How to transfer photos from phone to computer. How to transfer photos from computer to mobile phone

Articles and Lifehacks

Five popular ways to transfer photos from your phone to your computer

1. The first, perhaps the most logical method, is to use the cable included with the mobile phone. Using the boot disk, also included with the device, you need to install on your computer a program for downloading photos from your mobile phone and, by connecting the cord, download, copying from the folder containing the phone icon to the folder you need, for example “documents” or to Desktop.

If for some reason this option does not suit you, for example, you got a phone without a cable, you can use other methods.

2. The second option involves using a USB cable. These devices are sold almost everywhere: in stores and markets. Almost all modern mobile devices have a miniUSB connector. To upload photos, you need to connect your computer to a USB cable, and your mobile phone to a mini-USB, and then go to the “My Computer” folder. A mobile device map icon should appear in it, and you need to download the photo from this folder. If the icon suddenly does not appear, then you should set the flash drive mode on your phone (it is called differently on each phone).

Less popular ways to transfer photos from your phone to a laptop or computer

3. The third method is using a Card Reader. Transferring photos from your phone to your computer using this method is very easy: just remove the Card Reader from your mobile device and insert it into the appropriate slot on your laptop or PC. This will ensure fairly fast downloading of photos, but will take a lot of time to remove the flash card. To do this, you will have to remove the cover from the phone, and sometimes even the battery.

4. The fourth option is to transfer photos from your phone via a Bluetooth device or an IR adapter (today these adapters are practically not used). Bluetooth devices are found in almost every mobile phone and many laptops. However, the speed of downloading photos using this method is quite low, and there is no Bluetooth adapter on a desktop computer.

5. And the longest and most expensive fifth method involves transferring photos via the mobile Internet to your email or social account. networks, and then download them to your computer. This method is rarely used when it is not technically possible to upload photos, or you are not near a computer.

Greetings, dear reader. I’m in touch with you, Timur Mustaev. The blog pages, as you know, are replete with useful articles on photography in all its forms, but there are no step-by-step instructions here yet. And I am glad to present the first of them to your consideration. As expected, you should start with the simplest thing, so today I will tell you how to download photos from a camera to a computer.

Here it should be noted right away that by computer some users may also mean mobile devices, so I will try to explain the case with them along with the main one.

First stage. Connecting the camera and computer

“Instructions for Dummies,” as this article can be called, implies a complete disclosure of the process, so you should start with the simplest. So, there are several ways to connect a camera and a computer.

  • The first, most common one is using a USB cable, which is now abundantly available anywhere.
  • The second is using wireless networks. It will only work for cameras equipped with Wi-Fi or Bluetooth modules, of which there are also many now.
  • The third method cannot be called a variation of connecting the camera to a computer, since it involves removing the memory card from the first and inserting it into the latter.

Each method depends on the specifications of the devices for which interaction is intended. This is most clearly noticeable in the example of wireless options: if the camera or computer does not have the appropriate modules, then interaction will be impossible.

As for cables, it all depends on the generation of the USB connector on the camera body. Old cameras, as a rule, are either equipped with a Mini-USB port, which is used for charging and data transfer, or are not equipped with USB at all. With the new ones, everything is simpler: most often the usual Micro-USB is found here, serving for the same purposes.

Regarding connections of mobile devices with cameras, the following should be noted: this is only possible for new devices, since old ones are not equipped with wireless modules. Of course, you can connect them using an OTG cable, but this is not very convenient.

Second phase. View content

We connected the camera to our computer. What to do next? The next step depends on the operating system your desktop is running on. If this is Windows 7 version or newer, then an autorun window will appear in automatic mode, where you will need to select “view images” or “open folder to view files.”

If you have an older version of Windows, you should open “ My computer", and then select your device among the other items. As a rule, its name will correspond to the make and model of the connected camera.

If you are connecting a device via a USB cable and for the computer to see it, turn it on. If you transfer photos via an SD card to a computer, then after connecting the card, the computer will see it itself!

Otherwise, Windows may “label” your device a “Digital Storage Device” or a “Multimedia Device,” which is very rare. So, now you need to click on this very “device”.

After we have opened the storage of the device or the memory card that is installed in it, we need to open the park DCIM. This is where cameras usually save pictures.

