How to disable pop-up windows in Windows 10. “Notification Center”: what is it, how to disable the service

Users who have just installed Windows 10 on their computers and laptops have noticed many differences between the “tens” and “seven” interfaces. And the first thing that catches your eye is the new tiled interface. The second significant difference is the presence of a new tray icon that opens an entire sidebar with notifications from Windows 10.

Owners of portable Android devices have long been familiar with the concept of a notification panel and have been enjoying the benefits it provides for many years now. Today we will study what the notification center is in Windows 10, how to open it, how to use it, clear it and get rid of messages displayed by certain applications.

Launch Methods

Windows 10 notifies the user when a significant number of operations are being performed on the computer by displaying small pop-up windows on the display at the bottom right of the screen. Any of the alerts appears for only a few seconds, which is enough for the user to study its contents. If necessary, any message can be examined by visiting the Notification Center. This functional element of the Windows 10 interface is launched in several ways.

The first, as can be understood from the above, is to click on the corresponding icon in the tray.

The second method to get to the Notification Center is to use the new key combination Win + A (relevant only for Windows 10).

Graphically, the new function consists of several frames. One of them is designed to display alerts, and the second is designed to display a list of instant actions.

All center messages are grouped by topic:

  • Updates – Windows 10 will notify the user if there is an update to one of its components;
  • Security – will notify you about changes in settings that directly affect the security of the “ten”;
  • One Drive – everything related to using the Microsoft cloud service;
  • Settings - notifications are displayed if important changes are made to Windows settings;
  • Applications - any program that the user has allowed or not prohibited from displaying notifications will report important events (incoming mail, completion of an operation).
  • Hardware Events – Displayed when USB devices and optical drives are connected or removed.

Working with notifications

The Notification Center displays a message regarding a particular system setting. After clicking on the notification icon, the system will perform the corresponding action. For example, it will open an incoming message, expand the window of an application that has completed defragmentation, begin updating a component, or open the Windows 10 “Settings” that were changed before the alert appeared (for example, the user turned off auto updates or deactivated active antivirus protection).

When long messages appear, you need to click on the upward arrow located to the right of it. This click will display the entire notification text.

Alerts are deleted automatically after they are read. Windows 10 also allows you to get rid of unread center notifications by clicking on the cross icon.

The panel allows you to delete notifications with the “Del” button, highlighting them by hovering the cursor.

The Clear All button located at the top center will delete all new messages.

Configuring a new option

The notification center is configured in the tray. For example, to prevent Windows 10 from displaying any alerts, you need to call up the context menu of the icon and activate the Do Not Disturb mode.

Microsoft provides the ability to disable pop-up notifications from third-party applications so that utilities running in the background and minimized do not distract from work. The setup is done as follows:

  • Go to system parameters.
  • Activate the “Notifications and Actions” tab.
  • Move the switch next to the “Show application notifications” item to the “Off” position.

Here you can turn off the display of tips for working with Windows 10.

The Notification Center is a very useful feature that was carried over from the portable Windows 8 and greatly improved, but it is very distracting from work without proper configuration.

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Microsoft's operating system provides a set of notifications and alerts that should make using the PC easier and alert the user to important events (for example, a required update, etc.). You can turn off notifications in Windows 10 in completely different ways, which will be discussed in detail in this article.

There are several ways to turn off the notification center in Windows 10. All of them are related to standard OS functionality, so you don’t have to download and install third-party applications:

  • deactivation using the “Options” window;
  • via the taskbar;
  • using the registry editor;
  • using group policies.

The last option involves completely disabling the functioning of alerts and the notification center. By default, on a PC with the Windows 10 operating system (x32-bit/x64-bit) of any build, all notifications are displayed at the bottom of the screen near a special icon:

By clicking on the button, you will open a side panel with a detailed description of all notifications. Messages will appear here about the expiration of the OS activation period, infection of the laptop or computer with virus software, the need to update the operating system to a new version, etc. Without clicking it yourself, you will not see this window on the desktop. You can clear the list of messages about updates, firewalls, and other events using the “Clear All” button:

Let's start analyzing all the ways to turn off notifications and warnings. You can choose the best one for yourself and turn off annoying messages.

Most settings for the Microsoft operating system are made through Settings. The PC owner must perform the following steps:

  1. Open “Settings” through a search on the “Start” panel or by right-clicking on its icon.

  1. Now you need to go to the “System” subsection.

  1. Click on the “Notifications and Actions” section.

  1. By clicking on the marked button, you can add or remove icons to the sidebar that will pop up when you click on the notification icon.

  1. A little lower are the parameters for alerts of various services and tips. To remove them all, move the buttons to the “Off” position, as shown in the screenshot.

  1. Next are the settings for individual programs. You can disable banners and sounds of installed applications. You do not need administrator account permission to change settings.

