unique, assembled especially for you. What do you imagine? Something very beautiful, expensive and perhaps hard to find? We hasten to please you - this is not so!

Nowadays you can buy a gaming computer for quite reasonable money, and you don’t have to immediately buy the best hardware, because it can be easily improved in the near future. Basic components such as the case, processor, motherboard, power supply, RAM and, possibly, a video card will be required immediately (otherwise the computer will not work without them!), but this will not prevent you from becoming the owner of a powerful and reliable computer. Imagine how many different modifications and improvements are available to you!

PC is a construction set that is hard to put down. You can give it almost any shape, size and color. And by using our configurator you can easily realize your dreams and not worry about assembling your new, truly personal computer.

ASUS Certified Partner

The first step is to determine exactly the tasks for which your future system unit will be used. If you plan to purchase gaming equipment, then special attention should be paid to the video card, and for a graphics workstation, the processor power and the amount of RAM play a fundamental role. The least demanding in terms of performance are office systems. You don't even need to add an external video card, because the built-in one will be enough.

First you need to select a processor. This element affects the overall performance of the entire system, and the more cores there are (and the higher their operating frequency), the faster operations will be performed.

Next, the PC configurator will help you select a motherboard. It must be compatible with the CPU and support RAM of the required frequency. Pay attention to the presence of all the necessary slots and connectors, as well as the size of the motherboard itself (ATX, micro ATX, mini ATX, etc.). Usually, any of them already has a built-in network and sound card. The online store website builder will automatically select suitable options after you select a processor, and will exclude those that are not suitable.

The configuration of a powerful gaming computer includes an additional cooling system, which is selected automatically, depending on the selected processor.

All that remains is to assemble everything into the case. It can be very simple and straightforward if you plan to install the system unit under the table, where no one will see it, or it can have neon lighting and a window on the side that allows you to observe the operation of the system (gaming options). This is a matter of taste, but keep in mind that the case for a gaming PC should be spacious and have good ventilation so that the components do not overheat at peak loads.

Having difficulties?
For the convenience of clients, it is possible to send the resulting configuration for printing. And if difficulties arise, then you should use the help of our engineer, who will tell you which components are best to use to obtain optimal technical characteristics.

By deciding to build a computer with us, you get the best prices and service. We guarantee fast but careful delivery of your system unit.

So, you have a desire to build a computer that fully satisfies your personal requirements, you have a certain amount of money to buy components, but... it all ends with your desire, you are not sure what and how to do next.

If no questions arise with this, and the components have already been purchased, then you can immediately start reading the article

STEP 1: What kind of computer do you need?

To build a computer from scratch yourself, first you need to decide what the future computer will be used for. Let me make a reservation right away that for ease of understanding, here and further we will use the following concepts: Office computer

– a simple low-power computer, designed primarily for working with office applications, not designed for powerful computer games. Gaming computer

What exactly should your computer be like? Maybe it will be a gaming PC. Or maybe you need a computer for working with office applications, for typing, and you don’t plan to process heavy graphics on it. This stage is one of the most important stages, because It is now that the approximate future configuration is being determined, and most importantly, how much money will have to be spent on assembling your future computer. For example, it makes no sense to spend a lot of money on assembling a top-end monster on which you only plan to work with text, and vice versa, assembling a simple computer for games will most likely greatly disappoint you.


So, you have decided what kind of computer you need. Now the time has come to decide on the future platform on which the computer will be built. It will be either Intel or AMD - the final price of the computer depends on the choice of platform, as well as which processor will be used in the future computer.

I won’t dare to say which is better, AMD or Intel; there have been fierce debates on this topic on the Internet for a long time. Each platform has its own advantages and disadvantages, but if we characterize them in general terms, we can say that the AMD platform produces cheaper computers with approximately the same power as the Intel platform. If you want to save money, or are limited on a budget, then I recommend taking a closer look at AMD, as a result you will get a pretty good computer for less money. Intel is better suited for gaming systems, Intel processors generally show better performance in games. If you're not building a computer for gaming, then AMD is probably the best choice.

STEP 3: Where is the most convenient place to select components?

The easiest way to select components for your computer is to use the price lists of stores in your city. I use the websites of large stores, which have information about the availability of components, prices, and reviews.