Some of the cameras are also capable of sorting photos by even receiving them: creating folders for them and placing the result of their work there. If you have just such a camera, then you should also select the folder with the date you need.

For mobile devices, things are a little more interesting. Some manufacturers have provided for this scenario, so you can find special applications on Google Play or the AppStore.

If there is none, then you need to install any file manager and open the camera storage through it. This is done in approximately the same way as for the desktop, with the only exception that instead of the icon “ My computer"You will need to click on " File manager».

Third stage. Copying pictures

There are also several options here. The first one is simple drag and drop. It does not require any special skills and is perfect for beginners. But dragging and dropping may not always be convenient. This is due to the fact that sorting photos by dragging and dropping is not as convenient as it can be done, for example, with the functions “ copy paste».

When using this path, you can select the correct directory for storing data, sort photos by date (if the camera did not do this), place, time, people - by anything, it’s up to the user.

To speed up the process and avoid clicking the right mouse button a million times, experienced users use combinations Ctrl+CCtrl+V, which speeds up the copying process significantly.

Mobile devices differ from desktops in this parameter. In addition to the fact that here you can select either all photos at once or one at a time, the touch screen does not allow you to copy files by dragging and dropping or combinations.

That's all. I told you how you can copy photos from your camera to your computer. In the end, I would like to give a couple of tips: format the memory card each time only after copying photos and save intermediate photos to a smartphone or tablet, if possible. The main thing is not to lose pictures, the rest is not so important.

Learn how to properly use your DSLR camera. I recommend studying the video courses below. They have helped thousands of beginning photographers master proper photography, and they will help you too. No need to wait, it's time to take great photos.

My first MIRROR— who has a CANON SLR camera.

Digital SLR for a beginner 2.0— who has a NIKON SLR camera.

I hope the article was useful to you and will be the same for your friends. I also recommend subscribing to blog updates, because there are many informative articles ahead of you. See you later!

All the best to you, Timur Mustaev.

Read the article on how to transfer photos from your phone to your computer. Simple step-by-step instructions for transferring pictures to your computer from your smartphone.

Some users store their photos only on their smartphone. It is not right! What happens if the device is lost or broken? In this case, there is a risk of losing precious pictures. It is better to store images on a PC. There is more free space here, and hard drive failure is a much more rare occurrence. But how to send photos from your phone to your computer? Let's find out the answer to this question.

A brief overview of the possibilities of copying photos from your phone to your computer

If you think about it, photos from your phone to your computer can be copied or transferred in many ways. Here are just the most popular of them:

  • Transfer via USB cable;
  • Send wirelessly (Wi-Fi and Bluetooth);
  • Use of cloud services (Google Drive and others);
  • Email;
  • Inserting a memory card into a card reader;
  • Using a special application (for example, Airdroid);
  • Social media.

And these are just the most well-known ways to transfer photos from your phone to your computer. Seasoned programmers will tell you about creating your own FTP server on your computer, uploading photos to a special hosting, or some other sophisticated methods. We will tell you about the methods that are easiest to implement. In this case, we will talk about how to transfer photos from your phone to a computer step by step - even novice users who just got their hands on a smartphone for the first time yesterday will be able to understand everything.

Using a card reader to copy photos to a laptop

This method of transmitting images is now used less and less.

Firstly, not all modern smartphones have a slot for a memory card, and in some cases the amount of built-in memory is quite sufficient for everyday needs.

Secondly, the microSD tray can be opened using a special paperclip, which is not always at hand. In short, this method is more applicable to fairly old smartphones than to new devices.

Please note that using a card reader does not make sense if the Camera app saves pictures to the internal memory. That is, you first need to select “Removable storage” or “Memory card” in the “Camera” settings.

The method is most relevant for laptop owners. Laptop computers have a built-in card reader - you only have to get an adapter from microSD to SD. As for desktop computers, both external and internal card readers are produced for them, the cost of which rarely exceeds 500 rubles. Many models support installing a microSD card without any adapter. Finally, there are tiny microSD adapters that plug into a USB port.

If the computer has access to the memory card, it will immediately offer to use Explorer to view the contents of the external drive. You can also launch any other file manager (for example, Total Commander) for this purpose. You should search for photos either along the DCIM/Camera path or in the “Pictures” folder. Next, all that remains is to copy or move them to any folder convenient for you on your computer’s hard drive.

