How to convert PDF to Word for editing. Quickly convert PDF from Word, Exel and PowerPoint using standard tools, as well as using a free service

How to turn PDF into Word and at the same time maintaining the quality of the document and the ability to edit it, we will consider in this article.

There are several main ways translate document from pdf to word. Everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses,
therefore, I will tell you about each of them, and you can choose the most suitable one at this particular moment. Go.

How to make Word from PDF

The first method is the simplest and most obvious. You open your PDF document and try to highlight text. If the text stands out, you're in luck. This means you can copy it directly from the file and paste it into Word. In versions of Word 2013 and 2016, not only the text is often copied, but also its formatting.

Then you simply correct errors during copying - mainly hyphens and paragraphs. This is it an easy way to convert a document from pdf to word finished. If it doesn't help, read on.

How to convert a pdf file to word

For this method we will use a free online converter. There are tons of them on the Internet. I usually use

All you need to do to make Word from PDF– drag and drop your document through Explorer. After that, click “Convert” and wait a few seconds. If the file is heavy and takes up more than 10 pages, you will have to wait longer. Be patient:)

What is the advantage of this method? The text is recognized and then transferred to a ready-made Word file (.doc or .docx). By the way, if you don’t know how to change the format of a Word document and open it in an older version, look at this article.

In addition, the file is easily uploaded to your Google cloud drive or DropBox. That is, you can make a Word from a PDF and not even download it back to your computer, but upload it to the cloud and send the link to another person. I think it's very convenient.

True, there is one drawback - all of these services have a limit on free translations of documents from PDF to Word. Fortunately, there are a lot of them, so if one requires you to wait, open the next one :)

And one more minus - if the text in a PDF document is not text, but a scanned document (picture), such a service will not help. Something more serious is needed here.

Therefore, if you have a PDF document - it is a scan, a picture, an image, in general - something that cannot be copied as text, read method 3.

How to make word from pdf

The third method is already advanced. It won't suit everyone. Rather, everyone can use it, but does it make sense to bother so much?

I think everyone who works with a scanner knows that there are programs for recognizing texts from scanned documents. They are called OCR programs. So, your task is to get any such program. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a paid FineReader or something simpler. The main thing is that in the recognition settings you set a PDF file instead of a scanner. And the program itself will essentially help you convert a pdf file into word.

But what to do if there is no such program? Or is there, but you still haven’t figured out how to set it up? Dont be upset. There is an analogue for such programs on the Internet. We can say that this is FineReader online.

I’ll say right away that convert pdf file to word It is possible both paid and free. The free version is available to every new user who registers. Naturally, we will use it.

To do this, click “Recognize” - the big green button in the middle of the page. You will be redirected to a page where the magic happens. More precisely, a quick, easy and high-quality solution to the problem of how to make Word from a PDF.

The page is intuitive: upload the file, then select the languages ​​in it - the more you choose, the more accurate the recognition will be. And the third step is to choose the output file format - doc or something else.

How to convert a document from pdf to word

All. After that, click on “Register”. Please register. Then follow the link in the letter that came to your email and confirm your registration. For this you will be awarded 10 free pages for recognition (translations of a pdf file into word).

Not enough, you say? Considering the power and quality of the service, this is a generous gift. By the way, no one forbids you to split the PDF file, translate 10 pages into Word, register again, translate another 10 pages... Or pay for a subscription. True, it is quite expensive.

Actions on your part to convert document from pdf to word finished. Wait for recognition to complete. Leave the tab open and download your files when the system does its job. If this is regular text, you will receive it in Word in a minute. If the text contains tables, formulas, graphs, you will have to wait up to 10-15 minutes.
This completes the third way to transfer a document from PDF to Word.

Now you know, how to make a Word document from a PDF in minutes using three main methods. I think they will be enough for you. And if not, write through the contact form on the website - we’ll sort it out :) Good luck!

