How to connect to bluetooth on a laptop. Is there bluetooth? Enabling the Bluetooth radio module on the keyboard

Remote access to computer resources is the dream of any user. Even the mouse would be more convenient to use if it were not connected to the system unit by wire. Bluetooth is precisely the technology that allows you to include this option among Windows services.

Any modern laptop has a built-in Bluetooth communication device. Installing Bluetooth drivers and configuring them correctly in Windows is the task that our article is devoted to. Due to the widespread nature of the technology, information on how to properly configure Bluetooth in Windows 7 on a laptop will be useful to almost every ordinary computer user.

We will consider the question in the following order:

  • Find out if there is a Bluetooth device in the laptop.
  • We check whether the Bluetooth device is turned on in the laptop. If not, then try turning on Bluetooth.
  • Let's figure out how to configure Bluetooth settings on a laptop.

By following all our instructions correctly, you can easily set up bluetooth on your Windows mobile computer. There is nothing particularly complicated in this procedure; it is quite accessible even to those who are seeing a computer and Windows for the first time in their life.

First steps

You can find out whether your device supports this communication protocol in different ways. Usually there is a sticker on the laptop case indicating that it has bluetooth support. If there is no such sticker, then it is better to find out about this in the accompanying documentation for the computer.

The existing transmitter may be on or off. You can check its status using the protocol support program, usually available in Windows. For Hewlett-Packard laptop models, the corresponding program is called “HP Wireless Assistant”. This is what her window looks like:

There are two indicators right in the main program window: the wireless LAN indicator and the bluetooth indicator. We are mainly interested in the second one. If the green indicator light is not on, it can be activated using the “On\Off” button.

If you cannot turn on the transmitter in this way, then this indicates either its absence in your model, or its malfunction, which is also possible. In other laptop models, a similar program may have a different name, but it is probably present in the list of standard Windows programs - it will not be difficult to find it by name.

Our further actions

Turning on the bluetooth transmitter is only half the battle. For normal operation of a device (for example, a wireless mouse) and for it to perform its functions, it is necessary to install protocol support drivers. This is done in exactly the same way as in the case of drivers for other devices in Windows. Installing them is not difficult using the “Device Manager”. When launched, Device Manager will try to search for new hardware. If the Bluetooth device is found, then everything is in order, if not, then you need to clarify the following points:

  • Whether power is supplied to the device or whether its battery is charged.
  • Whether the device is within range of a wireless network. There are usually restrictions on the distance from the computer (see documentation).

If there is more than one remote device, each of them must be enabled in the same way. Sometimes this happens completely automatically, and sometimes you have to use the drivers on the disks supplied with the device. A program like “HP Mobility Center” will help you selectively configure Bluetooth, enable or disable individual devices. The program window displays each connected device along with its settings (for example, the volume level for speakers).


Take a close look at your laptop's keyboard. Most modern models have a separate button designed specifically to directly enable the Bluetooth function. It looks in the form of a branded bluetooth icon, which resembles an angular English letter “B” with back antennae, enclosed in a dark oval. Typically, this button is located on the side of the keyboard.

To turn it on, press the key. If everything works, the indicator on the bluetooth button should light up. Also on the desktop of your laptop, in the lower right corner, opposite the Start menu, a small bluetooth icon (service icon) should appear and the inscription “Bluetooth is on”.

It will also be useful for you to know what bluetooth is in without using a keyboard. To do this, go to the Start menu, Control Panel. Next, find the “Bluetooth Devices” column. Open this section. In it you will see everything you need to configure devices and bluetooth parameters, as well as for further transmission of messages.

Not every laptop has a Bluetooth function, even if there is such a key on the keyboard. Only a sticker with a company logo on the laptop case can guarantee the presence of technology.

