How to switch to another operator while keeping your number. Changing an operator is now easy: how to switch from MTS to Beeline while maintaining the number

More recently, when changing operators, it was impossible to keep a number already known to all friends and colleagues; it was necessary to change your SIM card to a card from another mobile communication service provider. But times change, and the so-called “slavery” was abolished by a decision of the Government, and from now on it is possible to change the operator while maintaining the number.

Many people don’t know how this can be done and how the procedure itself goes. If for some reason you no longer like the quality of services provided or the cost of the tariff, and you decide to change your mobile operator, then carefully read our recommendations.

To change your telecom operator, you must first contact any point of sale of your choice, which is a representative of the new service provider, talk to the seller and make your offer. No one can deny you your legal right; you can save your phone number with any operator, and this is what the government decree was based on.

You don’t have to visit salons and leave a request online. Here's your course of action depending on which service provider you plan to switch to:

  • To switch to the Beeline operator, you can leave a request.
  • To go to MegaFon - .
  • For MTS the site is located.
  • To become a Tele2 subscriber, leave a transfer request.
  • You can become a YOTA subscriber only through the sales office; the service is not yet available online, but you can get complete information.

After submitting an application, a notification with its number will be sent to your phone number, save the information, it will be useful to you.

Requirements when making an application

  • Be the owner of the number.
  • Have no debt on your mobile balance.
  • Visit the selected salon, have at least 100 rubles with you.
  • Show the notification to the employee, he will check it with the existing database.
  • Then you should leave confirmation of the transfer in the form of your consent.
  • To select the desired tariff plan for a new operator - inform the seller about this.
  • After this, they will conclude an agreement with you for the provision of services and ask you to pay the cost of the service 100 rubles.

Based on your application, you will receive a temporary SIM card with the same temporary number until the previous services of the old operator are disconnected. All activities are allotted 8 working days, during which time data will be exchanged between service providers.

You can be provided with the transfer service only if you are in the same region, that is, if the number is registered in Chelyabinsk, then you will not be able to transfer it in the city of Moscow; you should do this only where the SIM card was purchased.

What can the client expect

Of course, losing a subscriber is a nuisance for any operator, so get ready for calls from your old provider - he will definitely try to persuade you not to make the switch, and may even offer an exclusive tariff plan on completely different conditions - at a lower cost and with a greater range of functions. Of course, it’s up to you, but carefully study the manager’s offers; sometimes the simplest tariffs can include, for example, more traffic or minutes for voice communications. Think about it, if this offer lasts for a really long time, then maybe you should refuse the transition. But if you are determined not to change your position, and to switch in any case, then wait for a message about the coordination of actions between mobile service providers.

What to pay attention to: if you open the page of your personal subscriber account, then next to your tariff plan you will be able to see a link - the number to be transferred, and if you click carelessly, you can click on the cancel function, since it is written in small print. Be careful if the terms of service provided by your operator do not exactly suit you.

What happens next

For example, with TELE2, a temporary SIM card will have your previous number; you do not need to visit the office separately to change the card.

Other operators, and almost all of them, offer to replace the SIM card issued separately for you; you can pick it up at the office or even order delivery through a courier. But all this will be possible only on one condition that all your personal data indicated in the passport completely coincides with those that you provided to the employee when writing the transfer application.

Draw your attention to! For the first 24 hours, the quality of communication may be poor, this is not because you were stupid and switched to an unreliable operator, it just takes time to register your phone on the new network, and this process takes some time.

And remember one important thing: for the first 14 days, you can top up your balance only in specialized salons. This is explained by the fact that the SIM card has not yet been fully identified in the new operator’s network.

Can they refuse to transfer?

It often happens that the number was issued too long ago, during which time citizens changed their passport either when they changed their last name or because its service life expired, and the document already has new numbers that do not correspond to the data provided. This is precisely what can serve as the basis for refusal to transfer.

They will not transfer your number even if you owe money. In this case, you need to urgently pay and pay off all debts, then you will not receive a refusal.

It is also impossible to switch your number to another provider if it is assigned the status of a landline phone, such are the conditions of this service.

A relatively new service from Domestic mobile operators - MNP (Mobile Number Portability) literally means “Mobile Number Portability”. This means that you change your cellular operator, but keep the number for yourself. You don’t have to re-save the numbers of people close to you and send SMS notifications about the new number. This way, you always stay connected, even after changing operators. If you decide to use this service, find your desired mobile operator in the paragraphs below and follow the instructions.