Doc and .pdf are now the most common text formats. .pdf files are distinguished by their small size, and .doc files can be edited on almost any computer. In addition, the PDF can be easily opened in any modern browser, which eliminates the need to install additional software on your computer. There are times when a Word document needs to be converted to .pdf format. In this article we will figure out how to make a PDF from Word.

Convert from WORD to PDF on your computer

Unfortunately, Word does not have the function of saving a document in PDF format. But this can be done using various programs. An example will be shown using the UDC (Universal Document Converter) program.

Download program. You can download it from the official website and pay for a license, or you can search for a “cured” program on the Internet.

Install the program. It “weighs” little, so it won’t take up much space or computer resources.

The software is a virtual printer, the control of which can be found in the print menu. The interface is intuitive. Now, to convert a text file to PDF, do the following:

  • Open the required Word document.
  • In the Print menu, select Universal Document Converter from the list of printers.
  • Next, in the “Properties” button menu, select “Load settings”.
  • Select “Webpage to PDF” from the list of files.
  • Using the remaining menu items, you can adjust image quality, save path, post-processing, etc.

All converted files are stored in the “UDC Output Files” folder by default.

This is what the UDC working window looks like:

Online converter from word to pdf – how to use it

If you don’t want to install anything on your computer, you can always use an online converter. There are many of these on the Internet. Just enter the appropriate query “doc to pdf” into the search engine.

  • Go to the service website.
  • Select the desired file from your computer by clicking on the appropriate button on the page.
  • Some sites allow you to change the parameters of the final PDF file. Some don't.
  • Click “Upload Files”.
  • Wait from a few minutes to fifteen.
  • Download the finished file.

As you can see, with our clear tips outlined in the article, you can always convert online or offline .doc files to .pdf

You can find out everything about this file and why it is good. This article also briefly touches on services and programs that allow you to convert this format to any other and vice versa.
In the article we specify the choice in favor of the most common conversion - MS Word (doc or docx).

After we, sometimes we want to translate it into a more common format - Microsoft Oficce Word.

There are two ways to convert - online and free programs.

1. Online services for converting pdf to doc and docx.
The advantages of online services are obvious - there is no need to install any programs and take up disk space. This is especially true when there is little space or you only need to use the conversion once.
So, here is a small list of good sites that can help you:

  • - pdf to doc and docx converter online will allow you to convert both 2003, 2007 and 2010 versions into Word documents for free.

  • - online converter taken from the article described above. In addition to the doc and docx formats, it also converts to a format such as rtf - also openable by Word.

    2. Free programs for converting PDF files into doc and docx documents.
    There’s not much to write about the programs. Install and convert.

  • -

  • How to convert text from Word to PDF? A similar question may well arise in your mind when you need to send a document to a client by email, create your own e-book or instruction, or send a resume for a position. If you have been reading my blog for a long time, then this no longer seems difficult for you. To do this, you can use the free programs "Foxit Reader" and "Adobe Reader". But I have not yet seriously considered the issue of creating such an electronic document from a text document created in Word.

    Many programs, free or requiring a license, have been created and successfully used for this procedure. For example: "PrimoPDF", "doPDF", "ABBYY PDF Transformer 3.0", "Solid Converter PDF" and of course "Adobe Acrobat". They work differently. Some work as a separate program in which you can make various settings for the final document. Others are built into the system as a virtual printer and create a document when you print it in a standard way, but select a virtual printer rather than a physical one. The document is then saved in a special folder. It is usually located in the "My Documents" folder.

    This, by the way, is how the free application installed with Foxit Reader works. True, on all pages of such a document there is an image of the program’s copyright, which we do not need at all. However, Foxit Reader also has such a useful editing function as creating a menu for the document being viewed.

    There are also online services for converting to PDF text documents. But in this publication I will look at other basic options for converting text DOC files to PDF format.

    How to Convert a Word Document to PDF in OpenOffice 3

    One of the easiest ways to turn a document with text and pictures into PDF format is to use the free office tool, already discussed on the blog earlier.

    In order to do this, you need:

    • Open the document in this program.
    • Click on the icon in the menu that says "PDF"
    • In the "Export" window that appears, select the folder to save (by default, the same as the source document), enter the desired file name and click the "Save" button

    After a short wait, the document in the new PDF format will be created in the specified folder. It can be opened, forwarded and used for the purpose for which it was created. The file will be saved with default settings, which are usually used to obtain the best result. But, if you have a lot of images in the file, the file will turn out to be quite large.

    In order to change the situation, you need to make the transformation a little differently.

    • Click on "File" in the menu and then on "Export to PDF..."
    • In the "General" tab, find the "Image" section
    • There, adjust the “JPEG compression - Quality” and “Image resolution” parameters. The higher the parameters, the better the quality of the resulting document and the greater its weight.
    • Click on "Export" and create a PDF document.

    In the same window, you can configure many more parameters, including assigning a password for opening a document (Security tab). If the document has external links and links for navigating through the document itself, then you need to configure the corresponding parameters in the "Links" tab.

    Overall, this is a fairly simple way to convert a text document into an eBook. Naturally, if you use OpenOffice in your practice.

    How to Convert a Word Document to PDF in MS Word 2007

    The default version of the 2007 package does not have a PDF converter. It was planned, but Adobe, which owns the rights to the format, prohibited its inclusion in the package. Nevertheless, for those interested, a plugin for MS Word 2007 is available on the Microsoft website: “Microsoft Save as PDF or XPS.”e. It weighs just under a megabyte.

    To install it you need:

    • Download it (from a file hosting service or offsite, using the link above).
    • Install the plugin by running the downloaded file. You will need to check the warning box and click "Continue".
    • After installation is complete, click "OK"
    • Click on the "Office" button (in the upper left corner)
    • Click "Save As..." and then click "PDF or XPS"
    • The Publish as PDF or XPS window appears.
    • In the window, select the destination save folder
    • Enter file name
    • Select optimization method "Standard" or "Minimum size"
    • Click "Publish"

    If you have not unchecked the “Open file after publishing” checkbox, then after processing the file will open in your reader program for viewing PDF documents.

    Everything described is true for Microsoft Word 2007. I am not yet aware of such plugins for other versions of this program.

    Video podcast

    - "Word to PDF - How to convert"(Download). The visual video covers all the steps described above.

    The topic raised in this article has already been raised. And in general, converting from Word to PDF remains relevant for everyone who works with documents in one way or another. Why bring up the old stuff again? - you ask. And then, the format conversion method described in this article is much simpler, faster and more convenient. Plus, you can make PDF not only from Word, but also from others, for example, Excel.

    First of all, we need to download a free pdf printer doPDF- available from the official website, or directly. In general, it is installed as for your system, that is, after installation it will appear in the section Devices and Printers. That is, theoretically, you can save to PDF from any program that has Seal. But more on that later. Now let's get back to the installation. It is important to check the box Install add-in for Microsoft Office. Once you are sure of this, click Install now.

    In principle, you can now print to PDF from any program where printing is generally possible. You just need to select doPDF 8 from the list of printers. But now we are specifically interested in Microsoft Word - it is with this program that the example will be considered. There are two ways to export to PDF.

    1. Using a command Seal. In Word, open the desired document, click File/Print. Select the doPDF 8 printer and press the big button Seal.

    A window with settings will appear where you can select the quality of the generated PDF and the path for saving. Click OK.

    After a little thought, the program will open a freshly baked PDF file in the reader. The created file will be located in the folder you specified.

    2. The second method is even simpler than the first. After installing the doPDF 8 virtual printer, a new tab will appear in all Microsoft Office applications, including Word. To quickly export a Word document to PDF, open this tab and click Save as PDF.

    In principle, you don’t have to mess with the settings – the result is excellent anyway. But just in case there is a button Settings where you can set some additional export options.