You can, of course, order everything through online stores, but personally I don’t find this method convenient. Ultimately, it's up to you how and where you buy your components.

STEP 4: Select the central processing unit (CPU)

So, we open the website of a computer store, or look at the price list and look for a processor for a future computer. You should not buy the cheapest processor if you plan to build a powerful computer. We pay attention to the processor clock speed, number of cores, cache levels. You can look for reviews about any processor that interests you.

More processors in the store are marked as OEM or BOX/cooler, be sure to pay attention to this! OEM processors do not come with a CPU cooler, while BOX versions come with a simple cooler. For gaming systems, this is not the best option, since the standard cooler often does not cope with the task, so it is best to look for the OEM version, and then separately purchase a good processor cooler for it. The BOX version is also suitable for an office or work computer. Remember that you will pay more money for the BOX version of the processor, because... the overpayment is for the cooler included.

In general, choosing a processor is a very important undertaking, and this is a rather large separate topic, which I will cover in future articles.

Once you have decided on the processor, remember its name socket as well as its thermal package (in watts) is very important information; it will be useful to you in the future when choosing a motherboard and cooling for the CPU.

STEP 5: Selecting the motherboard

The choice of motherboard is carried out taking into account which processor you selected in the previous step. Namely, what socket your processor runs on. Simply put, you can now select only those motherboards that have the exact same socket as the processor you choose. If the sockets of the processor and motherboard are different, you will not be able to install the processor on the motherboard.

When choosing a motherboard, focus on the following characteristics:

  • board form factor (ATX, microATX);
  • RAM type (DDRx, where x is DDR version) and maximum supported frequency;
  • number of SATA ports and their speed;
  • version of USB interfaces;

The first two characteristics are very important - they determine what kind of case for the system unit you will need, and what kind of RAM you can install, so remember them.

Another important point is the presence of an integrated graphics processor. For example, if you have it, you can save on buying a video card if you are assembling a regular office computer.

Advice:On the motherboard manufacturer's website you can find a list of supported, tested compatible processors and RAM models.

STEP 6: Select RAM

Selecting RAM is not that difficult. The main thing to remember is that it must be exactly the same type that the motherboard you choose supports. For example, it will not be possible to install DDR2 memory into a motherboard slot designed for DDR3 memory.

Ideally, you should choose memory with the maximum frequency supported by the motherboard. Supported memory frequencies must be found in the motherboard description.

Now about the main thing - the amount of memory. For a simple office computer, which will not have any special performance requirements, the simplest memory with a minimum capacity of 1-4 gigabytes is sufficient. Your gaming computer should have 8 GB or more memory installed.

Advice: If you are going to install more than one stick of RAM, then I strongly recommend buying memory in sets. The set usually comes with 2 or 4 strips. This will allow you to avoid many troubles associated with computer operation in the future.

STEP 7: selecting cooling for the CPU

Cooling for the central processor can be with a universal mount, or maybe with a specialized one for a specific socket. When choosing cooling, look at the supported sockets (the socket of the processor you choose should be there), as well as the power dissipation in watts - it should be equal to or higher than the thermal package (TDP) of the processor. If the CPU heatsink is weak, it may cause it to overheat.

For gaming systems with a powerful processor, it makes sense to buy good cooling, the power dissipation of which significantly exceeds the TDP of the processor.

Also pay attention to the height of the cooler if you want to install a tower-type cooler. If it is too high, this will need to be taken into account when choosing a computer case.

STEP 8: Graphics Card

If you are assembling a gaming computer, then this is as important a step for you as choosing a processor. If this is a simple office computer for which graphics performance is not important, then you can do without purchasing a video card at all. Many motherboards have an integrated graphics processor, and the monitor can be connected directly to the motherboard. If the board does not have a monitor output, then you can either look for a motherboard with integrated graphics, or buy a simple video card.

The situation is completely different if you are building a powerful computer for graphics processing or gaming - you simply cannot do without buying a good gaming video card.

First you need to decide on the base manufacturer of the video card. There are two of them - NVidia and AMD. AMD is as always - cheap and cheerful, for less money you get approximately the same (and sometimes higher) performance as a similar NVidia video card. However, AMD lacks technologies such as PhysX, CUDA, and other interesting things that only NVidia video cards have.