How to switch to MTS while keeping your number

This mobile operator has only one way to save your number: a personal statement in a communication salon. Look at the MTS store closest to you at the link: do not forget to select your region at the top next to the company logo.

Take your passport and contact a consultant at the communication salon. You will be asked to fill out an application in which you need to indicate your personal data, the number from which you are transferring and the desired tariff. The consultant will issue you a new SIM card, which will work a week after submitting your application.

A newsletter from MTS will notify you during this time about instructions regarding your new number. For example, the day before the transition you will receive a message that you need to insert an operator SIM card into the device and wait for the network update.

The cost of switching to the mobile operator MTS while maintaining the number is one hundred rubles.

How to switch to Tele 2 while saving the number

The procedure for switching to Tele2 differs little from the previous description. You need to take your passport or other identification document and contact the nearest company office. You can find out the coverage and the nearest stores on the official website: do not forget to select your region. After that, enter your address and see which phone stores are nearby.

The conditions for switching to the Tele2 operator are slightly different: you can indicate in your application the date of switching to this operator, but it should be no earlier than eight days after submitting the application and no later than 180 days.

On the day of the transition, your SIM card must be installed in the device; there may be minor disruptions in communication for up to six hours.

The service is paid and depends on your region; first, find out from your cellular operator how much it is, and then go through this algorithm.

How to switch to Beeline while saving your number

To switch to the Beeline mobile operator, you will also need:

  • passport or other identification document;
  • application for switching to a mobile operator;
  • come to the Beeline office in person.

On the eighth day after submitting the application, you will be able to insert your SIM card from Beeline and start using it with your usual number. Until this moment, you will have a temporary Beeline number, which is also active.

The cost of the service is one hundred rubles, regardless of the region of residence. To use the service on your number, the previous operator must not have a debt on the account.

The Beeline mobile operator also has the option of delivering your SIM card by courier.

You can view the nearest stores by following the link to the operator’s official website: Indicate your region in the site header and drag the map with your mouse.

How to switch to Megafon while saving the number

The procedure for switching to Megafon is different in that it can be done both in a communication shop and through an online service.

You need to provide the following information:

  • confirmation of all the first three points, just tick them,

  • When the “Delivery Contact Information” field opens, fill out all fields.

  • After this, the following field “Request to port Megafon number” will become available to you. Here, indicate your current number, which operator it is and the transition dates.

  • All you have to do is fill in your details. Pick up your passport and fill in all the data in the fields.

  • Now confirm your consent to data processing by checking the box next to the top line, as in the screenshot below. Click on the “Submit Application” button.

  • Now wait until the courier calls you and discusses the SIM card delivery date with you. The service is free for Moscow residents.
  • The cost of the transition is one hundred rubles and is written off on the third day of processing the transaction.
  • If the option of a personal visit to a Megafon communication salon is more suitable for you, then take your passport and find the nearest office using the link: and indicate your region in the site header.

Now you know how to take your number with you on any mobile operator in the country.

Last December 2013, a law came into force on maintaining the old phone number when changing operators. But surveys have shown that not all cellular users are aware of this law. And those who know are not always aware of how to correctly change the operator while maintaining the number. Below is a complete list of steps that must be taken if you want to change the operator while keeping your number. There are also several recommendations that will ensure the most convenient transition from the old operator to another.

The MNP service implies the ability for a subscriber of any cellular communication to keep his old mobile phone number when switching to the service of another cellular operator. After the Law “On Communications” comes into force, mobile operators must accept applications from subscribers to switch to their network with an old phone number.

How to change operator while keeping your number

Until April 15, 2014, operators only tested and configured the interaction of their systems with the database of all numbers, with other operators and third parties (payment systems, foreign operators, fixed-line operators, etc.). But, meanwhile, now you can begin to realize your dream of switching to another operator, while maintaining your old number. To change your operator while keeping your number, you only need four steps.