Using Bluetooth

Another good way for laptop owners. The fact is that almost all laptops have a built-in Bluetooth module, while desktop computers most often cannot boast of this. However, even a home PC can be made to understand the Bluetooth signal - this will require the purchase of an appropriate adapter or, if funds allow, an expensive motherboard that supports this technology.

So, how to transfer photos from your phone to your computer via Bluetooth? It all depends on the specific smartphone model, the type of Bluetooth connection and the operating system installed on the PC. Let's look at user actions using the example of a Windows 10 laptop and a smartphone with a “green robot” on board.

  • First you need to activate the “blue tooth” on both your smartphone and your computer. On Android, all you have to do is click on the corresponding icon in the notification panel. In Windows 10, to activate Bluetooth, you need to go to the network connection settings.

  • Next, the phone and computer are paired. To do this, you need to right-click on the Bluetooth icon in the tray, and then click on the “Add device” item. A list of gadgets that currently have “blue tooth” activated will immediately be displayed. Click on the name of the network created by the smartphone's Bluetooth module. The access code will be displayed on the computer and phone screens. You don’t have to change it - just press the “Yes” or “Pairing” button both there and there. After this, the smartphone should appear in the list of connected equipment.

When using a Bluetooth adapter, the process for sending photos may be slightly different. Here everything depends on what kind of program you install to control the adapter. If you have difficulty connecting or receiving files, then read the instructions, which are usually available on the official website of the application developers.

Please note that the speed of file transfer via Bluetooth leaves much to be desired. If you are going to transfer a photo archive weighing 1 GB, then it is better to consider other options, otherwise it may take several hours.

Using a USB connection

What is the fastest way to transfer photos from your phone to your computer? Perhaps using a USB cable. This method makes the most of the possibilities. In low-cost and mid-budget smartphones, they are limited to USB 2.0 technology, while flagships can use USB 3.0 or even USB 3.1. Be that as it may, transferring even a multi-gigabyte archive of photographs should not take much time.

Many people ask “How to transfer photos from phone to computer?” due to the fact that the connection to the PC is not possible. That is, the computer does not react in any way to a cord inserted into a USB port, at the other end of which a smartphone is connected. It would seem that the device should be defined as an external drive? In fact, modern versions of Android support many USB operating modes. By default, most often the one that is launched is not the one needed to transfer files.

When you have inserted the USB cable into the computer, pay attention to the smartphone display. Most likely, it displayed a message asking you to allow access to data on the phone. Click the Allow button. After this, an instant reconnection will occur, after which a window will pop up on the computer with actions that can be performed with the identified device. Here you need to open Explorer and then find the folder with photos. They are usually located along the DCIM/Camera path in the device memory or on a microSD card. Next, copy or transfer the desired images to your computer’s hard drive.

Please note that the message may not appear on the smartphone screen. In this case, you should look for it in the notification panel. Well, in the most advanced cases, you will have to go to “Settings” and look for the cause of the problem there.

Cloud storage

The modern world involves constant use. After all, some clients of such services are installed on smartphones by default, preventing them from being removed. So why not think about how to download photos from your phone to your computer via the cloud? Most often, images are transmitted in this way unchanged - all tags are stored in them, including geographic markers. Photos can be compressed and deteriorate in quality only when using Google Photos and the corresponding active item in the application settings. If you want to transfer images to your computer, it is better to use the following cloud storage services:

  • Dropbox is an excellent option that is not suitable only if you have a huge archive with photos weighing 10 GB or more;
  • Yandex.Disk - storage with servers located in Russia, which ensures high upload and download speeds;
  • Google Drive - an option from the creators of Android;
  • Microsoft OneDrive - storage from the creators of Windows and the famous office suite.

To interact with the cloud service, you need to install its official client. However, it may already be preinstalled by the smartphone manufacturer. Some file managers can also work with cloud storage - for example, Solid Explorer.

To upload photos to the cloud, you need to go to the application. Further actions vary depending on the selected service. Most often, just click on the folder where you want to upload photos, and then click on the “Upload files” button. Next, you will be asked to choose a method for selecting images, the most convenient of which is “Gallery”. That's all, all that remains is to mark the photos and click the “Upload” button.

