How to open ms windows store. Review of the free version of Windows Store. What to do if you couldn’t return the “Store”

In this article, we want to show you ways to reinstall the market in a new operating system - Windows 10. It happens that users experiment, learning new software, and sometimes they can delete something important. Maybe you previously thought that the store was an unnecessary tool on your PC, but now you realize that it is actually a necessary program. The store in Windows 10 also goes by another name – UniStore. It works on all devices with Windows operating system.

In such a market, the user will be able to download various programs for a PC, mobile device, or tablet. There are also other software products that you can buy here.

We will try to tell you as clearly as possible about installing the Store application so that you can repeat all the steps after us.

Reinstalling the Store after deleting it

This method of setting up the Store is suitable for those users who have previously uninstalled its software. If there is still a folder on your device called WindowsApps and you have not taken any action to change rights, then this reinstallation is suitable for you.

You can start installing the store through an application called PowerShell. To find it, use the search. Then right-click on the application and select “Run as Administrator”.

A blue dialog box will open in front of you. You need to enter the command there:

Get-AppxPackage *windowsstore* -AllUsers | Foreach (Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register "$($_.InstallLocation)\AppxManifest.xml")

It is best to enter this task manually.

In cases where the command is completed, try to find the store through the search by entering the word Store. If it appears, then the store is already installed and you can proceed to use it.

If you are unlucky and the command does not give any result, try using another method to solve the problem. Now, in the same PowerShell window, enter the following task:

Get-AppxPackage -AllUsers | Select Name, PackageFullName.

When the task is completed, a large list with different applications from the UniStore store will appear in the same window. Find the application called Microsoft.WindowsStore and use your mouse to copy its full name written in the right column.

After that, enter a new command in this window:

Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register "C:\Program Files\WindowsAPPS\full_name\AppxManifest.xml"

Where full_name must be replaced with the copied text from the previous command. Once this task is completed, the store should install again, but its icon will not appear in the task bar, so use Search again to find it.

Installing the market using another PC

If, after all the steps applied, the store still does not appear on your device, it shows various errors, try the following manipulations.

Your device may be angry because it is missing certain files. Therefore, they can be taken from another computer that also has version 10 of Windows installed, or you can install the system in a virtual machine and copy the necessary data from there.

For some users, these words will seem too scary and the actions difficult, but don’t take it easy, just repeat after us.

First, you need to give yourself rights to manage the WindowsApps folder on the device where you are having problems with the store.

From the computer on which the market is running, copy the files from a folder with the same name and move them to the PC with the problem. They should be called as in the picture or may differ slightly.

After copying is complete, open PowerShell again as Administrator and enter the task one last time:

ForEach ($folder in get-childitem) (Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register "C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\$folder\AppxManifest.xml")

After executing the command, check the availability of the store again through the search, it should already appear.

Windows software market is a useful application. Perhaps at some point it will seem unnecessary to you, you are not in a hurry. You shouldn't delete it. Anything can happen, and perhaps in the future it will be useful to you. I hope the article was useful to you.

Thanks to which, users from all over the world can download Windows 10 applications without using the Microsoft Store.

You may remember that Adguard created a tool in 2017 that allows you to directly download Windows and Office ISO images from Microsoft servers.

Previously, you had two options for downloading apps from the Microsoft Store, both of which worked on a Windows 10 device: use the Store to download and install apps, or use Traffic Monitor to intercept downloads and store app files directly on the system.

New tool Adguard Store changes that by giving everyone the ability to download any app from the Microsoft Store. All you need is a link to the app store; you can choose to download a specific version of apps, such as Windows 10 or Fast Ring editions.

Adguard lists all the available versions and all you have to do is click on one of them to download the application to your local system. The script retrieves information from the Microsoft Store. The interface lists all files, expiration dates, and SHA-1 hashes. You need to upload files AppxBundle And EAppxBundle for the selected application. Please note that the listing may show different versions of the same application.

To install it, you need to enable " Developer mode" on a Windows 10 computer.

Enable Developer Mode.