At first glance, turning on Bluetooth is very simple: press the button, and that’s it. A Bluetooth (bluetooth) driver is software that helps the operating system gain control of Bluetooth.
But this is only at first glance. To enable Bluetooth, you will need drivers, especially if the operating system was installed independently and not by the manufacturer. As mentioned above, in order to activate the Bluetooth connection, you need to download drivers. But if the manufacturer relied on a 64-bit system, then there may not be drivers for an 86-bit system. Windows OS has two bits: 32-bit and 64-bit. And 86-bit is the second designation of 32-bit. Therefore, you will not be able to turn on Bluetooth. In this case, you need to reinstall the operating system from 86-bit to 64-bit.

In order to check the bit depth in the operating system, you need to right-click on the “My Computer” shortcut. In the window that opens, select “Properties”. If everything is in order here, then you need to start looking for Asus drivers. They are all on the manufacturer's official website, sorted by model. It is not advisable to download from other sites, since the file itself may contain viruses. If your personal laptop (computer) is running Windows 7 or Windows 8, then you can install drivers for Bluetooth from Windows XP or Windows Vista on them. In some cases, a driver disc may be sold together with a laptop. Check it out: maybe you have it somewhere too.

Even in cases where the operating system was originally installed by the manufacturer, there may not be drivers for Bluetooth. After you download and install them, try connecting.

Most often, to activate the Bluetooth connection, you need to press the fn and f2 keys together. Depending on the modification of the laptop, the second button may be different. Usually it shows an antenna. To enable Bluetooth faster, there is a special button on the side of the case.

If you cannot connect using the above methods, you can try the following algorithm:
1. Click Start.
2. Select All Programs.
3. Open the Standard folder.
4. Find the Bluetooth icon.

You can download a program to enable Bluetooth yourself if none of the above methods worked.

Bluetooth is a special adapter for transmitting data, including audio, video and other types of files. The module operates in two modes: it receives and sends files. This is a system, which means you do not need a cable to transfer data.

Before you start installing drivers, you need to make sure that Bluetooth is available on your laptop. The presence of this adapter is guaranteed, for example, by the presence of a Bluetooth button. However, even in this case, it remains possible that the adapter is disabled and even if the drivers are present. There are several ways to determine the presence of an adapter. Firstly, according to the technical characteristics of the laptop. The instructions for the laptop should indicate which adapter is installed and which version of the driver to download. If it is impossible to find instructions with technical specifications, look for a special sticker on the back cover of the laptop. The main technical characteristics should be written on it. If the icon is mostly white, it means that your computer has a Bluetooth adapter installed. If you do not have standard adapter maintenance programs installed, download Driver Pack Solition.

There are several ways to turn on your laptop. Hardware activation provides for a separate button for Bluetooth. However, such buttons are usually installed on high-end laptops. You can turn on the adapter using key combinations on the keyboard by pressing Fn + another key that is responsible for this function. Basically this is the F3 key. A Bluetooth icon will be drawn on this key. If this method is not available and it is impossible to turn on Bluetooth through the keyboard, do it using the software installed on Windows 10. To do this, go to Start-Settings-Devices-Bluetooth and switch the button to On.

To enable the Bluetooth module installed on your laptop, you need to either find the hardware power button or do it programmatically from the notification panel.

  1. To enable it programmatically, you need to find the Bluetooth icon in the notification panel and enable it through the context menu. The notification panel is located at the bottom right, next to the clock.
  2. You can use a separate Bluetooth button on the case.
  3. Using the Fn + (F1÷F12) button combination is rare today. From the F1÷F12 buttons, you need to select one on which the antenna or the Bluetooth sign itself is drawn.

If a button is used to turn it on, then the operation sequence may be as follows: “wifi ⇒ wifi+bluetooth ⇒ bluetooth ⇒ all off”.

That is, these switching modes are sequentially cycled through, and you can choose what should be switched on at the moment.

If you receive a message that “Bluetooth has been disabled by the user,” then in this case you definitely need to use the button.

How to turn on Bluetooth on a laptop can be read in the instructions, because there are a lot of models and there are features that only this device can have.

Learn more about software enablement

On some laptops, the Bluetooth module is put into operation through the operating system. To do this, check the tray of your laptop and turn it on there.