When the process is completed, you will need to open an Internet browser on your computer and go to the website of the selected cloud storage. Here you should log in and go to the folder with photos. Next, all that remains is to check the boxes next to each of them, and then click the “Download” button.

If the computer is not yours, then in the mobile application you should make the folder with photos public (provide shared access). This way you will receive a link to this folder, which should already be sent to the owner of the computer. This way he can download the images without seeing the rest of your account content.

In words, this process of transferring photographs seems very long. But in reality, everything mostly depends on the speed of the Internet connection.

Social network

Not the best way to transfer images from a smartphone to a computer. However, many people are so accustomed to social networks that they begin to use them for this purpose. The essence of the method is simple: just go to the “Photos” section, create a new album, and then upload images from your smartphone to it. Easily? Yes. Is this the best way? No.

If you are thinking about how to transfer photos from your phone to your computer in their original quality, then this method is definitely not for you. The fact is that many social networks compress the resulting photos, which is why detail suffers. Also, almost all tags may disappear from the image - in the future you will not know either the date of shooting, or what device was used for this, or other characteristics of the image.

Problems will also arise when downloading photos to your computer. The algorithm of your actions will be too complicated. You will have to first open the photo, then click on the “Open Original” button, then right-click on it and select “Save Image”. If you need to save a couple of photos in this way, then this will not be a big problem. What if it’s a couple of hundred?

When creating an album, do not forget to set its privacy settings to be visible only to you. Otherwise, all your friends or even all other users of the social network will see the added images.

The above disadvantages are given for Vkontakte. But Facebook also has certain problems. Not to mention the fact that fewer visitors to our site use it on a regular basis. And the Facebook mobile client is not the best example of energy saving.

How to transfer photos from your phone to your computer using Wi-Fi

Now almost every smartphone owner has his own. That is, the device has access to the home Wi-Fi network. It is logical that a person begins to think about how to send photos from a phone to a computer via this very network. Is it possible to do this at all? In fact, the default Wi-Fi network was created to provide the device with Internet traffic. But, if such a desire arises, you can use it to perform other actions. Suffice it to recall TVs with Smart TV support, which can be controlled using a smartphone located on the same Wi-Fi network. It’s easy to guess that you can also transfer files from your smartphone to your computer via Wi-Fi.

To organize the sending of photos, you will have to acquire a special application designed to synchronize your smartphone and PC. For example, you can download Airdroid. This program is free to use, but if you regularly transfer a large number of photos, the creators will ask you to sign up for a paid subscription. If you don’t like it, then you can try other applications of this kind - there are quite a lot of them on Google Play.

What is the essence of such programs? The service client is launched on the smartphone. It displays a special URL that you need to enter into your computer's Internet browser. Sometimes an additional password is specified. That's it, the connection is established! In the case of Airdroid, you will see all notifications coming to your smartphone, and will also have the ability to send SMS messages. You will also be able to get the contents of some folders, including the one containing photos.

This is a very convenient method, and images are transferred over Wi-Fi many times faster than over Bluetooth. However, you will have to type a special URL into your browser each time, which may change every few days. Of course, Airdroid allows you to create a special permanent address linked to the developers’ server, but this function is available only to owners of paid subscriptions.

Router with USB

Another method related to the Wi-Fi network. It can only be used by those whose router has a USB port. This usually means that you can connect an external hard drive to the device, essentially creating your own cloud storage. How to do this can be found on specialized websites dedicated to your router, or from the operating instructions. Be sure to make sure that the SMB protocol is used. If the router only supports DLNA, then this option will not work, since this technology supports viewing media files, but not downloading new files.

You can see the contents of the external hard drive on your smartphone using special applications. In particular, the file manager Solid Explorer, already mentioned above, can determine local storage. With it, you can create a folder with any name on your external hard drive and copy to it those photos that you need to see on your computer. Next, you go to your PC and open File Explorer. Here you need to go to this same hard drive, which will be located in the “Network Location” section. Then all that remains is to go to the created folder and move the photos to your computer. However, now you don’t have to do this - you can work with those files that are located on the drive connected to the router. If you want a detailed discussion of the topic of “home cloud” - write about it in the comments!