  • Open the application "Options" by pressing the key combination Win + I.
  • Go to section "Update and Security""For developers".
  • Enable the option "Developer Mode".
  • Windows will display a notification informing you of the dangers of enabling Developer Mode. Accept the invitation by selecting "Yes".
  • Restart your computer if necessary.
  1. Once you have downloaded the required file in .appx format. Double click on it to install the application. File EAppxBundle used to update the application.
  2. Windows 10 will open the installation window, click on the button "Install".

  1. After the installation is complete, the system will automatically launch the installed UWP application.

The application will be installed on your device. If you did everything correctly, you should be able to open the .appx application just like any other program from the Start menu. Check the list of installed applications in the Microsoft Store, you will notice that it behaves just like any other application installed from the Store.

If you want to remove an installed application, right-click on the application and select the “Delete” option from the context menu. The process of deleting .appx apps is no different from any other app in Windows 10.

Installing the .appx file using PowerShell

Alternatively, you can install the pre-downloaded .appx using PowerShell.

  1. Open the folder containing .appx file.

In my case it's " C:\Users\Almanex\Downloads", click tab "File" and go to the dropdown menu “Run Windows PowerShell” → “Run Windows PowerShell as an administrator” see picture below.

This short instruction will show you how to install the Windows 10 App Store after uninstalling it if, after experimenting with guides like this, you also deleted the app store itself, and now it turns out that you still need it for certain purposes. If you it was necessary to reinstall the Windows 10 application store for the reason that it closes immediately upon startup - do not rush to reinstall it directly: this is a separate problem, the solution to which is also outlined in this manual and is included in a separate section at the end. See also: .

An easy way to reinstall Windows 10 Store after uninstalling

This method of installing a store is suitable if you previously deleted it using PowerShell commands or third-party programs that use the same mechanisms as manual removal, but you did not change the rights, state or delete the folder in any way WindowsApps on your computer.

Icons of the new Office and Windows 10 from Microsoft

Installing Windows 10 Store from another computer or virtual machine

If the first method somehow “swears” at the absence of the necessary files, you can try to take them from another computer with Windows 10 or, having installed the OS in a virtual machine, copy them from there. If this option seems difficult for you, I recommend moving on to the next one.

So, first, take ownership and give yourself write permissions to the WindowsApps folder on the computer where the Windows Store is having problems.

From another computer or virtual machine, copy the following set of folders from a similar folder into your WindowsApps folder (the names may be slightly different, especially if there are any major Windows 10 updates released after this writing):

  • Microsoft.WindowsStore29.13.0_x64_8wekyb3d8bbwe
  • WindowsStore_2016.29.13.0_neutral_8wekyb3d8bbwe
  • NET.Native.Runtime.1.1_1.1.23406.0_x64_8wekyb3d8bbwe
  • NET.Native.Runtime.1.1_11.23406.0_x86_8wekyb3d8bbwe
  • VCLibs.140.00_14.0.23816.0_x64_8wekyb3d8bbwe
  • VCLibs.140.00_14.0.23816.0_x86_8wekyb3d8bbwe

Open Shell - installing the start menu from Windows 7 in Windows 10 and instead of Classic Shell

The last step is to launch PowerShell as administrator and use the command:

ForEach ($folder in get-childitem) (Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register "C:\Program Files\WindowsApps$folder\AppxManifest.xml")

Use a search to check if the Windows 10 Store appears on your computer. If not, then after this command you can also try using the second option from the first method for installation.

What to do if the Windows 10 Store closes immediately on startup

First of all, for the following steps you must be the owner of the WindowsApps folder, if so, then next, in order to fix the launch of Windows 10 applications, including the store, follow the following.

Shopping is firmly entrenched in our minds and souls. We don’t buy air except for our lungs, although there are exceptions in the form of recreational resorts. Shopping is being introduced into all areas of our lives. Technology has reached the point where you can buy food, clothing and even fishing equipment without leaving your couch. And Microsoft went further. They invented and implemented an application store for Windows OS.

How to install Windows 10 Store

Why do we need the Windows Store at all? As an official explanation, we will accept the desire of Windows developers to unite all devices under one operating system so that licensed software can be installed on all devices under your account. Still, it’s convenient - you don’t have to wander around the Internet looking for the right application, and you don’t come across deception, viruses, low-quality content and other “joys” of surfing. A much better choice would be to buy the application once and get it for eternal use on any computers and even phones with Windows 10 installed.