  • Right-click (RMB) after hovering the cursor over the Bluetooth icon, and select “enable” in the context menu that appears.
  • If this icon was in the tray and then somehow disappeared, then try updating the Bluetooth driver from the laptop manufacturer’s website.
  • Another option is to restore the system to the moment when Bluetooth was still working normally.
  • You can also check on the official website of the laptop manufacturer, maybe they have a special utility for enabling wireless networks (Wi-Fi, Bluetooth) on your laptop.

How to enable Bluetooth on Windows 8

For enable bluetooth in windows 8 You need to find “settings” in the lower right corner of the screen and click “change computer settings.” There, find “wireless”, then find “bluetooth” and turn it on.

By clicking on this item, you will activate the laptop itself to search for devices with Bluetooth, and the laptop itself will become available for search by other devices.

Bluetooth on Windows 7

You can turn it on on the seven using the bluetooth icon in the notification area (bottom right, next to the clock). By right-clicking on the icon, you will see the module management menu. Do not forget that during these steps the Bluetooth switch on the laptop case must be turned on, if there is one.

But, if you don't find the bluetooth icon in the notification area, then we can advise you to follow this path: go to the “Control Panel” and open “devices and printers”, there you will see “Bluetooth Adapter” (there may not be such an item, even if everything is fine with the device) and by clicking the right mouse button you will see menu for this object. In the menu, you can customize the notification area icon and other settings. If there is no “Bluetooth Adapter” icon, then in the “devices and printers” window, click “add device”. If the drivers are installed correctly, then the device will be found, but if not, then do as written below.

The second way to find the bluetooth icon, if it is not in the notification area. In the same notification area, click on “Network and Sharing Center” or you can find it in the Control Panel. On the left side there will be an item “change adapter settings”, click on it.

There you should see “Bluetooth network connection”, right-click on it and click “properties”. Going to properties, open “bluetooth” and there we already find the parameters. If you do not find the “Bluetooth network connection” item, it means that the drivers are installed incorrectly or there is another reason for the malfunction.

Bluetooth on Mac laptops

Apple laptops have a Mac operating system, and it’s easy to turn on Bluetooth on this system. There is always a “bluetooth” icon on the screen and by clicking on this icon, click “turn on bluetooth”.

If bluetooth doesn't turn on

First . Make sure your laptop has a Bluetooth module. After all, almost identical laptop models may have different hardware components. Even if there is a special button on the case to turn on Bluetooth, or you see an indicator of the operation of this module, still make sure that the module itself is present on the laptop.

To do this, look at the device manager. Through “Start”, click “Control Panel” and go to “Device Manager”.

Bluetooth will be immediately in the list or in the “network adapters” item.

Second. When buying a laptop with a pre-installed Windows operating system, you may encounter problem of lack of drivers for Bluetooth, the same problem occurs when reinstalling the system. And although the Bluetooth module itself is working, due to the lack of a driver, you will not be able to turn it on. When checking the equipment through the device manager, you will see that there is bluetooth among the devices, but it appears with an exclamation mark in a yellow triangle.

This means that there is no driver installed.

Third . Another rare problem with drivers is use of 32 and 64 bit systems. An installed bluetooth module can only work with one of them, and if you reinstall an operating system with a different bit depth, your bluetooth module may refuse to work. The only solution to this problem is to reinstall the system.

Fourth. When installing drivers, pay close attention to the messages that appear; the installer may ask you to press the “Bluetooth” button on the case during installation.

If the laptop manufacturer's website has a driver only for Windows 7, but you installed Windows 8, then you can install the driver in compatibility mode with the previous version.

Fifth. What exactly make sure the bluetooth module is working properly Try activating bluetooth on your other device. For example, on the phone. Then on the laptop in the bluetooth window you will see the available enabled devices, namely your phone.

At connecting a laptop via Bluetooth to smartphones You may need to install additional software from the smartphone manufacturer. With such programs, you will definitely be able to organize file transfer between devices; without these programs, errors may occur when connecting devices via Bluetooth.