  1. First step. With your passport, go to the office of the operator you want to switch to. Other documents will not be useful to you in this matter. But please note that the number you would like to keep is registered specifically to you. The operator will refuse to transfer if the number was registered to another person. In addition, the number must be in the same region where the network you are switching to is located.
  2. Second step. When you come to the salon of the operator you need, write an application for transfer to their service, indicate in it your passport details, what operator you used to have and the phone number that you decided to leave. The new operator must also sign a service agreement. At the moment the main operators ( Beeline, MTS And Megaphone) cellular communications may indicate an earlier date for drawing up the contract. On the day specified in the contract, you will already be required to be serviced by the new operator. Don't forget to get a SIM card with its logo from the new operator. You will need to insert it into the phone at the time that the operator tells you, and you will begin to be serviced with the number transferred from the old SIM card. The received SIM card must be paid for (depending on the operator’s tariffs), number transfer is also subject to payment (not for all operators), it should not cost more than one hundred rubles. After this, you need to wait for a notification about the start of the SIM card. You will not need to go to your previous operator.
  3. Third step. Next, you will receive consent from the new operator or refusal of your transition. The reasons for refusal are indicated in the “first step”. Also, the reason for refusal may be your debt to the previous operator.
  4. Fourth step. At the specified hour, you need to insert a new SIM card into your phone. At this moment, there may be a short technological break (no more than half an hour), and then your operator will automatically be replaced.
  • Before writing an application to switch to another operator, think about whether this is really necessary for you. After all, if you later want to return your old operator, you will have to wait at least 2 months to do this.
  • Remember that the new operator may not have the same services as the old one, and the short numbers for technical teams will be different. Also, if you change your operator, alerts or other services from your bank will be disabled, and in order to reconnect them, you will have to visit the bank.
  • Even if you really want to change your operator, don’t rush to do it. The transition system has just started working and is still undergoing testing. If suddenly some error occurs in the system, it will affect your connection. Think about how much you need it.

The main thing to remember is that if you decide to change the operator while keeping the number, then this procedure does not happen instantly, but takes a certain time.

When for some reason you are not satisfied with your mobile operator, and you don’t want to lose many contacts, you can use a service such as switching to another operator while keeping your number. Are there any peculiarities to this procedure or is everything done very quickly and without much effort on the part of the subscriber? Let's try to understand.

How is everything going?

Let's start by clarifying a few points regarding how to switch to another operator while maintaining the number. First, let’s introduce such concepts as donor operator (this is the one the subscriber does not like) and recipient operator (the subscriber’s new operator). In order to change your operator, you first need to write an application to the company you want to switch to, which will create the basis for concluding a new contract for servicing your SIM card. Next, the recipient operator, through a database of transferred numbers, informs its predecessor about the received application to change the mobile network, and if there are no circumstances that could prevent the transition to another operator while maintaining the number, the donor stops servicing the SIM card, and the number of the new card , which the subscriber received from the recipient, changes to the declared one.

The procedure itself, as they promise, will take no more than thirty days (taking into account all approvals), but the maximum time for which a subscriber can remain without communication after the previous operator abandoned him and a new one “takes over” is three hours. If for some reason you decide to refuse the service “Switching to another operator while maintaining your number,” then before the recipient operator approves the application, you can write an application to refuse the switch. The number of operations to change the operator is not limited, as is the frequency of these operations.

Reasons for delays

Yes, there are certain circumstances due to which the transition may be delayed. Firstly, the donor operator cannot have a debt on his personal account - until the subscriber pays it off, the old operator will not let him go. Moreover, if you have several numbers with one operator, and you want to cancel one, then you will have to pay off your debts on all the remaining ones. The positive balance on the donor's account will not be transferred to the recipient. There will be no problems with payment through terminals - the database of ported numbers, which was already mentioned above, will record that the number belongs to another operator.

Transfer Features

This service is available to both individuals and legal entities - operators do not make any difference between subscribers. Moreover, it makes no difference which number you want to transfer - an elite bronze/gold/silver number (with a certain number of repeating numbers) or a completely standard one - you only have to pay one hundred rubles for this. The law on number portability applies to absolutely all operators, regardless of whether they are regional or all-Russian, but you can change your number only within the boundaries of one region or region.

When a subscriber has submitted an application to port a number, it will remain with the donor operator for some time and only after all checks will it be transferred to the recipient. At each stage of the process, that is, consideration of the application, approval of it, refusal of one operator and acceptance of another, the subscriber will receive notifications. There are no special features in servicing the “newbie” - he will obey the rules of the recipient operator, however, initially there will be some restrictions - the new subscriber will only be able to use calls, SMS messages and Internet access, but soon all available functionality will be available to him. If for some reason the subscriber decides to terminate the contract with the recipient, then his number will be returned to the previous operator.

It should be noted that if a subscriber uses a phone purchased on the network of a certain operator, that is, programmed to work with a specific card, there is a possibility that it will refuse to work when porting a number and, in principle, will not accept the new SIM card.


Switching to another operator while maintaining the Megafon number allows you to do so without any problems. If you want to join this mobile network, the first thing you need to do is submit a request for this operation - there is no difference here, online or at the operator’s office.