I consider it pointless to argue about which video card manufacturer is better; you yourself can search the Internet for reviews about certain video cards and make your own difficult choice.

When choosing a video card, do not only go for video cards with a large amount of memory. Pay attention to the memory bus bandwidth, this is a fairly important parameter - the higher it is, the better.

Once you have made your choice, remember the length of the video card; this may come in handy later when we select the system unit case. Otherwise, it may happen that the video card you choose simply will not fit into the case.

STEP 9: Hard Drives

The main parameters of a hard drive are speed and capacity. The loading speed of the operating system and all other programs depends on the reading speed. In the vast majority of computers, the biggest bottleneck affecting boot speed is the hard drive. Therefore, if the speed of loading the system and programs is critical for you, take a closer look at solid state drives - SSD drives. Unlike classic hard drives, they have no mechanical elements - these drives are like a large ultra-high-speed “flash drive” with a SATA interface.

Due to the high cost of SSD drives, they often resort to using at least two drives simultaneously - an SSD and a classic HDD. You can install the operating system and programs on the SSD, and use the HDD to store your files.

Personally, I recommend using an SSD on any computer if your budget allows. As practice shows, even old laptops from 5-7 years ago with an SSD installed instead of an HDD seem to gain a second life and work much faster, not to mention new computers. The SSD has virtually no effect on performance in games, but it has a fantastic effect on the response speed of the system and all programs. J For example, on a fairly powerful computer with an SSD installed, the Windows 7 operating system, including a bunch of startup programs and plus Kaspersky antivirus, is completely loaded in 7-9 seconds!

But SSDs also have one drawback: once you get used to the speed of work on an SSD, you will no longer be able to calmly work on any other computer with a regular HDD; it will seem too slow to you. J


Everything is simple here - if you plan to use laser discs (CD, DVD, Blu-ray, etc.), then you definitely need a disk drive. Personally, I haven’t used it for a long time, since you can install the operating system from a flash drive, and all the necessary drivers are available on the Internet.

In general, of course, it is better to install a CD-ROM, especially if you have no experience in assembling and configuring computers. The discs that come with the components will help you out a lot at first.

When choosing a CD-rom, you should pay attention to the supported disc formats.

STEP 11: select the system case

It’s quite easy to choose a case - choose the one you like best. The main thing is to consider which components you chose in the previous stages. Pay special attention to what size motherboard you have. For example, if it is ATX size, then the case must support the installation of an ATX board. Additionally, do not forget that if you choose a tower cooler for the processor, it may not fit in a small case - carefully look at its dimensions. Also pay attention to the dimensions of the video card so that it can be installed in the case without any problems.

Cases come with or without a pre-installed power supply. If for an office computer the option with a pre-installed unit is still suitable, then for a gaming computer be sure to choose a case without a power supply, it can then be calculated and purchased separately.

STEP 12: calculating the power supply

The power supply is one of the most important parts of the computer; it determines how all other components of the system will work, how protected they will be from voltage surges and other misfortunes of electrical networks. What you definitely shouldn’t do is try to save money on a cheap power supply, no matter what kind of computer you build.

Pay attention to power supplies with energy efficiency labels 80plus, they come in five types: bronze, silver, gold, platinum and titanium. If the block is at least marked with the 80plus label, then this is already good.

Those labeled titanium are, accordingly, generally the best power supplies; they provide up to 95% efficiency. And this, in turn, speaks about the quality of manufacturing of the power supply - such a unit consumes less energy than other similar units with lower efficiency.

Look at what connectors the power supply has, they should be enough to connect all devices. Be sure to pay attention to the power supply diagram of the motherboard and processor! If the motherboard, for example, has a 24 pin power supply, then the unit must have a 24 pin power output (or 20+4 pin, this is the same). The same goes for processor power. Also pay attention to whether there is an additional power connector on the video card and whether there are the necessary connectors on the power supply.

The power supply must provide power higher than that consumed by all the computer hardware at peak load. Otherwise, at best, the computer will simply turn off. In the worst case, it’s better for you not to know what will happen, just take my word for it.