Sixth. More One of the reasons for Bluetooth not working may be a failure of the hardware module itself.. But this happens very rarely; the main reasons for incorrect operation are still software. These are correctly installed drivers, conflicts with other equipment, etc.

If bluetooth icon in notification bar is gray This means it is not turned on. Then, through the control panel, go to the “Network and Sharing Center”, there on the left click on “change adapter settings”. Find Bluetooth in the list and right-click. You should now see a menu and at the top it should say either "enable" (which means it's off) or "off" (which means it's on). If it says to turn it on, then turn it on. Next, click “Properties”, go to the “Bluetooth” tab and go to “Bluetooth Settings” and there, in the options section, check all the boxes.

To enable Bluetooth on your laptop, you need to do a few fairly simple steps. First, make sure that your laptop supports this technology. Second, determine your operating system: Windows or Mac. After that, go to the appropriate section in the table of contents and follow the step-by-step instructions for turning on this device.

How to enable bluetooth Windows 7, Vista

Check the presence of the module in the list of devices “Bluetooth radio module” (step 3).

Necessary steps to enable bluetooth on a laptop:

1. Go to the “Start” menu, find “Control Panel” there and follow the link.

2. Find “Device Manager” in the control panel.

3. In the list of devices, find the line “Bluetooth radio modules”. Right-click on the appropriate model (highlighted in yellow) and select Properties.

4. Go to the “Driver” tab and if it is missing, go to “Update”. If everything is normal, close the window.

6. In the Network and Sharing Center, go to Change adapter settings.

7. Right-click "Bluetooth Network Connections" and select "enable."

Windows 10

How to enable Bluetooth on Mac

On Mac laptops the process is even simpler:

1. Click on the "Bluetooth" icon;

2. Select the "turn on bluetooth" option.

Features of individual laptop models

On ASUS or Acer laptops there is a light that tells us that bluetooth is turned on. On them, a burning light bulb carries completely different information. Laptops have a sticker on the case showing the main characteristics of this laptop. On these stickers we can see either just an icon in the form of the letter “B” or the full word Bluetooth. Switching on is done by pressing the button above the keyboard in the upper left corner.

There are two more options:

Not all brands of laptops have special drivers installed, which can be installed from the manufacturer’s official website.

Checking the correct connection

First, check how bluetooth works on any device. When you try to connect your phone to other devices, in the program window you can see phones that were detected with bluetooth enabled and available.

Above is how it looks on an iPhone. In the “Settings” section, the “Bluetooth” subsection, you can find and check the functionality of the Bluetooth module.

Bluetooth is a way to exchange information between devices. The operating principle is based on the use of radio waves; therefore, communication is carried out without the use of wires. The connection occurs between PCs or laptops, smartphones, tablets, printers, mice, headphones. Wireless hands free devices and other communication devices also work via a Bluetooth connection.

How Bluetooth works

The range is 10 m or more. In this case, the devices can be located in different rooms, but due to the partitions, the connection speed will suffer. When communication occurs between two points, it is called point-to-point. If files are sent from one device to several, this is point-to-multipoint.

The connection setup process is as follows:

  • a pairing key is generated;
  • initialization occurs, one device creates a random value, sends it to another, which, in turn, receives it.

File transfer is carried out in such a way that multiple signals that are not related to each other do not interfere with each other. Sending files or data is carried out using different encoding schemes. For example, if a packet containing digital data is lost, it can be resent. But the interrupted audio signal is not repeated; it must be sent again.

Before you enable Bluetooth on your laptop, you need to check if this feature is available for use. Depending on the manufacturer, the connection activation methods differ.

Windows OS, version 7

How to enable bluetooth on a laptop with Windows 7? First you need to activate the wireless adapter and check if the drivers are installed. This is done using a switch on the laptop body or using keyboard shortcuts that are set by the manufacturer.

There are several options for setting up and connecting via Bluetooth connection.