If you apply online, after it has been reviewed, Megafon employees will contact you and deliver the documents and a new SIM card necessary for concluding a new contract. At the same stage, a tariff plan within this network is selected and a payment of one hundred rubles is charged for the operation. When filling out an application in the office, the service fee is charged immediately, as a new card is issued with the already selected tariff plan. Then, within a period of a week to six months, the number itself will be transferred to the Megafon network, about which you will be additionally notified by message.


Does not prohibit switching to another operator while maintaining the MTS number. Here, however, there are some peculiarities. The application must be filled out only at the operator’s office; you must have a passport with you, if the number is registered in your name, or a power of attorney from the owner of the number - you must confirm that you have the rights to carry out such actions.

Next, you pay for this very transition and choose a new tariff already in the MTS network, at the same stage you receive a temporary number, which then, after all approvals, will be replaced with a portable one. Next, mobile operators have a few days to settle all formalities on technical issues among themselves, and the day before the expected transfer, MTS sends you a message indicating the exact time the service of your card will end with the old operator - at this time you need to insert the recipient's SIM card into the device.


Beeline allows you to switch to another operator while maintaining your number just as easily as Megafon. Moreover, the process of carrying out this operation is similar for them - the same application either online or in the office, the same terms and general procedure for providing the service. The Beeline courier can also deliver a new card and a contract for its service to an address convenient for you.

But a separate advantage of this operation for new subscribers of the Beeline network, who nevertheless decided to carry out all the necessary manipulations at the company’s office, is the opportunity to sign up for a specific time online, and not sit in the room, waiting for their turn.

"Tele 2"

Switching to another operator while maintaining the Tele2 number is also welcome. And in general, any company will be glad to have new subscribers.

The rules are the same as for other mobile operators, the only caveat is that number transfer can only be carried out in the company’s official showrooms - no online or transactions at dealers.


And the last mobile company that will be pleased with the transition to another operator while maintaining the number is Rostelecom.

You will need to visit the sales and service center of this company, where an agreement to port the number is concluded and a card is issued. Then the operator gives you the opportunity to pay off your debts and only then begins the porting operation itself. Only upon the fact of the transition will these same hundred rubles be debited from your personal account, and then you will have the opportunity to choose a new tariff plan.

Many Russians have the desire to change their mobile operator. At the same time, it is natural to want to keep your phone number, which all your friends, partners, and colleagues know. Despite the fact that many Beeline subscribers are satisfied with the quality of services, there are those who want to change the operator and switch from Beeline to MTS. Possible reasons are the desire to save money on communications, especially if most of your friends use MTS, insufficient coverage in the area (at the dacha, in the village) or poor roaming conditions.

So, to switch from Beeline to MTS while keeping the number, there are 2 options

  • From December 1, 2013, you can port your number using the MNP service. On this day, the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation on the introduction of the “number portability” (MNP) service in Russia came into force and you can now go through the procedure of moving from Beeline to MTS. By October 2014, more than a million Russians had already used this method! The service costs 100 rubles and will take no more than 8 days, while your phone will be available all the time, with the exception of a technical 30-minute gap. General transfer instructions. In the case of switching from MTS to Beeline for individuals, you should proceed as follows:
    • Check that there are no debts on your Beeline account that the SIM card is issued to you, and your passport details have not changed
    • Then you need to contact MTS so that they submit a transfer request (you don’t need to go to Beeline). This can be done at any MTS branch for individuals. You must have your passport and 100 rubles with you to pay for the service.
    • The whole process will take about 15-20 minutes: you fill out an application, choose a new tariff and pay for the transition. Based on the results, you will receive a new SIM card from MTS and a designated transition date, when it will be enough to change the old Beeline SIM card to the new MTS in your phone.
    • If they refuse to tell you the exact transition date- demand this or call the MTS hotline for MNP questions 8 800 250 8 250!

    However, MNP has a number of limitations:

    • It will be possible to change operators no more often than once every six months
    • You can change the operator only within your region

If this method does not suit you, then you can do the following:

  • Buy a temporary MTS SIM card
  • On Beeline, set up unconditional forwarding to this number from MTS (this is done either through the phone menu or on the Beeline website)
  • Attention! Re-addressing is paid and is charged as an outgoing call from your old Beeline number to a new MTS number (therefore, on Beeline it is better to change the tariff to one where it is cheaper to call MTS). Besides, Beeline, unlike other Big Three operators, charges an additional fee for the very fact of forwarding.
  • This way, you will remain accessible using your old number, and you will make outgoing calls from your MTS SIM card. At the same time, you can simply put the Beeline SIM card on the shelf - forwarding will work in any case.