STAGE 13: additional and very necessary little things + peripherals

You may also need:

  • fans for air ventilation inside the case;
  • thermal paste
  • cables, cables, adapters;
  • periphery

Fans must be purchased if the case you choose does not have them. Choose the largest fans that your chassis can support. The larger the fan, the more air it will be able to move, while making less noise than its smaller counterparts.

Thermal paste will be needed to install the cooler on the processor. Typically, a boxed processor comes with thermal paste, but as practice shows, it is better to buy high-quality thermal paste and use it.

You will also need SATA cables to connect hard drives and CD-ROMs. Motherboards often come with several SATA cables, so keep this in mind.

I did not move the periphery into a separate stage. The choice of periphery is a purely individual matter. You can choose a keyboard, mouse and monitor without my help

STEP 14: Check

The final stage of choosing components is a mental check to see if you have chosen everything you need correctly? Check again all components in size so that they can be installed in the case without problems, check that there are enough slots on the motherboard for all components, whether you have enough wires on the power supply and whether there are all additional wires for connecting disks and CDs. ROM, for example, SATA cables. Despite its apparent simplicity, do not ignore this stage. It’s better to check everything again now than to later try to exchange the wrong part you bought for the one you actually need.

If someone doesn’t understand something, welcome to the comments.

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For those who want to purchase a PC, it will be very convenient to assemble a computer online. The idea is quite simple - online stores have all the components of a computer, that is, video cards, processors, and so on.

Therefore, you can take a specific model of one or another component, buy it and assemble it into a single computer. But the problem is that not all models of PC parts will work well in combination with each other.

For example, an Intel Core i3 processor will not always work normally with an AMD video card. And there are simply a huge number of such examples.

Therefore, some smart people decided to create services that would check the compatibility of various computer components. They collect data from other stores or are stores themselves and work only with their own products.

In any case, every ordinary user has the opportunity to select models of all the necessary computer components and see if they are compatible. After this, he can safely place an order in the same store or go to the nearest electronics supermarket and purchase the same components. Let's look at the most convenient and functional services for assembling a computer online. is an excellent online store selling computer equipment. The advantage of this site is that the range is very large. Equipment that is not available will not be able to participate in the comparison, and, accordingly, will not be able to become part of the future computer. But due to the fact that there are always so many products here, each user has an excellent opportunity to assemble a pretty good working machine online.

The process of using the service is as follows:

1. First you need to go to the “future computer designer” page (here is the link).

2. Next we will see all the necessary spare parts, divided into categories - “System unit”, “Software” and “Peripherals”. Selecting each component is quite simple. For example, let's choose a processor model. To do this, in the corresponding section, click on the drop-down list, which initially contains three dashes. Again, for example, let's choose a fairly old but reliable Intel Core i3 processor. As you can see, processors are also divided into categories depending on the sockets. It’s also convenient that each available model has its price next to it.

Rice. 1. Choosing a processor on the website

3. Now the selected processor will appear in the block on the right. The same should be done with the motherboard, RAM, video card, cooling system and other PC components. If you don't want to select a part, just leave three dashes there, that is, don't do anything. Gradually, the future machine will be assembled in the “Your Computer” block. Its cost will be written below. You can click on the “Order” button to have specialists assemble a computer with the selected components.

Rice. 2. Assembled computer on the designer page

If any selected components are incompatible, site specialists will notify you about this. In some cases, they do not advise choosing a particular set of components. In any case, the website builder is very easy to use and simple, even novice users can understand it.

Each user can take a screenshot of the assembled computer or simply print out a selected set of components and go to the nearest electronics store. In addition, the same components can be purchased in other online stores. Now let's look at another constructor with a similar operation scheme.

Another very good resource that has many recommended (ready-made) computer configurations. In addition to the ability to select PC parts, there is a display of the characteristics of the future machine. In particular, you can see the processing power, cooling efficiency and how well the computer can handle games. In general, it’s quite convenient and, again, simple.

To use the designer, do the following:

1. Go to the page of this service (here it is).

2. First, let's try to use the designer, and after that we'll look at how to use the “Recommended Configurations”. The “Indicators” tab at the top is responsible for the designer. Here, too, everything is divided into parts. For example, we will also start our choice with the processor. To add it, click on the corresponding button under the “Processor” label. A panel with available processors will appear on the right. There are categories at the top, which is also very convenient. We will also choose Intel core i3. To do this, next to the selected model you need to click the “select” button.