Remember that Windows 10 Enterprise LTSB (Long Term Service Branch) builds do not support the installation of Store, Edge Browser, and many other programs and components.

Installing the “Store” from files available in the system

Most often, the “Store” installation files are already on your computer; you just need to start the installation process.

Don't be upset if your search doesn't yield any results. This means that there are simply no Store installation files on your computer.

Windows PowerShell is a modernized Command Line terminal with expanded functionality and greater capabilities for working within the software shell.

Video: how to install Windows 10 Store

Installing the “Store” with missing installers

Some builds of Windows 10, or rather, countless “homemade” builds, often lack most system applications. Typically these are applications that, according to tens of millions of users, slow down the OS. “Store” is no exception, and even its installation files may be missing in such images. In addition, if you deleted the Store, it can also be restored. The installation will have to be done from scratch.

How to install applications through the Windows 10 Store

So, we have the Windows Store.

Authorization in the “Store”

To download applications from the Microsoft environment, you need to log in to the “Store” itself.

You can immediately please shopaholics - many of the “Store” applications are free.

Installing applications from the Store

When you re-install the same application under your account on this or any other device, the “Buy” or “Free” button is replaced with “Install”.

Re-installation of the application is started by clicking the “Install” button

This means that the application has already been added to your account. In the case of paid applications and games, you won’t have to shell out money again.

Installed applications are automatically added to the Start menu. You can find them both in the “Recently added” column and in the list of all applications.

Recently installed Store apps are located in the Recently Added section of the Start menu.

Where programs and games from the Windows Store are installed

Games and other applications from the Store are installed in a hidden directory along the path: [system drive letter, default C]:\Program Files\WindowsApps.

It is highly recommended not to move this folder, rename it, or change its properties. In it, when installing any application, a separate directory with the appropriate name is created, which prevents files from different programs from getting confused. The contents of these directories can be copied and transferred to other devices.

Video: how to install applications from the Windows 10 Store

Installing Windows 10 applications without the Store

  1. Windows 10 has retained almost full compatibility with applications that worked correctly on Windows 8. The algorithm for installing programs not from the Store should be familiar to you from previous versions of the system:
  2. Download the program installation files from the network or purchase them anywhere other than the Windows Store.

The disadvantage of installing programs like this, if we talk about downloading them from the Internet, is that it is unreliable. Of course, Windows Defender and the SmartScreen service will prevent a virus or malware from creeping onto your computer, but you can never be 100% sure. And the “Store” applications are licensed. Before entering the distribution environment through the "Store", they undergo a kind of certification by Microsoft. Therefore, there is no doubt about the security of the Store applications.

Working with the Store in Windows 10 is easy. With it, you can get licensed software at any time, anywhere and on any of your devices. This will protect you from malware and save time.

– an application included in the operating system distribution that allows you to make purchases and download free programs from the Windows Store. Programs and games are divided into many sections. There is a search function and rating of electronic products. It is possible to download music, films, TV programs, but not for all countries, including Russia. If you have a developer license, you can upload your developments to the store for sale. There are flexible marketing tools for advertising and product promotion. Tools are also available to collect statistics on customer requests. Windows Store is included in the operating system distribution, but if the store has been removed from your computer, you can download and install it again.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Windows Store

Classification of products by sections;
+ availability of free applications;
+ availability of program ratings;
+ clear payment system for programs;
+ successful marketing solutions for program promotion;
+ a large number of store users all over the world;
– a Microsoft account or registration via email is required;
– many services (music, cinema) are not available in Russia.

Key Features

  • allows you to upload your programs to the store;
  • allows you to set your own sales scheme (free, paid, trial);
  • in-app shopping mechanism;
  • allows you to download paid and free programs and games;
  • searches by name or other parameters;
  • automatically displays updates for installed programs;
  • allows you to download music (not for Russia);
  • allows you to download movies and TV programs (not for Russia);
  • automatic update.