You can also work with photos using Total Commander. In order for this file manager to “see” the network storage, you need to perform simple manipulations:

  • Click on the “Menu” button located on the top line;
  • Select "Map network drive";
  • Select the appropriate drive letter and click the "Browse" button;
  • Select a folder on the network storage that will open by default;
  • Click OK.

That's it, now you will always have access to your external hard drive!


A banal, but still working method. To use it, you need to have two email addresses. The method is to transfer photographs from one address to another. For example, on a smartphone you can use the Gmail "box". The images will be sent by letter to an email created on Yandex. That is, on your computer you will need to go to - the letter with photos will come exactly here.

Unlike social networks, email does not compress photos, leaving them in their original form. All tags are also saved, which will then simplify sorting. A letter from one “box” to another arrives almost instantly, although exceptions to this rule sometimes still occur. For the most part, the speed of transferring photos to a computer using this method depends on the speed of the tariff to which you are connected.

USB flash drive

How can I transfer photos from my phone to my computer using a USB flash drive? Is it possible to do this? This method of copying data is quite feasible if your smartphone supports OTG technology. You can find out more information about this using the OTG Checker application. You can insert a flash drive into the smartphone connector using an OTG adapter - you can purchase this “cord” for literally 100 rubles.

A flash drive with support for OTG technology will be detected almost instantly. You can copy the necessary photos to it using a pre-installed file manager or some specialized application. When the process is completed, all that remains is to take out the flash drive and insert it into the USB port of the computer. Next, you can use Explorer or any other file manager.


As you understand, there are many ways to transfer photos and other files from your smartphone to your computer. If previously the easiest way to do this was using a traditional USB connection, now we recommend using cloud storage. For example, you can create a “Temporary Files” folder in Dropbox and put photos there. And you can even set up constant synchronization - in this case, images will be thrown into the “cloud” after each use of the Camera application. You don’t need to install anything on your computer - the capabilities of an Internet browser are sufficient here.

How do you transfer photos to your computer? Or do you prefer to store all your pictures on your smartphone? Share your thoughts in the comments.

uploading photos and videos from a mobile phone to a computer

How to upload photos, videos
from mobile phone to computer

Modern mobile phones make it possible
users take photos and videos, and then
transfer them to your computer.

Synchronizing a mobile phone with a computer

mobile phone
with a computer

What is Computer Synchronization?

Synchronization with a computer is the ability to carry out
data synchronization between mobile phone and computer.

You can share phone book entries
or synchronize your phone organizer with your organizer
on the computer.

That is, what was saved by you on your phone -
copied to the computer, and vice versa.
Including photos and videos.

To synchronize your mobile phone with your computer –
Internet connection required.

USB cable for synchronizing your mobile phone with a computer

USB cable
for synchronization
mobile phone with computer

USB cables are the most traditional and proven method
for communication between a computer and a mobile phone.
This is the method we will consider.

A USB cable is included with most modern mobile phones. However, a USB cable suitable for your brand of phone can be purchased in computer stores and in stores selling mobile phones. For little money.

USB cable appearance

Connecting a mobile phone to a computer via a USB cable

Mobile phone connection
to computer via USB cable

As you can see in the picture - the USB cable
connectors for connection at both ends.

The larger connector is inserted into the USB connector on the computer.
(Like a flash drive, mouse, etc.).

On a laptop, USB connectors are mainly located
on the side panels of the bottom of the laptop.

On a desktop computer, USB connectors may be located
both on the front panel of the System unit and on the back. Occupy
both horizontal and vertical positions.

The smaller connector on the USB cable is inserted
into the USB port of your mobile phone.

As a rule, the USB connector on a mobile phone
covered with a retractable small panel.
There is a diagram on the panel

To connect your mobile phone to your computer, first insert
a small USB connector of the cable into the USB connector of the mobile phone. And then
and insert the second USB connector of the cable into the USB connector of the computer

Software for synchronizing a mobile phone with a computer

to synchronize your mobile phone
with a computer

After connecting the mobile phone to the computer -
open Windows Photo Album.

If your licensed Windows does not include Photo Album -
You can read how and where to download it for free.

Click on the picture to enlarge.

In the top left corner, click the Import button.