  • We open the launch.
  • Enter “Devices and Printers” in the search field.
  • We go to the corresponding menu, we see all the results with similar combinations of words.
  • Open “Devices and Printers”.
  • Right-click on the line with the name of the adapter.
  • Select “Bluetooth Settings” and configure the display of the icon.
  • If such an item is not found, go to the “Add” menu.
  • A list of all gadgets that can be added opens, select the one you need, and complete the settings with the “Next” button.
  • Open “Network and Sharing Center”.
  • On the left, open the second item “Change parameters”.
  • Call up the context menu, click on “Network connections via Bluetooth”.
  • Select the “Options” tab, click “Detection”, check the box.

If “Network connection via Bluetooth” is missing, it means the drivers are not installed on your computer or they are not working correctly. To do this, you need to reinstall them and reboot the machine.

Windows OS, version 8

How to enable bluetooth on a laptop with Windows 8? The connection and setup process is not very different from how it is done in Windows 7. The menu names are mainly different due to the general update of the operating system.

Connection and Bluetooth settings are as follows:

  • Call up the charms panel and click the “Options” button.
  • Now you need to change some parameters responsible for the Bluetooth connection; to do this, open “Wireless Network”.
  • A list of modules appears where any adapters, including bluetooth, are enabled or disabled. Here you can also manage Wi-Fi settings and airplane mode.
  • Now go to the “Devices” item, click the “Add” button.

Windows 8, unlike previous versions, configures drivers by default during installation of the operating system. Therefore, if the method did not work, you must perform the following steps.

How to turn on bluetooth on a laptop using the second method:

  • Press the Win + R keys and enter devmgmt.msc.
  • The properties of the Bluetooth adapter open, click on the “Driver” tab.
  • We check all the data, development date, version, which are at the top. If we notice that this data is out of date, click on the “Update” button.

Setting up Bluetooth in Windows 8.1 is no different from how it was done in the previous version. Look like this:

  • Move the mouse cursor to the charms panel.
  • Click “Settings”, “Change computer settings”.
  • Go to the “Computer and Devices” menu, go to the “Bluetooth” submenu.

Now the wireless module searches for available devices and automatically makes the laptop visible to all devices.

Windows OS, version 10

How to enable bluetooth on a laptop with version 10? This version of Windows has already added the Windows start-up that is familiar to the user, so we call it using the usual method.

  1. Click on the corresponding Windows icon in the lower left corner of the screen.
  2. Click “Options”.
  3. Then open “Devices”.
  4. A window appears, select Bluetooth on the left.
  5. Now you need to turn it on; to do this, press the switch.

Below the switches, all ready-to-use devices that operate via a Bluetooth connection are displayed.

Mac OS

How to enable bluetooth on a laptop with a Mac operating system installed:

  1. In the right corner of the menu, which is located at the top of the screen, you need to find the Bluetooth icon.
  2. By right-clicking on it, you can start it or turn it off.

If such an icon is missing, then it needs to be configured. For this:

  • Go to “System Settings”.
  • Click Bluetooth.
  • A window appears where you need to check the box next to “Show Bluetooth status”.

It is important to remember: if you are using an external USB adapter, then the “On” checkbox must not be. Disconnection or connection is carried out by connecting and disconnecting the adapter, respectively.

Features of enabling Bluetooth

There is no single instruction on how to activate Bluetooth on a laptop, because each manufacturer sets its own activation options. What they have in common is that they use function keys, for example, F12 or F1.

In Asus, Dell or Gigabyte you need to press FN + F2, and in Fujitsu - FN + F5.

In Acer laptops, turn on Bluetooth using + F3. In this case, any operating system can be installed; accordingly, the key combination that allows you to enable Bluetooth on a laptop with Windows 10 or 7 does not change. But the user can independently assign keys that will be convenient for him personally.

Wireless data transfer via Wi-Fi and Bluetooth are completely different things. Despite this, manufacturers assign the same key to control both services. Thus, two wireless modules are turned on or off together.