Fast access

If you are bothered by sound and pop-ups while working on your PC, then you can switch to “quiet” mode in a couple of clicks:

  1. Right-click on the notification icon to open the menu. Click on the “Enable Do Not Disturb Mode” button.

  1. In new versions of Windows 10, in this menu you can also configure the display of application icons and the number of notifications with the corresponding buttons.

You can get rid of the taskbar button forever. To do this, you need to configure personalization:

  1. Go to "Options".

  1. Open the "Personalization" section.

  1. The “Taskbar” tab will be located here. Let's go into it.

  1. Click the “Turn system icons on or off” button.

  1. Switch Notification Center to Off. Please note that here you can disable other icons on the taskbar.

This way you can get rid of notifications on the taskbar.

Shutdown via group policies

Now let's figure out how to disable Notification Center in the Local Group Policy Editor:

  1. Open the editor through the command “gpedit.msc” in the “Run” application, which is launched by pressing the key combination (Win + R).

  1. Now you should go to the “Start Menu and Taskbar” subsection, which is located in the “Administrative Templates” branch.

  1. In the right area of ​​the window, find the marked line and double-click on it.

  1. Set the option to “Disabled” to get rid of notifications forever.

  1. Now open the Notifications folder. Here you can configure each alert parameter separately.

Shutdown in Registry Editor

Let's consider another option:

  1. Launch the Registry Editor via “Run” with the “regedit” command. Press Ctrl + Shift + Enter to run the application with administrator rights.

  1. Go to the “Explorer” branch, which is located along the path “HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows”. Find the “DisableNotificationCenter” parameter and double-click on it.

  1. Set the value to "1" and click "OK".

If the specified parameter is not present in the “Explorer” branch, then create it manually. To do this, right-click on the free area and select “New” - “32-bit DWORD value” from the menu.

Setting up Windows Defender and Firewall

Defender can continue to work without annoying verification messages. To do this, you need to make some settings in the security service:

  1. Open "Windows Security Center" through the search bar.

  1. Click on the Firewall and Network Security icon.

  1. Go to the marked section.

  1. Set both options to Off as shown in the photo below.


To make communication and surfing the Internet and VK, as well as searching sites more convenient, you can disable notifications separately for each browser. Let's look at the instructions using Google Chrome as an example. Similar actions must be performed in Yandex Browser, Opera, and other similar applications:

  1. Launch your browser and open “Settings” through the menu marked in the screenshot.

  1. Open the additional settings section.

  1. In the first section “Privacy and Security”, click on the “Content Settings” button.

  1. Open the following subsection:

  1. Turn off the "Ask permission before sending" feature. To reactivate, follow the same steps. You can also block individual resources with alerts.

Bottom line

The functionality of Windows 10 allows you to completely customize the interface and alerts to suit your needs. To do this, just use the convenient menu with parameters. If you have problems with one of the methods, then you can always try the alternative from this article.

Disable Security Center alerts only if you use third-party security software so as not to miss a PC infection or an important warning.


For clarity, we suggest you watch the video instruction, which explains all the steps from the text version of the manual.

Read instructions on how to turn off notifications in Windows 10, remove the Action Center icon from the notification area, or customize how your operating system receives notifications. Windows 10 has a built-in function for displaying notifications from installed applications and system components.

Notifications are displayed on the computer's Desktop after clicking on the Notification Center icon, which is located in the notification area in the lower right part of the Desktop. Display of notifications in the operating system is implemented through the Windows 10 Notification Center.

Windows Action Center displays notifications and actions from installed programs, applications, and Windows components from the operating system. Any important message coming from an application or system is displayed in the Action Center, reminding the user to perform a certain action, or showing information about the completed operation.

For example, the operating system has downloaded a Windows update in the background (read about how to disable Windows 10 updates), a message about this will appear in the Action Center and a suggestion to restart the computer to apply the update in the operating system.

The antivirus has blocked the transition to a dangerous link; information about this will appear in the Notification Center.

The program has performed some operation; a notification about this will be added to the Notification Center. Not all programs interact with the Notification Center; from there you can remove notifications from unnecessary applications and set up so-called “Quick Actions”.

I think receiving notifications is a useful feature of Windows, but some users are annoyed by receiving such messages. Therefore, I will talk about how to customize receiving notifications and how to disable the Notification Center in the operating system.

Setting up Windows Action Center

It is preferable to configure the settings to receive notifications rather than disabling the Action Center in Windows 10 altogether.

To open and configure Action Center settings in Windows 10, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Start menu, click on Settings.
  2. In the "Options" window, select the "System" section.
  3. In the list of options, click on "Notifications and actions".

Select the required settings.

Here you can organize the banners for quick actions that appear at the bottom of the Action Center sidebar that opens on the Desktop. Quick actions help the user get quick access to certain system parameters.