The “Import photos and videos” tab will open.

This is a screenshot from my computer and I have already downloaded the “Software” to sync NOKIA mobile phones with my computer. And you, if you have never downloaded photos and videos from your brand of mobile phone to your computer, then click the “Update” button in this tab to download the “Software” for synchronizing mobile phones (of your brand) with your computer.

Later, after opening this tab
You can immediately click the “Import” button.

And if you upload photos from different brands of mobile phones, you will need to download separate software for each. And the program itself will determine which brand you logged into the computer with and highlight the necessary software.

Uploading photos and videos from a mobile phone to a computer via Windows Photo Album

Uploading photos and videos
from mobile phone to computer
via Windows Photo Album

After installing the software, click the "Import" button
at the bottom of the same Windows Photo Album tab. A new tab will open
“Search for photos and videos...”, with a search bar.

When the search ends, a new tab will open.

This tab tells you how many photos and videos were found on your mobile phone. And initially there is a switch on the “View, organize and group elements for import” button. This means that photos and videos from your mobile phone will be downloaded.

You can immediately click the “Next” button in this tab.

The process of downloading photos and videos from your mobile phone to your computer will begin.

In the “Gallery” of your mobile phone, from where your files (photos and videos) are downloaded, there are files included with your phone. These are “Background pictures”, and “Screensavers”, and “Graphic clips”, and so on. When, during the download, the downloading program begins to “encroach” on these files, you will be shown an error message.

The switch in this message is on the “Repeat” button, and at the bottom there is an active “Continue” button. Switch the switch to the "Skip all files with errors" button so that only your files are downloaded to the computer, and then click the "Continue" button. If you do not change the switch and immediately press the “Continue” button, the error message will appear again.

Once the download is complete, the Select Groups to Import window will open.
All your photos and videos will be automatically divided into groups by time and date. And placed in separate folders.

Click on the picture to enlarge.

You can, if you wish, view your files first.
To do this, each group has a “View all elements” button.
And in the window that opens remove unnecessary .

If you don’t want to transfer a group completely
to your computer - then uncheck the boxes to the left of the groups.

First uncheck the top, with "Select All"
and then from a certain group.

Or you can immediately click at the bottom of the window “Select groups to import” -
"Import" button. All additional windows will close and you
you will see in the Windows Photo Album all the folders with downloaded
photos and videos.

I must say that the photos are from my cell phone Photo Album
Imported only for the first time. And then I loaded it
only new photos.

Viewing photos and videos on your computer after downloading from your mobile phone

View photos and videos
on the computer, after
downloads from mobile phone

You can view and organize your newly downloaded
or in Windows Photo Gallery, or in folder Images .

Open the Pictures folder and you will see all your new folders.
They do not have a letter name, but the name is a numeric set -
year-month-day-number. Where the date is the time the photo or video was created,
and the number – what number this photo or video is designated under
on your mobile phone.

Open any folder (if there are several of them) and if at the same time you have
both photos and videos were created at the same time - you will see them in one folder.

By double clicking the left mouse you can open each file.
The video will open in Windows Media Player.
The photos will open in Windows Photo Gallery.

Photos from a mobile phone are uploaded in a fairly large size.
For example, from my NOKIA - 2048 x 1536. In order to subsequently
upload these photos to some sites, for example, to a social network -
The photo must be reduced to the sizes accepted on these sites.

How to transfer photos from your phone to your laptop or computer? It all depends on the capabilities of the computer and the compatibility of the phone.

If you need to transfer photos from a modern Android smartphone (touch phone) to a laptop with the Windows operating system, there are no problems. In modern technology, everything is standardized.

If the task is to transfer photos from an outdated model phone to a computer, the procedure becomes much more complicated. The difficulty is for the computer to recognize the old phone as a flash card with a folder of photos on it. If this is successful, the problem is solved quickly.

A more difficult case is when the phone is completely “ancient”. For example, an old Nokia, where you need to install a special program, Nokia PC Suite. The disk with this program, as well as a special cable for connecting to the USB contact of the computer, should be sold either together with the phone or separately.

The main thing is to buy an additional cord and download the software application from the Internet. But this requires computer experience.

If there are at least some people nearby who understand computers, it’s easier to ask for help. If not, you will have to transfer the photo from your phone to your laptop yourself.