Rice. 3. Adding a processor on the designer page

3. After adding the processor, the added device page will appear on the screen. This makes it possible to read more detailed information about it.

Rice. 4. Information about the device when adding one on the website

4. The same should be done with the cooling system, RAM, motherboard, video card, hard drive and other components. Next to each of them there is an “Add” button. As you add, pay attention to the change in the characteristics of the future computer at the top.

Rice. 5. The process of assembling a computer using the constructor

5. And also as you add devices, information about all of them will be displayed on the designer page. When the computer is assembled, you can click on the “Assemble and Buy” button. Then specialists will assemble a PC for you and send it to the specified address.

6. In addition to manual collection, you can also use the “Recommended configurations” section. To do this, go to the corresponding tab at the top of the designer page. A list of available configurations will appear in the drop-down list. You can click on one of them.

The main indicator for choosing in this case is the price of the computer. After clicking on a configuration, a list of devices included in it will appear. Any of them can be changed by clicking on the corresponding button under the device. If desired, you can also reset the configuration or save it (there are also buttons for this).

It is also interesting that the site allows you to build a computer “for a game,” and for a specific one, for example, World of Tanks or GTA 5. There are also graphic stations and PCs for work. All this is possible using the appropriate tabs at the top of the site window.

Rice. 8. Ready-made computers from the site

In general, we have before us a really well-developed designer. is a fairly popular and well-promoted online store for computer equipment. It is worth saying that there is now an interesting trend according to which an average site selling computer components can become really cool if it adds a PC designer page. In general, this secret was used by the employees of the site

The store’s assortment is also quite wide, so there is plenty to choose from and build a really high-quality computer. Let's move on directly to using the constructor. To do this you need to do this:

  1. Go to the ru designer page (here it is).
  2. Then the principle of operation is the same - there are components, such as a processor, cooling, and so on, and all this needs to be selected. To do this, under each of them there is a “Select component” button. After making your selection, you can click on the “Replace” or “Delete” buttons.
  3. After all components have been added, you can click on the “Assemble” button on the right. This will result in your order being sent to the ru store and, in the shortest possible time, specialists will assemble the selected computer and send it to you.

Rice. 9. Designer page

It is useful that this site also has ready-made configurations. They can be seen in the block on the left. There you can find a PC for work, a gaming PC and many other options. You can choose the one that suits you most.

In addition, there are three more links under the Collect button. The first of them allows you to print the assembled configuration. With this material, you can also go to the nearest store and buy all the selected equipment there.

The second allows you to find out what the specialists of the site think about the computer you have assembled. In some cases, they may advise you to take a ready-made configuration, and in others, they may say that your PC is quite suitable for the stated tasks.

Finally, let's look at another great configurator that allows you to take a ready-made project and make your own computer out of it, or build a PC from scratch. It’s very good that on this site you can immediately choose what you need a computer for and determine its cost. There are corresponding fields at the top of the site window for this. The cost can also be set using a slightly lower scale. When these parameters are specified, all you have to do is click on the “Find” button.

Rice. 10. Header of the configurator page

After that, the available options will be presented on the above scale. They are indicated by vertical lines. By moving the slider to each such line, you will be able to see the proposed configuration. Below are the devices included in it. If you click on the “Change” button next to a particular computer component, you can change it to another. Moreover, all devices are divided into categories - “Computer Configuration”, “Software” and “Peripheral Devices”. They are presented in the corresponding tabs of the designer.

Rice. 12. Selecting devices on the designer page

In this case, the assembled configuration can also only be printed out as a list or a screenshot. There are no built-in functions for all this on the site. But even without this, the designer looks quite efficient and effective. The range here is also quite wide and will please the eye of even the most experienced users.

Below you can see a video review of the designer.

How to assemble a computer online? Online computer configurator

Assembling a computer online yourself is quite simple. You just need to find an online store that has an online computer configurator that checks the compatibility of components. There are no hints in such configurators; they only hide components from the list that are incompatible with the already selected configuration. There are several fields to fill out, in which the main components of the system unit are selected, ensuring the full functionality of the computer.