If necessary, swap banners for certain quick actions by dragging them from place to place using the left mouse button.

In the “Notifications” section, you can fine-tune the receipt of messages in the operating system.

If necessary, disable unnecessary parameters:

  • Receive notifications from apps and other senders.
  • Show notifications on the lock screen.
  • Show reminders and incoming VoIP calls on the screen.
  • Hide notifications when mirroring my screen.
  • Show the Windows Welcome screen after updates and sometimes when logging in to announce new features and offers.
  • Get tips, tricks and tricks when using Windows.

In the “Receive notifications from these senders” section, the user can flexibly configure the receipt of notifications from specific applications.

To disable receiving notifications, move the switch to the “Disable” position next to the desired application.

In order, on the contrary, to receive notifications from certain programs, the switch must be in the “On” position.

To fine-tune a specific application, left-click on it, and then change the necessary parameters in the window that opens.

How to disable Windows 10 Action Center

You can disable receiving notifications from the Windows Action Center directly from the notification area on your computer's desktop. To do this, you need to right-click on the Notification Center icon, which is located in the system tray.

Select the desired option or several suitable options:

  1. Enable Do Not Disturb mode.
  2. Don't show application icons.
  3. Do not show the number of new notifications.

How to remove Windows 10 Action Center from the notification area

You can quite easily remove the Action Center icon from the notification area by changing the operating system settings. There will be no icon - notifications from the Notification Center will not appear.

  1. Go to the Start menu, then Settings.
  2. In the Windows Settings window, open the Personalization section.
  3. Click on the “Taskbar” section.
  4. In the Notification Area setting, select Turn system icons on or off.

  1. In the Turn system icons on or off window, slide the switch to the Off position. opposite "Notification Center".

After this, the Windows Action Center icon will disappear from the notification area.

To enable the display of the Windows 10 Action Center icon in the notification area, perform a similar operation, and finally slide the switch to the “On” position.

How to disable Windows 10 Action Center permanently in Command Prompt

Using the command line, the user can disable notifications in the operating system and remove the Windows 10 Action Center icon.

Follow these sequential steps:

  1. Press the keyboard shortcut “Win” + “R”.
  2. In the “Run” window, in the “Open” field, enter the expression: “regedit” (without quotes), and then click on the “OK” button. After this, the Registry Editor window will open.
  3. In the Registry Editor window, follow the path:

The “Explorer” section may not exist in this registry branch. Therefore, create this section. To do this, right-click on an empty space in the Registry Editor window. In the context menu, select “Create” => “Section”. Name the section "Explorer" (without quotes).>

  1. In the “Explorer” section, right-click on the free space, select “New” => “DWORD Value (32-bit)”.
  2. Name the parameter "DisableNotificationCenter" (without quotes).
  3. Right-click on the created “DisableNotificationCenter” parameter and select “Edit...” from the context menu.
  4. In the "Edit DWORD (32-bit) Value" window, in the "Value" field, enter "1" (without quotes), and then click the "OK" button.

  1. Restart your computer.

After this, the Action Center icon will disappear from the notification area.

How to enable Action Center in Windows 10 in Registry Editor

To enable Windows Action Center in Registry Editor, follow these steps:

  1. Enter the Registry Editor, follow the path:
  1. Right-click on the “DisableNotificationCenter” parameter and select “Change...” from the context menu.
  2. In the "Edit DWORD (32-bit) Value" window, in the "Value" field, enter "0" (without quotes), and then click on the "OK" button.
  3. Restart your computer.

Windows 10 Action Center will reappear in the notification area.

Disabling Action Center in Local Group Policy Editor

Keep in mind that in Windows 10, only older editions of the operating system have access to the Local Group Policy Editor: Professional (Pro) and Enterprise (Enterprise). Therefore, users of younger versions of the operating system will have to use the command line or OS settings to disable alerts.

To turn off Windows 10 Action Center in the Local Group Policy Editor, follow these steps:

  1. Press the "Win" + "R" keyboard keys.
  2. In the “Run” window, in the “Open” field, enter the expression: “gpedit.msc” (without quotes), and then click on the “OK” button.
  3. In the “Local Computer Policy”, go to the “User Configuration” section, then “Administrative Templates”.
  4. Double-click with the left mouse button on the “Start Menu and Notification Area” element.
  5. Find the item “Delete notifications and notification icon”, double-click on it with the left mouse button.
  6. In the “Delete notifications and action center icon” window that opens, activate the “Enabled” value, and then click on the “OK” button.

  1. Restart your computer.

The Windows 10 Action Center icon will disappear from the notification area.

If you need to re-enable the Action Center icon to appear in the notification area, follow the same steps in the Local Group Policy Editor window. Select the value “Not configured”, click on the “OK” button, restart the computer.

Conclusions of the article

The user can configure the receipt of notifications in the Windows 10 operating system, or disable the Windows Action Center in various ways: by changing system settings, by editing the registry, or by changing local group policy settings.

The new Action Center in Windows 10 looks great. The Center action is divided into two main sections Notifications - allows you to view notifications from various applications, the system, and at the bottom, users have access to quick action buttons with certain operating system settings.

If you decide to refuse notifications and consider this option unnecessary, you can temporarily disable notifications by right-clicking on the system tray icon and selecting from the context menu Do not disturb mode.

But if you decide to completely get rid of the Action Center and Notifications in Windows 10, you can do this in two ways: using the Settings application and using Windows registry settings.

Remove Action Center from the taskbar notification area using Windows Settings

  1. Press the Win + I key combination to open the application Options
  1. Go to section Personalization → Taskbar

  1. Scroll down the page to the point "Notification Area" and click the link "Turn system icons on or off" as in the picture below:

  1. In the system icon settings, opposite the inscription: "Notification Center" move the slider to position OFF .

Remove Notification Center from the taskbar by editing the registry

Before making a change to the registry, we recommend creating a system restore point.

  1. Right click on the button Start, select a command Execute .
  1. In the dialog box Execute enter - Regedit, to .
  1. Go to the following registry key:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Explorer Note: If the Explorer subkey does not exist, simply create it by right-clicking on the parent Windows partition.

  1. Right-click on the registry subkey Explorer in the right pane and select New → DWORD (32-bit) value.
  1. Call it .

  1. Now, double click on it and give it a value 1 . Click on the button OK and close Registry Editor.

By following these instructions, you have disabled Notification Center in Windows 10. Restart your computer to see the changes.


After reboot, Action Center will not appear in the taskbar!

To turn Notification Center back on, simply remove or change its value to 0 and restart your Windows 10 computer.

The Windows 10 operating system has many new features and interface elements. One of these elements is the Notification Center. Notifications from the operating system, system programs, and programs installed by the user appear in it. Notifications allow you to monitor changes that occur in the system and individual programs. Therefore, this is quite a useful feature.

But many users don't like that Windows 10 notifications distract them from their work and want to turn them off. Fortunately, this is quite easy to do. In this material we will look at several ways to disable notifications in Windows 10, as well as the entire Notification Center.

The easiest way to turn off notifications in Windows 10 is to use the Settings menu. To open this menu, press the key combination Windows-i or use the Start menu. After opening the “Options” menu, you need to go to the “System” section.

And then open the “Notifications and Actions” subsection.

Here you need to scroll down the page until the “Notifications” settings block appears. The topmost option in this settings block is called “ Receive notifications from apps and other senders" With its help, you can turn off most of all notifications that appear in Windows 10.

Below there is a block of additional options called “ Receive notifications from these senders" Using these options, you can disable notifications that relate to individual programs.

In addition, in Windows 10 there is Do Not Disturb mode. In order to enable it, you need to right-click on the “Notification Center” icon and select “Do not disturb” in the menu that appears. Enabling this mode will immediately turn off all notifications that arrive in the Notification Center.

This way you can literally turn notifications on and off when needed in just two clicks.

Disabling notifications using the Windows Registry

You can also turn off notifications using the Windows 10 Registry Editor. To do this, you must first use the command REGEDIT, and then go to the registry key " HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\PushNotifications" In this section, you need to right-click on the empty space and create a new 32-bit DWORD value.

Name the parameter " ToastEnabled" and assign it the value 0 (zero).

After making changes to the registry, restart your computer or restart Explorer using Task Manager. If everything was done correctly, then after this Windows 10 notifications will no longer bother you.

Disabling Action Center in Windows 10

In addition to disabling notifications, you have the opportunity to completely disable the “Notification Center” in Windows 10. This can be done using the “Registry Editor” or using “Group Policies”. The first option will work in any version of Windows 10, the second - only in PRO.

So, to use the first option, you need to first, and then, go to the registry key " HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Explorer" If there is no “Explorer” section in the “Windows” section, then you need to create one.

After making changes to the registry, restart your computer or restart Explorer using Task Manager. If everything was done correctly, then after this “Notification Center” will be completely disabled and will no longer appear on the “Taskbar”. If you want to enable it back, you need to remove the DisableNotificationCenter parameter or assign it the value 0 (zero).

If you have Windows 10 Pro, then you can disable Action Center through the Local Group Policy Editor. To do this, open the editor using the command gpedit.msc and go to the section " User Configuration - Administrative Templates - Start Menu and Taskbar" In this section you need to find the parameter “ Remove notifications and action center icon" and turn it on. To apply the settings made in the Policy Editor, you need to restart Windows 10 or restart Explorer through the Task Manager.