By the way, there are a lot of YouTube training videos on this topic, and if these step-by-step instructions do not help, watch the training video.

How to transfer photos from Android phone to laptop

Step #1

First, make sure you have a cable that can connect your phone to your computer. Nothing can be messed up here, so don’t be afraid to experiment. Often the phone cord has:

  • miniUSB or microUSB connector on one side (for phone);
  • USB connector on the other side (for a computer or laptop).

Take a good look at the phone charger. Often such a wire is simply inserted into the head of the adapter. If the cord is pulled out of the charger (where the socket plug is), then this is the wire you need

Step #2

We connect one end of the wire to the Android phone, and insert the other into the laptop. If everything is correct (and you simply cannot go wrong here), a robot icon and the message “USB storage device” appear on the phone screen, below is the “Enable USB storage device” button. Click on this button.

If an information message appears, confirm “OK”

Step #3

If the connection is successful, the Android robot turns red and orange. At the same time, autoloading is triggered on the computer or laptop. In our screenshot, autoboot worked for the main memory of the phone and for the SD flash drive. Therefore, we see 2 autorun message boxes.

In both windows, select “Open folder to view files.” If you only see one startup window, everything is fine. Choose the same options.

Step #4

Let's say that everything went well and you got to this point. Then you will see the open memory folder of your Android phone. There are a lot of subfolders here, but we need to find exactly those with photos.

Even purely theoretically, it can be assumed that photographs will be placed in folders like:

  • MyFoto
  • Camera

Using a simple “POKE” method (trial and error), look into such folders. Most likely, your photos will be in them. If these folders also have subfolders, go through them all.

Don't be afraid - you won't cause any harm to your phone or computer. Feel free to study the contents of your phone or its SD flash drive.

So, in our case, we found the folder with the necessary photos in the “DCIM” directory
- Camera. Most likely, you will have it in another place. Finding where your photos are saved is the most difficult stage of the entire operation.

Step #5

When you find your photos in the memory of the flash drive, select the ones you want to copy. If you need to copy everything, select all photo files.

To select all files in a folder, use the key combination Ctrl+A (where A is an English letter). You can also select files with the mouse.

After selection, press the right mouse button ON THE SELECTED AREA and select “Copy”.

Step #6

The next step is to select a location to save the photos on your computer. To transfer photos from your phone to your laptop and not confuse all the files, you need to either create a new folder or select an existing directory to insert new photos.

In the selected computer folder, right-click and select the “Paste” option. In the screenshot, we created a special folder on drive “C”, which we called “Photos from phone”

Windows may also ask you to confirm your decision. You have to agree with him.

IMPORTANT: After completing the copy operation, it is very important to go back to the Android phone and click the “Unplug USB storage” button there!!! If for some reason you cannot disconnect the device from the computer, it is better to turn off the computer/laptop and only then remove the cords and connector contacts.

IMPORTANT: We strongly do not recommend pulling out the connecting cord from your phone or computer while copying or opening files! This can damage the device’s memory and lose all photos, videos, contact lists, music and other files forever. In worst cases, you can even break the SD drive.

In conclusion

In this step-by-step instructions, we looked at the question of how to transfer photos from your phone to your computer under the most favorable conditions. In practice, you may encounter a lot of difficulties. It is worth solving problems as they arise. This article came out as general, generalized, since for every small detail here one could write a separate step-by-step instruction or even a whole book.

Alternative solutions:

  1. You can also transfer photos from your phone to your laptop using BlueTooth.
  2. Send the photo by email and then download it to your computer.
  3. Attach the photo to documents on the VK social network, and then download them to your laptop.
  4. Download files from cloud storage, via Yandex Drive or Cloud Mail or Google Profile.
  5. Transfer photos from your phone to your computer using the removed flash card and your computer’s card reader.
  6. Transfer photos from your Android phone via an external flash drive and a special cable (“Male - microUSB”, “MALE - USB”).
  7. Transfer the photo through a friend or acquaintance. You send your photos to a friend, and he already sends them to you via a flash drive.
  8. Ask a neighbor or stop by any computer service or gaming club or internet cafe to get help

THERE ARE A LOT OF OPTIONS... - watch the video: